Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 10 BltßliT |fL| : lUi»ife«tod in b> Bplr YORK Mini M> The n. * pis Kt«>li>D( 011 fin«n I*l r*v..-» Efcpdaj nil Hpfeor* hi* In**..i nothing p**r‘ep> HL va> of nr*« (Jrvrlopu * n** Bp WM »n which tan u iiinch for Wall Ml «» the nMfd Kmin ~-• that ih** Uwrnn lm would »<M f*> ,h ' E|a|plug into* <>n th* t °f ■■niMUir'o relation* wi'h ihis • om Eyill i possible reference ■» n» v Hit fgoporsle The Impression D that something of the* < le pending ah ,n * Ko »Bl<'h «*#** b> th. Eggrn OecUlon of the big lank* ■Eg la foreign exchange EL^i n i n oo «*llh«r Berlin *>r P*l||ink*Tt» would no* xdmlt thnt wLf bed anv advene* information pliadern la geneis! ere lu-arnA Est whenever th- oppeituniD <>ff■ c- EL powfc U. put .Kir new line? of moventrn*? th. price* Upward at ir.t* r ■Tkat U» midday (he general H| approximat> <i ibe ,>i*viour ■K* »UM r slock* and ih 1 ■kgg bad ibeir expansive monenr.v la in, general with ihe re*' of the xtowly fell ana) in the Bprwoon The railroad. »er< Bp and neglected ’ i Detroit Stocks 1 B'TRiaiOAVH «lOTATI<^» W. I Mtri m« Iti l iiMn Cl<**» R'd UL. i*\ ji f* S«W 1M 4&X Pub Util- 3i 40 HI 70 Hi:::: :’:: “ - *S Ml i% js 1 '« ;; ..TV 7 V *% 7 S ..* .... »» »• v NOT * 4 ’ 113 H4V Br. ik .it ,N rs n nr •■ast 1 :::: ■DTfc;:::: :::: . - KJi*. mm- *»% *«\ :* * *y> '. MJ*:::: -: «’* Ilk f™wQLi 11% I>V «L 11 % Beyn... iHHk -m i*v n% iov i*s WBr .. ■K • *» +-»<* «... • • - tft no »T»I “•**«- ■!»• ks ■Cdlc%|l I*ll IH ..■.Ttoi A■! *6% « ? % '«i |Hk M .. 30V 17% mi 4 % xd 123% IMS S3 . ■pi td !4*( 94* 14S *«', tmUrn r. i*m im^ HT& %5H3M1777. l«W n b M s T»Z IHBr . T * *v < 4 r *-rr~i ?! m ia® hBBm ... ns >«m iff ltf nri oi> i»s in m in i*t i®* r n iff m ft. ft* l«* - •••• 119 ■■kritr • M st* its ■Bil‘l Rtatc .... #n IT* 27* v® *i" *»• Bllfell Tru" Ml I"* **•' HHb tr<i«i .... ssi its .... i** »*♦ .... it! us fwllowS*® 9rmi u. prim-ged order* on *h- ei.-hang* BHV. ■ lfos* * Cos Carly l* * r v.h *r Mnbl* A Cos.. D L «*■'- |Hms Cos., w ■ Hf’ AUfh I'n Mor HUBfeeh A Cos. W A Hamlin A 9K M A. K*«' A Cos, Aln> lair A HBHK; lips mot t.. Apragne. Wm h SRiFA Cos. r K Bettor. A Cos. jo,! ■■jm A Cos Bermett. 4m It*' A nEyf. K. (101 llx A Cos. Maf*h»w W. Wallace A Cos. Ix-wt, Stocks ; - IHBMitUiOi *1 Wm A N'-r * ’ Rid A»k K fami ms sis loi .... g■Bartr x SfoU>r i* \ 14>, HBUrtl Motor K 2 Me iHBpIB KMI. com. 147 1 (it* A Rub or . 4} Jjiotora 11* 13* Vk ■% preferred ...... H Co 154 ■BUtWJ Motor *t too Co 40 ■Hb-Bprta«(leM Tire 43 S ■KT II \ Ms i«>i I*l4 v ft Motor* u 4> »I ■■ri Arrow ... 4s s •' . Motor it if ■ht* Rubber 171 IS-p-Lfta ..... ms »is ATBPT »l*e*<l •! *4 Co 47 S 54 to Motor 2« a HHHrA Body Cos 7» »<• 4is ♦ • s inopiN i* 4. ... 41 », ■jNOvertaad ... its 11V [ Nan Tot Stocks j Qiatailoßi tu ftornblower a " **e* , « t Mar 2t Opew High Low C*loas till Hlbb*r.. 14 - 74 74 •* Alaska Gold . * » »% •. A til* rhalm . I*% 3fV »•% ?•> Am Qaa .... U 11% »• Am. e. a p .. ;•% tiv «v •*% Am H. al. . I*\ ITv l*s If Do. pfd . «»v ;•% «• Am URMtd . ?• S*S !• **% I*o. pfd ... MV SIS »»V -*S Am .Lorom . .IV TS\ 71 V .1% Am. I»melt. ..I*ll. I*SS »•«% 1« 4 % Am. f*aa*r H.113V lH T v 110 113% Am 2mr .... 3* V *7 Jg\ 34\ Am. H#rt Mug. S»* "*S *BS *•% Am. T A T..IJ7V IJ 7 V IJ.V «*TV Am. h'xtloi •»•** “J !**« Anaenmt* *♦** **♦ h fc *S MH At'•iii*“n IR4 % I*4'» 104% !*!]» Do. pfd ...•*» 00 04% »*% Hatopi'a* 114 114 ll* lIJ At »Slf AVt 11J 113 111 V 111 1 * ttalrfwin L<mo <1 «i % of% •• HAD 7* % 70% •*% •JS B*-th Kt**l 144% 14«% It3», IIS Oiii H. .1 <7 !*•% 13*V ‘ * * Wr.»ok. ft T. *‘V •■*% *•% Butt* A Sup **% ‘* % *••’» J* ♦ ikiif. P*» ?3% -**• .!,« tHi. pfd .. •»-'% '1 '• * ■* - t 'an. Fa«. . . 1*4% 1*4% I** ’** tVnt. i*h** a nhlo. *• % ‘l% *°% C*h( . (It. W«l »* fd ••- ■ v v .-u 11? >: fhl A Nwmi.ll' * [•% 'll* C., M A St. P « 43V t*Ml* fop U 4 34% i\ Colo. Fuel .. .1 . -.•% 81% 'l% <v>i»t r*n :•’■ % *4 » * S J* V Cub. tm h:* IW« I*o t**% Crn. t**e .1?’ 1-1 1;! Corn Prod. . . -8% *; • !* J t>tlt*lb|e St «’•% tSiimn C. Sug 4? ♦» S '» '» l>*n. 4k n O . I*v 11% I*4 I* i l**tr<>lt l‘nit ll* 111 1'" I** Dutin s*.. .. :o% ;o% ?