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WKDNRS PA Y . JANUARY 10. lifi l . COWt; FIGHT FOR CHILD IS BITTER Grandmothers at Over Elanor Kra mer, Aged Two FAMILY TROUBLES DRAGGED FORTH Grandfather Tells of Separation of the Youthful Pair Bv fun * of tli*' mine arc urn stance w hich drum the happiness from tN* married 1 if•• of her father and mother Elanor Kr«m»r *t the age of iwi if .* grandmamma n baV>y 1 h* - lot» *»r> of tat* that took she hf* »*t U*.r girl luoiht-r. Madeltn K ratlin and ind’rertli c ana mi t hu* itoath oi l»r a H Danebury. has twnihl.-t Klano- about from on home to another and has l**ft her n th* end the pawn of a legal - r iggl*- winch inuat conclude in 1 u.ig* decision a* to whether she will h** the little girl of Grandmam m Krano r ..r Grandmamma Frear It i' probable that Judge Tucker, of .th* .null court will decide th» - s* r h afternoon Mr- Madeltn** Kramer dt*d on t - perating table in Dr Txmns h'li' ..fHc h* auF‘ she h*»d de tannined' that th*re should he no m ’er * bro'b.r to -bar* the fate of F’.«ru I>r T.ounabury died \ priaor cr because th* plight of in*- Kramer touched hrm •© • uch nn e\trn* s hat h* swept acid* e?hir of iV,c medical profession an l hie rr-p*ct for ’he law of Mi fctgnn No’’ the p^andparente of Elanor w.,nt to tnk« her into their home* tn vr innrv rnr. f.rntlina r*-rr n.«nt from the wreckage of their < hildr> n romanc* -\mbrn •• Kratn*T. father of El.* nor ha* petitioned the court for a writ of liah**a.* corpua that would g-vr Mm <u odv of his bsM In th* orH nar\ course of legal pro < * dur* the law U\e« to *h* father nr.- th*. child or chlldr*-n who an* iiw>th* rle«s Hut Mr' (H-orge Prear mother of Madeltn* Kramer maintains that in h< two unhappy year of her dauah . t w *»d<!*'<! life Elanor had been loft nif>->t|\ with her that a mutual aff**,'io! has arisen uetween them H isn’t in the court record?, bn* Mr* Emit bereft of h**r daughter, looks u«>w upon hep .laughter's child *e her own hah> Elanor is the liv ing thread that leads most dlrec'lv to the mernon of the dead I*t» *ar*-d f«*r h* r for almost «wo •■ears.” says Mr« Frear "M* . .laughter’s gon<- now. .md 1 w»n* I Elanor she’s as much of Madeline 1 as is left in this world You only , hare to l(*ok at h* r to see tha» she's ! wall . ared for and happy " Vou only hate to look a* the hie white bonnet on FTianor'- yellow head to know that slip s a grant! mi> child for young mothers of today don’’ incline with favor to the bonnets that trrandmedhers used ’o ft* under tiny chins Andrew Kramer, grandfather of Elanor. took ih»* stand Tueeda;. morning, and testified that he wad making a dav at the ford fac tory and thnt his family could easily gl \ e Elanoi a good home He de fended hi eon and hlamed Mrs Frear for ih< dissension that arose betwe-n the vouni couple "Just Kida," Says Father. Th< were )ti«t kid*.*' testified Kram* r ‘I knew they sor* hav •ng trouhl*.. hu* Ambrose wceildn't say an>»hme to me I knew that lll*' would hav** to ronquei their m.irlta' difficult ics while they were young, and 'h*' everything wotild hr all rlgh* afterward fam satis fi*.d th ii If Mr Ft- at had not In eerfered ttrrr rrrrjtd have gotten io gether ttgali and all this would not 1 tie happened I'm years old. I now lovjnr young couple* will >.m\ •• their !tt»!« quarrel*. ,xnd 1 know tl >t (n most ea***:- the*- can -rttl*- th*-m If they* are left to do it t herns*lie- "I tfKi'-; M idHin* into our honif on'* ««nd I iold li»r wc would h* only *!•». g|*d in ♦ rrat her a« otic of ih» is mil*. Wh*n I mi* tha» between h»u and my son continued. I even wpiii to far a* to prar i Itallv fore* my hoy to make lip with lor I’hM's ho* u.urh eon ftdenc I had In iny belief that If you would lenw the**- I*o kids to ;Olve tl •It dlffb nltle* ihe> ultimatoh would have won 1.1 PpIfHIH." \riil rovr**r produced *e\- eial witness# s to testify to hip good r haiart»*r, also hi* family phyaican, hiio Datlfled thnt the young father's rnotfor. who ha* boon 111, la In gnat I) improved condition, and able to give Klano* i mother’s attention lit. In f " Itneases In the fight mo Baby Niamey will be h#.