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PAGE 2 J.W.STUEY BETS 818 PROMOTION Becomes Senior Vice- President of Peoples State Bank WELL EQUIPPED FOR NEW PLACE Stands High in Finan cial Circles Thruout Whole Country Following nearly 25 years *erv !«•»* In executive banknig capacities John W Staley. vice-president of the First and Old Itetrolt National bark. Tuesday noon ana elected a dir*' lor and w**nior vice president of th* I’tople' Stale hank. U» luorrcd K S. Mason, vice-president. who r*' tires on an annuity Ml Ma-on i.** the oldest hanker in i*-troit. and jrohnbly the oldest in the state. Th* deaths of George H Russel and George E. laiwson. former pn*s tdenta. within a short period, created a vacancy on the executive staff of the Peoples State bank that h*< not been entirely filled. Appre ciating also, the tendency o* close* relation- between state hanks and the federal system, director- of t bunk deemed it desirable to obtain the services of a banker who would he fully conversant with the opera tion* of tb** federal hanking law. Probably no banker in Detroit ha rt wider acquaintance among the in fiucntlal men of the countn than Mr. Staley. The acquaintance ex tends to financial circles in the ea.-t and thruout the middle west state as well as Michigan Mr. Staley «u a protege n: th* Lite John T. Sha». president of the ITrat National hank, which later at sorbed the Old Detroit. Mr. Shaw enjoyed, as a national figure, a rare prestige ibruout the ooun’.ry. and Mr. Staley profited immeasurably by this acquaintance. * Mr. Staley was bore in Danville Pa., of Quaker stock, but he ha hved the greater part of his lite i' Michigan. He entered Albion eoilegr In tBBB and graduated in 1 wit! the degree of A. B One month laVr he entered the First National bank as assistant receiving teller. Aite k filling various position* ha whs a i> assistant cashier in IJOt and In 1&12 he was elected view-pro id'-rt, an office which be ha* heh: since. Mr Staley has been active in the ufiairs f>f the i**iroi' Bankers.’ club, end lias be-n one of it# nio«t ener getic offi' irs The club, of which he has* been -ecr-Larv and treasurer mik-c lIMJA, ha# probably don* mor*’ TO promote n cordial relationship anions I art roit bunker# than an;. <nl • single. factor. lu addition to handling 1»»- guance* of the Children a FT*** im* pita), Mr. Staley ha* tak*n an .. live personal Interest in i<* • har itnld* work, and ha* don** mucn u> promote ii as on# of Deiroit* 1* a«i -Ins charitable institution' Mr. Staley la a diractor and .«■*•■ »r nt*- laclurins company, and o i • American Wood Rim coi'M-an v, both located in Onaway. i In* >lr. Shaw at th*- tiro*- <» the latter’s death in 1911. He * *■* *! ■ secretary of the reserve ettj f>.>nk era last yea*-. He i« a member ot *be University club. Country club I troll Athletic club, and is mi tn* board of governors and secretary of the Bloomfield Hills Countr* dub Mr. Staley was married in IM7 t Harriet E. Bewick, daughter of th* late Charier Bewick Th«y have on# child and live in Groans I'oirr* Kmory W Clark, president of th* Firat and Old Detroit National hank said Tuesday regarding Mr Stale\ » resignation: “Mr. Htaley leaves us with th* good will and best wishes of ever one connected with the bank “His aenrlces here, over a peril C of upward* of 25 yeara. h.o •• be* n In every way to hla credit, and h consideration of other* has been i ' that you could expert from th* a* t ttcmnn that Mr. Btal«y la. “Ilia going la. of courae, a los- t ottr organiiallon. However, it l» th* losing of the personal daily comae with a good friend that w« a,l fe* Ihc moat “When Mr. Keen*, president *>i the People* State call* upon me and explalnQlSjfiat th* wished to offer Mr. Staley a post tlon of an advanced vice presldenr with that Institution, carrying will ft g membership on the bonrd and n likelihood of his succeeding to th* presidency, we promptly ioog the position that as friends of Mr. W you MAD A NECK LOMO as t mia set low. HI AND MAD JfSORE THROAT sTSI'- KiITINSIUNE ymifr-u Rtitwir Well-Known Banker lakes Climb I pwaid i b. nm WmMW JOHN W STALEV. He has }u*? been appointed -*ninr vice-president of the People* State Tank H** i- one of De’roit - b*-t --known back * xc Lithe-. Staley it uppermo** *n our minds to wi.