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PAGE 4 Brawn and of a toy are not :'v-/t'Bb out of booka or dcr Kl Thoy are built out HMI that supply in well l|||jtatoced proport ion and in form every nerdeil |S|f§stoEnt. These elements tab in SM4M Wheat lifteMfc. a real whole wheat |¥taW which contains all the HEptcrial for buildinf the A perfect food HHf growing youngsters. K crispness encourages HBharoufh chewing whic* E&seefops sound teeth and HEjiad thrive on it. It is §SiOdy-cooked and ready-to For breakfast or any with milk or cr* am. ■fete)* at Niagara Falls. N Y. Em TO LAY rCORNERSTONE HhfeaMMiy At New Salvation Pf'lrav Rescue Home §| rfc+WiD Be Elaborate eorn**r>ton*- oi the Salvation Res*-'!*- home and litm«i ml Ron *t aud the Boule>ar<l |Kfn be laid Sunday afternoon si j|pHp||ock The *too- »ill bt plac.-d P*y° r Man or the mens advisory nmiiii! be in chargr of the c**t<- and the shaken will in William ALord firs’ HHappreaWlent of the Woman* auxi’ |K* Henry M I .eland of the men - Alexander M Damon Kbk 8 Barker and Marfa re* all of th* New York bran !i jb~ Salv4 non army The i itad*! §Mp will furnirh muair Mira. Grace Buhl Moffatr* gif o' EH* oW Buhl hoinentrarl hiu] k" .f 1 jjHhgf feasible the erection of 'he H Jtaecue home hospital Th ||Hfter bn Mine atll coat about !:><>.- will accommodate about HBfrson* lla aim it* to provide »tul fetom protection and training for un HHptojd* Jtouag Kiris and women HHjpWeU as for infanta and children ||K* e>xiea Into the world under ad Hpbh elrcem stances Hi nominal *e of well knows l>» u*ea and w omen a ill raise i». to equip the building Con ■HtoiMoaM from the public will tv ■Hpalooioed and nu) b* mad* to Bjfljtefcard P Joy, National bank <>f Sl'A* ©Sheer* convention of th<> and Indiana province |gKe gtelvanoft army will he held ntf • . J and tltade; Th*-_ convent iou Hglll «b*- j (resided o'er *hy t dlotnel Hlw— Poart chief .ecratarv of farce, in the ea«te-n Hmm and among th leading ;dfta Will be Colonel Alexander St ■Hanon of N»« York, and < olon-l E Kimball of rietadk. Sessions ||H the cob vent ion » II be held Mi.r afternoon and evening anJ f&Hiaoday raomlnc .md afternoon Mapp will gtve an lecture on T o ■kTDGE GIVES GIKI. gpASH.NOT VERDKT KffSW YORK Match « -Judic* ■;rW*~ Car nan (on Cabell waikinc. the bench in Passaic N J aft M Redding a ur. n«• • ■pi Daiav Can In. of No 310 Monro handMj the little air! a roil of fJßlill* He had been touched by the condition of the child Hfc'Tha flrl sued A * .1 Fried mar damage* reeultinc from brine WMt In front of her home bv truck J wd a* i mbe]i Maine; her claim »k a rm 1 UWnferenc* nf Rotary dub* of Hr In gland and Pattern Wm U> he held today at Ptmului'v Hit 1., under the a't«t>»<M-«. of the club of that city. Rllchool Cloak Rooms B Are Germ farrier* | flat' |g§jk k jlkf\ uftAyT#»t i ivi/in (wfi\ n / ii i ilftll !■■ \mUY' LMm ml f lift VI Hl f ITf /I f || sH>l iusfl XZ3VM y uji wirm the r**t trmm *k» KHkOWI w»e bet** t»r~+4 «*4»r fbe «••• «» tbr* ihr gjiti mi «Nft 4«-« ***«»u • « FRICK ASKS FOR 18 MORE INSPECTORS Local Immigration Chief Prepares to En force New Law MANYPROBIaEMS ARE PRESENTED Much Confusion Will Result, Is the Pres ent Outlook Foreseeing a gTeaf Increase In the amount of work to be done after the new Immigration act. with Its literacy test, goes in'o effect, t! Oliver Frick, chief United States immigration Inapector In Detroit, has applied to hia headquarters in Washington for an Increase In the number of inspectors for ibis dl* tiict which wilt aliuoat double ihc force If it ta allowed, There are now 22 inspectors In [Retroit. and Fnrk has asked for 18 more The Increase Is necessary, not 1 only because of the increased work required because of the literacy test, but also because of a rhang affecting the entrance of persons firm Canada. Under the old law. a head tax of |4 la imposed on persons en'erm; from Canada, but exemption tx made for thowe who have lived on-, year or more in the Dominion Th* n* s act requlrws that a head tax of 8k be paid by all aliens entering from C anada. As ibe act now stands. aJI persons who rome tr even temporarily are required