Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1017. Society Mrs Hilbert W. I *•*• will give a «iir>ii• i (tulir* Ul III* I>* trolt Alii li tic cluli, Monday evening, Jim. if*. *•- Mrs. Abm «• I! L-irneil will enter lain at luncheon Kiiilay, in tin- In Holt Athletic Hid - Mr and Mr- Edward C Van ll«i- in have moved from No fl.l P* tcrboro st.. to No. i:57 I’nmi iivc MI'S Klizabeth Champ*-, of the Palma Apartments, will haw next v • «-U for California • Mi and Mi' Huston, of Coluni hu«, an vl iliii*; th*-lr son. th*- Rev Raymond M Huston, of the Trum bull avw Ih* sbytorlan church. —**v— Mr atid Mrs Chari#* W. Kotrh er will leave Wednesday night for Miami Fhi . whir** they will past* th** remainder of th*- wintt-r. 'li Cert rude fUiy*-r Stearns and rhildr*-n will l*-av** the end of tin month for Santa Barbara, Cal , to r* main until sprint —,.v— --\ black and whit** hall will hr given by thr .Junior league of th** tiros-** Pointr Neighborhood c-lub in th»- Hotrl Pont! liar!rain. \V* -dne - day Jan. 24 Mis- K itherine iau ho who Is glv ing 1 s«-ri-- of "Ctirr* nf topics" lec tur* -. in tin- Hot**| Statl'T, will speak T hug dj-v mono e..,af ,J 1 u'-.Jock, in th*- t> Jlmom (*f I<• hot<-| Mi- MlMon William*- - , of Parra nd r»k. guv *• a bride*- pat tv Tuesday in honor of Mi Flor* nee Babbitt. Mrs Th*odor** S M- vor will t-nt* rtaln for Mi Htti! itt Friday afternoon Moslem tempi* will civ** an in formal dancing party, Wednesday •■n ti-mr, in Masonic tempi**. Tin* dancing wilj !»• pr**crd***l by a con *•■ rt by Modem I -tuple hand \ card p*trty will t»*- given Friday evening. it* the hmm- o| Mr*- V H Wait No 1 *L‘ Cortland avo . for th * born-Jit of th*- Masonic home, in Ain.a Hen O M Po«- corps, N'o. S. will vvt .1 * rd party Thttr.-dav after noon at o'clock. Ui th*- home *> Mr pel* ftnanlon. Na v s»t Third ;n* • • Tk*» c#r** rv,«-i<»r> committee of ft . Pw.-Ml. th c n> i-\ chrt> will ;-i\»- a civic !'im ho'ti Thursdav, i* 12 uV|i* i in th*- Century building. Kino MIC *■? I! t*- park. Colorado t*. he ip.* t of hone and speak* r. • Mr Edward P I* on am! 1 lit’ dr> n. Claries and KHzabeth. No 11" Tavlot a.* ami Mt \V H P.-tt, hm*- V> " i Jo'Ophln* avc , ttpl >ii\c 'I • end of th** mori’h for PIOI i la to si* nd the w inter The narrlnge 01 Mi--. Ruth Helen Wo*alb ;-< dam ht* * of .h*nn T Woodh*- * • I! •r* Prsklin • ’* ir --f N« w N*>rl- >id *ak place in tin hntu. No !■_ Putnntn av*- Sattrdi- evening. Jan. 2'> Th* votinr c«tip|«- "ill r* id*- at No 2'd> Vab-ntln* I-* n« V- nk*r- V V • The 'VMef-a-n rom|»o-**d *»f t ,rl t! Tolbf-en. violin. Mine b-( h* .1 i \ oil* f-> n. piano, and Wil h- l'ii Intuit* ci-110, will rive a con «<-ii I'tursdiv ev.-nmg. in the hotel PtHitchirtr-iin convention hall, under th** 1 ntpic* ot th* Chamber Musi* so- !• t' Ti * t-a ill ui v•• 1 s| ( Hal BABY’S BONNET FROM PARIS ff# . Jf r '< f /* ; j/ f! ; b-i'i 0 kr k\ t. 'ft >%*s ; : ■••i h: &&&: /" P & '■ \ v \ \l \ My A \ f'A A . - WJ ; V N ' y And now, IIMIr Mt«*«< Vanity, hold jour hmd Ju-t an, until Damn K«hh lon putm on your n* wrst bonnet. It H tiiad*’ of rlbh* and t*llk with in union of tr:tl In*-*- and th" upftar fnK ruffle's at* hlkh of val It is all in whit* 1 , even th*> ribbon at ream er* Th»- wee •dipper* are pale blue ribbid -Ilk. and lb* 1 clipper rase matt b*>i them in color. A famous nt *n mlfllner In l*arlw designed these dnint v thing* < specially for Fashion Art Magazine and The Tnneg. W li'ipll fe! !i i|j ' " jia* 0i (I JP fens w'.