Newspaper Page Text
ON WAR’S i Harold I-3ELIN ES WUcox CAMI* riTSTKR. BATTLE CREEK. Mich, Oct 13. Ml A’ of the Klghty-Hflh division of the NuMonal army, training at > u p Custer subscribed $168,500 to Hie Liberty Ixvan Friday. At n i. t» iil'a. Major l'Ye<] Alger announce that up to that time i *i *(• i had been subscribed hero to the loan. Thin represents than n. day aof actual campaigning. In connection with this Lamp < ut»t»*f in a littl** secret that really should be told to tho world. but w t i !i r p.not be told In its entirety at this time. One officer has bought \\ rth of bonds. He lan't the kind of a man who seeks publicity t In.- p . ti-torloua nets. If his name wero to he divulged, very few people it I ’ i I . (1 recognize It. He Is a man who has given up everything to b' nAn • i.:om soldier, and thin subscription would be deemed a further n» r of pvr 'i-»m except for the fact that he considers his purchase of bond., hi «• \i■ <’l l <‘iit wartime investment for his money. TANARUS! ' *plVndld Rtibscrlpflon Is not Included In the $108,500 subscribed at ri! p i'u-iter In the lust 21 hours That was taken bv men and officers .s. .• hi to buv mil\ <mal! bonds. The report of the 338th lnfantrv ?. .-tr. • !*\plea!, of the Liberty bond purchases In the camp. Last night i r* i’n 1 \dlufnnt Hecker announced that this regiment had subscribed for J 7 " » worth of bonds. Ilepresentcd were one SI,OOO subscription and two f! sub crlptlnn*. All of the rest wore sruaT. It was estimated that ilw n\ ' .>i:e for . ,ich subscription was less than *75. In other words, no tt .n 1 0 ‘0 men of ihe 338th Infantry have already taken bonda, and < • possesses les than 1.800 members at this time. Furt h r rmum,- ii t •! r;• r regiment. Its men come from the largely agricultural ; ■> i • t it 11 .• 4 *nir h of a line drawn from nay dty to Muskegon, and i : . : > .Jr iwn thru Jaikseii and Kalamazoo It Is expected that 1 v ■ i. ab'";t <IOO,IIOO worth of bonds, and that most of this wl'l b- 'iibscrlbed In a day or so. \ w...| (lore will b<> available some figures that will enable the p > •(, k i*> th* bond subscriptions of the various regiments here. i • > rot j ttiiltted this week, because not all regjnents have u., , t enuva-r many of their men yet. It should be '•emembeYed ■ i ( ,< (. ,ii.. r • are not being ordered to subscribe. The| are simply lp\ ,*d -ui Mm I irihermore, main men with dependent”* are being (, • t . bU' bonds until thev learn definitely Just how much of .• . • t . v. i 1 b» .tu to their families The upshot of the whole matter . t!,a! ■ i on their own accord are very anxious to buy Liberty bonds ; , r n ;. , ~ tin opportunity This toes for th** foreign born men ,M well ns .'-neriian.-. Officers Insist thMt the forelgnborn non arc Ju&t as anil u •• subscribe a- the American*. Tho ( lean Slate SOMI ~ ged slackers were brought in chains from Detroit Friday af ; There wer* four of them In a party several times that ■.irg- In i:.