Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 2 ;ctiationa, informatwn from the .am* eourr*- aaaorte. The dlai.atrhe* reporting »nt* .iiopot’ given the pope'* propoaal* Mm from Bern* and publtahed b* h, Idea National** The report* •ere no more than were eiperten n no*#mm* us circle* Having o ♦n th* view that the Pontiff"i» *<* jor. wa* inspired by Auatrla. «he refieral h*ll* f ha« been that ’he Central Power* woold he the flr«’ to •enpond, either officially or unoffi l Xhe Trtbun* a*«*rt* todav that it 0 poaitively Informed the pope act id entirely on hi* own Initiative in jropo*lntc peace nd ou’Hnlng •ondltlon* under h h*> h* . • It might be\e*t*b!i*hed I' • r r<> poaal* were I>U< fora ard *»*hmit *on*UltatH>n w-Vh any of ih* * * .rent* and »i*S«'Ut an> • ctetna. p re** a re. th* Triune aaaert - | IN DETROIT !j T n*m4 i • urert* «ehmen>*n'. M'tiiarv **rd He jean 'V Sehmeman dtre • - the following program *» » u ' lid* afternoon. begnnlrg *' nt Clark path tn th* evening h'K n | mtif •« » o'clock I Mat h. "Jnd n*v t ‘ or.n Nit 1 (iitard " Reeve*. overture Morn n« Noon and N'ght t« Vienne d'lppe grand »eleetO n fr< mi th* np«r* M,r tha" Ptotow s. h itiert « >er*rad« cornet »n|n "Selected.” M*- ha* mad* 'nteloil!** ft h '* r I ' V"**t Herbert waitae* Blue Stroll** "Star Spangled p * r " Th m** !*h»y, baritone, *• -I *"t *' Ihr evening concert I're.l I. Keeler. • unerletendent «*f p.i K|i. iNdrtM’tl** In I •»»!"* • ri de > announced th> f w *ai*nt for the program of 'h<- apj r »'h ’•« *c**mn of the V a r.e Teacher*' tnattt it* I'r Kd»*td' Howard (trlaa* New Y rk TANARUS"" ,A St «:ner pr*« I*nt f i*nr» I.,ll<gc Orlnneil I »* Dr *' n I. !,ewi*. New Y■ .rk I'r Chari** W Kent, Cnlver*ltv f V -K't » e\-lio' ernor W Ihrtd*e N ' *rr:« l*r It H Wheaton htir»a . of ► ’lo cation WaaMngton I»r harl** K I' neh. and T>r I*eter R >bert.. Ilnfmlt delegate* to the national >«- mntpmenf nt fkr I »ltf< *aanl*h W|t Vat era na. »h h » ’] t * ' ip f’leveland H*pt ?l Will 'g» •> * *l*. tlon of r*apt Henry V T< i« ..f Detroit. *<» C' miracle- a. rl>i rf. fohn * !•*»lvey and 'I 4 * T \5 abater |’r tha de|*g«te» net » . • - th* i;»n H*nry M Duf**' J »n r t nr. rk f«'r Capt. »!