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PAGE 4 Cobb Hits lor .488 in 11 Consecutive Games and Wrests Lead From Speaker ■jL? i fc,VWNT■ (<«r ■* /a * h*» m/« /v \ r f.. mtj r "./A_EMillf /“■ W“ 3s£t aCdVlMc**' Ti v C( 188 )»m wM altogether * Ain< man icafue In honing tnd«) OI "• of 1915 A' th< conclusion of T\ e in* •!.,. ?'!•■’ ~ an average OI .4 >J. 31!». that <!• •'<-: *t* -I 'IT' I >;■ ' in on ih* rta-htf-- i ■•«»' r -c *'■ ••’ ~ ’ ashamed wiw h** of going hru 1 *• M. ” < ' ' ' .< without a !>**■© hi ( that 1” lt‘* 11 1 ' *• hit safely in «*wli "t the Jar. 11 >---1* • r ■<'•' ’ spectacular .4VM Her** ■- the front. ,luh L V‘ '! M«> .'ll '<« '"ft* .f«*nr t Nr" • 1 ~ “ a '**" ' J " T ■*.« Jmtr 4 >r« )ark .... 4 • Jynr A \rtt Wik *”'s-11* .i .luxe .*• '*•%. »*rk *■ 1 ; ' Juif « lln»'»n ‘ * * " . JlMi4* *S BnMWI ..... I-- * .f,,,, June !* 11...i0n Jan* 12 %tb»eH«* • ' .1 tm. l.t \«lilellffc ...... Tn|«U * ' " * I?<iit h'.fir.l In Holding An A*erase l p THIS i* tin- -•<’ <' ! - r ' nr rv v* • ; ' . \ ' T ! Mt him down in ' »lt> N< h hit less afternoon or so wonpf • " • • •-! ■■ him to hark track .inti • «tn r ' a hit a day is going to ’<»•> much ’ •II gi<a«»in In Ift]*! did P* :•< b ten CMisH'titlv* 1 sanies wltnout didn’t happen until iat* In S* t er. - * jaunts on Rp* iker as th* cur j»n - Meanwhile Speaker wa t«■.tri r up ’ ■ ■.>£.:< Between the twiddle of July and th* ’ 1 the apple witWmt a -lip for .’1 «or • • ’’ ’ “ ’ .40S for that Btretr h Tw o** he re one in April wel early Mhv. at 1 Every on** of these drive * netted ■ >r. .»%' thru' U’ ''"Mr r. ! *’ • 'which separated him from <*ohh !* 4 • blngle that worries the mast ( h .'v I ' the nohit da;.« the? j 'irk th - The Tigers went bad again Wednesday. • • t.-h :i - • - . lef*-nse with weak flailing Nevertheles- thev had -n ’ ’•; ' ' ! their douldeheaders and split the first. o*v T* thru injuries and must depend on < i ! ground at Washington, and chirago wa.- ' Yanks, wasting a batting rally that n*" -i 19 " ?'•* ro • - -in: up. and giving Detroit, a better ehur.i • ♦ •• Hans Wagner -“aged his r-.d rn- ’ < vv. an- -n ’ : of warming up. the gneient plate, and for good me -trV a <>< .{■ >»f t= • Some Mirarlc Men T. * has* bail, this year. Never i such chtick::ic p-. - b. • n se» before. If the heavers ran keep their le ads and »t;ck To • cait for the remainder of the sea.»en. thev will tr.ak» *t' - r -sh‘> st.r ring li t- b . .history. The film of hf. oldtimc t who h;.d seen ag' • • nor •*■■ < - ** H that 191« brand doesn't b. gin to com pare w h th* twirling •-%*■! up and ing tbe first two months of this *: *• ' * *' • 1 . only six si abaters in tie league who had r '!