*rd thi<* . f’l rnoon, and It ia probable that Judge Tucker wilt then decide .h'ih«i Elanor hall be the solace In an hour of darknea* to ilrand mamma Drear or to Uranrimanimn K: t; mi • In S' it wi land on!} ru- men al trnd funeral proonaaiot**. and that usually follow the hear** on foot. LITTLE STORIES FOR BEDTIME \ KTKR THK STORM tCopyright. 1111, by T. W. Burgeoa.t By THORS TO \ W It! KORUN. The toys and th* s-.iishlns that malic us glad. The worries an>l trouble* that tnek* us aad Muat come tr» an end e<* why com plain Os too llttls sun ot t<*o much rain'' The thing to do |a to make Ihe most of 'ho sunshine wild", it I« *tk, and when It rains to look forward tn the coming of the huh again knowing that come It surely will That dreadful storm which arm keeping the little people of 'he Green Forest, the Green Meadows and ihe Old Orchard prisoner* in their own horn cm or in such places of shelter as they had bean able to find couldn't last forever and they knew It. Knowing this was all that kept aome of them alive. You kw they were Marvin* Tea. air, they were atari ing You and I would be j terv hungry, v,*r> hungry Indeed, it we had to go without food for two whole days, hut if we were snug and warm it wouldn't do ua any real harm With the little wild fnenda especially the little feather'd folks. It Is a \ err different matter. Aou see they are naturally so active thnt they hav*. to fill their stomachs * >ry often In ordai .supply their little bodies with heat tend enurgy So, when ttietr food supply It- whollv * us off they starve or else fr* *** to death in m very short time A many little lives are ended thij w, t y In every long, hard * Intrt storm It was laie in th*- afternoon of th*- I second da* that tough Brother North Wind derided that he had Id enough o' -how mg his strength and forrenes*- and rumbling and grum bling retired from the Grean Mead ow* and »he Green For* H olowlne th* .•no* * loud' av a vi h him. For JUS* a lit *|a ’i tjlie* !»ef,»r»- Mm*> f<. • hitn to go to hed behind ihe ptjrpji- Hilts Jolly, round, red ’-I r -u ti -mlled down on the *hit*' land and never was hts mil* ; Welro.ue Out from the) .h'-Hers hurried all 'he little prisoner- sot ( *-y rnc«' make the rno«t >f th* lit I*- tim< be t-.r** the coming ot »he cold nign Kittle Tommy lift the * he an** ams .*»> we.ik thv h* could hardly fli. and he sho*»k with chill He made straight for th* -*:>p.*. tree where Farmer Brown'- Boy Hi»<os kee|. ,i pi* r *>f . uci lp and t ,* branch for Tonint and hi t. .. r.tS-. ftnimmer the \Voudp*-cker w>• There before hitr NTm i-, on* oi lo laws of politen* anion, th* feat I * red folk ha' "l<r one t* rating fnm » id*-< « of p' an. wcotu*” shall await h turn "Dee. dee d*>* aid Tomi;. Tit faintly but chcerf illy, f-*r h* roul-in' he '»ther than cheery if ip ;.;rr! “fur d* * dec lcol good to nt* " "I' is ttiod muni ' eti |o ; p*cklng away »• th* <:■ t grt-edily "C'rttue on Tommy Tit Don't '*aif for me hectic-* I wop - > tl • • f.■ a long Mine I’m nearly starv-aj .nrj I gu*.- ' vou must I** "I am. c.onfe‘-s*-<l Toeitn;, - .1- (irate Closes On t-iitc* Career FREDERICK C. STOEPEL A maident of l>etrn|t since lkf»2 and president 01 Burnham, Bt**epel A Company, he died Friday evening and was laid to t* r Monday after noon In VYoodlawn cemetery Many friends from nil walks of In** paid a final tribute to Mr Rtoepel dur ing the service*, which were held In the home. No B#»mtnole ar e Th» aervlcwa Jn the cemetery were prl vatr The itm Nehemiah Boynton, of Brooklyn N. Y , former pastor of the First (Vmgrcgationnl church, of Detroit, officiated He was as slated hv the Rev J PerrWnl Huret. present pastor of First Con gregational DETROIT LADS ARE HELD AS AUTO THIEVES ANN ARHOR. Jnn (lenrge Reed, Roy Colts and Albert Snyder, three Detroit youths, were nppre bended at Manchester village, south of Ann Arbor, this morning, with an automobile alleged to have been stolen from Detroit Heed and Colts are but 13 years old. Hnjder is IS Local Market Liatleas l«e«a ih,in 2"" rlisres was the In fal of the first hour's trading on the Detroit Stack Tuesday morning This 1« con-ddarahly he low the averag* Trading wi*. <o. fined to Paige Detroit, Continental, slid Reo Car Commission hou£e representat.j e« egprts* In tie ion fldenee tn ike market* return lv fore Fet. l "it I* good," mumblwd Orummer, pocking away at the auot greadily. flew over beside Drummer. "Thank you eve*- so much for not making me wait " "D.