to de poalt the fee They are given ar* ft nd slip, which insures them tbo return of their money If they go beck to Canada within the specific! time. SO days. What Is to be done with th-* Uousands of Uanadians who cxwr tt Detroit to work each day is a problem which government offlciala are now working on Latest repor*« h;.ve It that identification card-* bearing the full and« script ion aa<! photograph of the dally oommutu will be issued However, no dvfl n'te decision on this phase of the problem has been reached as yd. According to Mr. Frick, a vast amount of work wtli be required . * catch hundreds of foreigner* who will try to gain entry Into this couu try from Panada by slating that they are here "temporarily." To distinguish between these and the Canadian residents who corns to work, or shop, nr piay is one of th* big irohlems which confront 4 the immigration inspector Before claaalflrationa are mad<*. it will become necessary to halt ai most every person who crosses the river to Detroit. The literacy teat also will entad much more work on the pan of the inspectors Syrians Pole*. Italian*-, and FTench-Canadlan* come Inn this country via Windsor by the hundreds each year. Many of th***** and many of other nationalities arr unable to read or write. Mr Frick realises that there will be a greater and« mand for the services of expert and he la considenr: this in making his demands for more assistants. **l expect there will be some dis ftfulty when the law goes into ef fect May I." said Mr. Frick, “bu with an increased force of inspect ors. we soon will have things well ir. hand." Evening Up. Mrs. Newlywed —“lf you hadn't madl ms dent this cream pitcher by throwing it at you we might give It to Belle and Jack when they §»-► married' “ Mr Newlywed -"Give It to them, by all means' Jack Introduced u« and Belle gave ua the pitcher' It will be retributive Justice Hope Almost Abandoned When She Found Remedy Dr. Caldwell's Svmp Pepsin Rrlifvn Chronic Cane of lamijj Standing After a long perl»«d of suffering with llrer and bowel trouble that brought on piles. during which ah* had tried many remedies withou’ oh talning reltef. Mr». Mary J Jewell, of Berrien Spring*, Mich. heard of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and ob tamed a bottle from her drugglat Thla wimple, Inexpensive laxative compound brought almost Immediate reltef and Mrs Jewell wrote to Dr. Caldwell about her case. In her letter Mre. Jewell aaya. “I bad tried ao many things for the pllea. without being helped at all, I had about given up hope of ever be ing any better. I knew It wae the condition of my boweia that caused 'hem, and after I had taken n bottle of your Syrup Pepsin I knew It «u Jwet the medicine I needed I am very grateful to you for Bending me tha little hook -the advice and irv itrvtUNi It give* would t»arh any one how to get well and bow to keep wall" Dr Caldweli'i Syrup pepsin la a combination of simp)* laxative herba with Ptfttn, frw ffooi opiii# or nir eoda drug*, and te mild and geotle in Me art lon. bringing relief lB * n WAR WOULD ROT HALT T CAMPAIGN 1 Quest for Million to Go On Even In Face of Conflict NEED IS GREAT FOR BRANCHES General Chairman Larned Announces Committees Will the Y M c. A campaign for 11,000,000 for the building of new branches thruotit Greater !»e trolt b** halted if the nation should f.rd It.-elf in a state of war* This la one question that has been , avked numerous times since it w-ns , announced that the big movement would be launched on April 2C. with the determination to acquire the de sired sum within seven days The answer is an emphatic -No." Furthermore, the need of a more extensive field of activity will ; be greater if war conies. It is ex plained. Tor the work of the “Y has b**n to build up the character the body, and the patriotic spirit of young men which, after all is the foundation on which rests The efli cl* ncy and success of an organlxed bo*ix of fighting men This *• the opinion of Philip H Gray, president of the association Alonso P Fv mg. treasurer, and lh A G Stnder, metropolitan sec re , tary. “Th** work which the Y. M C A has done tn developing