Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1917. U. $. WOMEN LEND MEN IN PATRIOTISM Are Offering Services To Government In All Capa^ties MANY ENLIST AS NAVY CLERKS Others Busy With For mation of Red v Cross Units NKW YORK, March 19—Th# band that reeks the eradla mire a good share of tha world of AjnarV ran preparednfia*. Nationwide reports to tha United Press today show tha woman at tha •oaatry offering to terra as sign painters, factory Inspectors, nasal staaocraphara. nursas. drug darks, aooka, laundresses and anything alaa thaqr're needed for. Hand rede of patriotic women hare am ewe rad tha nary's call to tha ool ars; and other h and red • hare an ■wared tn other branches with oat batng tn Now York there was a btg rash of woman of all agee to halp Otode Sam g«t ready to flght Os these, three stood out for their unique methods. Viola McOnlckan, 10, got parmtaelon of tha nary to meruit man and opanad har own station In a branch post office "Har work was remarkable," said Uaat. Orady today. "Bha aant In hlne applicant x. Ore of whom we win taka.” Under enaction of Secretary Dan Ids. Mrs Margaret M Crum packer, widow of the lata Federal Judge Orumpacker of Indiana, and Mrs. Charles Francis Bedell made an anto-epeaklng tour along Broadway telling crowds of man their duty. Mre. Orompeoker, Just back from tha French front, told what French women hare done for their fighting men. Plana for a hlg woman’s preptr ednees camp, on the Chary Cha** td*a. were rapidly being completed by Mtaa Alice Carpenter, who la hacked by Mayor Mltehel apd srlll go to Waahlngton today to dlacnaa New York women’a preparedness pi; na with iha gorerntnent In Milwaukee 4? women hara ap plied for enlistment in the nary. MMwaake* women hare organized a bare hnapffal with M ntlr*** unt f ?5 aides, large enough to care for patients Tha local Red Cross has 171 new woman students enrolled for serrlca. Ban Francisco naral recruiting offices report 180 women applicants for anllstment. Bereral hundred women hare taken np course* in Red Croes nursing. Oirl bookkeep era accountants, nurses and stenog raphers by tha dozens hare offered thetr serrlces. Red Cress trslnlng classes hare been organised by the St. Paul. Minn Y. W C. A. Among the women applicants tor nary serrlca was Mias Jean Bishop, who has two uncles in the British army. University of Minnesota co-eds hare organised a Red Cross < lass Min neapolis women hare organ lied Red Cross classes and many women hare applied for naral serrlca at the local recruiting oca. A corp* of honor guards has been Classified Business Telephone Directory! DETROIT'S MOST RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL. rEUrLE lALTiiASEiICALLY ARRANGED). THE DETROIT TIMES RECOMMENDS THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS PEOPLE TO ITS READERS: Artificial Flower* r J. Dooll. 110% rtrmtf Cod. lit*. Auto—Bicycle* Auto Cycla Supply Cos. •• <M. Rlrar W. Architect* Loali Kampar, 701 Fin• Art*. M 4111 C F J Barnaa. 714 Kr»«i» B M. 1117 W C Polroar. 1911 Dorld Wfcltoay ML J L/WSON HILLER. II Oo«b«l did* Moll) 4114. 1 R Mill* * Son. 1101 Kr••*• Bid* Bath* Bloom. BAM. ’not. II Modlooo Beauty Parlor* Mr* M Kin*. 107 Flno Art*. CVy 7IT Bird Store & Supplie* Kdworda Bird Stora! 111 Mtcfe. M HIT Busine** College* |>«t Com l Col ■ >O4 Qrfwold. M IIM Bed Bug. Roach Exterminator Am Janitor Supply Cos. Mala 1111 |T * Hytry Cos, Rt<l*a 4414-R. CarUge & Trucking Im Auto C*rta*a Cos. Worth 40#. Chiropractic Phyaiciana 0 Wihondar. D C., Codllloc TlfT I A Aahford. D C. 1174 Orot. B 4411 r J *»arr»»V D~Q . 11l TromhT O 4411 Chiropodiata iA. SoiooeiM 144 W word Ch Mil l organized by tha women of Port land. Ore., for home defense Twan ty-flra woman and girls hara offered their services to tha naej. A corps of women pledged to aid local an 11st manta of men has been put to work. Aitho no women hare offered to enlist In tha nary at Claraland, they hara organized a com pi at a Red Cross unit, ready to more the mo ment war Is declared. A call has been issued for 10.000 more Red Cross recruits In Ohio. The National League for Women’a serrlca, organized In Columbus. 