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EDITORIAL PAGE DETROIT TIMES rtifcllihtd every e*»ntn§ «>r«B( S uy in* Detroit Time* Cos.. 71-H-77 **• •übscriptton —Uy carrier. 2* o* ts > Kill, $1 a year Bv ntaiU |: per >f» 1•' »• dv a ora. Telephone—Main 4i28 corn* t n* all ■«. > a*nt> Olv# Time*’ er" r » , ' >r nar •' l> » »!«•>■■*’ ■ ar ovraon wn.oteu >L.h*. ripli \ rii«-.» »r >'■" plaint* of irregular d*.»%er> *uli '*-**• > M«r* up to t 10 p. C . Katere* »t tna PaitoOc* at I»#iro.t a* Md*ri**» mail m«li*r | The *i*e r.f the rant* of tl> • c* t p It* of fleet* in any .u*aitl* pr-pit !• ui Bled All an '•edited* re: re*r t Miry ard should t*« reu">re<i to * * tial* yljrnec t»v Ftlcna-J W, l;-aJin„ l• • » Mnai«r THtUSDAY. JI NK. l v 1 1 Let Us Hear Mr. Bryan And Stand By the President We need not got ail fussed up lie cause William Jennings Bryan ha- re signed from the secretaryship of state. Mr. Pryan, being perhaps ?' remo>; of men on two continents as .in advo cate of world peace through arbitration. HAD to resign when he found his views unsupported by President Wilson and the other member** of the cabinet. He has best served the administra tion by resigning, thereby removing him self as an obstacle in the course the president has elected to follow toward Germany. He has best served himself, for as a public officer he had, upon disapproval of his suggestions, reached the point of im potency in the furtherance of his univer sal peace policy. He has greatly pleased his enemies by getting out, and at the same time has more than pleased his personal followers. They take this occasion to remind us that the Nebraskan is still to l>e found on the side of principle and conviction. Asa private citizen, as a publisher and Speaker, Mr. Bryan will be free to appeal to the country for support for his peace views, without embarrassment to the ad ministration or interference in the diplo matic process agreed upon, and is ab solved from criticism by the rule trat bestows upon every American citizen his right to his own opinion. It looks as if it is really a case like that of the man whose mother-in-law died and semeone asked him what the complaint was. “No complaint.” was the man'- reply; “everybody is satisfied.” The president and Mr. Bryan ere rot separated in seeking peace, but only in the method of seeking it, a.-- Mr. Wi»; < n says in his letter accepting while regret ting the secretary’s resignation. And the one th : ng for all good Am-r --icans to do at this time is to put a vie their political and personal prejudice.-; for Republicans and Progre>.-ive~ and Democrrts, both Bryan and anii-Brvan. to stand tr getner : nd support i’r -Hi<:; Wilson in HIS way. |fTi. i The silver lining for us in wnatever it is in the second n;>te to Germany whicn Mr. Pryan looks upon m> a war clou*, i the fret that we have for chief executive # a nr.r.n of the hour, a gr . v go and ;.nd resourceful man. p s. _ sing all of the ability and all of the proper symp.u ">• that is needed in this hour of g; \ eris'%. The United States of America mus* rv t be drawn into war. It CANNOT b drawn into war without the i -neri:« of all the year* of labor that h .v* be n devoted to building up a leadership for universal peace and the common brot* r hood of man. We rest secure for faith in Woo irow Wilson that we are not to be drawn Into war. and that he is striving int lii gently. conscientiously and diligently to AVERT war. W’illiam Jennings Bryan is to be wel comed back among us as a private citi ten, and let us wish him success in spreading his gospel of peace. Lat us hear him well and let him traUt our hearts and sentiments so that Uro may come to look with full under standing upon the heathenism of what )• going on