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FRIDAY. MARCH SO, 1917. Mm Have a complexion that eveiyone admires I* oo t mvy a good complexion, km* one. Eac h time you cleanse your face with Retinol Soap you give it a "beauty treatment with the soothing, healing Retinol medication. If sided, in severe cases, by s little Retinol Ointment, this usually leaves the complexion naturaUy clear, fresh and free from pimples, red ness, roughness and blotches. Rgsinol Soap sedhes*—lC*s«wiit ——M W *ll *»•»'•*» Try /An. r'nmAte m *** K,m ts*, try, M e«Jr »<** itM Uta ki (or Uw hair u »ail. S'W" «... ~11 ■ ■ GALLI-CURCI RECORDS OUT Rudh Expected to Follow An nouncement of Victor April List The capitulation of the concert and opera point public to the beauti ful vote# of Mme Amellt* Gall I- Curcl has made he,- Victor record* m tremendous demand, and the new one* for Aptfl have had an jstonisb mg long waiting Uat of eager buyer*. Theae are now on «ale In all more* where Victor records are kept VI me Galli-Curcl na* u large l)e trait following thru two recent song recital* in thi* city, and It will he a great delight to ner admirers to be aWe to posse** record* of thii marvelous artist* singing of the waits song from (Jounod's ' Romeo and Jmliet.” the mad scene from "lA»cia dl Umnirrmoor," and her cxqolsltel? tender .\cd sweet r*ndi tlon of "Home riwoet Horn* ** The fatuous sestet from "Lucia" sung by Mme Oalh-Curci, Caruso. De Kgenir, Journet and Bad*, probably will take tbe place In pub lic favor of any previous rendition of this noted con position Th*n Mme Qalll-Currl, Caruso. De Luca and Perinl sing the quartet fTom "Rlgoletto. ’ which also many Will place superior to that of any other -Victor record of the music. Caruso contribute* an aria from "flamson and Delilah,” sieging II aa only this gifted tenor rati sing. The exquisite song, "Come Beloved." from Handel’s “\talanta" I* Mme. Alma (Rucks new offering and it *1" *■*'* •* > harming singer** legion or admirer* Werrenrai h* Kipling song* have become cla.-s --Ic* and anew group will And in slant favor Brilliant und lovely number* will i«■ found, . \l;*< hn Elman. Herbert Witherspoon, Mabel Garrison. Clar ence Whifeblll, John McCormack, Zlnaballst and tbe other famous artist* of vide* and instrument who are among thr Victor star*. Anew and particularly catchy lot of dance music will be of Interest to the young folk, and there are plenty of rew songs, choruses, or chestra and band selections of the lighter class to please those whose tastes runs more to the popular than the classic field. Any of th»*e new records will oe played free of charge at anv time b> Victor dealers Clua To Buried Com. ( HNTRAIJA. Waeh., March 30 •'This Is a will of rov own construc tion. and as a man of good health and sntind mind do I. W. F Bryan, colored, give and bequeath to the finder of this will one-half of a gal lon glass Jug full of gold coin, which lies buried five feet deep and «0 feet east of the section corner of my old homestead "The finder mnet publish this be fore anv work begins on its reoov e-y. but the finder must get another party to dig for It and the digger gets one half. Ido thla to keep my l*»y kinfolk from getting ft If they make any fuss about It afteT It Is found, give them 91 each. There Is also another Jugful burled a few rods west of the old dwelling house. I can't locate It, howevar, as the mark la lost. Dated thla second day of October, I*9l "W. F. BRYAN." Bryan, who Is well remembered by the old resident# of Ontralla. died In the early nineties. Allan Miller, a present resident of Cen tralis, was a nephew of Mrs. Bryan, who died about six weeks ago .Mrs. Kstclle I-awton Lindsey. o* l.o* Angeles, la the only woman so f«r elected to th» city council of any city of the first or second clar* In the United State* Your Liver has Important work to do. Un« der favorable conditions it does It well If sluggish, relieve it with BEECH AfIS PILLS IwwssSSaleal Amy MWUIm h (he ««I4 PACIFISTS WILL RALLY ON SUNDAY Local Peace Workers To Stage Meeting In Arcadia A pence mass meeting wIU be held lii Arcadia Sunday evening, not for the purpose of embarrassing