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Grain Men Enjoin Michigan Central We’re at War — Time is precious in wartime. The compact Times saves your time. No wasteful wordiness. Nothing but worth while news. SEVENT KEN T H YKA R . NO. 23 7 . GERMANS PAY FEARFUL TOLL JOB SMALL GAIN AT VERDUN EXCESS PROFITS TAX TO RAISE $730,000,000, IS SENATE REVENUE PLAN »Would Increase Yield Under 8 Per Cent Law $505,000,000 BIG RETURNS ARE HIT HARDEST Rates Are Graduated From 15 Per Cent Up Washington, June 3b.—Excess profit* will contribute $730,000,000 toward th* war tax now being form ulated by the aenat« flnancw commit tee if congress approve* the commit tee's recommendation, made today. This sum Is $505,000,000 anntially more than is now raised by the 8 per cent tax on excess profits The present exces.-. profits law is repeal ed and the following übstltuted, as recommended by th* committee That in addition to the taxes un der existing law-, there shall be lev ied for each taxable year upon the Income of every corporation, part nership. or individual a tax upon the amount of the excess profits: Not in excess of 15 per cent of the normal profits, 12 per cent, in excess of 15 per cent- and not of 2"> per cent, 16 per cent; in excess of 25 per cent and not of 50 p*-r cent, 20 per cent; in excess of 50 per cent and not of 75 per c» nt. 25 per cent; In excess of 100 per c*-nf and not o? 150 per cent, 35 p**r cent; and In excess of 150 per cent, 40 per cent. The senate committee's decision would Increase the revenue pro ceeds Impossible under the house bill levy on excess profits $305,000,- 000. VENEZUELA IS NOT FOR KAISER Country Denies Intent To Sell Island To tier many WASHINGTON. June 30. Vene rijfta today denied that ell her Tier government or any private individ uals are intriguing to sell the island of Margarita to Germany as a secret base for German submarines. This is Venezuela's answer to American representation Hgalnst disposal of the island to the Teu tons. Receipt of the message fol lowed a previous message which said Venezuela would take up with Germany nflldly the matter of sub marine warfare In general Vene zuela la believed to he one of the nations referred to In recent an nouncetnents here of the German plotting in South America. JUSTICE QUITS UNDER HUE Justice of the Peace Harry J. Nle man, of River Rouge, handed his resignation to Chief Assistant Prose cutor Paul W. Voorhies, Saturday morning He had been arraigned before Justice Marschner on a charge of larceny by conversion, but this complaint was dropped. ir tiik iMUTon »tti you musn t laugh, n<>n’t visit the giant Coliseum »t 25 amusements be low the H»srd Walk. Jefferson st the Bridge. New snd stsrtling amuse menta weekly- ticket Includes everything. Gntne today or tomor row. afternoon or night A Isugh every minute. Just for fun.- Adv. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! —Raemaekers* Famous Cartoons Are Coming to THE TIMES—This Is What George Creel United States Censor, Says of Them: “He is a rolce. a sword, a slams. His cartoons are the tears of women.the battle-shoot of indomitable defenders, the Indication of humanity, the sob of civilisation. They will go down into history. They ARB histoqu” ' MILES TO PAY FIVE PER CENT FOR HALF YEAR The Mile Detroit Theater com pany, operating the Miles theater, ha declared its regular semi an nual dividend of three and one-half per cent and an extra dividend of one and one-half per cent, a total of five per cent for the half year. The checks will be mailed July 10. Ap proximately $17,500 In surplus prof its will be distributed to stockhold ers. JASNOWSKI AND COUZENS IN TILT Each (barges the Other With Delay In Saloon (’ases Pro«ecumr Jnsnowskl snd Com missioner Couzens clashed Saturday