*•.■ bar m* r* I • - of more than two earned run- for each r . n .n-- ~ *• ■ This spring there are no !*-■« than I<* cu r.*:* in *he A me: : ' v ’ v have not been*acored upon deservedly as often a twice a game. season at this time there w*-r»- only pi’chejs in th* )* ~gu> who were 2.r*<» men or better T’. - year . er»- - . \ r 1 . ’ • Os the ranking 20 American league deer ;ver 1 > at. r * 20 ranking moundsmen at the end of the iV; season, am • ’ ' * rest were thereabouts. Here's a chance *o !«•••-. o • r -• h u: wonders for yotn -elv" The' • r* • each nine innings. Th first column - f<"" second column is for* same period m 1911. H> rr the season srnix. of t9i« *»i’Hi\o or mi? Pitcher itncl t lalt l lll’t. Ptl. h r nti.l « lull '• HP*. V|.»t rlilifc. Nrtt I nrk •* MI lo\c, >c.t V i.rk O..V# • l tilloit, Vl« lark 1.% * Icottc. i hlcnico l <•<» • |tu«wcll. i hlciiutt 1.H." lltimont. U »«li intnn lie*. ■ t|'>rton, t Ictcldit.l 1.7*1 I'nhcr. « Hlcpko I 2.*1 UnltcßnK. < litcMßO I- Urn/. * ’ •c'Mtttril. R«»«tt»n I :*? s ( -.f t Ihe i:*t> M. I lit <• Irnklc. Ilrlruit 2 * *t t .ricnito I St •tt,i i«, It. ton 2 17. I coti.r.l U»«*t.»it l ".<* Jnhtt't'tl U brkinKlun I! I* t (ltd. hie. I IrtrlMpii I • FnHt r, ( hicitß.t Usl' * Vs« V i»rW I*> •- K Icpfcr. ( lev clnn.l 2 ttt ItunfnOh. • 1. .••u.t <\\ ill in lit-., I birnin 2:21 \t i.binClon I k; Knolt, v(, I.out* 2:2.'’« 'Vurr. t .*;? •tiitllln, \\ nahlmilnn 2:211 Mml-r. 11. vp-n VbNttkry, >rtt Inrk 2:2.1 Mti-h, Plt l Inti cl |1 h t ,-t *:?? rniinthf, I Irvrlnntl 2. I t t*«i{b>. t Irt .l«ml 1.H2 •v, < Htr|r<klri rktrlnitd 2:IU fl*>lniiti. riclr.tll I-"» nnlh, lloilon 2: *.t Plunk »l l.ntil • Rrnii I hli-ncA 2:40 M*rlon. • iMrlmd I ••s I>ntm*. IlMrnll 2iSo M»' *. Ha'l.ia 2.04 ‘\tMnnii Ar«t 20 Itolh «|irlnß». \n Equine Slacker - !i’ 1* c if 1 .T’ii - K 1 nearly had a war record. Her name ?s M -> .!»•;• n. and »»h. - nn. B of the piomising bin*:- brou*. • Nov mare- are exempt, from « • . * •hi - 1 * • • . was no such consideration for • • • g> • ' ' - -•< lo sen«l horses of auper breeding t• > th* haft’e from „rd Yi It v: ■ «<dd to a French buyer only because of h<-r ter ,<• t S*;< v id' enough arounil the s*abh . but when *he j?. t out ti.e * - fl:’ could uncork more de ill• > in an that r . » • m > llieir whole livi Ii mules when she was a yearling, and timed >:• * ■ .7* trui,* *n 11 *- company. Anyway, she w ( -old for cannon t d* < ; r*->1 • o bt> .1 gone gosling. The night before th* hor-*> were to be shipped, t; v b ;. out of the pasture and ran -o for that it 14 .