FRIDAY. JUNE 9. 1916. THIS GOLFER PLAYS WITH TWO CLUBS Harry cook's ruddy lend* a •oft existence because Ills boss 1h on** golfer who doesn't like to he burdened with a bulging bag of clubs. Playing in ihe qualify lUK round of Iho Jersey slate tournament u t Knflewood. Cook told his caddy to leave the hag In the clubhouse alter he extract ed Just two elulm. the nia-hle and putter. While the oth*rs were using a half «!•>*• n i lobs Cook relied on his two weapons, the maahie to hut the hall up on the greens and the putter to tun it Into the hole. DE~PALMA TO GETTHE POLE Italian’* 107'/j-Mile Gait In Time Trials I'nbeaten At Chicago Oval CHICAGO. June ft.—l»ario Rests was the first driver to qualify for the 300-tnile rare at the Chicago speedway, Saturday H** his Peugeot, which won last year's derby, the Vanderbilt, Grand Prix and Sheepshcad Hay as well as the local 150 mile challenge rat e, out on the track, mfd did the two miles at the rate of 105 miles per hour Some time after la* Palma took out hla matehelss Mercedes and turned the trick at the rate of U»7 11! miles per hour That gives him the pole no far as th** cars are given posi tions for the start, according to th* time made In the elimination inn testa. The first Hi* fastest get th" flag and the others are ruled out It Is regarded as almost certain that such men as Harney Oldfield with his l>elage. Johnny Aitken and Charley M< rz w ith th*lr Peugeot*, rYAlene with his Ikiepeubeig, and Fiddle O'Donnell with a car of the same make Rlrkenbaeker and Pete Henderaon with their Maxwells, and Gil Anderson and Howdy WilcoX with their Premiers, as well aj Cbrlstianen* with his Sunbeam w-|TI b« among the other stsr’ers The second Sunbeam arrived in Chicago Tuesdax. but no .driver has been named for i' a- yet it is thought that 'Rarl Cooper will take the wheel of the oth**r English made racer. TWO DETROITERS IN CYCLE RACE Kemp and Walker After Prize Money In 100-Mile Event Sunday Two Detroit speed demons will oppose stars from sll over the conn try In the Michigan Sweepstakes rare at the Slate F’air track. Sunday afternoon. They are Vern Walker and Walter Kemp. The latter has Juat returned from England, where he has been study ing aviation He has a (lying ma chine under construction and ex pects to visit the State Fair grounds with his ’plane soon, in stead of a motorcycle. However, the lure of the motor hike has led him to sign up with the Hender son people, and he wTTI ride Sun day In *he ino.mile event. Kemp lowered the track record last time he rode hpre, putting It at f 2 sec onds and thi* year has a special machine which ho expects to n ake even better time. Verne Welker, the second Detroit emtry. will he remembered as a m> tordrome rbler in the davi of the high hanked hoard tracks, snd was a star In meets held In this city He hns Just received anew auxil iary Imporied racing machine from the Hender people, *he same model as the one ridden by Ray Crevlston. of Columbus, who won the 100-mils Interstate championship last Sun day. He Is figured a likely first place contender. These riders will compete against such stars as Ray Crevlston. Jim Davis. who won the 100 mile Michi gan sweepstakes. last year; “Krar.y Horse" Verrlll. Taylor. Stokes, Hil liard. Roido, Meyers, Sudduth, Voss and Matthews, and some record time is expected. Besides the century grind, there are five other events on the pro gram, thro** five mile qualifying heats with a lo mile final, and a novelty two-mile rare. Jacobs va. Hough, Jamba and Hough will most to nigh' »t Swornoy Huston's In th*» Class C throo-rushlon tourney. I**l night. Van f>ykc defeated Criaaman, 27 to 2d *rmif Ilia arr positively Ineurahla • a nllnraa Ike m*f« of Ihnar Klr«t« nkn pint hllllanl* In anitimrr and an anianm In »l"t»r. ELEVEN ARM BALL TEAM TOURING DIXIE KI.HKRTON. (la., Juno 9 WTiite'a Wonder*, a hall team conlpoaed of *even one-armed hoys, using two-arm men only at first bare and behind the ha». now touring the south, started their season with an easy vic tory over the Klherton Homs Guards. 