Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 2 RUSSIA IS DIVIDED ON U. S. NOTE American Commission Relied On to (L-ar Cp Questions WORKERS* ORGAN CASTS 1)0 CUTS Other Publications Have Only Praise For Message BY U'J/. {5. SHEPHERD \ftafl ( 'orr**pouclent l.'nited Prrsn PETItOGRAIX June 14 -Russia 1* relying on he American mif.-lon, now here, to dear up divera** vi• * regarding \Vt onV no*. Most newspapers today 1 ailed the DlfsM L-i ;n t* ' nt- :• > hut the workmen * • nd soldier-' ' xette was frank in declaring i- di~- belief of on* jio-tion. “Prcgldem wr-on." <» • > * ditc:,,. •averted, ~ the German- ir* triguing lo divide the Alli*»a. We do not believe *hf« old on. W** h< lieve only in that ’h**r<- i* a * la.-- ntruggle he*ween the world's work lngmen and imperialism. W»* must aav that in th*' notes from k Tince and England w*- do no* see any ex presslnn as to the Rus-ian . rim ;p!» of ‘no annexation.' " I atrong contract to th*' *-gpre gjon whs the following from the Belch • “President Wilson’* mes-sg* is in plain language without anv of th* trick- of dtj omacy. Th* resentativ* of democracy -pea *.« a* democracy mu-' ,->p*thru* y *h* world Radical ami Sod*.is* :i * sag* from Aim r,< i. Eng'an*.! rind Fran* • do not put-u- in good lighv I. <• :r ‘ regHrd Russia as powerless. Russia has “delivered an ultimatum to thr .-Allies, hut the inly fore** behind thi is our power »*r:<l our threat of a separat* p ere '* Elihu R"* t and 'he o'h* r men. hers of the \ni ► •. .tn diploma*, mission arrived here .dm**-* Mmu! t a neon sly wrh the American rnii road technical eomml-sion. Both hod!*-* were anxiou- to begin their work of co-operation with s* the earliest pot -Mil** date American and Allied ofß< iai.- h* re were int*r«-f* 1 'odt*- tn figure showing • iat the pro-war pHr'u were load r,« n the petrograd no: nicipal i l** 'ion- Th* -e ar» the Social I>* moc*Mt~ *>nd the so* ai Revolutionist- who.-* Candida's-** a j - peared to be lend Ip i Th** ftrst national' contention of workmen end • ->. n -<>•' ventlon h* : with hoi, and: of r- ii gates in ttendanre. Or** of th* fir*’ thing- h gron; of ’h -• a- '-gut* did was to vc-!* «h«- \rt**Jemv of S*t »n**e today and r* *iu--* pernn.--ior to vote m Its deliberations Th* > announced r »r»j> r- nie-. . not granted th* \ wo Id a’i-nd h* r:«-> t meeting uninvited Minister of War Kerensky today began mobilizing all women phyai cians in Rus-ia for special war ser vice DYING BO \RD PLANS TO SETTLE SOME OLD SCORES Some ••!*! :• h*. ,<nl vrudges '■* I be paid off by *b** outgoing mem ber* of th*- old 21-niember school board before they -ay their final adieu to p ibli* if<- on July U. if th* repoita now current n board ol education circle** are correct. B« ruuuln F Comfort, long th* principal of the Ca.-s Technical high achooi seem-* to he «*n♦ ■ of those marked for -laughter bv th** dying gladiator < * *- old school boar*! r<n . It i- co?un*cn:\ reported th ■■ inspeeto; V *r •t♦ i \ mar-hal ing hi- 'n r, ** u on ;h* hoard to demote Principal Comfort and make K <1 Ml* ii. a pre-'-nt member of 1h« C.i.