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PAGE 8 ■unke, Boland or Cunningham V W AXAHACHIE. Texas March 30 Rd rnrKin iJCi to shine for tb* Giants in the Tiger series that «i*ni» ««■ ■ I*o bock*ro<'i> with ver> Interesting baseball histor •*« « n>- ■% Hu. n«fu»- i. Robeson The other . a - oub . nan who has bwcoine very prominent in the baseball »»»' BT.JI .1 .iTurns He may shin this war «>r b. a shut* K whole ,ut ■ JJ dnp* .* bubbling around Mm *«»w mime I* He la the hero of the ■ Shush" ball, and i.“ the W>«t sensation to startle the bus ■ 2225 K^. h «.Tcn: "•■■'■ ■"*'•." ■ *r.a V.»«. °V .c .*.«< - -- : ?r: - '-•» t n oO. arneu WO rk. 1:n k ■ ■'•>u av^ol Hpi a loac string of "k 0. In Z r4a" notation- H » aa they say IB the movie screen. on > in tb* nx' >*" would be m’ «e pel led Tb- recants for ’be w- turn to page bl wheie.T •-1 - p,,h ng arhuno of New York, who hue hui <1 1 • • i,,d *"* T taJltS to e«£ only Jo the extern , r .. - V r one so. RKtoe m».nr It U the moel aatomttoc Hb Thia veoxaned little southpaw la similar to Howard Etoke In »*>■*»■'• BL-te. .w* P( >a»oii of 1915. Ebmke was with the Buffalo l* . >'» *** HEESaIy |aat In that horrible league. with a record '• r* einmar h> WESf* Htocomebrk was Just as brilliant amt *ven nmr. .ntpr-a.*e bu , „ was made chiefly u. a minor I ague This year B»W»rd haw a chance to puU a Schupp in the majors. and **-en s very likely K The Story of Schupp Ikpiuia Kerdte bov cosies from the wandlots of Louis' BB wfvea a trial hr Cincinnati early m the prmg of 191-. and bu» iS&Siem* was soon assured tor he was promptly canned bv f K* ' n a ßy player who la chased from Ctnry is on the road to fame. ‘V-* la a sure sign be Is • coming star The good player* in ’he N» who wore aot scorned a' Clney hi aonie ' me in 'heir career upon your digits From Ctncinnaii. S*bu;>p wen- io 'he Hnb tn the Three-Kye league Chick Fraser *ho managed *h»‘ that roar aavs ihat when firs' called upon >chupp »*nt i;> r trousers of faded gray and a brigh' red shirt »>th / ;t r i amateur across the chant. The game had n> be hal'ed while Ferdte g COUne of Inatructlon on wtiai was being *-«rn ' n polne pgtdle never drea»e<i then that he would pla' '*’ ,K ’ 1 , ** n '-* HnEst a violet trimmed 'uni" that wouW msk. tn> <l. bu'an e >"»n l'*ok Hb a cotorleaa mg. M gcbopp wan quite a guy in 1512. He won TZ and lo*' 20 games for in a abort aeason. and made two new records for the league One baana on balls and the other was 266 strikeouts Tha’ fall I'mk win, was scooting for Mcilraw boiight Schupp for rh. '.’.ants and an Walter llolkn. the first bnsenian who came up ta-o reason KJSS U 1 tn 24 games. 26 of which were the % ...n K gntaWished anew world record for baseball conquest. I Four Years a Giant 800 qh seasons licit raw carried this littie fellow Schupp- and for Ihnne and n half this Fertile bov didn t do a lick of work for j B* HoGraw Dnrlng 1512 and 1514. the boy did noi even get into th» B rncorda He manifestly t>.t a million dollar arm. and .usn a Kre-ge bargnia noodle Ln the meantime up came "Rube* Schauer HSgUJggg memory, who promptly teamed with Schupp Thi* pair were "lif I hanoh" twins, and 'bat was * wonderful !»•*« r; ' »f th«-m theti rams secure a* the wore pitch.-- m •- Nstions' the momorable slump came just .if -- >t.