< party were t>ne man from the fourth district, one f.•. t! twenty tlf’h district, fen from the pix'h district, three from the fiftef! th district, two from the nineteenth district, one from Marquette he had n gM’ered in Detroit -one from Plymouth, and two from Ham tramch. Th chair* were taken off the shackled men as soon as they r ,. IU >. i p The> were conducted to the school for cooks and bakers at 1 g ven a 1 r.ifv meal. Then they were escorted to division headquarters and «v i.iieli *o regiments and companies Ju«t like any other newcomers to the Jsatl ,-n tl army No one here was Interested In their past, and they st .rt w t'; itb-o’lUtcly a dean sheet In case a regimental commander l,», rtis m ' • a person Is In hls command, he probably w ill send for i m and talk t. him In the throne room. He will find out why the man so at renun ..vob ed the draft as to land In chains, and will endeavor in gr-r •’< : " ; 'v way to revamp the voung man’s notions and make him mor* content with hi lot If any of these fellows start an\ monkeyahln"S once t> : . , : . th* mmy. they will be promptly and effectively punished. Noth jr.g l ■■■ • 1 l'; ld.r> to indicate that they intended to balk. • An interestM.g* arose Friday. A drafted man who was sent, hep tn tl.. tig'!’ had an e%mption claim pend it.g before the district jij j \etnpt|on hne been -allowed- and the * omt.i andHip g*"n»*t*a 1 . ,» t; \ yn vis* ho, who Immediately began to i-quawk right p and.- doj ■ that v. hiii he was deadly in earnest about his egemp t . c , 1 f he arrived «' camp, he has hanged bis mind and I* very , ,pp iim H> has ben exempted, however, and his only cham> • , , !>,. district to withdraw the exemption, before Lts i If h> cafi’t move «w Iffy enough tn beat the army tn#-' , * by u*-d and b‘ u.,i b* feted to go loo; 11- , . . . will be ’o «r • '. ■»*<<■• b-- hi and ~ . ihl her* fab Is being k< pt on nff n dif' h ” , ,| i,,., . disability, and that undoubtedly man\ of these i mil p. : <i th* next draft This refers to cases where op* ration• ot t. ’ m • win renod' the defects There js in HaMle ('reek a gentleman of color who conducts a shine •mr 1 . Ii- will go to camp <*i*h the next contingent. “George." said an off', e- last v.i it “art* you sure that there isn't something the matter with .vi •tl it you won't be accepted for the army ? Haven’t you got flat so• t cr pot:. jy •; "No. suh'earnestly replied the siilne attl t. \in** i wrong with this h»re tiiggah An ain't go' n<» fiat f. and when <1 ni * i ',*'s t>« gln« to tl'. Ah’rn goln' to show you all that there aitf't not Mu' mii; wiili mati feet, s tall." Fndcr Fire |W ▼ -*<• r u in«l**r fir* Kifda> afternoon Ho wn- th*-* rn* *cf j * 'iii i*-' if a b**tnl|lng expedition Lieut Bail*' I* t -id .- f . o’,* # \p**i t who i- conducting a class In hi** aprrt.iitv. Ihs rr*l ■ ■ ,r* * fflroi * an*l non* onis from Mu 3r,B*f t infantr)-. hh: . w«*r* In ?