Newspaper Page Text
WK!)NES I) AY . lANTAIIY 10, 1017. b:monthly report of the Board of Auditors of the County of Wayne for th A h’onths of November and December 1916. • • na llitueil irnm I'rn rilliu I’aaet tn;i' <i U < U i. '» n, . $ !,1»» fit* ■ • • l i ihot . * t,f»ll 3o foil . • SC 2t iit l*av i<yi: !«|>m .... 4 .79* ) . Uh> roll. lah.’i . 111 r>'i Well*. i amn Kkp. iY>, curt **■ 31 SI Mb fi St»ii T**l. l'u„ ti le rh-no- . . . il 11 Viih SUti Tel. t'o. of flee exp. 11 rr« Detroit. Kd inon Cos., power.. »> ..I Wnlv# rln< Portland Cement i'ii mniut 3.133 CT lily 10- I’ay roll, labor % 1.23* 74 Pi i t *1 ... 11l II I!> >na n.i< gamce. repair*.. Ins \l Thienen. 1ab0r...., 37 *>* l’a> roll, labor IS M» dec ?c --i l> Krnnrrlv A O. roek } I.*i^2 3" M i' l( It . freight 19 M 11. f. »t. K. f retght *fi P> M i It It . freight lit oi * M It. It.. freight 11 19 I* V li It . fiHaht U M. I’ M It It . freight 104 39 I 'I I! ft., freight ... 2 374 J U M It It . frel*M 717 77 N V iVni I; It. freight . M 47 lot. T*rminal It It. freight 4k3 t»'j I > t rerintrial It It . freight 1M no lot a T<l. Shore Line, f I eight ».»OR Si t.rarnl Trunk. It. K, freight 804 47 DFO 27 - «ad In. Sand and Gravel C.-i ktavel | IIS 7« Lennar* Hr>'*. atone... . 40.*> su Ohio .v Mr h , Sand and Grav t’o., gravel 706 70 Tdivin Vyera labor fi ml l* \\ Schulte A Son. repalra 42 f>! Ill* an H>.iktltii; Machin.iv On.. repair* 60 It A I’armenter A Son. • artage Hugh I'lawaon. repair* ... \UtO Tilt A: Repair t'o . re pair* If* 1° It K Kratiae, hdw ... . 19 '• I lluit',,7l I.timber t’o, lumber 3*>l ' • I. A 4’adtlouk. plow 24 *2 ' I tilt'.| | ti* 1 and Supply t'o., atone . . . 71** t,9 fir Hub I ■ \Ulti servit r C<). repairs . . ... l fl ft Th* '>*La.>’ |*rnee.«* t’o.. »tttu, v. . . .... 446 1 • i|h • • « lich t’ al Cos t.tia! .1" H< ik, 1 '-n-Kreneh Coal On. Mr*rb A t’arpmter repair* 1 t». ft It R«h. . r,> repair# . 2 449 ' I »V H \n.|et ~ip T..o| K Sup • • 1 • pat: » t I 1 \utnm tilth- Equipment T'o.. i *pa tr - . . ... t** I, !• ' '(ward* t’o. 'epalr* 112 *1 .star. <1 Otl t’", >t -rck. lit* 1. 1*,;... «o, re- \ 4* M Crr> r• * 11 yr age, iip*l r*. . . ' 12 o *.; * tt m: . li. ... 10 • t • if ’iri«. , *•. ment M ’., .t. I, h 11, , •.> , holt - . . 1 1 *t • ri oai . i’o . t-ablnrt. t i# i j|i«. n I'n * er . . , II - 1 in, oil I'>4 I ■> • * r \e TO . O* 1 . . . 4*l |V' , titu* Print t'o., Mil* -i !nr > • *i famt »n<* nu*7 amt c" I'a'lii •! •* l C«. oil . \t... - ng A t’.i blanket i I 'M \i t- r so . reg,alr * • ... i. • • t *'i tur% la .. 1. t L I I. ‘ t on < . repairs. 1,1 rn 7 I m tii-e r’ ■> , fc reaiie 1 1. \V ti t t • ft r - faint • p* 1" f' I. i.t. . Mat > "irr . Sup. i , | 9 0 M T f'ii , t. I ii i tel. 3 11" * • I '»r «2C . \ I: \T, 1< H lit rvNT* N' it i et al. «al .. • 3t5 l lon ' i I dr'itfe 17 • r i t‘ i'o drug* ~ s: No: v ’h trio* 111 r'o . <i 2 fi Pnrk » A f > Uitg- PI nit i bemicul Cos.. y»** nio.ithl' lloeplt .11. ,p i«* Li 1 " Ill'll fine opth al Cos. ... .. ... 10 '. P ill. t.rt. n l|.|» Cos.. ft n telling a . . . . *7 . . L P U in* v Cn., f • *n ’• X« w , oitih, Knrtt ott 4‘o , fu! n ■ *hing" . ” i • rut -Hoynton furn " ’ * ini "«• *pinii < • nipound r •., , k e 1: ’ Mr. A 1 . ioth o K .... 7C 4 •' \ i\ ..-in A- Ct>.. furn . 11l v \4 Itohinann. clothing l‘'l .1 , r.i i*e Clothing * . 1 M . Itinug* - Knlmha- h ' I ’ ‘ir.t . . v Vnf|. i til f *ro r e| Cos., prov. *7 * ' \'*i' P.*heri«* Cos.. loth in.' • . v ...... . ’> •••» Hn .ii* Produce Cos., prov.. 3b" t*. P W4»lpple, pr..\ C” rr. I A • utt|«lr Ar Cos. pro*. 10k .1 r, If.- I '.tffi t Cos . prov .... !3 1 If) p f -'nyder. proi ... • I: l -i*r Coniprre.*ed V-»«r t|.rnv 19 i>7 r'te'p Krug A t'o. p;ni . .7<*i k v .it | 1 1 ts Mil ling Cos., pt ■ ... . . IRI . y.*t | Josi p r’o. prov 97 •> \| i 'it. Cun ti* iv. prov A Cady, pr v. I .hell t; an <>. prov. ... 2 4 «• I*e , , i ‘..rker' prov »)eo. ft F.ldrldge to. prov. I»1 i* lii-t I e.i and Putter t’o prof . 2*47 *' Th • Harltjm A F< n* prov ?,!«■• <■> Whitnkei A MrNaS7ht.'h. bond a 1 212 2 NOV 17 - Tut i .it I nt»ed Ry . th ket* Ilf fin r> A <’• Kav Cos., traiiep. . 1C <*•• Mi« h l »rtlg Cos dnire e- t Mo h Tel l*o . t• I ... ?*, f*l n L I*. Ik A Cos., director: 2<t no f.lhrnr- P ireau eupplle- . 77 f 0 liellman-riarand C<>, eup 7' *• * ffregorv . Mayer A Thom Cos. -latlonery ...... 99 ' I Itn 11 K.leetrot vpina Cos half tog I Standard Oil Cos, oil 37 t i Inaok A* smith, foal Ifi "0 Cnlted I'uel At Supply Cos.. llav Mi* r*el M»eh Cos. aonp 491 ' H S I' Cos. record* .. 1* Oo Amer Ralil Valve Mfg Cos. valve* . , go It'. Ilovdell flroa.. pulnt 11 '.a Punte Hr..