Senate Aims Blow at Swollen Purses
A few Intimidated advertisers have Joined the
other evening papers in an offensive to force
The Times to abandon the One Cent field.
The Times will not surrender the ground it
has held for 17 years.
Movement To Tax War
Profits To Limit
Gains Fast
Corporation Lobbyists
Fiffhtinjr To Stem
WASHINGTON. Aug. 25.—1n
tomes anil war profit a were at stak»
today an contra.* and Pre-ident
Wilson wrestled with problems of
tax an and prices.
Th« drive on wealth. begun In the
senate by Senator Johnson, Call
fornla. and now spread alone the
entire congressional front, was re
sumed today as Senator I,aFnl
lette> substitute income tax j pro
vision drew near a vote, it would
increase hy si:fiO.Oftft.ftOft the Income
tax returns provided by the finance
committee bill. President Wilson
had before him exhaustive data on
further regulation of the coal Indus
try and the intricate problem of
steel price fixing. Meantime dls
tress of coal operators grew with
the uncertainty as to Just when the
president’s price fixing on soft coal
at the mouth of the mines would
become effective Many companies
are threatened with ruin. It Is said.
Answer to Pope Penedlet's peace
proffer will no* he lon* delayed P it
Interest In It has waned with the
unprecedented economic chants
the president and congress are <!•
v« loping It. the country, t’hancellor
Miehaelis’ commen* on the Pope’s
offer was regarded here a the usual
Even the Japanese commission’s
arrival - potent with possibilities
has scarcely caused a ripple here
Today will be given over by the
commission to formal calls on the
president and members of the eabi
net. Diplomatic discussions await
the end of these formalities.
A sudden quiet which has fallen
over Russian developments has
caused some uneasiness hut the
Russian embassy raid today It Is In
continuous communication with Its
foreign office and nothing alarming
has transpired
Increasing "alarm" Is manifested
hy corporations as the trend of sen
ate opinion has veered more and
more to Increasing tax on the rich
Corporation lobbyists are a* work
full blast In the halls of congress
Wealth conscription advocates arc
demanding the government take
from Aft to Iftft per cent of war
profits before placing any additional
consuntpt lon tax burden whatever
on the people.
Senator Simmons, in charge of the
tax hill, today said * LaFollette s
amendment must he bea'en 1 He
expects a vote today l-’pon the
fate of the l m Foil* 11e amendment
will depend the trend of further bat
tlea against the rich Passage of
the provision will swing Increased
numbers on the side of those at
tacking war profits I* s defeat will
rheck the coming charge on excess
As it <s the wealth conscription
forces have hadd*d |7.3.ooft,oftft to
New Russia's Greatest Problem Is To Overcome the Wreckage Left by the Old Regime
This i* Mi* fourth article hy Charles
YA ward Hussell, Th* Tim** staff
wrlt*i. *)n» * hi* r*turn from Russia,
wh*r* h* spent thr**- in. nth* ••»» *
rrj*mh*r of President \V||s«.n’* official
|r.i.->t commission t*l M>* Russian pro
v|«mnal government.
tCopyrlght. IH7. I*y (hr Newspaper
Enterprise A*»orl*tlofi.l
The Russians arc fighting and
FtriiKKltnfc on toward an advanced
and stable form of democratic gov
ernment. but they Still have the
th»* income tar approved by the com
mittee in adopting the I.enroot and
(Jerry amendments yesterday. Res
toration of the l.enroot provision
particularly took friends of the com
mlt tee bill entirely hy surprise.
’Where were you fellows when
this party was pulled of^‘ , ’’ Penrose
demanded of nme of the committee
member- after the amendment had
He urged that Simmons reopen
the I .enroot provision but Simmons
said it »«“ all right.
"Rut the l.aFoUetfe amendment
is another matter. We’ve pot to
heat that," Simmons added
If the iJiFollctte proposal Is beat
en Senator Kenyon, lowa, says he
will Introduce an amendment to con
script t\t r% dollar of income over
$ iftft,ooo during the war.
Senator Ho rah was ready to fire
on great incomes today.
Two Men and Boy Seriously
Injured In Traffic
Casualties for Month of August
In the War to Make Detroit
Safe for Humanity
\toi \i»F.n
VI I * SI >• C.