In Europe, and rejoice that yni art no part of 4t, and pray that |M|fEAaooai* do part of it. who have persistently disdained to credit him with his sacrifices upon the altar of i principle. The> w ill continue to do so in the in -tance of this resignation from a high phue and high honor, but will concede, perhaps, that in taking the step he is it least, consistent. I Anyhow, We ( an Talk to Our Babies Just As We Like We seem to be having all of our priv ileges taken away from us. N<rm ogre, in the shape of a philan thr ier ir reformer, comes forward and insists that we cannot talk baby-talk to ur babies. Now, babies are the especial pr : ***.y T‘ women, and women are proverbially nterested in the tiny, n«>-accv>unt things • f life which, when totalled up make *> eI : g sum of comfort, sympathy, af fection and love. The Ivtbv come* m for f e biggest nare man perhaps lK»cau-e he much like the babv. the next. She makes a cradle for the little one and lines it with soft things, as the I bird does its nest. She sew < tinv clothes, with hope and ’ove in every stitch. and when she finally hold* her babv in her arms words of endearment a n d cooing and understand *mr of <>l! it-* ach*»< and pairs and needs flv to he r lip* unbidden, the sp**n >*» -f t*- affinity lie i tween her soul and her little. Birds and all animal- have tende v rounds for their young; it is an animal n^tinct. us he thankful that tV e mothers iof still retort that pro tortipp- Yi**v»»r-eodin*' lnv« “♦hat r*a*se*h understanding.” Let the philosophers and ; reformers nr»te to ntb«rs; Mothers w’»'|i tnlk habv-talk to tt-eir children until ‘here are no mor*» chi! to talk to. From Another Point of l ieiv Bryan's earning capacity as a lecturer is placed at $138,000 a year. But we understood he was for peace at any price. * • • Wonder if Italy has officially notified Lou Rowley yet as to why she went to war? • • * A Detroit roofing company advertise this morning for a tinner. Suggesting that in the case of a predece-sor, the worst may have happened. • # • Another advertisement is for a Polish timekeeper. How does that compare, we wonder, with the more daylight brand. DDR A young Fnglishman. incidentally, de - ire* board and room in private family. Put probably not by Heime Zimmerman's house. • • • Confidence men relieved John • norr> of his wallet, an item says. A ripe one, t would seem. • • * Business Vote: Marriage licences have een granted to George Butcher and Helen Schumacher. • • • “And now come- the yachtline body, observes GAD. "It follows the stream as matter of course, does it not.’ * • • A\ ' thi- is the season wh°n it pays to wait—more car for less money, and a whole y ->r aheai of the calendar. \ MONUMENT TO SEAGULLS In g'atitud* to *he b.rda w tin**- timely inf*r i v«’ . r v l rhe r rrop< and proha l - th* liv•-» f 'ran * -'tier-. the < of l*t»h have recently d*dl<»'*d a monument to »> a gull . i "boars a grateful brot,-.* repr*-citation • * hi !* lighMng upon *h* r*ar;i*e ‘•bar Tl ■ : 1 ode hi' th s'rar.g'' moroitnenf cor’ ,-»j■ <t ■> ra■> .« is par* of the early h-stn y of th* 5• >(. I; the year I*4l th* p-on'-e-** of ft* .•» heir <r )p* d* vonrul by av:- taV- r, «v h. i v . < ri' k* ? •>. which d* ««‘-r **d ir. < F oun r »- r ill:*.*. ur'*n »1 *■ lar i and d** roy*d every >•■ '!«*• of er «» r a !K ond crop *v« pi r*<*d w|r i * amr ** »ilt and the a*-rrno * on t\e v<rr ruin -aw *h«*ir prom sing young wbegrflchl. if u. r*' bv th* p*'t.s A' -*•' t *re green and hopeful In *h* morrrni **u • • Mp* 'hsolu’oly 'b-an of \ ftte's’inn hr r. ». r, and 'art a* ion threatened th* *o'or.v whl r) t that t,jp' *o hard to r<-arh front t.h* ob *•- .tgtea It wna then *h*t a rnrar?