«: •un of 17 vtr Kan an tfc* road McOraw unleashed awld - •■.ns ■! >n h«u- - attipped to Louisville It was onh hick grhstpn w«ro parked up nr* gtd gat a wonderfgl dressing down, phrased in h. ’he e-^uen* gg Mctiraw i coMMmT For once he wh? out kidde.l He ■< amp* red ffSa alab tifta a acare rabbit. 1 and demonstrated thH< ->\»r r-rht hr- had ■Lpg to be the worst pitcher tn the world and had become the best ■■gull gebaaer won a pennant for Hill t hraer a’ l -*»u* ■ 'd * h.« ■RS»r Coanie Mack for this, seaaon m Whether or aot Schupp will repeat this vest i« one of ’he interesting Bbkalafloaa of the spring It Is rumored that during the winter, a famous flagaca performed on Ferdie* head one of th<.ee operation- 1 na* n:e -up Bgto make Intellectual giant# of voting iron *bo h-td not .-r;.. h-*-n BgM ta that reapect If thla is true, there is a chance for our hero Hgfigorß saw Schupp only once last spring That was in a game with Kotata at Waaaharhie He Started the rnnte*' and i-'.-d 'hr-e ■ n .nice Ttge bad accumulated seven hit* three stroM- anl ftv- run day until the mid-summer afternoon when k* rdi>- »a< -pnnkie-1 BEpatar duat. McGraw would have given Schupp »o the fir«t fellow who ■Md have carted him off Bui Mac never had h chance to g»• i.. r, •«.«. ■ The Story us Robertson Hlh 4VT SOBBRTSON in one of thr genuine of rbr \« . n.,i „ ■ He plays right Arid In th« fa*t. rt ou'fi.ld of •»>,. . ).• * * mWm down hie end mitgn'fi.-.-nfly H** l» * whai*- of def.-n-iw n:*n n |t)h bitter in rhr*r day* wh*-n - - - • • • •-• • H.OU7 ut|x«>r far above the average Dave wm a college boy playing an assumed name in an outlaw league in Virginia w h*- 1 . \f.-<lraw fir«t him This wa* ais years ago In those days Robert non tree a |HiM4ad pfttcber. He war also a football star <>oe of the b« st * Hyer knew When be Vent bark to college In the fail of 1911. he acted a suggestion of McOraw> and tried to withdraw from too’ bail HK Dave found that In order to e-u-ap* th* n»> » w..ij and r.- u HLgpfl his real reason. That would have him a* a professional HaP flayer who was using sn assumed nan *■ to protort h - amateur stand |K pa be played football and broko hie * oh..’ b<*n*- That hmshed h:« days, but Hrt.raw dldn t know that Mo n I :.* i'M* Napoleon had Roberts..! the sOUthp:.M piM Inriß [>[-•-!•*•' to »*»»-r -1 w Vnktn t give up Mar gave Robertson hi* salary for the season of and compelled him to rest absolute!*, Again in 1913 he took Pave HTaamp Kit Robertson couldn't piu h that \*a it' .n batting pno *• h> « apped ball all aver the county. MHlraw bad .1 bunch ll*- (*»nt 1 >avy down where Mtke Finn, Tiger trout of renown, wa- managing the Finn bad instruction* to make an outfielder of the \outb Mik* ■T la 13.'* games, Robertson hit .333 and stole S7 base.- Back to New Hjfirk be rame la 1914. He played *he outft*-ld In 1 and ha-t< and Hi 1913 be was a regular and hit 394. luiring th. rtM' winter bob.-n-on Hgt bUBs. ff again This time he wounded hi** g and wa laid up during training aeaaon with water on lhe kmc. 1 U -Aid that th. -am* ail has returaed to a slight degree fhir spring Ir. any event !