Newspaper Page Text
'THURSDAY. JULY «, 191«. City News in Brief TVDAV* HAM* (OAIKHIV flchmemana Military band. Merman —W. Hchmsmatt. director. renders tne , follow In* program In Palmer park this afternoon, beginning at 2 SO ami In Clark park In the evening begin ning at »: March. “Port Payton (1*111); Inter nir*»«>, •'Flower J»lrl (Wtarlihi: melodlea from "The !• ire fly** (Prlml); Loveley. Paraphrase (Neavadba). aeleotlon from the *>p*-ra •‘Bohemian Girl" (Bnlfe); overture to “Tannhauscr” (Wagner); valaa. •'Charme d' Amour” (Kendall), gems from “Madame Hherry" (llonhna) Star Bpanglefl Banner. free laaee detectives. Wednesday a |g||, raided a poolroom operated hy Albert Werde. at No. ft EMaa b«th-at. west, and broke up a rrnp game. Pour men were arreated. ConHweaelaa Friday. Myrtle line rare golaa In both dlreotlona will re adme their regular route. Myrtle rare have been operating on Jef feraon-ave., during reconstruction Os track* on Congrea*-*t. east. From Camp Kerrt* romea a plen from the Hoy* of Company H. Thirty first regiment, for reading matter and tobacco The boys sav they are short of money, and that con tributions of magaaire* and smok ing material will be greatly appr-- elated. Members and employea of the real eotafe Ira of (lemons. Knight, Menard & Paul, boarded the steam er Columbia, foot of Batea-st.. on Thuraday morning, and went to a resort near Amherstburg. Ont . for their annual summer outing. With their wlvea, sweethearts anil frlenda thera were about 200 tn the phrty. The hot weather has bee* joyfully welcomed hy the farmers whose crops, garden truck and fruits have taken a wonderful spurt. Cherry trees are loaded and rip*n- Ing fast, aa are currants, raspber ries and other small fruits Hurk laberrlea give promise of a big yield an compared with none at all last year, in Wayne and Oak land counties. Kye, barley, oaf and wheat fields are In tine shape, and the hay crop is de< Jared to be the “largest ever known In these parts.” Clover hay is especially heavy, and large crops have been garnered during the last few days Wblteley*s Military eon cert hand, J. W. Whltely, hand master, will piny the following program. Saturday afternoon. July ft. at C JO o'clock, opening the aeason In Waterworks park: March, “Cradle of Liberty (Albert E. Joy); Russian overti re (Brlcha); "Poppy Time In Old Japan” (Meyer Dalmage); "Flirta tion” (Pteck); Potpourri from “Tha Huguenot*” (Meyerbeer); two step. "Arrah Go On—l'm Gon na Go Back to Oregon” <F (.rant); Intro and waltaes. Espanita (Ro.s --•y); selection from operatta. "Ole Toungfrau von Bellvllle" (Carl Mlllocke); “Humoreske” (Dvorak) patriotic songs of the Bovs tn nine medley. (Laurendcau); “star Bpan-1 ■led Banner." These concerts will * t>e given each Saturday afternoon during July and August. He water la White I-ahe. Oakland ewatr. akeat IB miles beyond Pon tiac, and a favorite summer resort for Detroiters who own many of the oottages there, la said by the "eldest Inhabitant” to be 22tfc inch es higher at the present time than In any previous period In its his tory. The lake is a large one with MVeral good-slsed Islands tn it. and • Ana beach road which last : year was built the entire length of the lake, for the use of motorists, baa been Inundated with water so far this season. Small lake* and ponds on farms throughout that section of the nounty have over flowed their banka and completely covered roads and paths that here tofore have been used for driving and walking. What the Doctor Asked One of the questions the examining physician for life insurance is apt to ask the applicant whose