the president. It is announced, but for ihrf purpose of letting bltn know tbe desires of a ,rge number of peo ple who oppuae tbe United States entering tbe war. Resolution* will he submitted and, if passed, forward ed to Washington at once. Three speakers already have been recured for the meeting and other* are expected Tboev pledged to ap pear are Joseph v annon, former president of the Western Kedera lien of Miners Max Kastman, editor of The Masses and prominent pa clftst, and Miss Grace Abbott, chair man of the Immigration bureau of Chicago. The meeting is being arranged bv the lietroit branch of the American Union Against Milltnrb.m and a number of well known Detroit peo ple are hac k of it The I'nion believe* that the pres ident I* sincere In saying that he Wishes to know the will of the American people. In a meeting in Madison Square Garden, New York, last Saturday, perwon* were present and expressed most absolute and vociferous opposition tc official declaration of war The peclfbt* of Detroit believe that they should add their voice to that of New York HITS SCHOOL VENTILATION System In Some Buildings I* Criminal. Declarer* Mr*. Osborn "The ecarlet fever epidemic, on account of which the playground* have been closed and proposals have been made to doee in-* *< hoois, and which the health depart men’ *ay* is no* abating. bnn*p forcibly to mind a vicious system of ventUa tlon little short of criminal, which is aUll In use in a number of schools in Detroit." sa-ys Mr* Laui* F Os born. a candidal* for th* ot * duration. "In litlO I biought to the *SieAtto' of *h«. *-,i ~f edqca tlon In a report m/tu*- .aru ff»e Twentieth Century club. We suc ceeded In having thr system chang ed in the designs of dew schools. ln*t the-board refused to make the change in the sehnol* completed, al tho I showed by estimate* of expert* that not more than three or four hundred dollars per school would have been required lo make ih*. change a committee of tb« board reported It of not enough eonee quence, and the stand-pai i>ollc> of the petty politician prevailed We (hen redoubled our energy toward getting a small board which we hoped at that time to tccompllsh I Members of the Council of Defence Are Ready bC: p IW* r \ 1 v 1 V^'i IBr -i pB §T‘ f* -* *? |T r' wXmZ+L ft' «g»P H*F« «?“ \4 J VLiL^^F. I%#' . I Rpj i *ji fbivr w£ ,V W »»»* w* •<•*!. svear •«>•<«-tsar a ae«u*wva t AffC M vsoH9tvs- *ci*A«aoN . snof mwm n r wv> owvimoosfmar s,*oo<yxv«— >«»>/. u ■ This I* the Council of National I>efenee and advlaory commission In Joint session In the historical re ception room of the secretary of war. A WAR BABY SAVED BY THE ALLIES \ jSI fek A*. * > ] Jl One of the hundreds of war babies of Serbia. This child waa saved from starvation by the Allies when she was chased out of her home by tbe Invading Germans and fled barefoot and poorly clad to Salonika, the Allien Balkan base in a year or two. We cousldi-red it sheer waste of energy to go farther tn the matter with ihe old board. And now we hope and expect that this change will be one cf the new board’s first accomplishment*. "This is the reoprt sent to the board of education and ohould be on file there We never received any acknowledgment or reply ot which I am aware, unless the recent charac teristic resolution directed against the club may be regard* and a.* its be lated reply. April IS. !»10. To the Detroit Board of {education Aft*r careful investigation of the ventilating Onynt/m of tbe pub|l<- school*, tn* Twentieth Century club And* that, tn the e<'n*tru<-tl**n *>f sch.-cl butldtnra, rh** »<»ho*d >*-htt*<l* •r- tiltffXlYtg t 'if cloak rn*-ms as port of ihe foul air shafts of the Ina system W* be* to rail the attention of your honorable t»*»<ly to this ilefert, and t<» o<-int >*ul that this system !■* sn art uni tnen*«-e to the hea’th **f the eptldr* n. and i« destructive of their clothing as well. The foul air of the school room, laden with <h«!k and floor dust effluvia fr m the bod ies and clothing of the pupils, and with tn* germs of contagious dis ease*. |a forced thru the children'* wraps which form an * ffri tual filler and retain dust ami disease g-rm* to be carried Into the home This condition is true not only of such school* a* the Alger where Ihe large cloak room Is the passage wav for the foul air of the school room, hut It la true to a much greater ex tent of new s< hoots like the Ini.