*■ In Busch )a pecretsr.v of th* pa-* de partment. A ttlraa from Kama* are fa tb* altact that Prhalr R. C. P»ffl and 4le»- nr.riar M' le»r *n . of t' nd« - aer\- m » th ('ananan hartal n> ‘•a- - h**n killed tn action and 'I K ■ hmk. f Detroit. and F*ank M Ma«- **nder if n on- ha •» liran wounded K-nnk 11. M l ata rak f. aa part ala ade n f nt fha puklla lighting ramnataalan will a«k th* round) rommittaa n lighting at ta maating M nd* provide fund* for g .ardlng th* lighting plant I’ntlT r*<-*n'> tha plant »m guarded hy a data, fror tha Thirty-third ragimar.t T ark mat. are aaw aaftlna gale* and atrlngtna wlrea In tha tarrttary ra antly inti Mad to Detroit and • • r»part ad that by the flrat o' th» year the lighting commla.alon wll ha furniahlng Illumination Dr th* streets In all of tha raranth an. n«xad territory Mlaa Jennie Qalgley. IT year* aid. • nee ftmaaa atnga I lan. la »l»ltlng Mr and Mr* T w -ma* 1 'ft. .Vo. 155 Sheridan-av* De troit. Miaa Quigley has haan a>- qua nted with aevaral p-*..d*- , « and ha* h*#n a vialtrr at Ti k og ham palace, ahe declare* T*Ve annaal festival es the l.trmtn I’ralratltt Hama far Opgkaa* and Old People. 15*2 sV*»t Grand-’ 'vd •will ha h*ld on th* lawn of Inatltfttlop Hunday a't*rn-.on n w 11. at * o'clock Lunch and -a. fraahmanta will be aer>ed. E'. »rj • on* la welcome Milk Commission Named Or*, Chtirle* Dougla*. Gu' !. K e f*r. Francis Duffleld. T. W Whl»e j'Od Worth Ross were appntn’etj h Ihe board of health as member* nt tbe Wayne county medical milk commission Friday Dr Douglas ■ appointed for flee years. Dr Kiefer for four. Dr Duffleld for three i> r White for two, and Dr Ross *or ore yo*r. - - - - Formar Regant D as Following a year’s illness pe-e- N. formerly regent of the Cr.t versify of Michigan. died Friday af trrnoon In hi* home In Corunna. Mich ,at the age of 7? years A daughter. Mias Frances C f'ook, ttncher of Kngltah In the Northern High school, resides In Detrol*. M rook was a captain during the civil tsar Outburst* of Everett True. |d9K9||||K l fcdn i has .. J|^ I SS»®HEHK r Vr I T **f" City w WHHfIHII C OvjlL> m a<<** a _c c«• VAA ICWT 4MfA J) (» I NBT (!N.OY<iM yg*L, r»N CA T C r» V*. y , TWAIM OCT! I* YOV B.r a V A C/4 r c K 7 tefOazWYfWCi AUOl t HAki\cg MgNgy T' * r ♦ * ' 4 -••*••• i**M>4 •.•>•44... ; \ e.- J •-# I 4 *J / ' - I # '% _ , A *1 ' / ' < »/» ' .‘I 1 »• :i # c' V* b l ’ . 1 - - - - OUTSIDERS FILL MANY PULPITS Noted Bible Student Will Preach in < entral Meth odic Sunday. Vnny (Mtrolr p . ; i*- » il h> r»<\ i pied by out Mile prwM'hers Sun-lav Prof. A T It-.L-r* n. \> P nf rhe fjvoul’r of ’he *tr Thenlrßir*l -seminary. * pre*ch in the Centra 1 . .Vethnduc rrurrh .Si.n-lav nai'tnicc ID -a n<tt.»d Bi ble cruder' In ?h** i*'* , n!n»: Rev Weldon F -''.---land ***;*'*n* pAgtor «rtil i r-o. hun Th- reiip on of the frrn- rie- I The R.v ( - '» t'aee of Hu' falo. will fr 4 p ,r 'h* Fir*-* nap fiat at both «.