morning on responsibility for delay in th* prosecution of liquor cases. The police commissioner sent the prosecutor a letter, charging that dilatory prosecution was responsible lor a delay of eight months in bring mg to trial a saloonkeeper accused of k« pping open after hour*. The ! man "as William Kane, Macomb snd Randolph-sts. The complaint was dated Nov. 7. He was convicted June 2.1 In his letter Commissioner Couz ens asks If there “Is any excuse In the world for such a record as this.” Pro. editor Jnsnowskl declared that the police were to blame, hav ing delayed from Nov. 11 to Dec. 23 In getting the warrant even served. “Kkne’s place was onlv two blocks from police headquartevs, but I’ve nev* r known of so long a delay by the police in grtllng R Warrant serv ed.” said Mr. Jnsnowskl. “It should have been served In 25 minutes aft er It was issued.” “We never ask for continuances on behalf of our office. We some times ask them for the police de when the police are not ready for the trial.” Prosecutor Jasnowski has been away from his office ana 111 with whooping cough for several weeks, the Illness developing Into a mild ease of appendicitis. RIOTS FEARED IN ARGENTINE Pacif Is t sand Protestors Against Living Cost Threat en Trouble ntJKNOS A IRKS, Juno CO- Trou l)lo whs feared today ovor h demon nintlon against Argentina entering fh*> war and In protest for the high oost of living Kxtra pollro will be P«>»'oi| thruout tho downtown sor tions. Argontine Is momentarily expert od •to announoe severance of rela tlons with CJermany, duo to destruc tlon of Argentine shipping In tho submarine xohe and Irnposslhlllty of obtaining h guarantee for futuro pro tection of tho nation's morchant ma rlno. King Ooorgo has Instituted two now ordors of rhlvnlry open to wo men. In rorognltlon of tholr manifold services during tho war. DETROIT TIMES BASEBALL FOLLOWS THE FLAG TO FRANCE A FRENCH PORT. June 30 Baseball followed the flu® here w hen the American Array and navy forces came ashore after their trip across the Atlantic. The Jackies found a brand new dia mond waiting for them and. dof fing their sailor suits to don baseball uniforms. two naval teams staged a game the very first afterneon they were ashore. Hun dreds of Frenchmen and American soldiers watched the game. RAZING OF ELEVATOR ENJOINED Board of Trade (Jets Injunction Against M. C. Railroad Tliw Hoard of Trade, acting for 16 grain concerns, secured a re straining order from Judge Codd Saturday, enjoining the dismantling of the Michigan Central’s elevator "H,” at the foot of Twelfth-st. Were this done the milling Industry in Detroit would be Jeopardized, ac cording to Hnl H. Smith, counsel for lhe Hoard of Trade, and Detroit, instead of being a grain terminal would become only a way port for grain Only one other elevator, that owned b> the Wabash railroad. Is available. The Orand TYunk eleva tor was destroyed by Are several months ago and the Michigan Cen tral's elevator "A” already has been dismantled. The road, It Is under stood, needs the space for other purposes. Judge (’odd has set July 7 for a hearing on the petition for a per manent injunction. jRACES Aqueduct Result* First Race -7 furlongs Harry Shaw. 11 v (Loftus), 16 to 5. 7 to 5. 7 to 10, won. Paddy Whack. 133 O'Brien*, 6 to 3. even, 1 to 3, sec ond. Polroma. 105 i Buxton). 6 to t, r. to 2. «to 5. third Time, t 26 3-5 iltllle*. Wooden Shoes. Pollux. Alvord. 11 w fa, The Decision. Burlingame and llesee also ran. Second Flare 2 miles: Martian. 136 (Klenck), ft to 2. 2 to 1, ev«-n, won. Slipshod, 137 * Powers). 3 to 1. 6 to 5, t to 2. second; Sklbbereen. 147 4 Haynes), 13 to a, even. 1 to 2 third Time, 4 22 Robert Oliver North wood, Falmouth and Sun King also ran Hamilton Result* First Race 5 furlongs Storm Bound. 