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KJjet the Coal Out and 1 fthe Price to Consumers I Will Quickly Tumble art* some things everybody Rlbiow'. P rOnr of them is that coal is the very ggfrtsi.- of all our industry and is needed II in every home where the winter is severe Btnough to require heat. H? Another is that coal is scarcer than it Ip Itas been for years and that the price ft la higher and more oppressive. | But the thing al>out the situation that I every 1 tody does not know and for which I e : everybody is seeking the reason is wh> coal should be so scarce and why the l price should be so high. Congress is tackling it. the federal ; trade commission is tackling it, the ad l visory commission of the national coun cil of defense is tackling it. There are many discussions about it. When all is said and done the situation would seem to resolve itseit down to this. The scarcity of coal and the high price | of coal are due to the fact that the rail- I roads have not supplied to the coal mines the number of coal cars adequate to car \ ry the product to the market. Scarcity in food products is often due to poor crops. Scarcity in manufactured products is 1 often due to inability to speed up the pro duction. But no such thing applies to coal. I There is in this country the greatest supply of unmined and workable coal in | the world. | The mines already developed are cap able of supplying every need of the in dustrial and domestic life of our people. The rich black seams are there for the , miners. The supply of skilled labor is also 1 there. But no mining company can work its lodes full speed ahead unless there are ears to take the product to market. And that is just exactly where the rail roads have failed the miners and the country. They have not made a wise use of the cars they have on hand. distribution. They have diverted coal cars to other uses. They have suffered cars to be employed on long time consuming hauls when they might have been used on short hauls. If all the governmental and trade bodies, which are now wrestling with the question, will bring about some method of giving the coal miners enough cars, there will soon be more than enough coal for every use. Then it will not be necessary to fix a i* coal price. t The price will regulate itself. The law of supply and demand will fix the price, because with a supply more than equal to the demand, the charge for coal will drop to its proper level. Aim of This Society Is That Democracy Shall Not Perish From the Earth As we are embarked in a war to make the world safe for democracy, it is above all things necessary that the American people shall safeguard democracy at home. Democracy is the only sure foundation for loyalty, and free discussion in no way hinders the prosecution of a just cause. In order to provide opportunity for the American people to discuss from all standpoints the conduct and aims of the war, an organization started in New York, under the chairmanship of David Starr Jordan and having on its roll some of the best known names among the ministers, professors, scientists and pro fessional men of the country, held one meeting in New York, May 30, and will hold another in Chicago, July 7 and 8. It is hoped by those interested that this conference w’ill further the organi zation of the People’s Council of Amer ica in the middle west, and all organiza tions associated for any public purpose, be it peace, war, education or reform are asked to send delegates. The conferences are for discussion, not for action; and such resolutions as may be adopted will be discussed by the whole body before being put to the vote. f . It is the opinion of those interested that a democracy cannot endure without freedom of discussion and that freedom of discussion cannot be maintained un less people are given an opportunity to present their views. If the People’s Council is formed from LfjfrMe conferences its purposes will be: To secure an early, democratic and | general peace, in harmony with the prin ciple* outlined by New Kussia, namely— FRIDAY, JULY S, 1917 No forcible annexations; no punitive indemnities; free development of all na tionalities. To urge international organization tot the maintenance of world peace To induce our government to state concretely the terms upon which it is willing to make peace. To work for the repeal of the con scription laws. To safeguard labor standards. To preserve and extend democracy and liberty within the I'nited States. The People’s Council will be a PEO PLE’S POWER body in constant opera tion. It is intended as a clearing for the democratic forces of the country; a stronghold of defence for the fundamen tal rights of free speech, free press, peaceful assembly and the right to peti tion the government. It is hoped that the People’s Council will voice the peace w:'! of America as unmistakably and effectively as the Council of the Workmen’s and Soldiers’ delegates is speaking for Russia. Any information