-rv. .H:« n 'the no-amir •* hi b- Th. no *>- »s-* of the time- and in the evening \ rehgmn for th- w K . ie fan V-v In ’he Kir-’ Pr-h • ’er.,m • - w *an lh • 'by - real inn, *!! • ,n ' v - ■ both morrunc vr.d r ***-. ne | in ; r„r - ?*— ■ - ian wi be the Rr 1 >art ir >I ' m i er. of the » ! road *’ ' • ’ | The Re\ O. T OI«en. ' R "a! OnV. Will !> • *h< ; ■ ”*• - " mon n We* ' ! • The Rev K K Vk;r *• ' •*’ Me'fcod —f < i* • ill •peak in v ver n Fred R VV \' « s'id--- -■ Men - Bible .>U*. ~f the \\ v a\* Baptist s rsday noon n n f : 1" g -b e tx>o k C * *h • i" The Rev i :> ' i h» » ’'* pH.*t*»e of Me",or t pe. >e ohurrh f< - several s'!’- his old r-T •' *’ •• ' **'■'* POLICE BREAK I P • DOPE" GANG . n 4 E"ld*> ni*' - * * ■ A . D* \ h>>*el. h. pr . > * „p - ei-flfl- »*e<! r ‘ ~' one dope , f’y ■»ter.cing to i v.-vr nsm«'l !’>»••*' -- - •» h ■ '*•**• * no r.-eord ,<» the p< .. »-• b.'.-a* ? arre>* - v av -» -• r - t Lie-jt Hiy<- ir> -ramand * th* I #squad. er a rn- >usptnio * - r *he ■ place when / - " .vitonv-hile, -v • ; »rk- r . * of -he building »- * "a hu’ a*tracti*e -< -ve- - ~p 1 pearance Federal au’horo aided r. *he raid They believe the\ have hr-'k «-n up a drug ■* r «hlch has been smugglinf ‘h.e -stuff from Windv-r ttum Acqjittf-3 n sa> eg Cn* Ton' Ro»jsq »»• -s ,U”ef ir. re co-4er> court Ft. lay f par - c : p« tinn in the killing of \n r - nto Ran dazto r he nigh' of Jun* 2 The polfce -a ere un*s le -O *eP’ire er dene* again**' R i‘-n The jury *i» cut only H» minute- McG--eg3 r leg*, tjte P*-cg r a Mofiregor mis - . "ire pr k-v ! r the week, w-.-f) -er\ • • • 7 if" a f ?: Ift, will Sunda f J Akin np-ak-' '1 -s* Oirer. s nger M n ; »> '<•*' - ' ’•* Carrab n >ader M*- Kraen* Gudmore will »lnr T .e*day Pa ! Haecke -speak-' We ir.ess ;av »e«- mooiea Thur^da'. " Re- ?*en;a m.n F Fa'ber. Mr- Tv an and choru.-s fr rr. E'er.ezer \ M ch will «:r.g FYida' ’he Rev E A C"roM» -.peaker Mr* W - w ,e fiQger Rar-irday •»-' -.-ir • Georg* Brown • i:L- - Eieakifteo toe Saps y The Parifl--'- You «houidn'* have h«*-«-n -ip yi'ir ever If he did injure -. r , \ • sh .id have .-en p*. i-R’ aT.d * . t t.J. •* Oth.e- cheek The Belt-gerep* I-- - • r I ran OUf of (h “> V • All's We Burgia'r Wife . a r. ’ > * John I th.r.r t.-.ere ire p' «:ner the bouee Burglar—‘ • m a. r.e T• - wtMi*t nothing but and cold ci.ioken The *haf' of an -teria •< which fell in ty-ndop and : ng - r ha* hro'.g*'* s'4 a - a rafde —By Condo, Dicky Dippy's Diary. Y.v A MAN »> t ' IT f v li\!p IT NMD f HLKEJ THEY AK’E YOUl 1 ; O'AlO FOR fiOMC’tt v-- Mei. v HiM tT* Nts • HI "ILL ei t T As LOT Ml R 1 IHG WHAT v FIWT OF THE, MONTH ’ •* I’VE TOST A LEATHER BOCKLT -AKD t ; Ni'ets> WHH m* j Hfc O' d-J O iT ANP BOOK OUT BOOK,’’ HE. REPLIE-O- ' 31:L3. , ■ , THE. P* i•. *5 l[ *ANYTHIWsi IN IT?’ 1 ' I'LL H TVI lOl'K Fl'!v 1 •. | , * 1 O A'D T I _ BGH IP ; c -Sr riv;. si % • vaa.'