Newspaper Page Text
WKDNKSI) AY, JAM'ARY 10. 1917. City News in Brief • lull \llrrtl .1. Mm|ihi ..111 »|u "k In i In* liiKlr.lilr i lull I'liur.tlii. i i.r in 'i'li.' sliiw mil 11..- I ■ !»<-<-In I mi rllii. fur fiirllirr «r(nn- Ia til lu M \\n« in ii ii I* .«■■ krlil • 1.. Ii . | fl I • - * "f V\ iv in i iuiiitv 111 Hu- Hotel Stltlrf, \V il l ii- •'.l > :* fl•< lrv ioil Jkilk*- I* Ii 111 1* I \ nil /llr In *‘«Miftiir<t In liln liiiiui* Ii- it I‘ulit. llr In Ihr i r • *ll' i tit iff Hi iiii i hunorry ill \ hi ..f t tin iii'ii t rt 11a* |.i.i • i • n.; fill* » by Judife M i i>li> Juliii II Ir> limn, illri i'lur nf iiinuii'il Irai ii I k. In Ihf llr trail inihllr Ii mil »i'« »k TliurMilky in u i .. ,*pi * -i h * *i*iit-iit i < . *it*. under • in- h ll -pi•. of th«- llniin ami ICtl - .1 n il<|>al I tin'll t. i'll “Till' V H 1II" • ii ‘-i-iti a training In tin' j*■ ib 11«' y. linols.’* “Wr'll ni'.rr tclir >i|> nnlll «f lirl tll.-iriMMUI •Ml.” nk lil llr nr» I'oril In i .. imr t, i. iur ■ -t.« \ i ! a i ,-i w iv t- a,ip « »r A* . k n . i.iiritrt« have tog *trmi*"i i i,is t. » tin'. nr«’ Ii un<t to tight. \ , l u- r|> .a ii until m beginning i I- m | tin n thr rr t w ill com" n .»iii .ii ly ••Olil lliinn. him hmi tnkln. • nlrntn fur 111,- Iml frn »frk«," nHlil thr > -1111- ■" -1 ".■*>, "tint II" .4 -lit* tl|l ip --- -i 1 T 1 ng -uni • .mi,' 'l'-itn Miilh \ . . p,n u- a vi fit. !> ring ink hi* hitli JuVr, 'thr luliutlf ill, a I til And -Ilf ilirhrd tip l, I t,i. isr -1 rr tin- ml *t<ive In illi > I I 111 , I-1 the hr<| ronlll, •♦l'liltt'n ..lint I rail M 111 kll«h lob." mill H 111 in nn hr nnlrknl tour • ! I' ' :t.l II |-l, >• i-f |il* to t , t 1 I" . f ii Ilium . n-l ir t iii'ii pit'*' ‘‘That mi»rt V 4 .1 ! "M tnv not vr* i * ■ i ii \ 1> v inf t but ai. in- .- ;.p »n*l away go*-* .t month" - ilw; v,” Inhrrltiinir lit l .ntnlnrr T. 11. Whltr n Ir >1 b» tl«r Mtitlllnr l. . r - -it I,ntm Hi 4 to i .i.-i- .f,t,i-1 ’.in ti \ work In \\ H fit 111 > <1 Tl|l 'll l V •* ’'i' tit* in * rita n- ••' tin'a in \\ in. ■ . tin t v for tin' i il* ti«l i r M .1 • l l|: !l I'. ' tu 12-'l,t'l.' I f* I. Iho 1.,:. figure they havr rve r r. i to I ■ Hri-'i't |hr « )tt*t tno nitarl for »n * - lltltt n.ilil M a roll I* of nor Ir I * Hiuln i ,j i> .i wtnit it. Ain! . I ' 1 !• M '• r pill ! " I , ; | . | i • v W •'«' t-ink 1114 i, tlrng n n -n'n ' I Im! • nf r-n •• -. .it pi, not* anil trif i , vt i v i*n into t h«' •!»• * oil'll lit lots I oil find Jnnf nt.-pprrt mi' us ut into s • noil opr r»." nit lil ft,,- ,in » • ' ill v 4 fl Ml ill t <♦*•- f• - - , i 11 -it- I t. tii rin ii vr fa I. Hr . ■ ill I nil 1.-• I•r1 or ! avt-r rl l rrpr if rot nr., ai.t! * »- II »|.t , '' i if i < i t a t .ivy pin ■ wh*f a tail 1 jm- ••/« i hmtttrlf m itl I .. . I 'it v\ T ♦ tin I .t. Il I- h . licilm »• it of thr i* iti'ti -H hr lnmil n rtralng l»r. \\ hrrlrr I*. It i \i- 1 ut l lir rmrnri h I u horn tor. .f ; ■ liiintriil Kin-tr ■ .".mpany aiit p,-I, k ii" I rr thr Tr* Ht Inv It •ll h filth itl thr room -of t!.. It.! r l .(igln* - * I ittlf niirtrly V t u- • t Grand Ilivrr-avr, n • • I If i' !:iW> in Mi l l ' 4 , t 'ati-i of tin Vftavr.' • >. I I,- t if" With 1 a Ti ft* r n i • Si h.