Newspaper Page Text
\V EI) \ KSDAY, JANUARY 10. 1917. Lloijd-George, The Roosevelt of Great Britain! NERVY MAN. VYHOSK LIFE HAS BEEN FILLED WITH TURMOIL AND DARINM Sees Hope for All the World in America’s Destiny NEW YOHK Lin . 10— Lloyd* M* Mg* . Britain < man of elewtlny, lm.- a p< n< m« : «K** for America' I hi* •• " “Tim h*»p«> of tb« world l* that \infH'.. win realize the call !)»** 1 1 ii> i m.iktyg to N*r in tone* thin ut• g*nmg Imul* i ami won* in -isi* (It .. hcsi terrible months gu jty That destiny lies tu the *-n tot celt fit of lespeel for luleril.l law ,uut International rights.” Tli* iV • «.'igo was delivered tlirti Isaac u Man e- -on. who has an at'tli " «t I,|oyd tJeorgc m the Jnnn ury number of Everybody’s Maga tine "If jon had probed behind this ktndln • itti ranee," writes Marcos son ''you would have seen with IJoyd tb-orge himself that beyond the flaming battle lines and past the tumult of u world at war was the hope of some far-away tribunal that would Jtidg* nations and keep them, just a iniliv iduals are kept. In tW lath of right and humanity “Hui before any such bloodies antidote can be applied to interna tiolial dispute t.» quote Llovd (.leorge again, this war inu-l tie fought to finish "The • final word- snapped lik-- a whip hi li and • inphaslz'**! with ’i list-heat on the table, meant that Eng hr ml would sc* her titan task thru, and if for no other reason, 1 **• ran •• u ii) m who drives the war . <! v ; * o'” l.lovd 100 gCn has h* op a life of •onriie according to this writer llrrn "> > l-h he »:i f tulle I in r« )olf end English wa a foreign on..i' Son of a village schoolmaster who lied wlon the boy was scarcely i hfee, fi> missed the pulpit by a j >.:< rro\* v.t >•:n. \ • lo vet In-I U, va ar e-1 fe, \u: or of the irets of his command of people. j There is something Lincoln like j nth* f * I*' of h i fir- * pnl.* L -rt itruggV This lowly lal fought he forces of “Squirekrcby and> ilerarr by ’ The torles hurled t dnt the anathema that he “had , >eeti born in a cottage.”* *'Ab.” replied I Juyd George when] le.heatd of it' the. furies have, lot rra! dth it th*- day of th*' cot j age-bred man las dawned” Ife oppo• and the Bo* t war bitterly, nd a' Ui wa- ■ ri • < ’)• ! '. . ■ i Il.ruun.: 1 mi borne •' .1 . ' < uli* ■ ;ili and . 'it*!* ! V • fie . a- w«rn»*d that he would ini I ienl hi- Ilf* if he even showed him-I elf H t■: Lack this word *'l am announced to wp* 1 nh and j peak I will” •|l w ■>*'. 'out lijr/u Ingham ah*.o' of : clod l!c time and got to *ho home i f I 1 u uft f y \ll ii - * lor. andwl h non paraded the highways! ear'*'" *k.i< >r.«l> < ailing ‘l*"* l ttizcnrv u< .isseMnbV at, the tow .1 j LITTLE. STORIES FOR BEDTIME GRWNA AM) KKl)in FOX 111 NT IN VAIN t • By THORS I(>\ Tr 111 HO MW | Tommy Ti» rind drummer the I'oodp* < k*r and Yank Yank the ll* >.,!'• IT:: *ll ■ .1 .< V ..nd ’ '!>•<' r**r th< Red Squirrel were not th* nlv on* «!i» w< re on* and about i mh n a the great storm ended t • no' No : 11 1 * ■ •»*! 1 Kvery ody v In. »*e« not sleeping the win i ; *> or u t.o i. id not >i ntor ■ f fno»t right at hand was out Hut ot »l! * i-r« -Hi ;ortun.ite a* Tommy It an ! t.i- :ri< ndr lit finding a good #»nl vailing Pet*i It li.hit and Mr*. P-t* r mm.' ill of th«* hol»' in th** heart of th? *«r < I lirtar Hatch where they ml n.nn'iii* and to l *-• n * comfortablv Htm. Iho hiilgi). and at once he |iii to till lh u alomai ha with bark rwo young free* and tender tips of riK I' w.ii \*ry eo'.rse food hti would take iin.iy thnt empty fe»*l-. g. Mr.