*n't mention It." replied Tmiin nicr. with hia mouth full "This in no time for politeness. Here cornea Yank Yank the Nutbatoh 1 guess there Is room for him. too." Yank Yank watt promptly invited to join them, and did ao after apologising for aeemtng so greedy. If I couldn't get my stomach full b* fore night I certainly should freete to death before morning," *titd he Wha’ a Phasing it la to have all tin* gnou food waiting for t. If I had to hunt for my usual food on th*- tre*«n | certainly *h*>uld i h.«\e tx) giv* up and die It took all I tl)v -tr-engrh to get over here My. I 1 tee] ilk*- s i.trd alr»ad\: Here j cornea Hammy .lay 1 wonder if he I "til try to drive us .vva> as h* Usually .doe. ” Sammy did nothing of th* kind. He u a \.-rv meek and most polite <ai you make room for a atari Ing ft line tn g* t a hile'’’’ he atsed I wouldn t , k p htr tha' it will ?•, soor. be dark -md I couldn’t a- ti nt her right without food “Dei riee il»e' Always mom sot <>ne more," replied Tommy Tit, crowding over to giie Sammy room Wasn't that . dtead'ul storm?” \Ynr I rv* r knew ' piumb',. and Simmy *• i*h his motifh ' ”! wen and. . it I *i er fill te • aru: Then until th*-n stoma* h» were full not mother word said. Meanwhile ( batterer th- Red Squtr r*-i had discovered that th* s otiu •it:- over. \ he floundered tbr-t th* sno * to .riotha apt.)** tre* h>, -«w lot* my Tit ..rui hi- frl*-nd*. and In hj« h*att b** revoked that they had found iood wfiiting fi>r tl- m His own trouhl* •< w*-r* a* m end, for in that tree he *„s h* .id* and r ..- \rps another -tore of corn md tun* You -o" he was tin enough o hu' * mor* than otic atotehous 1 Ne\t Story Granny md K*m;c!> Fox 1 (tint in Vain SAYS GUNMEN KILLED PARTNER \lhert Navetta Tells Police of \ttack But Storekeeper Is Still Held Altbo Albert Navctta. partn*r ot John Hepense, who wan found slain In th* Ir store at No Ult* Russell ft , Monday morning, insist.* that Ropenae was the victim of gunmen, police are inclined to doubt hi*, story and are sjlll holding Naiefts nn suspicion that, he was responsible sot his partner's death There were evidently no writ ni"'*cs to the affsir and the evi dence again*' N'av**tta I* purely clt cumatanttal ’line fact that he told the police the fctUtng had Just or rurr«d. when he notified them •* 7 o'clock Monday morning, where** th* rigidity of the l>ody indicated death had occurred some time he fore, firs* aroused suspicion BINNEY ESTATE IN LOCAL COURT The IfoO.OOO aatate of the late J<> eephlne A. Blnney, prominent figure In Newport R I society circles, who died In August. 1914. came be fore the Wayne county proba*" court. Tueaday, on a petition for an Inheritance tax waiver filed b» Thomae F. f»r«en. administrator of the estate The waiver is asked on 1? shares of Pere Marquette rail road -dock which was owned by Mrs. Blnney. No action w** taken Tues dav. The Harvard university regiment is to celebrate Its first anniversary with a dinner inf Cambridge tonight, it which Major-General Leonard Mood and other men of prominence or*' to speak. Get Rid of Humors and Avoid Sickness Humors in the blood cause Inter nal derangements that affect the whole svstem. as well as pimples, bolls and other amption*. and sire responsible for the readlnae* with which many people contract disease. For forty years Hood * Saraapanlla has boon more «ucceesful than any other medicine in expelling humors end removing their inward and out ward effects fJit Hood's No other medlein*' acta like it Adv. DETROIT TIMES HOLDS