•% * KHe C«»m .. 3® *? 4 *. *• <»*n. Klee .. I«S\ 7* s « J‘; i }*n M<>t. . .121 111 • ll*S l‘e% R P <J<'od H SS% 7*% 75% « Great. North 115 H • tIS I** G*. North, or* S3 35 ‘t 1 * ** » Gr»»n 42% *-* v *; 1 * ” * lllini'li On 108% |<»S%-I<*.B •*» Implra Cep *f>% <l% *O% *OS Inter. M*t. .. IT 1 . H » '• » ]• ' Do pfd ... «* “ J* Int. Mer Mar 33* JT% 32% 3.% Do pfd *»\ >l% 30% o°% Int Nickel . 4* US It, 4 J> Int. Paper .. 4l\ 44% 43% 43% Keneroit C»»p. 4* 4* 4.>% 4..% k*ll> Spa TANARUS» *3 *l% *-'% *3% la<k »» Cos •: *7% *3% M Val. ..70% 70% *O% <>% Loul* A N'**h IS® 130% 130 13“ % Max Mot . 54% 54% b.3% MV fw. 2nd pfd 13% S3 % 35% 33% Me \ p*iro. .. *e% 43 V ** % Miami Copper 41 41% 4*V 4! Midvale At. *O% *l% ««* « rt % Mlsaoiiri new 31% *l% % 10% i Montana |N*W 104 104 104 1*« % .Vat. Rlac ... Il<% I1«V 11*% U«V I Vat V. Kn A At .38 »% IS S3 % Nevada Cona 25% SS% 25% 21% N V. VHAH 4«% 4<% 4* .4* Norfolk A Wt 133 114% 133% 112% V T Cant . . 0* V 44% 47 % *7% V T O A TV . 24% 34% J«% 34 % I Paclfle Mall . 33% 13% 71% 13% ! Pennayl 84% 34% 83% 83% Pitta Coal .. 4«% 47 4* «C Pullman .. I*l% 1«1% I*l% 1«1% Ray Con# ... 24% 30% 24% *0 Ry At. Apg . 43% 33% 83% 42% Rep Iron A A S3 14 32% 43% Do pfd lfl 101 103 103 Read Com . t«% 44% 34% 44% K*a Air Line .14 IS 18 -13 Sear* Rwebrk 117 If 147 117 Shat Art* .. 31 % -V, 14% 38% AW.»a Sheffield 72 74 7? 71 tk uth. Par . M% 4<% 4* % 40% Aoath. Rv .. . 31% 34V 34 V 24% Do pfd ... 89% 44% 34% 34% Atud* Corp 104 104 IM% 101 .Sinclair OH SS% 54% »S% 8* Texas Cos. 117* J 5»% jj« ;jg Tobacco Pro S*V 47 SS% 4«% t A Mining . . (1 % S3 *l% S3 Union B A P. 12 12 11 l? Union PariAt 141% 141% 140% 140% Transtie 4* 4* «* 44 Unit Alloy ... 48% 48% «4\ 45% Unit Cba At . 100% 101 ion% l«o% .Unit. Fmit Cos 141% I*l% I*l% ui% V. A Rubber .44% 41 44% 7.4 Do laapfg 10* % 104% io«>, i»4v. r A Steel com 118% 114% 114 U 111*^ t A Aleel Ia 104 |0« ]flt% I“X% UA Cast IP .. ls% 31% 11 fi U A Ind Ale. 134% 113 133% 124 Utah Cop 111% 111% 110% 110% Vlr Car<* Oi 4l 43% 13% 43% Do pfd . 111% |U% 111%, VU% rONwo : _ *»% *i% *#v so»; Wabnah R 24 34 23V *'.% M’eafhouae 43% 33 81** 8* Willy* Oyer 13 «* 13 V 31% 31% Wiacow Cent . 32V 52V 42V S’% We*t Mary... 2IS 22% 21V 22V White Motor. 48V 44% 44% 44% We*t. Union 47% 47% 97% 47% [Standard Oil Stock? Quotation* by Hornhlower A w*»k*, Mar. :»—Close Bid \*k Anglo-.\m Oil Cos.. nev I*\ I', 4 Atlantic IXtmnit (’o 144* 10.79 Born# «icr>mirr I'g. .. t*A .»> Buckeye Pine Line Cos. 144 If’ Cheaebrough Mfg. Cos. 470 44>i Colonial Oil Cos. »<• 70 Continental Oil Cos 790 *»*> Creacent Pipe Line Cos. T 9 42 Cumberland Pipe Line, m ip Kurrka Pipe Un« . JIT ::5 oil C 0..,. 124 14. Gelvna-Hig Oil Cos. pfd. 1 *4 14' Illinois Pipe Line.... St* 142 ■ Indiana Pipe i.-me t-i 101 National Trenail C 0... '7 1* New T«rk Tranalt Cos SO* 212 • Northern Pipe fjne Cos. IW Ohio Oil Cos 7*c ?.%* Fierce Oil Corporation. 13’* I4> 4 Prairie fHI A lit* Cos, *«* *O3 Prairie Pipe Line 21 ** Be far Refining Cos .... 31* i'*! Southern P*pe lin* f'o. 207 Amillt Penn Oil Cos 127 315 (4 W Pa Un* <’*.». 11l Btandard Oil Cos.. (Cat.) J4A 302 tVi, Indiana *7* **<• Do. Kara* 44* 46*i I>o, Kentucky 77<• 71* r*o. Nebraska ... . 64** Po. New Jeiee> .... 707 71 2 Do New York . . . II« 111 Po, Ohio ........... 1)4 'tifft 4w«n A Finch Cos 11* 111 Colon Tank Mr.e C 0... ’< *•* Vacuum Oil Cos. ..... Ift| IIS Washington Oil Cos in to Standard oil obi Stock 24«* standard till Old Huba. 1650 lat’l Petroleum I*V 14*, Mid W «Pt R-f* . . ui 1«3 Penn Mexican 50 Ctnß I4DI 4TH141.4 Quotation* by Hornhlower A Week* Mar Jf B* t ok Am. Pub. I’tililiee IV), preferred . . It Am. f«1 ph t a Traction . 'r.n 34] Po. preferred 111 111 N Am. Pulp A Paper 51* S*» 4e*na fStfar s-rvlce ........ 2*7 I »■> -*4, **', CNevrolet 1 :t MerrMt OR jtb, 2?S Chalmerr Motor, new *n 7* Omar Oil 4* 4; *‘oaten Oil A Can . 14’« 14', CoAda* A C* 4% • 'ram pa to to Palr«lt Kdiaon .... 112 111 KTfnr reoii Phonograph .. lll'% Ma«kell Barker 41 S 47 >, MldweM Oil . r>o. preferred *3 31 Midwear Refining !