may be had by ad dressing David Starr Jordan, room 116, South Michigan-ave., Chicago. England's Independent Writer, H. G. Wells, Is Again On the Rampage There is no more independent writer today than the Englishman H. G. Wells. Every time he takes his pen in hand he writes something that stimulates to thought, if not to bitter discussion. Just at present a novel of his is being issued in serial form that is bound to provoke much argument on both sides of the Atlantic. It will do so especially in England, where despite its essential democracy, the country still retains the gilded figure head of kingship and where, despite re ligious tolerance, the established church still retains its great power and priv ileges. For Wells is proclaiming in this new piece of fiction that out of this war will come an era of republics and an age of religion that will transcend the narrow confines of creed. Wells tried to project himself into space and view this our world from afar. In this frame of mind he is optimist rather than pessimist. He sees an end to kings and thrones. No more will a few dynasts be able to say whether the world shall be plunged into bloody war or remain in blessed peace. The peoples will take unto themselves the power and the government. In the same way. he has a vision of what is coming in the religious field. There will not be less belief in God, but more. However, he advances the theory* that the new belief in God will not allow itself to be confined by sects and creeds. It will be something bigger, something broader, something more tolerant, some thing more of the spirit of the Christ in it than anything we have known since Jesus ceased to preach in the Holy Land. Coming from a man who was once rated as an agnostic, coming from a man stirred to his deeps by the awfu! world-tragedy of which he is an unhappy witness, this message is sure to be the theme of many an angry sermon. But Wells will be happy. He will have stirred men to think, and that after all is the greatest duty of the writer who cares more ;tbout fvr*tgre*s of the world than the size of his own hank account. From Another Point of View By C. T. S. Men's clothes next year w ill be without pockets. They might as well l>e. (Per sonal opinion.) • • a Those county officials are certainly showing up our local police. Here in town we never catch anybody. The county offi cials have already reported the arrest of the nine-mile road slayer no less than seven times. e • MEMORY TEST. When wai the new Belle Isle bridge completed? • • • Is it at all surprising that life looked dark for the man who jumped into the river yesterday? He told his rescuers that his wife is the onlv friend he has. • • • What you would call, Phyllis, indeed quite friendless. * • • China just now would appear to offer a splendid owning for a rupture specialist. • • • Baptists are holding a convention in Detroit. We expect to hear it reported that there has l>een plenty of rain. • * • “Get ahead of that machine in front, Bert; it’s a woman driving.” • * • C. T. S : Herbert Hoover will get you if you don’t watrh out. Clel the habit «if avlnfr Nome of your f brff ff fM-f »«■ t from l{n\*j try uuu u u u-u uu u u u-t-t If * mII tilth! O r Dow ner. the houml. And may do a* well !!e’> an agent, Kover, ale tin.-—farmer Drown s Dot. DETROIT TIMES The Patriots. ■II NATIONAL ) ItMEKtCNCv! ( \w E MUST \ (CopyngM, tOi7. M T Wetwter ) “Lite Most Precious Possession” Is Satan's Slander , Says Stelzle BY THE REV. CHARLES STELZLE. The men of this country will again demonstrate that the acc-long sneer of Satan, “all that a man hath will he give for his life." is a miserable lie. There are cowards and slackers among them, true enough. but the average American citizen will give his life for home and country—and give it gladly when the time comes to make the sacrifice This doesn't mean he counts hi life a cheap thing, to be recklessly flung away. Probably nowhere in all the world is human life valued as highly as it is in the I'nited States. We have become extremely sensitive to the fact that human life is to be con served and enriched. It is true industrial accidents are still far too numerous, but thi- i due primarily to the pace we have set for ourselves in industry and commerce in order that all life may be fuller and richer. Anniversaries 1747 John Paul*. th» most famous American naval officer In tn«* Revolution. t»ef n in *••• Hand I’> I in Parrs. .ful> IV l7:*j. 1 77-V—Georgia voted to Join her »'■- ter c"l■ >ni*s In the struggle f. r in d« p nd**nre. I*7l Fldmund W r*tt ;« < r,feder ate soldier and Pnlted State* sena tor fr -rn Alabama. born in I. me.tons county. Ala IM*<l at H spring* V r. July 27. ll»07. IgSt— An armlsti'*• wa* agreed on In the war between France *n<l Aus tria. H7S—Turks and Serbian* engag'd n tattle at Ya’or it h 'atlread property horned by mobs of «ti:ker» and their “vmpathlrers in Chicago KMhu was appointed Secretary -f State In *uece*si..n t John Hay. I'uv*— president Taft and the Bru sh and !