-.ln • , hint • urstlMT 111 thr I nlt , si iin itlntrli’l roiiri «hn»» thr t!. P r Itn-f Siitimrl A 4J , -nip .tli ’ t t. -il . - i . . i- s■!!,'"i ti ■ i«-; , i j, -it. i . . ' rtttln j - - in; of l,i ii - 1 n' ' i ta ' ■ • n ■' - r •■-' i p At | ft,..’ of tm •» V >'’i f- i , . t it f tin' miiir.i ! i a • t om. ■ . ■ ■' . ••spank \vi >.!cl r- -i I -i, : ■ i r-i i-m it* ,r< il't-r-* in full. John I .mi srrurr.l *1 iln'frr of itl sor-r from kl, islfr tu mi lursilut. ,11 t -M ' .-it.* Ta ppon of * i- . v- i'.i' •» rv. u in 'l- ani- t j dr, t. 4TO t- H ' w-t party Thr No Change In Price, Quality Or Size of package \ regardless of rising prices on other food commodities Grape Nuts provides the rich nourishment of wheat and barley at the same price tit which it has always been sold The King of [SjS Breakfast Foods Makes Brain and Brawn L— •» 'at Grocers everywhere. FACTORIES: Postum Cereal Cos.. Utd. Battle Creek, M*ch. Canadian Posturn Cereal Cos., Ltd. Windsor, Ontario iJt > rlrnntiiK I'uat $ 'ln mtlil. w hit'll In* hull tm*n witlina to put lii't'aij-r tl r thollllht whit Wit* ROttltJ t-1 pint it tu M party of hut f‘ I* 11 v• * • Inhlraii nhr nn 11 it f"l 14 i'il • hriitton of hrr ot*n l iimri W . ( lurk, (.rmldrnt of (hr I'lrnl unit Olit itrlrolt Nullnuiil it ink. uni thr prliK'lpil Mprakrr it* tin- ii-K'ilar monthly mnttlnH of tiin W i\in' County ami Honti v 'ftv ltuc.i tiar.k offliri i ami impl"'t». Tut day night. Mr. Clark a»fvo catnl rrcirntlon, or a hobby tb.t tulgiit hart t > •• 41*r si- m thr o|*rn, n * nn • vhilaratlng fur«''' in tli* 1 rvi ry-ilay lifr of tho offh • mnn. ciyih || Hu rrotiK t.i -f tin- lif t roll Murrum of Art. aim Mpokr Thr Mfit Inntir nf "l iilinr'n \ olrr" In out. It In a 1 1> 1 1 tiiHltarlor •'with a i li* ii ii mr.mgi' fur woikiit,! proph H<’i ordlnK to thr rdltorlal pagi us thr initial i**u»* Tin tlrit 1 nrur rontalna jiagr* and «t trartlvr rovrrM. Juttiu* I*rtit* lhaii"i m thr rilltur and tn a tints r and Krank S Martri n thr puldl-Vot Thr publication offler 1* at N 1 Ifamtllon-blvd. It c out amt out fi.r thr dry aWlr of th" lujuor light. If lllu|ril'4, »»llh bin iMntrril nt II trmnpn thr world In nrnrrh of mi man. hr .an tiluv. • it light and In- t-- p'ai'rful r> i Th- owner of n utolrn vi-dln, n r, put t i iik Iti toast m thr tiuli"*. I ii disclaim'd that ii i* an hrirhuun >f gnat prl> • ut i» g'n tine “St ra •' Thr i>44 n< r of thr .ntolm In*trunirnt Is K. Sti-vrnaon. No. 121 llarp* tvr \4 lill fells thr poll e thal h" Ignorant of it» makr and modratl. MtiKife't.H that It may hr a Hrand l:a pld.i produt t Aa thr (nil Irninn rrmararil after h# llnipetl out nf »nr of thr •lender downtown office' th" wt mt cutnblnatlun In thr world t >r corns im Ignorance, obealty ami a revolving <1 t»r For fear tfiat them lines. lik» mo many person \4 11) pcrt-'i from the earth w.tfu -t being umtrrsfood, thr clever ami rising voting author will evpla.n 11" Ilteanl I't infer that til*' grlltle man with the corns at*• f into th* •nine • 'loti tfa revolving do ’r with a fat man who didn't know that one person per re : ion i< proper. •■M hr not follow sir Herbert Itrer hohm Tree's hnhlt In the ehnrnrtrr of Cardinal of hrdd'ng mi. ornng" to the nos.