11" iJeffcott) $4 ft,4ft. I I won. Wow, 110 'Louder). 12.60. *2 3ft. second. l«adv Eileen, 110 tParring (nni. 12 30. thtrd. Time. 1:03 1-6. • lonnkllty. yolulaml and Senator Broderick also ran. Second Race About 2 miles New Haven, 153 (Brooks), $4 10. 12 60. §2. 30, won I'hrlv Light, 167 (Barett). 3 10. f.TIO second Otto Floto, 143 (Inndry). $5 30. third Time, 4 H» Never Fear. Cynosure and The Afri can also ran Tidtonia Result*. First Race 6 furlongs Extermina tor. ioo (Morys). *12.40, *6 on $«10. won; Mlslress Pollv. 100 (Dlshmon), 17 00. $7 6ft. second. Quito. 112 (Cun nrllvt, fl 2 6ft. third. Time. 1:14 4-3. Parfay; W H Buckner. Flounce. Fox Ridge Robert L Owen, Count Boris. Dr Nlokell, Jack Hill and Soldier B<>y also ran. CZAR’S COOKS SUE HIM FOR LOSS OF THEIR JOBS PETROORAD, Juno 30 —Nicholas Romanoff la experiencing complica tions as a result of hi* dethrone ment. The cook* of the HomanofT palace* have formed a union, hired a lawyer and are suing the former czar for losA of employment and nonfulfillment of contract. It be came known today. SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1917. Plank - Mitchell Hurl First Half of St. Louis Double Bill Inning— 1234 5 6789 Dei.oooool2 St.L. 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 ST. LOUIS, June 30 —Plank and Mitchell were the opposing pitchers between the first game of today's double header. ST. 1,01 IS DETROIT Sloan, If. Dull, aa. Aaotla.Sk. Vouog, 2h. Staler, lb. Cobb, rt. Pratt. 3b. Vrtfb, If. S«v«rel4. *. Hcllua. rt Jacob***, rs. lanii lb. Manana, at. Vltt, lb. Jabaaaa. aa. Soraoar, a. Plank, s, Sfttrbrll. *. t melna—Nallln and Oaaaolly. Attendawo* I.HOft First Inning DETROIT—Burh was thrown out by Plank. Young struck out. Cobb rolled to Pratt. No run, no hit, no •rror. ST. LOUIS—Sloan beat out a roller to Hush. Austin drew a base on balls. Slsler sacrificed. Vltt to Burns. Prstt sent a sacrifice fly to Cobb, Sloan scoring after the catch Severeld fouled to Spencer. One run. one hit. no error. Second Inning: DETROIT—Veach was out. Staler to riank. who covered first. Heilman out. Pratt to Sisler. Burns struck out No run. no htt. no error. ST. LOUlS—Jacobson fanned. Mar sans singled to renter. Maraana got a stolen base on a short passed hall. Johnson fanned. Plank doubled to left, scoring Marsans. Sloan fouled to Spencer. One run. two hits, no error. Third Inning. DETROIT—VItt beat out a slow roller towards third Spencer nit Into a double play. Austin to Pratt to Sls ler. Mttohell sent a line drive to Sloan No run. one hit. no error. ST LOUlS—Austin fouled to Burns. Slsler popped to Burns. Pratt was easy for Vltt and Bums. No run. no hit. no error. Fourth Inning DETROIT—Bush lifted to Jarnm son Young walked toung died stealing. Severeld to Pratt Cobb CONGRESSMEN IN BASE BALL CLASSIC WASHINGTON. June 30 A president, a prince, the cabinet., high government officials, congress and all of the government clerks In town who would, went out today to see Washington's baseball classic a game between Republlcana and Democrata of the houae. The game, held for the benefit of the Red Crosa. attracted all the baseball tal ent in the house. President Wilson was to throw the first ball. Jeannette Rankin, the lady from Montana, and “Uncle Joe” Cannon were selected to score the game. Clark Griffith, manager of the Washington baseball team, and without political leanings, was to umpire. The prince mentioned Is Prince "Cupid" Kalanlansole. delegate from Hawaii. He xm expected to piny on the Republican team and to run second in the congressional heavy weight stakes to Rep. Ram Winslow, of Massachusetts. Winslow weighs In at least 250 pound*. Get* Verdict Against Doctor. After deliberating 2« hours a Jury- In Judges DcnVoimes* court returned