* t-app r ( •; K.itp* of a v>o' numb*' of * a ir*ii tr *• •r> k*d th* hord** of ln»*f» an I d**« , roy* 1 i h*m before ’h« «ecr»nd c r op •* a totally rii* • ! It I* Inter**tine to note ’ha' * <l* * * d*’ * * on* of th*' - * -*tt ! *ra wa * *h* s'ulptor <)f * r.ri,m»r,' which. in addition to ,t- ;>a r ,f ill •< nr* bronz* r*l <fs shown g *• n* | lent Strand LOOKING AT HOME It* r ntly a bind of aorio!ogi> hI eiplorcr llacoT* r**d an o»ld little district ti at n***d*d at (lent on. Ita popwlaHon of *ort;»- f V»n t>f<nN •* * • r. o tl" foreign bom \« wly land* ! in rr ■ r;<nta j'o.ted Info it and '**•* rt naM*r*b!y tp oi'ed by alleged guide* and other dubfotta a.d t.» ! th* inr*»per'enr**d Moat of the working *r. hi»blta*:tf were empk • **d aa porer lonrahor* I m«T. aerubwom* n. anu in Ilk* unskilled. p<*»tr*y paid trad»a A «ln*b- hloek 1 alatvf.v* I of tuberrtiloala in a year Thla aoetolor * a! fi and l< on th* loa*r <nd of Ma:iha"an lainnd I xalled tn by the *kya» rap**ra of the flnam lal i dlatrlr*. from ahlrfc the foontetnh*ada of tnu< h I ora.inl*e<l philanthropy rnt*h f ha'* tf»aaed a bt* i cult nto It If It had oretirred tn them to look that »ay AtK<ut nn* tlm*a out of ten pr<>j • • oh.'erta for eharltahle Intervention are naht arotird the mm» r frt>m you mhether you live on Manhattan or In F.mporla. Kaa.—Saiurda*. Evening Poat. DETROIT TIMES Life’s Darkest Moment. ♦. • y - - - j » - ■' :d A | f . - f . . 'X ’’ ’ ‘ i y Time sou were SNoefMMfa- • AICOumDThe ORCuS And a i A's siam inside The TfenT \^/ NmA'HEDYCU INThEJAW • . £ / ‘ / ‘.H T W 1 it hy Hang Becker? Herbert Quick Ask > By HERBERT QUICK. C&srl-'s H«>< k r musl die S say o v*rl of r*»«ort f-r <> Ii » «r Vf’iiove* rha* any a- * ro rr.Tfme court of the I'-' tci St*:»s can «av* hitr.. if i • l> • al>i »wj siif h an appeal Fl it should h*' dir? M-y v- irs a*;o a man stood on 1 • M n lltlnoi- and »h*.ir th* -adr ready to sprit** V.r ”ap. h<* »** accord in* to T’i* old ’i tora ts hr had any laxf *d •'* and riflemen." aaid h** •' * *- ♦rrhl*'.} r -d. *'Knicr«on Jflv • t i* j o-.l “;<* jw'orrsT usr th;* # < r. v» n.<dc of a man Is to ha.n* Hjm| '* I v* for* *t'"i *hr r»*«* of hi* h »nd ! have n»v«>r )tno'»n * ci’iofaton from Frr<*r * n n i* ca; r. fclc of \o r > heat ion. hut ' •• V’'t * * * f* ’on about to pay , » —n o U'v was rror<»d to . F- *r«*»n «• all ftx*d ihr in • ii' of jn m rr,in i 'c 1 • hrtht-r or r.o* Fmrrson rvrr •'it i’ • profoundly tr’i** T*-» - r»--t r at can po**lblv v " v • * it. *n is to han* or Ii T* o only cicua#* ts thcro Is any pos three Ways In Which I)is<a e Gnms . ire Spread and How to Avoid them Th*:* ar- three prinriial way* in w hloh «J • a K'-rixia are earned fr> rn p* r *fin to K'-:n» ar* thoae 'ahJen are * t en raw. Sinte thorough mourn* .> t< dlaeaa* a- rtr.f, ui»»*t ffx»*ed ! .oti* ire oni* dan**rou« wr*n tn*> i en n'H *‘l In t;ie ki*< h*n at .o : .vn* Many ra-* fr»*Kii, lik* i t ■. r t ■« or o'h»*r fruit*, are «»** he i * y 111 ult * p<-ejed before eat a* f)f all ff>od', th* iro«t dangerrms >■ • -taftr and milk. *»erati*«. they are ott*n poll-.ted. by •<»»**■ ;n the i * sis *ater and by h';niari ffrnt;*fr i:. *.)*• <a-‘- of milk Al-o l.e'a'l-.e ■ey tr* tlriink promptly e 'ho*.' i ;; <■ for the ri «*aae trerm , i to d.<* fi'lt and t>e»au*e. eapeclally in the i » <.f *.it*r and often in the <a •* i ii | t• . > nr" it«d rook'd 1: *• >**rond any in aturh di**-a«* e< *-rr ,ir* tofnmtmly apr*ad la by r;*ir of ronta< t between «*o >l* th re eh« !; ». In m*a<«l* , a and whoop .ri*r rough and »e#rle* fever and n pf.therta and tuberrgl*a«l» and r.* v «> h*r direaae*. the germ-* pr< *• *fit in the no*-e and ’hioat an t at read from person to person n th* f nger* whirh go too often to th* iii< ..i and mo’ith, by drinamr * up* and p<;'*n* and ly other fht'ig whb h too often ar** ttned in ronunor an' 1 y ttio ? o ‘pray thrown out frrn ’h* mould in roughing and aneettlng. 