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The Detroit times. [volume] (Detroit, Mich.) 1903-1920, March 30, 1917, NOON EXTRA, Image 9

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FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1917.
Council Completes
Pruning of $10,000,000
From Requests
Board of Estimates To
Lop Off AC Least
Th# board of Mtlirsteo, wh/i It
convene)* April 8 to take up the
<s»»y budget figures as panned by the
council will bare before It estimate*
totaling $36,883,738 Os this amount
Al>out $16.000.000 la o be rain«*d by
bond lanue, the remainder te be pro
cured by direct tai levy. Thla leave*
about that the council
I .a left to go on the tax rolla un
Use the board of estimate* inter
vene* and does a very efficient prun
ing job. tn amount that is $2,000
<HX more than was finally allowed
by the board of estimate* a year
sfo to be ratted by both taxation
sod bond issue
Cut* made by the committee*
were followed In general b> the
council In committee of the whole,
the aggregate pnintng bv the alder
manic body amounting to less than
flff.UOO.OOtl from th» original esti
mate#. ahlch with ihe supplement
sin. totaled more thsn $46,000,000,
General crlilcl«m of the claim*' and
account* committee for having cut
more than $2 304),000 from the w hool
estimates groused Aid Albert Runs,
chairman, Thursda>. The total re
quests of the hoard of education
amounted to $lO 614.772 11.
"The board of education or any
one else ha* no to complain
l>»tau*e of the treatment - that the
school estimates re< rived at the
hands of the committee and the com
mittee of tiie whole." he said "Aft
er the council had finally passed on
•he figures. Supt Chadsey told me
that the council had treated the
hoard exceedingly well, and that he
was pleased with »h« liberality of
the aldermen "
Richard l.indsay, city clerk, who
ia a member of the new board of
estimates, predicts ihat after the
iMHird bf estimate* £ft* thru with
the figures the bu«lg< t Will he less
lba|i $10,000,0011 or s«,<V.)Oy|Mo le««
than as parsed by the council
Member* of the new board of esti
mates are the mayor, corporation
i ounael. city clerk, till lixaaurep
end controller. All ho their first
meeting is iet for Aprjl 8. It I* cx
peefed Iha* tbe> will star* work on
the figures as passed by the coun
ell before that date
Following are the amount* allow
ed by the aldeimen in the various
Detroit "Itv sink's* $444 4*4 7J
irter,st 4*4? *-X Si water commis
si as. 1T4.A00 street op-ping 1*.051.
contingent. s22s.tire department
retirement and pension, sjJ.a,o, pn
l-ce pension. $4,110 siifie rsn misted
police lit,4 40 re. inter - r.'urt. sl*,-
.*o. ft* rswißliS i I 11 *5.
notice. | :js.t>u poor rommlaslnn
4770.1X7.50. puMi« heslth J.’.MS J*4 -
3*. public lighting ll.Jio.4ir, »: pub
lic Tlbrgry, 11. 320. *70 '• public en
tertainment. st.J>oo hoard of educa
tion. M.lto oai i 4 I* V W general.
*1*3.415. general road |.l,f»* i.7,l 11,
public sewer, lI.Jon r,o£, public hutld
ng *444 SM 71 garbage. S3OO ?4 » *•:
market. |l 41.0.1 H tlellr Isle bridge,
SIJ. *3s. park end boulevards, sl,-
10 4*4 i ; gcnnal li. 507.154.1 T.