heart is skipping beats or is fluttery is— “Do You U*e Coffee”? The reason coffee is suspected is because the physician knows that the drug, caffeine, in coffee disturbs the nervous system, races the heart, and is responsible be sides for conditions which often become serious. It’s a good thing to stop when one reaches the danger zone. It is better still, to safeguard health and avoid trouble by quitting coffee and using the famous pure food-drink POSTUM t This delightful beverage is made of finest wheat, roasted with a little wholesome molasses, and while it tastes much like mild Java coffee, it contains only the nourishing goodness of the grain—no coffee—no drug— no harmful ingredient whatever. There are two forms of Pistum. The original Postum Cereal must be boiled. Instant Postum —a soluble pow der—is made in the cup with hot water — instantly ! Both forms are equal in flavor, and cost about the same per cup. Thousands of people have found the way to renewed ; health by a change from coffee to Postum. There are no feoffee "questions’' in Postum. "There’s a Reason” PactoriM Postum Cereul Cos., Ltd. Until** Crook. Michigan Canadian Poatum Cereal Cos., Ltd. Wlrdnor, Ontario. I.lrut. William 11. tt»MM. »tho of ficiates as aui-tlunerr al the auiinat liolice sales. *<iy* mi unusual!) argi* amount of v iluclc properl), will be sold thl. The *al* will tak*b place July 1* The Mlrblasn Itnllont (.able fur Jul* la <'<••■! t>lt-1 111 Mint new la on *»*!«• at the newsstand* and .an- ■ > ' trains. A feature of ini* l>*ue i» t )*>■ completeness rectory •»f hotel** bark*. li\erl®9. bus linos and laundcrie*. Mrs. ft; Ms Mn*«tll. of No .H*» I I*- ilrn-nte., souak) to ulil ihr «llke»- tlon of b<-r ri i at rs i>> in. olea*ant to tfo . If• ■ husbanu .Jacob MuMil. • mu ■ tlmi* an ■ Wednesday I ght i I • * * I with a i Is investigating. M*>stll wh** •’* years old. John R. (iepbart. of >#. II M « nn- Isn-lfr.. ns< sUnrlml lute neada near the nt> -< non of Urnt ave and t!.e T'ru !i <1 rmlr '»•’ sc In the f hat ensued h * an-l*- 1 was brok*n. (Jeph.trt believes that th- motive of hi,* atta k* rs «h I robbery. ••I wish the department would re turn to the old • > stem of ha*lne ea*h pie. inct under euperv * n n captain.” said a well-KU* wn I"’* lice officer. “The inspectors p Idea doesn’t work ut well, fellow i* handicapp- 1 sy _ i "t - i lnir orders all th- time Cnder the present arrangemt r.* not", in '. c.< i various stations hardl know where they stand.” Several Detroit dry • penkera will be kept hn«; sum)** Edwin *>lmp*on. | district * f tile Anti- j | Saloon league, and W aiter J. H<>- , shal. dry ram pa go manager w il! , speak at a farm-rs' picnic to lei ! held in XewberiK in the afternoon 1 In th- m* min- Mr Simp*, n will ] ; spesk in the R> ,1 Brick hurch. and I in the evening in th- lir*t Evan-; 1 gel leal church l> M Robins. *<*<•- j retary of the r r*l English school. ‘ will sp»ak .n It a Le*» M lvn in Armada and W illiam M j \Vnrd la scheduled for a talk <r\ , Washington. Thur*dav morning Mr lloshal will speak at a W, ('. T. I 1 gathering in Birmingham. Vanderlip's Broken Toe Costing Street S2O Per Minute BY EXITED PREPS. NEW YORK. July 6.—lt is cost, ing Wall-st. about for every 1 minute Frank A. Yanderllp's big toe . keeps him at home. The toe was fractured when the president of the National City bank took a Jump Into his bathing pool up at Scarborough the other day. Yanderllp was told he would have to stick around home for several days—maybe 10. In the meanwhile, because Vanderlip can't get downtown to give his personal attention to it. all negotiations for the new $100,000,000 French loan are being held up. Figuring six per cent on this sura. Yanderllp's little fracture of the big toe and the io days at home will really be worth about $164.2**) in interest lost. THEATERS "Miss Hamlet a Shakesi*»iirian musical uni* ’> S' R '•ill °f | cellent vaudeville t•> ■ • offered in 1 the Orpheum li*,»t*-r n '> j “Mtss Hamit ' i a -.ugtttg. lalk ■ ing aid dancing ,• >ii.