>«** didn t ■port last year nHI the neaso nsUrted H* wae th* batting hero of * HP*Aff heir tret road trip last year. He hi* w«lt all on, Om-hi* g w th ■Kseord of *O7 K Thorpe May Do Likewise Ht ti thia experience wtth Roberson whirl- >• re*pon«|h|r for 'o- g Ht trial McGraw is giving Jim Thorpe, th. Indian ruper-s* hle*e. and K'IMMrOM other voting men whose abii.M ... . A konil ‘isl\ rju--■ ,o- ed |V -He Giant leader Will discard a lot Ot f. |\ p,.»»r« ng *alenf in n hast. Kh wme he takes a shine to a young player. h* will hang on for y-ar> ■ t This la the fifth season for Thorpe and the r. I*km 1« ss helpless on a ■pvt ball aa be ever was. Hut Mar won't let go. Vet five year', ago. he Prnie Shore to a Texas league dub for nothing Said the pitcher all right, bat that the kid wouldn't report until June . of his 4MJg9t. and that he dtdn t wan* 11 v oung h*-,.v« r* - 1 m on HLllatlooal leaguers have a statement from Hans Wagner wht. h will Sffbt on the unexpected otin m. n' «.1 1>. r n.. | *um Hp|. Says Hon us Ki*. Money-haan t anything to d«» w i'h n, ; ; j. i Hr Mm taairy clause ia the contract offered me. but I am not satisft. U Hr. I will be hi aondition to go thru snofii. 1 h,.! 1 , ■ ffSgaonff. 1 - Sill lam satisfied that I osn v< to ■ . him! it t) n v>-.. Msntag rnpaslf. I will wot sign that Wagner i» Ptrste luaiiagei and ' ,• a • . lm«ae la oil laodr aiac# be <j in n„ NEW BALL BIVES MORE DISTANCE 20 >ards More Is ( laim For Recently Invented Golf Pellet Anew golf ball, which, it is claimed, will give an additional 20 or 26 yards thru the green, is the attention of New York golfers and sport writers John An deraon of the New York Sun says ho believes that with such a ball ! all the beat tests of golf tn this (Ouniry wilt be rendered ineffec tive a* championship courses For itae past eight years manu facturer* have been working to turn out golf balls which would carry and roll farther than those msde the previous year, and in almost | all i a*es have succeeded This lias necessary the lengthening o: many of 'he best .Tbwaee and the ronaoqiient expenditure or miy h j money in order to brio* them un i to championship standard. In a way the situation has been ana.ogoiu* io that pertaining b* • tween the armor makers and rho*#’ enraged ln the construction of pro joctlles the constant ambition of the ball makers necesscattnc a lengthening of golf courses, and course architect* believing that the last step In the long hie log ball had been ranched With the an no-mewment that the latest ball will add at leaat ?0 yards to the ordi naty players distance, it can be s irmised how much It will add to the distance of the profemdonals and the best amateurs The legen dary ’par" probably will go the way of "bogey." and the best play er* should have no trouble in get ting around the longest course a couplr of strokes lower. Chick Evans' 256 score in win Bin the nations! open champion ship last year surprised the Mlnlk hada member* One perfect round h something to marvel at. but Chick played four rounds of the Mtnikbwda course in two strokes less than pair. ~ Pre-Scaaoit Remit* At Louisville— Ina ne- 1 *l4t« TIS —R H T. >4 ash ton ta t t * | on t— « ? 0 Cincinnati t t A « s 0 ! 1 1— 5 * a Batteries Bhsw Dumont. Am smith »nt Henry, Jtchneider, *an<tera and Hyhn. At Uttla Roeg inntnea 1 2 14 14 7* S—R H E It 4() 4 | 4n A— j t a Boston . M 4 4 (I M 4 • S»A Haltertes rvil. «'adore. Mavera and. Miller P*nn«x k. Kutb, Agnrw. Cady and Thomas At Ala.