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PAGE 6 past of ■fill TO aSETVOTE ■jiffrd-Georft Joins As- Ppdth la Support of |. .. Measure Esther election | REFORMS AHEAD K||oik of Fair Sex In I War Praised By B Statesmen m LONDON March *9 England * ■MM Mm apparently «*>o the Hlgfip—pat thro militancy but thru HpMMMtrat>a>i la war serve* and UprytoT at mm that u»ey arc fitted Kmm. mas oonaldered a foregon- con ■gpglaa today that th« electoral re KJmM WH Will ha so amended In tb* HSppa Os common* as to provide the HpiM tar ■■gland's woaian Suffrage plan *U! preeumsbtv ■mp tato affect at the oast parltamcn ■fair atactic— . which means at the Ka| Os tha war. Mae# every effort Is Hgp ha Mia to avoid a general elec PiMNMMM Os parliament with the IpHholy tho same rjhts of he bat MM* MM!* POrMoaaeotarv ofl BE* aMffted Iff a aooteraore mmm tad aapaatad to ha writ tea ilictsrai rafarta Mil. pro KMlSai dff tha oaoopatlao of boat gy fOOMlaes aa tha only «uallftca pUpMOod tha ootltaa of thaaa re la a prottetaary vote. hot hoa P tihoapprweal af tha extension SSSaTaa all No Jm woo tha aawe af tha Croat of each anti • jffr*g* BphfjtaaMara apaach aad that, ae he HpMNaoa. l»eladed tha following MMOta measure of woman »us Hjfitao, MS awatha’ reeldence or the HHapttOl of boatnaee premise* to I «aty apMatia for voting Hj&Maptotfca In large urban ireu .# g_ —» . HffESSESJp PIIUTO THEFTS nrii BMm> AJbo Ntww Arr—ipMfii; fit aim Can b MnM to Owvcn :.jv Aaattor afrecy for the wholesale WMI «f Mtmaobtl** la Detroit «u maarttod b j Detective Lint Par |4*r, vtU tin errret of Harold Bt*d M years old. No IM Baatiava litre. aad Laftoy Bailey, 17 yeara old. Btottit Cataabua-av* Aaeordta# to pUaat. Parker, Budau aad Bailor. |%to are aharfod with graad lar *•*> bar a coafaaa»d u> Urefia of PM care Btedman was arrested Tuesday prkile trytm to tell an automobile that bola alleged to bare union March tl. liom F. F Sharp. No 4M Clair«av*. Tbo polio refuaod at Ibat tltue to look* public tbo or ■ root oa tbo frottada that tboy wore |«atttac for a roa fore too from Btod ■MMI to tbo tbefta of other care Mot aab did tboy obtaia tbta. but -fltolto tapHcattoa of Bettor . AM tbo care bare boon recovered mtd retaraod to tholr owoora Stiff* |iOOM aad Bailor a plan wao to MkOßfo tbo license numbore and noli tbo oars from SWo to |2OO a piece. KOSHER BUTCHERS FEARING MEAT STRIKE, CLOSE UP With tbo Feast of tbo Passover Mat aoren day* away, store tbaa a iMOI hoataor butcher abop* tn Hast bfHt bare bore cktaod by data who soared a in oat otrlko bn lab woman of tbo dial net Tbotr asttoa boo rooultod la a load com Vtalat oa tbo Jews substitute tho lit of moat* for butter and other •oaflar product r during tbo foaat •kick begins April • aad .oatlatioa t tores days I, .%MM of tbo tint ah or 4 eald *h*r * bftd a boycott aad did not t b \ tl to jsavght unaware* with a lanro Mock oa hand. w> tboy rloaod wbon jj *boy bad aold oat moat of their vup F fMre Othora. It ta known (oared a HNMbrraac* of tbo rioting uhleb took i~MtoM bi Hooting* *t wbaa tbo worn ptotoeK to* mot a trike about fire Boren area W«*dno»dar night at No. IM Hasting*-*!. and I rooolatloo demanding that Ibo reopened to enable the roplo to got the pro* la tone oo neooaoary during the Tboy doclare the atriko fcoaaplaied borauao >t the re which pgwrel » Shepard of Blrmlagbom. lid to bo Iho oni Woman ESTIMTES aw tom 36 MILUOR 1 Council Completes Pruning of 110.000.000 From Requests ALDERMEN DE FEND BCHOOL CUT Board of Estimates To Lop Off At Least $6,000,000 Tha hoard af eettwvatee. wbea H cob vease April • to taka up tha city budget figures aa paasad by tha couadi lata Wedaoeday aftensdMh. aUI have before It ooaJmaloa total lag IM.Ut.TM Os tfela amount about $14,000,000 to to bs raised hr ooad tsaua. tha remaladar to ha pro cursd by direct tax May This leaves about $19,000,000 tbot tha ewuaell haa loft to gw on tha tax rolls cm loos tha board