< •t. tl-:» * • • • /. '• the other horses h«<s gone on \ rolutnbu j K<**-«* • an r«• • notp ?! » peppery little mare, and decided that Nfi -J. ir ! ir: • r ;•....r < He bought her and turned her over to l r ’ H* |r . who > . made a dainty little stepper of * • r Give Freddie Welsh credit, \Vh » . w <■ m r , lP 1 , r , K i - j bout.- witli all coiner Wolgas' ~nd Hi ■r* v* <’• >ug j: times each While thev held the fi'l. and \\V ' - > y f . the earlier batilers did Asa m-tt- ■ ..f • * ' , ♦ for his chnnre at the crown, and go* onlv f wh* . > • The Nerve of I\;m NATIONAL leaguers are giving Ivan Olson credit for p< - • ;g the bigg«*st nerve in baseball. It will b* 1* 1 I•; • )< <-j ■ w.- the goat of the world serif •» ia«t frill Port > w Y phi that th© tana spent the winter demanding Ivor*. Ivan sum mart execution. An attempt was made to ib»fttPe h -‘ ‘r • ...1 t». but the busher wouldn't hit Whereupon o r- v t- re* .-d „- ! . such fCMHI ball that th* 1 >odgers took qui’e a hi.o #- y- * ;,’r, . v i if . curl up and whimper under th*. panning • n . • aeemed to fret him. Olson always has been noted for his gn Manv years .g> »,»> trie Into th#- Mig ‘how via rieveland I » th* ti--’ ] * j, * r ' • to show Nap I«a jole how to iniprovr* j- fielding, wnd a<; ih* *| I*. ~M , ,, to change ht* hitting strid* Si o* !•-= .I*. «nh ".1 r> ! 4 , and what he told the fr» «h rook I. our . ,r*.f»jr,\ reared tvp, .rp. rffo* to iwprodu* *». A nomenclature fien«l has discovered that th* w hit* s«.v - m*. *\%o Collins, the Pirates two Wagner th.. lic»r- two .T*»n< ■ 1 1 ! is, Smiths, and that thf IVidgers and the Athletic** curb i<w-. 't .•« n a a Meyers It hasn’t been very long since that $900,000 against boceball POun*led like a lo« of but now that t rule San. h:is ».-,(*< *„ , h«-r’' bond- and w tr hums tho-f ft. j. .nurd Ilk* *it ; .. j, thf . x week Iron Man Mcfllnnity - sold hi> liutt* franchise an*i l«*tt ba-< hall n«t after he team let th« anemy score .it run« in one gam* The myatem m how Joe over found anyltfwly wh» would buv such m team R A pt««cher r* ad in the papers the other dav ih at rh* W'.*>,.«. rn (; 0 jf wesociatfon bxs abolished the stymie The next Sunday he recommended *©lf to hiS COCgrcgaUon , u .w «hal they didn I setTC th* old tv** at *h* club house wnv more. BIG GAY FOR SHORT SHIPS Big tNent-* 1 cajure l*rogram (Ml. • t Fan- At Alt. i It* me ns* . r . \ - \r . tune 14 v . >, duv of thf t :rp - ,i Mt. Inn* ns. 4n -is w.. £ ttMt’r 9hi in •ft ornooiv Thii j*- ■ij jij th«*ir n .d**' * •'': 1 ru troh An ' # *j. | and ** ,t n warn rHin vv *f« Hopkins tlriv j a, ’ii• ' jr'.o i'* rtu t -ri 1.. ru *•* with . - of j , * ( r . h: .1 . am»' m r *c* i ' n j n * rt r on« m f h^ ! 