Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 8 Marrh 2#.~ Th* "tm Wkjtm Bus fln>n r lal revi* «• b#F*i noth lot P" V »P* i KfBV of pew* dereioptr cr*» which ban held a* lw Wall at u the cabled ; that the German i.n WOUid add c** -•’ ! -?■**•** ,hr " u> ' 1 ° f i rwlat lODh with ih>* < -mr nsgdk a (KHllble reference to n»e »Lg yrOßoeata The Improaelon la HBl that •ontethin* of the grefl* U fend In* an im : ;VHCb Which was deepened hv the ■TdeciMon of the bt* cank* Wm/km »* foreign e T chang‘ not to on either Berlin or |jpS|Bk#r* would not admit that I ffii Bd an\ advance infot nation Hpruder-t In general are '•■whenever the npp. tumt. < ff* • ■ tc put out new line- or 1 Bn. ■fegolai movei.wni- tn *t* -ur prices upward at int• r HFihu by midlist the general the # >t e TlOUi* ,:K sugar Storks anJ th at eel BKhud their »xi>ansn e mo nent Hfc general with the rv of toe slowly fell away in 'he BpBMI. The railroad »*f" mm amd neglected ' I lit Stacks j r*n gioTATton* Open Clowe Bid Art ftk It* 17* ... .... ... It* »♦% tat mi .... .... Tt fl ?H 7«k »ti m „... .... t*H tl IH >% >l4 IS M t» .... .... 89 81^ * £ 4 111 »tfi *t*w Vl tt .... its iiij in: }{f u Sit it is 111 l .... *•” «... a M% M% ns >j% mi m« S :::: ;;;: ii% i>> .... .... Ii ns S»:.<a wtrr'WMV tlw its its j»s its V.\\ * it? u* . .. .... .... M 4# :::: Jt3 i»» i« i MS *l% ins ms | n n >4 V >4 S 34% >«H itl H 1*4% M U IBS .... ...TS TS .... itnp"* it* *•" .... it! t:t tit ttts lit IM >*• .... tu m m n* m ~ . !te »«# .... .... tl? r» .... tt: ttt i7t .... tfa it* ms .... fi? §»• .... .... |m .... M Hj 440 If »naa are privileged 4era n« tea exchange: SCo.. Carlyle ft P«.vah *r jussJ’vt a . K. Pelt on s ORI. Joel Ca. Bennett. Smith A Nil»T * Ce Matthew eaflace t Cos.. Lewd* (1. PWfctor Stocks | BU—— Ktv*mio«» «r Wfli A '* •fa K 2 ubb#r B,a V* HHBL-v.v.v.v. ’£ H V. s mßkj. ... * n .t ■Um Aoroploao .... 10 t'< ■MMmi. MW. tool. . 147 ltd to* ||K fir# * RubbO»... 41 TANARUS» aB». pr#f#rr«i 1«1 Km Bo4y U *** KIAViHKrrM *i* its ■■mi >• to ■KftiMw c*. am ii« K*t jtoMr 1 1 •».*••• 4 0 h too H&t wlm*4 Cos. * n »* Ttr# US <* 77 s »s ar*f»:r*4 ... m«x ■M Mo Mu «■* u Hvk wmm§. •* *i «• s ** s ■m JMw ■im MM HS7. tsi s ms ■irifrMr ■ft IMB Oor 00. ITS HKibort MOWr r - S•« . .. i* to »o«r* HHm •& t*4; Cos '•* »•• « ’s *• s ■■l fttllM Rohh## >»». >* , ■P Motor* ** S | far Y«t Stocks Quotation a by Horwhlowar * * eeha Mar. It: Open High Low Clwaa Aiaa Robber. U 74 -4 ▲tanka Oold,. t » Jh J ▲ Hie Ohalm... 38% >•% U >•> Am. enn M •!% M *•' Ana a * r ... Tt% ns ns tts Am. H. A L l»s ITS IfS 1} Do. pfd ... it* Tt* • • ••* AIB Uoaeed . M MS It *•% Do. pfd ... IB* 84% BIS *J|4 Am .Lorom . TANARUS!% Tt* 71% Tl% Am . IM* ItJS JtJS J*JJ4 Am huge- ft MIS I»JS >** »»>s Am line ~ 14 S B 7 >«V !•* I Air Beet **»g *• **S •*% J*S Am T A T 177 S IT7* I*7* IT7* I Am. Woolen »*S »» ws »*S Anarnde *4* B 4 S SIS JjJ ▲leaklnna . .144% 104 * 144 * 104* Dn. pfd »» *» *»S »Jh Ratopllae 114 114 114 ~ dis ▲w iu m ms uis Haldwln Loco <1 41 S »»S •• RAO 74* 'IV| ‘*S Beth greel 144* 144 * 14** 141* ( laae R ...117 111* U*S I>JS Brook R T. 44* *4 S 44* Butte * PUP 44 * 44 * 44 * 44 * naltf Pet . . ll* T4\ *> S **S Do. pM .. »t* »* BT* Bl* Caa. Par . 144 * 144 * 144 144 Cent Death 41* •»* **S »‘S Chee A Ohio.. 40* 41* %4* 41 CS»I.. ot wet ...... Ch» A Vwest 111* It** II.S 11 *S I{' || |mp |( 44 *’ * *7* I Chile Cop, ... ti* M JJS 2»* PhtnoCop. .. ST* B.\ B. B-* Colo. Fuel . 81* 47* M* *1 * . ont. <en Mv t a 4 x 4 >3* »J* (Sib. Am Pug 1 *•' m IB** M* | Con. Oa« .1 r* -1 I-' r>rti Prod -4 * *'• ■ ♦ fracible f»t . 4»s . * B*’* *• S 1 OuKan C. Pug 44 •' S•• % *'S I ten AH G l»* 1• * *' W ~l ‘ S imtrott Unit 114 ll* 11* *l* llletlll Per . JO* TO* 2»e S Erie Com ... 34 *<* -*S ;? t * (len. Elec ...IBB* 14B T ANARUS» 140 *4B Gen Mot. . 11l 11* S 11!*'« HJS H F Oood H Si* «S ii* B 4 J Great. North lli MB 11S Gt North. Ore Jt *'• *4* • • Oreen <’aoenea AJ* <2* i*% *; »j llllnole Cen ..lti* 1»B* 104 I*;^ lreptro Cop .84* 41 * *•* ,<rt S Inter Met ... It* 11% l-’». IVt pfd .44 *4 <» Int Mer Mar 31 US *?S MS j Do pfd t4* 41S *** >«S Int. Nickel .44 US 4i ««S Int Paper .. 