-h him Godspeed sr I the «uccca* that no doubt awaits him beouu- of his qualification* and the man ihi' h* - Regarding the -«*!• ■ ion o’ M Stab v for vice-president >f The !'***>- pi*— Stat* ank and th* retire :uery of Mr Mason. James T. Ktvt. ■ pre-idont. aiu •*\V* are sorry to los* an a* *•<: • of such kindly and conservative tern per anient, and -o ripe ;r. experi* tv • n» Mr. Mason, hut, fortunately he will not ®ep.'trace ertrinh from ht* c’d field of dutte- f> r h will continne his present ennhoc* n nun :f> -»ii(v »- a dir«- ior al*>« a- a direr >r o! fD* t-a branch, and will maintain a d**>. ir, th* pank where h:s old friend* find him • Hi.- banking « tpenence ts .: back »o is-'k, *l.* n * w«* c". ■ cd »i r n the * and M:< h ir.- • in* -- bank. From th* ank be wen. the- Firs: National m Is* \ a fir. : teller, and upon L * rgarijati.vq .t the Sta’* Saving- bank ui !--> ..*■ accepted the position ci cashier Upon th* m-*rg< : -i the St-r- Shfi ■ ii.g? ban .:v ? • l*e >. S■. < rig bank into the pre-en* Peoples Sts - bank, he became vice pre.-dv at. and ha# con tin >d in .that positna until his resignation t***lav. “W* rv?nfil Mr j?;Alev !£*)>: eminently qualified for ir- nm k .j -ttion, and taken in connection - 1. I his general popularity and baukteg • xprri*.ne«* h»- -Lout. *;*• a very vu. uable acquhJtkm o the official sr.ff o( ill** lektiajk* i siTi\ tg sirt « .* con I section ot Mr. Stall y with thi# - - u.k -very i trte dl> r-t.iti r.- w* - ‘ 'wet-n the Flr-t in 1 O’d fV : ror \u- I tional and the People- State -nJ | sll of their officers ‘Robert \V. Sa. Ii will became director ar.d ic-president »f the I Lank, and his i<>ng a. 4 faith' ll j ice quaiiL* s* .m .or ts*• r* js.-.'i Mr Smvlm hs- km for nuac *r C .• 1 ih> r.'.i a..d i. * <j • •• .a•- f teaslv** in;* rn tt!*>;;.(i b: nt-iag ♦v- I ....j-j, ri ( j, -t rtj ..] **j. > round of th* bank ft Dm -li \o- h Am-r i tea srid continued with fha» i-.-*nk i'i I Mont mi! tin’*: i'T vh* n*v y ttied I the Canadian ‘’.«r.k of t o imer * ir. { -'he -esvt* • ■’ whn.h J*- p scheu • ; n] i Fri- t.o. n and S rg iwi'Utt: 1 ~ " - :— : — I iftatlrution* of u- k;n«l n * !.* j re*ustiins Ir tv< r. v. i»> < [ ''ept a pt-ition «i»h ;h»- A4 F--*>•**- msp hafiti fp** ii tp« »«ik*’ • t ■ ! bank h« contlaued in ht* pn-sition !of rr*«li ; rr»..-'ag* r. "M • r#«r* * a! ■> 'h* r* ■ijm-*'.iurt or '•hark- • W Na-L ?: m Ml I dard • dlrv'tor-. v hi* b a*'ir n s founu n»*-e#-arv o*ving to the *#*•• ta 1 .> ret ently moved hi* farnil.- und all hi- bu-lnss- #C’ivi*if , t*-( K n . 1 'Vi* vi* he-* -ifx-i rx nut.'ifir-. tion for a go* and director *nd d'l-'n r. bis shor* p*-r od of «#rvice mad* a most ‘avorahj* lmprs4»jor ’ A'.D. BIRNETT SERIOUSLY ILL F.dv.prd ll.’imett, aid* : Tna;i (r* th* ThirT wiid. who i:< < ->n"ir and » his horn*' with nn a thick M I.* tr trouble irid who*** cond.tion r* garded as serloo*. was r ;> r**■- 1! .Wednesday morning a* b* ir.* mucl Improved, and hop* i* h« id out L<; hla physician* for his ultimate re overjr, tho it Will tie cot. *id era • lime before h» will be aide to r* iUtne hi** business Flower* v*r« pla* *’d in hi* vacant chair in 'h council meeting 'lu*-d«*\ nght. * first m-etinr of the n* w year. and th** flrM r*r* in a Inni: "m*- tha I the picturesque alderman bn. n<»' attended Ho fellow < oun* tin * r |u»H*,-*d a resolution of sympathv *-v pressing the wish Hi,*' Aid. Barn*! would soon be restored to h * *ith Nieboer Named Cb'ef Deouty. J**hn <' \l<*. ! .. !