-itpH’ aHi-rti." liiili!;*, iiiJ BY BETTY BROWN Raby's ha k*-t must have a pretty coverlet, something to remind us that haby hunting has Just arrived from Baby land. and who has more right to appear on baby'a coverlet than Mr Stork’ A pretty “efork" edge for the titty basket sheet i made with on** spool of Richardson’s It M C CordonnH Special No SO. To those who want to crochet th** coverlet, th*- following formula will be useful Make 71 eh s»s. program for public school pupils, Friday afternoon at o'clock, in the Central high school auditorium - Detrop «•« nt**r. Drama League of A inert* a will give an Informal r«-c**p Hon ati*l ten, Friday afternoon, in th* Hotel statl* r. in honor of Edith Wynn*- MathUon, of th*- Sir H*th*-rt Fi-erbohm Tree company now ap pear ini; in ill** iw-troit opera hni***, 1 mi Charles Kann K< nneoy, ih*- noted playwright, author of Th*- Servant it. th*> Hum *■“ and other "*ful atiiJ notahle plays In private life. Miss Mai his*,n i- Mr Kennedy -• An inform il program «-f mtisie will l>* giv*-n Thursday afternoon, at .t o'clock, in th*» monthly meeting of 111- 1101 l*’ ..f I;<•v1*1 *A i* * ;t.u:llar> _M. M • I'l ril* v Mr- Wil.iatr j R. (Jreporv and Miss Ir* ro S-rale - I'Tbvioiis to Hi* meeting, at r»’rl*s-k, 1 Mrs \\ a*lsw >rth Warren, ehairmar. 1 us the music committee will m* * ’ , (tie members of lli«- committee t*> | . map!*-!* atrangem*-nts f**r th- *t; j;< rtainrnents during th* remainder [ 01 Ih* >1 if. Th»‘ tnarriagi- of Miss Fh r* 10 * lialibilt to Harold Barclay William *i* will lako pl.u M* ndav aft* r ii.**>n. Jan 1 In St Paul’s cathedral, .h* It* \ J< tin M<-Carroll, canon «>f ih* <ath*dral, othciat rig Mrs Laurence Cl.nht.rn*- Will* nos <’in (ii.nati. -Ist* r <>' tin brid**, will h*- tuHirnn of honor, and Miss Hlizalieth William on. slst*-r **f tlu groom, wall I. lirltl* sir. tld Patton Dixon \Vo«td will he »-st man t- .illow ing .* wed trip to 1 to* P.ermudas th*- yming c*m|.le will make th*-ir home at No. b'i.l Sinviir l-nv*' \RGKNTINK ARMY LAWS PRAISED ... . tiu * 7/1 m.i ' / - tr.w \in 1, ',(/,*; #7>» r*-»/>oM*'/enf t nitfl I’rcsx ) BPtNOS A IRKS. Jan 10 (l**n I'ablo Hu Hl* ri. tufhor of \rg*-n line's military service laws, thinks Hit- form of conscription will * v* n» ually I**- found satisfactory for fh* Cnited States. In .m inf'-rvo-w a*-- rf.rded th*- Cnlt<-*l Press today h* * xpr* ss< and th*- gr«-at*-st interest in the report from Washington that military heads favor* *1 adoption of lb,*• Argentine hi* .1 for America. "Argentine resorted to consent* • jon because it was (he only method **f maintaining a good military r* <>rve." the general assorted “Tit* r* suit*-- havm been most excellent democratizing our people, improving them mentally and physically." January Embroidery Sale Embroideries At 10c Yd Hundreds of yards Matched Sets o f Insertions and Edges, Heading, Beading Edges, ete., on Swiss and Cambric. IT»c to 2."» c Values Reduced to 10c S I.OO to $ 2.50 Embroideries at 50c to $ I.2s—Just Price For Friday and Saturday soiling we have taken from our regular stock broken assortments in high-class Novelty Embroideries—all White and fancy color Embroidery Klouneings- and will sell this loi All at Just One-Halt the Regular Market Price Tfeitcmfi tndicctf (xtmpam ( ROCHET BABY’S ( OYEREET b*irst row Z’i sp. -eh ' » •*: | Repeat for J row* mor*- Fifth row; 111 *p, Z gr. 1'» I*. eh sts, turn. Sixth row: f> sp, 1 gr, t -p. gi ?> Sp 1 gr. f* sp. «-h Sts, turn *■ Seventh row : .'I sp, *. gr, •- .0, | gr, 0 sj>, r. < h sts, turn Kighth r*»w 4 sp, a gr, t *-p .pi i’ sp, 1 gr, ti sp, , r » eh sts, turn. Ninth row: 7 sp, 1 gr. sp 1 Ir, 7 sp, 6 eh turn T**nth row 4 sp. and gr, I * t». ’• . 