-ine. Doty and Greusel. wheie the dust and germ-laden foul air cf the school room Is forced under the doors of shallow closets completely filled with wraps thru which all of the foul air must Alter to pass out of the open ing at the top of the closets, leaving practically all th* impurities m the do thing. The l-aating engineers stale that extra force la n*>< »«*»rr to overr-m* the resletanee offered by tb« ilothea In these closets Tbe Twentieth Century club herehv bags to express Its condemnation >-f a system which utilises the foul-sir shafts as cloak rooms, and respect fully requests that this svslem be dlsconflnued In the erection of new school buildings, and that this **h jecflonsble feature be corrected In achonls in which It Is now in use Our children and our homes should not *>e sub Jaded t-. conditions dangerous to health and so Injurious to clothing when they ran he so readily obviated Ventilation of cloak room* should he h\ fresh air. not folil air Herewith Is submitted a copy of a letter fr >m th<- health officer Very respectfully. THE TWENTIETH CENT!’BY I’Ll B or DETROIT "As exhibit A I gathered a quan tity of foul dust from a ledg* in s closet to show Its amount and char wrier My own daughter'.! coat and lial bore ample testimony to the condition In the Alger school being covered on damp days hy p mllkv solution of chalk, pmrtlcslly ruining them •'The same condition exists In these schools tr*dav and It Is a men ace to every child In the city. Hhould not the children be given Ihe benefit of the douot In so vital a m >tter?" Hero Can’t Pay Wedding Fee. LEAVENWORTH Kan, March to.— After Probate Judge William P. Wet tig had married J. 1*: Mr ("arty, 71-year-old Civil war veieran and France* Murphy, 60-year old w dnw. the other day, the aged m.m ca’led the Judge aside and explained trtat he could not pay the marriage fee nntil hla pension arrived The veteran declared he had been a bachelor too long snd he needed a wife The Judge congratulated him for hla bravery in facing the hig i coat of living under the clrcum atances McCarty and his hrld - live In Kansas City. Kan Children Ory FOR FLHCHER'f CASTOR t A DETROIT TIMES HE KIND TO HEN; IT'LL PAY EGGS VIMOsAND, N. J.. March 30. Whether kindly treatment of a ben will accelerate egg productivity in ihe inverse ratio of careless or indif ferent attention Is to be given olfi rial demonstration in the egg-laying contests under way here. Prof. K R Johnstone, snperln tendenf of the Training School for Feeble-Minded Boys and Glrla, has maintained that kindness to a hen mean* more . ggs, bnt some of the expert poult r> men hereabouts scout Ihe Idea, s.tying that the average u pw *->*• to a {Hired* le what is done for hVr. With the aid of Harry R poultry husbandman of the state ex Ifterlmenl station, Prof Johnstone ha* arranged lor the demonstration of his theory. Two pens of hens of the same breed and strain will he set apart To on*- of them will he attached a* /•.Mendani a man who will go about his work with a sunny sruil*-, cheer ful interest and gentle touch To the other will hf assigned one with tn ingrown grouch The same feed and the same conditions exactly will I e applied to !>oih pen* and the rec ord* carefully kept a* tn which glv«*H the b« f r«'sullw. F*r» f John ston*- feel* ,-urc that his theory will be fully substantiated. ABho thev are greatly in the mT- - norltv, the girl studtnta at the col lege ol Nj Inee* adtulnlstratlon of Horton university hare suoc*oded in having aJI intoxicating beverng**# barred from the annua) class ban quet. ASK FOR and GET Horiick’s The Original Matted Milk Substitutes C ast YOU Same Price. l-AJM MI RE-ELECT JEFFRIES for JUDGE Recorder’s Court Faithful Public Servant High Prices and Diminished Demand Bring Slump in Cattle; Pigs Hit Lower Level By H. H. HACK The local situation In the cattle trade la practically hack where it »* >*efore tho recent big