■ : *> county treasury' ofTU * h:- b« * . appointed <hl**l d* nun *i»erid h> Sheriff ltd ward 1 s*. n N»*bv*“ * ill i • niall i W Ver#**uv ac*in. count* »*>,. tirer, leaves that office June * v*, gouw, who was *fcin’s chief d*pti*» ia,the courtv treasurers off. t will I then become chl* f depute -herifi ALDERMEN SHOWERED WITH GIFTS << on iln *»«*•< iron* !•**» «»•»* . uew roll by Uny Uierk Un 1-ay. isn r i 1 the advent of 13 n**w aldermen knt'Sg T#i*e* Chair. Solemn! *.»< ! alde.'-n • n Intan* »! J •’Maurice J K<.* *n<" when *h« roll |wa railed tor election *»•' a u* w i pre-id* rs ’ A i Kt'Htlng w.* the [ escort * and ! o tb* chair by Aid \U.vj I and Burt«>n I Aldenuen tti*“n with varies! ;*•-; I eelctesJ Aid Hindis pre*id**nt pro *»m Answers ’o the roll call were | all th*- w*> friiu' William Hatdi*l Clarence Hindie to Air Hindi* •1* mighty gossl of you boy but >pu co*- roe too many mini*-- w a.- the ,-u know lodgin' n’. To aev the#* and syi her (eretnon #-,,** . * ,*-.- .* • rvw si ;; * I filial th- .;..uiber to capac.ty Th-.. earn* «o rapidly ansi eagerly th,*- | Car " V ' - *n H• k- who wa- at th* 1 porta! Had in hi- regimentals of ! b!u» anil white, had hi- troubl*■*• n I admitting them all. I It was i corgeoc.# -ight that roe’ j th** aan* oi th*-*' v - tor- ih | I chamber wa- like th** hanging gnr ; I d* nos » Ltng There werv sr*'a T ;i-#et- and wreath* of flower- on j every desk and the president .* plat | form wa* ’ tvsw-r of fragrance th. ** j o*n • tb-*! nr* Dob” Ruu*r an 1 j then tiijch -n > i*-r Maurice Keatinv The old nor- wer«» agreed thw ;• v - ■ f.• hi--*-- gathering evt*' ! ocMisionevl by .» new council ***** j *!on A* n .*n*- wtitio-n as ntrn .a 1 tendeai to tm tbeir husband* Step on the threshold of politics or pass i Intsv ot'livi n u* the case might b»- j G* # t« A-e Num»*xui A f* at ure » ,*- s gift giving period 1 in L*- proceedings Richard W JH» dm# busin** - manager of The ! V-rof Time*, was given the floor! and cal!-*d forward Ralph G Miltei*. j n-w Fourteenth ward alderman. Mr ; 1 Reading told the new soion his M- > I : ow-citiien* fn the Fourteenth had 1 n r.g- ansi ware*** *o r":v- a «oa- . ejete expression of *he:r r*-*?s,r*!. Then M- Rr-n j;rr placed an i al»rm clock in the fa a- of M: ! >!.tter, and *he th sfraijewav : j wth ». t Mitt* r ". liitte tint** "o c* 1 *«-d " for f.■ wa# bidden to ran* around and ! I Thi# was th* real gif’, and the n*v. ! n *i jcno^ l * i **i' .■ | 1 • ‘ V *# 1 1 r oc- of tu* T+M JoK( Ci • ' who wa# \’<J I * xi. I t * th** n#w ’h ? F r.■* f [ • •*]f *« ark *i r .f- * [ .itr# rittiijr our r w r »\ •Mr H.-memaa. and tberaupon h* . bar shed ov»r a told w.- vh to AM ' Holden. . I> *.:}a*! 'n r+* ' V . }!• r | man borrowed in w a»ch and h-«is :*.* I earn* in and I was j - ■. • * . . j Fresiden: K*»*inc .c *h form <*f Ia wa’ h. a pr--*!,* from ’h* ex it. I cl’ fVP predated by \ 1 AlUn. .nd K»ating * id th* *_i:k *ll nst of > r:. t-.t h» *i \t9 u:d b* on * ;rp. *. ■ ry 'Doaduy uizh* f'* r h* r.ex» »«;* veiij:* An iropr* -*i v p:,.r : 'he pr»> f v ft' m "■ n ** ii flf Holden H>n n fia** ?of thv ,r uy ' to g#** bi# BCnuai . A ? r»- • . JQiyOf fflf*r*f (1, * ttlkiQK f* •*» d*e*p ( J f hr>f f ) fti r * hpi.'fia** ras „ it r A * m J • «. »vr*-meeaae Aid K**HtiS£ 4*hro m ‘ pf il# Ms f. P»a- <* f $ *f'.q ff. f♦ * - .* i r * •• • ... ~ \ rr r Pfifi ’ «»■— Rtnk <**i i’s«, iVenjsll. j Wt.»*n. t it, u *;* Hrr tn. b»r, ’r*kl! ■'i'-Tk, arm • vur*>.’ \l >r ■ H*-.* * .1 , M irnftl. ’ *'. / “ * v ‘ , * n I L >j»|Df *rn 1 11’ *f. (.tH 2A rW l#?. hijfe 1 ' Il ' } “ AU ' : - "' Only One 1«*OMO QU'NiNf’ To ge* th*- .line *- ,!l fn*- fijll name LAXATIVL ilttOMO Q’ I.MST for aignatur' r*f f; w fJROVF Cur** a Cold In One I>a> 2’a —Ad - . DETROIT TIMES SAYS OH NA IS FRIENDLY Km pi re Need*. Our Money and Our Trade. Says Iteration \ttache in Talk Here ■ Th*- I’mted States never b.a.l .. • opiH*rt unity to »xtend it j foreign than it n**w lia- »u i' . ' and« i <d Jukun Herbert \ I :i<dv.l. \me ncan com in* rviai «ttH»'he oor*-.ii!c(l to the legation of Pekin ed tie **iitb.v**sy of Tokyo, who a*l dr*--d a large g-ath.