1 ro: • n!> r> n i w y all h ■ - hf at. but atuully mads • f 2 ■■? t 4. ♦he mil^ - • K ->r f i Th** •r ; ~*• ‘ .-/.hi tine *nrt South j. f * *• vA f #t *» f t took ,v * •* • f~- r» *4 lr%A A r n * ! h L*> r. , ** »!1 ro Th<* Wpdn^Fdiy 2 -*> Trot. Pn r%* p*UXI \ M Mahon ♦ 4 * * ’. -n u >r- 4 rv -v n • * 5 4 * .4 ?*t arth y*. . * 4 *> sf *£ Va j. la rm*r. Pur*f ITdWI u • V i rn 0> I'tt l b«r -s'raiu.i Ill; C r. h • Fi#rr*in* * 3 2 w x f i ? i . ,jr h Kf'tP 4 2 T and . ’ * r.r t * # • a k . W.ilyi •* 8 * •, V. - V v f t uftin> '* I j; »i j f»,. ;vr • iv t Hopkina * l»i Td» iVVii) Td p - —v ■y \ : la : 4 •* l" 4 ;. |f irf, Pgrtf sl,l*oo i I nftnl«bfd i - r * r4rrt<i t.lirl. b. mr by Great • p v ' v•-* o■’ • ’rr MrMa . I * • i .iatark r<- ir / Parry! 5 A ’ r hP. ’>l h ' M i Dowtil) . T $ ... u y • -s-n b n % : ... ; * * Predrrorr , and« rer -d STANDINGS American League *• t \ \ til \*, ! -i- \V TANARUS., !’• ♦ (Mr«ii 'it r.. r.r I! ' J/'.i * '<• V* 4«4 \ i ;■ i«‘. n :I 2% '47 ■ ievrl’d j* ':4 •.<•»«» 1* s<st Thi»r«(l nl 'm i.amrn I • jSr ; n X-w v Pk U ultiMilfl'N ttr«l*l|« 2ir:< ? r h e t # 0• • 712 1 • < . <’!»»!< •■, fmimt * f< and o*V#iJl, OalHa, -i * v.i H<*m i mlMn»-n tnntr>* I ::j lsft»»|H! ft H K .1 . o n ■ 4 i fr-r.-ptf* :• : « S « : * 5 R H Fr it* »t< n 'i o ■ ■ M i • ; j i I' !! ■ i>ii' n;> r* end Severnid K ' if'! i*r pup !'in;i:r.‘v M< r. r •f: i* * n r»' ■ll y 4 & <t * % •> n h e S’ • p A o » 5 (J Til * • i- * n " < A f’ —’ 3 f » Be t* ot *» *4 *■,*■ r ard >p| V l’i. ’ mi.' V and Th«ma« • in! V ' ,rrr .' ■ * 1 > f 1 •03 ft 1 TANARUS! 4 j O . ■ "I ! 0 - 0 .! •• 1* J I- rfp> It j •unit, ? >*nforth. Wolf -1 • ' i’ Vl.ii.’’ C’ p <•* a «r' r. '-'C *r. r. •- i Hllflp end National League •T 1 MtlM, ’ ■ TVt T TANARUS,. Pc t ‘ i 2*i£l *ii r. »•, 21 >0 434 ' 'k 2‘ 1 ’4 TANARUS»" - k!> n 1* 33 43:. 1 i S* ■ 23 _ A<9 I! ntnn 1« 33 410 L i « . ’ f2 ’3? f►’tab *h. •K, 31 .340 l*hwr««lß %’« <«aan*a York n I'.iinlttirjlt, M r4n»«lit'i Rpintu inti'ntr.« 1 2 3 4 5 3 T * 3 R 11 r .if ■ “> 2 A r.i»rer'e* An l*r* n »nd Harden * • r • h'r i ■ »nr -*a rr- Inning* 7 2 3 4 f, « 7 3 •> Riff r>.!)«4H A' lOOoAjO-j « o nnatt 1 o 0 101 00- 2 * X Ratter • • Urtandet *f»i Kllpfi-r R<.