'I he third mn mon war in which di-»’nae ge:m* ar* spread la h mean* of In-ecta Kile* are, per lap*, the nr»<n»i Important inaect . germ eat r.era. They often pick up slble rxcuae :n a % cas« i* t •! rhe man is of r- further u; I that he is a , it:v- tn* aaco to <► cicty. Can n**ck*»r t* of my use to *o clety" I beli* v • th-.t he can he < r imnjon-r u-r f’ is **id tha r It*- ba b*»m cnsa**d f->r -It nion hs m • ’-*-;>anf!or of a roroplc's r-t: ,-«• of th* 1 system of graft in it ■ o; ra ’lon of which th" police of N«- * York hare be- r. er.*n*‘d for n.nn> rears and which resulted in t v * rr.’irfcr of Rosenthal This -mv mt nr is said to *dl t c n-stuvs < the who make ip V' . in<*.*- r bund, both *h»* hlgh-itj sand t!i* low downs It is stated tha* be j willin* to ; !ac« this Ir *h*- hand* of th* authorities if hi- i j commuted *o im,>r:-onr -r, * f>r iif* T - 'e district attorn*' of v...» Vor fctr:fe s in an Interview ha: this of fer »111 not be accep.'ed Why not’ Can any tocnl reason flven? Are the \e \ York authoriti* afraid they land ft-*h t**o >l* for their net'* SomeCn; tt»e hunter rt nds irani* the feroclcms’' s- ~nd po* er of whleh chill bl« blood and t:k away his thirst for su- • »--* ‘•odie, and carry It <» 100*1. and wh*,-e 'her* 1* no trx I -y tem of ■ na.f and rpowal they iiav play a big par* tn f * -pr«acl of au-h rt - t) p; <>:d lever Ihre are son*** '»d health ept fc-ran. for lh» tnotfir u rein*m 'r Mhoo/lng roiixh in children inrt' , fl’e year* o f age i* a 2 - »t° dlseaae Mei'* ** in school Is like fr* tn graa*. If .ou let the child have m'-a*!** * her: t«e ia young you r •> n\> a <!*. ’or* hill Uter on. iu* you may * *o pay the under.**, r no*. » * : Hess Haskins RoS*^ h ' ife p,|f i <*) * : hi?' W 3k. Jl V' r‘p- —i . A* J' --- -• m'- «t*. V i “Th* refurn (fame between the Locu-t Giants and th* Kim C orners* Wild ( ala was called lat th* end of th* second tamin' By Webster. Let the People Rule—And Write World Peace. To the /. f for »f Th? Ttmcv T.\« {'.;»♦• movement. from the*: da»n of Christian clvlliiat P>n. hs>- ’<> If- r 'lit *>.l7 International art*! ' is’ion. r*:*tiea It has resulted lit ’7 ■' ir!<l p* ai •• rongres-e* since ' • ,t tit*' net lor a The Han't** u:.fe>vncr Uytug t:;*' foundation for tlu* r»* w intornatlon »li *m in which !t » »hall replace the sane- 1 !< i t ? for* *-, i- formal pro* .-d ire A federation of mor him 4***»! ln'ernuriooal orcanizau* ns la main , [ 'ain*d in • ipport of the formal ■n jvement i t s e U’-at Hague conference, i !' n! t*- -! S?(t'* sos America, fir* a* •'n .i-.d ii-'in n>- initiated a * i »ir movement The coming i t-o ■ rongr*-- in Independence >ll .1 re l>, iy ontrlNvitory to the j par* America will tak#- In th'» feder| *:• of nation* movement, long ; pending, and undevtroyed by the I wor I<l war. The p*,ir»‘ movement espouses I »h* Idea of democracy among na ; ti» ns. and opposes tha' of the n«* **«. <*•> dominane* of ell nation* hv i anv t ne na ion or group »>f nation*, 1 I ;*■• to prepo-atton for war* of eon jq’ * « It advo* at* ae« onomn l*-* , l*- 1 lati n for war prevention. such as 'or example the recognition of • right «if an nation to legitimate -x pans lon through the holding of •h | ,r t and otherwlae. it Cham 1; ion* gradual reduction of arma ru**n*s xv** a* th«-v are necessary for defense. a* the sanction of la v re places tnnt of force between nation. The oldoat of thp organixatlona ft tJ:e peace propaganda In thl* country I* the American Peace no ciet>, founded In I*2*. a branch of Ah' h will, |t j.