- >. t* on tli* j play ut “Hamlet 'a * o- described ...s both original and Jv.uau »»i*s*. There will b< -;■< *i- • ** uic nnd I costume * fl. <t* ami mo than a 1 dozen people ar* .u ' * com pan). Eschel Ruber’- L> > a*id*-d aurao , ia*n. Mr. Rohftft * Iramalic f *ong.- restne'ed to ■ - u ' '" Use Other acts art Mcft o. ".. ■» and Irving, in Between I*' k* at.; i-i cal skit that iucl .des sif.gmg. talk 'ng and danv ng. '.ht M -« 'n* 1 ’ son. pret'y girls who play tu v and piano, and sing, ar.d Vi r.; ;• and Oa ft re y. sensational >i,r funsters. There will be motion pic ;re*. changed daily, b»'i.*r* and .. er the v r.ideville, the 1 reen i Orpheuiu teing in evidenc* from . to - 30, and 4 to 5 o’clock, in ' •;* afternoon, and from 7 to 7;,v o cloak at night. Lillian Gish, who since her ap pea ran* e in "The Birth of a N» , uon.'‘ has been one of the most popular of motion picture .-tars. i to appear on the Muj*-iic scr»en next week in anew story of tru south, called “An Innocent Magda lene." The play concern- ’he n.;- chief wrought by slandero i- tongn* > in a small town, anvl th* 1 f.u’ that circumstantial evid* nc»' s not a» way* conclusive. Mis* Gish mL prove to be a very charming her, ine. and h* r supponng ( ;<.-• w ;,u ,; includes Sara de Gra.-se and -M >ry Aides, will fully up to 'he M > jestic standard lliili*- I’-urke wnl in seen in Gloria - Romance w;th r new and interesting development- Henry Cantr«y is to provide ■ lar song numbs V-. and 'h* » w.t! a travelogue, a Mutt and J* ff com edy. and the usual pictorial rev.-w of local and national new* even? Saturday afternoon, fun films tor the children will he presented, s'arf ing at 2 o'clock, and followed by the regular performance. Donald Brian, popular .-'ar of nu merous musical comedy successes, will be teen on the Washington screen next week, in ‘ The Smug glers.” The title U suggestive of thrills, and as a matter of fact “The Smugglers" is replete with adven turea, but underneath the drama and romance, there i* a strong vein of laughter, that serve.* to lighten the story which has to do with the innocent smuggling of a valuable string of pearls. Tn keep peac» all around and protect him-*elf. tl * husband gives his wife false pearl-, which fur’her complicate.- makers until it seem- that the tangle hopele**. With Brian will be seen Olive Tell. C’ynl Chadwick and other well known actors. In additi- r to the regular program, there will b<- presented every afternoon, com mencing Monday, a “Twilight Sl* •*; film with a lecture by Mr Rob* r* B. Liggett. At these mat ine* ~t lie* only will b*- admitted. “Beau* and Belles,” an artistic singing, dancing and instrumental novelty, will topline the Miles pro gram next week. In an elaborate setting representing an old colonial mansion a company of -lx will off* r classical and popular Instrumental and vocal selection*, and a series of well executed dance numbers. The inimitable German corned; in Charles A lAtder, and company w ; offer the new- fare" comedy, "Tl- Night Doctor," written for Mr 1 • <l* r by Charles Hor' 1 it 7. Other nun. her* include the Randalls. • hampiun rift** and pistol .