* . tile JT A* Central Holler Work*, ateel I*. al If 1 1 fTHixard* A < 0.. *<ip 74 fit Coop-I>eV l**er Cos *upplle* R 7 OA Cur* O'lman. repair* .. 4? '• 1 n.»eht Itrn* rlarngt'. rent . 1A fit) S. C Itegulfltor Cos. retru l*f->r« . . . U 1« I T Wing A- Cos, *upp||e* .*,3 2« I’.irk a- VI Kay. anpplle*. . 4'» 71 Otl* !T‘.v f’n . repair*.,... • 4:,’ ..a than.' t'u fitting* Ji't ’• ltd Cos. U"9d Cutn’n, i'- mi tit 937 a| Itopl.e* Ms» Cos tiealer. . All 1 1* •(A Stott Clour Cos., fl. or 1.216 .. NOV 17 - A 1. \V''*l •• nt« Cos.. *hoe* *.|2 Ifi Chit-. W Rudd A Son. *up 117 Marti "»ee Iron Work* Cos., pump* „ 1 1 • ILaltti filter Cos. filter* fit* *. o • \v Hurl, *alarv ”.o 'n f t P t Title) eatery U n r c. Near, aalarv.. .. ,<♦ «•» i i* tiiiM A Cos. tent* . tj 17 It Cre. r.ftatle OR ..II 1 • lliriei A S'.na A!fg • faun ... .5" l* I . if.ham t-o'. pjnfbr i ».* <. I t? Cellrafh L, 7*l '* *1 r. ’’lark *upp|le* 14 11 Kat"n -1 Lirk co.. *od.i ’*3. Arpet L.idlaior • " r*«!' Bill’ .... ' K cn* 1 e*t Cos . * ipi'lf "».*y W .1 Mart* .g C,->. *uppi.e k li •ii Ha ghef A Cos. dough mixer . . 1 *>•* bn, i"»tir|.* Cos. renfraM 1.7.17 * S *1 In *'l in. el 111 . -ill I>. I 1 I 111-.. \\ Hurt\ >•' •**» 1/3 • P, I ill lie) . *algl >. . . fb* I din C Near, . " "'> i'll Unman a Cos., i lothlnyc I * • I »K«' i. ( Vkmaii link, n t‘<> nt'o. !’■ Thu* Ila rlum a Son*, at' 2. ‘1 \N II 4£<lurtr a S.<n. prov 11'> i runk li Krwin prov .... . * <*" I’rit.liuan ML, •'■»., prov 1 41J.’i l»*i Mean t’o.. pn.v 30H '.*6 I «et \ t 'ad .. prov .... Tit. 47 \! Morini> Milling Co.piuv. Mi- h. Slate Cunnerv *.r»■ * . I* lii'tl star V • .ml t 0., ptov I■■ 14 Irankl n Mi l eagh * prov . field-Mtit rhu'h C"„ pto\ M»* 91 I lih \\ Ituihl r'o, pro' I < i0 P J, s.'haffi-r a- Cos., prov 9ti x* Slli.i produee Cos. prov . fi SO li \ smith, prov.. . . ;2 . o«i Davit! Stftl I'h.ur tint*. prov ; .... 1,746 23 I'eifer Coffee r’n pr0v.,... 399 R<i Vhay I'taherte*. prov K>7 11 M. It. Watt, prov- .. .. 2 1 |A !. I WoodhotiH. a Cos., prov H On Yrumgatovvn Macaroni Cos., prov. . ... ... 6 i ftj V tnr r kilet-l e| Cos,, furntahing* . 17 ;> I Th.- A i lnak«.M 'lie. turnief ing* 1 tr* Afi liuhl Son* To., furniehlng* 10'* <*2 Hllllt.i k-Ore. n Ihlw Cos. fttrni«hlng* .... It 4? Utirnham. Mo. pel A Cos . furnlnhingf* . 3M* 3\ Col inthi.t Mill*, furniehlng.* aa 114 liiton. Clark c..,, turnt.-ih tnp * ...... . 62 flu KdMon. Moon A- i’u. ftir ntahlngK 1.2(7 1 * Detroit sf,,\ 1 \\"( rk*. ftir »»l hlng* 993 La 1’df .Jacob*, furnieh -111 r»* t* 116 77 fenk* A Muir \ff« Cos , fur n 1 * ii 1 n k * . ... 9211 Ke\.*tnn. Roofing and Mfg t’. furniehlng*. ".fi i.u L. il King A t’o. furnieh- Itty • 9 ft A \. tsrolii, .'lothlng . l,"2o ' 2 Mu h li> tilling t'o . furni«h- Ing .* 140 fifi Mich State llrootn Shop. till iilehlng* 94 I'r Nfo" U A- tlorendo. furnnh ing* . . 13 67 O*hoi n* Itoynton Cos , fur ni*h log.* . .... IA | _’S st'it' I'»'• iiop ithio lfo*nf t til r nlahingn 1 f: C VVetht rlift ... 1 , i 1r ti 1 *h lit k* .... 11 l.ti|>\rii!, Widlai"* a r lark. and ru-.k . I. 71 i hr* A It.irt. il' 14 * 7*. • I Mar 1 * t and ug I'/l .P. I*' . II M -» '. I ' .. 11l * II ••" ' h..|,p:t* M, ... P.t AM S V klll.ii 11 'lk. • * '2l . i i Lamb it ~ l,i.u .*»», tirug-i .1* 7' 1 'll ■' 4 • 1 • ti Ml 1 14 1 ' ' u "Il C.| C.. .1 Ug. 1 '• •. 5t.... I. * c drutr- in «... (.ii IHT I’M . n, . . :, .. I t 74.’, . t I o. r. - . M.- . • ' l I Sun Kui mi i Li(h ’ V.-dit ’ utl It), 112 I r ’ U i ' r . rs ll ittß Kit*' tie- 'i - ft ;/ f'l’ldllg V -n V . 1 it Ik t I ... Hft me 11 -t i-i) ati 1 C». , print* T* .* Smith I . .|. ltd.tig '•* •■. iMollt it U >1 •► • Se tv(o ■ I'o rote V M . 16.1* il. U .'• |.'. T. I ’it . tele • . • 111 - pot t a fill. _ j;, g|t 1 ■ 1 ' . t*.• e • Jfl . J .■|rl « : 'lilt.l It . . I Vi 'll to. 1... - . 31 s' Cl ,1 , k ! v if «,.*• 1/ (|| » 111 • M 94 ..* \ , fit ft K;if»rovf« I. > r farm .j 4f. 1 I <: ..0 j •• I II 'J a!■ 1 ’ ... 1 fuel 2,97.7 • '!:• fit t'o I Ui'L 3*l I" ! 'll). Il l " 'ld 1"7 I • . • ... c pr«v ‘.Jf> 71 I uii "t l tv 1 - «’«>.. idry. "i ■ 6 .”7 .'II.' • . id>.. *u pp • 12‘» "9 T tit I II I .«■, f • • rtl l act "fi Am-r >4* 11 inly t-.-i' *.:» A 1 Smith 1 ..*1 >m i ton t ’t».. I , l ' M * "" \V. \ k it kl. 1 i.i\trac» 2. if*" sel 1... .1 i’gtm Hi;.) t;la** c. . a • 317 1•. r • Pie 1 tin 'i alt n Cos. < .tilrat t I :.;.3 I" t • ' 1 . ut, 1 - > 1 .1> nt r n'' t l.»" * 1 j II i <1 • t 1 oil 11 at t ■'•*» "i <hi : -. n •' ickteg <’• -' n t . t - 3'> . vs’ I ’ <i'v «’0 . b- l*» *N . » -11 Rle. t 1 pump I'* !* I t' 1 1.1 1 it • t |t-. Work *. P "■"T • • • . . > toil ■ . 