bulge. The recent freight etubarv. threw the market out of its »U dr, and when supplies broke a hole thru they came too thick and fait. The rei«ult la a hat naturxlly might be exported With price*. so high ;«ni! the purchaalng power at low «bb. It does not require a large over supply of cattle to make a glut when the demands of the meat eat ing public haa ben out down SO per < eat. Buffalo had a bad day on Mon <la> and the decline In prices was uniform thruout the cattle division of the trade The demand in Chi cago la great ly decreased by the lack of shipping demand from dis tricts which are well supplied with cattle Detroit got a record run of cattle hurt week and the close was very dull for all of the com n»oner grades. The trade opened this week with looal onoiera filled to overflowing and a decidedly quiet re tail beef trade. The belief Is gen eral, however, that the present lull In the demand for dressed beef and cattle Is only a temporarv condition which will very soon be changed by smaller arrivals and an Improved demand for beef fiom the block which nearlv always follows the ljen ten season The latter half of the Lenten season Is nearly always <k»ar acterlxed bra decreased demand for b»-ef. the public showing a prefer ence for veal and lamb until the holiday Is past, when they again turn to steaks, roasts and boiling beef. Advices from all Interior points would seen- to indicate a phenom enal shortage of finished bullocks, and the big markets have been practically bare of these cattle for Only One Day BMj CHiST Zjjjj Price Sale| jjA J| of Library Tables Bj Ends Saturday Night JHHB There are only about 300 of the library table*, parlor table*, jardiniere Rtands and pedentals left of the $12,000.00 purchase. These will be placed on sale for Saturday. &.J There are dozen* of the ehoice*t new de*ign* HP J quarter-sawed oak and genuine mahogany. Every jbr C a NK B r W •/ 9 bixt table must go and the tag* have been marked lO Jjj accordingly. The prices range all the way from. . H Go-Carts and Baby Carriages^jj^p [\v 'Wt/L'/f ’wt. • if Ii \rdbjli 1 lilllißllßi valu*- i w yWi ißliiUMyl arc Jr ) r KSBh? **quipment Mam magnificent car ~ m/frigr Mages go tomorrow other wiw This "Sidway” Guaranteed 2 Years tr 1 '125 up IN THIS SPACE. SOME OF HIS FRIENDS AGAIN ij> REMIND YOU OF A CIVIC DUTY TO VOTE jjj I FOR j George P. Codd K 1 gj POR RB-BLHCTION AS [0 I CIRCUIT JUDGE | " § q Mis Record is Our Recommendation, and We Believe $ Wayne County Should Retain His Services. V n] . .... ... K Every Citizen Should Vote on ] rvl )J Monday, April 2nd. 5? f? o ca ca c? ca ra ca a cf* '* 1 ————— —■ The Timea your children the most important news not habit forming advertising tips the last 10 days Killers In all markets have been obliged to buy feeder grades or go without a kill ing Cattle have not been reinstated ui the baron and f<edlots of the country ibis winter as has bean the rule of other years, and there are few In sight to meet the needs of ihe spring and early summer de mand. The demand for feeding cat tie is still very light oaring to the extreme price# at which all kinds of feed are selling The sheep and lamb trade la de cidedly small la volume, and the markets of the past week have shown very little variation from those of last week. Prime lam be have sold above sl6 in Buffalo sev eral Umes within tho last fortnight, and the ruling price for top noteb ••rs In Detroit and Chicago haa bean $15.60 per cwt. Arrivals of sbeep and lambs at Detroit last w*«-k were far below the needs of the trade and a shortage of good mutton ex ists In local rooters. The wool market seems to bo haring a breath ing spell, not from a lark of demand but rather teoanse that part of the clip, still remaining unsold, is in strong handr, making It Impossible fer borers rnd sellers to get togetb cr. Bhesrers h ive paid sl4 50 for lumb* to take bark into the country but And It hard to get any great number at this price. Lambs cost ing $lO per cwl. ss feeders have te* n frequently sold of late for arf Increase, over original cost, of $5 50 per owt. The demand for fat hqjrs holds firm and is practically unchanged. but pigs