— Inmnc- l 2 7 4-5*7 *, S— R H E .R'tlon' , liioijAiot ;«» X T.*xk .a laiat 44 a— F}» <t Batteries - Rudolph. Hornes. Trie, and Tro*r *ec. etiawkey, Russell. Neunamaker and Walters. At New Orleans nmngs I t I 4-I•-T I 9 Rff I Cleveland AAWA2*i*t • s 2 N Or lean a J • » • « • L « *— « < Batterie* RechliM Covelewkfs and B1lhn»* Ketly. Williams G Miller and Mtansbury rHICAGO March 30 —Miss Jos*' phlne Holmes, a Northwestern uni versity creed holds the world’s re< ord for the girls' fco-yard tow hurdles today Sh* go» over ‘he sticks In 73-5 seconds at the indoor meet last night. Ambitioufl IV \ HH \ FREDDIE AN AON He is from Portland »»re, and « s brother of the faniout- “Bud'’ An derron. who set the fistic world afire a few years ago H* has started out to wm the lirhtweigr-: championship for the Andervon femlly. "llud ’ Andervon traveled far in th* pugilistic world He beat a 1 conaers until he ran up again-*! Cross and lost to the New York dentist Shortly after this de feat he <|uit the ring and turner! hi attention to his Vantouver. Wash, ran. h. and tirotber, Freddie. Freddie has bad a number ,f h..ttle« around lhe northwest and ir j Ttxas, and has not met a be.M man up to da*e. DETROIT TIMES Will Slab in First Bout With Giants This Afternoon ANECDOTES OF PRIZE RING HEROES BY NOTED REFEREE Every body knows that -Spider" Kelly ha* a sharp tongue and a ready wit. The “Spider ’ proved this many a time during his career in th«- ring and when behind fighters. *BB One could ncvei i»-ll the "Spider’ going in spring net He had a different » ome ba< k every time ° n r night I refereed ago between Jack Johnson and M Saui McVey Kellv «*h- -econdlng Mt \ev and living m lu niakv tbc tv. ot After while McV.-v *>' s, rn kiiled nr nut he <l been munieii i.u' five Sam begin- tn oi*en his A Lot- .and rir-t aid w-tk broMKht h:m up m a dated mWN§ condi’ ion and he sm v * K•i !\ V\ na’»* .»> adraw ' K• lull) hi -* 11(111 »*><i V"U HHBBHf ; »n« * bbbf ■ Week-End Games Will Be Final Hockey Tilts at Arena All Stars of Toronto Will Oppose De troiters Detroit hotkey fau-. have lust two more change* to s* e thetr favorite li* me plavnd here thir sea-on and Mnue great sport will be dished up for them in the (Ln.ils with the O. M A. \II Sti.r* oppo mg th»* Detroit Hot key club and S.itiAdav The All Scars have let»o picked ftoro the beat pi-yer* in the province of LHitario. which Is a hotbed for the wmte lastioi- anl bcaats some great pa-’iruere It will be onr (otubm-ng speed. .. ggresslv eness. brain and brawn ami the tmals will have to show something real :n the way of hochevtng to arrive no the proper en l of tb** numerals on this go These game- should prove big ruller* Th» y should not only prove firal-claas a. tractions from a cotn petitlve standpoint bu» al-o give an epponunttv for the bo* key fans to express th*-r appreciation of the good hockev furnished by tb** lot ala in a substantial manner Included :n the All Stars cneup will be H irrv W vt.