- AM**- t .T p .eT. - i: JT V r \ \ . JL' w \ /k, 1 . r^BPr \\ Tu \\ P C'' *' •t* ' 'V ■ 1 '%'L X /li\V ' v 1 . 'S&W \yl\A 3- -tp CTLA I k ;. ' Kocpinjf I p W ith the Joneses . d L ; 1 tty PEftR - r think x knows YOU CEOTftlMv . Y'.’ U , f, ;, vt-ul DO*tf nS«i rrE 7 TOi'<o r-f R, (? n ! GOT « WH 1 ME | l,_. To I VSEE - L / i ' ' V. J j A l ' V ' dJ ’ ' ■' f,shl N j l Q» . ru L ;* • r /AJ \ ‘\*-3 A7i a : Af. -L m ; i-- ;.. f dk i ■ '■ (h !» ’ //{i I#, #l. First Session of Night Court For Auto Speeders Nets City Treasury $9lO In 73 Minutes \w. g r. b- •• • •> dared % m -'orcyr! n nr rider c‘ e - - ;iy r. *'.'. W • • f-- * i - on a charge r .f «p. .-dm* You - ; - v ,i* -■,#»* n >-. • , tiin «it 4» '«n*i de am ' g:,.n u ‘r- »h<- •• .. ,j- •« Thir • T.ln .• *>.- ,a’*r r - ; I * fr.:» '• ' : »» j#*- 5- * >ni ne'-'a'ed rhu? he ha- ,o.*? none >f v - I'.-.- .r and IT r> * h- ha ! ;•< t r * h The r.-i n/ -•-. m only" . er wa« and 4-. and m e.e rt - .r ... Opening ffce >r -- r ; : v,,c* i w io’ r■. i. ' - • ••. er.efli. of • e «r- i oer hour -f ove -Sf eg* »;:•*'! jim’ fa ft T \KF> HK.H I*l \( F WITH NF W |I\NK * wP a a&jf- ED A4RO A' GLENTHfB V* G;»r.»her fr - -h. .-0 **■*.. a**ociA'ed nt'h yario je >e '' l * v af J. • ,94 r 14. -*f] v|ti n.*- d«-*.- >* ’he ’.in»'ln S'a*» l-nk r»U fr, |. ee* . g *,* th* and re r» »r. :.e I * A ( Mr <; * nth. - m a tfe'ro '4-r hv f'h and has he*-n tn *h«- ban,, ng t * '.ee boy ho-fd H«• en • ered 'he I>rn» Saving* bank • < •- ago a eager • < per ten r*- ,i'h • ?.♦• Fir»’ NA'.or,; I tn.. «•. c'jl 'v . --rk When *h» M ‘ -i ■ . -r . - .*. - made manager Rirue i*> ,r.f, C* ‘h- Ped es a I -'a'* h.k'« \*r '»-|er’h»' La* held 'he ;,o*i'jon of a**t,'aß» | * a*hi» r wh ' h pr • *ion he » •- tage ip h), n* W and” e wf' *e. l.ifiT’n a S*at♦ dfin of l *•' ro.*. ' ;• Vr Ot»en*her hv* a ' 4c«; .air’ane*. an 1 ;»n rper -v* knrwledce of *tnar) r v iir ! Kgal *e qulr*men’s He gradua’ed fr- m 'he ■ fje*r»U» f r.* ' ;*, .f w.i* adr; "ed •- e '.a' 'r. *h*' •«T|« ! year and- rrer* *ed b' hi* fner d* »i*h hav .ng i *:n» *f 't'v 'ha r r.a »*- ' ’ * *« The Other cfl T-«r; of The I.ißOoln S?a’e bank of fjetro-* ar»- Albert (’ Mof>re. pr* *iden» |.*me» IHeaslet, vie. | re-.dert F.-lwin Herr*'* ca*hter lame- N S mon- Asalvlan’ ca-J.jer DETROIT TIMES I «k:" •> • fh.e - ,- n ?esY,! <?.