419 l A lit:'*; n- Mfg Cos '■lt 1 ... fi 73 Miller A (Reid* ft Klect t'o. p"tnp V"9 "• C .1 Lit -1 !o t Lie. t Cos 1. pr.i'r . . ’’l r> 1 s D Laphitui 1 •, repair* 211 *2 liimtnr 1 rtg Luglneerlng 1 . n ptiit D> ,di Mi. Iran S lac C" . "Mil’ 713 6 7 - V. 1 ’.in! 'int repnii.i ' ki. it* A. '1 iiellai. I tit ir ■ t ,(■ * ... n i'J l.ovd'll Ut nr , rapa if - .... Ifi i "1 <»t 1* LI v <"o. 11 pa 11 .* • •tt.* Proctor, tipalt'4 T 4 V* Ifnehl Ttro* Oarage, repair 1•) fifi ’ltitra) W Sal' Cos . rcpaira 11 "1 st. urn Holler Equipment Cos 1 . pbitm 29 32 Pi .1 nk •' Teal r'o, r-paite V - xu I nfi-r Kr-H Stt.fiet *V , ca l' Ml." ; 1 4 2 ' I v\ mg fit C't, repair* . 67 O i l 'll’ R ELI LI FUND. Vuv 1 The I. Dolan, rretrolt . $ 129 41 Ron* Montgomery, Detroit 7.i "•* I'ranP Kiln*', Detroit .... 126 6fi J. bn Kolb, D< troß .. . 123 M v |l .lone*, Detroit 121 1* 1 \1 rn MkiiiHlk'M. Dearborn . Ifi f*fi NON' t. Prill I K Ht'clod, et al. I»e --trott » 11 Ml K a H Shu l **o . Detroit S’. oO Jii.« llewltt, et al, Del A llmnt.rrunfk 3** *.h A till* k et al I ’et 1 oil . . 12 fi" I \N Mattay, »7t 7f. NOV 27- - l-’or' 1 Lawn C'-m. r'o. De li. >ll . % lA l t)0 Ml Elliot t A- Mt Mliv. 1 < ’em Cos . 1 ». troll 490 u llaip.'i floapltal. I tail oil llfi r'l lint par 11-MM'iinl Delra.v. hi troll 1 I rovldmet 10N II li*et i'mu H'opitnl. Detroit 3.741 II rt Mitry't ll."P(tril, D- troll c* ••* Woman'* Dr 'To c rMo h’. I"lt«H fi "<» Ooldcti Stotag* A * 'tt r trig e t' I tet rott 1116 Central h f *o , I *t* ll olt 11 23 • Mleh. Slat* Tel Cos Detroit I- 3" J lei* tun n•*T» lit rol Cos. It I mil ■ • LJ lilt hmond A I*a< ua L’o . Detroit ....' Hurt an, Deltolt .. ’ 4.. Mai '• ■ Merrill I tel roll ... .1 "" I Fell, loin. I tel ro|t I I.u NVf.i Arrd<'r*itn r•r •■ • t'o, Xn-UuLt - 1 llurlka. Oetr.dt Rotiieii |\ lifpit o' ,»k 1. I ..'troll r. lU' C b - Smith r’o. Deli on lohf- inn <*,. IFm .mi .1 W'*'n Nllp C'l.. Dnle.lit '•• ' \ tlaner \r Jte If oil 1 ' ■*" D A c N n > Cos . Ir. ’ I |t l 4 J •• •id Ti uni ID Detroit.', 12 P* Del 4 nil'll Iji . | lattidt* ,— ' I ■ . " \N a *>.l ■ h 11. n. Del c■ it 3 ’ 71 I NV 1 lll'lr.ll. Kti.etK .. ' 11. • pltßl. I I'm eg* . . Il ’ > A Ruhr. limn, k ; "0 1 Stephen Knif'd*l. Himlick 17 otl I |>te' Harlow. Jlintr.k I'. I Irt \ A I* n> *, 11 ir)l rek 9 I briiiiniutan li'.apllal, lirntr.k t’7 .9 .1 E. 1' 'J.'tin I . 11 mt I «'k . . Schrader llr> *.. Plvinoiilli "" DEC 1 Frank Kilro". Detroit.. . . L> 9'. Liyroi; find C|t> of li> tr.iil I" • 2'Jif V 1 7 DKLI.NUM’KVr TAX FI VD Die. 9lii, ifr.l us MiehlgHU $14,437 fi In. 9th. Mat*' of Michigan. 1 .24 17 LIMItAin PIN'D J.i* 1. Ellnuinn, r efund. >1 flnt. et (t $ 12 1 Jn* 1 IClltnann, refund* -I line, ft. <1 13 Ihr 0 Detroit. In no a1 v ml, |'i|7. I hereby .■ rtlf> Hint tin bHo'< an 1 foregoing <« a tine ati>i a|at> ni.nt of th* ai'cmint* 1 1 ind paid by th** Hoard of Vudltui 1 1 tin County of \\r.)ue no ib no.mi. , November und Deremlie l i'j 1 6 I’ll \S A HI M RI’R s..r V Th>> Hoard of County Auditor* FARMER SOLI) BAD EGGS AT 70 CENTS, CHARGE Willifrni Tafl, h farmer residing near North vi 11 ••. plated tinder «rr. xt Tuesday morning by Insper tor Henry Collins of the boar*t of health. After hr hail hern Identified by Mrs Robert Fleisher r* th*- man who 90111 her a dttzen of •■([«' "hi h w»>re giißrahteed to !•*• strirtly fr* .sh and which were afterward* (Uncov ered to l*e unlit for table t|*e. Mrs Klal*her -aid she had been advised by her physician to get fresh egK' 4 , md th* dwior ukr. sl ed that she go to th> eastern inar k*’t. At ihis market, sh*- sajs, >l.* pairl Taft .Vi cents for a dozen. The first three she opened >'t r<- rotti n, kh>' -av* She took Ihe nth'-rs to lh*’ board of health There they were candled and found i<» be decay<d When Tafi return* and to the mar k'd this morning. Collins was wap nik lor him He was taken before Judge Connolly in the recorder's court. I bought (h r. l from neighboring f.Tri. or-, and th* . a c -Ure J up •. 1 «-y ! /.1 • siririi' fresli * said Tsf fudge ( rtTVlotl . gav. T< ’■ until Monday l)rn’.g ihe ne>ghuor> nto court Fnenda To Dine Waters* 1 !. A 1 on*pfini< ntary dinner to Arthur !Y. 'V f.’fill. p’evd 1 refle ccmmifi lorjer -n* I*, rop Hoard of ' on:- •ip ’- • . ill • . m in *h> 1 fi', lop I . , \$ • ■lnr' *l.l ■ 1 v en'nr tin ! •IP •< rt « It •I ' I'Cf n ’ sued ■ hv ii) ■ I.lih2en m!»V . in. 11 mar: .•! 1•.!• v, 1 . )■ • >») cum .it i.t • ( m II • t .1 1 4pv r;.«. to id* .nbc:.- of li* 1 < mi- n > IrP Man ir >*7).- i.en ’• id" !>• r P t f: :« mi- “Buffalo Bill Was a Real Hero,” Says Capt. McDonnell, Who Owes His Life to Famous Indian Fighter Bovs your hem is rti’l a ! vi hero, iiltho he >unv ui.n r >* and m! 1 if T: t<> DPI n z- nuin» •< n— i \m i an ho' ik* to mop." 1 d»p.Mi f <h« uuin «> 1 ist. r ,iv Denver Then i* on* j 1 1 of i man' brr.vejA ' ’o n 1 man gl-nei 1 ol -• !