Red Cron* Supplies Tampered
With, AH*ertfi
NF7W YORK, March 29. —"ln one
cr two Instance* »c have found
ground glass in bandage* prepared
for the Red 4 roe*," l»r Altrert W
Traub. director o( the Atlantic di
vision of *h»* Rod Cross, said this
nfternoon in denying Philadelphia
dispatches quoting him as charging
wholesale spy plots to poison sup
pile* "These have been promptly
detected ind the cases reported to
the proper authorities,
"What I wished to emphaslxe was
the need of piopei* caution In prep
aration of medical supplies lest such
tampering cccur, Only i»y thorn In
suerting and pncktrrg ot chapter,
|.f rdquatters can Red Cross n.aie
iihl be pioiected. uot only against
tampering, but what Is more danger
• us. again*' tnfc«‘ti<,n and Insani
tat) handling "
Peddltr Sue* Patrolman
Benjamin Kramer. :i peddler,
started hull in circuit court Thurs
tlay against patrolman Archibald
Hurkhardi, of the r>etrolt police de
partmrnt. for SI,OOO damages be
rnuse of Injuries he says he received
when Durkhsrdt and other officers
raided a saloon In Hastings at. He
complains that Iturkhardt beat him
on the head and neck A jury trial
haa been called
Following the eximple sef by
lamdon school girl# last year, some
6#o girl students us the University
of Toronto have snn« unted th-Mr In
tsnttan to spend 'he coming summer
vr.cgtion at work tr munition sac
turlea and at agriculture.
32,258 Hit the Trail
In Billy Sunday**
Buffalo Campaign
I ■ . .U.
Billy Sunday's campaign In Hus
falo, Juat brought to a close, netted
32.26$ convert*, about 3 004) more
than Iretrott'* mark. The trail hit
ters have |jeen handed over to the
charge of the churches as follows:
Methodist churches 7,*01
Pr-ebyterlan . 4.J17
United Presbyterian 43?
Baptist .... « 1,110
Evangelical I.l*l
Church of Christ ....
Congregational s7*
Reform churches 4*o
United Brethren
Out-of-town .X 7,4«7
Episcopalian I.4SJ
(dithersn i.s7|
Catholic 01$
Mi t.reW 40
Undesignated (no church) ... 70*
Mlw sltaneous 4*o
Christian Helenes I*4
Total a*.2s»
Senator Chamberlain
Pleads for Support
of His Measure
(Ala/7 Carrs*pmyprnf United Pres*)
WASHINGTON. March 30 I-and
defense problems and propositions
held the president’s chief attention
Thursday in bis consideration of pre
paring the nation for the existing
state of wr.r, formal announcement
of which »# expert«*d Tuesday.
Henator Chamberlain, chairman
nf the military commit tec of the up
per body, called at the White Moure
i his afternoon to tell the president
ihat he should embody in bis com
ing message a flat tecomraendatlon
for universal military training
Chamberlain explained sh<* con
Drence w»t* held partly at the In
stance o 8 the president.’ and partly
at bia own tequest.
Just before Chamberlain called.
t J «'cretar> »f the Navy I *nl*|s went
tu the While House .to lay beford
ihe president details of all his de
partment hed done la sea defense
"We disbursed the genetwl military
situation,.’’ Chamberlain said. "Os
course I urged that th»- prevulent
rignify hl.« approval of some form
cf universal service. If the presi
dent would gey behind universal
i.Hillar y service, tt i ould be passed,
i believe. Mow ever, he has not man
I< sie.j an> change m hi; opinion.
"I nttl so rte other hills better than
liiy eern are advanced I w»M con
t niie-eL push my bill forward.’*
Six representatives today sent out
a tall fur a "get together dinner’ to
jnorrow rp crmgresrmen #h*» lavwr
universal military service. They
l-lar to start at that time oiaos for
military legislation The six repre
sentatives are McArthur. Oregon;
Green. Vermont, Matt, New York.
Grey, New Jersey; Gardner. Ma..su
chusctt* and M ’Coreeffk of lllinolr.
Hotel Man Die* in Auto.
George K Elder, proprietor of the
hotel bearing his name at No 88
Grand* River ave . Jird sudd«nly of
heart failure lat# Wednesday sfte.
noon, while sitting Ri'hls automobile
lb front of No 228 Avery ave. Me
had driven to that addiess wph I .