>■ n. 1 amba’.sad rs after l «and the f’h.amnlaln ter-ent-nary • »•!**- bratinn at T.'< n<teroga. n\i: u:tR U.O l> Till, w Vlt French raptured Herman ei.,nd line Li. nth of rhe Somme ejenrge appointed Secretary .• f tv»s ( f e Ur tain. Bus* ab-j cut -atlr-nsd lire fr< rr Hungary T> Bamberg, capita: of Ha lida. V TOfHVt RIRTHims. Lieut, s l .Martin f' Shallenberger a de-de-<!am, n the pi r«oj-i,l -'.iff ,r Hen penshins rn ;n Nebraska. .1. > ear* BCo to.|*l VI ‘orta Alexandra, a.*ter *f King VJeorgc <.f Kngland. t ■ rn ♦'< > »-ar- ig toda v. Best Gas Engine Will Win War. Expert Predicts By BASIL M MANLY. WASHINGTON, It r . July "An internal combustion war" Is the way C F. Clarkson, secretary of the Society of Automotive Kng. norr*. de-'Vhi* th«- glganvc con fprt between *h< Alik.- and the <’*n tral powers ‘This wnr will he won." he savs in explanation, “by the group of n» lions that < an make the he** appl! nation* of »h« prim ! pie*-of Internal com filiation a- dlu*»rafcd in the ca»oline engine, to the machinery of wai and ‘hen produce ?he*e war machines in the greatest quantities “Infernal combustion todav i* »b vital fac'or in the decision under the an*, on the M-.t. on tbi« land and in the air "t'nder the sea we haw the sub marines, driven hylinternal cotnbtie tion oil engines “On the sea are the *sub-< hasers’ with gasoline engirt*« "Above the o»a are the gasoline iluvtn -i:i i'l»ni ■ -to'i’ing con-’.<n‘ ly to locate submarines. “On land are the motor truck* and the ‘tanks the dreadnoughts of the land "In the air above the battle lines are Uio airuUotm—the e>e* of the But our chief concern has been for the lives of the people as a w hole. \nd if. in order to further rare, for the *Tate, *o - if. guard it.- inteV ests —which means the interests of the people—it becomes necessary for individual men to surrender the heritage which has been theirs be cause they are a part of the state, they will be found ready to respond to the call to arm- We have learned that precious as life may be. it is by no means t 0 be the most highly prized thing in the world Truth and righteousness are more to be desired than peace obtained thru submission to injus tices done to others —our neighbors, for whose lives we are at least in part responsible. •All that H man hath will he give for his life" is the motto of the ex trenie pacifls* and it is likewise the challenge of Satan when he branded all nun as cowards. Pointed Paragraphs Hop. Is the froth on a man's im agination. Th*- blege*t man r>n earth began life in a small way. r»u inir courtship they argue; after marr.Hg. they quarrel Beware or the woman who doesn’t like (and? flowers, or babies. Are 'here any? The powers that be love, money, ambi'ion. and a good dinner. The Old Gardener Says It is q ; e possible to grow a good garden without the use of water especially if one Is willing 'o m.ik* frequent and faithful use of the hoe and cultlva or K* • r g t • ground well stirred prevent.- the escape of moisture Neverfhc *-* many of the crop* i in he brought to earlier matur ity b-- ’he ■ie of water. It must he remembered, tho, that this mean* in • ry case a thorn ap plication. and not a mere -pripritn.- Simply wetting the -urfac. air, more harm than good for i* coaxes the root* close to sh" tr,j of the ground, where the c !n ,-an burn them army. th< wen*jeth century cavalry, and 'h- . - ential destroyers of mu miion* . . nal and railroad connec tions "Ard f i.- h.-hind she baffle line*, fh* !• derisive far tor fn war r< ' ! tt.. fighting men rest* en \ . . nly new work animal, th- fan Vir With *he terrific dr mo < i r. *n power and animal pow.r *h ' -is war has caused It would.b* \f to impossible to ford the .Iran's r'd people of the flgh* •n: p.v > r • any n .mber of future sc.ju.on w.Kimt the tiaefor •< f rontrihutfnn of Am* i • i tory are h» r tremen d<"i 11 « r, , * f or the practical ap- I>l iv i; i,*! internal combustion Th* •> r< ,r< eg In automobile far fore • i.» r factories .airplane fao tori* • r . * plants, and scored of other \ - ;m establishments are now h* ing mobilited and within a fey no v w ill begin to produre ihete i ’ i rri 'dotn war machines in • norrnotj- j infities. AH t..i’i , .iry authorities agree ■ T • ■ ~-e biiife Mpmilrnn- of t.hustion fighting mi 'h'n- < *',alljr the airplanes r<ai »!.• ftonf, the doom of the re reach tr* f-onv the doom of the LeStral powym will be aenled !