COPS MAY STOP CITIZENS Persons Who Are Out Late Must Explain, Says Couzens DISMISSES CASE AGAINST OFFICER Doctor Accosted by Pa trolman Had Made Complaint **Tt is the duty of evnry dtuen. when naked, to toil a police officer hia nami*, whme ho has l»een and where he is going,'* -aid Police Com mlaaloner Oougena, Tuesday, In dis missing h coinplttint against Patrol man Harry Schouw. made hy I>r. G. C 9rnlth. of No. Kunsell <t "An officer pro'->ctf- the public from wrongdoers, and persons out at unseemly hours may properlv he questioned, If it is ur,n»- in the right manner." Dr. Smith alleged th,«i he we* re turning home front a tail about 1 4,» o’clock in the morning, when ncroat ed by the patrolman, who demanded hit nsm*. trd w tuj he had h*»on. He :*fused to till vvh* r* he had b*en. h* admitted, thinking i> a p'rofea -lonal i Ighi. He plso mimitfed dar . "Hickey’s for Quality” Sizes to Fit Everybody in the Clearance of Men’s Suits and Overcoats at on©/ ji> 'p / /| }/o/>.tit irL-s LX) vi A ;i ii £4) sizes up to *SO stout! i Pf Mark it well, sir, that this doth* '!j • ing is from the best makers in New j* York City and Rochester cut on ' (.* s -$ '* smart, yet dignified lines with tliat ii ||j just-niade-for-you tailoi*ed look ji about it one can’t help but like. Os course the fabrics are all wool !>V the workmanship is high grade - A4J the styles are all correct. The patterns? Many of them exclusive as a Board of Direc tors’ meeting. Don’t fail, sir, to see what a great variety of good ones we have for you. Everything from our regular stocks is included excepting blue and black suits. Values from sls to S4O. To clear at 209 r less. Fourth Floor. I. P. NORTON 1467 Grand Phone Grand 5963 I own and conduct the largest Undertaking Establishment in Detroit and can save you more than half the high cost of a funeral. s3o: A Beautiful Casket S3O This is the best broadcloth Casket ever soM in this or any other city—and never sold for less than $75. *>rice is S3O. We have Caskets in the costliest woods, ich as Mahogany, Circassian Walnut, Oak, etc., the finest cloths. Silk, Plush, and Metal cases at corresponding low prices. Use of our beautiful new Funeral Church FR E E T O PATRONS. I am as near you as your Telephone- - * ID MADTAy INDEP ;NT . r. nijn I UNDERTAKER 761 Michigan Aver'j j :ng 111* 1 other r 'o .’lUi him md .il mgf-d h*‘ wni knocked/ down. Pairolmnn S'.joti # admitted tp.k Ing hold of the 'lector In pl*c iny him under atreg;, but ,t * rt.*d th.'it he did not Htfik t bin . Hi*- teatiuiony was- corroborated The case igain*" Patrolman Charles Hlo* K, char * and with attempt lug to ***i f front h t*wi H. WH* ox. tor the recovery of a st*»|en blc.yclr.. wu* nuntiautd for furthir uv(d**n*<*. *1 he cage rigHltint Patrolman Janies Harris, charged with -irsa'ililng Totna** i Greavu, former r<>ta.irant propri-ior at No 723 Fra.iklin>t., and wi h making an intlecent at* sauP upon Helen Grutti. n waitress employed th**re. was taken under ad visemen' Greavu allege* that llama came Into his place one evening, ostensi bly to see about hi« Bcenne, and aft er calling him names, knocked him oown. tondering him unconscious. H« i bajek room of the rebtaumut, it is aIK-gal, and there aesauifed Mias Gruitt. Harrla da rned the charge^ SCOTS AGAIN TO HONOR BIRTHDAY OF BOBBY BURNS * Clan Campbell. No. SO6, O R C. will celebrate the one hundred and flftv *dchth annivenwri of th** birth of Bobby But as a’ Arcadia. Jan. 11, Vlth a grand Scottish concert and ball The door.' will b*-- open a* ?. -i0 o'clock the concert at 8:1."