of setlxaaiso i trier venaa aad does a vary Hi cleat pros lac Joaa. aa amount that ta fMR, OOt more than was laally allowed by tha beard of an imates a raa r ago ta be raiewd by both taxation aad bead issue Cau made by tha committees ware followed la general by the council la committee of tha whole, tha aggregate pruatag by the alder amale body aasouatli* to lea# than fIf.Mi.OOO from tha ongtaal M»l --watas. whlah with the supplement ala. totalod more thee f4d.OM.oeo ; Oaaarsl orWtrdwa of the claims aad ■ emanate committee for having cut more thaa $3 MO 000 from tha school estimates aroused Aid Albeit Kaas. chairmen. Thursday Tha haul re qaaata of tha board of aduaatloa amounted to “The board of education or sny one else haa so rwarca to complala bacauaa of the treatment that tha school estimates received at tha heads of tha committee aad tha com mittee af the whole." be said "Aft er tha council had finally pa—od no tha Agorae, lift Ohadsey taid me •hat tha oouaail had trootad tha hoard axeeodJagly wwU. aad that ho was pleased with the liberality of • lie alderman " Richard Lindsay, city dark, who is a member of tha new board of estimates, predicts that after the iMMtrd of estimates gats thru with tha figures tha bodgat will be less thaa IMMOOM or MOM.OOO lea* _ j tha cotmeff Members of tha new board of eeti laatas are tha mayor, corporation counsel, city, clerk, dty tranaurag and controller Alt ho 'Mr first meeting u eat for April I. It la ex pec ted that thoy will start work on the figures aa passed by tha conn ell before that data. Folio wing are the amounts allow ed by tha alderman la tha railous funds: Detroit city alnklag M4t «t« ?». Ir.tercet |IO »l|.Ui motor eesnmle e(bn. 17'..M0. at reel opening s*.42i contingent. I72MM; Are department retirement aad eeeeton. ••Ittu po> lice pension. II ill cup* rasa ua ted police. 11l 440. recorder s court. $14.- •M: Are r-emmlestoa. 12.121 till: police. $1,134,134 44; poor commleetnn |7;M«TM»; public health IMtl 111 ■ SC. public lighting. 1t.310.500 07. pub- Uc llbrnrv, |l.titS:o I publU an tertaioment. 11.444 board of educa tion. 10.070 001 14 D P W general f104.111 general road 12.444 700.12. nubile eower. 00 000. SOB public build ing. >040.3*1.71, garbage. 4144:44 44; market. tllS.eoo Belle Tale bridge, • 5t.130: park and buuterarde, I* - 301.031. general. |1.50*.430 07. At the laat minute. Wednerday ..fternooa succeeded •• making change* One waa the allowance of SIOB 000 for buying the lVtreF Uni versity achool property. instead of $140,900 a« decided uy the commit tee The council learned that the property cocld not be bough’ at that figure The propoaal to boy Turner hall waa *limlaated. the rwinii'*** haying allowed SIO,OOO for that par poae. whereoa the owner* aaid they would accept nothing lore than Ido. t-00. An Item of lighting Mark avo. from Parker to Huribut waa restor *'l by the commute* of the whole, t bleb followed action by cutting the Kercheval eve. lighting project between Hart and Hurlbut-sve* Lighting on Ix>dge ave., Flake-aye •nd Dwight-nve. waa cat from the eeUmateg. Efforts to pmt thru aupwtemen'ei newer estimate* at the laat minute failed. Aid. John Kmak stopped the proceeding* when be aald "The committee bae seen ft to allow a big aewer program and at tbe rate of $1,000,000 a minute, and I oppose all eupplementala ;bat are coming in at thle belated hour.** ST. LOUIS FULL OF PATRIOTISM ST LOUIS. Mg, March If.—Pa t riot ism reached Its highest point In St Ixwla today when nearly all tbe large manufacturing compaolua offered their plants to tha govern' mret August A. Roach, multi millionaire brewer, announced tbe Busch Soli er Broa.