>y Webster. The Keep Well Column SUNSTROKE Sunstroke is a common and dan serous affection (luring hot weather. It is in all proba thrown off It is as if a furnace had all the drafts open with the Are pot piled high with live coal and all the hot air flues closed Immense heat would b«- generated and all of It would be confined to the furnace, whthh would get white hot and be in danger of melting. Heat of a boiling, torrid sun throws the delicate nerve tissues controlling the elimination of heat in the body out of gear and the hu man brain furn*< e is then in dan ger of destruction. rw-ith In sun stroke occurs from paralysis of the breathing apparatus and paralvsis of the heart. Treatment of sunstroke should rest upon immediate medical atten tlon. While a phvsjcjan is being summoned a pie« e of ice rolled in cloth or paper should be placed at the back of the victim's n»ck. Ice should also be Applied to *he head. Active friction of the limbs and body brings the circulation to the surface, where it ran be cooled by further rubbing with pieces of ice Heat exhaustion Is quite a dif ferent matter from sunstroke Symp toms are those of collapse and the patient is restless and anxious, (’all a doctor quirk is the rule in both heat exhaustion and sunstroke Health Questions Answered W P—"Do ingrowing hairs cause bolls?" They sometime* cause an Infec tion which results in the formation of boils. Youth BY BERTON BRALEY All the world was made for Wa.> to seive the young, Twas for youth the velvet green On the earth was flung. Young hearts love the sunshine. Youth can laugh at rain, All the world was made for youth, We can see it plain. Best of songs are fashioned For youth’s ready ear; All the gayest measures, All the lightest cheer, Made for youth to laugh to. All the world’s a stage Where youth plays the drama There’s no room for age. What then of the greybeards? Jjhall they have no chance? Not if they are crabbed, Proof against romance; But if years are lightly On thcnir shoulders flung They shall know youth’s rapture, For their hearts are young? Two Meals a Day HI 11. (liniMOTni HRI CR Author of "The Ituiuir of Person ality.' "Psychology and Parenthood" etc. Not long ago the American Medt CO Psychological association held Ith annual meeting in New York Many well known physicians addressed the meeting Also at least one well known layman spoke. The layman was Pari 8. Vroomnn. assistant secretary of agriculture at Washington The purpose of Ins ad dress was to uige the assembled medical specialists to cooperate with the government In impressing on the public the uigeut necessity tor prudent use of foodstuffs. Wisely Mr Vrooman reminded hit cudlence of physicians that they should emphasis- in their home communities not only the patriotic importance of diet restriction, but s.lso its hvglenic desirability. In ef fect he said ‘ FY>r the duration of the war peo lie ought to get along on two meals a day. They cun do this without In jury to themselves and in ntanv cases with real benefit. For ninny peopls eat more food than is good for them.” Undoubtedly there are thousands who dailv eat too much. I'ndoubt *dl\ there are thousands who da'ly < ouid skip a meal to their great ad \ an'age Hut will they do this? Habit is a potent governing force in human life, and the three meals per day habit is pretty flrraly fixed in the life of our people. Moreover, in shifting to a basis of *wo meals per day. many people for some time would experience se rious discomfort. There are many, for example, who always have a headache if thev fall to eat at their a< customed time. Such people are unlikely to perse vere in trying to form a habit of eating only twice dally. "I simply can't do It.” they will affirm. And. thus affirming, they will promptly return to their third meal Well, let them do so After all, it is unnecessary to sacrifice a meal, provided 'he daily ration as a whole be so reduced that in the three meals only the equivalent of two legular meals Is eaten This Is an alternative open to those who feel that they cannot do without three meals And I suggest that they at once resolve to restrict their dtef in this alternative way. The result will be the same as tho they acted on Mr Vrooman s proposal They will be performing their part in the patriotic public duty of . food conservation And, having previously been eating too much, they will gain In personal health and efficiency. Everybody on this side of the At | lantic must do something to help iin the present food crisis This is imperative. Mr. Vrooman did not exaggerate when he told the mem bers of the American Medico-Psycho logical association: "It is America's problem to see that more men do not starve in Europe this year than were killed in the trenches last year. Famine I Is looking over the sky-line of every European country. "Our crops are all that stand be tween mankind and starvation in the month* to come. It is not hu manly possible to overstate the se ’ rioasness of the food shortage 'he world Is facing today ” To eat. only two meals a day. or the equivalent of only two meals, i this is assuredly one thing tha* »verybodv except the positively 111 ran do to help in the saving of civ ilization. Elevation "What rank-? you keep staring at the mercury in the thermometer?" "1 like to realize that at least the ] temperature ran so up without cost ing rot anything extra " No Fighter "Don’t you admire tho dove of peace ?'* "\>ry much. But T don’t expect It to hold its own In a chicken fight." BY carrier In Detroit. 