-s •! hooj faculty, *h* n*-w principal. Principal rnmfort *ptoted :>« saying that Imipec'or Hely’x opposi tion to him is im <‘d **n his act In th* discharge of a tt a* her and a jano**i >•<*'>* of whom I,.id been ajipotnt**! thr*» the influenee of Inspector Hely Other fights ngainst th* reappoint •bent of oil *-r ptlnripals and oftl rials of the hoard aj< slated f»-*r Thursday nlt-hf’ l mention Oppoal • lon is «md to ‘nit' developed against th*- reappoint men „f |>rof J. Rem*en Bishop j.*-‘neipal t 4 »h* Kaatern high school Templeton p Twigg*. atiperviaor of the romn*d rorv education depart*»«**nt,' an<! ft t«. hred* rick, an a *l.-tant vtiperin tend* ut (>pp»»aition to Principal Bi-hop la aalrl t** imv* h**. ini*ia*.*d : ,nd sos tered hy a si rr ng Ge rm nit-Am* rl* ,m * lent* tit fn the district served by the Eaatern high srhoo) ) Th* pnnelpal bar bevnjpnrti* ularK *tut**|w>k*kn in hi* p *'•*•» ’ ** h \ v . *. ( o. •lien off.'uvr * n nom<- ettlVens <>f Oerni in birth « r extra* tion who do , kf' ehare his eOthusiHwm over the I’nlte*: States enterbif the war Dr liendrik Mark) nd. «m<* of the eminent leaders o' th* chemical prnfeasion in America, i *<» deliver the ronmenrement aJdr* -e today . Wortewter Polytechnic Institute Outbursts of Everett True. tdOk jot. u-weszer, r S t >4€;Y TCv-c fa€. YOc* MAvC i "rt <y-KCtrCT> GOtKG AROvkV Or? Tbr Huttmoß’CCS Off- | {.ittiC jokc tv6X_U, U*® UC, j TN » : Voe T H& fdffff.Rt'MAkW EAIS *OVKO Twiy OONi OM T”*? OCTSklfvj o* I I T &UV IN AS L NODE ?C* OKjS COND'T.C'N. at rb€ hC■ Tc w ff* ff eLViV cv TO vi TT «g T>*C 'JOS' A OT TC.€ JCffC’ 4XD TWCN, vAPSeb VTO SCLHt ecs'saovs^ess. » * —t qov.’eds tni 4T*JT ; Jr '~t&' / Jn\ »j -d mm . t ~ W .V 35 OARS ENTER CHICAGO DERBY Record Field Will Attempt To Qualify today For 250-Mile Race CHICAGO, Jur.*' 14— The en*r i 11-!* for Sa’urday> 250*t> auto der j t>\ were officially Closed b> the Mh: i morning Th*' field * id.;-h* > a r* cord. < .<r- be.r.g i.otutnated f, r th* tJ 1.000 classic. Th, cart and j fving tr’aN todav and orag«- at I loa-t milt -an hour m ’h- Himi- | nation in *ol J in th# auto d#fby aro a** follov* *; Da kard. Ha :*h • Palm# - j t* nas. Louise Chevr l**t; . i-’r* j StuiiEar? C- opn: ti <i* -n. I Ralph .M ll<‘rd Hud- *n. Ira \ t »A i t' ts » S\’ T +] T*'?® Th-»rr:ai» Mrs • U alf#r Hit.n-Ji Mar. +r,' A) J ’unt. ? tt v 'y - * ~ i cßst ! i<| M. - Bril’ *«* r* MiH-n M-Hrii- (c-n p w ill b* 1 auto derbi con end* !' wi*h Johnny Aitlrer. and End), Ricken bach»-r. who tine h * <1 one, two. thre< in the s*'H.