-hots of Arisen i 3* hurff an«i Ram-* r, popular -ine i). U. S. /.ads Pay Visit to Michigan '/'mops in Camp h v my nos w oiu.r.TTi: * nrrr*p<’nilrnl Detroit I tin'* ' ORA Y LINO lads front the 1 *»t i’n • school, some of th* nt little more than tofts, who ar*- earnplng at lot lak*\ n**ar Chcboyp .:., for • M week*. gave the .m tion here yesterday afternoo opened th** eyes o? many Mar' 1 from the train to It:*. i I*• It* '1 *r tern, the youngHtera w«r *tr greeted along the route Tin drum and bugle rorp- la one any regiment might w«ll **rv> One of the youngnter ir party wa« Daniel Smith, *on r • Daniel \V Smith. of Lan-lng \ Oen of th** Michigan brigade w ith about a half a r« *ri' cheered the boy: upon tl.« ir v i an»l escorted th* rn with m< • <1 detachment through the camp *• boy a in the par’y w* re \ A <• H. Bingham. (». Black. H <’ :n;c < C, f'oquin. I. Coate**, H (**)!•■ I Doyle, C. Donnell*. D I tow, |< 1 am. F. Dwyer. I Kdward. V I. * man, K. Kverham, V*. (Libert i C,lasts, Ci. fiui«hert. VV. Hickey, It Hlnchman. J Hlnchman, M K* pedy. R. Kllppel. S Larimer. V •’ era. A. McDonald. I) Kelley. K ! Veigh. C. Palmer, .1 Palmer C Ray, W Ray, J Remirk, S Ro r non, Donald Ro**-, Davi-* Ho****. ‘ Schenek. A. Slaernan, D Smith, 1 Sion*man. K St**ry. K Thonia.**. M I’lman, W Walker. .1 Walton If Waterworth and (L Wat. rwortu T ; party wa« In rharr*’ of Major Tru ■ . d«U and nix lieuter.antt* Company of the T 1 irfy fir t | raiment with the departure f->r DETROIT TIMES er- of i!. t Arnold and Florence. • :i*.*t ei)Uilibi'lsti» and hand halanc-r.-. *rtd Burton and Hn»»n, cone and .in *nd par,*di*t- F»>r th* ,-cret i pregntni whuh pr» cede-, th. \ .ml. ' 11- from L "•* » > ;;<» o'cliN-k daily • i*r run ph<>t.« drama*, new com**lt* \nd th*- l esl *■ irr* n» w* * klics w-. 11 W pi a y * i. 1 Ikoug! is Fairbanks, to In- .*• *-n or the .Maj«'*tir -* r* n this w* *-k. .*t-d whose genial, happy persiui dlty i* h an m gaining th*' good w;!! and *-irli ui of an audienc* made hi* -?■ ;r .il cl.-but 14 year ,go. Sine* » iit*■ r -Ik motion piefut* u rk. Fair .(• !.- :.* tn »**o mu h . i* tha; he will con fine hltuself sol* »o that field t**r the n* thr<-« 3in*«* .001 h*' ha - supported • st prumln>-nt s’ars on th* it g s’age. and has be* n a Mar ,r -df Vnder the direction o' , • \ it a ;\. he play •1 in mi* • *-'ul ps*- e* as Th*’ Fit,” "Th M in o! the Hour" and "Th* Gentle from Misalssippi ' More r« c* n’l' he has a* >* . 1 Officer I • *.- "Hawthorn* »>: tin I S. A The New Henrie’tu." and “Th* | Show Shop" H* ha* also appeared nccasionallv in vuudrvil »• with hi*. we!lkn"wn *» ! A Regular Bus .Man H * iat*-t hit in the , 14 r. " a it;* i- b* ing *hown in th* M ije*t.v • - W*-*k. \ r. w -. .- of l'r ad way favor •>. - Ar.r.i V r J Hurry Car roll, w ill ... th. mi ,de\idle bill in ! ’: •T*•; ; n, \- . • - M .-- Whva tor: * i *::■-*'■ w * 11-kr.iv-vn to local • ,i do - -s • r* ♦ -nt \ returned tt» j ro i *ona tn l.on-lor. w 1 r<- h* -.v • - ;• afured in •h* H ■; * -tdr-un*- 1 1 arry <'arroll i a voar.g t r ‘.,i -.* • .* | -ong eomposer «;:<* ,j" r* i f.u- • through th. IH>;u!ir -.'ii-' "There* a Girl in h> H ir 1 **: Maryland,” and "On Trail *>! the Lonesome " Tl; - * end feature of the program w 1! b. Jim- - Cunlin. Lillian Steel* ~n<! Eddie Parks, billed as “Three Littb Pa!* " A singing novelty of th* b '1 * 11 be a male quartet o’ eer tine < ’hin -*. the Chung H w --. Four. Leon Allah. James Ah Chun~. D*n Tin Yaw an*l Leong Hut Kon. Other ac'* n* ted Thomas F. Sw.r ar.-l con.pany. n “Me and Mary." ! a Fra nee ;md Bruce, in The Arsu inert ’ P.*->* Hie ,v M i k El !»• y -:-ter* Ros* r’s Comedy Pets and ‘he Mooreo.