> as 44 •• i l. on th* ill-ventilated. inmnltHti and garllc-ateeped l • 1 It at ask'd 1 woman, witness ng 4 p ,-t f t rmati- • of ‘King M* \ Tll' thi - u• 1 k in t lie 1" 11 o up, h- is- Historians r••• •> • t »ti »t “IVolMcy. whene .• r lu u •• ti cr"Ud of pestered with o' >r f.' M to |,li nose h v<*r> f ' * <iu u fwr> us the tm at "t ' .it within was taken '-nt and 1 11• •.f ;> I . iln >4 th the part of il 'poliKik. 44 • ' tl 4N « V • •' till -’ll *t i f,*. ii->ns against th" p-Mllep' v airs.'' 1 in mi u man who recently Inld hi* heit tl ou Ike inut rlntiiuln I ebuppng bl k anti" Itl"! s the discovery of a tu w firm of torture for met males * -aranteed to Pritig ,1!" c a slower death thin trying to find a buttonhole In a pi* " of la •• -•» .hghtlna w th a. furnace that would. • ' i n h<- .-• in tlo ••ilddi" f \ig ti -1 The n.'.v niethisl is * • hav< th*' ht ad of the family drag lo r husf'arid into a hut- her shop, th* floor of 4«hp h I* covered 44 Ith a la\*-r < f «.i\4 lint tw*. Inches tftit k. and let the wife drop n k*v <*f ertursc. th" natural thing fnt ivm body In th" place tu do 1“ as * In losing the key by kicking th* sawdust around. In th*- end, the butcher collies fotward 44 Ilia rake whit II the h *b*nd is lilt till f..r, ..1 tu take VI tig shout cl *- Ing time, tin- k<\ 1- f' tnd Th husband lays aside th*' rake pin - b : f.A cent-' yiottb ..f tu es .t.-ak in bis y eat p ■ k't -ml goi s b"tne tu learn whet to 1 the *lt" s irvlV'd thru the day *n.l to empty the m.i I of 114 I * 44 tit have a- cumulated sin- *' morning ALDERMEN SHOWERED WITH GIFTS New Members Ueeeive Many Tokens of Esteem KEATING NAMED AS PRESIDENT New (’ouneil Head Makes Few ( ommit tee ( han^es '(iontlonirn, thlH Is Just whai ray wif« has lfx)klnt! for thw many years, but before I give It to her I’ll bay*' felt put on both ends, believe me ’ i li was the Hon Robert W. Rut ter retiring common council pres! deni, peaking Ht was speaking ft Aid. John <’ Lodge, "the Santa Claus of the count'll,” and the bou ipiets wire so large and many in number th;ii a packed chambt : could hardly ->•> yvhat v a.' going on Mil. la>dge had Ju*t placed his hand lovingly on “Rob's” should* ! ami in u nice spem-h presented the r*dir;ng president with an Inscribed gavel as a token of bn fellow coun cilmi-n's teem Aid Rutter’s reply, as he held the sinning hummer up and c:t --' ft - *d P wit it a gleamin' eye. w-• 1 <h» •“d i» f t h tit PIS ,* ii'igeU < 1 ; |pi•? ipd.ih' 1' • t 4f 1 '! 1 body \ ' 1 a ■ •■ a •**. u! : • 11’. In 11 1 1 h ' - 4 tl • fi .Hire : : ■ • p. : • • .1 o'd * ounell- U »i. ,'i ■; p« 1 'low n and out ’o private life. TANARUS! tll ; liv *'tl *1 * calling of 1h * l in u m I v t '. ■ '! rk i.u * -.iy. and jibe advent of 1! new aldermen. Kra! n-j Takes Chair. Solemnly each aid* rimn in* ned ’Mauri' ** .1 K" a’ina ‘ when the roll yy;i' tailed for • !tton of ash w president. Aid K'fUing vtas tl.