1 (Sent to Prison)
Rex Powell, 10 years old. of Ink
ster, Mich, was struck by an auto
niobilc driven by Ralph R. Stod
dard, No. l"ti Putnam ave., as !v
was Crossing Michigan ave., at
Washington blvd , Wednesday after
noon, and sustained injuries which
may cause nil death Ho was taken
to Iht Children’s Free hospital
Joseph tlreen, 1:1 years old. No.
Jefferson ave., sustained possi
bly fatal injuries when his auto was
struck by a Fourteenth ear at Fifth
and I/)cust sts., Wednesday after
noon The car knocked the automo
bile Into another machine driven by
Martin Wilkinson, and (Jreen was
thrown to the pavement, sustaining
n fractured skull Hr was taken to
K< r eiving hospital
H .1 Rouholt. 2*’> years. No. !."<•>
Walnut st , Wyandotte, is in a seri
ous condition in the w<st branch
of Harper hospital from injuries suf
sered when struck hy an auto ns he
alighted from a Fort st car at the
River Rouge bridge, Wednesday aft
i»«»\t viimi rur. wKXTiii’.n
It Irifun’t matter w-hatber it rain ■
sn»>w 1 T* <r- - ;ilwn\ ■» a thOtis
ni:.| laugh" nwnitlng \ >o :fi th" ..r-rtt
Coliseum of 2'. Amusement." ..n the
Hoard Walk, tr-ff >'!-«■>?! nt Bridge.
Where th ll sands go Building en
tirely under «.>ver -Adv.
ailll S nrm From the Meet
Our eggs arrive so .julckir front
Bloomfield IfiMs that )t tiki's only
half the gos t<« •»> «k >m. H tel tins,
uodd Cafeteria Adv
Printing thr plain nent kind—thst
la rlahl—Times Jot* llept Vtnln
Worst Government On Earth Had Mismanaged Matters So Fearfully That Trans-Siberian Railroad, For Instance, Could Do Only One-Third of Its Normal Work.
legs of th** ONI Man of the Sea
around their n« « k .
Thr remain* rif thr seven times
accursed old systemy Mill hamper
them. j
They canned the c*ar, but they
couldn't ran all of thr vast swarm
of evils that thr egar style of gov*
ernment bad nall< and down upon
Everything in thr old autocratic
I government of Russia that wasn't
I donr corruptly was done* stupidly
The Central Powers and the Peace Proposals.
~^ —~~~~ '
Hurrah. Lads! We only have quietly to leave the places we have ransacked.
(Copyright, 1917. Louis Ilaemar-kers>.
Cries of “Ruin” Make No Im
pression On Fuel
WASHINGTON. Aug 23 No at
tent lon Is bring paid by President
Wilson and hlsttdvisors to the pro
test of certain bituminous coal oper
ators who dr n.,tnd the right to altro
gate contracts and wage stales as a
t onipensarjon for rlotng business un
tie- r the new prlffh scale fixed by the
The government Is proceeding
with Ms plans regardless of cries
of ruin anil threats to Fy>ut down
mine; The prices fixed bv experts
at*' r. girded as insuring a fair and
Just return considering the unusual
situation in which the nation finds
H ..If
and everything that wasn’t stolen
was hashed.
Thr government. good or had. of
n nation of proplr
s-t reached <>vc*r a runt inant fi.ofn)
mIN wide mean* a colossal ma
rhino- that Is to say, offices and
nu n at work In thrm
Thr revolution ousted the rhirf
engineers of the Russian machine,
hut It couldn't posslhle oust all the
millions of cogs, wheels and pi*
Also. It could not possibly change
Detroit and rlolnlCyi Prntoibty
th.nrr* (hi* nfternonn or (oulKhli
KrlHny partly cloudy nml cooler.
I.imrr MlchlKani 'hoiur, (III* af
ternoon nr tonltihti cooler In u n r|h
ixirllnn ; Friday partly cloudy and
Today** Hand ( iincrrt*.
Schm« man's Military hand. Herman
W. Schmeinan. director «• ■ nM* (!,•■
following prngiain In 1 **i lin • , m •
this afternoon, beginning at . \«• and
In <T«rK park this *0*1111)* 1-kiii
rOriK at S o'clock : Mar. ! ‘• 1n .
logo," S*lt«. dan«e, <|. -*■r 1j 1 ’ \ *■.