• lei! mtsk and M/iil. .. henve 1 inn Pui ‘PI i* d’ in*. His l' l ■ 1 ' ! iiim o end *aid to h • that h« hao onD n few hours vc t "Tlignk >ou, dc* 1 or,” said Bil. rnd he turi.ed to hi* shirr md 1* mi. .| from his weak lip* orders fr. his funeral, the tvl.lle H. tv anted ecrtflln lodge* ♦ . I»" i*pr. *« nt• il Ann thus, n bed, approneii ••d the trnn form of dr;.»h ’h i' t . . \V 1 Cod' ha tma-ked it 1 1 1 .11. ’ .r* and many pore tin t \i t 1 tie wild ]. .ill’ll Votir hero, hoy . wa* piiparei' ,0 ilm in : lie iiAtidh Thui he "i. P n oil Hr -’l.' I tip. death :uige| ill 1 1 • and v. 1 lie l»-i aus«' in didn't t. 1k« < ■* - He fairly c< tirteij 1. aln. an*t vveni a"a.' J’ rliap < »pi. James McDonnell. , aro! 1 oflieer m "hi hotter tell why t. p let ~ in fiet r .-»ii. It is beau-e **f ih" heroi-ni of DuiThlo Dill Owti Life to Col. Cody. < ,’ipt. McDonnell has been a nota ble police ofliecr ip Detroit glinobt inee the ending <1 »Ip>s( lmli«n (amp«lm« that " iped out *0 many noble lighting nmn ’n ’t'» :>nd '7O h" w-aa tdosely ;,s*ccl,ited will liuflalo Pill Op. n they were -o close fogother thru n wa* doubtful whose coat, who** hat or whose heart the bullet would £0 thru that cgme from some hostile Indian. Cnpt McDonnell aav* the ho\ - need not revise their hero M*t. "It wgn In 1 Stsip,” a«id * apt Me- Donnell to a reported for Th" Tiiti"* Tueaday. ‘‘that Cody came dashing up lo our nmp on ht* Jaded ponv We were lying in camp quite con tent and w-iping for *ome hojltle act. f’odv *gtd to the commander that we viould have to go out. and g< t the Indiana at once, or th*'> would gcr U* He said they planned an at tack He was a scout whose daring had never questioned until a bit later However, the commander of our cavglrv rcglmeni onh red r very mm Into lit- horse There wire manv po*>r rider* nud manv poor he l "Hill rody told the cnnmur.d.-r 1 hut poor rider* and poor hor*e wore of po account, xn those who could no* tide and those who did not have good mount* wete dim ItiatH >n*l left in rump A* a result shout *h*u men op fre-h horses hlart rrl out to meet the Indian- that wer* niar< hinr tc 1 tirpri*** n*. ‘‘Buffalo Dill begged »•»*' lo horse* with him. Mine was fresh stt’l m.L’ht ini\• a'od my life and | " 1 Uhl H<t trs'l.* HD pon\ h»*l i«rt< i all u'gld and was ilr.H ll* trir and o*tie* t rnepers, , pen* would 'hang, horses vecauie i!t*’ l orse *< ,1 the lifo The;’e i ,1« *l?11 ie, dm" * hull' ll ol « :*•-.« 1 . md lie wa *ip n bor-o fh't b.»d gallr pod i.yer the for n*r r« V.'i’h hi* ItDil her -r he wa al »h« h*"id Ol TIMES LOWE RETIRES AS MANAGER OF JOURNAL William H i .owe vice-president and general man ig*u of th*- Detroit louriiHl h;r r.iirrcl from the posi :Km « ■ be iireeedt and l>\ Hurry Coleman. foriiP i pub .1 . i • th* PonMac G.» /••ID Mr. Low*' will -t il remain vice pn xident of Hi* Journal company, lo* ,~>HVs. *1 sold to Mr <oh man a num mil inter* * in liu paper -n Ihui '• might qualify. Mr larw* said >t ,t Ti:n*a reporter The interest wn-, not large hut tli»» ho might b<- qualified *0 hold thn position. F f* lt that after 25’ years of ~i rvici . and ha' ing made a pil“ sufhfl*-n» to permit, me to do ro, l wa- entitled 10 have ,1 reat. ‘‘l simply want to he relieved of the dally routine for a »ime and I am going away to hare a rer-t. After my return in 1 I* w weeks. I will maintain an . th<. in the Jounial bmliltng and will ronfinue to a pou ■ r th* l l* l some of the de tails can h> handled by Mr. Cole man.” According to th* editorial an nouneeni* nt published in the Jour nal. Mi. Coleman becomes manag ing dlreetoi of the paper. DETROITER IN NAVY PROMOTED News has been received in De troit t!ia* John d\ Robinson, non of fh< laio George F Robinson bar. been promoted from tbe rank of command* t o r.iptain in th* Uni "and St a'*- navy. In |.i >llll ing ill* D* tioit* r. the bon l and <>t admirals avail'd j t-.lf of lh* m-w irvulition whieb. ;bolished the 'optorit' riih* and fir ruiltted avl .iiiiu mi'iit ,1* ’ordln;.’ 1. • flleieney land m< ri * I'm three years Capt ■ Robin.’ on ha- b< <ll in ■ oniumnd of tp* mii. do la' inn a* Newport, R. I Her ii* w.ip distinction hy adopt ru n.o'lem factory' t iethod.4 of efficient j and l> sucee.--sfully in ailiiiH ! ’ 1': ]i:'k! ■ tj >n mai lilner. Nfinv of h’- innovation* «u the -i: ion of'i- •-t al)lf**hi'd from se • r- ’ informn* ion 2 ven li' large f>e. trod ,0 t r < .pi Robinson *• i v "il "ire th* Spanish \meriean •'at, aim! durin. ih> famous eri.i.