-nn - -*n.gcl, for *b*- \ X A. champion-!,• R* -ia h,- r* tired fro menmpeti, .on in deference hi i wife', wishes Ai'.ken i- in tharge of a governm-m-con'rolled Rickenbache: i- * r * setge M n'. *>• Gen I’rmhing'* htaff Th* only cat> of iftlti protninen* e that are mi* Inc b* ,-n ietnporanty i‘ tir> i by ih* !t ow n*>rs 4 Jtiles Lb vjgne and Jack l,«-,atn. who wilt drive ft* ng*-* m the auto derby, hi»v* r*’*jUPs * and *hc rfpe, and way m am* gee run* to give them lab erty bonds in Jir-u of any prftc money th«‘\ may w-.n. while the ’lire® Hudson driver- Mulford. and Patterson--hav, agr* * and to loan i'rcle Sam on* half of their win nine* from Saturday - s2l,otto ejas- WESTERN HIGH TO GRADUATE 84 Tht annual gr.,duaTing mu. im of Western high < hool will ink. i.lio* \V*dn*-4.t aft* inoon, June 2 n . in the school auditorium. Th<* gla-- rnoMo is “Iliitld or chgrwtrr an-i not for iam*Then ar* mein !,»rs. The piogram will include the al dr*-s of th* « iaa» president, Wayne tiarrett, class hi-iot>, (lr:*c** Hy~r f’harles I. S,,»in, a-HHant a-.ip*-rin lendeiit. Th« follow In* ate !b< graduate-. R»ss Atv put l, Blanch* <> !• >a Apt, u-,v A lent - Austin. I’a'i! n*- Krtn« <■« Hatle*. t'-ett-. Iv, >r, n* s t#-\ Ms let 1. i ,tr ItsHet I-:: « net MsNttli luldwin Mnggi- Rr'-k V' t ham J. B»on- r*. !.:• >n- 1 M-e n \la,y M in,t> line VCv el n •’harl 't*- Meuehard. Rtni'r SIWB tu,wmsn. fiiw>t'>n JpiTnaas .Rt an, ls«i>»-i Hv-j -re fl -1 r- 1", H.,i\c ‘>l ‘ 1 ’ >/ \ . ,MlPi >, t .r)y - ,- I V H*nrv liav '' *'hf»,.n Rohert »t,wrta Ki,.i«n,* Rufli . kar •r. Mai aa ivV ti-'njamln Ft tnkltn Fraut.auf Kunir* tlrrtr»i<l< tlari-tt, Wajrn* Hull Oar r-tt, iJa'idieTl. (%rrtff< • )raden. is him >|H»\ and *lrrlg, leiil* Hettnei *lreh, Eleanor Artnorel lf,»n nah. ltr-rothy Herald ttard, *.l»hn Thom* * Hwyra, KiH-ard lame* Ho|- and» n John Edward H-ortn*l. tr*n- K, anees Horn Ituth Ft H *ufley. t->,r. en< • TVi«* d**ra Huff p, ■••t*ntia *’,aw ford Huffman, F>el* Ia roe Il*r, Mattel —By Fonda. <le Vine ‘ .L:r***k. >a*tl# Ms * ' - ?>;ipp, t *ari \l irttn Kr w F!» r*t? - Ev *\y r Iy>--nard. George Vvjlham Emdsay y : The r» -a Mtn l>*n » -r. . , . \ • v. . • j. V • ... Th* |. ~rie V l *onald. Edythe 1.1 : an vt- • I r». ,'<l4 Me Mat:: -w Fa h icr-r- M.’r tie Nr man k re.*’- t V ■„ , s Elaine >f ;rg - '-m • M. Piu -r vrthu.' W-thar. H< -rr !«r* Meaiti T l .-he rt* .» Mary Rofh.r-; i-;.!n*t Myrtle J! gatzky, <• n »• j, , .. j; v . r » . Ms.r n Elizahet! •*>••< -• n- k Hattie s.'!b»r*fe n Kil l B are he flam*' Nine ■ Jward ’laia Ma* Steven* *’a r■. *♦ }t 3 wt■i a. r t ~ h%r«f i i Keftr y tj* j i Wft *( ft yh ( * W [ ji/i j* ihjri p» THE OTAGE 'T » vaidovilla f* *?ur*« •a • ! f* > f* - l • adlm* h .riftt 1 ' in th* <>rph>um theater n*\i- »ook. *n . ' • r•• "* r. « '*t * r a p'a 1*• < f m«-** than ordinary dfimat’- w rtt , n ' n K irot fHU an r>i*U novelty. “A Night In >» Mi>nk»> M *•*!<■ Hall.'' < f* i • % Mau I lU*> h*». Tht-r* » !l !•«* si* nth*** mr -ops n the pr ri.™ an*. th* ; * • ; «r»u; will f«•*»>.•• • - • 1 wif • a‘ * H* ' « B ]*• I-. *** K'-»rym»n * a <1 that d**!* with i <d ►m r,l *• n* f lif» and ha a an un* •:* -a. 1 t«na* Ir. rh* mnnh»s music 1 "in a; - « !i p***. a- .m i > 4 n-• t h*r» w;M h* ■> w * k r • f•*- * trap**-. i«rff.rmor th* w.'i!* ror . '■".