2 sp. 2 gr. 7 sp, •'* ch sis. turn IHt CONFESSIONS OF A WIFE YOUTH CANXOT ISKAI.IZK 11(1111 “The n*-xt day, Mar. - l* I got an other letter from ' harll* Moutgota cry setting th*- day when I was t* * lunch with him and inv two « <* i-ui I immediately v■ • *l♦ • him that <■ cumstan« *-s had ari-*n whiih woulii make it impossible 'or in*- to in** ’ th*- Miss*- • T»>wns*-nd “This brought Chari" over :o -* me af*»‘r th** niatlne** an*l 1 told him the circumstances What tie -aid was straight to fh*- point, if noi very elegant Knglfcdi " You see, Fa'ila,’ he said, J*’rr; is determined to *-op **ut that Ln.- NO TRIMMINGS on n vnv’s uor,i; - v* . , x " ' ♦ T x <' i- '■ > I I li \ r h \ -. \ ■ f t \ "‘ - * * *.. > •* -s' » ’ *• , y * ’ I * ; .I. ?...: v . ,s : ~.i t' / •' \'>v, .. :&>■ Fri'-hion decrees th*- sim|»l< things f* * - l».ihi* m frill-, iin n 1 ties. n<* trin mitus An • \<iui -it* hit <-f t* -t»y Jin*-rv is this crist* nine rot * in sti*-er* ' FYenrh lawn with liner. 'ti'k*-: yoke an*l Just a little ** f tin nu tlellcate hand •■mb"oid< rv Wli.-n l*dl yoti tins 1 1 r* 1- from ■' tu c /in** Ft***hi*>n Nrt .• r*• I *1 * -1 r.■ tlabruder Mass, th* law a * .a Ila iiat-y world. th*-n you’ll mum r . christening gown wairth noticing: First Floor • V* mil r**W s -«.rv»- f***g| . ~ sp, - • ' 1 sp 2 gr. r* sp. «-h sis, turn I-• * lfth row *. sp. 1 gr. 1 sp. I i gr, I |>. r* * h sts, turn, i*-p*-Ht Ist "w t .r :i row ‘then tart Hie stork, I continue a shown above. Win n completed bast* carefully. li* av ing a inrrow spac** above th* ' rn Cut the material from the I h , iiul rm.k*- a small hem. A halo tow.-I to match may be made j hv. omitting tit*- forks an*l babies fiftrn • .< h -1- making the flower, • b*t\ ilc then ih* flower again. lish lord and she is afraid you L r »t in the running " Which r*-mark, I suppose, dl v*-.»t< *1 af your racing slang, means r -.; • t {- afraid I.ord ll* auHiamii will admit*' me To go a little fur »h< t in your Isngua -e of the track. I r. •vt a good mind to giv*- her a run for h* r mon* y.' “Charlie M*»n? uojnery’s ey»-a tw inkl' and. ‘You still have your p* p. my dear child, haven’t you'* I w ish you could a*conic reconciled to an old man like me Paula. I'd never drink another drop if you’d marrv m*- and I’m not so had when I’m *-d" I've got money enough to ;>*it the wheel- under anyone who ■' you hudlv and run them out of (c *-ty or *\• J; off the earth. ‘ ‘Yon could make that- old har rldan of an aunt of yours and her two snobbish daughters wish they hid n* v* r b* • u horn. You know, Fmla d*-ur. my family is all right I the scapegrace.’ ■ Four old Charlie! Mv animosity f-d v I>, u h* f *lk«*«! to in*- like that and h< <!< ■ Margo-, after a girl I t had v* ar <■( > -imlne her own d-d • thii • h*-r own friends is I had -d*** <b« not expert much of an von* nvn or woman. "H -u-v.r, 1 told him rnv mind } ."I n--' han-.■•’il on the marriage (ju< *~i i<ui and was younu enough and . ii*-l t-nough to *ny a few well d**- -• rved If imfiolite words •aim* h»-for** vou asked me to i ry you Mr Montgomery, and 1* aiis*- v"u had money and position When You Consider - that the cost of a cup of tea is so fractional will appeal to you as the only logical purchase. The slight extra cost of clean, fresh tea and, above all, of the unique “SALADA” flavour, is negligible; but means all the difference between satisfaction ar.d dissatisfaction. b us g¥f Thousands of yards of fine Embroideries of every description have been reduced in price for our Annual Sale on our first floor. Note the following for Thursday and Friday. First Floor DETROIT TIMES First Floor Embroideries At 39c Yd In this liot is to hr found such want ed Finbroiderle* as Ifi-inch Organdy Klouneings. .W inch Organdy Klouneings. 