4l\ 44% 4J% **% Kenecoit Coi> ii 44 US **S Kelly Mpg Tl 41 «»S «t* «J* Lack Bt Cos . »7 47S MS *4 Lehigh Val ,7t* 74* *4* **% Louie A N'aeh lie llu* I*o I*4* Max Mot ... 84% 81% *>S »*S Do tnd pfd tl* »% 33% **% ! Mn Petro tA * 43% *4* *1 * lllauni Copper 41 41* 4AS II Midvale Bt . . «** 41* 44 *a* Mieeoun new It* tt* *o* *o* Montana Pow l*< !•> io< i#4* Nat Bter U«* lit* Ml* IK* Nat Lead ... 41 % 41* «e cn N Ka A Bt. . »B SB* 38 )i* Nevada Cone 13% 33% 33% 33% N T. NHAH 44 * 44* 4* .44 Norfolk A Wt 111 134% lit* 133% N T Cent. . . 41S 4« S 47 * 47 * N T O A W. *4% 34% 24% 34% Pacific Mall S3* 33* IS* 33* Penney I 34% 84 % 83* BIS Pltte Coal . . 44* IT 44 44 Pullman .. .I*l% l«l* 141% 141* Ray Cone 29 S l<> % 29* 30 Ry Bt Npg . S3* S3* Bl* Bt* Rep Iron A Ml 14 R 2 S St* Do pfd 193 IBS 191 IAS Road Com 94% 99% »«* f|* Sea Air Lire II II ll 11 Seare Roeb ck 117 117 i»7 197 Bhat Arts .-. 31% 34% 23% 34% Sloan-Sheftteld TS 74 73 71 loath Pac .. 94* 14 * 94 % 4«* Bentb. Ry ... 21% *9% 34* 39% D© pfd 19% 81% It % 19% Btude Corn .194 194 »t* 192 Sinclair 041 . 88* lt% Sl* it Texan Cw 177% }|«* T3* «* Tobacco Pro 54% 87 84* 84* t 8 Mining .41% 42 4|% *: Union B A P 12 IS tt 13 Colon Pacific 111* ill* 149* 14«% Trangni u 44 44 44 Unit Alloy ... 4i* 4S* <B* <s* Unit Cl* .At 199* 191 199% me* l ? alt. Fruit Cos 141 * 141* 141% 141* U. B Ruhlvr M* 41 *i|W it me-ftjrt Ulf*' % t a bteet com MS* M*% M«*« .14* t' B Steel ii IM 194 198* 195% DB Cant IP 31* Ji* 11 31 V 8 Ind Ale. .134* 138 133* 134 TTtah Cop . . .IHI4 111 U 119% M 9% Vlr Caro Ch 41 44 % 45% 45* Do pfd ... ill* 111% 111% ill* Wnb Pfd A . 11% 81* 59% 89% Wabash B . J* 34 *B% Went boner 15% it 5?% -.t Wlltye Over 13* 33% t|% 33% j Wine on Cent_ '•% 33% BJ% -»% ! Went Mery 97% ••% ??•, White Motor.. 4f% »S». j«u *5% Went Union 97% 97'- 97% *7% Standard Oil Stocksl ! Quotations by Hornbh.v ** A W *eks < Mar. 29—(.105e Bid A*k ; Anglo- Am Oil Cos. n-w ,% 1 Atlantic FDflrina>(# t 0»« i Borne-Kerrm#*t Cos (( ! Burhey* P'p» Co 14S 112 , Cheaebro’igh Mfg Cos C. • 41 , t'abiitlal Oil Cos .. . Bo 70 Continental (XI i>» s'*4 400 Crescent Pipe Lin* Cos 2» 42* ! Cumberland Ptp« Lm*. 145 1«0 Eureka Pipe IJn* . .. 715 ;2.» j Gaima-Kig Oil «’o .. I4X Galena gig Oil Cos. pfd 4** 14 Illinois Pip* I,l#* . . 22* 242 Indiana Pipe Mne •v> . i«t« National Transit C 0.... IT k New Tork Transit Cos .04 315 Pipe sane 'O7 Ohio Oil Cos . . 7M 347 Bierce Oil Corporation 13'» l*'« Prutrle Oil A Gas Cos. (** 40a rralrl* Pipe Line 71* 7.5 Kolar Reflnlng Cos 3|s 399 K**uthem Pipe Line Cos ft ' South Penn on x* n 937 325 A TV Pa Pipe lan* Cos M3 Mtandard Oil Cos. (Cal > 30" 303 Do. Indiana 379 4*a Do. Kansas '.44 440 Do. Kentucky 770 780 Do. Nebraska . . 590 40" Do New Jersey .... 797 713 Do N*w York 918 111 Do. -Jhlo 4*o (t’A Swan A Finch <’o 119 118 Union TxnV Une Cos. 94 *4 Vacuum Oil Cos 400 418 Washington Ot| Cos 30 40 Rtandard 'Hi old gtock 2400 1 Mtandard Oil c»M Hubs 1450 Tut 1 Pet ro|*um M% H T 4 I Mid. West Ref* .. 142 143 Penn Mexican 30 I - mis turn « iui at,a Quotation* by Hornhlower A Week* Mar. 29 Rid Ask Am Puh Utilities 15 f I>». pref»rre-l .... 49 71 Am Ught A Trsrfjon 140 34’ Do. preferred it; ]|( N Am. Pulp A Paper R % 5% I Aetna Explo* vr* | \ 3^ Clli#s Bervic* ... ;•»( 537 I>o pref. rred • , )o% Chevrolet . . ];s jj- Merritt 011 57*, 27% Chalmers M tor new 70 f»msr Oil ... to ii Cosdeti Oil A Gas 14% M% Coaden A Cos .. Oamp* 11 <*„ Datrolt Edison u; 7 ,i# Emerson Pr .n .g>*ph n% i’% Hanketl Barker 47* i j 1. Mldweut Oil ... :» *; Do. preferred 14 Midwest Reflnlng ... 142 try K resge Par Owe A KI». ... «( *- Do. preferred #? '.7 Hupp i « Rep Ry A Ught. min 14 41 IKi preferred .. 73 75 Wrtght A Martin 7% #i Grant Motor ... « » Federal Otl ... 4 % «% Bouth Cal, '*d's<>n .... *J 74 Do. pruferred . t"4 |*| •apulfa Ref 41 >, t Kub Boat .. .