0., a few days ago, has 180 members and la growing. IJhe local Rad Cross baa 800 members now and la o*t after 20.000 more with good prospects of getting them. One woman baa enlisted la the nary at Kansas City and four others’ applications are being con sidered. Chicago society women are or genlztng Red Cross classes. St. Louis women hare organised Red Croes units and already hare startsd civilian girl das sea making bandages and kits and oolleottng Red Cross funds Firs Trenton. N J., women, hare applied for enlistment In the nary and hare been accepted. House wires are organising home defense work. Ona woman has been enMated and sevan others hare applied and may be accepted at Philadelphia for naral terries Twenty women hare applied for naral service at Pittsburgh and local women are organising a Red Croes unit. WORKERS IN BELGIUM TO BE DETAINED WAmnwroN, Burch )>.—A.m«r lean relief workers ordered by the government to quit Belgium, will probably be detained for about two weeks in some German town or (owns of their own relection under sn agreement made some time ago L-s tween Germany and this 'govern rnt. This agreement was mada order that none of the 40 or SO eorkere, many of whom hare been directly on the firing front, should bring out fresh military information. Radon Baden la suggested as nn% place where they may stop en route thru Germany to Switzerland, Min ister Brand Whitlock has been or dered to Harrs RICKEY ENJOINED FROM ACTING AS CARD PRESIDENT BT. LOUIB, Mo, March 28. Branch Rickey’s drive to secure sub acrlptlone to Cardinal stock was halted today by a temporary injunc tion Issued laet night in the circuit court which restrains him from act ing as president of the Cardinal syn dicate The petit lon for injunction, filed by Phil Bail, owner of the Bt. I»uls Browns, Is returnable next Wednes day. Ball in his petition says Rickey la under contract to him as efficiency export for the 1917 season Births hots M J. Kamlnlstal, 111 Frederick, g Praaeotosjewskt. 40 Thirty-third, fl. Kresyhowakl. 129 Twenty-third; J. Demen. 898 Twenty-flfth; J Saltys. II Ooldner; J. B->go*». It Otis, W Uxln akl. 471 Alexandrine EX. T. H Noake*. 2194 W Grand-blvd.; J. D. Crawford. 1114 Twenty-fourth. B. Blen. II Raupp; T E Loughlin. 941 Oaklahd; E. A flohroeder. 1011 Kirby; J. Boak. 110 Brandon J. Kapuanlak, 1114 Du hots. R B Cor.y, 1171 Lafayette; J. W Beaton. 144 L'ampbetl; N flail. IMQ< John R, B. L Scott, Harper hospi tal. r Maurer. !>4 Mitchell: E gen yon. 1140 Fifteenth; E. K Rlmmey man. 411 Waterman. J. E Hmye, |4 Phillips; K Orlbbon, T 4 Btventeenth, H. C. Weaver, till Rneeell. T Uale okl. 974 Hastings; J. Oar wo I, 91 home: II Maher 41*H Lanatng. B. Cabruela. China Decorators Hri.P K Owmi, Hodgaa bid. Main I7»t Corset Makers Arttatr Modal Coraat Cos.. Plahar Aoda Lillian r. Hoy kan. «» Only. bid. ki fill Dentists Boat Dantlata. Tl Qd. Rlvar W M. 407 Diamonds—-Old Cold Bought Wm J Ml.lll Bowlaa bid. Cod- (HI Dressmaking Schools ' Margaret M. Milne. 117 Woodward. Dyers and Cleaners Aetna Cleanera and Dyara ilajran) I7> Woodward-ara. Grand fill Chamberlin. Cleaner and Dyar H 7 Woodward-are Cadillac 1141 Express A Taxicabs Son Auto Cartage Cos. Worth tH Electric Wiring and Fixtures Horton Kleotrle G\, Hemlock IIM Henry P. Hurley, 'tt Or»*nw and. O. Ml .111 ■« I .it 111 ——— Express and Cartage Clements 4 Tenkel. Vfrf till R Enamelers and Japs a sera Baraka Cos. 10 Howard-at Cknrry If! Electro-Therapeutic Institute. Prof T. Staeh. H Library Main 1104. Fashionable ladies’ Tailor jin— Bum mar Salta IIP up »• (Word Furrters' gTVUaKfcT X Clnabar San. U 4 Hatiaail 04.44 TO 441 Mania M L Barntt Prcvliiaea hospital, L H Uokaai Providence hospital; I. Fed 111, 114 K. Wood bridge; J. Wolny, ISO Parkwood. J. Paa til Martin. M Fried. 