B Hershey. W’hen the automobil.
stopped, Mr Elder complained of
pains about his heart Hershey sum
moned Dr R M Martin, of No ion*
Fourteenth sve . but before the nhy
> ician arrived Mr. Elder had rxptr
ed. The ho*eiman Is survived by
hi* widow
More than 40 women were employ
ed In demonstrating *nd selling
r.otor car* at the recent' autorao
uile show in Boston
Jk “The Wedding
Mp Ring Store”
MWtljJlE aro truly proud of the title:
□Jy The Wedding Rmg Store of
Detroit, no less than of the
' 'gP popularity of thin department.
//Jf It betokens, we believe, an appreci
ation <>f our store and our merchan
dis*. that is without equal tn th# jewalry
business. X
Purely, nothing ia seized with more enrw
than the IJttle hand that signalixea the sarredr
tie of matrimony.
Resides 14 and 18 kt. gold rings of various’
weight* we are show’ng platinum rings, dia
mond-paved and hand-carved orange hlosaom
Priced as low as $5.00; priced as high as
Woodward at Gratiot
"The Sallan Corner"
Many Seek to Enlist In
, Both Army and
Enlistments Grow Rap
idly As Crisis Be
comes More Acute
Detroit’s patriotism Is showing up
now that the country Is facing a
crisis in a rather unusual way. Re
cruiting officers say they exported
a big rush of applicants when the
necessity for men became apparent
and in this tttey were not surprised,
hut the remarkable thin* about re
crulting here-4* that many women
want to go to war.
Lieut RlrEgrdson. In charge of
the local naval recruiting station,
ha? had applications from 14 women
In the last few days, but he has no*
enlisted any In the absence of or
ders from Washington giving nVi
at thorify to do so
MaJ F\ E. I’helps. the army re
cruiting officer, has had about an
equal number of applications from
wofhen and both officers report that
the applicants are of a high type,
most of them being business women
who are employed down town, but
a few of them arrived at the re
cruiting offices in automobile* and
bore every evidence of being
wrafthy and educated
Lieut. Richardson says that *ev
etal of the women who applied to
him for admission into the navy
w,re not so enthusiastic when tolil
that even if they were enlisted thev
would be used on shore duty, tak
Ing the place of men clerks who
could go Into the rarks They said
they wanted to go aboard shi# and
*• * aitual fighting r.nd participate
in it The sanie Is true of the
women who have sought admission
to the army All of them would
make financial sacrifices to enlis*
eirt they are not eager to do It if
tt»y will he employed at clerical
work, Unless they can be regular
Amaron# They don’t want to go.
Enlistments In all branches of
the service grown rapidly ia
the'last few days, or since the presi
dent issued his rail for volunteer*.
It- times of peace the various re
nutting offices enlist five or six
men s week. Now they are get
ting WoH-e than numbwr eor«ry
The present crisis also Is bring
ing out a much better class of men
physically than In ordinary tiroes
Usually not more than 2S per cent
of the applicants are accepted while
n«>w at least 60 per cent pa.*x
Several- clergymen have asked
the local offices for positions as
et aplainv hut these applicants have
keen referred to Washington. Chap
ls’ns are commissioned officers, en
lering the service as lieutenants
and they are appointed by the prcsl
d* nt.
Unit. Richardson has sent a rw
nuitlnr party out to tour the sta'e
tr an effort to get more recruits for
the navy. The party is in charge
of Jn«eph P Onlette, ituef wafer
tender, and he has with him an ex
amining physician so that recruit*
may he accepted at once and sent
on to Detroit from where they will
b» shipped to the Great
training station.
Orders have been received by
Ueut. Richardson to enlist it m«i
from Dairoit for lit# oovy s aviation
servten Os the** flvp will be
taught to operat* aeroplane# and
five will be mechanicians
Man Supposed to Be Charles P.
Beckwith Succumbs In
the Street
The body of a white haired man
supposed to be Charles P. Beckwith
was found Thursday mArtnng on the
sidewalk at the foot of Flsk-ava.,
clad in neat but worn clothing and
beering the evidences of self-respect
mg care. Me had succumbed to an
overdose of drugs
In his pockets were a dosen vari
eties of poisons, derivation* of
morphine and laudanum. With ih«
opiate* were several cleanly-typed
sheets, recording Ills confinement In
EJolse. He had written a ions letter
from the county poor house to ble
brother, telling of hla struggle
against a ruinous habit.