<*an. Kn>-n«r end tVlnift, ,p»» t 1 I»• y nnrl lliirrlaon fi • ‘ klyn In >4t ram H< stfin in i'hi< **o. r*in. ♦ Launch Mm Detroit Sunday. I \Thp iMiimliinc of th*- Mlr* fietroit ! II »♦ Aiironur hAH li#*m | iintll Sunday afternoon. The part) ' that ill a't< nd the launrhin* from jo, irnp *||] Ifjivp thia city at the j Kdifitn Hoot Hub. Undin* at 0 I o'rlorK Sunday momlna The run j*o Mf'itt** Will bn mad* In the j Prlnc "an. DETROIT TIMES C JACKSON SC RE LY j vV ICL EARN ThAT UONO riarenci Jackson *ur«*l\ w..lnt^ ! h* h v bond v b .nd r* pr» n* : !tv a $ 0 inv, ,im* nf *- 'be a 1 th * curht :n l-»t»»m Martin M il. ■ aud Tackecn Th. ftn<t bio. k vn.. j* .4 *cd <»i (hi-f* ertirv -: ■ filgl. AH Juck-en did v\ is to t V * Mil *i,v \vr .- ■ rout.- k'J ♦*> tuning** nine This *• he b» * r tbre»- .-l 1"i i i.i i' ' tr - ' ear in *, h w 11 .- i 1.4. ed v the Ma SM \U IKI.DS, STK KV GOING AT DKVONSHIRK t • .’ v, • ■ • , :.t*- *. .1.1 v .»* it ad b.'en i.'ti he oth* r days of ’de 1.,. ei.-tu 11 shower? of Wed n.-ede * v -rung hnv. made the g.*jn K ■ ... , ; r starters vv,.* *vp. 't and * be heavily .'-'rat h* and when - b ici- hle» The ■'ttirrsiii ur ioun- • and pi* utv of op ho'w.-v- r r r the folk •1*1. ,t ir.v lb . 4-a • 4 -% ■'n • itlrlsrrs ir W.’-iU*-s.i:i' rac-.uc sertw- the rii y 1 1 n | fi suspension ‘ - Henry ,»nd Ormrs for • :gfi r iin-t. the soak ng th.i f the far.- got during th« r on. and th* -p»a.-h tnad.- Bar arid Star- in the handicap Mtrus Bai and S's»- . •'■■eved • T.d money an; ;nd 114.9.- 'or 111 p .n T *|rk rt q T>* f* ro a ort several good bets scattered thru the re * ul' *. bu’ no'btne * j !s*‘ *»f the sen .-ational varle'y. NORTHERN HIGH AND SHOWERS JOLT CENTRAL Central schiV»l> ci*v baj-eball championship hubbl* co* rttighty -ard us.'ig- W“dn*- ;ay even ing ju. s t before *hc b:g storm Cen tral wa- cu'ertaimn* Northern high at Goldh-erc Acid, ttr. i j> is counting upon h soft victory and an e-srly supper It happened, however, th.a* Sort hen* got sway lo atld before ’entral coyld g- ’ over tT.e tagg-r- the rain cam* up. and <r<-p ped *he gar:.e Horror.-* up*in hor ror*. exacti' four anfl a half inn ng nad been pluv. and, xn i th* gam* wa offl* si w:rh ia 4 *o 2 vicr< r> ,r Uttl* Northern *c--lng ir.’o I•• erds Heym. of Norh**m. war pfu h ;ng w*-ll <*r.d might • -»v- won :n - J *-•: BOX SCORE DETK* 'IT AR K fT n a F Vo unc •!>*... * 1 4 0 Heiimir, if. PHI LA Ij ML PI i I > TANARUS% fc t n - * l • . Strunk ft. 71-04 r> * f‘ ... 4 r » 2 r t 2 0 rj., , r f . 4 4 « ’ 0 I,n van 3f, t 1 i 4 n \ -• i. 1 » o 1 0 T * f*! p J ♦ 2 *"• 11 * for Virt • n.nt »ia/l f. f . , ~ Inns nc • I i m • % * f f •,,. t - > 3 bn T r *t fl I b■* *■* J » 0- *ir. 11 t 1* v 1 1<1f\ +I • pbtn 4 A'*•’?!♦ V r. .• \t nr Rurni. Twfi'bn + h ,fv 1 11 M r.if>ublf* pin N \V ff •vril Ft U <-r> *'.*•« '-'dr • n ir T N * * '• 3 Lnr*i# ! 