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COMPLETE MARKET REPORTS—LATEST SPORTING NEWS SEVENTEENTH YEAR. NO. IS*. H ,W*M| ■ n nr mmum < WmtBtBBBBBMBBBBKKBMBBtM mmmm iwii» •* Pp |||ff js|J §j|§| H||r |p§ BB JHB hb w^S n e^psS^^^j :''‘ v ■ ‘'i ] B B ■'" y.. r^B^B- ,;"■'< t-, - wmmm mmmSmm I 111111 I I [ ■■■ ■ I 111 11 I■II 11 111 811 II EXPECTED PEACE OFFER MUST WITHDRAW U-WAR TO GET HEARIHG HERE Chancellor Expected to Make Overtures Soon WILSONKEEPS OWN COUNSEL Bemstorff May At tempt to Becloud Is sue is Belief WAfIHINUTON. Matt* 29.-ff German vdb fVihnnDnn Hollweg should pr«*«it acw p«ac« t« rms In b(R *p<*#rh scheduUd for <*dmr orlN nor **tfKk ui« ci»u od SfatM *oTAmm*nt fnto chant*' of It jo present policy In fact, the state department let It be Known this afternoon that It piands on its previous assertion that Germany moil without Qomllflcatlon withdraw )i«r unlimited submarine wnrfare decrees before there can be •n> dealings between the two coun tt |e*. In many quartern here today fh»r« was the belief that Hollweg may present some kind of propos si* Influenced by Count von B*rn strrff. snd Intended therefore to head off the war spirit In the Ant crlcan congress The sdministration, according to the department's suggestions, how e\er. will not permit any false ppp. petal* to becloud the clear Issues The department will obtain In formation as to the speech at the earliest possible moment. If It does not come thru the usual Say vtile channels, the department will get it from authorities in countries adjacent to Germany It was stated There are some who believe that with the great preparedness move ment now under full swing in the United States, the president may. while presenting a bristling fron’ to Germany still hold out an appeal to all nations to talk reason befor > the I'nlted States Is forced "by clr oi'mstances not of her own rhooe Ing” to get Into the war The preponderance of oflWeial opinion however, Is that the pres! d< nt Is thru with exercising patience toward Germany, is convinced that a state of war exists between the two nations as a result of tha Teu tonic aggression, will so declare to congress and ask that every mends be taken to bring the great wear to • l.eedy and last end former President William H. Taft concludes hi* "Paul Revere tout** thru the south snd southwest with ar address to be delivered today at Oklahoma City THE WEATHER IVtrett ••* Ttrtsltr Tbwredar »tak< nsrtlT ctower *s4 iNflSltr ewie »ri rrider fair sad eat weak anew** la lawneretwrei freak ta dress waa«- rr 1* elsd* dOalalsklae lasrer Mlcfcleaa—fat? aad (Nsktly reldev Tk a radar «o«kt| rrtdar fsln dlMtalaklae aaetkaraal aad aarlk wtada. rontr* TrnncMTniEi *T at n. m an t s a ... . V M c a 41 s a. m »T It aaaa sa la. a *T I » a 41 Hl«kaa« lawie-cafare tkla dao far tka fax M rearm, T 4 la lM| lawral. r ia oner Oaa rear ana sodar —Rlfkre tm »i re l are Wt i law eel. *S i ■>««. 4d« rlaar waatkar The awa amts Tkaredar at fdt a ns aad Here rH4ar at #•!• a. m rw areaa eeta FHdar at tilt a. m. i& 1 3^2?WM^ ,ff^o |,, it , *'* n r ASK BERLIR TO DEPORT AMERICARS ■W” 1 1 U. 8. Officials Trying to Get Them Out By April 2, Report ROMS. March 2* —Oermany ha-* ■"been asked to send Americans home, according to a refton here today. It was reported American Am has sad of Page bad been Instruct ed from Washington to request transmission of this message to Berlin thru the Spanish ambassador here. LONDON. March 2t—“rrom Spanish diplomatic sources.’* the London Iventng Star today de clared It learns Americans have been warned to leave Oermany be fore April t. 32,258 HU the Trail In Billy Sunday 9 § Buffalo Campaign Billy Sunday’s campaign in Buf falo. Just brought to a close, netted 12.2*8 converts, shoot 3000 more than Datrott’s mark. The trail hit ters hare been handed over to the oharge of the churches as follows: MsthodlH ctiarrhas 7.1®» Prssbyterlsn 4,127 United Presbyterian «27 Beptiet 2. ItS Evangelical I.lfk Church of Christ *l7 Congregational >7* Reform ehurchee 420 United Brethren I*l Out-of-toWn 7,407 Episcopalian 1.231 Lutheran • 1.172 Set Nolle 221 [*hrew 42 Undesignated (no church) 722 Miscellaneous 4*2 Christian Sclencn 114 Total .H 122 PACIFISTS