* hop»*d, be organ l7*d In Michigan next a'lt'imn. If Is an error. although not an uncommon fi't. that confuse* the mos* t,‘ nt for constructive peace foil tig the lines of historic **> mal development with the schools of thought ;>dvos ntitig the unpnll i fl*-4 ppllratlon of th* principle of non resistance |o international rela tion** Not a little harm ha* haon j don h- the advocacy of complete and "I'mament and the understand ::i t v ill of ihe nature of the peace A Roy and His World BY E. 8. HITCHCOCK T!if< >a« «rrll. , .|*'4 or a school book belonging to a high school boy of tr. All *li« world loves * lover, which is strange In tny <aa** 1 lov»* Mlm i she is »■ « world to me hot** does not lnv«* me, H »re I am h 1* \* r. but the world that la m* • rid, doesn't rare for me a ll"l*» bit.” .h hnnv l« phllo«ophixln t o\*r the kindle f*-*\llnga of the world ln**lde i'that Is. himself*, and the rold and hard old outside world. * hlMi, up to now •,* - had litt!*• to do w ith his | dresm and nsplratlon * If* will I con* 1 I* 1 efore long thwf the old • ' o*tld he amended and have inotl r word Inserted. I e , 'AH th* wot Id loves a successful lover. | but want# none of the other kind." And later Johnny will find that It 1U not only In love that tke world 11 ■ ■ mm n i>m THURSDAY, JUNE 10 f 19 15 \ Poem a Ihv, J\ *T % I.IXH The postman paaaea by, hi* ate l’» tell plainly It* h* «t. t .tii> mall to l*<*va ft»i m*-. Or xiu'UM ha -top mv eye* muil .till »«t k vainly Th. .me h«ti<lwriting I *o l-ma to are Tiico it i-icture postal <ar.| were het • tar Than It*.tying me without a Mingle ago. Another >l*** goti* hy, and atilt no | tI t f I l*- »r t|ti.;hter can't you drop me Juat a Itnef \\ In are toil alien!* I hava nft»n w-ltten When t w >s, strictly apeaktng nnt mv turn Have \>. .v iilt pan iaraly«l« been amlttefl, •>r what "ew le.«on would you ht'e n-e lease * Am l i m pat tail t In too great x hum*. A.u p. *«a.-d with duties harder to decline * (»h. daughter It would *wi • a heap of w*>rrs If y-'u w uld drop your 'l'h'f Juat * line. g p.. rh * ?'« there a some mistake a heed •••« .mfence Tennert without th'ofclng may have auaed you pain. r.-rhapa 1 -a's too high mr tnde p-n.l-n- e Perhaps »*■»** think m* frivolous and van. rv p-v |,o r lesta In earnest you were taking r»h ~|id \ «»vi r*ad thla secret heart of mine, You'd know .V*r child h*w near It la to hreikitig And d'op your lonely father Juat a line Anonymous Pointed Paragraphs V n* ar Argument la one in w hich nobody get* angry. Moat of th** ‘ln on exhibition l» anythin* but original You don't need bank reference* in .irder to borrow trouble Many a g«>»>d reputation h*a been stab'-w-d hy a psdnfed tongue You c»n t hurt *ome men nnlea* ! vou hit them on the po« ketbook. t onalder the bald headed man. h» c< m’*s n*»' t neither d»»e* he biuah It * aonietlme* hard for * man to a.lju.-t his religion to fit hi» hual ; u* a< A woman c*n tix'illlv manage a man If ah** doesn't let him know she la doing it movement, xlone will aafeguard It at;;ttn*t ln)»»rv The world w*r ahould be the har !:nt*r -f world peg-e Mankind la in the procr-*a of reallilng the coat if adh* r n to the pollcle* which *he American union proven repla. e able f v ad traid*’ federation agree m» nf h-*twc**n the leading nation*. If | not between* all. which shall abollah i f’ ti:re v rr! I conflict*, and isher In i the millennial time of whl- h ti e .a 1 ( r* 4 png-* 1« not non cpgnliant C*AS?*rN RI'OKN'F. PARSONS. 11J .