* 1 v Mm botuhs were rnn<lo Tin ran® wore in great de , ~, ) ft, r< * 1 o) • little cloth tobacco bags Mm’ come flll'-'l for 1 . I -11 «■■•••. *,* bomb® w*re manufactured. One was th<* Jam ‘ur •. p. • j t|, (*(.<r wa - the hntr brush kind Th** f*leal outfit f*u ’h** Jatu , . 1 f |« ~,-jn* .1 *0 i»o n small tin can. nn ordinan tomato run, a to U. ,, * i *i)i,ui.’li gunpowder to till if. Tin* chaig* was packed Into t !u 11 - -1- .. ; ■*. * *ml h« mi- vis**d for »he pit* king The little <;mv. :* , , -i.- -> - lift tin wall wen packed ill th* n • .„ |,) 1 ;n*n that could be squeezed More snnd was used at L.p , : ■ , f,; . 1• 11 detonator were Inserted and the whole rontr van* * L*. , w:t* il *; '1 • hail bru**!! bomb required a piece of dynamite, h woo,J*n (|( |,)i, ,j„, >. -and some w ire The pi k* - were packed atound the fclyiiftt if*-, iid !) < vomblnatlon iva® wired to the b g end of ‘he paddle. The h.* oiapleleil, all the bo\» inarehed off to the seen** of attack It j), * , tf,| thht the.**** l>ombs ®r** home made ones, and ire no‘ (*(,in 1 ~1. f nor afw as tho.*--e that will be supplied to soldiers in the Krone}es LJ, j*, •,t * .. ■'. < in. e the steep side of h tsvlne f*ir his trench He True,! a Jiu;;, o I *an at a distanee of some 1* \ ards from the edge of the kqrhr,, \ rh*> bo- < \c**pl tho** uetuallv * ngaged in the t*),«**ing lay flat Un*ih*-ir I- u l ir ,! watched proceedings thru th*ii periscopes, made of L ni.* i, - f.* t- * *-d *•» the *>n«l® of ■•ficl The tosser split Ih® entl of the . jp,n j-;. i at hi - -a • ttade. The h* n*l of a saf**ty match whs sttu-k in the -1 i . r -food poised for the throw. An nreompllc® scratched a L ,*. f. p. , i h*i"l of tl « match. In the same motion lie touched the i rot of )-r .-)*lier That was the signal to chuck that bomb awny from ip , 'I h>- grenade dropped near the oil can and exploded with a loud i<-p*ir‘ Nail- pt-hhles and sand flew in all directions. The grenadiers an*! t. in i pc rt *t »rouched against the ravine-side ami heard the nails and L« lb! - whMlr *' • rhend tlallanfly th*n watched fh«* w hole operation t» n i*\* led in *hr j • rtscop. - After »*aoh tos«. everybody rushed «»u t to sc*- L«- *nanv nail* had been driven thru the ran. Enough damage was done ko Irull* a*- |us‘ how wick***! >* trench * leaner one of these improvised bombs ran to* There were no casualties, but two nails clatter* *1 down from high In th*- air f*> the s|*|** *if your reporter plenty to satisfy him that he had iu-eri under Are. Thing- wept oplrndidly f«>r a time rresen’lv a colonel was spied or hot n \ -p*ci *l niPsseng’T invited him to the festivities He ae- I ~ptfM ,| , ,!!*,! Up to the tlirf with n periscope In hi*« II I' I The flr<*f boriit* t* —d for 1-Im made a big fus® > hut whs thrown too far away. The L< .