-rope Two new urlesqtjes will la *• ,r-<1 lq ’! 'adll’.a theater s-ir.i m* r company n* \t «>***k F7ach will offer p’entv of cn<*d -inginu an! dancing, and new vaudeville act- E Id:- Dl*. Hr my (Vw*{*er and Sa u Carletr-n v tll have th*' leading com dy role*, w 1:.!•> Ada Lum and H*-l* ;; Stanley ar*- the leading women Tb« re .* al-o a chcrus of 2" g: r l*. T v > tiled "Mater M**di< i" ar.d “At Coney Island On** of ->-<■ • ] * *<■■•« will font rib '* *1 b; Harr) Ray an! Mr ,i F* rn. * l*-v --f r ng* - dancer- an 1 piani -'* Tl • ad’ '■ i/’rat ’ion for ’be •••’«■• *.v:!! b* • Ml*; S it- rr-.f r Mir- < t.- •* pcrlng ac* .r. Vhitb «i »vy of pre-y girt* will b< employed “Where Ar'’ Mv Children " con tinues i'* -U' *•« •f il * r.E *:*’!. ‘n* in ?h* l*e*roi; o; era house, aherc i* i i eing -howr. ’v* ral *frue* during the afternoon ar and ev*-ntng *o la-“e a i'llerces. Th* subject i!»''i*r of tp,i- -< r*-(-n play d* al* w ith vital topics and thess* ar r j.r* *< p n• ed force fully ar.d 1 1* vdv T * phn*oe*a : - i inor*- that ordi* * r*Kid. ar.d the plav# rs of • *• b*«’ Tyr r.< Power •> *•!! k“ • t t . **.♦**» *, actor. Ir*- *he r< * .•■I f J.* pr* "' ri' w ,’h 'Jig' ’’ and s o- M* *, 'O but a question of i.our** : *a I 2 1 of which I. w.o do r. | p(l p. rhe iiu of I • r ro .* Nt; known indi\;d *al gav* S.JC*o i* ■. ft'Mi wa*« fr *t»*rr* and from f !.(!.- TANARUS: .- rii f.e> will .1- d.JTtbu <d proper* j. it. at • atliO* ;* the < r.r I j I panl*"*. h. the border i b* and j and w,l i * and for th* pur* • i of Th* V M < A M.vdre *! ■•. -*•» 1( i t. nt in ' « Th ' * !»• re I • •• » •• b • *•• *i*: | 1 » r>. mnei/in* and good .*« r»* jr** K t S' ir; of fJrard !’ p . .it r i tv con par y »h« Detroit r*-t ?:.* -* to | ’ h* order Colville Indian Reservation Cp r n to Settlement luly bto 22 fncle Sam i of ring hi* r Miens :*II Os p' r; unit to g. lO' l l.r tn* in the openin. of this lc< . r ~n in 1 •-*« rn W i ri ' :/•: -atjon point .S' '• V v W||- I bur i** the mil-', direct nr ' logical gateway to th** r* -• r at ion It la mo:. ar *. iii to t! id t~ b* opened t».:•*• . other p...r,* Wilbur It l * ali*o the headquarter *>f ’he I'. R |r«.run.i* ir-.r of I'ut-.i* L.ndx. j! will t *ke plur •• to *poknnp, IWn . Jul-. j 7 l.*»w round ”jp far* a will I,* on 'i!« ’it R*u nii point.* { a- w ell as N».rth Pa* fi* < r, • joints j via th* Northern la< :u Lailway. .Wri*< f*»r r<xi’t' iii:' ■ 1> *e'• *. tan a i and lnforma*ior to I .1 iri* k« r, M.eneral Imnurra* mr< Vg- ', r, Ifi ; Sort he-n I ■•' .1 Rcilwi-. -• |*at||, Mum X K Rvan. I* » I get •Agon*. Room 4??,. Ma • * Phl^., Ilmiroit, >1 h h i'hon* M m ?,?,2 1 Adv : A riii* »ior play * i by a large ur> lirMiH. acccntpanitu" the pictm* .irul viiiU' of tin have the | ;y,l*t. !! a live Os ao:,sa l>> KUtltc M lira! h. * |l«>nst*lle and her exet I I* m t . tn*k oo in pa ry will pr**-** ii Klmer Kclz.nMcln s* thrilling u..d»* tirunu "On Trial." next week, in tl’t Gam* k This* play created a real sun tuition when rir>t niadi v n in New M»rk l>e< au-e of its »,- in. story, and the freah and or i. ' :il manner in which u w.- r• * - ei: <ii I' lias I'eefi s« 'll sev*t.‘l i nii s in lYtrbt and always wit!. : > .lar inter*.*: The current |r< - n'ation of t:.>* farce "Helievt 'l* \ iitipjo” is ent* naming large au • ice> Til* offering is an ideal > for hoi uo.itle r *n*l Miss l'i and her .i" dates ar« 1 lay „ it with the light touch an I ’t »peed whi'h fcii'' of this *>p.’ tl and. if the best results .» r e to !*•' attained Pathfinde-s Enter P-otest rt’e 1' i hflrnler- c’.uh has t;tk* n on * :i "he proposed execution o! S • Kancr t'ascnient. tl;** Irisii pa r a rid has sent a te!