11 to S. Five hatters on the Wonder team each poled triples Brown, pitcher for the ons-arm team, allowed six blows The Wonderar-fommltted litre* errors. From Real King to Tennis King, Manuel’s Rise In World. ff * s to-*- rai .i *■ King Manuel of Portugal who lost tils crown on account of a woman has won anew title, with the aid of another member of the fair sex Paired with Mrs Lambert Chambers, th** former king annexed the Red Cross tnfxed doubles on th** Queen's elub court* recently. According to reports of the game King Manuel's sharF in the joint victory was a power ful forehand drive However the strategist of the side was Mrs. Chambers. During his reign Manuel was an enthusiastic sportsman and devoted much of his time to golfing. riding and playing tennis. Urges Golf Organizations Os World to Amalgamate Vaile Says Present Sit uation Brings Chaos \ ~ ————.. In the current number of Golf. P A Valle, who been an agitator in lawn tennis., adocates the forma tlon of what he styles "The Fed era t ed Golf Associaupn of th* Wirld.” Vaile writes in part ns follows: "I do not care to waste words writ Ing about* the idiotic state of the tcr ulaQpn of the game of golf in the world America is a land of keen business men. Surely it must be obvious to them that it would be In the heat interests of the game tc move in the direction of establishing the Federated Golf Association of the World. "Thla would naturally call Into be ing the Golf Association of the I’nlt ed Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. It doe* indeed seem absurd that this has not been done before. Incidentally the formation of the Federated Oolf Association of the World would allow golfers to com pete In the world’s amateur ehsm plon. a by no mean* unenviable title, now to be won here, anon Ip Eng land, and again elsewhere Above all, there should he uniformity in the laws. Thcie should be no drifting apart. ‘'Moreover, speaking generally. It Is not good for golf or any ether game to let the festoons of cobwebs cluster too thickly about it as iho traditions of golf dc if given any chance whatever.’’ Valle also takes the governing body abroad to task for barring th** Schenectady putter, used by Jerome I). T/avers. He adds that as ihe law* stands now there is hardly a legal club In any hag at any tourna ment; also that every socketed driver Is illegal, likewise every cleek or Iron club of any description wherein the shaft runs through the head. PROGRAM FOR MASONIC GAMES The assignment of umpires and scorers and schedule of games I n the Masonic baseball league for Sat urday. June 10. which games will be played nt BolvLo, Is as follows: Palestine vs Friendship. Diamond No. .1 Empire, Olenalvtn: scorer, Speck. t'ltv of Ftralts vs. Detroit, Diamond No. i. Empire, Evan*; scorer, tins |«r Ashlar vs. T'nlon-otlwlnnlrig, Dia mond No. 5 t'mplre. Stark, scorer. Brady. Orlental-t'orlnthlan vs. 7.10n Dia mond No. 6. Empire, Farm, scorer. Stuetier, Courtney Must Quit. POUGHKRBI *<3 IK, N. Y , June 0 Ro serious has becooie the poor health of Charlea I>. Courtney, vet eran Cornell crew coach, that his physician haa requefeted him not even to accompany the crews In the launch hereafter. Courniey has nut done much strenuous coachlnr this spring, hut even the advisory role which he ams umed has been too much for him. WATERTOWN. Mass , June ?. Blind athletes from the Overbrook School for the Blind. Philadelphia, were tied with thoie of the Perkins Institute of this city in a stack and field meet held on the Perkins field, I each team scoring 211-2 points. SPRING TOURNEY NEARS FINISH <’ C. Gilbert, Guy Miller, W. E Bee and O. \V. Whl’e are the sur vivors of the early rounds of the spring tourney at the Detroit Goif * lub m M< On nor. Dt \ < F*ulU n weider. J. A. Bryant and H. J Her hell have survived the early rounds of the May Special Mllier won from A f). Mitchell, 1 up, after 27 holes. BUTLER’S STABLE BURNS UP TRACK. - ♦ ' Ufa , N hf. W YOnK ' j, unr 9 ' jHnif>s tier's racing stable leads a charmed l.fe this season. Since the racing opened at Jamaica track. Mav 20 his horses have won 12 starts three by Wistful, two bv c a p r a two *bv I IHeeze ™ Ch b> ’ Hißh Noon ’ 8choo «»>«y. Spur and nro P j* r K* ,,y du * ,n thp training methods of Jack f nrn 'h k It also must be considered that nearly all of Butler’s ar;;: ra:; i i How SWU'XSS: Bu "- r ln,< ' ,ted **»•««* «■> V«U»to» mock ,nd . SMART CLOTHES m fj* For Young Men Saturday We Will Offer 150 Young Men’s Suits 2 and 3-Button English Sack Models—also C the new Pinch-Back Models—either with I OUlUruQy Vests or Two-piece Suits. J . In Shepherd Checks / J 00 In Gray and Brown Checks I' * In Overplaid Checks In Oxford and Blue Stripes In Plain Blue, Oxford and Green \ Values Some of them are full Alpaca lined. Others | l*P To with silk sleeves. a0 SEE OUR Boys’ Norfolk Suits W ith Extra Pair of Pants, in all Desirable Colors. At $7.50 —ALSO— Our Boys' Norfolk Suits 2 Pairs of Pants At $5.00 m Winning Team* In the Hig College Meet of 191 H relays—One mile: Har vard i Pennsyl. relays—-Two miles: Ynle. Fennayl. relays—Four mllea: Cornell. I of A A. -Cornell. Paelfli- Coast f A. A—California New England I. A A.