"fitmst I »an« Salisbury v.rtur.
"Jubel," Weber; nieh.d;* < f' mi
"Hrnken 1 <!• *l.” Van Alatyne * ■ rll • r
aide, "hi l« f ti'd.” Charles F'dward.-i
selection <>f southern plantation
songs, "Tli* Sunny South.” V'
grand selection f1• *i lh* oj ■ 1-i <1
c<*n<la. ’ lvn< Nielli wait**-. 1 un'.li"
Waves." Ivanovirl, Stai Spangled
Manner Thomas l,ah*y. baritone, wili
sing at the evening concert
% Meal In Itself.
The finest of coffee. with pure .In
a* % rre:«m front «>ur civn farm ;it
rioomHeld Hills M del Mr *w and !
Cafeteria. -Ad v.
at once the method*- and plans by
which these did, or were supposed
to do, their work
Worst Government on Earth.
) Biit It began 1*» pi Tip the rover
from these methods snd plans and
revealed In detail what had be* n
beyond doubt the very worst gov
ernment ever known on this earth
Everything about It was done bad
ly except ttap- poller Job When R
came to watching, overawim anil
terrorising people, to spying, eaves
1 dropping and nuidslinging for pre
—l>y Kacmackers.
“Soe Adler” Sent To Hot tom
By British ( miser.
Is Report
Tlir> CJermnn rald«o S* •• Adler, which
created terror In South American
water.* last wir>i< r, has tv * n sut k,
according to memb* r of n British
ttenmshlp's rrcw Iff*.
The Mrrm.ui ra dor, th*v said,
I tent down fighting hard after a bat
tle with a |,rit' i: v hip Only <
few- of hei no n w< ro saved The
ship whl' h hjouglit the news is ->aid
»0 have 12 nvunbor of the S< r Ad
ler’e crew aboard
llrlvrn from fh«* rrrn'hf*.
Fresh ve*rt»hles n • driven hv
auto from eiir tr< r.- h< •' s' *! ■rr S- 1
Mills *vrv m< '' 'nt tt tel Mris
wnld Fafetrria ,\>l\
texts to send men to jail or Sib*na,
there was rfFjrhnry to hum
Czarism was a wor’d heater at all
that. Put at carrying on the huge
dally husine* nt r a«onabl« itwv
ernnient it was dull, ‘low. lumber
ing, thumb handed and halfwitted
O » »•» •’ monstrously wasteful and
In the army, men In responsible
positions stole the money appropri
•ted fur rifles and- ent troop* up
'o the flrlne line armed with no*h\
Ing hut sticks.
Will All He In Hy Sat
urday Nitfht, Judge
Connolly Figures
-:S j“
T>nvid P Mayb**rry. retired dec
orator, No. ssj Si xt* ■•■ nth-st.. N It
Richard non, ir<nw rk**r, And* rs*>t>
T' itl * mnpany, No L v'i i'rnn‘ «iv*
Austin Gardener, **ngln»**M-. Mb'hl*
g«in Central. No. 3h*» V’lnewood
a\ ** ; •' T Henderson. Negro,
Pullman waiter on Michigan Cen
tral, No fit l Hurnsid* -ax*v; I'd
ward J Slehert. retired flr* <ap
tain. No. IfiT Mack-ave Michael
Hrealln, vncuuni cleaner agent, No.
353 Slxtc* nth-st., Stanley Shaw
toolmaker, F**r«l Motor company
No. 131 Military ave Auautl
Kraft, nhoemaker. No fi2? <'h to
at . William T. Reid, *to< kkeepei
No. fifi2 Townsend ave., John Cot
ney, wat< hman. petrolt •'it\ da
company. No. 324 St. Aubin-av**.
Harry Hrandrr, stone cutt* r. S'
902 Twenty -fourtl st Pari Smith
retired farmer. No. 593 larSalle
Selection of the 12 Jurors to hear
the trial of Anthony J Kh.ka <>w tli*
first of two charges of embezzling
from the count x treasurer’s offh e
while acting as mortgage tax clerk,
was completed at frill) o'clock Wed
nesday afternoon and the faking of
testimony began at ft o’clock Thurs
day morning In the recorder’s court.