141 Fame worth. M Ideberroan, Women'# hos pital. M, 111 Illinois. Reker 1110 Hurlbut; F Rolbak. 10 Chens; N H Hammond. 117 W. Grand blvd.; J. Reuben Woman s hospital F. Kowalski, 1114 Jos Cam paa; T. Mro*. lit Baparlar, B. HUlafT 191 KlfMy B. GIRLB J. Plash. 1189 Military, J. Sehe aeaashl. 1118 Bt Aubln, A. Rash. 1411 Dubalt; R Kandrat. 441 WllUa 18.. Roy Whealar. 11l Canfield W; J Rybuoh. 794 B. Warren. P. Vodesea. It Addlsou; W Lowkln, >7l Superior; A. Regula. 1T44 Hoot ton; J. 11-« k. 114 Brandon: J. Franolnakt. 98 Adela; J. Markowskl. 879 Milwaukee E. H A Tail. 181 Crane. U. Conradeon. Heath rllla: C Krohn. Til Twenty-fifth; F MoCnllnm. 910 Oakland C Pal mtenno. 486 Trumbull: R O. flohopp. It North. W Rc-hmldt. m Military; H. Cohn. II Wflklna; D. Toola. 1117 ioottan; H ; L Barclay. Providence hospital: P. Pololooiskl. 11l Garfield; H. Kllbarg. 177 Brewster; Floyd T Marshall. 144 Drexal; M Pswelka. 141 Phillips; F Nueorae 111 Cardonl; D. Gormans. Woman's hospital; J. Bhonchla. Woman’s hospital: F Krok. •It Canfield EX: P. Pmneekf. 1(4 Alex andrine E., V. Lljewskt, 1110 Joa Cam pa a, J. Jabtonekl, 711 Perry E ; Martin' Bleecnan, 179 E. Forest Deaths Jan* Hanna Dutton. 98 CTiarlotta 4 yearn, diphtheritic oroup; Harry B Pregeneer. 141 Ivenhoa. I days, pre maturity; George Henry MeCarty, 4(1 Buchanan. 1* years. pulmonary tuberculosis; Walter A. Karaoehla. 114 Edward. I years lobar pneu yuonla; August Matthe* 141 Teivett. Tg years, Itthtasls; Marie HofTman. 147 Eighteenth. 47 years, cirrhosis of liver; Joseph Ro.-k, (44 Green. 74 years, senility; Earl Devnay. 114*4 Twelfth. 4 month*, broncho pneu monia; Daniel James Rohenck, Grass hospital annex, 10 years, peritonitis: Joseph Dubay. 407 Wilkins (I y*art. hepatic elrrhoels; FVederlol Rebes tlano. 1(4 Kendell, 17 yeara gunshot wounds; Tda Mainardt, HIT Hamilton. 11 months, meningitis; John Hausler. 31 Louis 4 months. convulsions; Robert Rtephens. 24( Woodbrldge B. I rears tubercular meningitis; Rrelyn Bryant. Grace hospital. It yeara. general peritonitis Doris Dres den Nelson. *7* Conneri, 1 year, con vulsions; Harrison P. Henderehot. 1043 Pennsylvania. 2 months, pertus sis; Anna Palmer. 24* Tillman. 4 years, gas asphyxiation; Agnes Berry, 250 Engle. 74 years, broncho pneu monia. Henry Harol*f Klein. llli Baldwin. 10 months convulsions; Harry Gnlech. 594 Mitchell, l year, blood poisoning Joseph Koslowskl. Frederick and Moran. 5 yeara In quaet pending. Jack Darnev, Receiv ing hospital, about 2t years, lobar pneumonia: Thomas June. 601 Ray burn, 47 years, apoplexy. Fred Neu schafer. Grace hospital. I* yeara lobar pneumonia; Gladys Isvulse Hughes. 107 Joa. f'ampau I months Inquest pending Edward Barnett. 2JO Medbury. 44 yeara, aortitis Anthony Rtanlszewskl. 471 Commonwealth. 40 years, apoplexy, Robert Henry Tay lor. 91 Msrantette. l year, pneumonia Edward Galda, 1*54 Chopin, t months oerebro-spinal meningitis. Elnora Johnson. 174 C Elisabeth about 71 > yeara. chronic nephrllle. Janlna m ..|j»wif« ft Moran. 9 montha. acuts uronchltla; Hattie Rchulta. 1414 Dubois. 4 montha. broncho pnau monla. Mary Ann McMlHen. 2111 R. Grand blvd . 8* yeara aortic Insuffl danoy; Antoni Rlkora, 49 Home, about 44 yeass. acuta alcoholism oigte George Adamek, Harper ho#i>l tal weet branch. II years, general eapttcemla: Clara G4pperlch, Harps'- hospital, about 70 yeara lobar pneu monia; Doretta Meyers. 1(91 Iroauois 44 ye«ra. carcinoma of liver Minnie Hett. 249 Rngl*. 17 y«arg pulmonary tuberculosis. Joseph langan Reoalv tng hospital. 40 years, lobar pneu monia) Marianna Oaadeckl. 244 Till man. 41 yaart. gas asphyxiation: Jakob Oasderkl, t 44 Tillman. 46 years, gaa asphyxiation; Mrs. E H Alexander. 244 Gratiot. Hi yeara. iwUlary tubarouloala; Joseph Oalor. Mfg Mutual lrr**v -fL HkidM ** raatw Inquest pentllng. Edward Janlckl. 