6 cent* a week: else where. 10 cent* a week. Uy mall, 93 a year. Call Main 4f*2«> Entered at the Post office In Detroit as second class mall matter. There is prosperity ahead. Just at present everyl>ody is a bit scared, and business is halting. But the alarm is only temporary. Curiously enough war brings good times, financially. Business is t>ooming in Kngland and France. What is going on in Germany, of course, nobody knows, as news from there is manifestly doc tored. We complain of high prices. But that means good times. There never was a period of prosperity accompanied by low prices. Good times simply means that money is circulating. It does not mean more production. It means everybody’s buy ing. Consequently, even during the colos sal waste of war, there is business pros perity because money is more liquid. J. Ogden Armour, one of the foremost business men of the country, in a recent newspaper interview, brought out some good points which we ought to have com mon sense enough to appreciate. He said: "Modern war requires the expenditure of huge sums of money and means max imum employment and high wages for all workers. Other conditions peculiar to this war make it certain that this nation will enjoy a period of business and in dustrial activity the like of which has never been seen, and which is assured whether the war lasts several months or several years.” The probability is that there will He a tightening up of affairs for a while, but it will surely be succeeded by a great ac tivity in all lines both of production and distribution. The loan we are extending to the alliei is not at all that much money taken out of the country. On the contrary, it means that billions of dollars will be freed here for the purchase of supplies. And I’ncle Sam himself will spend bil lions to prepare and support his military operations. There never was a time when the indi cations of a period of great prosperity were stronger. Labor is employed at record wages. There are plenty of jobs for everybody, from the common day laborer to the trained expert. There is no reason why anybody that can work at all cannot make money. Let us cheer up. And above all things keep up "business as usual!” A problem piny was being produced in Chi cago. On*' evening If wan discovered shat a cer tain man, rvidenf|> from the rural"“districts, had attended the play six nights in succession and always sat well fc j 'L&* down In front. Each night he ul Efc leaned forward eagerly in his tv rrV* seat and drank in the words of Kj jfK. These facts were rommunl- _aJ!j 2tf>m2r| rated to the theater's press agent, who scented a good 1 story. Approaching the inter- ~ 1 ested spectator between the acts, he apologized for his intrusion and aald: “Would you mind felling me Just whv you are so Interested In this play? Do you know some member of the cast?" "Nope,” said the man from the outlands. “That ain't if. Hut P!1 tell you about it. You know the scene In the private room of the restaurant, where the dark man and the other man’a wlfs get up and leave bv the left hand door Just a moment before the woman's husband enters by the right-hand door?" “Yes,” said the press agent, expectantly. "TVeD,” said the interested spectator, “soma night the husband's going to come in before they leave.” The construction gang was filling up the Tal ley from a cut in the hill and the carts went in a steady procession to and fro Flannlgan was ■n..— ■ slow in dumping and delayed the others. Klinn rushed up in 4ET ~ « rage. . YTV i “Here, ye butter fingers!" he If-» veiled. "What deya t'lnk this V is. a rlst cure’ Lit me show ye how a rale teamster dumps a kynrf.” He seized the bridle, »»v‘A yanked the old horse around. Jammed him hack to the edge of the dump, pulled the llnch pin and threw her over, neglecting, however, to remove the tail board. Over went the load and with it went the cart, horse, and Fllnn. Flannlgan peered down at the struggling heap below. “That may be th’ way to dump a kyart. Muster Klinn," he shouted, "but ain’t It a iltUa thryin’ on th' horse’” A man who Is given to doing “odd jobs" about his house was very proud of a bit of painting he had accomplished. fV' "MW ’ About midnight following the completion of the outside of if\ the house he was awakened hv /// ■ AJ a noise Creeping to the win %rr. (low, he looked out. and to his /// ‘ horror saw a burglar climbing ifwk up a laddei to th<- second u '*>r\ n-oT] “la*ok out there’" veiled the L.. s r .W.) Min'-*, householder to the burglar. “I<ook out for the paint!” Mike waA the exception In Miss Strong** model class. Finally his teach er sent a note telling his par- A ents of his misconduct. Next » morning ram*- a reply from Mike's mother, as follows: <jT‘tfos>lr<i4r "l >ll|tr Teaepor—O. thin, blit ain't Mike the bad boy' You 2 'V<f i must give him wan good lickin' S end I’ll do as much for you (xnp time tn<i oblidge "BRIDGET O MA.LL4EY." Hritfht Prospects BY DR. FRANK CRANE (Copyright, 1915, by Frank ('rant*) Laugh With Us