-ring *u IVtrou r# ir ih<* Ivtroit ftoai'i ot -*rcc Tui'm »y noon "( hies go bunk* r* made a move in j he r:cht dir* lion when they ad •an i if.*- Ch nes» s’■$ ’■ .000.000 cap •* 1 T.jd*- follow -a loan, always, h ' r.:* n* • *5- money to develop her ;ur* s aid n irixid- She wuott 1 j V' « r:* >n capital*, uuu with h judi ! ■H»-is ppUcation of this capital in j i . • e t ropir* t Me- r* will he nt i • * \t* r. n Arm ri»- tn j "ade Th - b:ne-e nr* friendly to th' j I nroi St.V'-- SYie wants to do: ■ i-tn* -- h : .t *he cannot do it ’ long distune* Xmencan# roust i'** in organisation in t’hina u» , repr*-sent them. The t hme-** ar* lot m ustoroed to doing bus in e-- ny other way. Other nations have j ran - «c'ed otYi*-'r bu-iu*-s ;n t’h.n • I ty foreign orc iniratior..- !’. (.her ! Vme’ican *‘xp**ner- sho’K.d estahimh * force <jf i- own or obtain re pro •i? tl= r thru -oir.e other American J •■< tin- n--e*is and wants American materials for building and recor . st ruction.** SEVERAL BANKS ADD DIRECTORS (harder 'Are Made in the Vnnual Flection of Officers A I ank# added n< v director '.ange- ::i * -ir vie* pr* sid *n‘.# and .. .* ..-Liers in the an rtuai election? held osr the stock 1 W.- ’• r • XkholaoQ SUC ecd# i • ’ - -*.t I *r>-Ton Nationa vj- • p- - -i*l**r' T to i'eopie «*. who -O* -* c A '->w " b Jr. was el-.v* ; a vice pro irtving 'hat h-.nk i-m v.* -*prcri i In a-m* *• v n the pr*-vi«ior of **■«. c *r*n sc* p„»-.' p Vn >- De’roit ard the Highland F S' ,r I.«nk or IlKh.und Dark H* roMined liar <*■> .*■ * rcr h.-.a« .* •" I THft h<Ngfffi’A •-<**’%**.♦ Os tF| f ••-?•** *d" r :, f • -*• ►', *f • r s y, 4t rj r>f. *•« t r ot tti+ F'iT«l Motor * ;i>-*.)> * ;*ov f *n< A K - * Mfth <i ’ft f r..’ n* ■ |»u .> I* r n-zr,!.# \*i * fcij* r x hi- former dr* "tor AD *n M M.«i *■»..•>,’ *r the Ps»*jcard Mo»rr company .:r*l .*•( **trh mad* Hire*to.'* of »hi '■ ♦ bourne R g-*o.i*» reside a*. rYiai*l»>.s O Bail h a.* trtade v • ■ «n. r.g -part Will S' ' ! vi '<r*«irv *r:d trees if* 1 - of ’h> w ;..w r A Com* . * •:>'. rerl *•*.’, •> d***J'*r*. wn- rfdd“* y ■ •o the (,o;,rd ot ih» F>*iei»! EJta'e i l ank. -■.!*’ ••. imir <*hn L enior of i .In V son. ...... k a 'l*.;mii *~* r. n>«c**r for }’a k“, Davis & C*»Tnp~r.y *u* \ 1 » direct•• r of th*- l'eo; i*ur!'r d* <>•*.. y v* ndertt of b-incbe- a ' n*v,- and ri ,r* <*n* r- t: i-e n* R’.rr * !h.-* ; w •!• W *l* * ■ and ;i dr* I*>r *»f •.'t'-'d t' *.i *r,■. f r . , ..r. I '* * .■ te » y .1 Iv K r rn 4nd 1,. K 1 - •-*.* r w* r* «ho * n to ?■ I teo "• th** i« a ». i> ft .* **alfh s v n? b nk thru th *. m-* «-r* of v \ K j;* • r Frok If: R irhman f*nd F* B Wtikh. • . vr« n'o S ; i»h a .*!*•« K-tj , - :,*.i-. *ant f;rh>: * f th** <’entr*» h-avin< bank H* b * »■ *• with •he hank m*ir* than 'hr** year*, be branches Jo * ;.h A R*. i&nger, John W. ! D-. r**! f'hari* »• ' .* r i<*. were ! m*d< dlr*-*ti *.f ih*- Amerl'sn (State bank, .nd H V Maue; was j * j <t< U man ,;vr *»f he» liilx rliitixr li.» Ksetnin*.* I. It W III*, *s|.‘.l*lol *. ,lh* autlltnr 1 .: * . # * * # \" a ;,v K * A r.,e/f« I rn t r »M| • - • -lit • -*l •• A jin •lift'* I % Nil /i |r I* « obßmfß hi* hy it * ©fit, ffp |a *h« i i-. t e * i A l> WILSON COOL TO SUFFRAGISTS ,»n l>o No More Kor fhem Phan He Has Already Achieved BY ROBT. J. BENDER \V \SHIMSTON Jan B> Express in„ rt i that "m> many .xrd**n! * in tli* >iiffrag*‘ movement | failed in ih* UM rlecil ’» to gppre | . ut*' thm tli«' Imiuvniu' part> whs i..ore inclin'd than ih*' U>n to • ,ip iht-lr r*UM‘. I‘i> sflmi \\ iNon i Tub'll*) rtfiernoon infortt **d neveral hundred ttufTnucrUr' he I* not In a i ;h>» ■ hi to do more than he bat* done ! in ih* tr behalf. Presided Wilson »losed his rv marks b> .saving "woman suffrage i' h .au.'t' in *h eh ! pcrsocAlly be j In vc.” The president today cut down on [i h« oratory planned by ;ho suf fi.uieltes Just before th**y assembled for their memorial service in the «ast room if the'White House for me; Milbollind this aft > moon When the president loam **.. there w->re to be three or four ■-rtkers and a* many hundred s*uf frag e workers in Lh** delta it ton be .nt work to the (\>ng:ea«tonal l nion that there would be only one tpeech Memorial resolutions were pre i n?