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TERSE —CLEAR Saves vojr time and your eyes KIVTK KN T H YE A It. NO. 212. POPE WILL CALL WAR POWERS TO PEACE CONFERENCE SOON BIG BATTLE OPENS ON ISONZO; SLAVS ASSERT 5,000 GERMANS SLAIN Italy's Soldiers Push ing Forward Along Entire Front GERMANS NOW ACROSS DNEISTER Petrograd Admits Crossing Hut Declares Foe Now Checked ROME, June B—The battle of th« lioruo ha» b-gun. Italian troop* have cro»»rcl the river at •eieral pomt* under protection of hot artillery fire, and are striking at the railway leading •outh to Triette. Austrian gun* j have opened a bombardment all along the river from Tolmino to the sea. HOME 1 An ofTVial Italian nt any* j “Alon* i ’ir *n'tr<‘ front our ad vnnr»‘d tro”ps continue to rapture Important position* m«'**tln* with hut f* » bln op poult lon On the plateau* of latvarou* 1 and L"<d*itrin an obMtlnirc h ill* rv duel w itit ft»«- rn niv tontln \ion* fi.• • Isonm line from (’aparotto to the «••;* our advance in fa ntr\ outjnsfH. Aided bj j powerful artillery d**ta< hrticnt have r‘*aeb*‘d Important points for the purpose of Ins'.illin* bridge head* acrons the upp*r Isonzo river "We are continuing a ***v*»r<- , ba»f|v aanlnat the enemy who la lo ’ rated *m the alopea W * have ealned a sound footing on both bank* of the river and ar* threaten In* Tolmltio un the lower laonio our raialry has gained the eastern bank and Is now entrenched prepnr , atory to a rmeial advance Our losses up to dii to have be<»n com par • lively alie’it On Sunday the troops celebrated »* e national f< te enthiial aatlcally. <.fT«rln* th*' kin*, who iCostlnnrit »n ('■■* Tnn|, A'*entinii Inst vear manufactured p*n oeT(HM >.fui>s of cigarette* and | Jftft.nno.oor rltrars THE LATEST ADDITION to our navy* tin* battleship Arizona nrwl Miss Esther Ross of Prescott, Ariz., selected as its sponsor. This pretty 17-year-old miss will christen the new warship at New York navy yard on June 10. The Arizona is a sister ship of the Pennsylvania, recently launched. It was laid down March Ifi, 1011. mr ' t i *' 4 ; ' ’ 'l* r MkmSmKySLSSBfrl p 1 <ST *wv «■»*--«*- » X-n»■ r ■»,*& ■t— m »• '■/ -j».> ? > »*- * - m\ ifY T L ' 1 -.ISiMf ' -1 TrJwf SHELL BURSTS NEAR KING VICTOR MII«AN, Jure h (Special (’able 1 .) - I hiring n went engagement tie (wmn the Italian nnd Austrian troops. a uli ’ll burst within .'*o j ar«l» of the king. who was unperturbed. The king live* the life of the ordi nary soldier, nnd I* frequently on the fiMng line adding greatly to the enthusiasm of the army. firi.ivrw rti k tiir«, MR««tflrt. Vft , hi WpMrncrr «rr»|p». full 4 • IllUr ISO -t>l«. flftmll timri Jvb i’rlntlag Ilf pi Main TODAY’S GAMES American Petrolt H r \ew threatening Chicago at Holton *dou<i> St. I.ouih at I'wib'ul* lphta, ••loiuly. ('lev* land at Wnshinßton. <d*ai National Brooklyn at I*ll -burgh, threaten- Inn Moaton at Cincinnati, clear New \ ork .it C. c.ivn, «!• ai I'hlladelph i •’ St l.ou>, < leal BOY SLEW SHERWOOD Was Trying Out Rifle Ry Firing At Auto mobile JAi KSON. Mich., .1 ue h I hat he filed fhi" Mint Ml i. !i a died Moll K. Sherwood \\ 1 1 ;!♦ * ir> iu out ' a rill** which he had Jum •mi .h* from another hoy, was tin stai* merit tin* police hh wis ii ttlc > Norm.u» hitvcnport. aged mm y> tr-, who wa take;) Into cu-totl> V. U'tnuve.- Mon rlay. The boy paid he had no mention of Injur ng anyone, tor .1- booting at i-rMtlnt; automobil- ju.-t to t< t the new toy. Norman ha Id he purchased the gun for 2f> c nt*. and that he reertv rd some loaded rartrldcs with it I rldav evening h» went over to the fair grounds grand taiid Me find at n numher of and fTi-n nt «.t»J» »e. nnd th*n nt passing automobile* The hoy Mated that he shot nt the Sher wood car three time* 11<• whs not aware at the time that he had hi' nnyrne, and when he noticed the crowd of people about tie machine In* hid the pun In some hushes and mingled with tho crowd about th* ear. t)ftrn" Tlinra Job I’rtnting hrpt Mnlw MW. . «W Laps r ' xwr Tak-i W " *r j krv <r - DETROIT TIMES I ~ -- __ ‘ ~ I j-l . J_T \ "^^^ t * . L • TURKS LACK HOSPITALS Wounded and Sick in Constantirople in Pitiable Condition ATHKNS, June s. Kort> thousand Turkish soldiers. wounded In ttie I'ardan* lies fighting. and 2a" (Jerninn officer . are in pitiful need of medi i ,il attention at Constantinople. I U'i uti hen received here today said that hoapltal facilities In the Ottoman capital are entirely Inade quate. and there la a great shortage of doctor** Hundreds are reported t«> be dytn* daily for lack of proper <nre. An epidemic of typhus and •mnllpox hns added to the suffering* of the wounded. AGREEMENT ON I). U. R. LINES WILL BE READY IN WEEK .lamen t'outena. chairman of the street railway commission, nay* the contract between the city and the 1> IV It for the purchase of the I». 