-,,nd didn t * xpl**de The powder had become damp. Neither did the |bird ev*-i*i*l*- Hid th* colonel became sarcsstlr That wasn’t tfi*. kind of , >. n y, (~,d * **m« tn s* •• Then *he Instructor brought out his exr*-a I,t - ’* ■ iirti I bomb and cast it himself |t wh■* n bcauqful , h,t th* rnissle )ll*ln’t explode. The Instructor became ombnirassed ,* *t *-t -hhiK* cackled The lurk s*>on changed, however, and fh«*r< Lmis , | -its nf ftm for th** colonel, v, ho finallv got covered with flving «xn<! Lod . r ,f* ~,| that th** bombs did have some punch The expedition ended vHi a i t.ll*d .**jTr np The ml can wbi* b was blown t*» »pcmters. T h** object of tbe expedition was to teach the class with real lessons. Uhii u i* ulft.i\ better than theory. It s**rs«**l Its purpo e, for tho rt**n [ 1 j > dil the tminutytcfurlng and tossing Friday In a few- days thej u f * * 4j, •* nt to ink* out the enlisted men and develop I grenadier *• * will start bv tossing dummies, nnd will wind uj> with the res’ !‘u i th* -ante. |i seemed a silly way to settle an Thternailonal argu ’ ~ matter **f fact, these grown meji scampered *uit into the noun i I* -*n* Ia ridg** an*! threw tin cans, Ailed with firecrackers and nails » • Thev watched if all with little looking glasses stuck nn th* f *i« L Eventually these men Will throw tins filled with tire I, ,* r t • t, J tiftiii a* other men,' and these oth* r men will throw tin can*- I'.tb-d wiMi (lie Markers and nails at them The fellows who catch th® hv~NT~nirh* jp tttstt Trritrn trlH lose the argument That's war. and hr slrttT r. ju*t so-ili silly performance® will the allies seek to ear® th® world from S*» mar Hnna OCTOBER 1917. MIiMTES fiLISS Os HEAVY VOTE Wise Contestants Make Remaining thinner Days Count I h<» spirit *• a<-hievenn-fH r-* - prevalent among the nuiu* tous candidates who ne out to win »h* valuable award- giv. n by “Th** Times' 50,000 Club'' and NOW that the "BANNER 1 ): o|f >i *'■ double v«c< ofTcr has hut 'lift rnor*j days t<* ion, which giv<*t i very body ® chanee to win on tiieir morits, th*- eont* id an ~ nr** di iduving mor*- than nn usual selling ability. While they :\r* nelplng to increase tL• • circulation hv securing suhs<rlp;i«in they are. at tin* same time, piling up ,* lug Vote toward tln-ii cI« <i it at; 1 gifting Info lino whoro they stand with high honors. _____ —plenMitr, to n*it* ill* go*id nat'ured spirit with which tho candi dates have joined Mi* * lob. Every bo<!> is Lrraled .* 11 k• ■ w e show no favoritism and the straightforward manner in which th** campaign is conducted is what appeal- to the workers. We de-dro to co-operate W'lMi nil Coin* -'ants in ov**ry Way w« can. Get Busy—Pile Up Votes. L>e shrapnd g • ntit of the trenches, m.ike ,n artillery chaigc. any thing to g* * v!*• -r<- -to the Alad din Home. The motor corps is h ■ f moving organization. It will :ng you h*.m< if you ue** the prop rr amrnrnt rrr r ' * * n* r.- v ihe final ram, of th** “BANNER PERIOD SERIES" i- called for Munti.iy. Oc t 1 ,\< w play* is are working up to such a high pitch ‘hat a a .; ,-o • will ,-uvely in- reported t lu ciYlock that night.. Th* y are a'a !;g mi Mi* new - i ui*’ .S*-ri«*e • -* f'lu T'n* stak**- ar** big and M»* ba :<>r i- nor- certain to * a h ih H**i' - " plate than -Ty id ‘i nr L--nn Ka iff Ml it re ..