the loyalty, patriotism and character of men will be of Inestimable value If. | tn the end our men must be ratled on to serve the nation." said l>r. S’uder "Next to the war Itself, tin blgg*‘st thing In Kurope today is the work that is being done by thv \ M U A for some 9.00Q.0*'0 Bim in 'he trenche'*. In the mid-t of slaughter and conditions which do not tend to npllft the averag * man. morally spiritually or physl- | caiiy. the Y M C A has done a j n< hie work !n administering io the n* eds of the soldier* This work i' cj rrled on her* in n-ace titties, and *t cannot be dropped even tenu»or ar.ry For five year*, we have planned on extending our work tnio ■ all parts of the city by establishing branches. It was five rears ago 1 that the first delegation from HUh ls nd came to the association ojfkrvnf v*ked Qmt a branch bw. bu It there "We have never ceased to work » or the development of our plan. When Michigan went dry last No- j vember we realised more than ever j before that something must be dol" to furnl«h a dean substitute for the saloon Our branches and the ■ smaller branche-i whiih will b , gathered around them tn various nelgbtxwhood- will solve the prob lem. Thev will furnish 'he amuse menu the exercise, and the com i p. monship a yotint man desires, and in ;tddltion provide him witn 1 means of reading anl studying or of arquirin* a technical education that sill make him better able to hold his piacr in the world With th»* rrice of building materials and wages on the increase. $1 000 000 a conservative amntint for such a p-oject. and we know that Detrm'. prosperous and awakened to anew s( irit of civic ioyai'y will <*tand bv u<* In this movement “ Pr-sldent Gray ha* announced the arpointmenta of *h<* following com m tteemen who will work with Gen eral Chairman Abner K larned Campaign commiMee Harry I, Pierson. vit;e president of the Nay lor Pierson Hough company Rich ard H Webber. A A Higgtnsnn Philip H. Gray *rd hr A G Htuder Publicity committee -t'harle.** A * eaay. natural way. without griping, or other pain or dlatnmfort Drugglat a everywhere sell Dr Caldwe||> Syrup Pepein for fifty cento a bottle To avoid imitations and Ineffective aubatltutea be sure yon get Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin See that a facsimile of (it, Caldwell s signature and hla portrait appear on the yellow carton in which the hot tie ia packed A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 4SS VVaehing ton St , Mob'lr*-lto Illinois DETROIT TIMES Hughes, secretary of tba Dwtroit Athletic club, rbaiiman. Henry T Kwald president of tbe ( arapbeli khrald company, Andwrwon. view-president of the Hupp Motor far corporation. A. P Swing, gen eral manager of the Highland Park Btate Bank of Dwtroit; C. C. Win ntngham advertialng tuanagwr of the Hudson Motor Car company R*l ward Fltagerald. secretary to , Mayor Mara; H. C. Walker, of Walker A Company; Harr? W Ford, prewldent of the Saxon Motor Unr corporation. Joseph Meadon, preai dent of tbe Franklin Press K Roy Pelletier, advartlalng counsel A R Jewett, of tbe Ford Motor Oar company; Scott Hughes, of the J L. Hudson company; Juaapb Mack of the Joseph Mack Printing honaw To our char** Cu»tom*r* 4 JL * Detroit’s Largest All purchaaea made Haturda* * . _ account, payable oa Ma> l. Men 9 $ and Boys' Apparel Store Superlative Easter Apparel The Finest Ready-for-Serviee Garments in the World for Men and Young Men— The keynote of our maiterful oihiUte Fine Suits and Outergarments *ls to *SO Special Easter Offering— Men’s and Young Men’s Fine Spring Suits and Overcoats The moat wonderful array of correct models, rich fabric* and wwarwa. beau i tifu! patterns and colors we hav* ever shown ExtraordtfMtry apparel value* *2O *25 *3O Immaculate attire for the Easter Promenade (foarth Floor) Special showing of Fine Worsted Trousers for Easter—slso, $5 and $7.50 Birds' Quality Clothes for Boys a „ . hertng of smart fanhiona in fine wool aha see top coats v\^D^r reefer* Remember we control ,K *vf ■in Detroit of tbe ltsd*mg Smirr* of Confirmation Special—bot»-Fi,, $1 /\ Blue Serge Norfolks Rome with vest*. Smart Juvrnilc Apparel