| * Oklahoma Prd. A Rf 1 jiu ; Vr4engl* «. r. B TAght A Heat i » Do. preferred .... 4 * 'inege H«miny ..., *% 4u t*Blted M"t » | ’* % Edmund A tone# 3; 17 TV* preferred ]*o jljfiraNi mi Prwiß—i DETROIT. March 34 Thn Uver pool market eloned ntnady and nun pile# wern eald In he nufßeient la the United Kingdom The America! market# were all eteady at the open I mg and Dnlmlt nriona worn the aan>« I aa the cJoala* flguree of W*l end ay Tbon* who are bearteh on wheat aad their number appear# to be In creaeing are aelltng on balgM be cause or the very high price aad tha cnan.en of the weekenlag of the market becauae of peace aewa Tha paper# hare been carrying a great deal of talk about eeparate peaee tn aome quartern and a general peaee proposition i# e* pec ted eooa from Germany, but no one ha# much cwn- I fldence that a proposal will come I from that quarter that ran far a no- I ment be considered by the Entente I Allies. At the aaene time the fact I hat euch news te passing over the wire# le enough to make buyers cau tious at these high prices Crop damage news caaaot he much wore* than It has been for the past I few days and there in a chance that I It may improve, which would greatly I help the hears Dealer# are ant pay I Ing much attention to aome nf the | damage stuff waiting fer growing I weether to nut a stop to gueaaiag They are talking of seeding spring wheat day and night in the north neat in order to get tn a big anre [ age The rash market tn Min neap - I oil ala rather alow and millers re port high huring of flour Consum ers are practicing economy te such an extent aa to reduce demand to small proport lona Cash and May wheat eloaed at aa advance of 3c and July gained le. Corn advanced 4 He. oats *e and beans Bc. Thursday's wheat quotation* Cash No. J red. 15 19. May opened without change at 35.43 and advanced to [32 11 ’uly opened at |1 74 advanced to 31 71% and eloaed at 81 71; No. 1 I white 1397 Thursday’# coarse grain I quotations Oorn. eaah No 3 11 7* No 3 ' allow. 8117 No 4 yellow. 11 28% •%!# Standard. 49*c; No t white. 49c No « white. He Rye Cash No. 5. ll *8 Beans Immediate. f rnmpt and April shipment. 87 90 -*e#.|» Crime red clover. IM ; March. 3l« 10 April 319 3*. alalke. 11189 tim -tby. 12 44 Detroit receipt# were 1.999 bbla of flour. 3 cars of wheat. 7 of corn and « of nata Shipments were 1.949 hhls of flour. 3 *99 bu of corn and 7 809 bu of oats Stock* are 383 494 n u of wheat 317.000 hu of corn. 332.000 bu of nata and 30 900 hu of r*» F*rtmary wheat receipts were 9*l - bu. agalnat 1.017.099 bu a year ago Ft port* of wheat and flour Thurs day. 188.909 hu Recelpta of wheat Tburedav Dll - • cars, against 5? a *a- s«" M-nneapolln. 499 cars, against 94* Winnipeg, 347 rara. afaNii 712 Chi cago 34 rare against 338 southwest j? 4 444 hu. agalnat 118 999 hu CM 1C A439 6AU9 94 4RK WT CHICAGO. March 29—Grain open ing Wheat May up %e. July, up %c: kept., up %c Corn May up %c. July, up *c. kept., unchanged Outs May. up %r. July, up %c kept, un quoted. Provisions higher. Noou—Wheat Mar up Xc. July up *e. September up %c. Corn May up 1 %c. July up %e. kept err her up *e. Oats: May up %r July up * Be. September up %c. Provisions sharply higher (None —Wheat: May up *e. July down %c. Kept err her up %e Corn , May up 1 *c. July up l*e: Beptem ber up I*c Oats May up 1 *c; j July up le. September up %c, Pro visions higher. Quotations by Paine Webber A Cos., liar 29. Open High Low Close , Wheat— July 1 97* I 43* 1 48* 1 *4* . Sept 1 83* 1 88 * I 83 * 1 84 Ma> 1 9S 1 91% 1 94% 1 94% Corn— Kept 1 14% 1 18U 1 M I 18* May l 17% 1 19% 1 17% si 1* July 1 14% 1 17* 1 IS* 1 17* Ostn- — July. 88* 59* 88% 89% Kept. 53 S*% S3 59* May 41 * 43* 41 * 43* Pork - Msv 14 7$ 94 8# 34 88 nil 4S July *4 0k %i t>s S3 f» »5t »7 Lard Kept. 30 IS J 9 33 30 1? ht« 37 July 20 92 50 37 30 03 30 22 W«» 19 97 20 17 19 95 529 IB R'bn— May :• 30 ll 17 13 *0 si* 35 Jiilj 1I 77 •« 88 21 77 *l9 19 b-Bld s-Kold TOLEDO 4.R »l* Tfll.Ftyi Ms- 5* ->’l(M- TTheut (■%■>• 12 10 Ms- 82.18% *ulr. - HAS'.