-. Grouse burst out of the low and hurried to get a ideal he f r*’ dark She had no time to iv irticulat .and-»• tie ate sprue?j ids Tltey were very bitter and >t IIOIC.I to her liking, hut she WHS o turnery and night whs fix* near r hei t lx f ll sv\ Sh*- was thank I to h ■** that much. Roddy .ml Granny Pox were out j o Th- y didn't need he j ii i you 1 now they rould hiint all j ft!>». tup ttiey w*r< so hungry that ey Jii- t had to be looking for tnHhine t*• • -at They knew. o f ur.*< t h;i * every liody else would I out. md they hoped that unnir j theh* would !*«• so weak that they i llhl « a dly tie caught That seem < je a dre tdful hope, doesn't it? Hu* mi know one of the first laws es and Mother Nature is self preserv i 1 m That means to save your own ’e flret So. perhaps Granny and , Mldv are not to b<* blamed for j (pine that some of their neighbor* | Inht be • asllv caught be* a use of j e rreiit storm You s*»e they were; tv, %♦ r > h initry Indeed, and they | Uld not eat bark like Peter Hab ' t or buds like Mrs Grouse or i *■*l - |ik* Whitefnnt the Wood , nus*.. Tli« lr teeth and .stomach * not mad* 1 for such f*>od It w as hard going Ter Granny and Midi pox The nn<i« was soft and '•■p in many plates and they hud keep pretty « pise to those places here rough Hrother North Wind id blown away * non till of lh snow make walking falrlv « as> They, on found that their hope tbn: * <T t —\ k dm Jr*? i L *• K? jl L*Bum 4 - J Cr*w^ fiySnJEBIV/' | hall where Lloyd (h orgf . v a.« *o -p< ak to d* f* ltd th*- kliig. tiierov ernnont. urn! .Mr tTm m tier lain ” * Night came *h<' I r**»-t w* r* howling in oh- every constable was on duty Tti«‘ hall w.o stormed, and wto n , l.lovd tL'org" appeared on the pia ' form he fa*'Ad turmoil. Only a do.itbL <■, i lon of t *ron | -tables in;,- .and it round the tare kept him bt ng (gtftrl , Iti tli** free for nil fight that lot ! lowed n* n n wus kiih and and many \v«re injured \nythlng lik* i -peeeh was hope |e til : I lv V<‘ to save th-* 1 • *• < t and» n h* I r> • s 1 .. l.b ml t • t t»' '*• wait* I fo' 11 I pi y i.'mv*; *;< irg*- farted to f«> c th> rn itn ’* ' .inded. and t' wn \ I oplv vh' n h«* wa> told that such pro* dur would m*' only foollshlv ! endat .•«•:• h. "f- hut * ndang< r a!« * ♦h< li v• ■■ C It; r 1 m v *ilk'li :mdud •■d |4< %. ral v.omen that h** e*»fis*ur ed e-cup*' tltru ;• de cio<'r. w ear In it a p**ll'*;o mto dm. t and con* Fourteen v. ti • pit*t 1 .loyd (Jeorg • [returned to ll.t uotirhict: >■ claimed tt 1 • I \Vh* n th f war hro >■ v.r *< Va:* cv - ,t, half 'to world saw red. \\ 'V. • f |t; ■ L*'l O' 'ed tl . cihL nov hceitm* 1 Litter and rati f i reality . Thn he did not know ' ,t «t *h' r moment the supreme op m i TANARUS., :,r * +v,m & '■ W ! f\ , j\ •’Hard times tneae.” tatd Peter , pleasantly. they would find some of their neigh hors ton w.-ak t«» e-cape was quite In Vain When JMfty, rrd Mr Bun dropped flown behind the Purple Hill*, to go to bed tlieir stomachal w«re quit< as empty as when they, had started out. "We'll go down to,the Old Hriar Patch I don’t heli*‘ve It will be of 1 mu* h use, htit you never can tell until you Iry. Peter ftnhbli tnay take If info hl« silly head to come outside.’ aid Granny, leading the way When they reached the dear Old l.rlar Patch they found that Peter was not outside, fn fact, peering between the brambles and bushes th* v could see his little brown form bobbing about as I.*• hunted for ter d«T bark He had already made little paths along which he cool 1 hop • i »Iy Peter aw them almo-t; as soon a * they saw him "Hard times the «*," said Peter, pleasantly. “I hope your stomachs I are not ns empty as nitn*-" He! pulled a strip of bark from a young tree and began to eliew it Till ; was more than Heddv could stand i To see Peter i.iting while his own stomach was Jimt one great Mg | ache from emptiness was to** much. I I’tn going In there and catch him 1 or drive him out where you ran* **ut* h him if I tear my clotloL all j to plecyk"’ snarled Reddv Peter stopped chew ing and snl j up "I'ome right aloni, Reddy. I Home right along if yon want to, hut ! I w i.iild adv Ise you to save your I skin and your fln’lies." said h* Reddy’s onl> reply was a snarl aa v - r ?%> 'pru'tunfTy of his lib lay on (he L i f th** Mod of Hat*lew "The I loyd M**org. who sa* *n council in lk>wning t was no dreaming pacifist A c 1 ..:i v lioi of *he~-se\ch*upi. r he was cnlh'd upon to shape the b.-c'.d ;■(, . :U..t would he the and • t< rminnu Do toi in th*' war of w ir "Only c nc otlo r man in England Lord Kitchener approached him uric ii. e r- poll lit ol 'ii! / Hcd in the confidence of th** peopL Kitchener ran 'he war a-* h 'hcigtu >• kc.u’d run. <!• pit* tl;c .r; !ri.*m that h* gan *o h at ahmif h he and To the c' ci it;' Eos .. id* : Ii w c king who c ould do no' wrong “Hut th<- conduct of v .: ,r ha I • hanged mightily Kltchcr.'r last led his troop.* Like hu-m»* Lid la ■ nine ■ r.» v. -< !* n*'c T l <c •II • •mot at 1 E.'ge-I 1 ' nel \* ith modern Lich cxplc U.** I the wnr wa tu L>- won. th* cot'.d. t ion had to H* c hanged and ; once “Two men in England l.loy i Mi nr * ml I. r ii N th.cliff. imn | *•■• )*.k! *hi - -• 11»i s'cin "North liffc 1 ;n n h's new-p.c ! pe'-s a -ilent hut agirre-s|v*. c ru.-.ut** ! pu.-ind It:- way und*r th i • n:! ;■ - lie y* lp*d its they (;,re .ii ,* .' ml rrvdi* and hi , fa * hit! h ,*t nit N<• ■■ I'i'itr iii’. s;• i r> ii.autgh mad H* h.i_- « m • .I 1 ‘.| U I lie 4 *»r> ' IllCrc: i M til 1 b <ir Jtt i big *n* ig t f».r tliii ni'.d Mrs Peter to tu > ah ti i «■ rta tit i t tin ll> h ' . .i much I' tiger 1 he i id »o M • : thru and tr: ;dac< * raw : a op It. stomach, wlti-h, <d •auir e v.,t> very slow work to nothin:: **t the paintul scratch* : from Mi*' briar- It wn* no trotiiih at .ill fur Pete, to keep out of his wav and befor - lone I teddy * av. up. Without i word Granny K*»\ led the way to the Green Porest They would fry to find where Mrs Grouse was sleeping under the snow. Hut fho flicv hunt, and all night, they failed to find her You sec she very wise ly hud gone to bed high up fn a thick spruce tpee So at daybreak Granny and Reddy reached hnnt n tired anil hungrier than ever. Next story Granny Fox Admit: Growing Old BOYS HELD FOR MOTOR THEFTS One Party of Three Strikes Oflicer: Other Trio Runs I Out of Ga-soline Hhsrged with driving gway stolen automobiles, alx youths arc detained by tiie police, and. In three in stances. warrants for their prosecu tion have been asked. .fames Welch. Frank H»yee and George Gilbert, are charged with driving away the Automobile which struck Patrolman Charles Gage, of the Tnimbull-ave. station. In front of the station l>ec. 30. Warrants have been obtained Itrcaklng Into the garage of John Klllott, No 3«2 Montrlalr ave , I/»u|s ■ Sanger. H* years old. No 621 Heni J tcau ave.; Freeman Harris. 