Judg- (’<*nnoll> will hold court
from !* a m. 'it.Hl 1 p m and frol>
2 p. m. until a o’chx k he declared
Tuesday He expects to flni h the
taking of to timony by Saturday
The jury will h« locked up during
the entire pin.n *■ of the case,
which, tlie i nun declared, is one of
iii- motives for > pending up pro. end
’■ngs The Jtliois will (juartei• and
in th» doimltot.v on th* top floor
of tht mu.ii< ipal courts building and
.Hill • V th> i meal ill the a-* liMflt
cafeteria I In ' w ill l* av* the build
ing only for necessary i \erclse in
tile ett'-todv of t»vn officer
Assistant I’m- ecntie Harry B
Keldan question'd each jtntir car*
lully regarding his knowledge of
mathematics, lie explain* tl r th**
testimony v ill he of such a nature
that on- with a poor knowledge of
figures will he tillable to grasp the
• tgnifii am • ' ' t • ’at "o n* of
son e witnesses
Senator Jam* \ Mucha. Ties
tinning tin Juror*, for the defense,
was particularly anxious to know
whether «*»*•' kn* v o' my <( the
county of'i id l '<• oth'r- w .os*-
name- ar> indorsed t»n the jntonnH
tlnn or whether any of th*dr lntm**
diate relatives ever held county or
city offices
Frank Waters. Xn. 121 Harp* r
They stole the money appropri
ated for artillery and left whole
armies to h* slaughtered h> Tors
that had up-to-date equipment
1 They graft* I on ev<r> < mtract.f
The y stole stores, supplies,hoots
atid button Their motto wi.s- Any
thin* that |«n‘t spiked down and
then fetch the rrow bar to pry the
They allowed traitors to bury in
the earth th* great gun* that Rut
land nt to Itussia’s aid and Oer
man vplej. to overrun and poison
ave, never heard of Kloka or the
crime with which he is charged be
fore Wednesday morning, he told
Assistant Prosecutor m. Asked
If he rend the newspapers, he de
clared he got only the Sunday pa
pers and then "Just glanced” at tht*
"funny" pages.
"Do you know what Mr. Kloka Is
charged with?" asked Keldan.
"He’s charged with selling some
rtufT ain't he ’” replied Waters.
"Are you a registered voter,"
asked the prosecutor
"Yes, sir, and my number Is 184,”
declared the prospective Juryman
triumphantly hs he drew his draft
registration card from Ms pocket.
Judge Connolly dismissed him and
afterward struck his name from the
panel. .
Isaac Dent, No, KOI West Grand-
Mvd., had a fixed opinion thV
Kloka was guilty and persisted in
firing his opinion to the cun ova nee
of both tho defense and, prosecu
“If he wasn't fullty there wouldn’t
bo no suspicion on him would
there?" he argued.
Kloka was apparently disinter
osted in the matter of selecting the
Jurors except when one of the at*
torhe.vs would risk a prospective
Juror w noth* r he hud an opinion on
th *.a. e The accr/ifd clerk would
t.i*-r* p'.t't* his ha i.l to his ear aid
1 ’ J teo f’fentlvely to the answer
Strong resolutions of protest
against the appointment of FT. Lau
rendeau, of London, Ont., as sucees
■:r to the life Rev. I. A. Beaudoin
In Our 1/ftdy of the Lake parish.
Ford. Gnf , were adopted by the *pat
ishloners in a mass meeting attend
ed bv l,2(»0 Wednesday night T 1 e
protest -• directed to Ml-hop Fallon,
i>f the London diocese It recited
that Fr. Laurendeau "bus shown by
Mr previous conduct that he is not
nnlmated by that mentr.lltv which
we live a right to expect from or.e
who Is to be our pastor." Hl;< pro
< nee, it i declared, would be a
*>f serious d.fT«*r* nee, to th**
gr< it detriment of the chttrrh Th*
pari humors demand the appoint
ment of a priest who Is a French
< anadlan at heart and who will un
derstbnd them
Determined that the hl-hop shall
not Install i priest unarm ptable to
th**m the parishioners have estab
11* bed n guard around the j>re«hx--
t**rv When Fr Laurendoiu arriv
<nl 'Wednesday he was told he wa •
pot wanted The priest -aid th**
f* 'llnr was mutual and hl**d himselj
back to Igindou.