*". • ■i.'ori'.'d to Hu chair hv Aid \U,i!i and Hurton, Aldenm n then with varied j* s' elect*,] Aid Hindi* 1 president pro Item \nr'v* rs to th" roll call wer** | all the way from William Harold | t’larenr* ILntll* to Mr Hlndle. "It" mighty good of you boy hut you gave m< too many nhmes. was the acknowledgment. To •• th • 1* and other cere mom l*s of the night came a crowd that fl!!e<l Iht i t trnhef '<• ca|»HClty. Th' caiue so rap *llv and • cerly tha* Caps \!* in Hit ks. who was at th*' !Ut ! « ltd 111 Ii i regiment ils o r h'u* .tr»tl win!", had his troubles in •dml'tine *1 *m all. Ii w; s 1 I'ni ;.' sight that me l) • .O" Ilf '• • V !*or . Th.' i r -.4 ', , . *; , ! •• ■n : g t ] fa ing Tl.t r v. *-re rr* a' J •*!;■ ■ at I v * nlhs of 11 ’ • ■ on j ' bd Tli. ,h rr ph»r j *b",<r ■f '• ' *; •*• th t' | - • tg’, ' pia'h-r M » K •••■ i * - ! 1 ni\r ' I r* •.<• r t. 1 i |;t- 1,1 -• 1 ,* 4 r 1-, ,- , , /*• ■ r and hv a ne'v cl :i -**'-• j V- many •■•*' " t t.sen at j • |, r to -ee - their !. lend t st* p n 'lit thrcMhohl *'! po '■ t v ufiss nto oMivi'Ui. as tin* e.i t mi lit be Gifts Are Nur.frr j", A feature was a gift l it • p rio*l Ml the proceedings Rich id \V. I U* (ding business tnanagt r of Th*' fb irolt Times, wna given the fltHir *nd called f*u-wartl Ralph (’« Mitter. new Fourteenth ward alderman. Mr Reading fold the new solon his fel. low riri*r>n- in the Fourteenth had 1 eti in t • from 1 ruble beg,n ' !iin;v* and wanted to give a ron j rite expr* --ion of their regard. Then Mr Reading placed an j alarm clock in the hands of Mr j Mitter. anil the thing straightw.ay yvent ofT \y th vigor Mltt<'r had 1 little time to get "fussed,” for h" ' yva- hidden to tarn around and a : handsome luill clo<’k met his eyes This wns the real gift, and the nevv > altlerman acknowledged it prettily ! Then one of the real JoWch of the I n'ght. 1 hiyid K. Helneman arose | with praise for Janies S. Holden, ! who was sitting beside Vld 1/tdg • | as the new lawmaker from the Firs j ward I “It is a r]eh and costly gift, w•» are ciying our new Hldermnn.” aid I Mr. Helneman, and thereupon he l handed over a gold watch to Aid. 1 Hold, n ' I’m «4«d to get it Mr Heine | man borrowed my watch and chain | is I cam* in tonight, and 1 was w**rn*i| .1 {4**ol it " -aid Mr lUddett \nother handsome gift went to I l*res)t|eiit Keating in tfte form of ! a yviit* h. a |• r* tnt from t-he rout. ] ril |i yy a presented by \ld Allan, and Keating * aid the 'talk was all out of him," but he and try and he on time every Tu* 'day night for the net t t v o years. An impressive part of the pro J ceetllng was wlu n Aid Hurton and 1 Molflen went In quest of the mayor l in it es his annual message. As the IlllVttl I fAt-red wyilklpg between his •s. ort -f lie yy .1 inthusiaslirally chi ’ Ted When in finished, his messag*' yvas referred **> ihe ways an*! means committee for distribution to the proper committees. About the oniy other official business necessary to II get the n* w council iu working or- der was adoption of th© lb Itl rule for HH7. • Few Change* in Committees. Aid. Keating announced hi - com mittee heiiHtions during the initial session. They are as follows: Ways im-ann lturt*>n. V<*m r. Outhit'l, Hurnett. Ki'onk, Mil to <"lsuni 14 n*1 ac-i'tiiint 1* Kiiiik. Wmi - tell, to,bin (ton, ll<>l*l<n, vv.i,/.* il, Hun ter, It'i**.'