14 yearv* old. No. 336 Crane ave., and Klmcr; Thompson, 13 yenrs old, No 313 j Falrvlew ave., start* 1 *! for the golden west and adventure, according to lll** police. V They ran nut of cap k* ter. Mich . mnd aroused th* 1 sus pt<pons of a servic** station propri*' lor, wh«» turned over »** th•• I authorities W hen taken b* for* In 1 spector F*»x. after being brought ( back •«* Hetroit, they conlessed, It j is alleged. f'*r r w t..'i l.loy d' i' lit g*- 1“ 100,.* tile power., of hiri Ollgue. \ ci isl-, !!li y : n r piinted by tin c two jne:i. ;.:o The 111 er;d government fell and out of it w re*>k / u or *'d the i •.a lit ion < aL.t ■ : “Tr,* Little Wei* tinian becatu niini-t' rot munitions There came the desolate cL y wh -n !•• nev. - f • -he.i no i Unci : It" a : !:* Htru|i‘hirc had ami down, .«n* 1 wit' Ki'c lH ti* r l.loyd (L *.i ;■• w v 1 >r*i nnnisir> i.: ti r.i inns to in Ki»>h» n* rs est :ti the war oflic < “I.ik** 1100-t v* It : loyd fl* ore t* c .'t:.i c*r in the art of **t:rcti\ • jldiciiy ti has iHHifipoly c n the Hrilisli trout pege "Each < I t*'c -•• id ae. ahl* ri* n orojoc*- the fir* sen! tr *“T,* *i.* ui of tn dynamic personai'ty Es on a dtctfttrr in the n-.-mnr : i l is ,fc ij) s-sutn* that if !.'*>.• i (;• or;* live * n a ;* I ! .♦'. In ■ fin *C :• he wot, ’ a '.M ' •*t.»> ' 'f.y n *tU and ; ••The hall was stormed. ,srd when l.loy:' George annea r ert o" te- plat f -o', only a cordo*’ cf podee ken*, him from being overvvhr ' red ! " LICENSE DRIVER INSTEAD OF OAR Automobile Hub’s Attorney SuKKe.sts a fvau to Stop Reckless Drivinif I.icense driv**rs of automobiles at;*! sui*J*'c? ev* r\* moferi t an examination determining his com pet nicy as a driver, his character and mental responsibility, I th. suggestion Maurice K. Fit zgerahl. attorney for the W’olverlne A .to m**Mle chib, makes to the month -r of the organization to formula! info a state law "Every person who operates > motor car should have a driver’s li cense.’’ he declares, “the lirens** *•: the drivi-r being more important, it. far ns human life Is concerned, th. n the license displayed on the rua chine. “The motor car only becomet dangerous when the man at the wheel is reckless nr Incompetent.’’ he says. "l>rivers should he regi tered so ns to he easily hlentiflahh This would make a safer matter sutomohlllng and enable Hie covir* to discontinue the operations o. r reckless drivers." Automobile legislation plans are urged upon the members of th Wolverine cluh by Its attorney, wh asks suggestions from each mem her. Great ion of a fund for the eon struct lon of gt>od highways thniouf the state is d*s*lared necessary The fund could be partly obtained from the fines Imposed for the vie latlon of speed laws, were ther> was legislation making this possible State legislatures will begin their sessions today in West Virginia and Wisconsin fIF YOU MAO A NECK LONO Ad THIS FELLOW. AND HAD ORE THROAT l down ) NS I LINE BUIO QUICK! > REI.FVt If. LandßOe. v'u tl AM. OWUOOIATa DETROIT TIMES Dlrei i frnn* N*v*. ’. rk . its nft. i | rtv*» ni' tith . Ml. I I -sful *\ttKmgcciieiit i tn the* Fultan lii. iio-r “Arms and tto crlrl," a H(..ckl!n : <**uri< dv tiy <lr«nt ! Mfwwart and Ft ;.