-•iir« i- * -"'hi ;.-nt amount of gas energy to k* * p one of the big a: - ,n jiigh. Tii Pn cn* . the Ov♦ *r and, M.** Stud* k< : “f.," or the iio-s VS" W’ill B< * will ther®. Mrv Wiliiaa Uani-ter is playing <i frvng mini and atftnd.* first in th** ihp.-h* 1 li * «»t "players" today f he Tii ind i■■ stie feel* it i*:- nr- to b given the opportu , • ■ . tecrip! lone to her ! rune- it th) acquaintances, ii - j • : urnishe* ruiother lead |*, ,ii M'wairds. who says he is a. '* i r;i‘|i in," ill Th* 'limes • Salesman-Mp Ham**; Mr. Ed 'I. itu—s 'X2_lfK*lo* g**otf cTT i.,m Wellington (’hamberlin. of • ip, -*>*! in*T* ;*-ing his batting r •- and Jumps info third place, i \ r am.. r!*i says ho »: on his i tie “Home" plnte hYerl | a, ~i r, who is on tir t base, says ::«• is goir;g to mnk* th circuit if . i iii but v. IJ be SHti»fl«*d if- he , a If ■. -: 11 i - Shlicfi I ; . t \ ’w hi ur ! from again. .1 it j :h nlm- In eafch'ng a goyd w> It n.~ h> • pthK tin his 'uitttnj? average, so as to hr in !. • *->«!.-»y. r It. Robbins, : <. 11 * T»>». says !o is going Hr i and I "Home.’* Hr has tm vi <1 hi average in the field and jjfti lao Fnt ystrk and >, \ til -H an plioiiiK r strong I, ?It* :..'i !. Nl. Por>Mek Is p . \i> ; «•; and Mr. Hloss corn* ' it- Ninrtte . S-v. n Th.-ro in a my other players In cam' Wo aP otiiv Waiting for ii , * {• - ling < onfldent •I v ! . it... a tnf, some of , pianrvto: toi a "lit > dK** run »rh* r - wlli 1 atislii 1 if they <‘an ,>n,'h tin Siudebakt r Then i, ar* -one who want to make n > r , . v, r ;ind get in with the l{o«s "S." Some tv U V i'h a SHCiiti' • «' Ping the Briscoe. Xh* 1 die v want the Overland he if 1 1 av»i> fat •! hen th- re are ni > who want '.a siilne -md vv «ar • ,Y. autond While in* ere fond j ni , ; ■i • v. .1 dd hke to come ' in!, i.mii I’oiii** to th° strains of a sc „| a Var ii »h a VirWnla as a rn-o SMU t 1 ere are o'hers who sdl satisded with merchandise totaling f to fhtO In prlies Kverjr hodv has glad in their eye he ..... they feel thf v will he at leaO of tl> • r? t.i receive a reward Awards SO,OOO ;i lint Aladdin Munyalow llotne. jl sa" flogs *"" Touring far «I.L*”,i> Stud'hal er "6” l our nr ’nr Overland "4“ Touting Par (Simmon* S.ii , ' vl to. Agents!. $725 Hri <oe Touting Par (Frank (Imelln v.'titi. S2OO rHauiond Ring (purchased of Miller ’nigge.t Little Stores), s2on .Victrnlsi. s2.2fiO -n Merchandise T< n per eept rash commission The pi|hll«h.d standing of those In the rate i j as follows DISTIIK I N«» 1 (Wants I. in. I.A unit I7» Members Club rre.iit* Mr. May Abler s i*eo Mra Fred TtrsdU-v .1 SR one tVm C’h-'leks *t XV. A P*l*»*s 11"") MO« Kit* V Doherty. * f '" n . • I f itarry F l/icnn t t ' ' (?n vmond post 71.000 VT*ra Uhea Roof IM.-'Oo f 1 • Slhlev 11 (H’O Mrs I Wtslner 1 t >o« Mias ‘ f’nth"rtrio Wrt«ht.... is 000 HIVI lilt T NO. 2 (Ward* .1. m mill 21) Jos. rh W tllin MI aa T.urtllo rltfton 15R.050 Mrs. AuLujwU* rat ”• 11 .) A. K lihwHi* *. 