ASK $200,000 TO ROUSE SPIRIT OF WEST NBW YORK, March 11. Address ed to “Mother*, daughter* and wives of men’* n full page Emergen cy Peace Federation advertisement published la all New York papers today appeals for a fund of 1200 000 to be used aa a ‘peace cheat” to arouse tha west. “We do not want war," two-inch letters proclaim. "We have no cause for war, The west and middle west are opposed to war Thay do not realise how near we are to war. “Two hundred thotisnnd dollars la needed to arouse them to the dan ger. This sum spent within the next week may keep thin country out of war ’* The federation plans thru news paper advertising lo ’’liberate the overwhelming peace sentiment of the west,” tn the form of letters aad telegrams to President Wilson The ad urges all who can to go lo Washington for the pe*r«- demon si ration planned ter April 1, the day DETROIT TIMES WORLD RAS EVES EKED ON BERLIN Speech of Chancellor May Change Course of History PEACE PROFFER IS EXPECTED Sweeping Government Reforms May Be Announced If ED L. Ufk (Staff Correepewtfewf U’nitgg preab.) LONDON March 29 —Oermaa Im perial Chancellor vnn Hethmann •njixWdfff may strive to stare »g a growing sentiment foi denmcratls :ng of Germany today by anew 1-rnce proffer. At the v*ry least he is expected to announce sweeping reforms In Germnnv's governmental rtructure j>« emitting more active participation by the people, accord ing to rumor* here Dispatches here indicated the most Intense interest in Berlin In the speech which the rhancori’or was acedulrd to deliver to the relch rtag this afternoon For the flrat time German Socialists have united in formidable demands which the gov eminent apparently realises hare the barking of a large part of thn leople. These demands are aimed wt the varv foundations of tha pre« ent governmental system and have been aorei* rated t.'emendouely by full realization of tfce overthrow of autocracy in Russia Herr Rchaldomann. Socialist lead #r. who has beretrfore supported the government's war policy, was understood to have warned Von Bethmaan-Hollweg that the dun or rattling of Germany must start at once Dispatches from Berlin even hinted that the Socialists are de manding tm mediate institution of a constitutional monarchy like Kag Und. claiming that Oermany is the only autocratic government now left alive and in order to maintain the friendship la future yearn of the rest of the world’s democracies. sh« must change her system. The floriallsta’ demand for ahga dooment of all plans af conquer by Germany is expected to receive support from other qaarters It was on March 14 that the chancellor made first concession tn what lead‘vra moat hare obeorvsd was the growing tide of sentiment for greater participation by the Oer maa people In the nasnngsxarni of Germany He declared Important reforms would be granted to this tad—after the war. Since that time the chancellor has been reported aa deciding that these reforms ought ta be made at once PACIFISTS CAN'T PARADE CAPITAL <« | Police Ref one Permit; Also Bar Preparednene Demon ■4 ration WASHINGTON. March if.— * ash* ington will have no pacifist parade Monday, aa scheduled. Maj Raymond Pullman superin tendent of police, today refused to grant the pacifists a permit for their demonstration Golnridentallv Pullman refused a parade permit for a preps redness demonet ration planned (or daturday. THURSDAY, MARCH »». ISI7. PACIFISTS WILL RALLY ON SUNDAY Local Peace Worker* To Stage Meeting In Arcadia A peace mas* meeting will be held in Arcadia Sunday evening, not for the purpose of embarrassing the president, it is announced, bat for the purpose of >ettlnii him know the desires of a rge number of peo ple who opp<>ee the United States enisling ihe war. Resolution* will be sub mil lad and, if Nffiffi, forward ed io Washington a! on re Three speaker* already hare been cecured for the meeting and others ttra *?r' * ~' pledged to ap pear are Joseph i gnnon, former president of the Western Federn lica of Miners. Max Engtraan. editor of The Masse* and prominent pa ciftJt. and Mis* Grace Abbott, chair man of thn Immigration bvireau of ; Chicago. The meeting 1* being arrsng-d bv the Detroit branch of the American