*»* *■* >t• a farardy. * Th** ■■«n Drcwmonk. h*in* • h .r 4- *«**■•■, rn n<;«tvir* m*:* «l tra i" " if Party, feat *ir*r* , ■ •. -n; *' 1 *•■ k- < .ark and •' ft • w~ -k 4np • g and . - !•-: • • > r if. ’ r g.r.*. n • i t> * Milas th»nr*r n***t •**->*k a- tho topitp«* attract* n. Tho pro •r ’ *•» «* - ,nd*r tho p»» - ■ <1 * * t n < ,N**d .-. *•» t! n with lyr’.> « and rniu l - *»>■ Kr*d l-'te* her • n»i 'Ti r 1 i ;* rt Th* *< •n< i j »*• nt. ** t * rjxtwnor <*f an -<ld south* • i:i r<* 'ra r- h kma *t >r •• • P 1 ' - t*■ •• iri'i' f: t« r iii; i- ' a pa Ir f ' vyv- ja i- •, n* t. 4 n»r!». an r*> ** I -> rrai now and tun* fu nt r. imn« :« aro ntroii.i **d. *n ',n«'* I ». •. Jttt i*4 h'>rua ! •* t rt an * n i' h*- *hs i MitU-i t>m fsattirtn* i '?»• ra • M i. r ■ i?r —a a- nr.. * nn'*, and > ' th* j pu ar • ■•rno' *r •• • r - AT n *’ 1 r • • • an*i . hr,«' n n> hu».t ! furm k t .i«* * f arkor and *m < • a* 'la m '* Kdi’h M'*t ■ ’ »t> antatr - ' *> and *»» rv*- lln'adh t *i*.nr* Ko . > lir.a »• ,rid**r M * i*'*- * m h**a 4 tit >m Mirr*** atvt 'Vat' Kaft** *i Th» ’rrp'n* * ■ h ar* dor ino«j fnr *n» r*or I ■ - ** v. h J orj • * t * V»ild»- t" ''ii'' I'x-Vi daily "I* nua n» fr.ik I* « in pjr.t «r-.* II ♦ a .t v r{. »*:«■ Barr:*'%>. ■ at. PI . Ih#. I ’* I» pM|Oi, rr.elt.rm B -i< f{ d*» a «loli*hrf ,1 ; at mv ■* t r.. \ i *-j: ri i : « • p'ahu **- a • * «•«•*• *;. t v «irphot||-n «'-r#n Hitr r i * l a* rs*;n« *i ' af* f'*r hot ,ii , <j ittl ot'-rpl Ant ••**•** • *• i« 8* l-art-d n»«r*i> air.; W*h Wfl' i*- >an hr r>t\ ~f p. kar r • *iio« p..< - fi * ,i4 k«*d m nor h;!d --• in ik< h«*r ho ** n » * .• In-, : tir* and ‘ ’>*•, \ nr-R s 'Uf wh* toll* !h« * that • * at* ' down tnt»* th** Wild* *rn* * * •- • h* ti*- I'l.pd pi k* 1 i *n J-r ?.»r !• *« •* pr«*tt tradt'ir •h*. t «. rm .* »fi ■ : * hi ha tr. e j ■ "hh r,ir m.’ktni ip l.*r *.lnd •>. \ •mal **!> *i' t trip ir -rioy ap ! po*r» for th** hr «t i r> o m * .pp* rt ..f Vs ip •* Harris- afo. I'rrrv \tn* - r*>rnar<*o of rn*. \,.rrrt \ Xp ~4, n .l )ont* a k *in ■ • do It. <. i« apl nr ■ t ■* I h* t> o f>ff- in* »f tho |* ri**>ra}!♦* • *-oi Th 1 * phv> prom •« »4i t)# *.n* • Mo* It n*»*dlo'« r*ir>at n l -’**- rthr ; a 4 * in du *mn hrtn* ’»rr i*hr dir* f fr«-v Ni * V* tV V»*if *n« \ K'n'ilr* »’ 4 and * r rs all J■ • it* *rr <•!»■>* -i'j- danao.jr of *h*- Thoa**-r R - »l ,\.th« n» Hr*f' *. trill ' it*- t< Iliot • It ** * Irtorprot th* fa up itan**- d'trlnc th*' hiK dr* am acaaa. Flirahoth .Nt irra and Kdw n ktov. *»T r *>. ■* w Ii •; ar* n* Iti' n.■« in l.h»Vr* tnjpjr n*»l * |M M ’rr t *• a r <k‘ ■*'*•*! 'Vh** *an «*'.nr an4i .a -4t*-d for tho wa> »!'.** p'lks oror Iriah •>*n(* Thi- to. i -h* j• foatiirin* a patriot'** 1 ar t k h't, ' It « Tihio r»tr Kvory ft*.y •" It- i* >t» ild lar. ’ * aritfori hy MarrV T orr>* v A *> tnv-aidorl *»n-tia ! Kdwm stov«n» a tor. atMr»r. atu d«rt and star Thl* tin**, ha r.imoa with n n*w offor'nr a*«r»tl*d 'l*r,Hi v«* a P’fthdav.' aaaiafod ny . )»r*r and . IsrmlnK Tina Nfarahall. «*v*n • ■ a*«<an *•* u| t«* tho T'-.-tr’l* standard will com. pi* tc a good program. DETROIT TIMES (OLISLLM OPENS A MIRROR SHOW F.ilFastuutl!