>rt Itak-r. c*>niei» to the |. ra li e •- n* \t w. • a ill L» ; reeente.l Fiy the New York company. InducilMr *'>' i | S' oft and lay Its niec Mr Scott lot ; many fin* pwifc> rnia n* c*s to hi/* <i * ■ 1 11 ! in a variety of playa. Ht» rot«- ii •Arina anu tFi** c.irl' la aaoi to t, • -penally adapt'd i<* tiia hreejty sty!* and tie nnkea tt>e moat of It Mice ftalnter. ,i l»<pi , 11 fij) >"iirig we.»t*-rti girl has more ttian t< n years of | ~r. 1 wnfk tn at-x k (omiiji.s c behltol ( .•lioi It w.v - ~n tpi i , ndntvn'i ti»( *t*e built hi r N**w 1 ok sue. •*.*> , The eurtain L r tfie performan * of Sir Herbert Ft*-. -1 Inn 'l'r. • ao<l n yha• e*pe» ire's pa • K**.in* piu.v, ksill 11. HI v VII ■ in the i• 1 1 a l. • • pi i o’elc .-k every .‘V.-n np amt neb ' ’ at tie* lnailoen.s Tt.» |ir*,*lo , tt.on t i mac ive nri* wit . rr..inv charges of * *ni' aiet promptfo • t- . and to t.« op*. f Tr* * vtr* .« In “Henry Vtll ii<;<* ha- s *• r*• h* ! greatest j e-- a* a pi .In. ei H* hia apareci nelthwi pain not * - prniec to make hi* in .ed o-curiit, eomplefe arid Impreaatve With do aids of eminent htatorlar lo* t s b**en «t*le t■■ secure th*- atn*■•phei es Henry'.* r*ign and « , m"*l. 'i, day a'idienrea an idea of tin* grand i enr and tl. i* rgeous splendor wb(e)i ehara< t. r*/***l it,at teerlod In h*et*>rv ■ leu i .11 .n ih e. -sale' hitherto In* pot be*, n eitr«'mpte<l outset*- of I, * * eloti ind \* v. S irk. Tree Im .vrht t*> Ameti a Ins *r'ire prod u. :I* *n *1" from Ills \l i I'Hy'n tlientei. L*rnlhi where it ran for J'■ 4 perf.u man* * The r*' rds *f polcei 10.0 l iu.iri F, iV** furiii-i *.l d.< plot r .nr r t renting dr >, *, hut nev * i .n*> t h;»' eue - e*eeijed In bolding an audo ti ir d*-r greate* p* * I of suspense than ent' * s in*. Tin House* • f i»ta I • »»••►• n '>) th» I »elr**lt opera b**..-- ih* we* K *.f .t ..) ALu > Hyan :.v>- II ** .j r-• !• ■ i v .• * i*ir< itn-r | toil i* pursuod l*y th*' t« • L-ntL-ss ir*j 1 do* Inn tFirn foul ot die mokt <xe'i*ing a-ts that have e*\ e-r to * n Woven I'l" <! ■ iroetb' feotn "Kiitinka" tiia* tuneful an*l xmus ing iiiii.-i* al eiiiiii-dy, th* eolluhoration of Otto Hn'p rb o h and ltud<*ll I'rirnl. i** t * t* do all l a 11 .ei in 11 .< J. r rt* k th**at*‘r do w*o-k <•' .• r*ll t‘* ii irrs*. [,» of is ret n <*ngeigem**r.! the riinie .set !"a mad*' tie** previous -••sit to r* o *i! * "s-fnl T Itn [ *. ir n • a f" o-i I lit r*. ii ii I is ill* ' I 'idifM *'*l" a*-.*l will '.* :IA I-* •1 1 h \ila Meade. \ I.jeey M«pl* . \V»L*I Mnnth*'V, MU' it S''<k* it. 10-ii**' Not ; rill** oth* r ' Irit Fuel nu t ■ dn.tru •' *>f *"• • < i". e*M da rm<l • ote e - wh<* ii*-l*> *o . brinv. o'" tr»* comicaLtles and *t ■ l> ri* ai 'ifferlnu * In an amusing tun* lul ,in*l nn lodii' mat'n» r VI fie. . - Fir ,nt ■ h, - t a ;im»? "IP re nr \ si ivv" ter *lo- * >«t s»• t \ thente*. n**\l v* ** ■ l'**r h e j 10. 