Charles P. Beckwith ia the signa
ture on the letter, which I* dated
March 12. With it is a letter from
Dr. R K Beckwith, of lonia, a broth
er, telling Beckwith that eL>«il* year*
he had little hope of recovery.
Typed in the same dean, incisive
writing were a doten humorous an
ecdotes. which Beckwith bad at
tempted to sell to some publisher
at hla brother's suggest ion, and
which had been returned to him
The letter to his brother never
had been mailed In it Beckwith
rpeaka of being in the county poor
house with Pred Elder, sn old-time
new* paper man.
Ed Conley, clerk for Coroner Roth
acher, took charge of the body. He
haa not determined whether death
was accidental or due to s lirlde. It
is thought that after leaving IClotse
to shake off his dependence as best
he could. Beckwith accidentally
took an overdose Hl* v htte hair
was neatly combed, his hands were
roft, clean and well kept He was
between 60 and 60 years old.
rHs4tsa*-al, slats a*a« Irts* -4>at
la ri«bt—Tlmm Jafc D»ft—gala 489*
(v Do vou want YOUR vote counted in future AS YOU VOTE
IT? If YOU do. THEN VOTE, on Opril 2nd, for
ffk Charles T. Wilkins
For Recorder
and an HONEST. CAPABLE and FEARLESS Court, and a
Measured Service
In Chicago and Milwaukee measured service is largely
used and the telephone companies have received many
letters cordially endorsing the measured service system.
One of these is from the publisher of the Chicago Daily
Journal, who writes:
“Like many other lair* users of telephone service,
we were in doubt to whether the measured
service would prove* satisfactory. I am pleaseti
to advisq you now that it ii entirely so.
*Tt is our opinion that we get more prompt and
efficient service thsn under the old plan. j
“Our auditing department informs me that your
company has alway* been both prompt and fair
in investigating and adjusting any small differ
ences that have aneen. We have no desire what
ever to return to the old way."
® ■
Michigan State Telephone Company
“War Has Hell Beaten
Hundred Ways,” De
troit Boy Writes
Msrnlt H Powell, Detroit news
paperman and native Kentuckian,
who ha* butn fighting with th* Brit
ith arret*# In FTatic* th* last year, Is
in a I portion recovering
from the effect* of 'nhaliag poison
on* gases He expects to leave for
lb* Canadian depot shortly and be
back In the ata’es by May. Pcwall
enlisted In the Ninety Dints battal
ion In Windsor 18 .nonth* ago, but
was transferred to a British unit
fctter arrival in London
In a letter dated "Bllghtlv." March
6, to a Detroit frien 1 be soys.
"Blighty ’ mean* Kngl*r>4 te British
■ol4>«r* on active *«rvie*. The trench
soldier* do not put It second even to
be*ven ti e dealrnhl* place to go To
get to "Blighty" from France a man
haa to b# ahot all to ’*ll, elthar by
Frltia Iron rattona or a few million
ba'-111l of some deadly dlseaea.
t bit off a hit too much of that
aweet-amslltn* stuff gae My left
lung eion went “pie ’ and I am now
tn a whack Joint In lk>nd<>n. under a
sign marked "T. B."
When I first cam* here I triad to
anuff out for a week or so But the
good die young and only th* good
The medical officer said yesterday
that I was about well and would b«
Mnt to a convalescent camp in a few
daya. On account of having been
marked T. B” at one time l shall
llke|> gel my ticket and cell on you
In a few weak*
Gaa effect* are all that bother m*
now and thay will gradually disap
pear according to the medical ahgrka
I’m hoping. Th* commanding officer
here allowa three passes a weak t
have been soalng a few ahowa the
past fortnlgm
The boys who went to the Mexican
border last summer were Indeed
lucky to have inaction. We have
been getting the -*npoette 54 hour* a
day the whole of the time in France
There was e felion- In the atates
named Sherman -a tighter eo we
will call him "Kid ftherman." He
aald War Is hell " and missed it an
awfully long ways The war I ran
Into had hell beat a hundred ways
and then some
Asa postscript he says. "No peaco
till fall or winter."