*-d to the p-eaident. SENATE PASSES .. SHEPPARD BILL Measure To Make Capital Dr> Mill Now Go To Hou>c WASHINGTON. Jan 10—The Sheppard ptohibiuon bill to make the nation s capital dry after Nov I next parsed the senate late this aiternoon by a vote of to 32 Ur. ler the term'* of the measure ;i inculcating liquors of urD kind ui *e brought into the District of h.imiii.i nctp» by individual* for • .r rer> >n J • < *e. ?n 1 tor medlctn- The bill c •*-.» to the hoM-**. where i* t« etd to pass The <nv it is • •'*%« i, will rign it if it ,;«t up in hiiu PROG 11 ESS IS KEYNOTE OF MESS A G E <renti «and r«(r On*i _lltv ’h*> tro’ - n]e Pi 'he b did nn d>- ..**i i w ,r«en fr->m x bad sys tem rat'-er *h,in per«rr.a! ***urt C' r* i- .-arefu* *"*iMon tr ! * cnrt’.pl**r revision of lh*- rod* f’ndu* -' fe In submitting in <•'her pro >*• 'ion for a n**!i** T»I • l l«r would endanger this needed irr.provt n# n' ;»rc n! nir to th r aynr T > < ir ••-■d mature d*'’ib*‘ri » n *n? anproral for the span •* hirh h - me ir» -aid. should fc* j- ded a• v- ** :;'«blo .ippf •'1 n fle at ei’her *nd Highland pa.k is or.e and th*- am** community a- Detroit. and It citizen# should not be allowed *.» -hir*v 'h-ir r»--p' nsibility in *Ol vine th* »v * problems and helping iv t.i advancement. »»'-d the eaet’jtlTe in advocating annexation a* »ho .'ago af 'he time possible There in a tfererai demand for • ili*-r eminci! and th*> p* o*. il* b- ■ ‘r. 1 ds.ino- *o , , n t-n a rounu-il at-largo or reduc t.-.r of sard reprejtenfation troni ••*0 aldermen to one, the mayor d* dare I P»* urred *epsrafe e|e. •ions 4 0 that municipal Issues ntlghi no’ t>* • iouded and fha' *!i» rro »h‘n**ry of ei'-<-*inn* rrik*" h* mad* -inri.'ler More Power F<*r Vote Board Tl‘ *« 4 d that the rJr-Tnjr , r: in r**urr,- no' -~ w od » and nefhrienry }>' t rrnd»T* and rornjj »*on more p-ob'rhle Me oryed tha th»- ejr rt|r»n r-omml«elon ’•* give*. r«v* e* to r-o-re/ * <h|i condition Me »p Ue «f movenm' for th*- rr< f but d:d not n<irr«» Jt ••p»rn-neilv f t>r''« ve the n* *f-n»l Übe' i » but little if any. nfti''nce on nrlrt'iion *of ir>un , cio;il •J ej it* b- < >t*«e n f •»!#* tn''-o m> n p#’ in • i< h the pr-»« and «p« ti< p»>«. nt th»- i• *t j *-« raid Major M rx Orrf n»n'e- ahotlld he rodlded a r ( d <h» m ’e** r-rr * e'lm rttH that •rp" ft nt nod rtu* 1 1r it <>n* l»*■ wr * r*fj •« <1 tt» mr rb *fje'r r* v i* n *he i may r dmratrd th <♦.. thl* he rlor»- Iby at* ry i_ ;' n l»v an I other menu l« rue" t,era« r>»*. nnd ! nrred airmen to initiate p-orr»*.»- • IV** rhs* »er ehen*e> wt*hnu* fOTf in» the peon!« to tjo thia by in |t'at-rr pet*tbina. "Pr'>rre««i\e U-aialxtlon ahotiid not onlv l»e f .ater*-<1 btjt Intt'ated by publle offlr.Hln. ■'* declared the mayor l'nlea f . rtepv are taken imtnedt atelv to H»p«rate tr »dn- a* rror*- inrr, the rifj- will be rh»rr«| with reeponaibtWf y for future rni«hap -aid • li*» mayor who ulmitted tha rrad* Vfpartition won- hn> not be»,p I earned on eaflafar’ortly *o far brg»% Night Court \ The mavor ud’orared A ntrh< jtOMrf that roanr pri«r.n'r nrt iaa-1 tof onl’ minor oTenae* miaht r i turn to ’heir home* without navjna 'to remain at pollee headquarter j over nl*h ; 'Him J»mr- Cou«»n* rend* tn bn 1.000 New 1917 Lingerie Waists In the* Jar.uarv Suite at * 2M and *3 J° InWividunl styles in Voile, Linen and H.ttist**. Mhii> tinjqu* f**;»tur**s in ih< n«*w collars «nd cuffs ILitnl • tnbroluered L*< *- trlnmtetl and many wit li tun tucks, iieniclilchinK or diawtiwork New Striped Linen Waists, .55.9,’, Sti.l Farther R.duclions in High Grade Winter Coals „ Q.OO „ SQQ.OO Values Which Must I>e Seen To Be Appreciated Women’s