1 ,ri Rv Voyfn r * f’mi r*. — ftf<l M r -tr*-. ■ * Af (hALFONTE On thrßF \fH and BOAPfiWAIK ATLANTIC Cm'. N.J. 1 i Rut - Rtcrtahon — R*<upgtal on Spend a few dart at tfceCha! fon’e *ti# hotel of ho«r ta ty“ | and horreiike rhar'- An,*’ *n plan. <»olf and y»< i. t, f r;» ,*g, n Vi ana raaarratinna now. THE L£ED« COMPANY - - ~ - (HT43 aTRA Mailll’a CUN A R D Rpfntur l'»M’in»r and ( inn 3tOlrf« NEW YORK—LIVERPOOL NEW YORK- FALMOUTH LONDON NEW YORK—BRISTOL Orafta, Vt#B»f Ordara. Mall nr t able <»r*at U’l’aln, Ireland. Aran* (tlantli, Italy. K’»r further %• , »1 «T4Ti: AT., 31. V.. « r l.nenl 3 S 'ata C. K. BIRD & (O. F»>m*rn) Dirt< ir« t JT We • lUnrnrK Av» Phone Orand >l3* Detroit *» ’h. bad Baseball Spoils Big Chance to Gain on League Tigris Linish Series In IMiilac elphia ■ Today \: -a J*m V Jun* U A? ; ! Wcdnesdav. th* Tig- r> must n older to r*tutn home .v * • •,| . % with Ji .*v er.ig*’ "f O-e k iin:t remain-* be play ■ and tour in \v • if h 1 .it* won the •.- .nd _ .!< r> if mother ,t* , . ~,-f *•-* The <rune wi»h Phil i hi-* tfterm»on should be • r -.- if t L* Ttg- 's » *n ■ f.>ur a* W.'shlng’or. v, h, The National* - I, |,' h :*ir ;;p an! 'he ba"les thev . t- n*. C*ev.-!and ind*-ate trou ■ l ?•- . Jennlng.*- crowd Khnik, «nd ta".te* wtll warm f'.-rn.'or and on*- of .. . « p-.’i h Maybe ail of u ii! m Vth'rMc* ovitpiav.ed the . - A- dn- N- -v* - pitched - - ' hi* *-< good a game as DwU--. r h. •'•■id nx of the Mackmen , supert t ?<v that l>e'ioir v.ts guilfv of a crruplc of w.iding sx-antial- that afflict • --itchmg -taft • h!a \*-ar. ann •: p.-jah an-1 Uurtis *urne«l In : -rs Had if not be.-n for -• ,and; a :> k- Iv Cat . *i, —\ f or De'roif would has*- dec*' * 'd Th*- Ttg-'i- -farted ou' with a i- : ' and grabbed an early lend v • *w f *”\hl to In FRIDAY SPECIAL at HASSE’S _ Your choice of over 250 fine fyiNfcA quality Hasse Suits— some EW aS as KI FRIDA Y ONL Y T.C.TfttSSi? S- Son WOODWARD AND CONGRESS * Tsilors Clothiwrs Hatter* Haberd tthers UiJl/U viliV uIIUh lUi/AI ‘ k Detroit’s most reliable dealers offer the finest nf their used cars- all have l>een in jx*cted by the [), A. IJ. A. Technical Committee. Concerts Kach Afternoon and Kveninx No cars shown that are not equipped with electric lurht and starters. Ranjre in phee from S2OO to $2,500. Huy no* from this hiKh-tfrade Stock Cara Delivered Immediately New Crosstown Garage John R. and W arren Conducted by Detroit’s Auto Dealers’ Association IwL the great national advertis- ers who appreciate a news- r of character include The Times m Uieir countr>’-coverinß’ Man” use no othor me<lium in Detroit. JOHN MAY CALL OFF THAT OTHER PIMH httshi iu;if j in*' t manager of f h< Ne» j York lliant*, l)«5 been felltn* the w ! i ha 1 he Hi’iiM fi k. ;«not her , imps luMili! annoy. him again rh*»t. i« a suspicion that Me tir.