a verdict of SI,OOO In favor of Mrs Frsncea Bloan, wife of James Sloan, secret service operator, against Iff' George R. Fnv, a nontenant In tho Harper hospital unit, and the Yel low Taxlcah company. The suit was the outgrowth of sn accident. v/aa called out on strikes. No run. no hit, no error. ST. LOUIS- Severeld fouled to Vltt. Jacob«on singled and went to third when Vltt threw the ball past Bum*. Maraana singled to center, scoring Jacobson. Marsans stole second. Johnson struck out. Marsans died stealing third, Mitchell to Vltt. One run. two hits, one error. Fifth Inning DETROIT —Jacobson made a nice catch of Veach's low liner. Heilman walked. Burns forcod Heilman. Sta ler to Johnson. Vltt singled to cen ter. Burns stopping at second Spen cer fouled to Austin. No run. one hit, no error. ST LoUlH—Plank atcuk out Sloan also fanned. Austin tripled to left. Young tossed out STsler. No run, one hit, no error. Sixth Inning DETROIT Austin threw out Mitchell. Bush rolled to left Young walked Cobh singled to center, scor ing Bush and putting Young on sec ond. Veach sent a short fly to Mar sans Johnson tossed out Heilman. One run, two hits, no error. ST. I/OUIS—Vltt tosaed out Pratt. Cobb made a spectacular one-handed catch of Bevereid's hard drive In left center. Jacobaon singled to center. Mnreans popped to Heilman. No run, one hit, no error. Seventh Inning DETROIT Johnson threw out Burns. Vltt walked. Spencer singled to center. Vltt stopping at second. Dyer batted for Mitchell and «. Jones ran for Spencer. Austin booted Dyer - * roller and the bases were filled. Bush singled to deep short. Vltt scoring Young forced Bush at second, John son to Pratt R. Jones scoring Pratt toased out Cobb. Two runs, two hits, one error. ST LOUIB — Jones pitching an* Stanage catching for Detroit. John son was safe on Young's fumble. Plank fouled to Stanage. On the hit and run. Sloan tripled to right, scor ing Johnson Austin fouled to Vltt. Young tossed out Slsler. One run, one hit. one error. FIRST DRAFT CALL FOR 725,000 MEN WASHINGTON. June 30.—1 t will be necessary to draft a total or 725,000 men to bring America’s reg ular army and national guard to full war strength and put the first national army of 300.000 men In the field. Indications today the last day of army recruiting week—were that 50,000 men would ha\e to be draft ed into the regular*, and 50,000 more Into the militia LATE NEWS BULLETINS mnura. June so.—t>*r ih«< 4,enernl *»errell. mmnmnillni the Allied expeditionary force* In Waeednnln, m* > He preparing n general offensive ho* led Italaer- Inn nrmy eklef* In «*k the Her man (Aenernl Von >l»«*hen*en to preside nt n general nnr council, according to dlapstcliea received here fodoj from llnigart*. H43lll><.m, Jane SO.—The trenatir* |n«|n> loaned ItCjHaO.nOft to f.rcnt Hrlfam. making a total loan to that i'*axtr) «f Iftrir Odd,- onri since the flerluratton of war ■nd a urn'iit total laan to the Allies of *UHW.non.(rtio. AMERICAN LEAGUE. FIRST GAME Tnnlntrs Ii! I 4 6 6 7 3 $ BME W-.-U ten ft 3 ft 0 1 ft ft 2 0— 6 7 3 Phlla'phla 3 ft ft « 1 « 4 ft *—l4 13 ft Batteries Dumont. Tlrnry snd Av rfi, He 11‘< i!d and llnle) Umpire* • Di ne «n and McCormick. Meant • lriurn-. Mine-*I Bath* Cure rheums* to am' rie»-vnn*in*e4.