-Dtesel Engine company wae ready <• make t! boat engine* Jackson Johnson head of the In ternational Shoe com pen y offered the company plan** tbroom the Halted State* Many fraternal and aoclal organ isations have organised military companies aad are being drilled by men who saw service during IBs Spanish war. NEW COURT BUILDING IS OPENED Palatial Structure In Striking Contrast To Predecessor MAYOR MARX RAISES FLAG Building Will Be Put Into Commission Next Week A tag straightened out la a stiff breasa, aad from Its folds there flee a white dors. Mayor Oscar B. Marx pulled at tha swinging ropes until tha emblem bed been hauled ta the tap of tha staff Thus Detroit's new Municipal court building, at Clinton and St. Antoine sts. ear formal!) opened Thors da > afternoon at 12 15 o'clock. The opening of the $557.000 struc ture typified the new Detroit and the old. for arroes the afreet from the great yalioe brick and stone nructure stood “the old shark,’' De troll‘s former municipal courts building Its begrimed windows sere like sad ayes, as the speakers deplored the fllthlneee and made query of the shack Some of the old-time residents and officials recalled notable episodes in the crtmiaa! annals of Michigan which were written in the pine tha' is about to be abandoned by th' courts They spoke reverently nt the sturdy old characters who *a< ( on its benches and conjured up vi lons of the thousand* aho have wriggled thru tt for chart y or for Jostles. The “shack" M distinctive of the older Detroit. Its modwm i»ucce**or, looking more Ilka an up-r< date met repolltan hotel then a public build tog. typifies the Detroit of today. After the mayor, surrounded by public officials aad a throng of spec tators. had hoisted the flag, the cer emonlee were transferred to the po lice court on the amin floor of the building The beaches ta It are ot mahogany: H has the latest type of inverted lights; Us windows are broad and Its floor la of tile. It is a striking contrast to any of the worn •Ad court roams across the way George H. Fvakall commissioner of public works, opened the exercises on the fewer -laden bene b He gave j a brief history of the movement which brought forth l£e i>t» wutic tare aad congratulated the archi tects. contractors sad dty official* who had made the Improvement possible. He mentioned. Incidentally, that one contractor engaged In the work had lost hit fortune thru his taklr.g of the contract Put not an "extra" had been paid by the city, he raid. Mayor Mara, the next rpeaker raid that there wasn't a finer public building in tbe country. He congrat ulated Aid Jacob Guthard. of the Third ward, one of the sponsor* of tbo new building A hoah came over the crowded room when he re gretted that the Ist* AH "Eddie" Barnett did not live to *e»* tbi* real- Ixation of one of hi* drexue Aid. Go (.hard read a history of the proceeding* which brought about the erection of fh* bulldln* He de dared once more that a ich a fine Structure should not be need a* a pest houae Hundreds passed thru tbe place during the morning Th<*y viewed the new court rooms, the restaurant downstair*, and many o*her new sea ture* The building will In u#e next week, according to prevent plan*. 180 MIDDIES GRADUATED INTO FLEET AN’NAPOUS Md . March 2*- Declaring the navy the first and chief arm of the defense to ,*f, guard the nation, Secretary I>*nieU today deitremd- tn tnuplrtn* ad dress to lid mldehlpmen who were graduated from the naval academy twm months ahead *of the usual time. Taking Admiral Dewey a* * type the secretary told the graduaMn* tren to "get a hero” He urged that ♦he hero of Manila bay b* taken an example toward which all gradu ates of the national school turn their faces. The secretary brought to the claaa greeting* from President Wll eon. an commander In-chief. Tbe IkO men who were glTeti their diplomas wtll go to sea within a few day* owing to the gravity 0 f international relation* Frederick E Haeberle. of r h \\ fornta. la honor man of tif* rloas Motel Mae Dias In A U f 0 Georgs E Elder, proprietor of the hotel bearing hit name at No &A Grand River ave., lied audmnly of heart failure late Wednesday eft*, noon, while sitting t