14 k 0 ‘ 0 MO. Funt"e Huffman... 10.000 Fre«l K'. tier 1* ~ •"• M’«s 1 11 n• 1y a lales Martin.... .<> o vt II Murray ...t 14,r * no v V TUbysUaVp- . . "• ‘ II rVOW'tppe I * I. HeiiU 10 0«0 Prof x. •***•■)> .. rw to 000 |> A Williams 11.000 HI vt im i No a (Ward* .V 7. 0. and II) M 1 preen *OOO 11. i • t W I Nr | * 0"o I hilip F <la"ias 1.000 Michael < Imer ala 10 000 Mias perethv High . , 1 ’- n nt,fk Mr»a Vera .TUrTT.a «.000 I* - F. K trhltnati )»rft »0 Miss Winifred l/rng JiSftoo Gaoraa Pnllefaj t 1 a 000 Advocates Times’ Good Qualites IFif ~ . - it HV. irjWf * • -n Wss£is. Jr * fgy .* fTx I ...r*o. WILLIAM BAN-NISTER. A strong believer in Th® Times’ • plendid qualities und its good sell img points Mrs. Bannister Is rolling , up a big vote in th® “liO.OOU Club" j . i ipjmg w-m **ftn *~- j the grand prizes Mrs. Bannister leads the rnc® today. * I M Put!i T***ld ISO.OOO Mi y S. \\ , rt 11 l4»S,J»00 llinitUT -VO. 4 lU nril* U. IS mu! 20) Cl it i* .-* ! Albtusdt . .151 "00 William lil’.mtt B.ofto T .1 I d*' 8.000 VV-II , n <l* ! * m«luhy 8.00*) n.Htpj. A (Jliins-. . •. . . .155. ',o*l .1 r Uo-gini 10.000 ) It- \ I I Ki, rut I" " f ' !I■lw .. e*! Mn i • h,! ■ . . S 0110 M r .-■ C A Mason 8.000 i i’H*ii <; r* i. r.-* i t.'.000 | I:- \ !:«-• i-i,>n*l Marcini®*’ l-i7..'»30 It lt„ tilw-IX io """ lti Mu m n I’Jlilf * n< '° )osepb A Sii'haisU: ',O'J" Mism Anriii K shalloway ii Al Will,am sruit<icr SO.onc feta l Si*.lt.* 8,000 William Tureott MNoOO Anthony P Wroblin«kl ....... 8.000 K. Tl Vizard *• M..-** Agn*s Wneh J 3.000 III4TIIH T %<». 5 (W writ* ». 12, 14 nnd 1«) Mrs. tV ill In m Hamster 1*',2000 I ! arils A. IbhJing 8 000 M*-,- k.i -, *,i,,i,• i J. Curtiss. 10.000 l-'rank 1 *ani*-l 155.000 Charles ! I *nnhar 1 .1 il i:dw ird 101 > Li., I ' t •- I- * »-k 158. *OO J .*1 * -I LoOO M . *.«, in.-i ■l« nnle 13 “'») Or to * ;>■ It . 15$ fi'iO M.> ci>-- I rijil*- Gorman 152.000 |o p Hammond 145 500 j It* b*-rt lin yea . 8.000 Ml*.-* Vnna llii'rr 10 *» **oo I Mr* A \t ■ ■,»-,» 8,000 <«r in M F'<><*,* 1 - r ‘ l 1 G*-,irac l!f-<l 88 000 Mw, OHf Holst*, id 10.000 ytirs Gertrud** Pti'ffes 160.D00 1)1 STR It T Ml. ft (Ward* *l. s I HD Mr- r>, -othv Akir tfi con Master H raee Cheney 22.600 H E. Hail loann 18. **00 M!s« *»lftd\s Gibaon ILIO ea«* Hrtrmrr $? 000 Mr- > truli J Eegg i . 10.000 Mis** Zola Milltran ..153 000 IwiMlam 1* Murrav 1-i8 6**o | l*. Prindle I4s»,000 J rtiH-i Puck ridge 11.000 |W B Bit-v s.oOo , Mr- I'd win I. Roberts 1.52,0 »Q, 1)1 STRUT NO. 7 i AIT of lVnfnr « ounty oiiialde of the 7lti uC llrf r*»lt * *.mrt - Pni. r r Tu r-Envi fl 8,000 M ,-:i r * :* e < 'lnivnot-riin. That !: ... ■ 10‘ - 55 lliam l‘ i’ihii I, .1 , sV a\tie. . IQjJiul • )E|na Brjrtrlee Porney R-dford 8 •••’' f X iJrant, Riv-r Rouge . .. l?0*)0 . Mr- l'l - * r,, <■ Harrison, Tnk «ter 8.000 i ’ »,n * • l * ’*tillamtrameM. . s 00,1 51 1 - Zn: 1 Johns -n l'lvnv tilh 1T I. • nia laiw.ii" ■ ftivcr Rimge 1 CftO l ' ■ Thntnaa A M Kentl*. I’*enrf >rn 1* 0 ! R-V. .! M. Rose. Rot'k wood n 000 tt «r*l 5' - wtti* r. Ml Clemens 10.000 Gordon Warner. Noilhvlile.. . - 1 I'rstr.k Yen! ■• tfe, Wvandolte.. 