-on, of the Aurm Lee»; Hodgen* and Boi, of the C hami-ion Dentals, all three speed .hovs de lure. The team waa select id by Man. ger Huston, of the To lonto Arena, an I | made up of i lavers h-- roMkivn the oe*t at their reap»*ctive posltlor**. Additional attractions for this f* rle* will be skating exh'bitioci* be tween periods of the games hv Ha* lev Davidson, one of the cruntry't Our Newly Enlarged Ready-to- Wear Section is Ready for Easter Formal Opening Saturday Thf fnormous growth of our nuit and overcoat busings haA necessitated the alteration and en largement of our quarters three time* in as many year*. We now have two second floor room* thrown into one lartr*. liuht. airy display room devoted to Spring Suits & Overcoats at *ls to *35 We invite every man and young man in Detroit to t*e present at our ojrening tomorrow and look over the thousand- o' fine garment* in this big. inviting collection Rich cheviot* and tweeds in newest effectv Broun, blue, gray and green novelties— plain and fancy serges and rough cheviots— mixtur* - and striped worsted*—at SIVS2(VS2.VS3O-S3o ai 1 S4O. If ATO S<' 4 ; n<l stiff hats in ex- I l/\ IO t m.. conservative >ha;e—all the newest # O and r T , in , o r-o made special heavy 1 11LO fh.e# that we might hr r, ] the finest lot of tic. e in Detroit at DDC Ru.shing the Season— FtmtlMill Game To Be Staged Sunday BOCI.DF.R. Colo , Mar* h 3') \ ftiotball game will be played Sunday when Coach M C. Evan** Colorado State university grid der* Journey to Fori Collins, Colo, to clash with the Colorado Aggies. Only non letter men will be used The stunt Is part of the spring training < curse to deter mine ability of candidates for the regular fall team. for* meet cihibition skaters and an added skating session Saturday, the final da* of «katmg at the Arena thia season. The session Batn-dav will be eitended io midnight BILLITER WILL MEET STEVE GRAF HERE APRIL 11 Sam Jordan sends word from To ledo that he has matched Johnny Dllitter. champion lightweight wrest ler of the world, with Btere C»raf, of Detroit, the contest to be staged ! n the Moore temple tn Detroit on the night of April 11. L'llliter won the belt from Eugene Freinblav la M*»ntrenl tn 15*»*. DllHter hut V fe*ted the greatest light weigh*.* in tke country. If ik* I ■itk*r* rmm SsNwr .»■> mt Ik* k*avr binias after April II tfcsf • hr* hn»* k- ra 4wl«* Iw pranlr* gaatr* It's galas ta W <-aaal4ffakP k*lg la krrflag Ik* IkWwavaaa wp • a*gg ik« elite. SPECIAL EASTER OFFERING Suits Overcoats 5 13.50 ‘13.50 Eve’T* o«* of thf*# a r« new spring styles, fabrics end patterns. Two very *pr .< group* *Hith we have arranged for the week before Eastern •otter see these. We bo ■% the beet Suite from the biggest line of Woolens ever shown In the City of Detroit t , 15ot| V WOODWARD AHD OOM4RKSS T«.l«r. Cl»*hk#r» Spitballer Anderson Probably Will Oppose Tiger Heavers Cobb Switched to Right As An Experi ment Bp HAROLD V WtLCOX (fif.i/T CorragpoaifeiU Detroit flan) FORT WORTH. Texas, March 30 Manager Jennings has decided that Meorge Onus* Is not yet ready for hard work on the slab, and baa ■witched hit pitching program for the first time of the series between the Tigers and Giants, which will be played at Fort Worth this after noon Probably two pitchers will be used, and they will be chosen from Ehrake. Boland and Cunningham The Tigers expect to face Fred An d-rson. the spitballer who gave them a lot of trouble last spring Heilman will play center and Cobli riebt, Hughey havtng decided to ex piriment with Ms outfielders in'his fashion at cmre Ha tried the change yesterday In a practice game. Cobb plaved all right, but Heilman booted