- Com Cesh |1 23 Mar I 4122%. July, tl 28«. Oat# c*,h. 4*c May. 43c; Jiih 41*-". flvr: Ce***. 1 44 Clorerseed r**h 811 03 Varr’- 410 S7*. Ap-'l 1 1 0 17.- Octo- . SO7O ADlke. Prime and March «i 45 Timothy C»*h and March. 1 *■*ss'- Butte- BrlrV r'eamrt', *“ t'lh rreerner- 4T'.c r ',g-s; *-e*h (••"(•I*! 3t * %*<■' *el ect*. Tsc Ms- Cnchanged j Sugar Market imxn—s——N •wgaru f'etroit w-holeaal# price# ' r»**ai domin- -3-lh 911 78 crya *al ..ip fit 74 *agt« rub- I let* 810 45 cut to*f |> 48. cubes, i , I* ’l XXXX powdered 3* .'0 atand ! s-d pow dered tl .49. gr* mi lated. »«tra 1 j >'o#r** I* 40 granulated. fln# .in b ilk. 3* 25. granulated. 28-lh. rot- | ton# I* 45. rr-stal domino grant]- ■ I lated. 2-lh and llh >*#r7ona In I I ca*»s. 8* <5 -rtsial domino granu- 1 ! lated. HF c#i.e* |3 71. diamond A, |4 li. confe.c r»er» A. I*2o No 4 I*2*. No 5. |3 .0 No I sits No. 7. 8*1". No * 8»«4. No 9. I* No 10. 17 95 No 11. E.N No 12. 1*33 No 11. •' If v LA 17-84 13# .* f- 4* non-caklnx m store It 21 beet gran ula'*d. I*ls per 100 lb# household powdered Ic. ? 4 to rtf. |J || household powdered, l a. 41 to rase. 94 46 per case Cl RR COrPFJI STOCK* Quotations by Hornblowe- A Weeks Mar. 29 Bid Ask Butt# A London 39 ji Boston Montana «4 44 FYtlef 2% Consolidated Arisen# .. 1% jl4 Copper Mining . 4% 4^ Darla Daly .. 1 - 4 First National . ... 74 t 7 j Goldfield 44 «- I Jumbo Extension 41 47 Im Rose 5/1 gj 1 Magma 4* 49 Nev Dougiae i% }u Ohio Copper 1% ii£ 2 ,#waft ” H > ■ 1 k on j * u New Cornelia . * 17% 1 g«T >F\\ YORK ( limit M4BKRT Quotations b> Paine Webber A Cos Mai 29 opening Cflr,#* Hid Hlgi. 1/ w Bid Ask Jan I*3o 1120 11 97 14 44 18 08 Feb ||j; \P T 19 88 . Msv 19 19 19.18 19 09 11 01 I*"J ;• 98 July . 19 90 11 99 It 13 11 81 u|« Aug !• 11 18 9B II 95 18 «0 11 «t i| )| Grt . . 18 07 till 18.49 19 09 18 01 19 91 18 0* tree. 3 * 1* 13 27 !»0« not j | nn PNonrcr market NEW Y< »RK March 39 Flour r°rk *lrv*ng mess f %r<l Firm vtiifltlt# «###f spot 924 30(930 (9 Rug.r R*w, • tronger centrifugal 94 teat 11779 594 rrijacoxado. *9 teat f #- flned stronger, eut |o#f 83 4# crush ed |3 y. powdered 87 II grenai.t --• and •;?*«• Coff.* R,o No *Vn snot, Tallow Btrnng sp*eial, 1 - cin i!%e country !3u,AHr Mai Qu'ai No 1 *1 14fl) 1J No 9 t' 49 94r clover |>- uMry Firm fi|e|,ara ]|«9t4e ehlck'OS I»4r3ir fr.wls <(44f *< U C duck* I4»*t' T.P * potyltrv • V<i e# - V*e*e 119 Itr ditrka. 55e fowl# f 4 N 15c turkera s»e eoogters 14e '■hteken hroMera 194f75e Cheese- Frm *t**e milk entnmen *e en*. rial*. ?4Rs7t*» *hima eem m»n to •perislt 1"#21%c DETROIT TIMAS W ■■ 0— 1 I 2 A. 1- umtoeft MI CM MAN CMNTMAL. STtM k \ A RUI DCTMOfT Marek Ml—Cattle: Mar ket ntnady beat heavy stanra 119 49# 11: best bandy weight butcher steers 90.19M9 78. naiaed ntanra aad Keifera |lli«»ll bawdy light butcher*. light butch era |IB4|T; bant paw* IT IB#l. butcher 00 wg 19 99# T II: com man sows I4#l 89. cans era, |B«4 40. bant heavy bulla Mil#B: halogaa bulla • : 28#: Tt, mock bulla M#«.B9: milkers aad aprlagers, 884#89 Vsal calves Market sui>d|. beat grade a 111# 18. bnavlea |T#9 Sheep anJ lambs: Market steady beat lamb* fI 8 18# 18 89. fair lambs «l«.89#ll light to -ommoa lamha Ilß#l4. fair bn goad sheen. 119# #11: call aad naau mon. IT#I Hegs. Market nrespects steady, mixed 114 49# 14 88 plga • 38# 18 tA MAST M VPAbO Utrg rrOCNt Piaalaa 41 Steeeaa ■AST n ;■ rraLo, N. T7Mar. M Chttln. Renelpta 189: market active and steady, prims steers. 111.71# 1318. butcher grades |T#»l; cawa IB#B II Calves Recelpta 1T8; market active aad Kaadr. call to ebnina 83# 1A Sheep sad lambs. Recelpta L 899; market active, lambs Its higher, year I Inga. 89c higher, chelae lambe •l8#lAtl: call to tag, lit 88#] 8 71. yearlings. |ll#14l9; aheap. |1«11TI Hogs Recelpta 1- 889: market alow 8# 19c blgh-r. yorbeva 111 80# if 89. piga flftJd# 11. mixed. Blß*o#llßi h-ary. 814 88 #lB 79 roughs ll 1.80#14; stags 111 #l3 ( Rir t 69 I.IVf. 9T04 K. UN TON NTTKTt T ARM. CHICAOOI Ml . March 38 —Hogs Recatpta 33.- 000 market strong. 