2«.-"i0 ms pr 1 * t mi. s 1 Mimrnr, I rnniiff, l\ nuhlrnim, Ja*'W min. nnd I l« InuMiin t’OMntles) II R*irtlett, Saline non j ll* ni A Renner, I'laytnn. ... 11 000 (Cis'Vftld Klaenman. <’r,elr*'n * 1 ll* \ I'Mtnrd \ I'ish» r. Clinton 3i TPo >,r?» A l-'rnnetsen.- Newport l .’OOO Jl* •r t « r t n?tinl,n. Adrian 1 2 O'- Mrs R..,5. H.-lm*-, A>l* lan 11 '• » Mis- l .sepii-n*- S Ktlltn. Mor enel !M.oo<* Mrs Cm :t P. Knight, Yps!!«ntl .151 0 • >' *■ Vr'r M* nr* e 154,500 55')ison P T ,l**i Ili-weP 2 * Ml* FT I> 55' n y Hudson 11,000 IMSTRIIT NO. 0 (Onklrinil. Mat-nmli, >t. t'lnlr. t.npeer. I.eneaee nnd SantlHC t'oiintlesl Mi- 1* r, \ J Ujirr -ii* • Mr * t-T *7. ThtniDbell M,-* Ire gs, r ... 1 lift. 000 Mr I S I **-\’ons St ('!a*r If. 1.5°0 .1 It .lacobua. South Even 1 f*T "0 .1. 11. King l'lmt 1 fit.onn Re* p Kramer. Warren.,,.. 10.000 M s Moruiret A. te-u-ka. Pt I tutor) 58 000 IMr s. a L Koiiriab* rr j , Walled Isik •* . I7.n*io Ml- s r .* e M< I-'nrlane.Pt 1 Inron 14,0 0 il I» M.ias. Farmington *i- *, T |i n 1. M Idd'erl It eh ... 170.00 ft n. T. Page Clifford ... HrI.OOO iMr ire Phllilm*, t*lira .—_ ~. , ejT'rvTg f Vftle ... 40 0-*0 Mi*, Floren e Water rr*a n H*-lly 18.000 .1 3 sVeig;ind. Jr, Centerline 15) 'Oft Pin* r tl iV'liaon. Pontiac. ... 150.500 DISTRICT NO. in (Windsor, 55 nlker* llle. and nil terrl lor* tint ln*-luile<l In other dlafrl<*tsi K--r.| IT I ‘-a*-* in, PI, Uf,,r«l 15 Geo G Blnrk, Haiti*- Creek. I*<,()ift Mr* C. II Foster Ibinui *> l H G. Gairer. Cara >n (Mt y JJ. 1 -*• 0 Mss Ruby 't'ntber. Sturgli. . 5 ,1 0-, Charles F Hr* ,n. Grand l**,*',’s ‘ * T. "it. F M Huggetf, Rattle Cre* k 75 000 Ralph B Min m. I Rinsing ... -»< o**o I I" II bti. n**. Ha 111 *• Creek... 154.5 •) Jim- S* *s.ons, St Johns 150.0*10 51 l.i in NT St l^.niis. Winds*.r. Ont ... 75 °oi ALLIES’ GRAIN BURNS AT DOCK NEW YORK, Oct 13 - -More than ■i mllliftn b'i-h**!** nf wheat, bnr'»*s and nuts consigned to the Allies wore ronsumerl by flanteji nr d*- -troy**d by water today when the huge grain eb-vatnr- of the Dow Stores, in Brooklyn, v *-re htirned with a number of other storehouses. The estimated damage w'ii* placed at The Pro was thiuighf at first to hfiTf* hern caused by a bomb exnlo «i**n but this theory was lute* dia c«r*l**«l and D was mid the expio - on in Ihe grain was due to a «hor’ clri-ult In electrical wit Ing County fmDtove* Aak Pay Roost A petition a-kinx that the sal arios r\f the ehfef deputy sheriff chief clerk in the county cb-rk « nfflre, chief elerk in co*inty treas | u-er's *»fTiro, and chief deputy reg | I ist»r of deeds, be Inereased from j $ * su*i j* \* a; to $ OftO sns pres* nt- 1 -ed -frr -the- Hoard »>T eounty super visors Saturday morning The mat ter was teferred to the. committee on way* mrxaa. DETROIT TIMES FAREBGDST is Him BVD.U.R. " '' * 1 Revemrcs Drop W hile Expenses Increase, Railway C laims Th® Izetrnit United railway i.