* o’clock, and dancing will continue until 2 o’, lock An impolitic list of entertainers has been pr- pared Amonc those wh*t will contribute to the program ar*. he Clan f'an pb‘ll pipe l/ancl. Scottish ducal society, Royal Scot tis h quart*- iCrru-rfon William.' Mia Edi'h Halle? Frank. Knight M< Gregor, Pnir* Cameron’s troop* of Highland <i tn> * r , Theodore Mar'in. Mis? Florenc- Vluliioiland and Mr Iren* \\bi;:akei Stevenson Hickeus w W Outfitters SOVAM Woodward Avomio ttfi-.UITS FORCE WAV INTO HOME Mrs. Florence Perry Is Victim of Bold Day light Bobbery CALLED TO FRONT DOOR BY RUSE Fair Cover Her With Gun While House Is Ransacked Cfcihnc MYs. Florence Perry, No. f172 to her door about St 40 Tuc-dav morning, five men who drr>T#» up in an auto nvi>r powend her with guns, and, after ransacking *h«* house escaped with money and diamond ring* to the value of When *-kod what. they wnnted according to Mrs. Perry, one of th men responded that jt wan a mes senger at the door When she opened s he door four of the men forced their way inside, presenting gun- at her h« ad Two covered her while the other ransacked th hour* Warning Mrs. P*rry x to b» quiet, thf men then drove away Children Dry FOR FLETCHER’? OA3T O R ; A CHARGE HEARST STEALS NEWS NKW 'iOUK, Jan. lu.—Charging that Hearst a International News :-*-rv‘ e "g* tF the n*‘W(L- Which mar*s up its dally reports, and * .-periall> important foreign news ut large part hy bribing and cor rupting employes’ of Associated kre.-ir no rubers. tLu> 7sK*oCiated t'rcee has tiled suit in tfte t’nited Slate* die'not court here, asking for a permanent Injunction agalmt the international News Service to pre vent such practic* a. In hi.- aitldavii Melville E. Stone, general manager of the Associated Press, says: '■ appears from the affidavit o! P. W. Agnew. submitted herewith, that this arrangement baa contin ued hi least from January, 1914. to thf present tlui* and under it im portant news gathered by the Asso claied Press at heavy cost has been appropriated b> the defendant and .-'old by it at r (rrcut profit as if properly gathered by itself from original sources of Information, with .11 th*- labor and expense involved, when in (art tho same wrb obtained , at the t iflmg cost of $lO per week, DOULTON CHINA INCLUDED IN OUR ANNUAL SALE ALSO CERTAIN LINES OF MINTONS, CAULDON, COOLPORT. DRESDEN. ETC. CRYSTAL STEMWARE, SILVER. PLATED SILVER. LEATHER GOODS. ETC. wpirSMf k JviLDlN.n •A J-WOUBWAJID AVtNlll AT ORAJ >i> &rVU» ' S l /f On Savings 17 will ho a year ol‘ thrift. It Mill pay you to ■ li’t!,: » :u.*h month. s»u can easily save $5.00. . . .uia i-- a pood month in which to begin. »"1h >e ii • better plan for you than our System atic Sat iup plan. Resources Over $-{,2oo,ooo—Organized lSSI) Luanh {Thf jijloan St Homes jpiurctmcnt Qfompanu 120-1 Far well Detroit. JF To the “I^B Smooth-Clean-Clear Transcontinental Travel The mighty achievement of the **St- Panl Road" in electrifying its main line over the Great Continental Divide has greatly in creased the pleasures and comforts of a cross the continent trip. Waterfalls, instead of coal, provide the power for the world’s mightiest elec«nc locomotives. Think of it- millions of drops of water, transformed into electrical energy haul the all steel trains “ The Olympian” ■*‘The Columbian” >*«>r the mil* in tha air of tha Rockv Moun tain* there it no trailing amok# to ir.*r th* via. 'f tha beanthul actuary, ro etrsders, no du*t -J'tat fl*«n, smooth, av*n,ateady travel ovar tba tnour.uun*. See that your ticket to California ree 4 * in ora direction via the Pacift* North Coaet and o\»f the "t/<c(n/if(i mountain routt” — too Chicago Milwaukee &. St. Paul P liiwtt fllrnotra:*d fu<’ III) ■ rn«f rrm *»<* f < *U. i, u -Ti- 1 h-'> V l> V -12 ;if*' - Holding; f ‘ pnid to employes of the ricvrlaur. Xejva for betraying the internals ol 11 "mpl" ■ : ud .u ii>i v > t'latfd Pte* 7* Thf court indued an order In strutting th»* International News Service to appear today to show cau>e why the Injunction should nol b* issued. lit* Free Prt-HH arid New* art* th* Detroit papers receiving Hcaret Her' vir*». New Stock Listed, The applies»ion of tho German- American Sugar <x>mpany of Hay Pity, to list Its stock on th»* Detroit Stock Exchange has be«n approved b> the hoard of governors, li. will probably be listed the first of nexl week. The market, is around I*7 3-4 * - •“•‘e"*:.—.uT 7 ®?? A Nutritious Diet for AH Agea. Keep Horlick’s Always on Hand Quick Lunch; Home or Office. PAGE 5