and Misses’ tailored and fur trimmed coats in Velour Cloth. Hroudcloth, Silk Plush. Zibelines and wonderful mix tures. in staple and prevailing favored colors; silk lined throughout: fashionable, flare models—eemi-fitted, loose, belted or semi-fcelted. VII si/es, includini: stouts. A Surpassing Sale of FI RS, I nnieasured Values \ estimates calling for a larger i lice force, th*- mayor urged th 1* aldermen think of the holdups and crimes, that have happened in 'h> city and approve the jdan for an in ■, cre«*e 'n the fore* The nia>o said an increase Ln crime na' ural in a city so prosperous »n 1 growing hs Detroit Mayor Marx recalled how th*- • trem- h« at of last cummer pr -'* present pubitc bathing faciiltWc 1:' tdequate and urged that the ; ir.< • omrrt*sinner be given suffle -it fundi to make entargo ( Following are th*- parte of th* ; mayor’s address pertaining to th*- , - bw,i> proJ*«t and other big im ; ji-tn -m* n's ~ (h** -*r>r»tr'i!*tton of * * b-v »v »% *f *rr to pr-*v|*le f«*r *he I ** •*. 1 -*r-f f alt ’# - , - t.* t tr nsporf ,t; ,r» Wo .. ■ 1r i t- <* the c p-n*t*-ir t»rne juir* J of ir. i o > 'he to he ,r t* -r »tr t » i th» w.*ul< r* • art’-* *■ t V ’ a I dirortion * of th.e and h * trim frr <*« »»■ » ' «* * K <j and t **t -a - * Third that •* I'ratirfae# line the -r r J « » far I*w r •h ’ t In g * . tb» **nvt» e r-■ jt /’■ ’■> «- • v » > "ike ’r ff w .vst• 1 il 4'*> 1 * 1 . *< 1 - t* K<> ; irt’ y 'hat * *» ***■ | rtf '-rids and fte -- t ■ • »' ** , • -its ay »>•'.* m uld -on m » v * •■-« ' v •sr « l' f* ** • thl* >,et a«■ »n f h** ' y an * * f • * ' Rsi'wsv w >utd In a” J k—We h od - result t tat s H subw *' ' r c- 11 >t I < n t r 'J ‘e •!* and n *1 • triffti- survey a h- r*- ' *1 »h-- r ■ ** nt a in die'ri-t - e .-r ’ .ndir.g the • it " Siihway iml) solution In »ril* *'f th* « he* « ■ * h'l- er I f.U I We tie-, e ths* • - IT ■ r 1 r - f-i 11 ht tO * . -,r,erru tior. .»fa •’> -r • i> .'Hurt-, system. It Would *-m * th*>. anv oth* : a t* mpt at «>’ »*« the | ’ i«ti*|"M •’ 1 *1 pftj!*ilefj I 1* , *, n*. *h..-i . f * ik li ' 1 • ' * , it h- a ■*.et 1 y and * *. f*< .It -t ■* Detroit >*w*a It to its i-r*«er,t »n-l f ill.l. resident eto *.TI . ••hsihT* : «»>d p* r*i a-• n*;»- th- trans ortat n i>i whi . In th.* a- in e try it r | 1 . .. .t. t 1 ‘ .i.i.l , . ing>r»ui'» of it * »er\snl* 1 . ntly' t *>r»* 'ha* * tr | * nor*' le *' di onfer in.rned *teiy 1 vi*h *he lioard of *trr*i j ~ •*' in**i •* It • w 1 t in in :* Ih, n- e ~. • .1.f,. t*. t r vi-Je a .j* •a, • vat t n f.>r Detroit V nr • -r* ml > v, le tho *>ly mtt-s* wk.ttr the • < figrstion on o»ir ir-n* i*l a-.en.jes and arterlee. s e I - - *rv f reitevtna thl* «- * « •* *r ’ j rt 1 the » '•*o a f •— f' a. ti •tr*e'a m the downtown *1 *’*' *■ ‘ ■ | > ■ >t > u Ho a r ■ t f* *r <• tn ■ \ »Mm *'d»-*sik» the remo at of 'eetaif, par a ways arid th- nstt.-tion of • i*' ant n**? a'l'i no th sr.J h 1 • . '» -« r-.e*- #tr< ■*■ r. •S**t •«*< I » -i »t r u t n *if f 11. r v j r*'s p-ira ! I to •- j- ■ fret* a- I'efferson end VToortw-ird 4 «e as well a* one extending from th* »<*•' ■r f 1 *-»tr*mltV Os the r|ty e;ro> Wo*>dward• av» a» a r n* >n -e th t<'js’n***e 1" t' - t I* a'eo advl\*ahle. Ilnl'dlnx tod' Fisllr. DlaiaU-IKLUia w h ’ on * jet *-f the WutHt M t nn-' for >n ' * t-* -' Th 'Critl rl- >1 It ‘.ft no **r .. l* t e . flon «.n th* »> • m ««j..n* * fT;s lave *rl’*-n t h«»r | Hfi'li'M * th* <ll y without < in |»e|»- 1 -iji n. till la* l r rt ev'-'en o" • ir. *.- • • r>. ad for n »h* t*l > tin* in (*»* -I <*;• * D r ,i>; \r* h i t*-' t«, w I 11 ha- long 1 o * re,| lrd*> rtf.*s -e 1* * e • * t* < h ndly * rtered t-> *-ot* rate ■ tth th* 1 .tv in .1 1 e |:iion of n> ' t* .. ■ h t a- n> r* r- r' - • r ' • i- r,f »h- ii *pi r' n nt Is a* 1, *|s’ • . i«. • te.n 1f . I*l t ■ I' d.ii t f " h * f thl* ’ ft, 1 ! r -r rt we| hs |irO|i r'- t In t :the, h' tlih ant saf ty re-i•ilrertlnn' jof a rapidl:• n- • n» p -pututi -*»-. I I hetfeve lh*l the t-on i*- n •"■'in ! should In fn* I t»f*-lv run- -1 r tl < - •tpion of th* co-1s In conjunct, .n i l*h th* hulld'ng ronimlMl'iii' rs ft* 1 Detroit f'hapDr of ArM-hltei-ta. f e h ilfh a j*horlt|e* and*-re 1 mt> - i*nt to asaiai in -su h an und-rt tl. v To it * e« mm n I‘oun 1 II *>( J.