\d*-laide-at , June *. ISIS A Reader in Tun# To the AMtfor nf 7"he 7*tme»' Ther*- ia a' least one editor In th s proaalf c;*y who s*>*«ae»aea a aoul The edPor'a column In laat nights Time* waa an ode to the g*e*>n field*, the hreeye atlrred tree* and the a/ure creeks of near old Michigan It I* Just like coming 'a* ay from the notae, duat and con fualon of th** city to the swept mea do* s to r* a 1 the editorial The pr* as la full up w ith the re po*fs of the battlefield* of Kurope and we are gtrk of reading war At ode** 1 v hidden at the hgck of the pa er was the column of pralae for Michigan In June To quote the ed ltor a word* Our June l« I anler'g June of "Ixvnr June night aound* eroon ed among the leave* " •'And wh'spered confidence* of dark and green.” ' The legveg are green aa they never will be again, for the aun haa not yellowed them with aeorchlng rnva " The*e beautiful fact* that aummer 1* on u* 1r all Ita aeductlve glory make* U* feel like living The edt *or evidently go* a about with hi* eve* open want *o be reminded tha* Michigan l« beautiful V hat do we care If the rjermana have captured 200 000 Russian* <*r that the kalaer ettr’a v< * mouatache thrice dally’ Tlioae even'* happen In Europe We ng*-ee with the editor In all hi* nh aerva'lon* and verify hla concluding a»a*ement that June in Mlehlran I* a hit of all right. C. J. <» No f»7R Reneca *ve , June a. I'M?, a frlemlv Inter** t Ifn will have to ' rw*k** »ro >d” In business and mak 1 In* mr! In bu*ln as l* not neees c«rilv h* Inr the h*st man but mak in* the most money, often at the ex pense of others. No matter Tohnny has learned hi« lesson and *a pent on "success." He n a sav* hla original sweet ness h: I expend it upon his family. If o thev and he are fortunate, or 1e timv lose |t In his struggle for the r*.<l and become hard and Ci h bl>ed Th•*t depends upon the resistance and the innate goodness of Johnny, for th« curriculum In the school of I ife la harrier than any high school and many miss the examinations. (>t!i*r u fill by the wsvslde; |t la onlv those of great and noble hearla who reach Commencement day and have It truly said: "Wall dona, lib- aood aad fsit»f»l LIZZIE LAWS BY DR. FRANK CRANE iCopyrtght. )Vl6, by I'Tauk Crane) "Hy way of a sort of annex to the I’nited States, M asks th«* St. Louis Post hispptch, **Mhy *’an’t we institute a com fortable smoking: room and bullet for men only, where those who prefer liber ty to death hy boredom may occasionally withdraw from the Lizzies, yawn, stretch, and enjov some »»f the oM vaunt ed prerogatives that used to make Amer ica seem worth while as a habitat of v r enus homo? •is a jail or penitentiary the only place left for a man to who would have such liberties remain to him guaranteed from further infringe ments?’' It is an odd thing; America is sup posed to be the land of the tree, and yet we have more fool regulations and re strictions than even bureaucratic (ier manv or autocratic Russia, when it comes to items of |>ersonal deportment. It is probably a remnant of the Puri tans in our blood. They regulated every thing. even kissing. (Jovemmcnt, as Lionel Cecil Jane points out in his recently published lx*ok “The Interpretation of History," is shown in history to be a continual con flict between two ideals, the one, “uni versalism," meaning that contentment is to be found in universal conformity anti submission; the other, "individualism," meaning that the greatest happiness lies tn complete self-assertion. Any government is some sort of a com promise between the desire for law and order and the desire for |>ersonal liberty. Perfect uniformity on the one hand, and unrestricted lil>erty on the other, art* equally impractical. The just mean to !