. .1 ml Ilia r y \Ven*e|l, Ktarkey, Mit ter. Itrauti, I»r t. I)ah*>r'kl. Ml"*k*'. Franrbtse Wilson, Rlchert, V*-r --noi, Thompson, J'lark'-y, Au*h, lit*, pell*. Pul.llr ut lilt!*-. 1 * V* rnnr. fdttletleli! I*«.iig". Hurton, A'lih, I *lll, Mitt* r tirade (■*■ "oration -tjllnnan, Allan. He). 11 1 1 a. ll.<ld*n, Cowan. It"."*. Ilun t, 11 C'ranshaw. Gllnnan IJttle ft* I. Allan. VVartall. Dill, N*>wr. I ti pri.f.-t r Min Itirhert. Hindi* HI"II. W ng Htarkey. Walsh. Dodt fit 1 , nf Correction H.ndl* Wing, tin" ; ni, Behultz. Kronk. Holden, Cowan. I hi..! buildlnva Outhard, tttndle. Kuiix Robinson, Aitch, Bradley. Walsh 1 . , v 4 • r Selmltz, t,t ll }*stV*»i(l, As-tc. V, * rr'* 11. Kronk. IlitJiert, Walsh. 'I ,»v. s -Hletl, Tefnnr, Achults, Star k*-y, Hlopell-'. Dodt, Mlotk*4. epeninga K"- her, Varnnr, !. u is- t*. Thompson, I,llla. Richert. ,-(nrk"\ Pr nting Zink. Prhults. Wensel! W. rt• 1 !. Koeh«*r. Hoblen, Hunter. \;.it k' t' irid pounds--Thompson. tV f. I II Wing. Prnun, Hahorski, M 1 I l' , P-Ming Itoblnson Allan 1.. tl. • Hi,Ashe. Hratin, Bradley. P.irk 1 1 boulevard**- F.llls, Hur t 11 • m 1.( a v he, Kunz. Robinson. I'.' -1' • y _ (u *! ifiMto es Ivionk Tdttlefleld. Bar rut*. K.t h,- 1 Zink. Cowan Nowr. Ilea'lh a n*l .-lty hospitals Harnett ( >l l nn*»ti, ''ransliKW, Wal'h. ltlnpelle. Hahorskt, N w" 1 .1 * * m.- • H- I. Thompson, Rlehert. Rl. p, lie. * t.viiin. Buliorskl l • 1 «,* *, gnlatlon 1 -Ittleft, Id, B'.ir tot, Kun/. Vow*-, Ctithsrd Rub ' Wine Fill*. file!!. Dodt, lb,-a I*, tun. Bain 14 ski. i" ,-t.r and "tty legislation - l„.fli- , n*irt*m, Urlnnnn, Dill, Kills Z'r. k V'tt h. H r ,,!;-* y Crar*”haw. Barnett, IT 1 e. I*, r. Wilson, Hunter. Mitt* r R r<ntit n and plav**rnund*< War t< I! C. tHhnrd. Wilson, Wing, R».o, M -k• Hratil.* y Tr af fb in<l police regulation Al lan Hindi*', Korher, Wartell. Wen/.* !. Zmk, Aueh GOAL COST HITS ROAD BUILDING Forces Wayne County to Pa> Increased Sum for 1917 Cement >upply The g*V)tl ro:i*ls comrnlsslon r* c* iv*d b,ds f**r materials for wt*r;. f!ii* ng Mi* *■ tiling year amountin o sj :'.*,.* "ti in its weekly meet in. l u* sday. Huilding materials have gone u in pric* ?.an>!v 'ince last >* lari-* 1> Im'*'-of the ri-in M pri* *■ of »o:il, larg*' quantili* which are us*-d in the mantjf.'ictur of cement, according to I-Tim* r <- Rice, secretary of the commissi©! For 70,0* * barrels of cement, :r proximately $140,000 yvill have to hi* • j ***nt. "One small plant which snbnr. ted a bid uses four carloads of co,* a dav," s-tid Rice For the J",oo0 ions of sand tha v 11 go into the Wayne coun • r ads ".*l7. an otrriny of ah, i s:’*•.ti*iti will Im* ne<* ajy for 'Ut oft ton <>f rocks, $75,000. .in."' *n*T« Haggerty. IFc and Mu"- r attemb and the m* «-t.r, \l* ' :’'i firin' submitted bid' 'J ‘ • contract.- probably will b* let di.’ ru- the coming w**<*k. GEORGE GASTON GETS NEW JOL Police .Tu-stices Offer Formei Sheriff Position of Pro bation Ollicer George T Gaston, former *'' *•!* rk and sheriff, has h* • n off'"* th** position of probation ore* r *• the police court by Justice St Sell* r* anti MUi.sfou. \lth" n > u nit** announcement has !