400 Medbury. I months, pemphigus: Rtan- Islaw Kujawekl. Ramarltan hospital, t yeara, lobar pneumonia; Walt-r Murawekt. ChUdren’a Free hospital. 7 months, meningitis. Mary Kasxula. (07 1 lllnota, about 49 years, artero aclerostf, Lydia Rotonyl. 71 Jerome. 3( years, vaaular nephrltla; Hel*-n Delbeke, 4( chena. I days, asphyxia tion John McMahon. 944 Mi. Elliott, 6( years neck. RUxsbcth Young, 4notion. 44 years, blood poisoning. Herbert Hall, Its—l vtng hospital. 14 yeara, dqllrlum tremens Mortuary. KDW (lU>9 March tt Aaron belov ed husband of Rachael Edwards and father of Max Isadora Nathan, Jennie. Esther and Paul Edwarda Fvmeral frona chapel of W R. Ham ilton A Cos, 14 West Elisabeth-st. T!mi later Hl'HZtZl) March IT HIT. In hta realdeaoe, 484 T rum bull-are.. John W. beloved husband of Nora B. Hubbard and dear son of Margaret Hubbard and brother of Rebecca I. Frances F. Fred A Harvey J. and Thomas P. Hubbard. Funeral senrtcaa from residence Friday at I p. m Interment In Woodfawn cemetery. Yale and Port Huron papers please copy. Florists t» Bsrr, Successor to Alts. Con moo. 11l Oraod Rlrsr, Grand 1141. Woodw'd Flower Shop. 11l Wood M 744 ■cllujrb Floral Cos. Our new store. 104 Grand Hirer. Cherry 1014. Art Floral Cos.. 774 Wward. Lrand TOd. Gohiw (Exclusive) B. M. Watson. Kreaco bid*. Cad. 101. L J. Wltbey. Fisher Arcade. M I*ol. Hair Dressing St Goods Mrs J. M Do Vannle. 144 Wood. M. 4447 Half Cleaned—Blocked Mills A Weber. Cherry 1444-kt Hemstitching and Picoting Mrs. A. I* Robinson, 114 Farmer st- House Wreckers (( ontractor*) McCormick Wrecking Cos. Ridge 4171 Jewelry Engmvlng tm H lleff, 103 Bowles blag Cad. 4441 Jewelry St Watchmaker Leals B. Carron. Dime Bk. Csd. 744-W Jewelry Engraver St Repairs Millar A Rslohls, ITmr bid* dry 1414 Schults Jewelry Cos. Liivett B M 4444 Ladies* Tailors Jneobson 141 Wash Arcade. M 1471 Maternity Home Beulah Home. 11l Ith-ova. Grand 1411 Manicure St Hair Dressers Kennedy A Price. 14T Wward Cad Till DETROIT TIMES Mortuary gIOBLb wniiara T K. March 14, 1917. In hta hoiua. 148 gpokaaa-gre.. husband of Neills C. and father of George W Mra Walter L4mbaoh. Marion. Donald J. and Hsnrlotta. Funeral Raturday at 8:89 from the house and 9 from M- Patar and Paure cathedral. l,cm WKM AN —Marsh 17, 1917. Hanrt ct tn. In the home of har deoghtar. Mra Charles Kiott. In BouthauM township beloved mothar of Wil liam. Oustaee and Mlnnla EM4M) Friday. 1 o’clock from Bei9a 9 o'clock from Grand Lawn chnpnl. WOSTHIXOTOW Mamie, beloved wife of Charlea J. WorthlagtAßj mother of Hnsel and daughter of Elisabeth Ellin run era 1 March 98 from residence. 111 54 Twcnty-nret et. C. E. BIRD * 00. Funeral Director* 17 We at Haaoook Are. Phone Grand till. Detroit. Mik 'opportunity Real EitUte Salesmen We can use a few exporteaoa4 mat tnexpartenced salesmaa. Our erty adjoins tha city limits In worth Woodward district. Wi WS Just about to start a big advertising and building campaign on our properties Excellent chaneaa for advancement, auto service and evary assistance given. Cogn in and have ua explain our eelunJl proposition, ae we seal wa can of fer you a better proposition than any other company in the city. Make 1917 the best year of your Ilf* financially by Joining the Draft selling force In the cltr. This Is the opportunity you nave . been waiting for. Ask for salsa man ager Tbs Eoonomy Building • Investment 00.. 1140 Penobscot bldg. MEN LEARN MOTTOTf PICTURE OPERATING earn 1100*0 per month; send for catalog A. B DETROIT MOVTB PCHOOL 12(4 JEFFERBON A YE. B Laborer* Wanted —Permanent job; good wage*. LAKESIDE FOUNDRY Lycaate-st. and D. T. R. R. WANTED—Errand boy. Apply Job Printing Dept Detroit Time*. 