*.' around tilt world h> navigated the hat ti* ship K< nt uckv COL. W. F CODY. 1 tin detachment been use he knew thr ! ! country. "Finally lie flashed back the .signal j Dial th" Indians vver< Just ahead. We wetv oiitnund 1 red four or flu Ito ont Wit li Hill tody at the head I w* chaigml at them and put then’ in fligld. Th*'re nr*' htivc been ".o*lo j Indian* .ind W»- were a little more I than 500 .nen W * killer! D»" es thrm and* pur me*l th* re*n unde* Always th*tr wa) galloping ahead 1 thi handitome 101 l t od' RuddenH I l:e pulled up hi horse xnd stirppt and the column. Thought He was a Coward •‘ ’Turn bark, men,' h** cried, ‘it i- | an nmbueh * "FOl 1 momen' wi> rhmrght RtifTaio dll «t coward, b$F only for a tno- 1 ment He h alt'd off his Jaded pony i and walked t-,-rek They ire D-ading us into an ambush,’ h** said Tin hark, hut who will lend no- a ponv. for I am going ahead to And out. You men m Iwk * Almost imme diately a dozen in* n dropped off their mounts. I'.lll and thre* oth*T heroe* Jump* i en fresh horse* nnd went forward. Within & mile they found thai ati ntT'.Muwh had i* > 1 formed and thn' the *ntire Indlm village of 10,4)00 mt 11 weir drawn up readv to annihilate the troop* ■‘That's why I an*, hero,” said ( apt M* Donnell sltnplj ‘‘BufT ilo Hill t.idn’t know ilm m nning *»f thr* word ] ‘fear ' Sit him on a saddle with a good horse under him and h»* wa* a regular fellow. If didn't rare ll* vns as clever ns an Indian, fir lirav et And far tiior-. hr Inv "I thank Buffalo Bill Dm* h*' t*irn er! me la* I? fnmi that Indian am bush Th. n’ would not have Wen ti j man left in our eoutmand hut for the knowledge of Buffalo Hill, but he j wouldn't lei the snn of ua go where lie dared to po hlohw > 011 may tell th* hoy- for in* that h*'. not been worshipping .1 lake hero. Buf falo Bill yis, !i hra*. a* i k"t i* tie is nov* , t k", whr Tt he ntfit H , ti r .l»h " Col, Cod’ a|way < ail' and upc-fl Capt. McDonnell v.hen h* • «me i*. tv-frep l|* ;md often that C.«pt M« Donnell v. a a hTH re m<n *rally a rrmnlt ment from h*'ad«iuaiter*. SIX HURT WHEN CARS COLLIDE V ictims Taken to Their Homes With Aid of Autos UNINJURED GET BADLY SCARED Many Severely Shaken l T |> by Impact of Trolleys Six person-* were injured and many other* badly rhaken up whip 4 south-bound Trumbull ear * rash# .1 into u Jefferson line trailer «• (‘.rand IHver end Trumbull ave*„ about 1 o’clrs k. Tuesday afternoon Failure of the brakes tu work on slippery rails la aid to have caused tbe ac cident. Motorman Finnegan, of Hie Trurn null rai was the most .seriously hurt. Whin • xtideated from tie wreck -l verdlbul* ii. v lo 1." Buffering front a Badly crushed right foot He was r*moved to hi.. ] home. George Sorii a. No 1102 Truuibull ivr* , eondueto) of Ihe TruinbuM ear. was cut aer .-s th* face and ;>tm~'T' The other-* Injured, all passengers in ihc trailer, wet* ! r. A mil* No. ifiv I van ho* .»• pos-ib'e irok»*n arm and rodv oruisc- taken to th« reeeivtng ho l ital. MB' and Bennett. No 14 ’ • \vei’> iv hruisi and about body Alber Rotter. N<* 52.',* oin »\* body bnn*e« <! Kemp No 4t’,_* i .in* olii-av * injured abriut the chest. Th* ast three named "’ere Liken hoiui* i; M-'.tng tnoiorisi ■•* i... .Olunteercd then service.-. Vraffi*- on both 1* Trumbull and | Gtand River lines was >i* l up for yearly an hour. Mr. Porter is vice-president of t.h- I>etr< t Ball Valve company 'ir IK-rtO'-'t mnducts Hn apron suppiy servi. e. VILLAGE M VINS ( LOGGED BY ICE, CITY TO RESCUE Highland Park h dr-'W’n U w. i> r from Detroit main m* • Mon ' • r*t noon 'v lul« tli* villa. , ,'iiui •l - work dav -ind ui,;b <* .•* rtor* the flow thru th* Ir -.*\ n m.* m- I*. r Uhif-it, Ip. Maud Pi**k en Ulcer. says hr* aft B-ufrs th*' trouble to clogging of th< laik» S Clair Intake by floating ice n> j lans to protect the Intake so High t ind Park will not be thrown on tt. kindness of Detroit for a water »up r-ly again. Whit it v ill have piles driven round the intake The o will hold the ice inside and prevent it from breaking into cakes and clogging the r ains. I’rlnt(na—-thr plnln nrnl Ulna—lh*l I* rlatat—llmm .lot. Orirtr-Mnln 4fi3** Mortuary KIN OBI* it fi—Jan 7 19 J 7 Emma ! )>■ Mv.'.l iMUKht»r of Mr* Msrtr U. Kindbrrg Uunaral vrrvlrr* Wd -0• •«!•■>' at 2 p m., at reridm. t, ti 1 Millt*rv-i*ve tntrrinrnr Wn ..lm* r > \Kt tmv -tan. 7. fr, Florida John Nouniann. aura vnn. 1 I'vr.l r*i!b*r of \V 111 ia 1 u v Neumann. Mrs. Urv. Robert S hr. her, of Grand Rapid* .\f—. fir Kh I of Sparr 8 . MUI M * Adela AVld-man nn f Mt •, •W'illian*' I'cmnttx, of rm. '9' J hurada) *(. 2pm fr**Hi .■■'n's Aervleer t . I.r 1;. |d at $V orllawn metery chapr-l at * p 10. Finn)—.Tan 7. 