♦? 142 Kraage ... 12 II Pa< Oaa A Flee .. 47 Po. preferred .... *2 43 Hupp ... 4 4 Rap. Il.v. A Uarht. com to 41 Do, preferred 73 “S Wright A Martin 7 *, * i„ Grant Motor ... .4 * Federal Otl . 41, 41, South Cal. Rdlaon ... 93 94 Do. preferred 194 jot Hapulfa Ref .... IP, ||% Hub Boat .. » .... 73 2| Oklahoma Prd A Rf 11 111, Triangle 1 » 4 U. B Idght A Meat 1 S 1% I'", preferred 4 oaag' llomlny ... •** Cnlted Mof..r .. . l*b **«, Fdmund A June* .... 2. Do. preferred II I** Grain mi Provisions] IBBl * ll ™ l * B **** B ** Bß^ DKTROIT. March If Tka Li war pool Biark*t e|»>#ed ateady sad aup pllea war# said to be aufdciant In the United Kingdom Tte Amartoan market* ware *TI steady at the op*n ms and Detroit prieee ware the aawie aa the closing Ague** of Warn laday. Th»ae who are baanab on wheat. and thalr number appears to he i«- .•reaamß ar* selling on bulges ba ts 11 a* «»f th# vary high price and th# chances '»f th# weakening of ih# market hermuae of peace newe Tk* [taper? have been carrying a great deal of talk about separate peace in ar-mr guarters and a general peace proposition is eapected soon from Germany, but net one has much con fident* that a proposal will com# from mat gwarter that can for a mo ment be considered by the Kntente Allies At the same time the fact hat such news la passing over Ihe wirm la enough to make buyer* cau- tion* at th*## high price# 1 rop damage news raoaol be much wottf than it ha* been for the paet fr» day* and th*'# it a < bance that it may tini rove, which would greatly 1 eip th# h.-ar* Dealer# ar# not pay ing much attention to eom# of the •lamag .tuff waiting for gr-wioa »■ ith»r to put a atop to guessing The\ are *alking of seeding *prtng •ht at >laj and night In the north west n o r der to get !n a b»g acre ac The rash market in Mittneap r*'h." glow an! ml’era re p*»«t high huving of hour Coneuni ore arc praettetng ecc>nomy to such an extent •»« »•* reduce demand to envxll proportions. Cash and Max xrheat closed at an advance of 5 1 and July gained 1c Crm ad'anced 4%c. oat * %e and brans 4c. T f' ir*4tj » wh at ountatlon* Cash V* 3 red $2 I® May opened wtthoat chanac at 83 08 and advanced to I 1 a t 81 7f % and eloaeA at II 71 No I white I*o7 Thursday a coarse gram <iu< ration* Corn, cask No 1, Si 24 No 1 yellow If 27 No 4 vellow. 8! 28% ''at# Atandard. 4*%c. No. 3 whit#. 44c No * wh'te. 48c. Rye i'a*h S 2 fl 4$ Rean* Immedta*# r r mpt and April shipment. $7 40 See '« Prim# red dorer. til. March. ID* *0 Annl. 110 30; alsike. 11l NO. timothy. 12 40 Detroit receipts were 1.004 bhl* of llnua 2 car* of wheat, 7 of corn and l of oats Shipment* were 1,000 bbla f flour : 400 bn of corn and 7 600 lu of oat* Stock* are *4l ono hu of wheat. 2*7.000 bu of com 213.000 bti of oat* and *0 0O« bu of rye I’rlmarv wheat receipt* were 444 - eaa bu. against 1.087.000 bu a year ago Kxport# of wheat and flour Thur»- dav 134 o*o bu Receipt# of wheat Thuradav Dtl luth, 4 ears, against 22 a year ag- M 1 nneapn 11 * 4*o car*, against 344 Winnipeg. 247 egr*. agabw*t 712. Ct>*. • ago 24 c#r*. against 221 aouthweat. J 44 n*n bu, aga>n*t |4*o*o bxt f Mtrar.o i.waih mxbkkt. nil' nil), March 29 -Grain open ing Wheat May. up %c. July, up %'*. Aept.. up %e Corn May. up %c. July, up %c. Aept . unchanged Out* May. up %c. July, up %e; Aept . un quoted Provision# higher Muoa—M'heat May up Ic. July up %c; Aeptember up %c Corn May up 1 %c. July up %c. September up %e. Date May up %r July up V fyc September up %c. Proyiatona sharply higher. Close- Wheat Mar up %e July down %e Aeptember up %e. Com May up 1 %e: July up l%c. Aeptem her up I%r Oats May up 1 %c; July up tc Aeptember up %«. Pro vision* higher. %uotatlona by Paine Webber A Cos.. Mar 34 Open High Low Close Wheat— July 1 47% 1 44% 1 44% 1 44% 4-ct 1 63% 1 41% 1 33% 1 44 May t 43 1 44% 1 4«% 1 44% Cosm — Aept. I 14% 1 14% 1 14 1 14% May 1 17% t 14% 1 17% *1 14 July 1 14% 1 17% 1 15% 1 17% Out#— July 64% 64% 64% 50% Aept 83 62% 63 64% May 41% 42% 41% 02% rerfc— May K 76 34 in 44 46 534 44 JuD 34 00 14 06 H 46 -f>33 47 !