19c higher mixed and butchers |l4 4b# 11 28: good heai > 814 98#18 11: rough heavy. I • 14 880 14 79 light 1141001119:1 Pga sl9 89014.10. Cattle Receipts 4 t>o9 market *tead> beevea l> I 10.38. row# and heifers 15 80019 09. I I d* 40 Texans I* 48 010 71 calxna I* B*o 1.78 Sheep Receipts 14.009; I marke «t«ad> native 119 25012 18 w **icrn. 319 78 # 13.31; tamhs 815# j 14 99 western. 81 2 340 11 89 ... w« • X p • tv «“•••<’ CLEVELAND. March 39 —Hogs: - R *»t y m • x». 1 j aediu * * • 5 i Is • t - stags I’* 58 Cattle Receipts ll car* sl>>e - ie. ,1 • and lamha R»c#tpts. * '■i-' «tc top. 818 Calves Receipts. 499: steadv. top, 114.90 TOI EDO 1.14 V. vTO«k. TOIJCIX). March 2* - H--g* Re ceipts 1 999. market 1-0 ISc higher hea»>es 818 380 18 33 mediums 818 - 55 013 JJ. yorkers 812013 19 good r •• 119# 11 'alvee Mark#' eteady Kheep and lamb* Market steady. Produce | The special feature or th* produce market this metmng was the boycott agsinst poultry by th* Jewish worn** of the *a*t side Commission men have encouraged libers) shipments In anticipation of a big trade for the approaching Fea*t of the Paesov*r. and If the boycott holds shipments will have to be diverted to aome oth er market or price* tak* a tumble, as e«ot-h# were not moving this morn ing The egg market Is strong with < advancing tendenc:*# and th* general, list was steady. Apptaw 82.39 04 89 nor bbL fob eboic* and 88 0* for fancy Banana* Good shipping stock. 83 80 0 8 89 bunch Henna Dried Lumas 18c lb 4 rowberrtoe Late Rowra 99 fee ! tbl 88 bu Dreawd ( alvee Fancy. I*o 19c I No 5. 19 018 c per lb. Greened Meg* Light. 17019 c; 1 heavy. 18014 c lb. Finnan Maßdlen 18c lb Freeh Vegetable* Radishes 34 0 ! 38c doa; parsley. 55 034 c due , cu cumbers. bot house lIC 2 24. ar head frtiucr. »rtn»*-» ur fT BA < aer j enhbage. Texas. 12c per ib shall- tt*. 8«048c doa Florida csi*ry. • 4 8908 cast, tomatoes 18 per 8-bae k*t crate Grape Frwd- 83.8b# 4 per crate Hence —Fancy wutte. 14017 c. at tracted. sqy 19c IA Hay—Detroit shippers are naming the follow:ng price* for baled nay Is car lota f. 0 U Detroit No \ ttmo ihr. 911.89018 st-x.icard t mothy. 1130714 ’ gh* >1 -*< e 1 81454014 lo 1 timothy 912#13. N* . mixed 53 89#K N-». 7 mixed Bit#l» Nc. 1 clover. 94 7 #lß'o at. aw. 89 Bu #l9 wheat and vSt straw. 988999 p» r ton l.esnon*—B4 25 0 4.78 per box. Llsut -91 19491 38 p*r |99 Nsrtn—W L’ntits. s*'of‘- almonda - - • i8(• ’ • Rra*l’b 190 fde- peer ns IB#lkc lb 0o»t*» —Ntv»l* f* #4: Florida. S3 5*493 89 per bo>. Onlow* —Bl 900 pee i«a.!b «a k ■ panlah onona 82 71 rest* B*rir das •« 190 475 p*r rat* 0 Onion get* WhH* or yellow ••’ * fl p*r hu. Po*n*oe« V'rh-gaa enr lot* in hags. I? 890? 45 hu n*w B f rm )1»' 914 p»r hbi . 85 p»- bu. r*sltr» Knrlnga 114 ii-’ "vbt springs. 3*o 25r hts > hen*. 58 024 m*dlufn*. ?90 3Bc stag* i«0?o<- rooster* ISOttc. gce*r. 1901->c ducka 33 # 58c |h Straw berries 4*c quart. tweet Fesnboe* J*r»#ys, hlln dried. •9 per crate JOBBING MtirgS Canned r.sad* -Apple* 88.79 per gal. Una beans. 1118rw1.48. corn fancy Maine 91.98. standaid 11.430 LBO, table breta. ll 18#1 49. peas inner early J'.ne 11 M: etao/twrd# 11. animoa. tall 13 4#. marrowfat peas 11 1803 39 early rune 81 84 sifted •arly June. 11.49 doa. Toma toes standard, fl 80491.99 nog CeCee—44a. tog standard 19014 c. r tedium ItV39c. fancy. 39#98c Rio, 4%# 11 Me, 1-lh pack age*. 19#33c 1-lh tins. §» 9Me lb fssd —Jobbing prices. IM-IA agekg bran 941 standard middlings |42 fln* middlings. 948 mucked corn I • 49. mars# corn m*al. 849; corn and oat chop. 844 ton. Flow# Jobbing pries#- Meet Michi gan patent. Itb 10. second patent, 8* - •0 straight. 89 89 pure ryr. B*. spring patent. 919 49 hbl. la *th pa per *ar»a Oil Raw 11 n seed 91.99 boiled 11a need 91 87 In barrel lot# kero#eng ! tank-wagon or iron barrets BHn;red brown sane line l#*c gal. Fisrldsse M«ee porw. 999: family rork 819*00(0 cDnr hack* 9370 44 sms 34*#33*e: brisket*. 19031 c | picnic heme ii*ol*c. bacon 73*0 13c; bo*f rarcaenee IIS t US' psr lh lard in tlnrcea, 51 %c. kettle ren dered ?7%r Ib •Video No 1 cured bides. Fl*; No 1 green hide*. 