D hit automobile m front of No isg Avery ave He had dii'en to that address withs 8. Hershey, When the autr»tnob||< Mopped. Mr Eld*r complained of pains about ht« heart Hersbe> sum monad Dr R M Martin, of No |oo* Fourteenth see but before the nhy fleian arrived Mr Elder had < ipfr Tha hotelmsn u survired by kia wtrrew vCTROIT TIMES SHERMMTS DEFINITION DLL WRONG “War Haa Hell Beaten Hundred Way*," De troit Boy Writes Merritt H Powell. Detrait aewa [ a Herman and active Kentuckian who has been fighting with the Brit ifh arm lee la France tha last year, is in a l»aJoa hospital recovering from tha effects of inhaling poison ous gnses He expects to leave for the Canadian depot shortly and be back In the states by May. Powell enlisted la tb* Ninety amth battal ion la Windsor It months ago. but was transferred to a Brltlxh unit tfior anTval in 1/ondoN In a letter dated “Bllghtty," March h, to a Unroll fnen! ho aayu: Bll«m» maens England to Erltish •oldirra on active service. The trench •oldler* do not put It ncond even to heaven a* a dealrable place to go To •at to "■Uglily" from Fvanoo 0 man ha* to bo *hot all to alt. althor b> mti'a Iron rattan* or a few million bacilli of tom* deadly dtoaaoa 1 hit off a kit too much of that •veil am*'linn Stuff -gan Mr loft lung toon want "pie" and I am non in a whack )otat In tendon, seder a hm marked T. B. * V\ hen I first ram* here I triad to muff out for a wa*h or oo But thv f.>od dl* young and only U« ha modioal officer sold ye*t*rdar that I vm about wait and would b* •rnt to a ronvalament rnmg In n few daya On account of having been marked T B " at on* time 1 ahnll likely get my ttrhot and call on you In a few weeks .lea effects are all that bother me now and they will gradually diaap panr. according to the medical sharks t m hoping. Tha commanding of«< er hare allows three peaae* a week t have been seeing a few shows tha peat fortnight. The boys who went to tha Mexican harder la*t summer were Indeed lucky to have Inaction tv# have been getting the owpoeite ?* hoars a Darkness and Light The New Arena—April 28 to May 26. Thousands of participants, men, women and children from local churches, Grand Choir, trained soloists, great orchestras, gorgeous cos tumes and beautiful scenery—wonderful light effects. - " J • - - A magnificent presentation of the great historical events in the de velopment of Christianity throughout the world. This great missionary pageant was originally produced in London several years ago. In America it has been given in Boston, Baltimore, Cincinnati and Chicago, and in each instance the crowds have been so great that people have been turned away at almost every performance. It is spectacular and dramatic, yet it carries with it a deep spiritual message that is never forgotten by those who take part in it, or who see and hear it. William Howland, head of the vocal de partment of the Detroit Institute of Musi cal Art, who has been selected to train and direct the grand chorus of the Pageant describes the production as fol lows. “The five episodes of 'Darkness and Light’ appeal to the highest and loftiest elements of our nature. They bring vivid ly before us the living truth. “The Pageant is a combination of sacred grand opera and dramatic oratorio sung and dramatically described by men, women, and children, soloists, choruses, orchestra, gorgeous costumes, wonder ful scenic and lighting effects and at a climax of it all the magnificent tableaux in each scene, portraying the triumph of humanity and the Gospel of light over darkness." Singers and Platform Participants Still Needed There are still opportunities for those who desire to take part in the Pageant, bass, tenor and contralto voices for the grand choir are especially needed. Also a hundred or more additional men and Enroll If Possible This Week day the whole of the lime in France There wee n fellow in the sta'** named thermnn a fighter eo we