- gram es I t't to lTe>id> nt Wilson a? f"i as “Whereas the pi - las ~ ’ our last ine*ti:iK. udYtfc'd *1 w id of the convtc’ion and tV't**’ sto 'ence for treason of Sir K*n: t'.i' t-ient. a* »!. whereas »*> ar< 1 ; :le m<**t emphatp t!> op s. 1 *. a pita! punishment, and r* i--i !it"> to the execution of »is nun »'<> !,as done so much for ill man a • I therefore, bo It resolved, th. the unanimous sentiment of th.> . tha* Sir Roger <'a~<in»ir - r .u • 1 e \t i ut* *i. and !•< it "ur’ to s. iv- and tha* we petition his ex Hog Woodrow Wi -r: * , . x**r Irs utmost influence is a < 11 /. nos the world, and th nr* id* m ,•* r* :IS great free nation *•» pr* >•• h execution: and b»> * furh* r r. - dved that a copy of t *-• r * so " /: <n« b* spread upon *1 > minutes .f *h - organin .on. and a copy t>»* .• • »n hi» excellent*' the Hon. Wi .'J: n« Wilson by telegraph Work force of *h* I'ri'i-h t.avy, and ashore, is over l.omV<' , «»t' inert. Extra Special MANICURING IMPLEMENTS W*th lvo*-y Hard'?*. 25: Value. W le T n <y Last Hot weather ha< fmallv lar.rle*! on us with both font. Are you prepared? Is that Preparedness Medicine Cabinet riled " Are vou “prepii'v i" for v< lr vacation*. We can supply your precautionary needs as well as your outing . , . . Hi your prescriptions filled b>n caving the city at saving of 16%. SPECIALS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY 50c JAVA RICE OQ POWDER JUL Varity Box With Mirror arc Puff I -FREE— Toilet Articles .• II a, f«. *«• I«1 • rr»m, tnlir* nr Jar. II Ml iir.enial si 1 1 \ ( renin 1 • 1 .Me Illnil*. llnnel n:nl 'H' \lmaml » rrxin fjt/t T's Ihrntrlrnl 4 0 l <»lil l mini ■» •'* 7> >la»»aiie ‘HI., I rrnm *JO\. »ntln “kin I W I remit I Oi »- IS- Ki rr*« r* l •» Sir I’nrUlnn *) J «nx' •) <1 Sir l a III* II rile , ')Q„ Him il> r * ' ' ■,i !#■ *>7. 4in (•■innl 111 l OI ' ! IV I Inlet (1 | I'ft lenm • * I Tie lt«»»e A I' •*' 2."» elt rank. 1 (,' I I rt’lirr * rrnm 1 tiC Vie I armen •)( I Hint tier *i*t I 25»* 1 () inlet I ♦ * | "-Tir Vilen*. 11) | I nnleatr ...... 1•* i SSr lleniien". (11 j I nrit Untied) •' 1 | Site OQ >nn *|il *Ji' JV I re< mill*'* 1 (I I'trr I'nttilee 1 «/ 1 SI (2 7. l.latr rlne Hit .Vie ‘>7 I l.terlne I ' 2.V I 7, I lair rlne * 1 1 c BRUNETTE ?Qfl ROUGE A Real Rouge I SOAPS and SUNDRIES |Dr I'hulrlnn'i anil *7 inißnifl'a "nnp •' I lie |*ern»lrle 7„ ». • n i Itle 7f liltrrrlnr • Isle I'nlimillir . “-•a |i . • Ine 1111 l He 7 . 2.“ e I Mtlrnrn 1 0,, • oaft 1 Ot 2V an*| n -"kin O') a.tap ■*Jf 1 .%r Knlffeil M »«k 1/* f Inl b ~ ."t fur I I lie Kn.ltetl Wn.h O*’ I Inf ha. I foe .... AV ' I |INI linker I hl|»., 4(1 tinirleil ruler. * Ti/C lilnn llsmlle (l Print li-e «/' 'PI llalr "(1 llrn h 'nr * j*r anil HV i (I | llnml “rrwb. J• 1 ' * I ~V> aelf-p'llllnit (U I ..1111111111 l*l n* ' p|.Mi llanli III' » . i •' ! I 35c PEROXIDE O 1 I ‘ I COLD CREAM ... Uk C \ > I Rubber Massage Bruah .1 FREE—J G. 0. P. SPLIT ON REVENUE Bill Man;* I’epubiicai > Desert Standpatters On New . Measure /:v r \rr/ /t rr/rs* W \slll\«. I t *N, Jul i" - Three K* in nan tini 1» it of th*' ways .m l in* an conit'iMc* *»> :i; «»• *-«»ri l the *n n*i pa* l« a*'.* rship **f '5 : duo ci s.iKifiaw. am* voted »bu the l»• in i r. ll in favor ui up* Ming lln I ’elm iai i \ i mi*' "ill to the 1.0 «• i\». ~.•■* i • ivop IVtdncy ma >• a ice" . a . in a \ r. e I or *n Hie I:*."* ra .c m. .1 ur.- ji the only R» | ilblii an * < i.lit i« t oen uh'i -mi• vl l ilt won- lin* ily* 1 ti* the x'* i 1 stall!: hi* i*e|is Moore, of nus\ \a a. Hteen of lexa and .