78- 78-77 Baglcy. ■Ki r W ASTRO—SkIULa EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Excellent working condi tions, good salaries and many unusual benefits make the po sition of telephone operator es pecially desirable. The work Is not difficult to learn. We teach you the busi ness and pay you while learn ing. Salaries advanced often. Sickness and accident bene fits paid at stated period of service. Vacations with pay. Apply Operators’ Training Scb/w* 1 ” * v and John n.-ai., ooiween 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. Michigan State Tele phone Cos. Sewing Machine Operator wanted to make “FINCK’S DETROIT SPECIAL OVERALLS” They wear like a pig’s nose. Also a few yours girls to learn. Double pay to beginners. G. M Flnok A Cos.. 1189 Gratiot. YOUNG GIRL Steady employment; come in and see ua. MICHIGAN OPTICAL CO. It Beacon St. GIRL WANTED Experiaoaad In edging lenses by hsnd. MICHIGAN OPTICAL CO. II Beacon St. onug wanted In ell department* DE LUXE LAUNDRY «TXTH AND BAGG Vlnrinello—Treatment & < roods Woodw'd Hair Shop. »H Wood, Qd.llM Modiste (Exclusive) Loutas M Ksnr.*dr, »0» Wih. Ar M «4»» Miss Cottatoa. Tl Washington. M II7T. Kathsrlns Boland. Tl Waah'ton-blrd Noari*. Pubiit (&“" MRS J J MTIMIRRON T«t-BO David Whltnsy Bldg Cad. 4114 Optometrists A Opticians J H Qlaslsr.~il4 Woodward Cad 7»#f Artnur Studio. Mi Woodward M *4O Locks-Chits Cos. T| Wash brd M 1411 Hoofing A Sheet Metal Work r>,nrt *v M>ui Wks hITk T*:j iti ,c f ts Worka fit ti Bast Fort J. p. Bush. Prop M 1111. Sewing Macnlnea (Rented) Wh,t * B,w M Cos.. Tl Library M IM Cartage MVhlgan c<>7 WssT~lffi Second Hand Furniture I. »r(T..tin.. dr 14ti[ Sanitaria mu B, d* Hanltartom, Dr Jaa C Tyson. >l4 Port-st. Wnt It4| Taxidermist H C. Oardlnrr. lit Ind-av < hry iTT Taxicab Service City Taxi itrvlc*. Cadillac lit \ tolin Makers I A Krug 14 F t sfa/sftr Ch'y 411 J eA4THTUW>AgHCgUA4fiuU CASH for old raise teeth, gold srewaa broken Jewelry, diamonds, wat she* etc. full value paid! Libert * Hr* _Co.. 97 Woodw’d. 4th Sour »|«V4let 3% AK IICii—KA.AI. KITiTZ weha7e buy Bits for factories, from 9,088 FT UP. IF YOUR FACTORY HAY? lSj^lNO m y^^QUlcfA l TIGN. CAIJ. MR. MANWIMa FAC TORY DEFAKTMENf Klrby-Sorg** Felsk* Cos. 1417 DfITV BANK BLDG MAIN 87f SMALL FARMS WANTED 8 to 19 or II acres within 40 wile* of Detroit, with or without etook and Amplementa Send full particu lars. ROSS LAND CO. Michigan’s Greatest Farm Agency. 1999 Penobscot bldg Bnnns Cad (111. A A A A. A. A A A Hannan Rental Agency A free list of Lousee and flats Call tn person at tho oldest and largest real estate exchange in Michigan 1 krORAW BUILDING 1 to Mirr—aoouz. HOTEL FRANKLIN Osr Lamed end Rates eta Make your home for the winter at the Hotel Franklin Special weekly rate* from (4 to 119 FOB SALE—HE»II)B!tra rROPICK I T 2-MILE CIRCLE S2BOO Six-room, two-etory frame house on peved ntreet. for only (2.990; terms 1(09 down and 126 monthly This •will go quirk. #r> ere us at once If you want s bargain. DETROIT REALTY RERYTf-E 117 Free Press Bldg. Cherry 7|4 CHOICE FOUR-FLAT Brick, fir* room* and bath, separate furnaces, full attic, oholee corner lot with room for another build ing; a bargain with 15.990 down. Maloney -Campbell Realty Co- 884 Free Frees Bldg FARRAND PARK Most artistic, house on this beautiful Highland Park street Ldtrge cor ner lot, double garsgs; 118.888 with reasonable terms. DETROIT REALTY SERVICE, tr? Free Press Hldg. Cherry 788 DANDY~HOME~ firm)-bungalow, northwest section. Just complet-d. fireplace. French doors sleeping porch, decorated; easy term* Owner. Garfield 298-hC Would a list of best bargains In DETROIT REAL ESTATE vacant and Improved. Interest Font DICKINSON* OUIDE give* you this, mailed on remnant. Dlchlneon'a Dept. T. Detroit. warms nine 'xtgaan rwi Tmaa— Hi: 11. BST4Th OPPOETtIB I TIMS MAKE SI,OOO G«t Your liOt Now in ths GREEN SUBDIVISION 10 "r Down nnd 1% Monthly 9ROPERTT LINS INSTDE Os TBB CTIT LIMITS, BETWEEN FORD moire'ay and grand rtVeIT AVE. INQi iRC 184 CHAMBER Os mUMfikCE OR lift GRAND RiYER-AVE CAT.L CHERRY 14TI DR WXT VT'T 194 FOR bALSU-YAC4XT