Union Against Militarism and a number of well known Detroit peo ple are back of It. The Union believe* that the pres Idem is ilncere In saying that he wishes to know the will of the American people. In a meeting In Madison Square Garden. New York, last Saturday, 10.000 persona were present and expressed most absolute snd vociferous opposition to official declaration of war. The pacificT* of Lietrolt believe that they ahoetd add their voice to that of New T ark. SPEEDER DRAWS STIFF SENTENCE Jaatiee Heaton Warns Motor Drivers That Jail Terms Await Law Breakers Police Justice Heetoo gave evi dence Thursday morning that he will back Police Commissioner Cousens in hi* crusade against au tomobile speeders, when be Imposed a fine of 920 with the alternative of a SO day sentence on Guy M Tyler, at No. 17 Winderat.. who was found guilty of violating tb- motor speed law. ”1 win not only impose fines on speeders,” warned Justice Heetxm. ”but I betters a few Jail sentences would eliminate this evil. 1 hope this sentence will make tt plats to motorists that this court mesas business Pedestrian* have a right to use the streets In safety, and this right la not going to be taken away by automobile owners.” Justice Sellers declared he too favored sever* sentence* In the case* of speeders “It’s high time that something was done.” he said “The carelessness of motorists and It* resultant loss of life la appalling. HI do nil I can to stop tt-’’ Citizenship Push Continue* More than MX) alien* have taken out first citlsennhlp papers io the United States district court clerk’s office this weak, an average of more tLan 100 a day Th. rush la due te the present international crisis and to the work of factory managers, who have been urging their em ploy** to take out their papers The majority of tha person* who have made declaration* of tntantVm to b*vonte rlttnen* this week have keen Russians and Hungarian* GERMANS SETTLING IN nevumes Retreat Nearing End, All Reports Now Agree RRmSHI)EFEAT TURKS NEAR GAZA Maneuver Part of a Threat Directed At Jerusalem PAffib March ».—Capture an Important muottleh and d%fkot Mk'K s asasudc#4 In teday’s offiaial repert. The ' war shies sain m•< % *««mr mtttsnt artillery duel from the Somme to the Alan* during tha right, the French everywhere fcetng in contact with tbs snemy line*. German forces bombarded •o'aaons with big eallber guns. LONDON. March M.—Defeat of 1 a Turkish force es 20.000 men eouth of Gaxa was reported offi cially from the Egyptian expedi tionary force today. Heavy cna caltles were Inflicted on the en emy. »y PEPRY ARNOLD (('slue t* rr m f»r«ls* Bdlter) NEW YORK. March 25t Official etatements from ail belligerents to day tndleate that the Owrman retreat on the western front ts apparently reaching its final stages From now on the fighting will probably be of masses of men on both sides—not of the type hereto fore exemplified in warfire of hur riedly advancing forces clashing tn comparatively open order with rear guards Today's hauls front dispatches. In cluding the Paris official statement reporting French forces “In contact everywhere with the energy lines. ’ Indicated the changing character or the conflict Moreover, as indicative of th* close approach of the French to the permaiMnt “Hindenburg line.” the Paris statement spoke of s "bom bardment of big guns” by the en emy. directed nt Sotssnn* "Big guns” presumably means that type of artillery requiring pemnnent era placement*—such aa are undoubt edly built on the permanent line British front dispatch*!- indicated Haig's troops have no* approached as nioa* to this German bne as the French an the British are *llll mak Ing an# of armored care ard gavniry. useful only tn open fighting BerTtn reported mass attacks around HOI 204. in the Verdun sec tor. and general artillery conflict along the line of the retreat, with heavy losses Inflicted on the Anglo French troop* . Gen Murray reported success In the British movement toward Jeru salem with the defeat of a big force of Turk* south sf Oaa* Die Brit ish are atsdea vonng to strike a stir ond blew at Turkish morals by the advance on Jerusalem, comparable to their capture of Bag<lal. The Russian official statement in (Heated a resumption of violent fight Ing on the eastern fron with In tense German attacks repu' ed arors—senrs—iron •t. An4r«w'e Highland snd Inter national Pip* Band. Speriai Vight. Wayne Gardena Friday. Mar<-k 3* •liver cup for beet Juvenile Daoeere. -Aft - If Tew Move UtawOUe Take Mount Clemeae mineral baths —Adv. COMMONER, IN LETTER TO UWMMEH SAYS HIS PERCE PLAN SHOULD MS TRIED BEFORE RESORTING TO SWOMI DRAFT BILL IS ORBED OR PRESIDENT - -2 it t .. V* rX"* iy I-’jfg ,, ’4. a • \ Pleads for Support of His Mee» H — BY ROBKRT J. BBS DM It {Staff CorretponOant railed Frear) WASHINGTON, March ».