19c. No 1 cured bulla !•-: No. 1 freon bulla lie; No 1 cured v*g! kip ?8c; No. * green v*al k p tte No I cared murrain. ID: ] No 1 green murrain. 19c. Nn. 1 cured calf. 3Se; No 1 green *nlf. ••«. No. 1 horse h'de#. |l Ji; No. 8 horn# hideg ; 17 21 No 1 tallow 9Hr No. 3 tat- I low, 4%c p*r lb: No l hid##, le nff; | No. 3 sip and cgjf. 1%« off sheep skin*. (as to amount wool), 89e#|3 | Detroit Rank Clearings rmfrolt tank cleartnga for Thurn 'day were *7.742,722 01; total clear j Int* for 1917 to date am 9449,0 HS ■ j •Bn ga 14.V).191.974 97 for 1 lie corresfiondiag iH»rlod tn 191< 9CBAI 9TMAMBMIFB CUN A R D Negntar Fanaengsr and Os ry* ferric** NfW VORK LIVIMFOOL NIW YORK FALMOMJM LONDON NfW YORK— ORI9TOL Draffa. New*y Order* Nsft or fable. «-**at Nrffotii Ireland. Sean dtnuvla. Matt, j V' r fur*b*r information apple ** ““ * " 4- L er Lena I Agents | |B«tON Copper Stoduj > Quetation* by Horublowoe A Wssli, My ||. Open High Low Close Adventure .... I thuT-ck .191 141 141 191 Alaska Oold • | 4% 9 Aiu“s .«• •?% 44 44 Amar line .. 94% J] *•% }JS Anaconda ... 84% l*% M% **w Butts *up .. 44% 44% 44% 44% «• »12 »» •»;. arr {?? «' ”5 Ires.:: .u .u .» .p fyanklia ----- 4 Oreen# Caa . 43% 41% «»S «*% Inspiration .. 40% 41% .... .... Jerome Yard* 3 19 Man* 14% 14% 14% 14% M**on Valley 8% 4% 4% 4% Miami 41 41% 44% 41 Mohawk •* •• •• , Nipiselng 1% •% •% 1% Nevada C«na. 93% . ... .... >•% North Butte.. 13% 13% 39% 13 tg Ohio 1> IS TS is One no Is 81% 83% 93% 83% Fond CYneh .. 38% 38% 38% |*% «sy fopnol 39% 84% 39% 84 up A Ronton «% 4\ 4% 9% Bbannon •% *S •% •% fhattucb .... »«% 38% 38% 18% Mouth LRah . 34 34 31 34 fit Mary .... 84 84 44 84 THalty ...... 4 4 4 4 United Fruit 141% 141% 141% 141% Utd tho* M 31% BB % B9V BB % Utah Apex 1% 9 1% Utah Coneol IT 1? 18% 14 rtah Topper 111% 111% 110% 114% Utah Metals . 4% 4% 4« 4% IpVR 4% 4% «% 4% Wipe ns 4% 4% 4 s 4% Wolverine ... 44*» 4B 44% 4F rincAoo limn nankrt CIICAOO. Mar 39—Butter: Ex trna. 41 c, flrnta 400*9%c. dairy #«- traa 37#rf%c. flreta. |4#3Bc. Egg* Trim# ordinary, 39%#39%e; flrete. 30%f Choesc Twins 54#94%c v«ung American 58#tS%«. Live poxiltrv Fowls 38c; ducks. I7#fße; n*#n* 13018 c; springe. 3tc. turkeys. 'Bc Potato##- Recelpta. 4 cam; Wlaconein and Minnesota. 32 2403 11; fancy went. 8 1 84 0 3 49 hurt ntoMrrx Better -Extra creamery 89*c lh ; creamery flreta lt*c: dairy. 34c lh.. packing evock. 34%c Ib Rea* F-»*h rec# pta rare* includ ed flr*t*. 31c des . current recelr*te 3*’tc doa Receipt# Thuredev. J 440 ca«#e lhee*e -Michigan flrat* 21 %c New York 2Bc dcm*«llc (»'•• vtM'Ac: tmnorted Swiee 400(0.; br'.-k c*eam. 22r !.mb U rg*r. l-lb 25c. 2 lh 2«Uc; i«ng h< ma 3( %o. daisies 2: •, W?4%c lh NFW YARM Bt TTFTN (Til NFW* YORK March 3* Butte- I Firmer receipt*, t i*9 creame-v ex tra «4c. do. •p»r’»] market. (4UO 4Bc *tat# da'rv tub* *l#4lc tw.<te t'on rreamerx flr -*• 'Tft 33c Fgg« Firmer lovt* n-irki white fancy 7*014c n*«rh> mtx-d fanev. 1503(c frc»h flr*t« 37%02t%r Flwtu Nutter Butter, all sales 49c, no chang from last week’s prlcea 7# 9r>eak On Mormoninm FYank J. ( annon former United S.ate* senator, who is said to hare non xtaleh«»o<l for T'tah will rp#i»- Tliursday evening in the Fortxt. Presbyterian churrh on "Morrr»ftn ivm. a national menace " This wilt , be his final address in a senes rs meetings which have been h-ld »a Detroit during the last week hi a campaign for the purpose of rou-tn* Murmonlam from the land ' Printing—the plain nent ktnrt— 'bn? I- ctwbt—Tlw. Job !>♦*»* Vein 4IM ' ANOTHER TELEGRAM! Bearing On Recent Big Rich Strike rggr WESTEHM UNION —" | ygsk' TELeBrAM ' NfwcMt mwto«. ■■miw M » A* mrmrn mm Mk Mn«(. «kMk tn fcar^i T- n« H A1 1L WOWlt illl MAI ITW IT 0 ■ tOVMAI Ml »*—«.!. H-wa nw**firv nice won fici »iw TOBIT »at» flu ttiTfiia wipn AW iicm a aomt ftlAlCl AID HKD OHM oil. Win lIQH MICWTAOM Os MOLT? DMTUI olaici iitah cmill iio» futni n urging you lira m yoilllil im>, 91 AMT IIIIIIQ >OOI, AllO llltl TO IWMga ggtg yew. j ¥ >AmAmn •69AM MAS IS -nri&vr mmSk ' i Former Telegrams Read as Follows: B4A4CH 67 NL Winkelman, Arix., 28. 