1117. JrnrMf n . r ip. beloved wlfa of Wiltlnm H I’-irdv and «i*tri of MolHr \ •■ i; Uuneral Wednesdav st * j fr.-m renldansc, 672 T.rumt jll- .i »• -Tan 7, *t 1 r '■ f. r. 533 McDougall-ave . Ft~-i,!. -ig. .1 fi years, wife ..f th*- lat. M-nr, 1: ..... dlgcr. mother of Mr* J..t>n P and Ml** Franc*'* J ■■ * funeral Wodneaday *t 2 p ri - 4CKRTT 111 lin Sarkett, beloved aunt . f \ Uhllaon and V7dna Sparr*' * and • - t*r of Clark 1-arkett. ne. and . Funeral at horn*. L- ure >.. tireenneld. XV.'dnesdn .'in 2 o’elork Interment ,1 1' ii Branch 91KAI.Y- lan 7 Ellru T. t v * mother of William M and frank A dealv and Mrs T’ohert M F ' I n*ral from residence ~f \\ ilbar* 11 N.-aly, 6.14 Seventr enib-st., \$ ,1 nesday. Jan. Ift. n* 2 p p llur at private Kindly i>mtt c 'TH 4*• 111 R 44 tan *. 19' c I■ • r. Bfden.'e, 10*6 ('a**-ax <- 11•• rt: in A., beloved htial.end f I* 1 • \ Straaburg ar..l father t Jl* nnd Ilermlne Htrasbun > • r.o aervlcaa from hiai*.- Wedrenda it 2 70 p. nr. TI 4'K Tan 7. 1917, lb • t 1 hunl nn.i *.f Th.'l*ip Tu* in ? « n of Mr*. Ang. fiti. .1.-rn'Hir . c l brother of Fd*' .cl M 1 . • and 4, ).'»r« Funeral from resldr-rc t*S3 Congre**-et e* »♦ U r-« 1r 1 • -**-I,l' Afternoon at 2 '.it . .-torfi ttorillTMlKV lan Idenee. Ifi9 I*.'rr ••-u y •Is Havmond infant r.O •' r .. ft. and Jesatr flnf. Ii W-..#»fen.| Funeral private an i ■ ■ ia.» n--- ~ - r. r. bird <t ro Fiirinml !>iroctnr« 27 tlaore k It# riieit* Grand 1134 3f rfi aaaaai mrwmJmmt ra—r-wr—t —:- - iir.i.r W4mb~MH.K TLAST ’7tttNCt and .'em-n# aork t. ne or* *b»»rt nolle* aU Walnut H"*- n !»*»-♦» Ha V ; off; ■ r Inr ronrse reduced to ssd t‘d'< fnl, lud i.luul l.iatru tion Day I /mi ii. <■!»■■-■-■A* Tout), <tc furn i S' i I' >yiLiun* Hcurfd. Hp«*<*(al , .... ’f..| i.r.MiU ■U- - ..f 1 r it. :i t. »tv forming. Writ*; or NA I >' m M’To.MOBTLK St'IHX>U "l'H utility nil Hi".. Detroit. AD' I'»i 111 crestI’d in MM.rta. aoi»fi r, .. m ~f d“t*a rt runt il 1 it tunning t>mu ul < «■ li i. ii I • . i in* ill Imnn tide *. |.. •. iii I! %t mi nr** ml *r - ♦ • i r..i . » i in ntii or in.ichin* i... •! -,i * i \i . ;iri i»t rin.| ) .mi?ij f ... ,\• |«1 rt I*, fi I *ai * * . . , t ’ h o»i i Nth 1. . \ • 1, , . t i ... \| . *, NEW ERA MANAGERS WANTED To ■-<■!! tli oiggent life insur- Ri'Ct* .iii'< ■ *in Michigan. Tlic i,t i» iiurt'R of fraternal, old lin< :il assessment without an> i lli<‘ir objectionable features. K ul out display advertise rmn. i tbi paper Tuesday and V ■ dn< sdav, Jan. 'J and Id. 1917. Fo ' til particulars as to conn ,t. on. territory, etc., c; i (.1 i : -. I). S harrow, at PonUTo min Hotel, Thu ra il- \ . I ail. 11. 19! 7. 2 to I p. ni i • >in Thereafter, N K\\ : ■ SOCI VTION, i ri m \ t.K TELKPHONE | OPKKATORS j \\ \XTKI.) K)\.iiu; .o tlie constantly in [ ctim ntimb-T of calls, we requiir additional operators. Pay while leamiiur. Advance ment Lipid. Permanent posi ti< ns. \npl' b. .wcm hours of 9 ;i. m. and 9 p. m. Operators’ Sciti t.' ’’m i.■ ;in State Tele phone < ihi any. corner John (I and M; bison. Mil' Oil -ill*' luis KIM « !’ ’ N 1 la- •<*i IN PIANO L « j . s t 1 ■ i jin ii u.ik. aa l ■ i ii n >fli' •* ,n ever d-l.til: *'* -•'I it:. ir \ ulti. Kks.v lilt N\CI. mats i. W ..•flwni-I. ROOMS- - K rt ' r '>t 1 ni com -I*l *l l il • • !->■ irini r Mich *Oh « \Mr ii :! \' | t -ii tli.*; -.<• r | I•' rn v .«« > •*■ ’ ’ v l#\ • splendid « a a 'U p.nvrmnte. Act Inn I Oil.', .nku, BROS.. 245 W.. \*a id. ST' • ta >irt, *■..*«-. *»nr g‘>M. i> i M A 4th. .' ’ '.m : P'"l- • .m or 1 I! 1 1 - •** ‘ St) J>. \ FOi N’T A! X s i’('hi j iNi l h* KS ■a ■ •. ■ . ~ it ~-iuffl'. v . . snow • < 11: i \ in<: ’ l ;\ It l\n I • tli i lty. W*• t. i. i ■■.• inti smiare f • t. ~j a 'iii Kiw.iis "'.■u O p .■ ■ Vr> i tiir Succeae." i 1 • Of' 1 ■ • i7 'i f*.t inli'- tnnn. DET STORE FIXTURE TO.. 10-30 Catherine, Near Antoine PATU-Ol! * 51{ V\ I» V f.TOM AII P <’hpi'fr.tlf; t j string.* Iti chord*; lh* r ■•-" . ■tttpt,.fr m \ l*. mad I-. Aliphtl.V -*}:• i-\* ■: it unit K'H'S till* i • . ol |1 FI Kitla< 'J" (iIIINNKDD L’.Ros BRAN' M. ...*. Ty|>ewrit< rs—Late Models - Ii wood. Corona. JK_. ' •! ■ to ll h. n*mtntton, rent il W o’l an?' ' NUIn 4101 t 'Cmm ii ’ m i»i niia itnffct "!■; f.-t !•:. til !> ' h n ji in i . »i. Out lnv»n it . t • '■'■ii ji" «;m.v m:m. roe - iui vn« u f.; M*nr«>e, - ...» r .»w in| used; ~ti's 'l'r-t fllinit’jre Cof fee ir * l i- t*i m* 0"n Marah r o. 0 K**t .A* ••* at* i--*t Main 4711 ,T i/ o miii,: r,i i>\vis piano » : *;* ’ e votlfttl art and»« .t i>»*'i fnl mahogany. \n ■ t Vti«' t t nr, thornttifJ'lv r*'' i U s ill t tn»:nta OlllN .V tr.l. BROS . :c t\’fii>d*vard. Tj; murltei Bargmint |JK t.. J 0 and r< t rr-.m rnrfory, "mt \r •• n r\'Di" \'. ■•>]!. no TAD, <’• -RON \, It r'-titfntf »’ Rn >tn Irrrr** M*« k ■« »A* l- >1 TVPFi- W R ITT NO CO. CndlMac "R'.'A T '■’ettpu* Martin* next Drt. op-rx bout- MCSJC M« >X ft ACM TV Stella mi . 