-ard - Aept. 20 IS 30 32 20 72 b»*. 27 Jnlv 20 *2 30 27 3* 02 20 22 VDv 19 97 20 17 14 42 *2O 16 #t i b# Mar 14 3* 14 47 14 20 all 32 July .if 12 if 4* *• "* *'* r * p- Hid s-Aoid 1 TOI ITtM» 6R418 TOLKOO Mar 19 —Ooaa—Wheat * a*h 12 If: Mar S2 I*S July. I! 4*s Com Cash »t 31 Mav 91 J3K July. II 204. Oat« Caah. 49c May. July 41 4c. Rya r *ae*». It 44 Hoceraeed Caah 111 *4 Murr'i *to*7i- April Slots Oetr bee 99 70 Alaike Pr'ffle »n*l Uirr* l , • 1 11 Timoth* - - C»«h and March, »1 S2V, Butter - Brick rr*im*rv. <7- tub creemery. 41 S r - Fg»a r>e«h carried 31c, fancy aalecta. 77c. M ' t'nchaoped \ 5” 1 Detroit wholeaale prleea Cryatal domtnoee, 2-lb.. I117S; ery*- tat d«mlnn«», 5-lb, 911.71 eagle tab* la.* |lO 4i cut loaf |1 45. cube* »* )S XWX p-.w< el. |» 70, at and ard p«i\«<je.e.' $4 ***'., granulated. e«tra i-otrae, l»40 grar .ated. fine In tmtk, 9* * L *r'*T!ata*cd. 75 TT cot ton* I• 4 5. ry»tal domino granu lated. 2-lb *nd 5-ih c»rtona In caaea, 9**s cr>ata! drmlno granu lated. H F ca*e« |»7* diamond A. I* 25 confectioners A. 9* 3* No. 4 94 .1 No 93 2# X - 9‘ I*lo. No * 9*ol No 9. I* No IS, 197 95 No. il. 9 7 90. No 12 9“ 41 N>, llf 97*0 No 14. 97*0 No 1». 97*0, nor-cahma mixture 9 n 2A . beet gran ulated, 9t 15 per 100 Ibr houeeheid powdered, re. 24 to 'm# 92.35. houeehold powdered, 1 a, 4* to <n* 94.05 per caure « 1 bb copra* irock* 1 Quotation* by Hornblower A W»»iu Mar 29 Bd Aak Hutte A I»ndoa 20 21 ' ftr,«*on Montana .... 45 44 ' a •v. a* 4 « u 3 S 3 *4 f'onaotldated Arttona 1 21* Copper Minin* 4** 4'* lav u Daly *4, 4 Flrat National II 17 ♦ oidflejd Consolidated .. 5* 43 'umbo Fxtenalon ... ..44 47 I m Rose 40 r.S 'fagma . . 4* 4» Ner fviitg ae !N J Ohio Copper 1 1 ■’4 Htewarf 47 42 Bnceggg . . 43 4 5 1 uk-m .... I 1 1„ New Cornelia ITS l»s im tnRK rtm*>* MtNKIT W'n>uilmi» hr l*ain» Webber A Cos. Ml' .*» op. ring Cl oaa Pid Hlg*' l/» Tlid Aak •an . 1 • 74 1130 tta: 1 a •< 1 • 0* Keh 15 24 Apr . . I* •* Mav 19 10 19 !• 19 00 19 01 19 »j I in* .I*l- . tulr I* 90 19 99 11 *2 II M it 14 Aug 1* 9S 11 9S lit* r* .o lit] Kept I*l2 Oct HOT HI! IIF )*(•« )M| Nor 11 0| 1• a* Dec I*l4 1 I 77 1* 03 1 1 0* ] 4 On PRonrrr rirkrt NFW YORK March 2* Floor- Quiet atron* Pork Atrong rreea |744f34 50 laird Firm middle we»t • 92'* 1011 20 4* J ugar Baw »tr> nger centrifugal. 9* te»v | r . 77® I** mu*< vado *•> 'rat 1 1 Pned. etrong»r ctit 1 af II 4a rruah ed. I* 74 powdered 97 75 granulat ed 97 JM> * Coffee R'o N- 7 on apot. 9S r Tallow AO >nc *p*ciai 11c. city. 12Wc; count r» 12Sf9l|r Hav Qu'et No 1. 91 I" *t lIJ No 3 Bsf|*4c. clover. 45c 911 0* Dreaeed Firm tnrkeya 1**9441 chlckrna l*#3*c- fowla duck*. 1• *» 2*c Live pobltri Firm geeee llSIlf; duck*. ?7-y f wla 72 BSSr. tiirkrva, 55r rooatere 10 chicken broiler* I9ffs3r f'beeae firm; at»t* milk common to ape. clala 748 274i.c «kim> common to -pectala. IfltftlS* DKTROIT TIMES *** I ■ ICMK* « A CH Hit ITStmt AJUM DKTROIT. March *4 —Cattle: Mar ka< steady bust heavy etaura • 10 Ms II: beet bendy weight butcher steer# 44 3*94 16. mixed steers aad heifers. lUtfl 34, handy light butcher# *7# 7.74. light hatch er# 14 400 7, beet o°w# 47.4404. butcher cow# 84 60#7 04. uemaen COW a. 140* 40. . annara. |t«I.IO. beat heavy hull# M34#6; bologna bulla 47 3&07.74. stitch bulla 4* 04.40. mllher* and springer# |40#40 Veal calves Market strong beat grades. 913016. hravies. 4704. Sheep and lamb* Market steady, beet lambs |l6- 2644 16 6# fair lamb# 914 4*016. light to .ußinmn lamb# Sitol*. fair to good sheep, 9>®9 9tt; cull and cam men. to* Hog* Market pro epee la ateady. mixed 814 40011 96 pig# 912012.31 E44T 41 rT“4I-0 urg *TXMK Daaatag A Bteveas KAAT RFFTaLd. N Y . Mar, 24 t-'attlet Receipts. 100. market active and steady, prime steer# $11,160 13:6; butcher grades. 970111 c*>w# 6547 9 24. Caivee Receipt# 174. market a>tive and ateady cull to choice. 950 16. Aheep and lamb* Receipts. I.oo*. market arttee; lambs 3«c hlgt.ei yearlings. 56c higher; cbotqe lenib*. 6160 16 16; cull to fair. 8115*0 15 76 yearlings. 613016.60. *h#ep 86 g 14.75 Hogs Recalpt# L- N6O. market alow, i 010 c higher, yorker# 4115001540 pig# 412.60 M II mixed. 