} caricatuhn* th' Burns and visages of all who stand b* I *•» them the great convex gla-- - in the Avenue of Mirrors will prove an *'i!ier*ainmg feaiur* wh*n *be\ are revealed for the first Him i , i Saturday m tlie op*mng ,»t tlu- huh | week of the-Amuptment i.’oliweura | ->n • e Board xx alk N ff**rson ave s* bridge. Spindling -hnnk j '-eiite-. broadened 'n i eomprpa*ed fi' *d distorted, and other apparen' reak-f of n our* give *?he name*, to i- v* mirror* imor,- them Mutt and Fess,” 'The Morning Af: • ' 'Paddi' !x*ng leg a,” ayid Shor*' * Th»- Xvenue of Mirrors will greet the v isl*or to the I'ol seum aa he leave* the fo*it of th, Hair* or slide.- th.u have brought him down from tbit level to th* Board XX’wlk Th- avenue end* at 'he Innocence th<-a',r Th-- Jo> Ptomenaxie sets ui jur: altove thi* lar»er on it those who h«',- hecomr fatigued tuav watch the oth er« below The Coliseum i- open ecerv day and evening, with owry thins tird- A r cover, down to *h ecenic railway, the “Jack R«C'iJit tlovernor i,y>» Tlln-"-. a* 1 former Governor Xforrnw. of Ker. lucky are to speak at flag raising exer«'i<» - in Chicago today, under the auspices of th* Elks Theodore Roosevelt *a achedu’ed tp -,*ak .'>n “AmericAniam” today ~• the Nebraska semi-certtcrflial c* ebraiion at luncoln Great One-Day Sale BARGAIN FRIDAY Paves the \vav to genuine economy in fine summer appiuri for men and i oys. To rid our '-toe- >f broken lots We will clu-e out Tlundr* •!* of M- 1 X '.ng M n‘ Reg. *ls Cl 7:51* $ -4 (\ Summer Suits lip y Choice J&l One. *wo and thr**» of kind—-’he -^n-oo'- n* w< -t n * ♦ paficm- ami color* Many Young’ Men'- models--sizes 2.2 to 25 Also Staple Style- in "guiar- and - size' 12 to 40 A!*»riatnons w.ll V<- < f a f r r\\’ •- r-,,--... i(>! ’ • '!.. - Jg 51cn*v Pine Worsted and 4 111 Cas> ime re Irousei— .SO 1 £ ? —f j 1 \ alues to $1 at —— Wr j ■ White Duck Trouze*^—Specui $’A5 gL | ® L of* DuZters- Evt*a ;>-* >' I BOYS r i [y Friday Only ’V* Two-Pant Norfolk Suits— > / Broken iin»- of our r*-i£ .' «r Ji?*> \/v - *r' F r ine Wash Suits — < \ »i Long nnd -ho' 1 <• r no.-'!, whi'e nd J* Li’r>. -p* * i. ... f)OC Children’s Stravx Hats—Buck n ' - » uri! r,»pe Extrw -d ■ u!u* h' /JL Children’s W ash Cloth and >ilk Hals— oq (Kid and er 1 - j n gi ,• : I* . sJ%/C Hoys’ Cnion Suits—Athleri<- tvj. ,rd rnm-kncOQ- Hoys’ Hlark Stoekmps— sixes 71 = f, 11 Iff Or -. 2 pa-- -o a < ,m#r- Ex '» Sr* .. IDC Men’s l ine Haberdashery Headwear and Footwear On Sale Friday cniy Fine \thletir I’nion Suit.**— R'gu:a- $1 ■ 1 i< ~ OHC Fiwro I,isle Half Hose— ’■ ck and w! •* or. Regular 3:.« grad. .... *£.)C Men’s Fine Straw Hats — N**W SPAT * 1 l ire; At Men’s Fine Caps— Odd io* Men’s F'ine Oxford'*— f ßin M« Vi* i •> s:«x oc Kid arid Rij .... t<i . .... CanA'»s Oxfords— . or* i-• r-rx * IDU Floys' Hutton in*l fllurher a*t Rng iiar 11 va i*'- y ,j ,-. * Z' »') Women’s F*unips and Sport Oxfords— sto X alu*' up to f*s «|.r)«> Women’s Continental F > ump'*— ** %*) c»*t MrWn Hno V.V»> > ,?4 M* «’ ~\ 1v..... l v ..... tl&irOs' In Full Blast. : H H 'ey* 'VJ^ Don’t Mm It. 171-I7A IV mH rwmvA Its, SALESMEN WANT HAWKINS AGAI,: President nf S'lle* ( onußss O I ikelj to Su.cicd Himself; ! «.