—Land defense problems and propositions held the president’s chief attention today in his consideration and pre paring the nation for the existing stale of war, formal announcement of which is expected Tuesday Senator (%amberlain. chairman of the military commlttae of ihe t*p per body, called at the White House this afternoon to tell the president that be should embody In bis com mg message a flat recommendation for universal military training Chamberlain explained the oon ference was held partly at the fn stance of the president,” and partly at his own inquest. Just before Chamberlain called, decretory ot the Navy Daniels went to the White House to lay before ihe president details of all his de partment had done tn sea defense work. “We discussed the general military situation.” Chamberlain said “Os course I urged that the president Hgnlfy his approval at some form cf universal service. If the presi dent would get behind universal Military service. It could be passed, l believe However, he has not man festad any change in his opinion "Until some other bills better than my o*n are advanoed I will con tinne to push ray bill forward Six representatives today sent oat a c*u for a "get together dinner” to morrow to congressmen who favor universal military serrioe They plan to start at that time plans for military legislation. The six repre sentative* are McArthur. Oregon Green. Vermont. Platt, New York. Grey, New Jersey, Gardner. Masse chusetts and McCormick, of riiinoif. LATE NEWS WLLETINS soot x nvr i*wa, sutk sa.— Tbreeti (galait tbr Ilf* es Fresl- IfNt WlhM are all«-gr4 ta bav* bvra salt by (Avar** (fkalttr*. Urmaa ar aayatblarr. 4*talaa4 bar* t*4ay fee Inraattgutiea. Oauaty t'alte* ItatM Narahal 'lairs breawbt raaislalat ag-alaaf Srbaltlr*. wkt rv-raatly wu aua nevreS es nletttag fa Maw an tbr rallroa* brl4|i avar tb» ttlaaauH riw-r k»r* aa( mu arr*ut*4 4t (bat ttau. W 4 orsosr. Slv# Vans m*— SUrwala nvbably tb# witlul •fat* In tb* I■!••. taak tta Srat •t*S t afar taw ar* rrablMtlaa afcra, aftar twa b*ar» at (rbatt, tb* aaaambly eaaa*4 tb* K.*|w* bill, nrevieian fw a *tat*al4* vat* an nvabfbltlan la April. ISIS T%* bill i*r< ta tW araate wb*r* It l« »mn»«*tv4 (a neaa by a rlaa* vet*. Efforts tt provide u club borne for at least v pari of ihe . work tng women of New Orleans are be ing msde b’ aevrrxl hundred of the city's leading men and women, whu have organlxed s ca:opsign to raise a 1230.004- fund for s new SuLdtur for the Yrr»»ng Women's Christian •esoclntion RACES —J H«t SprtMg* RffivNfl Flrat Rase 4 furionga Freeman. 124 rMolaewortb). t to 1. area. 1 te I. won: Vo realm, m (Xedrie). Ste l • t© 4. 4 to A aacond; IfloUer. 11l tw« T *’ '?lU' ’ a^J H-pa X A. J«t»a«. Agh Can. Bogart sad Gar l al*o ran Hoi ||| tiiir ♦sflttd I<ii WratHM. L 22. ? SU Lt« .i -9 kffifijeff. *d#f Xmhanh. »Pr •**- aanta. SIT *C*#h Up. 10F Second Race —4-vear-olda aad «*. aelling. 2 furlongs: Cash on DaUv ery, 124, Laura Tama*. IPs: Miss De troit, 104: Bermudian. 111, Posnrtan. lit: sAcle, 121; Plantoganet, 122. xAunt Bai. 12; Scrutineer. 122; 121: Etta’s Charm. 121; Electric. 104 Third Race—4-y*ar-oids and up. selling. 4 furlongs xßolais. 101; XJUsck R*suty. 123: xtublect. 141 Sir Dyke. Ill; xDoct or Kendell. 10f; Henry Walbank, 112. xAi Court, 102; King K. 122; Detour. 12t; Fathom. 104. xOtdsmohlle. 121. Frlskv. 107. Fourth Race— 1-year olds and up, mile Little teeing 13; Hennvta. 114; Tochtchoo. 27; »drnD 4y. 33. (Omar lh»vv«m, 127, Whirl ing Dun. 22; Oordoh Russell. 27: Old Rneehud. 