a fairly easy chance Ellison will play second because Young's twisted ankle will not be strong again before Sat urday or Sunday I>yee will be at third Stanage or Spencer will catch The club broke camp early thin mi ming and moved to Fort Worth entire except foe Trainer TuthlH ano a few pitchers who will not be called upon today. They will go to Dallas this aflernoon Manager Jennings Is greatly pleased with the training ramp He c*mslders evervbod" in top condi tion except Dauaa, James and Mit chell There is no reason to worry about the laat two named because both hare been held bark a few days by the unusual ailmen* of sore feet. Both had to have a session with a surgeon They are all right now and w'H be ready In plenty of time for the season All that is wrong with Panes is his failure to continue to show the pepper he dis played early in the month. Cove Wkle asks only three more day? of hot weather and then promise, to be ready for s nine-inning game The other pitchers are fir rlgh now \j ■ rrobabljr the Giants will b* tor much for the Tigers for the first few games They have been down h*re a week longer than the Tlgei and hare played more games. Rtgnt nos they are ready for the season and sre simply marking time M« in it S.;X J FRlp AY , MARCH .10, 1017. ‘Thick” Kvaitn Seth He Will Retire At ftad of Summer BAN VUANCISCO. March 30. ’XTjlck" Evans, premier golfer Is goiug to retire t nill , tournament play at the end t»f the coming summer This ur nouncement wav made by the a tierlcan open and ama teur champion to frt»ndx Just b« fore his departure for the east. It was learned toduv Draw has devoted the past week to speeding up his machine, a task which Jennings expects to begin D-day. Cos til Cobb. Spencer. Heii man and Young get to hitting more tb% club will not he at top strength. The strength of these men Is well knwn. however, and aobatfy Is worrying. Red McKee leaves today for De troit. He has been notified that iio has been sent to the Ban Fran cisco club and will report on the c.-ast within the next two weeks. The deal was made from Dwtroi’ and change# Manager Jennina* pi..ns. altho llughev is Jus* as well ntisfied to have McKee go now as u« xt month The Tigers' closing amusement at Waxahachle was at alleged ball game between the Misfits and ihe Regulars, in which the lat*er were rhesred. 1 3. The victorious outfield consisted of MiUhell, Couch and Haiper with Flanagan, who has alreadv been M*nt home, the runner f>n the in field were two out fielders, a catcher and J one* third baseman, woo play ed short Why this fraud should have been perpetrated on *he sell meartng and peace lovtn* Inhabitants of the to ASU*' u... r_ _<■ .... l»*»l a** ■' si"* -i Hj.' .. .-j esiJaii'- HOCKEY TONIGHT * * and Tomorrow Night ADrilA Woodward MHLHM at Mandela AMI SKMRHTW O l (farrut it (onttnuoua Ito 11 w»n»r»« tl-M# (VffT 4223 ,H*l. 14-S-KU BBSS Q™ :r.,yn?t r: "Hie Brifr of Hitt" Mr». V«rnon WASHINGTON &££*&- mSL) THE BARRIER By REX BEACH£T'.w UANNIIR l£!V*yi Z atlm **‘ ANNA HELD fa tkr Ma*iral Jallftr. FOLLOW ME ur.r::,:: henry lewis Next Week—Seat* Now Selling EMMA DUNN | fa ffe* «#aa*a'a Hl«*rat f aatr4r Ml« “OLD LADY 31” I «TMN RKJtT KI.U IY tKUO' I IfH'lßff > Maffftalnr, niTTROIT TWalakt at till US IMUII 1M« *nf nrita?, 2iM HKIR V n. «4VAGK Olfn EVERYWOMAN Mrr PlUrtmMf la Qwrat nt law. ot#r«—Drama—Hutlral laaoritr Next Weok—Seats Now Soiling DAVID WARFIELD in hie greateal auooeaa The Music Master Prirra lIM la Mr, MAIM at a. r tat • P m. GEORGE M. COHAN la "Woinstt iOtM" Ktralat*. JT.