916 4“Ol5 6. heavy, |l6ul u 16.70 roughs 414.60 016 ataga. 11l O 12 (1411 AIM l.ivr aTOi K. ITNIDN OTOITC TARDA. CHICA4IO. 11l March 30—Hog* Receipt*. 31.- 040 market sirong. 10r higher mixed and butcher*. 114 60016 26. good 114 96015 15 rough heavy. 914 4*016.70 light $! 43*0 16 10. I ’ <1 . t al c Ipt# 4.000 market ateadv l»eex *s 6*500 HIS. rows and heifer*. 45 50010.40. 17 g 9 *O. Texan# 9* 46 010 75. calva# 19 t“0 13 71 Aheep Receipts. 14.000. market steady native. $lO 250 13.36. western, |lO 780 12 33 lamb# 9120 14 90. western. 912 360 16 30. rl.Rvrl.44n i.ivr otocm CI.KVBI.ANP, Mac h 2* Hog# HKceipt*. I “00 steady, yorker# 914; mixed. 114 1“ medium*. 115 24 p'a* 61 326 rough# 913.45 stag# 813 16 Cattle Receipt# 16 cars alow Aheep and lamb# Receipt*. 4 car# steady, top. 914 Calve* Receipt# 400: steady , top. f1 4 40 TOl RIM) LINK 9T4H46. TOLBDO Manh jn -Hog* Re ceipt*. 1.006 market ioOl6c higher; heavies. 914.250 16 35 medium# |15.- 28014 35. yorker# 9120-5 10. good pigs. 110*2 11 cqive* Market steady. Sheep and lamb# Market steady. m 1. " T 7 Produce jj The *pe< lal feature of the produce market this meaning was the boyewtt agalnat pealtry by the Jewish gromen of the east aide Commission men have encouraged libera) shipments la anticipation of a big trade for tha approaching Feast of the Passover, and If the boycott holds, shipments will have to be diverted to wrne oth er market or prices take a tumble, aa atocks were not moving this morn ing The egg market Is strong with advancing tendeaclee and th* general Hat was steady. tgahe 93 5*04 60 war bbl fu» choice and 95 0 6 for fancy ■•••ana Good shipping Stock. 9946 0 340 bunch • 9*wae Dried Lima# 16c lb Cmuberrise -Late Howe# ft p«r bbL. 14 bu Dewed Cafxea Fancy 19#16c No 2,14014 c per lb. Drr**»4 Haas Light. 17 0l9e; heavy. 16014 c lb. flaaaa Haddlea -16 c lb. Freak VegetabWe Radlahe* 240 66c do* parsley. 9(096c dos cu cumbers. hot bouse. 4304.26; ~ar rote. 9150 bn., cauliflower. 94.26 doc., bead lettuce. Iceberg. 16 06 --aae ca'.'bug*. T«xa*. 12c per fb shallot I*. 60#66c dox . Florida celery. •4 6*06 case tomatoe# 9* per 4-b#»- ket crate <;»•*» fralt, H ,4 *' * - • '* toatr - flag $ . at tracted 3# 19c Ik Hay—Detroit afeippera ara paying the following p.*,leaa for baled aay !• car lota fob Detroit: 310 1 timo thy. 114.55A15; ataudard l.acthr 111 light o.lted. 11l Ms II Mo S timothy. 9l3«tt. Me. 1 rntiad. 11l 5« OH. No 2 mixed. Sir Ml l No. 1 clover. 94 3 013'® rya ati-aw. MM 610 wheat and oat rtraa. It 5*09 per ton l -*w*» |4 2*04 7S par boa. lime* (11*9115 per 1®« Nu«*_ W L ’nuTa 299*fc; almonda fftf 215 e Alberta. IftA’fc: Braalla il®|4f pecan* Ilf 1b 17k Of»»fe» Navela. 17 94; Florida. SJ 2 r *»l 5* per bo*. Onion. 919 0* per 1»«-1b *a k Apani«h onion*. 12 75 crate Bermu da*. 94 509 174 per crate Onion ante White or yellow. |2 5® per bo. P«ti'»»« Michigan car lota Is baga. 92 5992 54 bu new Bermudas 114 per hbl . IS per bu Poultry B prlng* 13924 c l'ght tpr'cfi, 2«912c be* v y hena 24*1 ?« medl*irr.a. 27(9 3Sc: etags. I*f IV ror>et»ra. 15 914 c; geeae. 19 9 2®c. ducks. 219 75c lb. Strawberries 4A c quart, aweei P-mteea Jerseya. kiln dried. |9 per erst* Jobbing PRint* Caaaed t.eede -Apples. II 71 per cal. Umi bean*, ti 1491 14. ren faocy Maine 1114. etandaid 11449 !(•; table beets Si 2191 44: p*** tan. \ aarly June SI 3®. standards. 11, saimon. tall SL4®, ' marrowfat r-«x 11 35 93 35; early June. Ill® sifted ea-|y June 91 40 dot. Tomatoes Standard. »’ 5091 5® ®oa Cases Aaritoa. standard I*9 He ■*d|i*m. l*t(7<*c. f*n»-y. tOßllr Rjo. ! 14 V® 91 5 *• r 1-lb package*. lt#!V 1-Th fin* 93 9 39c lb Feed f obh!ng prlcei fft®-lb. bran 9*l *tandard middlings 147 ( fine mlddMng* |4‘ cracked re.rn I 94* coarse c»>rn meal. 149. mm and i oat chop. 944 ton Four .Icbpiog prices- Bc«» Mlchl- gar patent $lO 14 ■» ond patent. 11 ! • r (tralgM I* 4*l pore rye I* I apr eg paten- flO SO in >,'h p* ! pec ■*< a■ Oil *taw Imaced. 