- e ; . i •- ->r<! In fly - - n* r. i an-I n- uj • i a- T\SC * <**v F*i * n man of * * 1* f*-n 1 if- They * :» t" h'. iged - ach *j ♦- - » y *' ■ and i tn *■ h* f ( *■« t^ 4 a bf*n* i♦ ♦ f*j • ► # r ». * ht -e * t * • t . .seemed »o have mys'eri .;j«|y •i. « ~ e■ j, • On hi* way to the rich* our*, w her*, y.e had i hai* ! -zen . ... ■w , -.r.g \f ■ yr V p*'’"., '-m M- • t rre«'ed F'h.i'..; \r v, o-r » - » a I h» 'v3l v *■_.. \ . her * - • .«. d*' -ng *' ' ' ' ad I" Mr* v.s. k. N« t- 't :v • N • ir.glv fold S-’C' It’* - ' * ‘he s-e«J *er'ton, 'ha’ • r "“ W • r -:x w»* no’ a' af vmg f- r t J .■» . in i r *" w e hr if *• ved ’tie r* *-■ '-•sever t r vs , •• • t who *■ 1 '•■•na'e . n<> : ; r i nr-' ■ <■.*- a’ '!.* ' r,,-' tak‘-n » »• •• - - in'y ja ;> nd it payr.ef f ' -• flr.e T r* !y* •- .•* s r r.f ---e. • ~ VS hi* lo T if - r rrec-ne rioe*r. ' ••*' '■) • rh.e rescue Amor.g ‘h”-'' «•- Meg V Vs • er.fp. r,* 'h» t r , s-fj V - .rr - r M ! I '•o rhe ra Tv* en’v »• .pr • : e« *r. h ur w-i* ch*r?e.‘ *g;, n«- rr; Thir’een alleged ape.-d* r* -• rr the pf ' e fO'lid HO* Jo- /4*e serve • ,rr<m'ifit ->n did no* tr ;*• r BRYAN SCORES WAR OUITTERS I ntteH Mu*l Fight It Thru Ho D**c|are*« In Editorial IJVfOLN Neb y * ' S' *ympathy »ho-.;d be w***ed -n h «e *rre**e-; for infintriofl* itt*'an*ea, Wiliam fennlr.** Bryan d-* ,ared in i rne*i edDorlai In todas • i« - ,e * • p*p»r T v e i'f,mr re- R‘*ai*'*n r e »o 'he draf* tr waa 'vr.ded a* anarchy Bef<ire our rra'ion *n'ru a war .* ;• pn-eter'iy proper ’O and -e ;* - rhe w i!’ r *if s-otna to *a" . * *re on te * when r (*s4 ac*- ” the e-sftor;i*l *ai‘d. W<- mu** I *’*r and 'o£r» ’h«r and frt * ' *hr ; There are only •wo « 1e» * -*»r eterv Am er tea n.m u*' r.e on ’h* «lde . o # The t’nired Hr^tr* ’’ I'ROHIBITION GETS CONVERT THRC HOLD-I P D »h< not a money r,r *, ir t .' r*T* er ' bu;- a drin'-- .r a e-’;| - ring you up threa‘ 'ha* **- high j xavrren hurled at Harry M trgi*, <n ~ '.l v i figr ‘ora . e y ,i k■ * i 'fc'fv ’old th* police rha’ 'he r-r.,-J j ,p rr.en rook hm. into .v garug. a' j Rtk -evep av* an-l Vlyr’le -• «nd 1 r a -op* atK,u» hia r.- e -mn-l j .ng *; .or ae a ranaom f'»' ► After he had Cfiinplted w!*H*fh»;r idm and* 'hre. j*atr f f -ai” ' vele from H*r ’’a wag-. 0. 1 Ha r ry i* eagerly awaiting *** co r I it.g r,t P'olilh tp.n j h.v.e •« K Harrie U *u’ho r *,f I nearly novel*. aDho -.i.e rjid no' *MI *T Dig until h* r hf'ie'h y. , 4 r Il'rlnllßf— 11. plsln n.ll kin*—|h»| la rllkl—Tlm»« .Ink Meal.