—* Adv. Printing—U pla»n uei»t kind—that fa right—Tlm». I:i>s>«)lKlr ATTACK FRENCH FORTRESS FOURTH TIME ID ATTEMPT TO AVERT FALL OF LENS; RRITISH RAIN ANOTHER MILE HOSPITAL UNIT READY TO DEPART Harper Section May Entrain Before Sunday MEN EXPECT TO SAIL AT ONCE Detroit College of Med icine Unit May Follow Soon Harper hospital base hospital unit No. 17 Is all assembled, every man is present, equipment has been is sued and the entire personnel ol the unit. Including medical staff, en listed men and nurses, is bivouacked on the grounds of Harper hospital waiting to take a train on the first leg of the Journey to France Special trains will rush the or ganization to the Atlantic coast, where the unit will board a ship sos the war fields of Europe, with only a brief stop, if any, at an eastern concentration camp. Refore 9 o’clock Saturday morning the men reported at Harper hospital with their hand baggage, ready to march to the railway station when word would arrive from Washing ton that trains were ready. It was confidently believed that befor* church bolls tolled Sunday morning the unit, which is composed ot nearly 300 men, would be far from Detroit, altho there was still tbs possibility that It would not get away until some time on Sunday. ("apt. Coburn, the regnlar army officer who will have command of the unit, lined the enlisted men up on the lawn of the hospital grounds and gave them final Instructions Nearly all of the men had sal# farewell to their families a’ home and there were few people gathered at the hospital. Here and they* were small family groups, hut there was nothing In the way of a detn onstratlon of any kind. Several au tomoblles were sold at bargain* Medical officera drove to *be hnv pltal. and realizing that they would not need their cars for a couple ot years, sold them In several in stances machines had beet, sold tft hr delivered when th* owner left snd such cars war< turned ov*-i to the purchaser* at the hospital Sat nrdsj morning Iff-. Alien*- MjcLean, director of the unit, refused to disclose the Bluer ary of the unit, as tt la against the war department order*. He did say. however, that he exported his unit would he station'd Immediate ly In the rear of (Jen. Fershmg s army. \V It Is almost certain that the Iff troll Col •ge of Medicine base hoa pltal unli will receive orders almost immediately to get und* r way In th'v Harper uhlt there are ]st enlisted men, $6 nurses and a medi ex’, staff o? about 40 of the most prominent physicians In the city. The medical staff appeared Satur day morning in uniform and the uni forms were supplied the enlisted men when they reported. It cannot be stated from what American port the unit will embark, but the baggage Is marked thru to France. With the departure of Dr. Mc- I/«an, the Detroit health board Is left without a quorum. Dr. J. Wal ter Vaughan has already been called into active service and Is now In Washington. It Is likely that he will leave with the Harper unit for France. Dr. J. W. Inches, health offlrer, is attached to the Detroit College of Medicine unit and will be called away very soon. These departures leave but two members of the board of health, Gtißtavus D. Pope and Charles C. Drake Dr. and Dr. Vaughan have al ready left their resignations In the hands of the mayor to be accepted when they leave this country. The board of health has no meek Ing scheduled for several weeks, so that It will not be necessary to ap point at once, successors to the men who are leaving. Whon Mhyor Marx does nami their successors, however, he will have named every one of the mem bers of the hoard, as both Commis sioners Pope and Drake were named by him. GREECE MOVES TOWARD WAR Diplomats Recalled; Army Chiefs Summoned To Capital ATHENS, June 30.—Greece raov ed rapidly tonay in action against Germany. All Greek diplomatic representatives in the Central pow ers’ capitals were formally recalled nnd all Greek army chiefs were summoned to Athens for conference aa to best utilization of the army. In the capital It was confidently expected that Germany would re spond with a declaration of war aguin.-d King Alexander. The full war strorath es Greece la somewhere around 300,000 men, cording to best available data. Prao I tlcailv all of this force ht.