1' U one fare gone line* by the city wil probably be ready within a week "I do not believe that there will he any hitch to prevent the prepara torn of the contract in that time, aid Mr. ( omens. Printing (Ir pl4l* NM( kll4—lkM la right I Imra Job Ilrpl,— Main 4UA. WILSON TO READ NOTE TO CABINET Two Other Reasons Advanced for Delay in Its Dispatch WOULD SHOW BRYAN DEFERENCE May Also Wish to Give Gerhard Chance At Berlin WASHINGTON, June 8. -(Special’ —The fa* t that the prealdent lia> no yet sent his second Lusitania note to Get many. and that it t* to con I shirred by Mir cabinet again today, i has led to many mysterious rumors the most Important of which Is that the president has decidedly wak ened the tenor gs the conimunh a: .on, especially In deference to Seer*dan ! of State Itryan. The fact is. how ! < ver, that those close to the White | House say that, If anythin’:, tie message has been made stronger | and more terse. The reason* g!v» r. j lor the delay are three-fold. First, the president wished to read ’ the completed draft to his cabin* t which meets today. Second, the desire of S«-< r< Itryan to suggest some modification i of the very decisive terms employed i by the president. 1 Third, the mission of Mr. Meyer Gerhard, special envoy from Ambas sador TternstorfT to his home ottb •• It Is understood that the prestdi if ha* made no radical chances in lit* original draft The only thing that has heen done Ims been to submit it 'to the scrutiny of the experts on in temationnl law in the state depart ment so tbs' ther*' cotild is* no doubt on nnv point. A* handed by the 'president to Itryan yesterday, the l note was said to ho considerably more forceful, if anything, than s' first. Itryan studied the important : document lust night in the morning ! he had a conference with the presl dent which seemed to be verv pleas ant, as he had a broad smile on his Muntlsnni on l‘age Two.) T I’ESDAY, JINE 8 . 19 15. HEAL INTERVENTION. NONGLANS DRILL SAFE; STEAL S6OO Cracksmen Make Haul in Hughes and Hatch er's Store VALUABLE PAPERS NOT MOLESTED Job Shows Evidence of Being Work of Professionals Sufe crackers drilled their way through Iron bars tu gain entran e to M ighea & liati her** furnishing goods store at No. J 33 Woodward ave., some time Monday night. hum mei*d the combination knob from the safe, and then, with drill and punch, managed to knock the lock tumblers out of place and opened the steel doors, getting sGuu in ca h for t heir trouble. That the cra< ksm< n were in the stor«- during the early part of t'.e j evening, purchasing collars, and faking a aurvey of the premises. i> the belief of the victims The two men are described as of nudlutn height, and slender build. The cross bar on i rear window was drilled In two. and one of the other bars wa-* also cut off aperture being made large enough to admit a small man. by pr\ing ah other bar to one side The robbers did a very neat ami quirt Job, according to th* police and only a few small grain- of- *«**l which had fallen from th* «!rill. »• re found near the safe, when lie tecflves Mttte and Fraley investi gat'd, early Tuesdav morning. Some stork rertlfbate* In the safe were not touched, though they were negotiable. The Xrenatsh rltih hrlrt It* nnniinl linnf|Urt St the Kilrlsrlaa rnlc. The dertOnt to hold amdhri supper soiseitrtM- In Auvie' Mai flood speeches w«-rc h*«rd The fol >’*tnz ni«-mbers were pr- *cnt U -i (’a nip nr 11. ore* \Vm H’ttl* vl c rn» . Bay Kagen. «»•< >-, t'.ilwin I'ei ht, tr> s« . (*ln< enc<- t. tit?-if), Ralston K-rshsw I'd Klrto M«-o I'tctser, Oflle hblßh. IbO It 111.- M'stter f*hrlsilan«on, Lewis .v)l<r t gart. I cuts '"arrier, Newal Hamll ) ton and Matter Hytnons. RUMANIATO MOBILIZE Expected Nation Will Enter War After Harvest XKW YORK. Juno S.