—. Wain t ’.in Two ( andidates for Mayor of New York City. v v^f r.AVOR PjR p OV JJDoC Jo I* ii r r*t % *ll tr I* •► |, 11, r |» ri t ttiti tnr i»t >fM \ ork * it*. It - i** *• t ♦ are tt i-hoif i In 'he 1 »t«lf |tf m|f n'• In >«*»% nrk i It % raw llirlr *.l r»«f i<!>i t r for HtA • r l"to I I'• >*n i -iii.tlv |U«ta:* In Kltin - ••> » Hrooklut » ha him arlrrfril n% f!i f I nnuinnt mo »!Mdfr Jllrlgr II « lift* liM« »»«*! n • on«i I* t#mi In p«alltl ilfflaa hr h«• hr! I |n«|la Itl f>» • Ilona fur •«»mr » r j» r w pr TROI ? Rl\ ER STEAMFRS Columbia hg» 808-L0 Week liar* 9 a.m.. 1 i.'IU and 3 p.m. bnmlays— -9»30 a. m., 2 Ar-T p. m. Retwrniag Arri ve L' ASp. m . Eaatern lime. lAanring and Ilathing. Fare (Fir.;i I 1 May*r |Uo Children 'J'r MOONLIGHT with Dancing on Sir. < ninvnbia or Nle. Claire eery Kvaning Firept Ann. and Mou. N;.TO- I are 40c. (Lscept Hobday*) bI’.NDAY EVE. Columbia I.nkr Hitlr and Fonrert 40e fl. liiiaxr. 4-‘...4ern Yl.nA.rA Time All Irl.e Irnm ll.tee Hi. The riahi t • rtlntH lor i»«r«on •4m >m • •to ho«t* and pork ha raatrtarf. DETKOir TO Af) AND KETt RN \ln .nn. Pnrl Vrlkur nnA I nrl VV lltlam ril?* tC?D Nor' » r f\ .V,v «a* i r rr, ,’rArn ]»»4-» f>e ? r - V. * M' ir> -1A v a W .-tn.T'l , . • A-,•: *’ it 1• . 4 -lra--1 Tr-iok -!• < *• -t <.f Bruab i'.r*et M-a » b* *• - 1* trl; - l*n- m fe«4 anl r», no-en'a .1 In* iJ M and in - r • <*t Carn for any ;»r' of 'rip on re-,'i*«* r-.1i.-. T- rr. !.• h ? P A Vo r' b*• r n N» a■' -n C“* F• r l «. \v»** T’herry SVi? (11l IV »T 4 VMVIIII’V cUN A R O Hrr*lnr f'n*aen*er sn-l l *»r»I.M NEW YOPK LIVERPOOL NEW YOU K-F At. MOUTH-L ON DON NEW YORK RRIYTOL rtrnf'*. M-n.* Hfd»f4 4|»il nr t .Me l.rrml llrliala. Irela.xl, *ei.a«llaa via. Ilalr, Ir.ia.f, l'*r»a|*l, *a*la, , «*lf aerlanA. T’T *irT »r r,f -n ,- o Apr V II VT4 TI VT.. V » -f I "cal 4 a .nf* Mg le. «..aw44«i4 -.1- 4*. 4»ar *. ■» • • . «m»* No Guess Work er and * TIMES r\n show thr iMfarY'tliirr fust whnm he U talkinjr to in any block in the city. § rtt" ’rT^TA^uun W ; •rs f .o* of gria ! *• I 4-»-n »"• **- r •*• V 4-4 .* rn Pa -a ar, 1 P rt It. -I *»y v - > -4 -.(v. r>«*ru|-la,jr «4V* m I II | k • I • ar. ■’ 11. r ai -4,--.<lay oi • •«ra a- -r f- * * •*4 44 p,-* B JAe • l r, I- ir l h.grr • . 1 a-««• . - lea««* ' * 1 « J* a ... a . I i> r , '• i% t : 11l an- a* 1 II j in K<■ r *4 r » »n-1 V V • n»., » .• . I jl t m til; n. Hy ■ 'YM I . |l.f» , ill I’/ll *4,1 4a f | •• Cl .a 4 *4.i 4/- ( • ala .4 g • ta , * a-.-4 p--*• an . -I, r ut. , m at o', p *-> l lk 1 '.a ip •a • * 4 r '. p* 4 V* 4 .an It .4 « 4* • * 4 a»»1 • ► l*r* 1 II * < «n --1»« 4 «’•« • a a . f * -f rr.lfl a• . • waid at * *ac g• ni« nai rjr mi rr >l »f *v 30 A.M.I | MBI; *>2 °<? jj k tvur* hay rt-mi AtJNl)»v| t it> llrhr ( •1• a* e. 11-I t.rievvalA W • PrlaTlaf —tl' plain v.»l kind—-fkai la rluhf lte»e» !