>e observed is to restrain personal lil*erty as little as |>os sible, consistent with the peace and dig nity of the state. It is mighty hard to draw the line be tween decent restriction and meddling; J For instance, to decide what sort of a I theatrical performance is allowable and what ought to be suppressed, or how low a decollete dress should he worn, or when . ,i man shall Ivo permitted to go in his shirt sleeves, and where and when a de praved male shall have the right to take a drink. sm«»ke a pipe, or chew tobacco. It takes common sense, which is rare. Mayors, chiefs of police, and legislative 1 bodies have our sympathy. On one hand ;the righteous cohorts are nagging them to make everybody go to Sunday school and quit chewing gum, and on the other the ordinary folk who are too busy chas ing the dollar to note their moral con duct are asking to be let alone. If nnyl>ody thinks he knows just what to do in the premises he has my admira tion. Two things are plain. One, that the roughnecks should not be allowed to an noy quiet anti respectable folk. Two, that no Lizzie laws be enacted to pester people who are studiously minding their own business according to their own lights. Puzzle: Find the golden mean. i Bad Cooking Wrecks Lives BY H ADDINGTON BRUCE • Author rs "Tha HMrtle of t'#r«oi.ality." *T*fel»i»l«*y And Parenthood.** etc > Every woman who exparta to ho married ought to learn how to rook, and how to rook well Thl* appllo* oven If *h« ho tha daughirr of woaßhy parents, with th** oxportatlon of novor having to do hor own rooking. She ought to l*-nrn how to cook ovrn then. Oth**rwl*e ah# may find horaolf a? th*» merry of rarole** or inrotnpetont aorvanta And. b*v m« ur.ahl#* through Ignorance to rorrect their fault*, aho may aoon or late find her health and happln**** wrork«*d beyond r**<*ll. Thla may *A«-m an extrotn 0 atatomant, hut it ia amply borne out by everyday observation. One of rhe moat striking fa<ta of modern American Uf«* l* th' pr*\al**n».« of n*rv<au* dle ordt-r* Hysteria. payrhaathenlA. neurasthenia, and almllar maladlo* « laitn \ictima from every walk in life Oddly enough, arcordlng to tha ••xperlrfu e of n»rvoua aj»e< lali«tH, lh* y H'tarlc *Ui greatest frequenry married p«*ople Saw. th** rerognleed cauaea of thei,*- function al nervou* trouble* are worry, anxl'ty, f*ar, rona'anf etreaa and strain of any aort. Thla mean* that Minting married people there mu*t he an unusual liability to these nerve wrecking condition*. Neurologlat* will tell you that uc h I* actually the raae Thoae who are quite frank with you will add that LtOMKHTIC I'NIIAI’IMNKSH hold* flrwt place an a provocative • t nervmia disorders iiitong married people Up* clfying further they will nay that nmong the chief cauaea of dome*- Mr unhgpplne** l* Inablli'y «»n the t>art of the Ifo TH HAVK MEAI.H COUKKO WELL AND . KHVEI) WELL A* one of Boaton'a foi«mo*t neurologist a *ald to me In the courae of converaa'lon •'lt would b«* dlfflmlt tn t xnegerate »h* amount «)f functional nervous dlnenae brought on, dlreftlv or Indirectly, by h-id rooking; or the number of hontea th;*.t have be*-n wreck'd ,r<tm the .*atne tauae. ••pad cooking ni*'>n* fond that la unappetlt. Ing. hear'’ hard to dig«*M Indleeatlon in* ana a train on the norvtiu* ayafem, with a reaultant tender.<y to reatle ane*a, nervou-neaa, and lr- I ilfnhllltr. "Many men Inatlnrtlvelv try t** rarape thla hy resorting to place* club-, hotel*, reatau -1 r.inta where they may lie *ure of finding ap petising food Rightly they are then accused of n*gleetlng their home* "Their w I vea—t hem selves victims of poor cooking reprnsrh them, give way to t**ara, or brood In hurt silence Marital friction thus In creases steadily, until in the end there rnay be a nervous breakdown or renort to th** di vorce court. "Thla among couple* who began tty sincerely loving each other, and who doubtless would have gone on loving e*eh other had It not been •or the wlfes ignorant - * In evIIMTJ Mtten,” With such results, observed and recorded hy medical men of long experience, can It be doubted Ihßt avery flrl ought to bo trgtood to