1917, Mar 28, P. M. 10:06. C. H- Cowman. 808 Farwell Bldg., Detroit Mich. Tarr cut seven feet of or® yesterday. Os this three fedt solid will average ten per cent copper. silver probably twenty ounces and molybdenum very high, prob ably Ave per cent. He is offered here twelve dollars for each one per cent molyb denum and believe can separate it from other values. Other four feet of vein about one-fifth as valuable. A. L. WATERS. We Believe • DRIPPING SPRINGS COPPER COMPANY own* the richest copper-molybdenum mine in the United States. The above telegram* are absolutely reliable and we will positively guarantee that the statements contained therein can and will be verified by personal investigation Developments at the mine warrant a price of dollars per share. Come In, talk with Mr. (bowman. Get the concrete facta. You owe it to yourself. SHARES NOW 60 CENTS. Will advance April sth 25 per cent. Room 803. Farwell Bldg Phones: Cadillac 5337—5959 LOCAL MARKET MINS STRENGTH Michigan Stamping la Active. Jumping to 20, Probably Due to Merger Rumor ■V B. K MaoCRONB. Judging from the i«Urtty that d*» vvlopad La soma at tha aptictAltiea un tha Detroit Riook axohaaaa Thu radar moraine, thara la apt to baa batter market for the nail f«w day* barring any untoward de velopments that might again shake (he growing ooaAdence o t the la i eating public Many of tha stocks, mora particularly the motor*, are •ailing vary low cm their yield, and unieaa tha broksr* are vary much iQiatakaa. tha turning point la tha upward direction la naarly at hand Thoaa familiar with market signs in the better Inquiry far tneer ttock* a growing demand that mum put them higher anoner or later, for tha buslnaas tha concerns aie doing fully Juatltjr It Hy far tha moat active taeue of the morning waa Michigan Stamping, witch sold at anew high point of -0. Thera la much speculation aa to tba outran** of tha atxxskhoidar-' meeting, and thla. coupled with car talc nuxurt aa to consolidation* and the like Is vary It Italy haring its effect. In tha motor lint, Reo la finding support at around with arraral hundred shares harlug been turned over today and yesterday nt a fr*i I 100 shore this point likewise l atge seems to find a good market »< about S7. wdh Ford of Canadh holding It* awn 1c the vicinity o! 300. Holland I-outa common <ont!ntee Its upward trend, the mar ket this morning being 14 1-4 to It*, und altho none of it had changed hands up to so. n. It Is tiksly that HORNBLOWER & WEEKS MEMBERS— New York, Boston and Chicago Stock Exchanges Order* Executed In AD Security Markets J. J. HAYES, Manager 201 Penobscot Building, Detroit, Mich. 1917, Mar. 26. A. M„ 12:24. C. H. Cowman, 808 Farwell Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Strike important. Seven-foot vein molyb denum copper silver ore. Will have mill test. Copper ore will go ten per cent W’ill sink and raise soon a* length is determined. IBooks fine Going Phoenix, probably Ix>a Angeles. Sending samples molybdenum, high-grade silver and copper ore by ex press. J. W\ BANDHAUER. THURSDAY, MARCH 29. 1917. buysrs and seller* will soon gat to gether In tha bank eiook Hat Highland Park of Highland Park la vary strong, having anjoyed a 10 point riae m tha last fWw days The stock It row wanted at Ilk, with no offer log. Thla itraagth Is tha result of tha placing of tha stock on n In.gar annual dividend basis BERLINDENIES REVOLT STORIES BHRLFN (Via Bay villa Wlralaos), March ft.—Paris reports that riots have occurred amongst tha wiwkrsen of several German towns, partionlkr ly l.atpalg, Dresden Muenchen ahff Berlin aa a result of tha RusalMfi revolution are fiat Inventtoos says tha official German press bureau In a state meat today. Marriage Licenses Rainael 1. Oelter, tt. Detroit; B«a --sle Uderman SB. asms. Marlnue Driakwaark. to. Detroit; Lola Flanagan tT, earn* Oeorga F Morsllrk. 