27-inch Kufiled Baby Klouneings This Dot D not larKo. but it* rt-duo< and from I’rlco up to $1 00 p< r yard. sfei’ccmb Sndicctf (ampany and I had Just lost them you were immensely surprised that I xlid no‘ jump ai th** chance. Then on*- night you got drunk and insulted m< Os course, it was fh*- drunkard and not yourself who acted, but you would never have treated Paula N* wtnn so had her father and moth er b* *-n alive, "‘I have learned the last year. Charlie, that rich non have 010* cod* of conduct fi,t the women of th* ir own s«-t and another for those women who struggle along outrldo M . I * ‘Today y**u a-k me Hgain to h*- y«* .i wif*- and dangle in front of my eye your ability to place me where I can get * \< n w ith tho*** who have hurt and snubbed me l*» the last y»-ar I «m nut a*>a*> with you any mor* uU! - 1 have so tnd* tint how Mtt!* it means when a man lose* hi -*-|f control and becomes a brut* In the past year I have seen too inanv of your sex do just that, but 1 would n*d care to marry anv one of yojt.’ 'lt wa- a very grandiloquent sp* • -h, M irgi*-. and I hav»- no doubt I mad* it in my best stage nian n* r. D mu ' have Impressed Char 11* howevei for he 'aid, ‘By Jove, l’aiila, you are a merry little pieee land after this I want you to count no- among your real friends. I’m | cuing 't*» -<•*• that you g* t what ; you’re after.’ "I flu nked hint and h* left in™. Then 1 discovered that I would not hav t >"" jo |"S\o th*- theater for sum* thine to eat and still get hack In time for the evening perform line- I li; p* and on a kimono and tried to get a li*t!e rest, for I was too • xHt* and in fa< t. I think I was f-• me too much like a heroin** in a novel to eat. Margie, can’t you r* in* rnt)*-r how ymi loved t*> play out of story books? "Son»*-how. tny life at this time, * •*• n v ith its tiitter experiences, was no’e quit* real It was perhaps be cause I wa so voung that I could not n Mr* Sometimes, Margie, I think C"d --ends Irresponsibility to vnu'! for if t could ever realize the truth it would faint and do-." (To F* Continued.» Boy Insists on Roaming. It th** plans of Albert Carpenter, * * Hi: * land Fark. prove sucee*,»,ful, ih* idv.-n'utous career of his P year * Id -.-a Ralph will * nd in '*•» days' :< iiii "iii in a room, with a rope lied ni i'm ’ him to pr* vent • cape. Tl •- IF :hland Fark jxdn-e advised ( a: p* nt*-r to a'i(’pt this mothod of curbing Ralph’s gypsy tendencies, 'id •• ln-1 wa picked up again Tues day, after le- had started fer Fort Mavn*-, w!i*-re he hoped to ramp with t!o- troops. During the last Ralph has gone to Windsor to cnli-'. he has run away several limes without any particular object, and on .mother occash-n it is said 1"- stole $L' 1 fr**t i a stor*- His fath * r tol*l th<- police he has moved sev i ra! tint* -:, hoping <lifferent environ 111 *ri* -- v\ *»u I*; iielp the lad. The farn 1 1 y is now living out Royal Oak way. Togging Up For the Kink BY BETTy BROWN. Whether she goes rortfc to eon qucr with skates or skis or a hockey stick our outdoor girl will wear the gayest of raiment. <«or geous plaids In two tones of yellow or green Hnd brown; pin check: of bright yellow and golden brown; solid yellow, or red or purple are color you will sen in the spur* clothes shops. NOW AT ITS HEIGHT— Our Annual Record-Breaking Sale of the Celebrated iUSST* This sale is hy far the most important trunk event of the year. In the fare of drastic cost advances of all ia\s mate rials. the sale oilers truly wonderful Mil ties in the finest wardrobe trunks pro luced in America today. Four Important Facts that Make This Sale Possible I irst —We are the largest distributors of Hartmann trunks in America.