- A entile to the New York Sun from Hit barest says that Rumania's first stop to ward t titering the war was taken ycsterdiv wh«n the kin;; sign*' I tie initial inotiilizaiiuti order. This was only a preliminary move, as most o the able-bodied men who have r« eiv ed training are at home working it the wheat fields. It is not believed that the country will enter the w it until the harvest has been gathered Different sections of the populace subject to military service are being trained for short periods. In this wsv when the war starts the entire force will he ready. titul llnltlc <>«•«•!< Voli-m off r«*ii*nicnf» mill lint It«. W Iknmli-r ItiMtil till-, omiimllr I). \, I', ."IS Mitill •iin-itir. I'hiim- • Hrrri 001.1. Adv IMIE ITALIAN FORCES set for the nMack mi Trent and Trieste Winding line endirsr n arrow heads shows path alontf the rai’roads taken by Italian troops from the inobih/.i tion center of Vicenza and their proffrt int Kusti i Italian are now about 10 mites into Austria for the attack on Trent and ~ •*> miles for the as an It on friest. /N. 7 - ——fL ' !,\AU -9hm M ISS P . %' TRENT i V v t ; \J\. > * .$ /<y §■ M f x AviJAkO 1 f i. j* f A ¥y« Cw-sfSv . . sraiESTji/ 7* rpta^Nr^fe- v /'"“J- ''^-1% VwyLwoNAA ja* ..p* w •- ..£7to? 1 i /T « ly/ An W Imf AFTERNOON EDITION Giornale d’ltalia Says Bene dict Will Preside at Meeting To End the War ROME. June B. (Specal Cable) —The Giornale d’ltalia, which is the organ of Baron Sidney Sonninoe, Italian minister for foreign affairs, states that the Vatican intends to propose a peace congress to end the great war. It is also proposed that the pope himself shall preside over the sessions. ‘MILITANTS’ OPPOSED Suffragists On Record Against Attacking Democrats CHICAGO. June B.—The National American Woman Suffrage associa tion conference. Monday, ent on rec ord as opposed to the attitude of the Congressional union, in its attacks on the Democratic party, when a resolution was adopted that the association was unalterably opposed to these attacks. The resolution declared that the Congressional union had failed to benelit tu suffrage states, and work ed harm in states where woman still were seeking the ballot. VII T V WANTS TO MEET CARRANZA HI. r \so. Tex . June s-i Special» Vccordlng *o a telegram received here, Villa has decided to ask Car Tiip/a to come to a neutral po>nt for a conference to consider the warning note issued by President Wilson The tel gram said that Villa decided to do this to see whether it was |*o K slide to prevent further sac r lflce in the repuh’le anil prevent, if possl |e out“ide intervention Both side ar* claim n<- victories in recent battles. Villa claiming he defeated Ohreson arnl (Brecon claiming he debat'd Villa It Is believed here that both are tight, but that Obreann won ’h* las* victory and that I was the most important. Snnn ‘ vhll.i trains and cannon are aid 'o hav Icen taken. THE WEATHER I**-1»-«»l* IIII•( ilHiiUm I’ll- «iln' nl l’ Si nnil \\ #-tlnr««lit*, fnlri ' nim r l»- ii'uhtt mnilprnlr «p«i Inu rr '1 li hlu. mi ; I sir l* ile ti« :i«U U rilnrailHi ; Hitrmrr M Hi>'ulie , .V •a • - nr’ r up’’ s • ~ est i niated iC i sp i’ a lonr tons. ONE CENT. GUARD BOY FROMM Threats of Lynching Are Made Against Assaulter LAPEER. Mich., June S.— Charles Fox, Almont youth, who attacked and severely beat two Almont wom en, Mrs. William Cree and Miss Hel en Rowan, her slater, at the tarns home of \\ llliam Gee last week. Monday pleaded guilty to a statu tory charge. Fox admitted having assaulted the two women, after which he bound them and, robbing the house of $ Jo, fled to Royal Oak, where he was cap tured. Almont people have threatened to lynch Fox if chance permits. He is being closely guarded. Judge Smith relused to sentence him because he had not been fully uciiualnted with the case. GREEK KING IS BETTER I Now Has More Than Even Chance for Recovery ATHENS June v "King Con • i ntim no a has mote than in rVin i h"tl‘ ( f«>r i ’overy. I snouic .•ay he has «• ven chances ts 10,’ li-i< '» 1 rofi s-oi !' i llnTg. Ter n n spi i:,li t nf' i tie official hul It tin en ‘lie kine'.-. condition had : iei'n mud'' public today. , “Tie* king- condition shows slight 'mi orvi-ii.i t ,” s id the bulletin I ’ Tl»« |>. : has n 1 ei Ills temper it •»: i.] 1 _'■» and re.-plra