1 1 r of a * • fir ■ v ll*'* * has Fie,- ij a . -j<f ii ! ui e>u in et '. luiit* -m*<t In I' THEATERS In. i\ • i Juhlle Ik tun n-j tain- h* lihs roil, fill'd tli** molt pre tin *u* 'vl. ilw’til of fnn with 1 which It-- ha ever be* u id. nt iii• -• i. j I >*r Mi i«-•*»i♦ rinimnlisu* thla re i ■ i ton are Al sis . ii .iiiii «'harin- It •i• i• ' m’W no a |i>«l i;. (| .. two of tli# in i in i<ijri• ij . K« \«-ral nm.lty .if .ii' f. '• i •' in tin* production. r l, i!is back iikl \T 1 11 •• i of vn ’ t«J •* \l l le funic, Iternlce T and ICdna Claire. the | "Calif,>rniu Remitter. IM<!> and Ha* I, j po'i*!t j' dan.*' I’a aa i ni, ragtime vie.- i limai. a'i.l I ram .t .Murphy. tin I ".Inlhin l.limwe of Inn t - .j 11». ‘ air I i.ii k' . nil perform* era with tin It. eves *»h»>W •«u\ Male.*. Puat wlio m appearing 'll < «. i k in the ( Jarrlek. In "The Mi'-.f|'ii rii(l r, .« mi aidant n ni. r Tn.'n *.m ,i fi. M. water man. lit* l if I ;< in : • Win .id. i '.i1111., on tln i I'Onk of tl <Vinn>" limit ri* *r. and : (,|| the w:it r’a edge a perfectly ! equipped hout ho i'i v. hieh «containa no, -Uni no inn shells. Ii has no j motor* for Mr Port doe* 1 not i c i! pui ,)nt.-. li< i (est.- that they provide no t \i .tem-nt "Pin* • | • r- hy ' tn- nut ir- of thetr t/ork ind . the ifU f ijip >rt unit >, hi* they travel, to «ei .n(o a gyinraahtui. an* ! more or l* »« deprived of the nppor- | t unltv t ever o aid Mr. Post i<• - | <eiit|y i'or Uiia reason it i.t very j inr.j' l riant •t at tb* v nhMjld renew j their ph.. soul ■»( length’ dm the mino r con: hr Per; oo l!y. 1 | t*r \\ ' f r m: ivhi* h will do thi-s j i". i f' "ro|-, than towing ;. >.. 1 <w|m- i ir'rg I have <| no j» for y-ire und j t I' . I(J.1 h; Up ll'.'l t lioro- I ii ■ I la*; it :r l> fii aii mn ot h**r -«> 11 ! • *i tee I learned to handle a j ». to i a*• ver> young and It j Ia n.'i' i I ■ tin ft * Inn Mon it held f" me in m da>s at school.'* •] 1 '. t iid t it wiist* h< -'••T's- t o 1 "I'i.i dn : a f today is the dinner and the aft* r-dinner spirit,” -aid Sir Ifi* r tn- r t h.i'il ulim Tree, the noted M’ltrlisn tor-manager, appearing in tti I Mi', ,t , tnol »i. Ihiv *Vei k. I ' c.srni'l. .Tit prodite-t 101 l of 4 *haki -r ar.*'* "King llenrv VIII Tin' a a ’ • kill as student end thit /o i. •*1 i • . ri.iHf drama is suf fering ft . a’i • pidemlc ..f late din ing it i'll a . tia . din>*d well we do Hot .-. o I.' preference to Wittid.*. u 1 r a V it is tragedy? An •dn pt y ■*:, .Mm !. U nut is coinedX'? A full one After a good dinner the Ia \ * rn<r• • an t. t re- •up -fill: he is rn * t'l'entant hi- dots not imr 'he ir v -> >.• , i imn.ginuti«i•- dirlnv th- nr.-*, ess of ii’i;. ... n, and in th's (;»»■• q. will prefer the gentle tintll ’ •». < I.g to the V* 1 . t|i( 'drama- I it in the name of fit '.ton p.-ople will endure much. The w II •% n endure the higher d* • Rut ' i, ue.« tneaa is not ci-ri* • • •- a»’\ tiian i.- f 1 * trng 'd;. There |* ~ young lady of whom I ..’ti v.-rv fond mi.’ *\ hn happen* to in • da ugh I■•! She writes pop'ri ■ ip tin- in'ii I .' pe-slmistn of extreme \•11 • 11* . Ia ko and I. * r II of he* ft a \ ■\Vl|» is i‘ Iha* votl, who ,-u . ; o joy. in if, .'' -a n-'-i to ; e • it \ :r pin'iri’" Sh( r> I'ilol •<'ll. vo.t It Is we happy p<u>|>!., lit:** th« GENTLEMEN Here’s the event you have long waited for. Baumgartner’s Semi-Annual Shirt Sale SHE men *of Detroit who know the style, quality ami value of Baumgartner shirts will need no second invitation to take advantage of this opportunity to secure these shirts at the