will call him "Kid ffbermaa" He said "War la h*IT and ralaaed It an awfully long ways The war l~ ran Into had ball beat a hundred ws>* and then some. Aa a postscript ha aays "No peace till fall or wtntor." BRYAN DECRIES PLANS FOR U. S. GOING TO WAR t Tee flawed from ruga Oeel pal no to employ tho plan with Great Britain. France. Italy and Russia be faro going to war with 'bom G#r many formally approved tho plan ait ho no treaty haa yet been coo chided with her "Shall wo repudiate our own plan tho first rime wo have an oppor tunity to employ It? If. aa 'ho proa Ident recently declared, tho Ameri <an people do not want war. 1o tt not worth while to try the peace plan before bringing the people the horrors of war* Until an attempt la made and falls, no one u able to say that It would to I secure the suspension of 'rtilhlos* submarine warfare before the inv* ligation for whloh the plan provide: (thatl wo deny ourselves the creel of trying to settle the dispute wtir •he treaty plan? “And, in It not worth while to 1> "ur part in trying to avoid Injury Would It not he bettor \r well a* heaper. for the governmem to carrv on tla own vessel* anch American* as must go to Furope, rather than engage In war to vindicate the right of clttaena to disregard all flaks am* ride upon belligerent ship*? Is |i not worth while to separate passen ■era from contraband cargos*, sc i hat the captains of passenger shipt ran give their satire attention to th« safety of the passenger* * Our na tloa la the world's foremost advo cate of peace. If we go to war It should bo for a cause which hlstor) wilt justify “If vou reatu the conclusion that nothing but war will satisfy the nation's honor la tt too mn«'h to ask that, by a referendum you consult the wuihe.. of those who must In tsse of war. defend the nation's women to take the various parts in the dramatic episodes. Enrollment can be made at any of the following places: I.—Grand Choir Rehearsals. FRIDAY, Mar. 30, 7:45 P. M—Woodward Ave nue Baptist Church House, 14 Winder Bt. TUESDAY, Apr. 3, 7:45 P. M.—Woodward Ave nue Baptist Church House. 14 Winder Bt. PRIDAY, Apr. 6, 7:43 P. M.—Woodward Ave nue Baptist Church House, 14 Winder Bt. TUESDAY. Apr 10. 7:43 P. M.—Central M E. Church House, 5 Adams Avenue East. 2.—Platform Rehearsals THURSDAY, Mar. 29, 7:45 P. M.—Wayna Castle, K. of P. Hall, Cor. Cass and Bagg. FRIDAY, Mar. 30, 7:45 P. M—Wayne Castl* K. of P. Hall, Cor. Cass and Bagg. MONDAY, Apr. 2, 7:43 P. M.—Wayne Castle, K of P. Hell, Cor. Cass and Bagg. TUESDAY, Apr, 3, 7:45 P. M,—Park Hall, 56 Adams Avenue East. THURSDAY, Apr. 5, 7:45, P. M.—Wayne Castle K. of P. Hall, Cor. Cass and Bagg FRIDAY, Apr. 6. 7:45 P. M.—Wayne Castle, K. of P. Hall, Cor. Csss and Bagg. MONDAY, Apr. 9, 7:45 P. M.—Wayne Castle, K. of P. Hell, Cor. Cess and Bagg, TUESDAY. Apr. 10, 7:45 P. M.—Park Hall, 56 Adams Avenue East. 3.—Pageant Headquarters 16 Elizabeth St. East, any day between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. 4.—Pageant Secretaries in the Churches THURSDAY, MARCH 2®, ISI7. ' »nor with their IlmT As one who tipsrti to llvr up to i cti Ison's duties, |f tir comes, I loud with you to us« til honorable . r*ns If prrsrrvr poor* before yon ' akt« the responsibility of pluniini I ® r beloved land Into this unprece lontsd struggle, begun without any efficient cause, and conducted by i»oth sides In uttor disregard of the well settled rights of neutrals.*' AUSTIN HOY JOINS BRITISH ARMY March *•.—Austin Hoy whose mother and sister wer* aniong the Americans who perlshe* on the lAoonl*. foreswore his *1 leg lance to the United State* today rand joined the British army. He becomes member of an offl rets' training corps, with the ran) of a cadet and la practically ae sure* of a commission later la th< hoary artillery branch of the eer *lrt. fey which his engineering es perlence ae an employe of a west ♦to machinery concern especially (Its him