*■*' an of n \a. 1 .o-< K* publi e 111 ' Vo: ed With the l’itltO*nitA >* <■, l;* so. Hill *,| i'( nnertirut; I . »or 1: f Oli'o < udn* r. of V . .«< neat'*- KepublUm rank < in . * • ;dit tu !* op* aby the i- o ti * t \*n •• bill Many of i;. t !, m conpiesanten Intend i*i \ i. r ; mi* .■ • ur* 1 1 t heir par* '• . Is*i Jam* 15 Mann. I t a. !*■ a i I '*s in** ' tbH. to tis;h' , ii th* im no-nt it .* ia' h ,ti i;j. toMicMt»'\ unit' th< final : >!l all T. .f v. 11 ;!. •••' a 1.0 • m t.- le: of minority t;. i.iV**rs in tl:- - * es 1a v 1,1. -ri c«l I lie." i*»U *. | # f•• WILL ('ONTINT'E SOLDIERS’ PAY i'H \o) July *•. — tVnJamln ' r o* . ••* but of the Mrisci'*' \t • . : : • ->n. Ja« k-un. Mich. • * i : families of -obi er . n .os o tl • jo factories of the <■ r.i* i a r ■ *o be plai • 1 on the i.i n\'s pay ol! during the guard.'-tn* n’- ••rvic** in Mexico. a ear «* 1 ti* r • -nipb.y s’ tanule s will h< k* n car** <> ’ a’.d Mr Uri-*- .. . ** .ui n* *-tl lia**' ti i worry or. this seer*' during th* .r a y .-« n* e " Ggmßß .X’ in Choice Boxes J* INS' .; S S-00 JOHNSTON S EXTRA- SO.OO A ORDINARY. SI.OO and L JO r\ j ■ N j iNNO- SI,OO JOHNSTON'S $1,044 ViT'-'N SWEETS 1 FRUIT AND CREAMS l— iC iN'.TON 3 SI..V) JOHNSTON S QUIN- SI.OO TREASURE BOX 1— TETTE ASST 1 SATURDAY ONLY - pan If QQ j SUNTI COCOANUT OQ HARD CA* DIES, 'h UuC BUTTERCUPS LiJL DIXIE OA BUTTERSCOTCH .. LUL Wt" cvfry T 1 purchas* at our candy department Saturday we will "ivc a uo11i•' r-f Assorted Fru t Tablets FREE. VE-O-LAY France Toilet Accessories The Purest. Fmeet and Rarc*t I Intel"* Vtnlirr Hi »al (?•) All l*i. •• tire lie III* *?-i”H I Inlet". V mile r Q * AA Hot nl • rente ' I »tl"r V Intel*. tmlior C I 0/1 It •.i | ti tin. i-fi k e u 1 iti'r \ Inlet*. Imt r llihhl Q*» ~/t Inn lie In lilt.- ill I • *e* / \ 1.l \inln r Hn *a I 4*l <IT l.nflnn 4 r«rfiilr V I »<i« *> ’inlet'» V 111 In r lln» a I Q i *Il | 11 tinrn-tie I e. nr *,' I ••It/ V Infr-I*. I’n art re I'ft lie l'nl> iirn 'WC Violet". l!on*|iiet (JO |j|j I nrne.e I's.enee. n« ». Inlet*. Hut nel £*l <)/) I nriti . • Mi lii-l, or •. I »tHr V Intel'. Ilmmilrl I nrnee U'l <l“ I >lll lie 'I nl Jr He Vißikir —■ Vacation Cigars IIKKK'S VOI'K (iOI.DKN OPPORTUNITY To r Jucc our large stock of these extra fine cigars we will make this sacrifice. . La ' nR ) F "^; r,y I NOW 5c Straight •U GJ 4 0 2 I Straight | Box 50 $2.50 KVARTS ) Formerly 5c ,;kn. CKO. w NOW 9 for 25c TAVORA ' Box of 50 $1.25 A full line of Imported and Dcmest c Ctgar« ALL STANDARD 5c CIGARS. 5>2.00 GREEN FUNERAL IS SIMPLE Only Children and One Friend Follow Woman Financier to Crave UK I LOWS FALLS. Vl , July ♦* - Phn body *>f the world’* "richest woman." Mra. Hetty (■ recti, wan bui icd In r* hhortly after iukhi on I'huri'dav. with th** moat simple ceremony. ruder a plain Kt'a'-lo* shift, which is inscribed with only Hie family name, tn* woman flnati cl* r's hotly rt ts beside »h:*.t of her l.ushand. who died it years ng*». Furial was In the family plot beside 1 1 * Immanuel Rplaeopal church \cconip.mied l»y (’ol. K H. R Hr* i'll, Mrs Mreen’s son. Mr. and Mr* 1 M A Wilks, son In law and daughter, nnd Mrs Herbert M Hun cr* 't. a lifeli'iig friend, tlit* body nr rtv**d. an hour late, from New York. The casket was vnrv plain, whre carnations, r* sting on a cover broadcloth. Rev Alfred C Wilson, th* rector, conducte 1 the a*rvic**s \ll Mo a:t**ndants accoinranied ti <* “by shoes alone” battles may bo won or lost —said 1 >r. Kobort Osgood, who has just returned from Kurope. business battles also may dojH'nJ upon the state of your feet. This cool white canvas oxford brings soothing ease for the hot weather- and