—Dart mouth. Missouri Valley I. f*— Missouri. Middle Stater I «\—New York University. South Atlantic I. A. A.—Vir ginia Southern I A A—l#oulstana. Trl-Smte I C. Minnesota <»hto Hi r Six" I. C —Ohio State University. Southwestern I. C -University of Texas Ko< a* Mountain I. C.—Colorado College. HAUGHTON PUPILS LAND GRID JOBS Harvard foot hall ala Haughton Will spread over the land this fall when 10 nien who learned their gridiron lessons under the Cam bridge mentor take tip coaching tasks at other institutions. The star-* of other flays will insrhict as follows: Edward Mahan, University of Cal ifornia. Ikinald Wallace. University of Southern I'aliforpia. Dr. Paul Withlngton. Ernest Soucy and John A Doherty, University of Wisconsin. Albert J. Weatherhead, Bowdoln college. M llmot WTiitney, Boston prepara tory school. Huntington Hardwick. Annapolis. Uharles Brlcklev, Boston college. Tom Campbell, University of North Carolina. The demand of coaches schooled in the Haughton system is greater than the supply. A number of other Harvard men have t,umed down offers. P, *« Hodlr la clouting .nw la the I'mHlc I oaat league lan'l acaaatloanl. The Iklill came when Ping atole a baae. % aprlnkllag of faaa aomeflmea re fera unit to thoae within reach of n hoxer'a corarr. DETROIT TIMES CANTILEVER SPRING MAKES CAR RIDE EASILY —i. w i It XNkl.l V •'Almost every umomobiliat today iec tig nixes a cantilever spring on sight This construction, which ha been generally adopted by those manufacturers who build the best, is tamiliar to nearly all of us, but how many drivers really know why a cantilever spring maket* a iar ride easier than othei types of rear suspension ?” G W Franklin, local Dort dlstrlb Utor, recently in;*tie- the above State menu which In* accompanied with an inteif-Ming explanation of th* woiwii g- ot the cantilever spring as be r-e* I hem An automobile engineer,” says Mr Franklin, "would probably de scribe a * antilever spring with ma::> technical terms, but this is a little too deep for the average man. M> uii idt a of th** cantilever spring Is a >ptmg that is so anchored «>r attached to th*- cha. -is, that the re bound of the spring is downward Instead of upward Thus the occu pants of the car get the benefit of th** fl* xing of the springs when road shocks are encountered and the downward rebound of the springs tend.- to keep ihe rear wheels of the car on the ground, instead of lifting th**m dear of the toad, as is the case with the semi-elliptic, three quarter elliptic or full-elliptic spring This means not only easier riding, but less wear on the tires as the rear wheels are kept on the ground practically all the time. "The length of the spring has con siderable to do with its riding qual ities, and a long, wide spring is par ticularly desirable. Mr Blanche, the chief engineer and designer of ft-e Dort, has taken advantage of This, In the full cantilever springs that form the rear suspension of his car. and has made these very wide and r>o 1-8 inches long This relation of spring length to chassis and wheel base js exceptional, being greater than in any other car at anywhere near the Dort price, and it has much to do with the flno riding qualities of this car.” Boy Fatally Crushed at Play. Flaying about a garage owned by Dr J I.ipskv. of No. 21 B**nton-st., Thursday afternoon. Isadore Har witz. seven years old. of No. 27 Benton st.. was crushed under an Iron mantel which he tried to rlimli on and was killed. The boy's moth er stumbled over his body at 9 o'clock, while looking for him. MOBILE. Ala., June 9. —Mr. and Mrs J H. Jennings and their son. prominent in Rockport. Ind . report ed lost in the gulf, arrived safely at Biloxi. Mtss.. today. fTHIS is s AN s ONE The Happy Little Do You Know Him?