*tr ■v* forward *1 tl.e plans for the r *-w llrite Is'e hrl'Jge prepared hy m t ■ * Kent hoard of ar*h.te>'ts and engi neers. It tins been sngge t* I that an amendm* nt aothorllng tills irn* pf. em*nt rn'.ghl he submitted at the *prin.- election without in-alldating th<- bond issue by • hanging th* a rn*in '■ t a(i*(llA*d In the previous .*tnend' tent While w* are eager tr* see folk oin.n«-n■ »-*i *>n thla inrtpfovement l behave it would be unwls< «>n our nart to take any thane* a to 1 at'ii* lunmts lon of th- u>l«ns. A delay of a fee- months will *•* less of a hardsh.r *t,an the f.'.«a|i.||My f an *v*’-daimn of toe bond Issue If th* I .D* r ■« • .ii'ii Itled llbxalh , ! fn ronne-flop w *!■ *t.c iyV-* bridg' I 1 t.-. ominend (hat io it y»-*r i.rahfe J body fake su h |»* « sra <i*<»s I af . to *• *'i* 1 * e t*roperf\ in th* v, j 'nity **f Is (Ter *. n-ai e an. th* ho«»- |evafd that th* hridg. rna' havs an ! .si near h in k"*piog with its t.sgiitv 1 and practicability. shaald Ins*) Hlgklssk t'ark p<*f .r* th# federal en«-ia ..f ia.i<) | h*lt determine t>»*ro(* a i*osition in —— ytw' i “•** • ■ 6.§ie6e“l@ 4CV.U **O«IHWM * UAf* th* Ist ( f gr»af >t *i. ths annsxa »l n- * II ghla*ul tbyrk should* an acr.implishsd fa* t Far *p«rt fr. m th- *iu».siif-n of msr<* n*i ni.--** ’h* a* t i that Dg*r .t an t Highland In k ars n» »n ! th sums .-omn. in it, Ths it'K*-n« of that illatru t *i 'ild n-*t dsny th* rrst * f ua th» ir \ and n ths k rg of I**trolt • p:i*bl*ma and I iann«>t hi !i*»t that ■n\ ■ n*,<t*r i’T> numbs*- if th*tn » t*irptsd by tarrikjrary. «>r . ;n*c* • *-r»ttf'rt t’ >l** tin n »11 th - « ID wb*r« *o mmi of t b -n urn th-ir living and whn h H'**ns ~\ . , ... th.-• r and strict It* i *r. * . win . bar.i t-r A rlvtc prids n » -«ur „i : .•. ■ i nt that * -*nga a.» rightfully to th*m as to ua. GEORGE GASTON GETS NEW JOB Georg** T Gaston, former cit. ''lark an<i sheriff b*k been off' red he p » »icn of pr bg'.on ofT.cer of h«* ;o' re court by Jmticw S'eln i xnd Heaton Altho no dsrt ; nn ncement ha.* b_en made, 1 • ; -u I *hat fl f, >n is gun *t cr • ■» n fr arrspt Lie place .1 rw -a rrmnnger the 'tarx *,<n at the ia,r r*< ? n and *. ■/ * the mayrr su r tur cd to , r*. th r** ha* b en much «p**c.u ; : n is to -hi h city p ,»t the f r< r «h**r ff would g**t a* a r<- arl for hi* service The n rrer ms rumors c nr**-n!ng the fstgra'inn rtf Police Cofumta stonrr Couaens named G*»e'on as t aijcrcssor The probation r»ying f i soa p*r 'yr |, wy il minor importance eompamij with what many polit < lans thourhf i!»*'nn w ould a»*L but it 1- s.ild In city hall circle* th«t ibis job if the only on* that t* nn liJ* l and that •inninn will receive i ni'r* remnneratlre reward <*-■* »« th* minors inMr preaepta j* Wolf to th** mayor WINSOME WIFE WINS SYMPATHY AM) GETS DECREE H i/.rl Hamilton exhibited marked .jm:*'on,« of stage frlghf when *-he neared .a the r*r ntt court Tues day to proseute a suit for a divorce ■■rom William Hamlltott b*it the at •racfivener t of her clear compl* x | |r*n blue ey< -a. slight girlish figure nd handsome clothe* won her an alt* nth e hearing • Hh»> declared that the sd*e'r' *rt r »t *• sstnt* of her fath r, the atr f'harles |»in~s. well knn • n xs a fsiio*-. Tad had to psv the debts of T r I i**ti.ind w*ho failed to suj>- ' rorf hr r "|fn hi'h f worked since 1 st 1 M . * ;A. Th-y livrd t'’gether four v*m*< ■»p-rnt ng a y»-ar ago t% t October S' e got h»T d'-cre«*. Mri Doimtn h id sup'ioaed *T. - » h< r husband, MlrT ie| Prnmm, a railroad man. had held po*'»«on« ; is a y.