its damp proof. Try Their Cushioned Comfort Violet*. I ’mill re C*l Aft lie 111/ liriane ... ipliUv V Inlet*. I'emfre f!A lie II * Heal 1 a *JtyC V Inlet". < reme 7^ Mi » . **.o V ini- I*. Ilnnieaii Uil !T/I Ktrnrl J ' 'ire, n* Oin.iH/ V Intel". V Inlrlle fl*»V 7A I'lenrl K..em*e, n« ijni'/'' V Inlet*, ant nil •) * 11nii-• ii >*, i ;ike U »C V Inlet', .ninn Vnt | T I'lriir. Il'Vinnnilen. rake I*ll' V Intel". »iit mi I nlil QT _ Ire im k i IlilSe, rake .. . n«lrC V Intel", \arrelfie fJA Nall I'nll.h HuC fumral procession to the cemetery after the church ceremonies. The reading of the will left by Mr* Green !m expected to take place lute today or early tomorrow, after which It Is to be filed for probate. It Ik reported now (hat xaluahle Belgian paintings have been roll* and in cloth. Inclosed In watertight metal tlilies and sunk In the Scheldt river. The Venus de Milo was hid den t na cellar In Ik’d wh**n the Germans entered Paris. nnoKta kii.i.Kit mu. \n<l it will lutn <>*■ Will any min that it"**!'* •trlnklna it I*• * ,v**u w i,. n.-i rid *>f Mo drink hat'itt I *an hrli* vxu I wa** a vlclin* nf drink v* ** .*’ikiilnt*■ I > sml p**rwiHr»*-ntlv t)\ n*i eft* tlvr, *»• 11 ml* I* home r. nx *1 * . th«- formula anil ri-:ht* 1 (mi- h i and mad. with n iti. ti-ai-h of ,\#i\ lo.n ,ii I>*•!*!* lotrilen**«l w‘* i Iti nt**. of drink It ,*MUe**a nn ‘IN. ur * or r* m iininv w ..\ from wort **, litisim-sa It nil" builds ui* and **tr*-MBth**ita unit t.*n*-H the ■*> •*l.lll It t-**n pi* tel > 1 emoves hll n nvliai, *t -• sir* or t m **,«• f- i or need f«*r «tlmu l,nf -I of If ' I- ’ fid VII .it* .»tl 011 * |>*> • mill it on,- eliminated. No mit t«t wh. ltx'i yoll im i peit.Ktl* tl. mod. tilt* 1 or i ■ a iioiul dnn.»<-r .*r h'tofu il drunkard I < -*n >'.* >Oll If >. ii have ,i friend who dunks write rue No on* who appeals to me \* It lr .> rl.okxt >r n ,f le. i••«! All e.>r respondse.*. .-mifld.-nt• *1 ! can refer vou to hitf'dr•'.l sos people i » r t t in ,'hl. . ... If \ u h >n. tl> and sire t.. i.»- foi'Ver fr*-e from i to - < nr** *>f drink here < an i»iu ort unit v vou -tioidd m ' ••> .< to 'k \ 'dre« , «i Ki.* t * ■«> - nth 1.. I rlioi n -t . i’u - • Wo, 111 -Ad V Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes 272 Woodward Ave. ,T f* Smith To avoid itnl- Sloe Ho.. M.ik- tatnfi -ok for ers of Men's t*;< name of Shoes. th. maker Extra Special STATIONERY 48 Sheet* Paper, 48 Envelope* -"• übo, u bo, 49c 1 Box FREE Special Si/e Can Cash mere Bouquet Talcum Medium Sire Cake Cashmere Bouquet Soap FREE VACATION SPECIALS •*,ssrr .S2.‘»B B.'l I **iirl.l." <1 Oil laaM 9 1*09 "KJ? $1.48 tl" /•(! 1 a.r. tKFC f.'l I hi-rniu. (j*i) iO llulil-. I’m‘tO 92 Ml Tkerinn. u | /ig llnllle. V I n/U 92 I her inn. L* 1 |g llnllle. ' •T'l.'lO SI Ml 't'hermn. (IQ llnllle. I*o. “learn. Kmeraenrt J* | e a I aae . . . . OliilU 1.1n.. Tnnlh Q llrn.h llnliler iff . I .ftfl “hnvlna (IQ 1 llrir.he. tin ra.e * «fOC D&IM Jl^asascar TAAOI MINlt Meritot Corn Remedy, or Guaranteed «DC 1 Pkg. Cntocide Comp. FREE Household Remedies J in. K.«enrr *| (k nep.ln lUC ' >l'.,.'. lOe .'I ns. VrnmaHr Ol 1 a.r a ra u If t»i| Hinkle". | a < H.ea rn I nmp J "if I ini R-lirsln I /• Miami Table*. 10' IINI TV-I.rain J /» (a.rara Tablet. 1O? 1 »h. I'panm Q sail. or Inn I'hemilnt 7ft Wafer. |JfC 2V hut s.ltiiH. | y I'nttiler. lOf 2 line. V «|ilrln i»p Titlilel.. .V iirnln i>i)r Bathing Caps VII Ihe late.l /jZ • *»\ ile .Ik n.. • A •»-**• cq • nine. o«/i • j 59 (. 39 p dSix WVr amt SVin ~Y ' \ value. I iJC I \ • ii in— Melba Skin Clranser CA or Fflce Cream . .. jUC 15c Can Corylopsis Talcum FREE PAGE 10