for Ranter — For mti. aSoma fto A v\v» A\ r \ - \ stFlse we've ever Ahown Beautiful mixture* m a *\ \\ \ v - V * Wide range of new patterns Many with vesta. , 1 Extra Value* $lO and $13.50 Othar grades to •Ur Easter Hat f Sir rnSpH r_ Wonderful showing of Ms * !l[ I l . We offer you choice of thousands of the UeM Children’s Easter |( j: j hats in the world both foreign and domestic. > Huemm u. W { Headwear l n a# ' \ D WonderfwJ Variety Stetson, Knox, and Borsalino Hats * TW *itrss»dniary vaiu*. A Wonderful Ya later Showing of Smart Fashions Our Own Bird-Special Hatw— Exceptlonal headwear A Jl urnishings *3 and $ 4 IS? Shirt*. Nwekwear. Blouse* V Hoelery. Olovea. Etc . Etc A Auto and Golf (’ape of every description I / • mfh * rl> * of cor I (Quality Hand Lukk&K* y J For Easter The Celebrated Hanan Shoes (Hole Detroit Agents) Our Own Continental Footwear Wonnn ful showing of spring fashions for Men and Young Men Featuring Saturday - t*7 Koko Brown Continentals at • t>n< < f ths -.-aeon’s moat popular styles. Women’s Fine Easter Footwear The Celebrated Hanan Shoes Our (iwn Continent*!* Tne cleverest fashions we have ever shown Boys’ and Girl’s Fine Shoes For Easter Correct style -exceptional Values $2.50 to $5 the pair John P. Keys, of th* Detroit United railway; M. J Adam*, of WlltUuu A. N«wr 4 Company. Wllltem 8 Pow er. of Power. AJ«-xa*der a Com p* n y, and R C Fowler. Detroit City Qas company Ring Tfgrw OR Hi# Finger. Wyo.. March F M Johnson, of Howard, while jumping from a hayrack to the ground th* other afternoon, bad th* misfortune to loee a finger Mr. Johnsons ring became caught tn a nail when he Jumped, and tha flt.ger vu torn completely off at th* first Joint. He waa at once brought to town to hava hia finger attended to. and a physician ampu tated tbe member at the second Joiat WORKER WINS STRANGE SUIT John Dsbiaaki, Tho Paid $4,000 for Injurlo*, Award ed SI,OOO More by Jury A Jury ta Judge CcUlaffwoodM court Thursday afternoon returned a verdict for 110.000 la favor of the Albert A. Albrecht company against the Whitehead A Kale* Iron works, in a suit which la believed to have i*t a precedent for Michigan in workmen's compensation litigation. Tbe case la 'he outgrowth of an j-ccldent which befell John TVblnakl. %o employ# of th# Albrecht com Wonderful Showing of Finn Easter Haberdashery A groat gathering of correct ac«ssories. Every article measuring up to the high atandard of quality demanded by thia store. Special Easter Offerings BIRD-SPECIAL CUSTOM SHlßTS—stik sad Uses Hoff French Toff* Beautiful pattern# and |rM <olor» An exceptional chowing at w BFTAI TIFTL SILK FOl R-IN-10ANDS iitrt quality *tik Stripe* Leaf and Flower pattern*- Evary wanted color $1.50 All t»a*a clip racy nock band*. Unusual vatao* at I— BIRD-SPECIAL GLOVES— Cap#. Mocha. Kid and Chamois Irory. Gray and Tan: plaia or «mbrold«rod . s^.so back*. Very special showing fc BIRD-SPECIAL SILK HOSE — rail faahloned. double *ol«a and hlph apllced b##l* and to#* Perfect flUlng CC- Extraordinary value* Saturday at ...» ft Store Open 171-178 Wo»4wH Av*.—D«tr*it’* Larp#*t Ct#*h»ar* ' FRIDAY, MARCH *O. I*IT. l*aay. who waa surxark oa th* hnefe by a failing girder which tree being erected by the Iron works Deb la •kl obtained, under the c impNnsa tioe not, $lO per week tor 40C week*, and hia employer paid this anna The Albrecht company seed the Whitehead A Kales company tor toe $4,000 It paid to Debtaokt and sack other damage* aa might be awarded to Deblnalcl Tbe Jury decided that $4,000 waa not taflalent and added the additional SO,OOO tor **paia and suffering " do tar as could be learned, this la tbe first time such action haa been taken in tkt* sUte. It probably will result In a fe*t oaee before tba •• r tenia court ~^3=2: LOCKED UP 53 TIMEB, GOES TO WORKS AGAIN fluk I——, wko pivt kl* U dreoe M Me ltl ItitMt . before Polka Joetloe Kellers Tfcurt 4*y the* he U 4 b««i orreet r 4 IS tI«M Hi* rHoH W of fomeoo Is m>l>*4 to staple lores*> becftat. drookeeoess and rogroac' Ho woo orrootod Wodnoedey nlftx for Ho *u Ml to tl« Detroit Hm*« of Correction moo a or*, tor i 10*07 tom. Children Or 7 rat ruicmi g.ASTQSIA