*s, w !io lb here for m beries with . Pirate* t-hHnatd hi* mind *a*t nurhf The stormy leader w.»" notified that Piety T* n**r. of ■he National league. hud plaster »'d a !*>da' 'UKp**n»ion on him »n-1 fined him SOO M<H*ra*( t un n> t take charge o* hi* tram again 1 until Juno Meanwhile the tilatft**. under the leadership of Lohert anil Herzog, are winning more *te.idil> 'han they did un dei McGraw. ing ar.d dropped thr hall Just over •h. V• ad of Novi-* Nobortv •ou i, aoh it ,n time to flag the- fl*-*' Pepper Bevy. Cobb crishrd a two bagger pn.-r Ping Rodir. who we: f:* - ?! whl’r S' uff v Mclnr Is was nursing the e-vc thie' wblack »-nr<l by a hul throw Tuesdav lllghtflrider ißvocb fuhled the bail after he r*-arhrd it and Young scor * and while the Fetch rsblcd to third V.-s- h hols*ed a sacrifice flv on whnh Cobh tallied . That whs the rnd of the Tiger scoring There af'er Noves had the invaders tamed The Vthletics got back those tw.t Noyes nnd Witt sored him Strunk also drw a pass Then Ftng lU>dl« found an offering to his liking and crashed into 1* for a double *hn* Till us i) v\ , n > k m. ' ih«- (list out \\ alii* and I.awrv th. ,u- C - »>* ' ; Oscar hut to Ilia},*- ~ flue slop <>' unn* rveil Georgt»* H* Ir l^iwr) end titu*' Witt butr-d l\c. to fli t I tw-v i.o ed home on *tu rrrt>r with the winning run fh* gam* w .i- ( inched in th.* ctgtifh when Burns>'-d Bimlu-’s ground Bates singled. Pau: fell down ] while < hasing John - n‘* bun' * lovkl lnfi.-'d ; '«v c.iug'.f f» oil 0 . „t th. j rnd Young di-rr-tl -» for I force play rtt second Bates stored during ’h* l"ie Katn** «*f fonrb.iii .!<>»• -,,tl w - .1.1" lt i **.. pinu the mtg'ip The !'ig*- r s did nothing in the ninth rnd lost , grand chance to gvn igain on Chicago „nd B*- ton ♦ briif l*n«k»«r*i tli.l lldlt* l»»r ih» « urtilMMlw 111 the cu ill arl«uil. Diif Ihf fm n«f r lift) I til* tint ter lit coinint thru For linkup lit fine wf>!r 4UIM %«I iK>IK\M DETROIT OPERA HOUSE r7 T" Jsiir tt amm geraldine iS* Farraß In Cecil H. DvMillc > i incma Ma tci piece "Joan,theWoman" Founded on the Life of Joan of Arc nut i ru h m* »— l«* mi n ind iioys \ v| rit,n vi f • it» linnili hre tFi * if*- Bn>! fh>ti rif < f thf Atvrrfn **f |o<L'i > « inn* t ft> niin.B ♦.h r t trifvidl <>f v Ij fig v* i M. , r.fn \ .> | v B#r A - Y»|t f On hl-I'n * - 1 U '’f» r I*o %n IVIHO \\ —l> %11 4 T4I H \n 4 M* il nn«l Modern I >unn □□acararam * H, .wr- Ruth Roye -ur. v HART ;'??£» Mating#a, IS« .*■ Nit »•«,. «*.. •.