91 04 boiled lln- I peed ti 07 |p barrel lot* keroaen*. tank-wag-m or Iron barret* er m fxrl'na, li»f<s ml Pcetuun* M«ea pork. |I9 family p«rk 9’* Mint* c|. ar bar W< 117 guf heme. 2«’4 97SV9< hrtaket*. J393D pi'm'c hams. bacon 2.1*9 9Jc Kerf r % reaper* t2S<Tl*ke per tb lacd in fUrcr*. 71« gr. kettle ren • 1 !lUc |h HTtAe* No 1 curnd hides. 91c, Be 1»c No l greet bo!!*. 15c. *« j cured reel k»p ?4c, No. * green r» a t ktp. Vn I cared murrain. 11-; No 1 g-een marratn. Ifc. No 1 wot calf. ]|r So 1 green c*lf. |»c. No 1 boree hide* I* 35 No 2 horae bide*. I" 24. No 1 tallow, yf, K j te 1- ! low iy per lb No 1 hides, le o«. hip AO/1 nlf, ] Vfcr off sh##p - Wt'na taa to arm.ant wool I. 47u99l Detroit Bank Clearing* Hearol* bank clea/inr* for Thtira •l«i warp f7.742,732 01 ; total rWr nti. for 1517 to date are HMv.AtS,- 'ka a* Against IdSfi.ldl 975 97 far 1 He ciopmepondln* period In 191A OCCAM *T*4 gag|pt CUN A R D Regwler Feaaengcr and r*fpe ®e»-rWea NSW YORK—LIViRFOOL MEW YORK AALMOUTH-LOROOR NEW YORK BRISTOL Brafta. Newey Order*. Ball nr fable f-reat Britain, Ireland. ®eaa- Atnertn. Italy Fur further information apply “ *' r *Tk tT. A. 7, or I «—I A gen U |B#6tM Cappo stocfcsjj Mwwaatiowe hr Morn bio war A Waehe Mar 19; Obf* "If* Cl^n Adventure .... 1 » . * . * AJuneek 261 I*l >•} Alaska Gold. 9 • J't • Aaeer blue .. 16% 47 >•% jV A46NMI . . 64% 66% 64% »•% Bntta hup .. 44% 44% 46% *6* SSTWL:# >“ ssr K *-J! \ “i 9' J 5 SSTfiSU :: .is . 5 >\" Franklin ..... 3 4 Green* Can . 42% 43% 42% 43% Inspiration .. 44 4, 41% Jurome Verde ? I > J Mas* 14% 14% 14% 14% Manor Valley. 6% •% Miami 41 61% 40% 41 SThawk •• 4t *• *• Nt pi suing ... 4% 6% 6% 6% Nevada Con# 94% • ■■ JJJ* North Butte .23% 39% l*% 29% Ohio 1% 1% 1 % 1% oe-e.l* • *3% *»% 3j % »*% Pond I'reeh . 34% M% 36% *4% Quincy 30% **S **S 0* % Hay lonanl.. 39% >•% 79% *• Mup A Boat on Ig 46 0% *% Ahannon . .. 0% •% •% la ghat tuck .. .»*% 39% 14% 36% ¥r«ih Utah .34 2« 24 94 At Marv (4 94 *4 64 Trinity 4 4 4 4 United FruU 141% 141% 141% 141% ltd Aho# M 61V 16% 66% 65 % 1 tab Apex .1% 31% I Utah Donaol 17 it 14% 10 Utah Copper 111% 111% 116% 1»«% Utah Metals . 4% 4% 4% 4% Victoria . 4% 4% 4% «« Winona . ... 4% 4% 4% l% Wolverine ... 44n 49 44 % 44 Chicago ai rrra uirkrt CHICAGO Mar 29- Rutter ft tra# 41c firsts. «0045%c. dalrv ex tra# IT O 31- %c. firsts. 35 0 36c. Fgg* Prim* ordinary. 29% 033 he; first*. 30%c Cheese: Twin* 24024 %c young America# 2&0 28%c. Uv* Poultry: Fowl# 29c; duck* 17 093 c, geese 19010 c; spring*. X9c. turksv# *6c Potatoes Receipts. • car* Wisconsin and Minnesota, 92 300 3.94; fancy weal 99 56 0 3 60 DtlRI MthOlfTt a*lWr fttra creamery. I0‘»c lb; creamery first# *3%c: dairy. 2*« lb.; racking stock. 94 %c fb Igpgw Fveah receipt# caae* Includ ed flrst# 91c doa.. current receipts. I t#%r dot Receipt* Thursday, 311*6 , .-***# rbeeee Michigan firsts 21 %c New York. 36c domestic Awl*a sSo3®c; Imported Aw lee. 6“040c. brick cream. 32c limhurger. 1-lh 24c. 2-lb 24%r; long horn# 24%c. daisies 21% 024%c lb •3gn tohk Birrrx and f.og* NFW YORK March 20 Ru*ter firmer receipt# 4 46* Teamer, »« tra. 44c do. special market. 44% 0 46c: slat* dairy tub# 31 Otic. Imfta t "B earner' flr*t*. HO 37c Fs«r- Rlrmer receipt*. 19 266 nearby whiu fancy 37 0 36c »»arhv mixed fnnev. 99 O 34c fresh (Irets. 51%014%r. 01 arte Owl lee Rutter, all sals* 46c; no change from last week’s price# To Souak On Morvngnietn Prank J <#nnon former United State* senator who la said to hare won statehood for Utah, will rpea* Thuroday evening in the Port-at ’ Preabylerlan church on “Mornifin ia:n a national menace This wW be hi* final add rear in a sene* of meet Ings which have been h-)d in Detroit during the last week l<i a campaign for the purpoee of roo'lnc Mormon lam from the land. Feinting 46« ptwtw newt kl*4—«be< 1* rlabt—TXaeee Jeh Deg.—Set* 4444 ANOTHER TELEGRAM! Bearing On Recent Big Rich Strike WESTERN,UNION ~~ TELTOttAM M mMm m «fc* mrmm Ml mm Umk kmrf. -*Mfc a~ Ms •» ...... - ■ ■ |yl —^ T- HEN M All Wfltlll AMU Mil 17T1 IT ... - nwu fiom iin tout lAii nil aitiat fim Alt nom flLflflim nAiCI ilB MB OXIJB Oil, Win BIOS yMOWTAfII OF lOiOWUI f±±U*B , ftmci AL9ATS ca»m hoi Tiitnn n »iirn, >wa> yon wifi m fomiii iynt, wm >iiiiu aooi, aim iiiti to wmoi, Piirrara PtU. 3 f UIWAWi <MAI lit ft Tm/#*rr mum Former Telegrams Read as Follows: 8484 CH 57 NL Winkelman. Aril., 23. 