prices noted below. An inspection will convince you of the advisability of anticipating vour shirt wantsr * 1.50 Shirts now * 1.15 3 for $ 3.25 $ 2.00 Shirts now $ 1.50 3 for *4.25 *2.50 Shirts now $ 1.85 3 for *5.25 *3.50 Shirts now *2.65 3 for *7.50 *5.00 Shirts now *3.75 3 for * $ 6.00 Shirts now *4 50 3 for * 1 *6.50 Shirts now *4.85 3 for * 14i® *7.50 Shirts now *5.65 3 for * 16~ *8.50 Shirts now *6.35 3 for * 181° BAUMGARTNER’S State and Griswold Chamber of Commerce Bui Iding ■ - —TWO STORES— •il. iks. Who enjo) the beauty or j ti.igidy It is the dyspeptics who! • .nti iloite (■> ih« comic journals.'** Ihe Isi I tie «it r t That «S •<! Pol got" 1 tm lit ■ ot a 10-w m-lmluimii to I i“/ offered next Week pi the l.yeenm l< o step. It was wi.t tin by* KdWard *• ii*-* .tutto.r of ’The Kt'saiy," I 'ld:h l,i-i . .stijiand otiiei sin-, j - - •*' •' t> t l*. i • nit rn: u. <*f I U- in iv pi.. . I* e little w>>rk'njr g rl who i* .. id t«. itt . u mixture of those two del >h*ful girl* of (he stage. *•' My It. art” and Judy in j I*' Id. IsOll* Is. ■< •' “111** H gh Rollers" will lie (In- ! Av me ftra-tmn next week Tin »on 'pan;v will pr"-.**ni two entertain- . I' ♦ ; . . . ailed **.\ ! nt •h» It o- and "In a frowded Ho. I t. I I*he principals and rhorun will ■ ITcr 2u popular -..iur numh.r.* As ri pem*.| ..ttra.Mon .'hrir Sorenson. » rianipion wt.-Atler, will give an . Mu. . hition of wrestling with Mettoit mnn. leur. 'Hid any pt fesvional , r not. who may >/T•*r him-**lf, I '*• r ue\f Tt, c r | Th'.lt**’ nniloutlce* "The 1: Hre-iV;. r- ■ e burlesque e„(, rt ntTn-nt „J }„' hr ! fie« f |>r ■ n.r of :.n -ip.*, r .:inc, t . •i. fumuskers and Irt h ad»-d h> da. ; v Real, well j ktnwn ch:iTjt<tcr coined tar., who will ''Hn th* lead; ug r.!' n n n*v. tw net corned\ Then* will be 1V (ting- ! lop and dancing nutnbei and u l,.i!f uo .• n van Ir - til- ape, lain - nought l airbank?, f.> vme ser> en | •* ti t w II be the lead in i attraction j <’’> tlo Male tic screen i:>*xr i wa«k. ] Marline Sundm afternoon in his l.ii • ' * '.in, di drnin.i, “Tl.e Matr.ina- , nm* It is as eit. ,| that i'tl.* ab b an 1 athb- 1 n pl ;t \ *. o aR his previous feats of leaping, .swinging, J • Innhii.j. ..m 1 ho. it,.|,t u in this p>. tur. and i.l . I. p , i program ] h> tidit •• •• ,i ’ 'of a roTW.iv coat l> und . ■ in tig fr n a roof to ;» teb t:, .1 pi l b all,np t • •.» w ir-s Vt the pi and h* 't'-p- 1, ■: to gM uier cd b. wire, an obb'ftng lire m n m:' ai i g tip* tn ■ ,aa r \ e. nn»'c t lot; • wit' a mijuster who >a m jail and *1 •' fiancee, who i- looked in a mom m * h..i«*l 'Tli" Mmrimanlai*'* Is- nil about a fellow win like* tn ret iir r ■ "*id th effoihles (' at a -mil hi when !.• with the i mis den Hum v Kantrey will «.ITer two of Riiliaid Wldtin,*:'* n*tn**t sons'’. < tn of w’ i *i *lins never ht *>n su'iir in public Ii fore, and w ill be ice imp,i tiled l>y Mr. Whiting himself on Hie pi n<- "Stt ,ob II •" will he the overture K»de*'tion of the Ma.i*'-*tlc mphony orchestra and William Ari'pi, 'tic In "Rove I'ml.-r (‘over** will h». 'lie i- n.i-dy flit.' (tther pic tures and tmieiral niitrihera will round out th«- program. "50 P"I,'H." n tiu.-c 1. airli and 'oeillc inebuige w th Alio* Raymond. <bi«ai«' Whlt< and Henreo llarri* In the lepdins rob- i IR top the C»r pli. um bill next wi tartln»r Mon day Afternoon As the t tl* nd it the scenes are laM Jn v the froren north .'