-'f ltr aster, snd D»ld .ludgtt Hal’y no In ss’ Im* him for a dl* ; voice from Pm mm but the eourt t InD rrup’ed her to derlrre that tliat | Impoatilbie if he drank as she said. "Ho never misled a pay day with out getting drunk.” she said •‘And how often was he paid**” "Rvery two weeks [nimm had been keeping It tip for something like in years, aho added. The eourt took the rase under consideration for to days Bertha Vlulf*' t, who has he.-n inarrir-tl to her husband. Alexander for in years, asked Judge Mandell for a d'f/ree on the grreinds of ( r'leitj- She alleged he threw lan terns n' her and smach'-<l In th** | door" of their house Because of a defer m th« filing of the pap«rs, 1 Judge \J mdejl rontltried the < ase • until Wednesday Prlstln*—»a- ststs sea, king—that ' It rtaht—Tlsses .lab r>»,i—Wata <*T» VV Kl> N KSDA V. .1 AN 1 VIM I 0 • 1 17 • Jjh & ■ M : 2 A Surpassing Sale of FURS'. I nmeasurud Values GOAL COST HITS ROAD BUILDING Forces Wayne County to Fay lncrra*»ed Sunt for 1917 Cement Supply The good road* ?otT.mi*sitvn re ceived bid* for material* for work during the coming yetr amounting to s23o.fl<h) in It* weekly meg-tinf;. Tue*d«y Building materials have g<*ne up In price sharply since last year, largely because of the rise In th** pr.« of oal, large quantities of whlh are used in the tnanufsturu of I'fmsnf, according to Elmer G. K're. secre'a r y of th*- commission For 70.000 bsrr* Is of cement, ap p oxlrrately «140,t>*-0 will ha\e to '•« s *nt "One small plan' which s ibml*- 'ed * bid uses four carload* of coal i day.” said Ricr For the 2 '.nrc tons cf sari that w T go In'o the Wayne county r is dur ng 1017. .in nu’tay of ah >u? |2<>rioo u r he ne •••4,ary; for .*lO 000 ton* of rtxi.*. >7&,000 t'o* ri|**aloners !l ,, :gerty. H nes and Butler attend and the ro***u ng Ab ut 20 flnn* submitted hid* Th»* c.f n'r icts probab’y will b«’ ltt dur ing the coming W . ell. STIC KTOFARM ANI) LIVE I/)NGER Members of the Michigan State \ eg* table Grower*' association, 'which 1« holding It* annual convan tion In i)e!roli In Hot<*l Tull. r inad>* addre.-aes on th<* opening dav. Tuee day. The general trend of llu eailier si»Mech* s whs that there w,u*> a great need for rn»*n on the Tann* an*l that boy* should Slav lh**re. It va* argued shat young men can make mor • money, h.ive hotter health and ’onger life than if em ployed in the cities The greai trouble, it wa# H*id waa that lann life was not aufflt ienlly attractJv* V® keeji the youth there. How to nake iVie Mfe more enjoyabb* Is one of the orohlenis the farmer lias to figure out The automobile, w Inert has brought the farm < *n th»- city, Is a rreat help In tliat direc tion C W. Wald. «err*»ary of 'he or gin'ritlnn. said th**re was lift I*- chance of snv grest reduction In th*- *» fe of vegetable* within a \eai or two. I b«* folloc Ing offleora were elect rd bv th*- inn or more members [ r*-sen'. president O. r R.ivllar, PI piouth, Mich.; vl**e-pre«ident, R, York* r. Grand Rnplda; t reaaurer, f-.urje-e D l-. s Gr nd Rapids, nn*l .erreiary, ( . \\. \\ aid, East I.on nug “U kT s*>l follow sir n*rti*rt Itesr ttoSm 'I roe's h-ih't Im the rk -r-*rlsf if * -rUI- s' \\ d*•- > »f holding Srt o*’ l *’. <o ih ni■»<- a* we r *le on th* |t|-ventilat'd. Insanitary and gaclic-ste* pe l D F It .-nrsT* a«lie.i a w<vw*,n witnessing a n'r f..rmin of 'King tfenrv Vld" »hl* week 'n the Detroit opera house IflstoHsns reror*l thst "fVolsey, w h*ne-. er h* was 1n a . r****- 1 or pester* and with suitors held to his nose a very fair «>r»ri*e w-i if ih meat nr S'lhai an'.'s within was taken out snd filled up again with (tie part of a sponge, wherein wa* vin*-g,-ir and other •(infections egxlnst the p**sMleat alra " “That's what I eall a tlehllsh l*»l*,” said a man as he watched four other men unload a piece <»f plan glass s. Mu «s the side of • and lift it into pis **. "That sort of Mdng would g*i <-n rny n*rk •• if 1 had to mak- rr> living that wav itne slip and a wav goe, a month s salsrv" CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bear* I StfrJmr* of