1917, Mat. 23, P. M. 10:06 C. H. Cowman. 308 Farwell Bldg.. Detroit, Mich. Tarr cut seven feet of ore yesterday. Os this three fedt solid wHI average ten per cent copper, silver probably twenty ounces and molybdenum very high, prob ably f We per cent. He is offered here twelve dollars for each one per cent molyb denum and believe can separate it from other values Other four feet of vein about one-ftfth as valuable. A. L. WATERS. We Believe DRIPPING SPRINGS COPPER COMPANY owns the richest copper-molybdenum mine in the United States. The above telegrams art absolutely reliable and we will positively guarantee that the statements contained thereto can and will be verified by personal investigation DevetopmenU at the mine warrant a price of dollars per share. Case to. talk with Mr. Gowman. Get the concrete facta. You owe it to yourself. SHARES NOW 60 CENTS. Will advance April sth 25 per cent Room 90S. Farwefl Bldg. I’hones: Cadillac 5337—5959 LOCAL MARKET GAINS STRENGTH Michigan Stamping U Active, Jumping to 20. Probably Due to Merger Rumor BY t. E. MacCftONK. Judging from tb* activity that dc vHop*<l la of the apeclaltlM cn the I)*«tn>tt dtock vichangv Thur»<;&> morning. there U apt to be a bet .or roaiket for the next lew days barring any untoward <le «nlopm*nti that iu »ht again shake she growing oonUd-nr* of the iu veating public Many of the atocka. more particularly he motors, are selling very lo* on their yield, and tuueae the brokers are very much mistaken, the turning point In the upward direction Is nearly at hand Thoee familiar with market •ec in the better Inquiry for lueac vtoek* a growing demand that must put them higher rooner or lat*r. for the buaiaeea the concerns ate doing fully justify It. Hy far the most active Issue of the morning wae .Michigan Wtamping. wllch sold at anew high point of ?t> There la mu oh speculation as to the outran** of the stockhotdera’ meeting, and this, c mpled with cer tain rumors as to consolidations and i the like is very likely haring |(j ( fleet. In the motor list. Rco ia finding ► upport at around -14. with several h united shares haviug been turtte<l over today and yesterday at a fra*, tion above this pc nt. likewise I'aige seems to And a good market at about 37. with Ford of Canada holding lu own tu the vicinity or Job. Holland l/ouia Sugar common contintes its upward trend, the mar ket this m.vnmt being It 1 I to f3. and altho none of it had chanred hands up lo nocn. it Is likely that HORNBIOWER & WEEKS —MEMBERS — Nbw York, Boston and Chicago Stock Exchanges Orders Executed In All Security Markets J. J. HAYES, Manager 201 Penobscot BuDding, Detroit, Mich. 1917, Mar. 26, A. M., 12:24. C. H. Gowman. 303 Farwell Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Strike important Seven-foot vein molyb denum copper silver ore. Will have mill test. Copper ore will go ten per cent Will sink and raise soon as length is determined. T/Ooks fine. Going Phoenix, probably Los Angeles. Sending samples molybdenum, high-grade silver and copper ore by ex press. J. W. BANDHAUER. FRIDAY. MARCH 30, 1917. buyers and sailers will soon gut tu get her In the bank stock list Highland Park of Highland Park is very at rang, having eajuyed a 10-polnt rise ta the last few days. Th« ato«.k It duw wauled at lie, with no offer ing This strength la the result of the placing of the rock on a la.ger aasual dividend basis. Mend Bey's Skull With Dime MEMPHIS Tenn March 1. / When a mule kicked fjvlngstone McConnell, a three year-old Negro boy. lo the head, the blow broke the skull 3urgeons replaced ihj broken bone with a brand new dime of the mintage at 1917. The dime win go to the grave with the Ne gro. coming generations may And aid marvel at It Marriage Licenses •emuel i. Oeller. II Detroit; Bes sie Ijwitrmtn. U same. Marlnua Drlwkweark. IP. Dslroit. Uots Flanagan IT. aani*. QeargS F Mrrstlck. IS. Detroit; Delta F khrlver. >l. aeme John C. Schroedar, Si. Detroit. Hit 4a Redlowakt. 