21 v ? 7 Inchra. play* I*i'in Ii ill- a. • •»** %i Tt new In ver>f• >r' t»rl ■ t ht- *vei K ' ■ *» :*h 2 n f:tt.* In hided fjr.TNNFIt.L min- in vn'i 'H -*■: .Mi'tti■>*• %M» .»» %Ut| A' VI ■ : './• t ni: into »* ar* tiou»# i ; :•! in, f'UNTRAI. O's Mill CO., moving * Mo to- v»n- for imlniil Hit moving PS. rtf f>A"ld" RK. ROI.CI 1 ray Cartaan and Parking ( ffli'r. Ill' V'.Vrd UMg-«2* I v • ■ f rnlo can r* nt par l >t • ir C'tH'al .sturaa* Cos, Cad til al' m* • n M i rniiri > Brick \ cnocr 2-Flats ' ’ t, ,-i. ~ff •fi t 101. S ro nt« and ‘.Oin t.arl.T, l;t»i tool a >ml Hr<-- pl.'tcr *..ihiir« Tli* ac Imlldlnga i> hrard ne*v, *■ U: >ld«- tlrlvr. on term i.non 11 •. wt I.;»lnn< \*■ v V’. L. JACKSON 61 *2 Drexel Blvd. Hi. 20Hfi MmJeim Hunaalow. st>3X iAI lit! II rrr. » M)H * 1 »* It I’rlf- | irle*n nil ♦ « v •i j -1. fl* \m us hint. ' f I Phnttr •,M (ip Flat- Taylor j 111-t V. **t f Mtnoßofi-btTtl Thin | ’ H v\ .M j. .*m * vou. rvoihl** . ohptu ul* <4» mlfiut* 1 i.>» r r i \Hrk*( iMO *JII AND 215 ST. JOHN '•\*rt nii'tnn, furnact full l <* o* 1 in t• id to iii<■ * i ii. ?s<" /' d..»Vrt, • ni i r.riftKi' s>:< rrtiTV «<• SO 40 Peix-haiot Cadillac 2124. DHKXi:i. r-Hi-.l att-et mi and. in iftn- I sain* fl toll* r!e< irnted I >P»i tlwwn | • tier, llirkory C7h»'■ •• ' '• >. THOMAS BROS. IIAVK MOVKD TO 412 Farwoll Bldg. Griswold Near Grand Riv^r Real FJstate Service LOANS, INS( RANGE May we be favored with veur i-.quines? New Phone Cherry 4394 Co-operation or brokers Euli.llcd. COPI.IN, tii*ai i« fJi rai'M in. and rit tun ! a i). a , rut; o.u. t i » ... ,!.•** n Owner, Mi, : . j..|, TWO-FAMILY FLAT sr.oo hows .s roomi- nnd li«th n*.foil iimr. 1 ment. erpArnt, fninare f■'r rue!:. . With -ii}. rj rl' • . I 111. I ! Off I.f l-.t t i .l-ff I I e t) The*. .'lll !: fin- , r . pia< Cciilli t. ■. Mum it, , i.i ~t (’. L. JACKSON 642 D i ■ Blvd. si:v»:ntij-a vk nung'iiow. pix-.i irrii. rtn* plan.. *7eg down Own- I *i. llU’k'ir* 27Sli <i 242-J. . MONTCI UR w l Tw ■ I <•■ 11 • family i r"cl< "ri*" r. IT * rooms nnd "Hlh t ,iuh flat. Ineom $l?(t inunthl' •It Miiiiiim.' I •11 <»n stntiil t- ni.* -i .11 .•; I’hatiK*' for nnj thine ■- <m i. r-. HA Ml I,TON AYE. $"■ * i diiwit, 11. ,i To ! In .. ' i ih-. .. : ■ niod-M w lot -*.v I *»• i tld- is i lint - PHILIP AVE. T. i>-fiAmily, rooms and atm part ■■•. | tlfopla '•. ati-am h-nt. «!-..» ■'• _-i --, .I*i»le drtvi : Im onm f.m |. r j ■ nili Till- "Ho D heitclh and ,n j Jt .'.'.it ilowu if vc i u .‘.i I at urn. J'.itti down bn; a twn-fatnllt "yt h*e| n ••m- and l>a!'i en* h full !• ■-<•- | tv* * il*' tin nn f i .ai h 1 ■ . hi .I. f i otn .I. (1 • i ■■ rt . -i La i g<* In. u, block north «.( .Jeff. ••••m. r«. r- i- • htinnak ■* T. r. m* nnd »■ 11!i full I ' ki Mile inn 'ii' bought on J(L*>" dov. n. bs: la in • ■ • «y. SEMT RFNGAT.OW I l';i;\l,l„ I’ui'i.iv : ,\i i;;: <t >V-\ \r - 7-r'oni iruil" tin: lon . ml new full linanment. .ul Pit fiiinp** Tin' ‘1 b* .Kit • - l Will : ■ I'd ■ S7">o DOWN (\ L. JACKSON M 2 l>r.»\ ■) nidi!.. Phone Hickory 20S,*, KUIt—l UID'I LOTS A. A. A. A A. A A A A A. A. . | PALMER WOODS Vary di*slrnbl< lota foi rale i>i thla hiitf 1.-,«a anlollvlaion M C. « I.MT.IIUN, Dime Bank RldK. I Catl Lae * i -K IST 44 ft. neru Thornton, fi t *." m ti i. . . THOMAS BROS. HAVE MOVED TO 412 Farvvell Bldg Ciri.swold, Near Grftnd River Real Estate Service LOANS, INSURANCE May we be favored with your inquiries? New Phone Cherry 4394 Co-oparatmn of Hrokara Sollrltrd. 220 ACRKH fVr «nd clnar. mllmi from T»v*>ll atation. frnll bait in Crawford county; will exchange for Detroit property This propettv will make a hr* tlful fruit or "tor-H farm Cadillac G'Us or owner. Hem lock 597-P*. RESIDENCE SITE Edteon, between Twelfth and Hamil ton, Mxl.7.V, at »».S ft Ma n 57 41 nr.AL katatk r** km imuf *n yood aoll. fair buildlnga Only S*•.^oo, It Sno ti .* n. 47 aci««. near Hollr, httfldlnp* and feners Plenty fruit. *4 take Detroit proparty. J«1 acre*, a i-at f Orton, 'air build ins* uond fences, .-took 'arm' ill.iiat), ln*ludlnsc 'lock and loola. Take soot! Income prnportv. i *ce*a with e.omfortHhl* liulldlns*. 11-mile from Itocheatar electric. A • nap at 2*lo, 11,000 dnxvn. BROOKS & NEWTON WITH HUM* IRE Sc <’H AVF VEI.DL. 412 HAVM'-NT' BT.TkT MATN 4STr,. r«*R jiai.f—farms FARM buyera aend for ’’Plper’a Farm Biiiletln “ Tt’a free Many t'a-galn* W C. Piper, Holden bid*. D-fm-t fl A* 'ID S m;s r MM) Fine dsirv faim. near Salem etxttun James Bullock. Riieht-.n Ml »• 71 ACRES beat land, flr.i dnlr* farm, near Sal*m *lallun. (;wn*r, .lame* Bullock, rtuehtnn. Mich SACRIFICE acre*. 