have taken a header It Is hard to understand why owners of good thrifty young hog* should send them forward to be sold at prices which average $2 50 per cwt. lower than those paid far finished hogs. Oorn Is high. It 's true, but It Is hardly possible that the food !rg out of thrifty pigs eould result In anything else but profit, espe- ] oially when the spread between food ers and mature bogs Is equal to 20 per cent of the value of the former Karly last week tbe average cost of the hogs. x ended in the (%lcago ttock yards, rose to sl6. something that never happened before drill the trade does not look top-heavy and prices have the appearance of legitimacy. A year ago the best shipping hogs were selling in Chi cago fur $9 70. The Breeders’ Gsxotte, of Chicago, publishes tbe following'. Hog product Is to tho hands of a bull party that la constantly forcing prices hlgnsr The south Is buying meat* and '•inorti have been on a liberal scale despite nubsea activity. A large quantity of cured meats has been sent to the bottom of the ocean, which fortifies the position of the holder Packers are selling nothing on the board sng trade Is mainly a matter of swapping among specn latora On the advance this week Mar pork sold el s9l 06. lard IIP SS and ribs $19.26, all of which era recorda. Europe's necessities are a bullish Influence. Rations last wsek were 14.911.000 pound* of lard and 17.4*9,00n pounds of meats, against 11691.000 anti 16.398 000 pour .Is re spectively a year ago. Retail meat prices nre phenomen ally high the country over, but the meat-eating public nrems to be re blgned to condition* aw they exist and. while the Hixe ,rs Individual ot derw front the retailer are said to he diminishing, no fault Is found with the cost and little is heard übout the adoption of nn exclusively vegetable diet, M.'atistim place every branch of the trade In a trfiong poettlon and the fact that there are venr few animals on feed meiuw contimied scarcity. March arrivals of finished stock are sure to be small in every branch of the trad*. Printing—the plena neat Ms4-4kst la dvkt—Tl«r« Ink Wain 41110. ©WE SAY3NGS BANK Fori and Grit** old Slr««t» COHSenVATIVE. SAFE AND STRONG In planning your summer trfp remem ber that travellers’ checks will add greatly to your enjoyment. Thev may he cashed at any hank or hotel without vexatious delay, as no identification is neers-ary except your signature. Safety Deposit Boxen $4 per Ammmm Resources More Than s3ojfoo,ooo BRANCH OFPICMi 1 491 Wno4wtr<i. I*o* G»«nd ■ HP* ♦O7 Gt*tK>T, 147* Foari»»r>th. ♦*• ’ZT- w.y »«d W *«•&. 7** ~ v My 1 Dr. (guts Muißß lljlg 1 JB if No loss of tins* durian wllflfl H ti-etnient 9HH 1 *-'.bftahsd tv year* m mBM th* »ain- offl-ea I NO 1-2-3-4 ( hambwr «f Ml | Commerce RttUdii*. BWI !ml " 9 * H -Mrs to u< it t Blp fl • « Saturday and Sunday. IB to to 1] THa %»n« CNm Nstk J Th« Wailwtshar —"Lofa havw B liumper of milk punch in honor tflßf your birthday It’s a small gift, m£B tbe l»«M 1 can glv<- this vanr." * 1 The Rumhound- ‘Ah. but 1 <M*B predate the spirit that la In H” , I I'ROPOSAI.S WANTED™ 1 1 March IS. lilt -g Healsd proposals wtU ba rmnUfl Sths Village Council of ths VtitaSSfl <Jr.-sa<* Points Park. Wajmt Mich., up to S:6(> o'clock p. as.. day, April I. 1017. said proposals tn ,1 be for furnishing all labor, tosls. 9Ws« tsrtai. etc., and doing all work ssimß narv u> construct Latoral Be wars igw the alleys betwean Maryland AiWnBM nor and Nottingham Road. •■■■§ •outhsrl/ of Mack Avtnut, accorgHlgf'3 t<- plans and spsclfioatloaa on flftsßHl the offloe of tns Village Clark. ,ff Kach proposal must be scoompan* M la.l by a cartlflsd check made pay«eM able on Ita face to tJ»« VtlkiV d#B i Irosse Polnte Park. In ths penal awnh'M • f Three Hundred (109} Dollars aaWM < back to bs forfeited to aald ▼UmSlFii in .-me the stircssaful bidder fail# Imß enter Into contract with said vlßiujngi 'V’th'n ten <10) days after ths «on*B tract hae been awarded to bins, Plans and profile oan be seen awjfl the office of the Vl flags InylsMK M Thomas M Cbm pan. Iff > Tfl. e Bn Mine, Detroit. Mich. I The right Is resorvsd to rofodt ansP m or all bids. •% PAGE 3