< been tno tdllve.i f-.r neinly two >fHri, Hi* I armv I* forme! under th<- ormjnil anr \ nor vice law and i» generally rt warded .Ik nrll disciplined, a* ho net ar well equipped a* necesaary for effective service When Venlxeins resigned a» pre mier under former Kina Constantine and established hi" provisional gov ernntent at Salonika a large force if soldiers attached themselves to nis standard- THE WEATHER Del roll and vicinity i Saturday nlakl unsettled. probably «h#a«n and tbnnder •lnrm<i *»armeri Sunday fain imidrmtr to fresh south t» wr«t a Indn. l ower tlli'klgnm Thunder storms this nfternoon nr tunlahtl warmer to eastern and erntral portions tnnlgktl katidni fair. t pper I nkrsi I'rrsh south winds with squalls this nftrrnnnn on,l to nlaht shlftlna to west by Sunday mnrnlni t showers nnd thunder storms this nfternoon nnd tonights Sunday probably fnlr, l.nwrer t.nhesi Moderate wr*l baeh- Ina to south winds with ) thunder showers late tnulghf or *nndny. fl a. ni .... (11l 111 n. m lit* 7 a. m HI || a. ni 7n h a. m W 12 noon .... 71 A a. m H 7 I p. m 75 lllg best teiwperoture this data In the past 44 yearn. 55 In IHin and IIM I| lowest IV In I vss nnd l»H»t>. One year nan today* lllahent tem perature, 7H| lowest, th*: mean. Hst partly elondy weather with .53 Inrh of rain during the enrly mornlna. I NIGHT IN DETROIT: ONE CENT. French Repulse First Drives On Old Stronghold inflicTheavy LOSSES ON FOE Crown Prince’s Troops Gain Only Small. Outpost By PERRY ARNOLD. Btafl Correspondent United Press ~ NEW YORK, June 30.—Germany 1* striving desperately today to trieve on the French front' an im pending disaster on the British front. With the fall of Lens apparently now only a matter of da>a, the Crown Prince has once more been intrusted with picked troops and prodigal supplies of ammunition to direct a drive on Verdun. Official statement* reveal that this stroke Is of tremendous poweY Despite the concentrated fury of th* attack, the German gain—a little ground on tho west slope of Dead Man’s Hill—has been disproportion ate to the losses In men and ex penditure of munitions. Thia Is at least the fourth major offensive op eration which has been undertaken against Verdun —and the fourth time the initial smashes were checked. Field Marshal Haig has been eery chary nC details of the British op erations around Lena, but today be revealed the full extent of the en circling more. The British a<k* vanoed a mile deep over four miles of front. The official statement did not mention th* particular location of this advance, but It appears cer tain that the British troops have by now almost reached the city limits of the I-'rench coal metropolis. Os secondary interest Is a con tinuation of the German drive along the Cbmnin das Dames. It is mani* festly dealgned to relieve the In creasing French pressure around Lfton, itase city of the Hlndenburg line. The French statement records A failure of the general attack. fXJNDON, June 30.—With IrrestsN llle force, British troops swept on closer around Lens today. Oaln of a mile over a total front of four mile* was reported by Field Marshal Haig “As the result of our attacks." he said, “strongly organized defensive systems on both banks of the Sou rher, river covering l,*ns were cap tured. "Our whole objective* were gain ed with slight loss and with consid erable enemy casualth-s. ■'Positions of great strength *e well -is tactical and strategic im .port a nee are ours. "Additional information confirms CALLAHAN FIRED BY DREYFUSS PITTSBURGH, Pn. J'no 30. la-.-pite hisV non release contract, good until Oct. 10. Jirutii) (lallnhab was given his walking paper by Barney Dreyfus* at noon today. Hans Wagner was named '*t* na fMtmry manager” of the Pittsburgh club The nett move Is up to Callahan —or possibly Wagner.