LOTS Special Notice to Small Real Estate Investors I want a few people to Join me tn the purchase of a large blocjt of lota. You can buy one lot or mors, making your investment Independ ent. These lots can be bought at a small price and easy terms if taken at once, and 7 aay th# *»•-- will Jump many timvr value In a very short time, for there is a reason for this Jump la prlca. and I will tall seme to you If you will oat I at my office. Don’t wait. Km mv time Is limited on this property I wIH back up this state ment regarding the increase In price perednally. MR. JOHNSON. The Johnson Vacant Property Company 4M5-46 McGraw Bldg. LOTS $ 184~EACH New subdivision. Just being opened; near Red ford and Grand River-aye.; 40 minute*' rid# from city hall; near Seven mile Drive and autobus line to Wondward-ave We are sell. Ing three lots for (649 Eaeh lot - le 84x1 IT ft., making a tract of 119x134 fl Gn account of low prlca. not less than three lota to each buver Half the prUe of nearby property (IS secure# three lot*, balance monthly No taxe# trn Dec 1 int. no interest till July 1. Phone for auto to show property. THOMAfi HTTCHMAN 919 Free Pr*** Bldg Main 4988. GRATIOT AVR $26 ADVANCE on all lota after Sundav. April l. Highly restricted #u*v with all Im provement*; concrete pavement, •ewer, water, cement walk*, maple tree*, ornamental street tight*, large lota and only 4*4 miles from city hall: down. 1 per cent monthly. Inrlußlns interest. DON'T WATT: mstt tn sttp at ones for full particulars NAM* ADDRKBS Waddell & MacDonald 601 Chamber of CHERRY 1911 UNRESTRICTED~CORNER* Fern da I* and Green. 49x100. flee Mr, BetVe. Kirby-Sorgo-Felske Cos. 1417 Dime Bank Bldg. Main (77 WILL pay cash for vacant lots, houses, flats, stores, acreage, real estate equities. Land con tracts bought; quick and sat isfactory deals. EBERT, 809 Majestic Bldg. - Ftrndale & Central—Comer Call Mr. B-tke with KJrby-Sorge-Felske Cos. 1417 Dime Bank Bldg. Main (77 Would a list of best bargains In DETROIT REAL ESTATE vacant and Improved, interest you? DUntINfIONA GUIDE gyve* you this. Me I led on request DfTWTNfiOVfI. DEPT T. DETROIT. M. E. oorner Perndsl- and Casper 111 feet. flee Mr Betke Kirby-Sorge-Felske Cos. 1417 Dim* Bank, Bldg. Main 977 CARPENTERS. BUILDERS. plan# and estimates furnished; Jobbing promptly attended to TH<V K AND O A. DTGCE. 44 M-Oraw Bldg Thon* Rad, 2444 FOR »AI K— Bt MINK** I'KOI’KBTY Femdale Business Comers Hava five corners ready for business block* flee Mr. Bets# with Kirbv-Sorge-Felske Cos. IDT ■ • -V tWrtg Mein 277 run V%t,r—l tND T 4 1 cannot continue to carry all my vacant lot contract* and will sac rifice one or Iwn equltte* In ex change for roadster or light tour ing car Box A-SI, Time* officer* and «mßAjjjffl|JH Maloney-Campbell Realty Company -Ti^ J. A CAMPBELL Ifuaarps—>ll) t a 504 Free Pr ®“ Building - . _ - 1 qharry lift (OUdlUaa MM Detroit MJcK. Maroh 12, XMI7. Advertising Manager, Detroit Times. Dear Sir: We had our ads all ready Saturday morning at nine A. M. to run In your Saturday afternoon papar but your solioitor failed to oall. If we had 4 known your man would not have oallsd we would have been very glad to send our ads over by messenger. We do not like to miss our Saturday advertising in The Times as we always get some inquiries from same. If your man oannot oall kindly let us know. Very truly yours MALONEY-CAMPBELL 00. JAO/D " FOB SAI.B—FAR MB VERO, FLORIDA WHIM THI FAMOUS IN DIAN luvicß oranges and oiuunwminT ark orown. $89 —Round Trip—sß9 Join our SPECIAL EXCUK- StOK April 1 1 ri+ QUUIJ* * ROUTE. Lecture and Stareopticon View* win b# given *»«7 w«blb|. "THE wDfT 1 R OARI t- CXT AMERICA* will be |lvra aw«y frta C. E. GRUENINGER Room It. Normandie Hotel. PBom Cherry M, Detroit. THE ONL.T OUMPANT THAT daks ihow a govern RENT REPORT. T Small Farms 6 ACRES Close to Oratlot, oholc* garden aoll; price only M.OOf, #>oo down, b*l anc* easy 10 ACRES On Tolado oar Una, only #4.000. #i,oo# 40 acAes Only «4 mlloa out; good road# all ttao way. A snap 86 ACRES Only I# mlloa out; a big anap at Ifto* _ Maloney Campbell Roalty Cos., *O4 Free Praaa Bid* OAKLAND COUNTY Hart a obolaa farm of 140 acre* near •ton* road, north of Fontltc. doll la first-class; tllo drained. 