1 miles ft -m \f<r!n« I' tv. Mlrh. Will < > and tract #.r <lty pi ••’■•■tt\ *A‘. b» other go*>d farm f<>* *hl* r <<• change tee u- f"f h«> • K i;*’» NTTf'lllt ; AS LAND CC . 417 Fr* Pr* Fill. • 'id 62U I’riaUnl—ikr plnlu nent Klml—ikm 1* r!« hi—llmr. .Inh l)e|H Xnl»* 4'■ Jli roR § a i.f.— vacant tor* Special New Year’s Offering JOHN R. AND NEW ROYAL OAK CAR LINE SUBDIVISION TJ| • ' |»T \< 'Kf'' VQ '» 'I l' "I.\N >l. \' MKMHkI* SYNDICATE $275 »|i, i.a Kill t 'IT \ NT* l i.KT OT« PT.A.N AVI» PARTICT r* \Ti~. IN' TUI Pi.O’ r !*•!*« ark HU.INn for \si n- ">i > THKf- intorm'att's ADDnr«« a. vo «• TTMrJ*. FUIL..VU F.—FAWXa FLORIDA’ I enduring oranges and grape fruit, 44 a< i < I " **nti «.f aniftll growing ♦ own; a forlunt to ov#> z "" ’ I" • t'L* 'e».; wit aelt at • .•.crim e i <ri nioney for buaineaa In (Ms <t* Will at iing. trim*. ‘ t il «'• '\STH» r TIoN CiX. 1707 >ln>atlc Bldg. 21*4 Market Sit ft. Muu:v It* l it AS 3% Money 3% TANARUS" bti I hi, i ■ ii. of: to buy; let U - •\|»lsil| .'.llue to Voil, Fither i‘t. ' ■>•'Jneratlve I.«.<giie •>. A• ier!i ii | »o | nobacot bldg. LAND ( ONTRACI3 LißTilir ANJI sold. MARION COM CAD. Jill COS'S Cl’tTlnN TJTW'S T. Ihe ra 1 atn J !■' Weber. 204 Gratiot Land Contracts Bought. ; Ouick ,'ind s, ati*iartery dcnN EBERT. MO9 Majestic Bldg. L;tnd C'rntract-* Bought Quick and satisfactory deals. EBERT, SO9 Maostic Bldg. LAND CONTRACTS BOUGHT M tic EMg. WE PI'Y I.AVD CONTRA 1.7T8. Dotioit Land C.’ontract Cos. < i nidi '"-id am*. r« BFXt—TtOOMa HOTEL* PRANK LIN C -r f .it ! I? • • • -tt*. M ike your b tt" ii" \s i at the Hotel '•’to'ikl n • clal weekly rates from *4 to f'.n >' >M • :L\r. utulib for two. •. of Wo dtvard. next <' 1 • ' " |4' v ttir-atcr, r.i'7 7 K.«at '! i md-hl vd. Hunnan Rental Agency 'A fr-e 11 ■ : of hiium r amt tiara. Fan Iti tier .■ ut ib" oldest and largest real . tire tvehunare In Michigan. 1 HT.fiC, »«> RKNIUFIATI I 1 LMsllf.ll ■■'I,AT to rent to retl "<l. : iri 'l no "I ildrrn. Apnt* ■ x iVn oi d-ii vi. Hit \ Hi» \mi Him tain Board v.\J» Boom fur working man or hov rhotie Wal. **l M \ vVi iiJirTi’'vnELOTS ' '' VST D r...f on Ktvlld. PhilnMeU I'nni.. or Lbilne, between I. nw..,'d iml Dexter; owners onl>. <"irnnd I2l:s evening* v i.i; i im." waßß**** s. IT A ASSOCIATION MKMBFIRS TAKi; N*« )Tll *t.* ■ •••in! ■■ U*’il foi Thursday • 11 g. .Inn !•, nt • 1. .»t 20)1-211 it bldg, I.; Siato-st. Oencral M inage t’ D Shi»rr»*w will ad d• • this m -.'i ng Members arc lire* <1 to h.' pi csent. raw Mi.K—Ri'siNkis ntorggTt ~OWNERS* WHO WANT gI'ICN \ND .Si.TfSFACTORY RB- St'LTJ: T.I-ST YOt’R VACANT AND IMBROVKO PROPERTY WITH ITS. THE E. B. JOS LIN CO. 12'."' Majestic Blilg Cherry 2#l>. *4 A ri'.TY HR VICE. hi;\77iatitk opi»«htuwitik« DON’T SHOP for M at bouse or lot without DICKINSON’S GUIDE In your pocket. Mailed on request. | T>epartment T. Dlckiraem*. Detroit 1 rr. i- —. - ssl't. •:a.. :■.. 7 htt■, it ■ l i'i*aaa— K4)ll SAI.F 4*14 KIl ItAM.K stock OF CHOCK RIBS, *hoea. no tion invoice 15,000. Two-*tory brick building 50X150; will ex change fnr good farm, MICHIGAN LAND CO.. Cad 45215 417 Free Preee Bldg, Ri; ACT IK CL.'’ 14-APARTMENT sh-**et Income of 10 per rent. Wi’l aifupt good lend contrgrt or g* ml farm for aame. Aleo have good st "k of goods for genera! trier" handier In small town whloh will exchange for gmall farm or land contracts MICHIGAN LAND CO. Cadillac «115. PKHMIXW NOTICE—If any poor girl la In trouble, needing advice, friendship or help, wrlio or call on SECRBP TART MARGARET DUFFT. 1017 Fort-et W. Salvation Armv. NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debts contracted bv my wife on and af tef this date, Jan. 8,181 T. John McArthur. FOB oar.IC—ACREAGg “NEW ROYAL OAK CAR LINE in acre# only too feat from naw Pcynl Oak car line, on the 9U-MUe road. Ripe for eubdlvieioa. Term* extraordinarily ea*v. Don't delay. Our price i« right Call owairi. nOS«-Br*OT'l •« iNSTRT'*'TIO.V ca, 1707 MaJenMo Bldg Cherry J 154 Sfarket Ml# W 4\TW TO r IBM A A OF. ' CASH FOR FURNITURE LAREAU MAIN 2904 W AATKOTO ML \—NIDI EUATKOtJS CASH fur ild false teeth, gold crowns, broker lowelry, diamonds. watchaA etc. full - alue paid Liberty Rfg. Cos. 97 tt >odwd 4th floor elevator. mil MI.K—M4*roRC» *~LE4I GARAGE. *4655 Prompt pment and quick erection mule this Aladdin garage a bar- I geln F*.r furth«r tnft-rmallon call *O7 T_ *ltd t* Phone M*tn >B##. nt mruL "ivr pi"T UNP CONTRACTS 11 bans a WAD*. 113# Mftjesflf hide. F«»ll 4ALK—VACAAT L4»T» PAGE 9