**.. GARRICK 'Hi. -v i ' h*h \ t»n ij*» ' ki uon —*ii)| \\ r* k THE BONSTELLE CO. n ’ r V*v * I • n e •- - • ' ‘ ' * It P«iys to Advertise Nmf: - V |lt*l| *f»ll t T 111- V (Of* 6S3OOS© >! I « V \ I I \ V t I>I.V 11 I I 'i .l(( •-- I .lit—-Tito nn <t pi I* “THE YELLOW P7.HIL” r—orn» it (.I*l v 1 \< r—; I'Hl’t. rtiMio i*i u» i*. i" *•> _* Mots 1 2• ‘ Mi'll*. I’- 1 • ail 2. T and II p WALLACE m “THE WORLD APA-3T" □ MAT W:L!.S fY |'M K*V%s| \ (> *. | M,M It); |r- O. , II . ~r-* A* .. - ...r, .V -- I ■5 I*. A 1 «.HrSiit I l»r Krj.ii.rrs; UM . - *pr. .It « I lull I I N The r 2oard iValk OC tvii ihi i»i i t >i oi (C.J i 'ii «nu:vi » %- .1- n•• r- n* 11 r|i|* r— \ ’ li, ’*r I mrr I ll< le I ■Ami*f sI -• -II *• |< n *. r « (* i. y . AVENJ :. V.'V.'.. Yaaka Hula burlesque: s U MI, HI IHr ilnllus Sm'ikr If tnu I lk< Vint. Ilnll* I’rlnlln* —tkr plnt.i , ,il I m l—|l.»i It« rUH—Tl'nr* 1(0* firi*’ Mi,ln 1”,2(*. K a r sr _ ■ / * n 05 Ea. * /enshire Park lune 9th to ].6t.h Centlo C ' IV f It 88 Qr TROft RIM R STfV\\f Pj Coin mb in US-808-LC Wr«k l»ay(H 11a.m.. I iJIO and i Sinidma-* Hi.'lO a.m., *A-9 p.m. lUlarnintf ArrivsliftN p.m. f eafert. i OaurinJ anil llatlilng. Fare (Pju-rpi Ido CJliiMrm ' ’*c MOONLIGHT with OanHng r,n Sir. C olumbia or Sir,C la!re every I'vrning Evr-rpi Sun. and Mon, Nh'lO l*aro 40«*. (: ,- f ll- *vi) SI7N|»AY KVK. Colmnhin l.nKr Hide nml 4Ur tl*j«ior« parmltleil. V’flifitrrn Tliti* All Blpic lUi a Nt. Th** ri# he !• r •!«*•* In? A(finl««tii)i in hn«## 41 and pnrid «e - rr e»l. I *\l» HltMl vj| no H« 1 ffr-CV;■ i/? . • 4* 1 «v»wt«ii f, «\i yi *VT > i«i,<t»n. »'rt - **• -i . | #,. p n. )• ’r (i so t‘»r 1 l»tiu. 11 1■ • lull *it4 Kc ||», *l*ily IU |« rn for. 4titi *. inn «if»’ i» «'i ltd ••; part*. p I | >. tfaya • !• a in., * antra* Tim* v»»am •it l*a** fact us T Mr4 a**nu* «, it./ Tick*! p»« a. iH <»rt*wvi<i an««k A\Cfi ifil i h ■ n v t’U Jln i Iu ! * C NT AO REE V*' l . S*-h; •!•»!«• !i , : |,, , It*hru<* C‘nn*t Adopted nil. \<VO. Jun li- ! ,4.- S: , , 1 . * was still i»i h. 'lujj,. 'pi,| Thf . omiuitu- Win. t . ftAj Hrs nah-n of Tn| t j t . n. }| \v , th»*n. of l.ouisvilli', and M. E Can ’ • .T \y \\ • - :i • I’M',*' f * r r ' ..»! * \. AST iWil-E 2: - - OALY B:u6 4 i DETROIT 1 -.1 v . —. . ... j \ : nU|l J BR A IT m HIURN “Fil l i\(, MI OM N SMOHS’* I S I \ ' V*. . - I I • *• M AD ISO.x “Idle Wives” I <il - vs iiii it i ->/i •’ !l It 111 - vi s l.t. !l <r •;• I I-. CADILLAC 4 ’ Girls ffOu'iit Rouge \ vt.Werk — -I hr lUul, f*otlrr*." Wharf fnr.f .f t.ritwnld n* j , . n Time Fur fh# Flat* ar ! f rt Iturun I «I 1 > u *i i«i% • 4k a ito fti *i *> t j iii.