7 aoraa of good timber 11-room brick houaa. modarn with fomaoa. basement, bam 40 *4O horaa aad grain barn and all other outbuildings; all very food; foroa watar ayototn to all bulldtag a beautiful country homo. Prloa only >11.404. Term* SkJ AcftES, LAKE FARM Choico farm, bordorln* on two larva lakea; haa T-room houaa, barn and outbuilding* aoma fruit ohadoand In *ood location. If you want to *ot out of tha city aoa thla Prloa only #4,404 T*ra» or trad* . TROMLEY-WILSON CO. 1014 Ckamher of Commerce Bid* Cadillac 4#«# ONE ACRE —NEW HOUSE >0 mtnut** to Ford'*. Half mile to ear Hite In Cltwio*. aharre ItoyuJ Oak, 4 room* i.ewly papered and finished Inala*. Pa mao*. bar*, puro watar. good aoll. >Soo n rot payment. balanee fW monthly. Plica #>.loo. 800 photoa ROSS LAND CO. Farm Dealer* Erclualvelv. 100 ] Ponoboeot bid*. Phono Cadillac 41l L GRAND RIVER Hor* It la: Fir* acroa. 4-room houaa barn, cbloken house*. outbuilding*; two block* off oar lino, noar Rod ford. Choi' a toll, running atream; Ideal ohlcken farm Prlca >4,000. Terms aaay. TROMI,KT-WILeON 00.. 1014 Chamber of Commerce. Cad 400* Van dyke aVE. FIVE ACRES Be quick If you want a bargain. Prloa only >4.000 High. dry P'ur* front ing on Mt. EUlott and Connor** Creek-rd.. two blocks from car line and only I mile* from olty hall. De troit with 4c faro. Good 7-roora hoii*e and all outbuilding*; plenty of fruit. Terre*. TROHTI.ET \CTU»ON CO, 1014 Chamber of Commerce Cad 400# 7-Mn.P ROTO We can. aell you 4 acre* with otty water and paved atreat. on the east aide, T-Mll#-rd. frontage, covered with trooa; a corner piece; a beau tiful spot for a home. Prla* >7OO per aero. Torma TRCKT.EY WrLNON 00, 1014 'Tiimbur «f Commerce Cad 4#o» GRATIOT At'fi: I acroa only 4 mlloa nut, close to car Una; Idetl garden farm Prlca »,. >4O. Terrua 14 ACRE* close to car lln*. 10-Mlle-rd. small houac, good location. Prlc# >4.00#. Tarma 4 ACRPSB 1 4- Mile rd near car linn; good aoll. Prlc* t>2s per acre. TROMUFT-WIT.NON CO. 1414 Chamber of Comm-rce Cad 4#o# 80 ACRES nflered at remarkably low flgmra owing to Ml health located In rapldT> growing dlatrlct near Flint oar line and within 10 mtnutea* running time from Ford* Motor Cos. Apply t<> I* D. Thomson. >l7 Free Prose bldg FARM buyers send ter "Vipar** fbm Bulletin " If* free Many bargana W c. Plpar. Hold*a bldg Detroit row lALk-yacAkT um for «iiR Tinapi mu Committee Approves Park Site on Joy 3-26-17 j -**§ j| and we offer the only piece of subdivision property sdjeoeat to the perk, selling mt subdivision prices, 10% down end isfc per month, including interest Wo lot Bor* the* lalf bleak from D uWr Woo I sowed. An exceptionsl opportunity. Take advantage s t ft. OH Cherry 669. THE ASAM-RICHARDSON CO, 410 MOFFAT BLDG. row BAUW—FAWJBS •END FOR OUR FARM CATALOGUE containing I*o farm bargain* with in 44 mil** of Detroit. EYSTER, The Farm Man 447 Majestic Bldg ■VIINBM OPPORTIIITIM i want some osw who i* wftiin* to Invept la a wall-aatabllahed real i *o«»t* v 4 *' tholr MnrftM. now paying wig money. I need more capital to Inane* th# eprlng buatnoea. Will give beet security and references; > 1.404 required for half Interest. OR 11 and nave a talk with me; you will he aatlsflad Bos RC-4. Time*. FOR MIX—MISCSIAADMVI SODA FOUNTAINS STORE FIXTURES of all kinds manufactured aad aold direct to rotall trad*. W* uae 10.000 aq. ft. for dtaptaying our asm plea Show aaaea, counUrt, sheWtag. wall caaaa ate. "Quality and prices amr auooaas.'