*o t .Wars Knd * •■ v , •> 1 «’fi to ho!<! tho rnn#ro . 11 ♦\t h n a a#kiri* tfV.* t.p! l.efore h- eW ' : / S lid h»» \k 1 hr eltiNfi k _ _sf y ... , v,, .«> *,» x Tht* orfran-icttuon " * 'h •* F* r# » M* v an*'htl« S» r**uis «»r*. n r' ?h«» iarfont r »n*'h ha # ♦ v irvwhfrf .p. ‘ho cog nr v *1 bro .toil ll» 'j If k .*5 !l*l v TIiUimIAV lUlU’li t *.<• i iti Vo ud i oil *VVak.UK fu!»i its in?wMV M If t 'r.rr; ... Mu: l>rr.> p : . | ■ Uu. K.l T.iUJ I > U Or. ! .-.,. a i0 • *»'h«duleri v \ l» Houston, IV*.i \\ .if,.,,., »{ v, 1,,*.. S * \wrk. M Mhip), M in ,-aj)o •. H N • ,11pm, ( hu-Hfo. Wartrn \| Horn*r .! :i.m-m-nii.. \vtl!i.ui) hke. Chi r'i. :* a,i* ,]. n* pruKt-Min of in n i<n U • <;m. r-.i, v. In. Miii h^ll of Itti.-fon niHii** m dti>Mn«'f A \ACSrW W Independence he said: “I write it Iflr.v e that ■ -•* the Kmgt may read without spectacles. 'lt was u wj:! * C \ / T* ri.'.- v* of “Honor, Faith and Phioml Ac* countability.” The name of Mr. Fmptont is yovf guarantee that every tire bearing this “V/ord of ft / ' • . 4ar Honor” ■. as &ood as that typo of tiro can bo made. t On the Firestone super-size Cord Tire it means effi ciency beyond all other standards heretofore set. ffv \ Elcyymce with iri .ability, the luxurious ndu, und r\ >' iLT M.'st Miies per Dollar. \ Back of the Firestone name is on Organization which, \ /-f* almost to a man, is financially interested in £ivm& \ -«kx Vjfk you service. 11,000 Firestone empluyes are stick- \\ 'V Ai? J holders in the***. \ Firestone l ire and Rubber ('onipaiv s. x, N C't. Canh-'d Woodward, Detroit M<ch. V V -< Home and Factory Akron, Ohio. - l f^n* 4 Branches ard Dealer* Everywhere il *' . ' -i N Can You Afford to Svaer i e Hot Summer Months in the Ci./? An Investment That f > nts Nature’s Color In' » the Cheeks Os the Mother a «and ( hieHn Is the Most Profitable Investment l hat ( an i>e Made Cass Lake Highlands The Real Summer Home Beauty Spot Paved streets nearly all the way from the city about. 70 minutes’ drive from the( ’ity Hall. Finest of boat log* bathing, fishing; convenient to the car line; fre.-h a r from a high altitude; cool breezes all summer. Not another summer home spot to compare will. iL i Will Build Your Cottage 5 250 Down Low monthly payments. The down payment inch c both house and lot. Kveryonc can afford family can afford to be without it. This fs the Biggest Summer r Tom? Opportunity Ever Offered In i/eiroit. James G. Pierce 1920 Dime Dank I holding Phone Cherry .V»2U it .f lai hi i i ,i. , '\*hhh fit* pi**dii!t«! \»ti*| u would silti-fleUj m* rmv ov#T <i# rinan> II K Ho. ■« t» nf c%f mot hum' n- lolnna THI'IISMA V, 11NI I4 , 10 17. IjOSER third WATHI IN THRIiK. WEKKSRVTHKFT rt' v\ vi 11 h x f<;* m*hl i* Ckli the oH, • * 'fc . , / vVr hivf a al trin * -ff