***• n t it is Maid that Gaston ts aim < tain to accept the place Gaston was manager of th*' M**- campaign at the last election, r 1 since tlo* mayor wa* r«’tnrn* 1 office, titer** has b**« n much latlon as to which city po ' former aheriff would g**l a ward for hia service. The numerous rumors con* i ’■ th** resignation of Police < , i sloner Couzens named Ga 'on Hiiccesnor. Th** probation post, pay Tl - ? ’ per year. Is of minor it • compared with whaf many ;•■■■ clana thought Gaston would g* '* it Is said in clly hall * it* * ' * tbi*« job is th*- only one that > n filled and thal <la ton will t • ■ - • i more remunerative t •*. nd ■*oon as the opporiunty pres* ' self to the mayor \ notable society yv*d* l i\" fain to*liiy yyill !><• that of Mi t*ia Kn ily Mack an*l I’hllip Ft* ' Met/ The brid<'-to h* ia th* . ter of Nor mnn F .M ••• k. P' t *•> newspaper pnbitsh* r -in<l N* ' memiicr .if th*- lk-mo* rattc n.*' * ’> I c ommitte* ** *** ••**•••*• | uu p r|(( A Nutritious Diet for All Apes. Keep Horhck’s Always on Hand Quick Lunch, Home or Office. DETKUIi I imES * Hi, ANOTHt.R LAUGH Special Meeting of our Cabinet held in New Offices, second floor Grand Rapids Sav ings Bank building, Dee. 30, 2 p. m., 1916. Received report from the General Secretai.x and resolutions were adopted, declaring the eleventh annual dividend or rebate. The General Secretary then reported re ceiving i otice of the issue of license by the State of Illinois on an application previously made by the New Bra for admission. Many thanks to the ()gg law, but none to the spirit Unit inspired it. The General Secretary also gave to the Cabinet advance estimates on net results for the year, which exceeded 1915, and 1915 eclipsed the combined net new business of sixty fraternals, and was equaled by only one or two legal reserve companies. The lapse rate was lower by $500,000. The New Kra did big things in 1916, but watch us grow in 1917. The General Manager announces Special md District Managers wanted. Apply 2to t p. m. Thursday, Jan. 11th, 1917, Pontchar trqin Hotel, Detroit, Mich., Detroit time, thereafter: New Era Association (,II \M) U MMDS. MICHIGAN TICKETS Grinnell’s Saturday “Mr. A. B. C.” had neglected to care for his teeth properly Mr. A. B. C.” now says the Peerless Dentists truly are wonder workers Peerless Painless Dentists 69 Woodward Ave.—at Jefferson OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL NINE O’CLOCK \ *1 I «l 'll >|H DAMROSCH out ill;* 11< \ NEW ERA ASSOCIATION Admitted to Illinois and Declares its Eleventh Annual 25 Per Cent ( ash Dividend or Rebate to Its Co-operating Members. AMI vkmi;m« The condition in whi< li we found them is shown in the accompanying illu tuition. They were in a com plete stage of decay- every tooth was affected. lie hud suffered with stomach and digestive troubles to such an extent that he finally was taken down sick and the physician who attended him soon found that the cause was entirely from neglect of his teeth. The teeth were so sore that he couldn’t even brush them—and after the physician’s treatment for a time, he was able to come to the Peerless I). utist to have the necessary dental work begun. The way his teeth are today is shown here Because of absolute remaking of “very tooth, he can masticate his food properly; he