Justice Heston Warns Motor
Drivers That Jail Terms
Await Law Breakers
Police Justice Heaton gave evi
dence Thursday morn mg that hr
will bank Police Commissioner
Cousens In hla crusade against an
tomobile speeders, when he Imposed
a Ana of 930 with the alternative of
a 30-day sentence on Ouy hi Tyler,
of No. 17 Winder at., who was found
guilty of violating the motor speed
“I will not only impose Ones on
speeders.” warned Justice Heston,
“but I believe a few Jail sentences
would help eliminate this evil. I
hope this sentence will make it
plain to motorlats that this court
means business. Pedestrians have
a right to use the streets In safety,
and this right la not going to be
taken away by automoMls owners.”
Justice Rellers declared he too
favored sowers eentenres In the
cases of speeders “It’e blah tlm.»
that something was done." be said.
"The carelessness of motorists snd
it' resultant loss of life is appallinr
I'll do all I can to stop it."
Cltissnshlp Rush Continues.
Mors than 500 aliens have taken
out Arst citizenship papers In the
United States district court clerk's
office this week, an average of more
than 100 s day. The rush is duo u.
the present international crisis snd
to the work of factory managers,
who hsvs been urging their em
ployee to take out their papers
majority of the persons who have
mads declarations of intention to
become citizens this week have
been Russians and Hungarians
Oir! students of Simmons college
have voted to give up their social
activities in case of oar and
devote their time to work for the
“We ll wear last spring's suits and
give our money to our country” ho
been adopted as the slogan of the
New York women’s society organiz
ing for ro'litary service.
sl2 and sl4
Spring Novelty
■ W
1500 pairs of the season’s best models
in grey and two tone effects must be
sold immediately to make room for
late spring creations just arriving.
Sale will positively end Wednesday
night, April 4th.
Exolusivo Agents for *
Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes
272 Woodward Avenut
I • aTold imitation lank Jafea Kbborti <kat <*«►..
Far tho namr at |kr msk- mik.ri of snKS'* thotx
" .--jr
Born in Detroit 1866* )
Graduated Michigan
University 1875.
Elected in 1887 Judge
Circuit Court On
jt m.i; aMhtiK s. Mossncn bench since t^ri.
■ .1- ■ , 1-LM.1..1 IIMM , ■'■■■nr I T
Look for Name In Democratic Column
t ■j
Certificates of Character
\ M
The best certificate of character nowadays is a Bank
Book. It shows that you are thrifty—that you know
how to manage your own affairs—that you have the
makings of success in you and that petty worries don’t
interfere with your personal efficiency.
I Ons Dollar Will Open an Account With tho
German American Bank
Griswold and Lafayette
• 'hens ,tr.d CJratiot Murk and ML Elliott
Grsflot and Hastings- Woodward and Eliot
Jos. l ampau and Newton
Fitted by THIRTY-SIX YEARS Practice in Ml Ceerts
COLONEL Bom and ralaed la Warn#
li/alfor K3f*|A||J Educated in Normal col
ft Cl lIC I Uul lUVf |, K , and rnirereity of Michigan
H Graduate law department Oat
reraity of Michigan, 1111.
Practiced hia profeeaioa la De
troit nine# 1112
AaaiaUat corporation <-minae!
city of Detroit pant nine yeara.
Secretary Detroit department
public worka IPOS-19O&.
, • Y
Thtrt y <me rear*' active n»IW
tary eervlca without pay devoted
to your protection
Spanteb American war veteran
Veiiran border duly daaa
191« to January. 111?
HE has sfrtfd YOiT
faithfully and wtU.
Will YOU stand by
Candidacy announced by petition of 2,000 rotors, but to#
late foi Bar Association Primary.
Election, Monday, April 2nd, 1917

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