-AOr. Mat terra. I*-Isr J * la ti.ia, TiM Ml Oilß VALENTINE VOX T—OTHPA UNI tT tIT*—T I Kltrr I’MllTll PLU«, IliM to 1:1*. Mat*.. lar-aRr. M«kt* llkr-«W».**r tta>nmg town community || a drop. Qark mynterv There writ only two worthy »rhtev.-iurui» during ihe entire run tert. Ttw** consisted of • drt'r Into deep left by Nicholson clearing the baa**a, and a force out of Mitchell at 11)11x1 which wm arnom plohed when Home Bush held Willie bv the l*elt while Umpire K A Batchelor's back wit turned. Batchelor Ined home f 15,<K>0 The team-* lined up ai follows: Second team —Nicholson, iKond *>••* Jon-a short ato|>\ Ktanage, third base; Crawford. flrs'kasc lUr per. left field; Couch. reVter field. .Mitchell, right field. Yell# catcher; Klannagan. pit• her Mret team Rush, ehortatop; *l - second t<aae, Cobb, right field. left field. Ileltman. renterfleld. Hume. first base Dyer. thlrdbaee. Kpencer, cat- her. J<>nee pitcher. iN'iirr hy Inning*: Second team 5 tl 0 0 I—4 4 1 Kliet team ... 10 0 1 g__| 7 j Hat ter lea- -Flanagan aau Telle, Jonee and Spencer. With the Pugs ***** YORK —ln spite of alt wf 'Tiarll# Whites failures to perform in « proper manner, when pitted against lightweight champions. he looms today n» the logical men to flglit it out with Benny I/>imsrd for the next tontt• distance .rack at Fred die W eleh a title, White took e eud den bound upward In the estimation <>f Sea York fight fens when he gave Frankie Callahan e sound beating in 10 rounds I’UCVI't AVr* t.e» r*arejr will not Oglu In Cleveland This decision was reai hed l««t night when Matt Hinkle announced that Gray s armory, which seats S.SOO persons, would he wholly inadequate Because of the email Beating rapacity Hinkle would he forced to charge prohibitive prleea It la now planned to match Darev attains* George Cedar Point. Ohio, tulv 4. *n it large arena. He ws« t" have fought Chip here April 1* SKW Ti">RK bailor Keller, west ern heavy w eight sod Tom <'r*w ler. lo< al seratip* r will figure ta one of the ait-round hoots being arranged for nett Wednesday night In Ibe Palace Sporting club. N'KW YORK The Broadway Sport ing club, of Hr 00k lyn. haa announced a 10-round match between Fddle Wallace and Irtah Patsy CPne. rival Sew York lightweights, for n*H Tuesday night AML IRMUTI MADISON Hn »c|w*\ Tkr Coatlnunua H Grand < fcaratlaa H Noon U Ptrli Pe>4iart lo 11 PM. U Edith Story and AntMteHtrtM ! IN Aladdin From Broadway *«f %|»T JINK* MinW i Frank Daalrla CaataAr» Harold lonrn 7“ I IIKMtnT-PtTMR WREKI.I || Klkrl ******** **nZammiii^ dALEXANDER CARR m in M An April Shower'* I-■ II llrrmatl 4 Imoraalk Ultfat MRorrk A lloolr y i « art 4 % aai Mr IJr arty A Karri Tlaa Xor'aritraai UlDatrlatttl flraa.i Maori o»r*f« i Vrrim BTfUgt, u.»4».fßr L ' vlWlfl MAT. ItT. MLMc Tkr meant Pkaa-Prat a# Ik# Ac* Mutt and Jeffs Wedding Neat Mark—NOtr HOPHIXL" AVENUE FALit* HIGH FLIERS*^* Itti Wrrkt n rottoa y Bratlrra. 1 f T Wj ” iin.Hi'ft i.rinrli«Lfil^^ tm r ipieolL nnyl* l.adlm Mntltiraa l#o knit ft ataaa A Wralfca. CADILLAC ■'.SWaiTim.. “HELLO GIRLS” Neat W##fei Tfct rktrakae Wldtw"