<fid .afford opportunities for I-i .pitiful ti-;.- and costume effect*. | tin. of tli*- unusual nunibera will be n "I’ol i P. .a itag with the <dioru* p rl> garbed a* white, -h.i.ggv po'ar | I-, .irs Sc mb an.l rtlcHineoti, Jlj von i | r niusl-a! i.fodigies, will pro vide ,an exception*! piano and aing itig number Fra net* Renault, the fast O.n tdlit" of v H i|devilb TllHlero's I 'foil*. .• * 1 11 e. t loti of dog*. t"’n!e* I and ttionk>\> Tom t)avi* and mtp ' -lott'tiß eii-d of four pla\er« in h do. *n.o-t •• cnmeilv playlet. "Checkmated.’’ and Charles Thompson in an artialtc Juggling novelty, will b*. other acta. Th*r« will ho pictures before and el* , t. i vaudeville as usual, and a prist* dancing contest (luring the first allow I ndiiy night. It I* antiouatMd that th*. Mrphrum will eTu>rtly present t'ie new turn .serial. afrla." with Mis. \*i ii,oi Cu.-ti, ijs tn, dar, in «vti* iupctlon wit ti «1C regular vaudeville hlfl. 7 If: " \ Daughter of the <lod*." the U ilßnm Kox 11.***)'>. >,n> Annette Kal- I b-mu tut film rp> ctacle. m>w ip the Wiislßnrton. there ar. dosens *tf tlrm-s when yuur eyes behold li.tMiu or more p* rsot; - lM»itig part In single see iu-s. Th* i*■ or. the slave. *)t«»rf ami bazaar* with thnu.-aiuls of man arid women cost oi npulentu tn I • . it w iiii bund reds of ttterpi iids in t'i>' pi. litre Minultaneoiialy. ,\ti Ko te x.-tiled hi getiiua n.* a produi *r K*>r : o.i- of tl e*e scene* the iriern.aidtt ■, cl and r » l . *-1• r*l 'or i- k- 1 t 1 at they might ha-. »■ p<r fecllon and *t* iformtty of .• tronc scores of th. *e **'■ wei dt. died again and again .maiiist jagged r.'.'k) lt'dK*-a and is •.,’<• t.. tick -«t th'ie t!isk>* until 'i. ..nt. and recot i<>d bist nhat th* direct.trs wished record* and. The p.-.-pl !•> Hi.",,' I.; I'lifi v. ere th- very pick of i i<* - !: ; *’d hr ur:ht .low •< fr- m th "slat';!.’ TlleV we «* th** quick' witte.t, alert and oolek-ob*er\ Inv \.)c ..;.n girls <b. natatorlums .nd ':>nd of our two ocean coasts •\f.d our lak * b- a t."- The 10 000 oercoii- lc t lie sla\-- rnerket and M, ...- • n■ * ..of, quite differed • v <e> ■•r.i' thousand of them were N.■, tuber tliotiaand** wer Hindi). p.l .fin no roof thetn wee« tiler** nqt untr I native Js* tnab nn *. t*>t:ilb. to being | "phot" by motion ; .-uiro camera op I orators. STF.P-fHR.mrEX OPPOSE 'VM)O\y IN WILL PASE >’r.** Madeline Hokninan riammer. who bpoame the second wife of rJeorge Klannier in h!* seventy sixth i year told of her rourt«hip and mar-' riage Tuesday. 1n Judge Hosmer's conn, in the suit that six of Fl.itn rncr’s children arr hringing to break his will. They elaim that he war mentally inconipvtejit. Mrs. Flam mer testiflod that she thought her husband perfectly *ane. On the death of Ills first wife in California in March. 101.1, Flnmtner went to live with the son-inlaw of Mrs. Txdtenian. being unable to get on with hia own children. His estate | amount, to something more than I $20,000. Saginaw Bovs Arrested Here. Herman and (Justave Ortman, brothers, from Saginaw, were ar rested by Detroit pollee Tuesday night on the charge of forgery In j their home city. Printfnu (hr nlnln list kind that 1•« rig b «—TI inch .lot* Ilepf.— Mnln «20. Str'en* Building. Corner Grand River end Washington PAGE 7