132. eJohneon A Rill Inge entry. Fifth Race—t-year-olds and up. selling; AVI furlongs—Rsachle, 102; xHasetnut. IS4: iKTlMbeth Thompson 92: jrNrttl* Welcutt. 101 Hasty Cora. 102: Mllbrey. 104; »Wct. 121; Red Deer. 10S; xflybll. 124: xl-adv Word. 124 Sixth Race —4 year-old* and up. selling; mile and 72 yard*—Handful. Ill; xQuls, 104: xFerena 100. xToct leea. 2# Rev. 110. xTransp-irt. 101; Worthington, 92; xMlnnie F.. »• xPeruglno. TOO; vPetlt Bleu, 122; Mabel DnTweber. 102; Prime Mover. 101 * Apprentice aTTovrance claimed Weather, clear, track, fast. GRODNO GLASS INJANDA6ES Rod Croffß Sapplim Thin pored With, Aw4Frtß Phrflicuui NBW YORK, March 29—In one or taro Ins uncos we have Poind ground glass In bandagre prepared for the Red C¥osa," Dr Albert W TTaub, director of the Atlantic di vision of the Red Proas, said this afternoon In denying Philadelphia di-patches quoting him aa charging wholesale spy plots to poison sup plies. ’These have bren promptly (.’elected and the cases reported to ihe proper authorities. "What I wished to emphanlx# wa* the need of proper caution In prep aration of medical supplies last such tempering occur. Only by thoro tn spectlng and parking nt chapter headquarters can R*d Cross mate rial be proiorted, not only agnlnst tampering, but what !e more danger ous, again** infection and insani tary handling ’ FISKE DENIED RIGHT TO SPEAK NBW YORK March 29 Rear Ad miral Bradley A Flake. C. 8 N., re tired, who had b» *n expected to speak on "The mind of the navy ' at s meeting of the New York Blectrl cal society last night, **- unshle to deliver 1)1 w address because flerre tarv rianiei* withheld his permi* non. It sas annonneed by Oeorge J. Guy. secretary to th* secretary of the navy MaJ.-Gen Woo* who was to have spoken on 'The army of the Ualted State*. ** also *ent his regrets. NIGHT IN DETROIT: OMB CPPVJ Solemnly Warns BsdM Blood WIB Bo On Their Haadi NWm TOBJC. March to.—*to qm who e i pact a to Nee np to g dutlaa. If war eooMg.’’ WUMoto nlaca Bryan today wtrnd *• {■ lowing to tba Unit ad P*aag: "MIAMI, Hdi.-S "To Ida Maotyra of the l«ig| Into TTiihtofitoa Dt C« i '3 outa with Oa nanny hag ddSBflM —• ' main of H|li—fi»‘» some advise apttlDSWI WM •word. „, r The metrrpoUtan psoapu. triad to present the the p reel dent sod toil uisyed by a popular \erdldt df Mp than one half million now lash the country Into a or gee the government to taBB fH in the Bo rope an oeoftet "To you and yon only fli flnfljl constitutional authority to dtotoffe war—war, which to this canto togp" mean the signing of tha daath Wpf* rant of thousands, swan a lilt MM df your ooaatrymen. and tha toyfihß <M grtorloos hardens upon fntnra MB eratlons 'Before you taka this btoai MM your hands < onsidar 1 pray JM% first, that tha wrongs wtdnfc MB would punish, cruel and mMfNMp Me aa they are, ara nod ttollft primarily against this noatrf Ml are the acts of desperation toroto(li seatnat other nations with nMfefljpj the offenders are at war. ‘ Second, that our land to Ml threatened with ineatoon, hnt BHI wa ara asked to po 1.000 aAtoM' a chance to fight “Third, that we hasp ant (to jto' cuae for rotng to war that ftp Mto rope an nationa had. They had PB machinery for peace. Wa Ms* B peace plan offered hy (Ida mMMI to tha world and now eaabedtoi to 3 ) treat lea with thraa quart— df the population of tha globe. “The plan has tba endo—at ft the president, the 'ommandnHl m the senate and the appraeal if toB people at the polls It piuwtdag tor investigation of all disputes hy afil International tribunal be tom MM to war '‘Fortunately these treatfiw mm (OmtisMt m i*aas Ma|, AUTO OWNED BY FORD KILLS MAI t i Driwer, (inruetter 0* Onrltol Estate. Held By PoMms Victim InidrntiM An aatomoblle owned hy Hmw Ford A Son si rack and totally to* Jured an unidentified man at Tamed ■ and Sec ind ite.. Wednesday Tfeft man disd Thursday morning to PP» j ceivin* hospital from a 'rantmad , skull He (a abotn SO rears tot. flie feet and fire Inches toll, and w r ighs about :Id pounds Frank Roys a. SO yeara alt. if ? Dearborn, th# drlrar of tha trash, was arrested by tha polios sad wdß' b*- arraiyned doting the worn tog dB f a manslaughter charge Ream figd a gardener og the Ford satotp Dearborn The body es tha WMMj ws* rewovsO »o tne »aaty mtoMjHj