-No? Then you do not know what It means to wear clothes of class —that-Hook well, wear well—at sensible, reasonable prices— sls to $35 233 RUSSELL, Cor. Sherman Old A t better, Long a Fixture in Detroit's Bohemian Lite, Bought By City as a School tor Cripples Old Arbeiter hall, the scone of many not able gatherings hs well as many a dance and brawl, blood flowed almost as freely as the beer that mas served in generous uiuge, Is passing out of existence. The big. grey frame building at Itus sell and (’mil* rine-sts., has been pur chased by the Detroit board of edu eat ion for 122.. r »00. and w ill be re modeled Into a school for crippled children. Arbeiter ball mas built in IkfiK. and was rebuilt in IKS.*, alter having been partially destroyed by Are. It was for year' a typical German gathering place, with a spacious dance hall and large summer car den in connection, the bn ter being inclosed by a high board fence In the gaily festooned arbor' Hie 'Jrr mans were wont to make merry In their own way As the neighborhood grew less desirable, and nth* r German socie ties built comfortable and more modern homes, the Arbeiter hall came to he used almost nightly as a dance hall by outside parties. These dances frequently culminated in fistic battles which the police had to quell Many of the older officers in the police department can tell Interesting stories about old Arbeiter dances, and some of them can show scars they received HERE’S NOVEL USE FOR UOLF LINKS Natives of Afghanistan have adopted anew method of pre senting pe’itions to thr Amir They deposit them at night in the holes on their ruler’* golf course at Kabul, in the hope they wUI be discovered when his majesty is putting the next day. Ever if he does hole a long putt to become one up on his Ixud Chumberialn, ho must be robbed of much of his »atisfao Mon if. at the bottom of the tin. he find a request from the ladies of the harem for equal rights and a political franchise. He has or dered that all such petitions are to be burned unread. lilim J£s6mmu battles with peace disturbers at these dances. Lieut. Theodore Wilde pat ruled that beat for several year* when harmu-scaCTim dances were popular in Arbeiter hall, and fights were of bight ly occurrence. He re tails having teen more than one belligerent dancer ejected bodily from the hall, and tossed down the stair* by husky bouncers. Manv labor meeting* were held In Arheiler hall. Os late year* the character of the dances there hat tamed, and the place has lost much of Its ploturesqueness It is said that the German societies in the |$ —On These Summer Days 2 is not so much a question of temperature as of clothing. 3§|| Give the feet—for instance—cool, comfortable footwear fin *££:•: and you are ore very vital step toward solving: the prob . lem of Summer comfort. raJ I vWk Ralstons are pre-eminent 'vVjVt I ly comfortable shoes and mvjl fcS r especially for Summer Let us show them to you? 1 P. J. SCHMIDT’S H 32-34 MICHIGAN AVENUE. ||| amammsmmammm Your Choice of these genuine Tapestry Rockers ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l Spring Construction Seats Just as You See Them Pictured One Dollar Cash They are actually worth s2* WE know positively that these rockers cannot 1* purchased elsewhere for less than $25. In fact, they have a standard valuation of that much through out the entiie country, which means a direct saving to you of not less than $lO. 50 Cents Weekly All Rockers Upholstered in Heavy Quality of Tapestry ■ ■■i —i ———■——■«——————■ ■ ii ■■■ >' ——«a THK scarcity of dyes has greatly affected the cost of tapestry, which makes the offering still more remarkable when we say that all six rockers are up holstered in a very fine, heavy quality tajtestry of guar anteed fast coloring. The Design of the Tapestry is Shown in the Illustration NOT only did the artist portray the outline and the general style of these rockers, hut he.also very carefully illustrated the exact design of the tapestry itself, so that you can get a very good idea of these rockers right from the illustration. • itv now eight in number, propea* $E to unit* in building * n*w. tno4onujfl hull, the Mite for which ho* not yttojT been selected. f 1 \ ( While on the >uHj r rt mt J ■lion Ik era Mr dun't Mill |o rant ii>|i.-r