* DVT STORE FIXTURE CO. 10->0 Catharine, near Oratlot aad An toine Sta Gad. 4711 RNABE PIANO only |>4T; regular MOO style: baaotlful walnut; at tractive design; aweet Bure tone. Easy payment*. Special during last week of our Co-operative Sale. OBTNWETJ. BROS, >4# Woodward. Typewriters—Lste Models Underwood. Corona. Royal Smith. Ramtng pjn. >lO to |«0. or rent fl to »I nvo DETROIT T VI’ R7W R TTVTt CO.. 140 I JeWeraon a Woodward. Mato 410«. >#f FOR SMITH PIANO. Una mahog any upright, full also; finely refln. iahed. new Interior Regular »00 style Rare opportunity. See thla piano at ooo*. ORINNkIA BROS.. Ui Wood ward. TYPEWRITERS, ALI, MAKER NYTW AND USED. >lO to 440 Largest stock; easy term* Renting *1.40 up Call No. 7 Campua ne*t Da trolt opera hone* Cadllls* 0004. BASS CLARINET BAROAIN Full Roehm system, grenadllle wood; rubber mouthptere; low pitch; In Sret-claae condition; Chapelatne make To ecll quickly owner will consider any reasonable offer. ORrNNRIA. BRO& Branoh. #7 Mon roe SODA FOUNTATNV new and aeod. geam tabtka etore furniture, cof a uma. Easy terms Oeo Maryb y, >0 East Atwater-at. Mala 4741 WAUL BOARD, plaster board, ce ment. cinders; order now. H. H Dickinson Cos.. Orand 4714 #11) FOR WAOXFR PIANoi regular »40 atyle; fine ebony, very atlrec ttva; sweet tone. Small paymente Call or writ# Immediately ORIN NETJ. BROS* Branch. 57 \fonroa. ROOM S—Furniture for rooms com plete fl week e-imner M'-'h A «th STORAOF furniture, ueartv net* bar gain POUITRY AND PBTI WANTFD RABBITS AND W'HITE RATS We pay the highest prices for firat olaaa atock. Correspondence solicit ed. Fdwarda. the Bird Store. 11l Mlchlgen-ave. Detroit FOR A AIR—AI TO MU nil. Be OL\ r MPIAN 4-pAsspTiger; run k*ss than 600 miles. A real bargain. The Devlin Cos., 1287 Woodward. A REAL bargain, 1917 Ford Touring car; SBS extra equip ment; never been used; act quickly. Cal] West 968-J af ter 6 p. m. Eight-cylinder Hallier Roadster and Touring. Good condition. Phono Mr. Weatherlee, North 17. PAGE 9 BIG AUCTION! *‘ Tt asnflgaww-* W| WILL MATS ABIQ RUM <M AXJ. r-t.ASSBS OF HORRP* 808 thib dkujL ataJUL n matched teamr WMicwntaCT to S 400 POUNDS' ALSO A MUB BER of SECONDHAND ctW ao r”'*x:&j 'MejSB. WITHE. WiLj. AJAo NUMBER OF ’I Pavement Sore Mares gad i Mares in Foal InA th# kind to take to tJha wwSB nrioad Michigan Hotm will be soM far the hlgrk dollar. SPECIAL Five (ompbti Teaming Outfits. will be aobl regardless of valoa BIG ASSORTMENT HIGH-CLASS HORSES now on band at our aganloa <k» prlvat* sala WATSON DITMP WAGONS AND TRACTORS AND TRAILERS SOLD EXCLU SIVELY BY US. Kolb-Gotfredson Horse Cow 1411-111) Oratlot-ave., Detroit. gOHIt T 9 LOAM Join the league «. Then you can obtain 3% MONEY 3% to auy or build a home pay off tkg mortfaga repay same In NMn monthly paymente (less than remtX Writ# or oall Co-Operative League of America 1414 Fenobaoot Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON VACANT LOTS Liberal loan* on real aatata flecond mortgage realty loan* Will buy equities In vacant lot* aai Improved property. EBERT, ?09 Majestic Bldg. BUILDING LOANS Oet ready for that new homo or Sat In the aprlng, If you own a lot w* will loan you all tk* ■eooy ta build. Skans * wadi. ortnA* Bankers llld-llf* MaJaatlc bldg. LAND CONTRACTS bought Quick and satisfactory deals. FBERT, 809 Majestic Bldg. CONSTRUCTION IX»ANI4— Llb« t* I amouata J F W#b#r. B 4 wallet WE BUT LAND CONTRACT! Detroit Land Contract Cos. 411-411 Hammoad Bldg Ca 4. lilt. r»hMU*t NOTICE—If any pwo- girl la In trouble, needing advice frlenlaht® or help, writ# or call on SEOff 9- TART MABOARFT fiUffT l9lf Fort-et W Salvation Army LOST AND FOUND LOST —lxrge envelop# addrmecd ta F M Townsend, containing patent drawing! Return Immediately to Hotel fitatler ‘nformatlon clerk. M reward ________ LOUT— Ret ween 14th and Buchaaam and 14th and rutnam. puree •**. tatntng |»4. Finder kindly r* ur» to toil 14th ave, Mr a Hoffmaab and recetva reward. tTOKAMB AWP CA»TA«« k~rKJSTS!'‘ -"*• 4< y,ntssi PARTY HOrW« M OMMl|r«| C , <fiJW<r