19. Warren leone Paokham. 11, Detroit; Char lotte Manner It. aame •ebaatlano Fruclana. ti. Detroit; Ora tie Ortfo. IT. aame Albert Mom FT. Detroit: Mabel (Mon, It. asms Irvin Stump. 11. Detroit; Marlon ( K<l*n SI. aame • Victor Walt era. IS. Detroit; Ruth Melvin It. asm# William A ftauahman. Si. Detroit Helene Swarts. 14. 011 City, l a Marvin Coray, J* Drtroit, Mamie Schwarck PO. eame Harr Ahafer. ti. Detroit. Jennie gchluaael St. aame Frtthp»b Bruland. IT. Detroit, Mar tha J Thurt. JJ. same' Andrew Kish. Ti. Detroit Marv Firtt. ti aame John Oanglan. tt. Detroit, Sarah Paraeghtan. It. asms Klmer B Allen. J 4, Detroit Ruth M Johnson, tt. aame Vernon All -man tt Detroit Celia Rachew. tt aaane. Walter A Pouaer. t 4. Detroit: Ida M gupple. t 4. same Bam on J Foater. Jt, Detroit rilia. beth Knapper. t 4. havenport. Ta fieoree m Norria. tt. Detroit Hel en R Wade tt aame William F McFarland, tl. Detroit F.dna B <lbgta It. aame Carl a Babcock li, Detroit; Oora Wlrta. It, .am*. B aiter J Soh-aak. tl. Detroit; Ag nea Henua.h. It. aame Jamea O, Brown. 14, Dutroll; Mar tha J. Reach, It. aame. ■ . J —" ANNOUNCEMENT Broadening public interest In oil and Industrial recurltlaa led ua some months ago to tnaugu rate a special Oil and Industrial I/Otter, Issued every two weeks. Th.- gToal activity In the affairs of these companies, has made the two-week interval too great We have. Hit refore, with this issue of our Wdeklv Market Letter consolidated the mining and tu duetrtal divisions, believing that such change will be of more ma terial beneAi to our clients, thus enabling them to keep abreast of the whole market at weekly Ib tenraia This letter, in addition to tta comprehensive review of indus trial and Anancial conditions, contains news of Interest con cerning fit different OH. Indue trial and Mining Companies, hence It should he read by every Investor. A ropy wilt he mailed free oe request 0«r illr«-i private wire fe the leadtaa mnrkri rratrrs rs.kiM ■■ *e *i»r o.eeptlnnal .errtee ee »r --der. far Water *lorlu. Ulaiap aa4 "II vterk. and « ark ladaatHaU. esaowscer BiTMit »eo.w css — " " "i 1 1 ■ -J-111 ELECTION Notice 1b hereby giwn t£aA iu) election will t>« held In the .several Wards and Efeetien Districts of the Q'ty at Detroit MONDAY, A ; APRIL C Polls Open 7 a. in. to 8 p. m., Centra! Standard Time (which ia 8 a. m. to 9 p. Kastem Standard Time). officers Will Be Elected As Follows: STATE Two Justices of the Supreme Court, two Regents of the Uni versity, Superintendent of PtfbHe F/wtrueiion, Member State Board of Education, two members State lizard of Agri culture, State (ommisaionfr at Highways, COUNTY Six Circuit Judges, County Auditor, County Treasurer to fill vacancy, County School Commissioner. CITY Recorder. Judge Reconfag'i Court, Police Justice, two School I ns] «et tor* for two-year term, two School Inapeetocs for four-year term, thraa School Inspectors for six-yen* term, WARD Aldermen to fill vacancy lb the Fourth and Tenth ward*. School Inspectors to ffU vacan cies in the following watxis: 4, 5. 7, \O, 14, IS. W, U. 19 21. ANNEXATION wfc PROPOSITION * Proposition for the annexa tion of territory Tram the Townships of Gratiot end Crroßse Point* to the City of Detroit will also be voted on. CHARTER AMENDiTCNTR Amendments to the Charter wtU also be Hibmitted et Uib election. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Constitution*] amendments will also be submitted. LIBRARY BONDB There will also be voted np ,i at this Ume the question at suing $2 :, 0.t>00 Public LJ mry bonds. Thi» it not anew Hind issue. but the remaining | of the $1,000,000 authorized in the Library Act of 1901. of which 1760,000 were issued in 1907. NON-PARTISAN BALLOT The ballot for School In viMYrtors will be non-partisan, no party designation appearing anywhere on the ticket. This ballot will be separate from all others, and can be voted by all men and women who are reg istered. RICHARD LINDSAY, Cite Clerk.