* Second —Through our leadership we have been favored by the makers in the way 01 price concessions. Third—We placed enormous orders over a year ajro, thus avoiding 1 most of the advances in • prices. Fourth —The Tuttle & Clark policy is to give the customer the advantage of all special pur chases. MAKE SELECTIONS EARLY You know- that Tuttle & ( lark sal*** are genuine. an<l many are waiting for thi- announcement; while the Mocks are very complete, the choicest bargains will go juickly at these great reductions. IX) NOT MISS tho opportunity of securing the best wardrobe on the market today at a big saving. FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LIST OF THE REDUCTIONS Important is the fact that the original prices an* about I.V le-s than the regular standard prices of Hart mann Trunks today, thus the actual savings are from l 2. r i r ; to 35 c *. $20.00 SB!* $16.75 $25.00 S/UtS” «22 *SO $27.50 *94 7* $45.00 size Wardrobes $39.50 Up Town 253 Woodward Fisher Arcade ii TN ADVERTISING it is not the S amount of ink used but the place where it is put; not the amount of circulation but the place where it goes.” Six Months ago The Times published, exclusively in Detroit, the advertising of Ingersoll Watches- This advertiser selected the one newspaper in each city which stands above all others for honesty and cleanliness both in news and advertising in Detroit The Times was selected. The Times produced results it was the biggest spring season the Ingersoll ever had in Detroit. Months Passed —and The Times was again selected to carry the Ingersoll watch copy. The pulling power of advertise ments being affected by the char acter of other advertisements in the samr papo»-, makes it impera tive--if the fullest success is achieved - to select those news papers which have the moral cour age to refuse objects nable or mis leading advertising. Your skating skirt must be very short and your skating shoe must he very high, which -how** fashion has sensible moods at times. The white calfskin seating shot laced from toe to 10 Inch high top Is smart footwear for indoor skat ing. The newest sports skirl* are closely pleated and give you the inipr* lon they ire narrower than they really are The clingy effect Same Selections—Same Reductions at Both Stores. THAT local advertisers also appre ciate the policy of The Times and the great puiling power of the paper, is shown in the fact that The Times carries more real estate dis play \ advortisng than \ujiy other Detroit daily, „ r ' |\ 1 $50.00 $42.50 $60.00 size Wardrobes, $49.50 $70.00 iris: «ea cn quarter sizes, now moo rasa. $67.50 By rejecting thousands of ! nos of objectionable advertisements. The Times is building a newspaper of character and inftuflence which is welcomed in the homes of dis cerning, prosperous people. is what we seek when we choose a skirt Just now. Pin checks in vivid yellow and bright brown make dazzling sport# skirts. With tti** heavy sweater; coat in yellow and cap and scarf to match the girl on skates resemble* a' yellow bird in flight. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S rt ASTORIA Down Town Comer Jefferson and Bates PAGE 5