claims that lie feels like biting nails in two; he is not ashamed to smile or laugh and feels no disgrace in society, lie is virtually a NEW MAN! “And just to think” (to use his own words) “that all this work was completed in such a comparatively short time and absolutely without any suffering whatever! The doctors who did the work only had to extract two teeth! They saved every other one and I certainly have much to be thankful for.” What we did for “Mr. A. I*. we can do for any other person. He hasn’t a gold, silver or metal filling in his mouth psjft»pting the two pieces of bridge work wht.e the extractions were made. AMI M MLMH GARRICK ,\'T, vuYrif GUY BATES POST In ;i TI il!i!!*■• M»di>rn finv THE MA-QU ftADER *>T v«. * i \ ; i im i'idv in' l< M M \i; l> \\ • i I.> \ i : 11,4. NEXT WEEK ll"> Ml > rn\> Wlniii-r 111 - !<<*:• li I , .1 ..ton.. Meluillnii* KATiNKA T. ROY BARNKS 111 V!t lliirnt*. «inu , ">klili!l*klniti‘h|" V-nt » *r; ••» l»- mini'. “E.ii'Ui'l % i u,»j” 4<l.i Witnl*. 1 1* i|ti rr > V|i,|<- •Jirir, HI.- Same Cast as Here Before D fIOIT '„l MIC II Mil liriOllM »M:i I, < -I.riirr - . T “HEHA Y Mill l.iUtli M)iinr Mull lil-oit. I *ii 11 n ill In i_. Company oi 1 -'-o. NEXT WEEK SEATS THURSDAY wn.t.i \\i ii .Minis, m . i’t M.-ii tm ARMS™? GIRL IN Ci int St*.ivm-t 1 nil ll'ihf-i't linker Season’s Foremost Comedy Sucres* w th f'yri 1 ■.t* und unt, i• .*; X Y -it raw a—i ■« * —— - . Waslraglon Theater I' Mill I*l A \ IMi liliWThlrd Hrfk~sii.% I A MkZ. hWWMMRRAn*- «*• ' Ull 4li r.n . * . 'ii.lll In I: .111, 7. 11l I !*;'■» “A BUSINubS PROI’OCAL T—Other l.rrul I el*. -7 I'HEK IMIOio I*l \ I-* SllltK.. |lh'-»l».\ >1 :!»*«, rat Elizabeth I•• i e and : 3 rim.l- Kim; |*orfr’r f \% hffr a I <’ i "Tjj A llnrhi Piilfrey, IbiM A * » . rj* . , m Ho« . i |\rfr «\ llrrko I l.rww t«(«nf » L> iri« IYCEUM GUS HILL’S FOLLIES >m( lln-k lh I Mile l.lil •-•-■I EurKOl." AVENUE ' California Beauties Aanllit vsllrr unit atl-alnr m*i I'nn I’erforiiniHr. ■* !l»Uj. ••Hliihli.H • H % IIH v«" I nille«. Mala.lOr. \r»l wrrh. \l I ARCADIA January 16 50c to $2.00 AMISEIIKTn | St. Andrew’s] Society 1 BURNS ! CONCERT AND BALL DETROIT ARMORY Thursday, Jan. 25 f |7 In I*:l5i 1 Mil.', to II k—» l.nfoirUrßl I’oafvllrr. I'h'y 4M 4 111 T III' s* \ N|»AI. • loll* < uatl***« Vliiltnry Klephnntu I l.inle y *4 \il»ini| Murray Hrnnelti Hr - lull, • ehrrllier |T 11 n.<lii u« ; Mnudr » nl A • «*.. “Inalile viiiff." I’r * llnni'liiu I nnir.t I’rlilar nlgkl Vlnlln.-e., I*e-27ie. Mgbl«, lsr-3.V-iYlc II i: TUESDAY Ml SICALK in " »i*» the Urlllliont Hrnillliin plnnlat Gl I OMAR NOVAES iio rr.i. s i m i er < if., .lan. LI, 1917. 8:15 o’clock 1 'i»ri He.i student* Tie; it; v (ii member*. • to b*« aold to th* . ■ ft in tl.i- ai*i'r*t*ry, iltner, OK Meivard-RVe. Hill \ ill - 7 nml 1* p. in. MA Y PICKFORO i im’.iim; or tiik claw \lk hie. 2?ir; l>« !WI». Mut*., all amt a io-iiv. CADILLAC Tango Queens M VI « I KK, lli;< OUII-BHF4KRR* JOHN COWPER i POWYS Novelist and lecturer fM <' n i ‘ MOMI BN LITERARY TENDENCIES** TAGORE Vml ihr M»»iten* <'•l* nr M * atlr l*m. FRIDAY at 8:15 Mi-COl I.KSTKK HALL l'i rr«l Ave., at I ■**. », nir, mw, i nunt, n I Irkrt* at vs»fk»a'i. PAGE 3