•< pi. vfaln I’W SATURDAY, AUGUST 1< . 1!»I T. Wig Steamer PIT-IN-BAY leaves every day K at 9:0<) a. m. Eastern Time for f aJj Put-in-Bay, ( edar Point, Cleveland and Sandusky \ '*>' Million Mona- Ml - nl I Mat ** R"ar.| Walk and Mammal fe ||o|rU at A m i adar I'nlnl < ' yfWW* II aih |n * Rfiirkr« at Itnlk Ftaanrt*. V Pant-In* an Ih n Final I orrhra mm m I K>*rf Pa • 111 knur*’ afnpii F arr f| k VriIKPIAIIC ' T - '»•’■- T»n «ut.<la>a » l excursions , * '-y,„.rv::;; ’■“••'•• CLEVELAND Daily at 9:00 a. m. $1.75 one way. moonlight excursions 1 “ * lit I It \\ K t., Klltni , a I•«» Ira »r» at 5 p ru nrfk duja for I'ul-ln- II a * anti Aanrfaaky. Pnpnrturra t«klr j 4 Pnatln ktr lln a. F"lraf kfrrrt TVtiarf Paatarn Tina Do Not Forget Monday, Aug. 20 Rerouting of Several Car Lines in the Heart of the City Will Begin That Day BRUSH 1.1 NF. -Cars will turn from Monroe avenue to the SMITH aide of Cadillac Square and then north on Randolph to (.ratiot Avenue. MR \TIOT LINK ( 'ar*; will make, the same downtown loop as the Brush line. FORT FAST and FORT WEST -Cars will continue to operate as they have been during track construction on Cadillac Square, the east side cars turning from Brush to Congress to Bates; west side cars turning from Griswold to and north on Shelby to Fort. If VMILTON LlNE—Cars will go south on Woodward to Atwater, then to the Brush street depot, return ing by way of Brush and Jefferson to Woodward. HARPER LINE -Cars will turn from Monroe to the NORTH side of Cadillac Square and back by nay of Bates, Randolph, Monroe and Bru-h to Macomb. TRUMBULL LlNE—Pending the completion of the extension from Michigan to Fort the ears will turn kouth from Michigan to Griswold to Lamed and north on Shelby to Michigan. TrafTie congestion in the heart of the city has long been unliearable for street car riders. We cannot get the cars through the blockades in anything like proper time. This re-routing is designed to help us improve th*- service. It is for your good. Your earnest co-operation is necessary that we may help you. We cannot do it by ourselves. If you use the enrs of any of the given above, please study the arrangement of thes*> downtown loops. Cut this advertisement out and put it in vour pocket for ready reference. Then on and after Mon day go to the right corner for your car. PLEASIv Detroit United Railway K. J. BURDICK. Asst. Gen. Manager . By Sinnott —By Pop.