10. Detroit; Dolta F Bh*iver. 11. mid* John C. kchroeder. 10. Detroit; Hll da Radlowaki. JO. W arvan Lome Nckiam. 10. Detroit. Char lotte Hannar. 10. aamr. grbaetiaao Fruclana It. Detroit; Gratia Orlfc IT. aame. Albert Horn tT. Detroit; Mabel Dtoa. 14. aame Irvin slump >t. Detroit; Marloa Ogden. It. same Victor Walters. 11. Detroit; Ituth Melvin It. same William A Baughman. It. Detroit; Halane Hwarta 14 Dll City. Fa Marvin Corey. »• Detroit. Mamie Schwarrk. 10. aame. Bam Fnafer. tt. Detroit: Jeanle SrhtuasH. It aame Frlthlnb Bru land tT, Detroit. Mar tha J Thure. tl. aame Andr.w Kiah. 10. Detrelt; Mare Flrtl. tt same John Claoaian. B Detroit; Sarah Fareeftrlsn. It. aame Elmer R Allea >4. Detroit Rath M Johnson tl. aama. V»mon 4lloo*an 14 Detroit: Ostia Rack eve. M same Walter A Powaer. 14. Detroit; Tda M Stipple. 14. aame Ramon J Foatar. J 4. Detroit, Elisa, belli Knapper 14. Ravenport. fa Or nr i • H Nor Ha tt. Detroit Hel en R Wade. TT. same William E McFarland. 11. Detroit: Trine E. Ooets. It. earn*. Carl A- Babcock. 14, Detroit; Cora Wtrta. 14. same Waiter J. Holvsak tt. Detroit; Ag *»ee Hen each, It. same James O. Brown. 14. Detroit, Mar tha J. Beach. It. same. mSL. -IL. 18.. J 1 a . l jLt _IL- LJ r ANNOUNCEMENT Broadening public Interest In oil and industrial securities led us some months ago to Inaugu rals a special Oil and Industrial Latter. Issued every two weeks The gTeat activity In tha affairs of these companies, has made the two-week interval too great W* have, therefore, with this taeue of our Wfifkly Market Letter consolidated the mining and In dustrial divisions, believing that such change will be of more ma terial benefit to our clients, thus enabling them to keep abreast of the whole market at weekly In terrain. Thla letter, in addition to Ita comprehensive review of Indu* trial and financial condition*, confine news of Internal con cerning Gt different Oil, Indus trial and Mining ('ocupanlM, hence tt should be read by every investor A cop> will bV mailed fras on revusst. <>er direct private wlre te the Isadlns marker waters eaaklea aa 4* gl»r rirrptlnnal •rivlr, aa sr dera far Vtatar <l»rk», Ulalna aad Oil Stacks aad < ark ladaatrlals. TaiylifllnSy ELECTION Notice ig hereby jrtren that bd election will be held in the bbebtul Wards and Election District# of the City ot Detroit MONDAY, A ! APRIL C L Polls Open 7 a. m, to 8 p. m., Central Standard Time (which is 8 a. m. to 9 p. m., Eastern Standard Time). Officers Will Be Elected As Follows: STATE Twp Justice# of the Supreme Court, two Regent# of the Uni versity, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Member State Board of Education, two member# State Board of Agri culture. State Commissioner of Highway#. COUNTY ~ Six Circuit Judge#, County Auditor. County Treasurer to fill vacancy. County School Commissioner. (ITT Recorder. Judge Recorder's Court. Police Justice, two School Inspector# for two-year term, two School Inspector# for • four-year term, three School Inspector# for six-year term. WARD Alderman to fill vacancy In the Fourth and Tenth ward#. School Inspectors to fill vacan cies in the following wards: 4, 5. 7, 10, *4, 16. 17, 18, 19. 21. ANNEXATION PROPOSITION Proposition for the annexa tion of territory from the Townships of Gratiot and Oroase Pointe to the City of Detroit will also be voted on. CHARTER AMENDMENTS Amendments to the Charter will also be submitted at this election. CONS^TTmONAL AMENDMENTS Constitutional amendment* will also be submitted. LIBRARY BONDS There will also be voted «r --on at this time the question of issuing $250,000 Public Li brary bonds. Th is is not anew bond issue, but the remaining part of the SI.OOO 000 issue authorized in the Library Act of 1901. of which $760,000 were issued in 1907. NON-PARTISAN BALLOT TV ballot for School In spectors will be non-partisan, no party designation appearing anywhere on the ticket. "This ballot will be separate from all others, and cjip l»e voted by all men and women who are reg istered RICHARD LINDSAY, atr Clark.