Vm-Rltnn Trip* on thr l.nkr*
T. *i U e trip* t> Cleveland RutTalo
nr I Markin*' Island n. ar.l th** lux
urious steamers of th** I*. A 1 fake
f.'r**.* are wr- popular w *b \*<-a
tfonlats th’s \ **nr titan rv*r h* for*
Hf**.imers f* Cl*\ eland l*xv* dail* at
8 30 a m.. Ifi 4( p m and 1t p m
Huir.ilo rtr»m*rs Irnre »la'lv at 5 p
m Maekina. faland sterner* Pave
M nday* and Pat'irdavs a* 5 p m ,
\V#■ dnarday* and F*"ridaxs *t • 39 a
rv (Ontral Tim*'. Informal ton
nb*.ut apt al trip* to northern and
castr-n summer r**sort « may be *e
* ur* and fr m 1. »5 F’ft vi« srrnrrnl pa
*<np r agent f •t *• I* A c* f. a k»
f,in• • . » at the 1* a 'ticket nffl*'**,
151 C* sxv.dd at Adv
| every part of the service
In the bureaus large forces of
! men did little work and botched
| that little
Transportation System Broken
Take, ns one example of many
1 triumphs of mismanagement. the
, matter of transportation
About one-half of the maddening
1 problems that the provl«ional gov
ernment steadfastly face-, come
from a broken down transportation
I system. - j
Twenty-one Thousand
Prisoners Also
and Italians Press
Steadily On
LONIX)N, Aug. 23.—Lens
was still the hottest point In tho
fighting on the British front to
day but desolte all resistance
the Canadians advanced their ]
circling tines slightly.
LONDON, Aug. 23. - The Allied
great offensive, which continued to
day, has nlrendy cost the German!
and Austrians close to fa
dead and wounded and at least 21*
000 prisoners on tbe British, I-Yencl
and Italian fron'a.
Bdt despite these staggering
losses and no let tin today In ibi
deluge of both shells and met
against their lines on the west. an 4
Italian fronts, Germany Is startini
an offensive .*f her own against thi
Russian lines The drive has ak
ready gained ground on the Rigj
The British theory Is that sh«
German xvar chiefs, apprehenslv*
a loss of public morale because* o<
the enormous losses and forced g:v*
lng way on s he *. ♦•tern and It-.lia*
fronts, have t inned a military in tv«
"'hi' h they will ~*• to kc« p u bci
ir»*nt n< tvs *ub Ti’luk’ed.
The Russian army's weakness !i
munitions nnd supplies p**rmft« t
relatively small force of well organ
!z »ti Germans to make a strong lm
pr< ; ion against them.
The British and French onslaught
on the wi t front und the Italian
drive to the south gained ruori
ground today, aft*r enduring a ntghi
of the most violent counter attack*
Miss M try rtv, 35 years old,
h' ld by the police pending investigw
ti*xn into the (h'ii'h of Otto
4_ years of age. No. 72 H**il**dben?
ave., with whom she lived, denies
giving poisttn to th** man, which la
th* ory of the polic**.
Sh** told the Hun'st. police offV
♦ •ial*. Wedn*’.-day night, that ITnbach
tried to get h**r to tnak<* a snlcid*
pact with him, and that nft**r she
had fak* n a drop <*r so of she poison,
lie drank tb* r**majnd*r of the bot
Today’s Games
National League.
Chicago in V**w York. dear.
Sr l.nul.s in Frooklyn. clear,
fine ’in’iti in I*hilad«*lphia, cloudy.
Pitrsburth in Poston, rain
Philadelphia lr. rs*troit. cjon !y.
New Y**rl in ('lev* land, cloudy.
Washington In fhlcago, cl«*ar.
| Broken down hy the sheer iricom
-1 petenoe of the czar's government.
\Vh« n democracy came in It
: the Tr»n* Siberian, the main
artery of the ftussian railroad sva
! tent, tfrdng only one third of Us nor
j rn.t’ work because of the thick
headed or dishonest work of th*
old regime.
Knuipment had not been matt*
tamed The r**ad was there, hat
|t was woefullv shy of car* and lo
comotives, and the eld tn**bods of
, operation lost one baJf of th* \a!u*