~ iin :. F nt ing at high* r fir*. I .* j leilfl* t which it dial nbuto.H to pa ! troii: nt the car®, say® that v. tile in I tb** early month® *U the >* ,r grom* i I ie\enue® in ihe one faro stun* showed hea\v increase, th«-y b%v« j t:**-n. dropping lately and tliat ! 1 th*) jeiurtia f*ir S* pleiubor .-how a • oi uo a dHv, cmupHted wlDl the pumo Itii'liK: laet y*'-al Yiiii- iv th*- Btatomunt made; *!.o t rm-tn r»- r t;** [iiismakt earn-ng.- of the 1 1* • 1 -. 1 l • .1, 1 ;«».!- »H’ II »» <>*. 'VIUg ,1 otarti.llg I ' ft *• was u stftt* iiurnt m*i<l* i-> A- slant G*-nt, 1 1 Mii,K);,-r Rur-tuk, *-, f vi.,- *«■*•■ | ( 1111 • 1 1 1 —| —| ** I 1111 • ' I mute* of th* comm-m - un Ml Rt Il *-I ) -a v. ••■•ft hr il--*: fi«*V*-r:C I nisil-r* affecting the t*>ivi-<- «f th • I « -i ; 1,.v u• r* ~ -- m* 1 -- tbs K**- l* ;,n ~-eng*r th- / Ui* wni* la 1k* 1 y m *-'■ * "f | ' -*• •f h > **ar aa<>. du* t<> tl*** tre n.'-n, -i- . - a* h a* 11\ • 1 •• 1 t- *-.t. th* •*• tinl>*u*i 1 *,f I t* Tua! k 1 M *l« ri, so ti.ft* the fur*- r< - .-'a f r Septernn*-r of thin ycir *> * <■ I* ss C un ft, 1 tlif K»m, m ,ntb ju 1 \,» 1 only hft\*- th*. g receipt* d*- tied I,* < a nn* ,1 l 1;-Iti<-®» Con>li • ti*.i.a. hut Uin tr*-rn*-ndi,us incr* a*** *i ! -t of operating th* < 'tv lines in ! tii, uu y ~i « a uf< h *tn*l •>*.!»« r f «- r* e--lt*-*l In a demit!*- h ; <lh\ ;n th*‘ i) •-1 pasi-eruter eiiin'iiig •In th* riiontU «<>n»- l»y, compared vvltii th- v rue fu.."-*} 12 trtemt+tJr fitT n ml!*** of additional track *> op-ratl*,n Mr Burdick pointed "Ml t* * the n.»• - ■ r, k tfie n'-ed of tIt»• le iirty co-op* | nation • f the civic authorities a-) : that t;,' re may be no r»»-***J 1 , ph * xpun- I <ll*urs *.f money, expree.- n. *> ** hope *i r.-. -s of fare may remain the ; ,-auia. ;* It is not riur ds*lre we have no , wish t-- disturb the pr*-»er.t low rates of fn*-*- h--* state. l "\\<• am doing «• • r . j- ■ t - : t * > ii i) C o matte. ’ mi r< .1 -<-*l 1 fare - t*i carry on our work -o-l ru* et • | 55 - therefore, a-k y, or hearty * •■•■op era* In" Well Pieterveci ! - *""" .***_■ >s - V -‘ V—• v.:' ' . - 1 f . - * ;p The Trofessor Many of the Eurr>- • I*r an uriversiti* * nr*- centuries old The Sophomore L r.'f It wonder- Ifni how »l « > nmwnge ,t«> retain Dmui I,i>«?f tea FI N 5 1 111 It I * 1 *)ll«* C. E. IJIUD & CO. Ft nr ml Direetros 27 55 .- t H.O'c.M-k Ave. Tbon* C'dihl 7's* I * tr* t. Mlcft. ’WELI-MEU & I’.OBCEAN FUNEI.At. 1)1 111 I'Tfills' 877 Michlcnri av< I ' n»- * 7 r<l n• 1 8123 ®KI I’ M.tSTkl)—)lt* • PIN H- 1 5 * I‘IN U* VS *IN BOYS rOT.r.Rnf) A Nil WHITE ltc* r* at i> 11 H -ihl-nu She] t*\ • .«* it id I ,a. r,' - 1 1* Id vil. IIUHK IS \ • HANCi: T* ’ 51.5 KK S"M! -1 - It»: MONEY \ an ' 1 itANvi : m man SUM* ><•!. Ri Y ' R* M ) T > 12 1‘ 5T Fl** g Inn iir M n*lay *ic t t, we nr* starting h n* w systi rn In paying iur pin hoy H,,ys t,- iv* rk mulf-r th** gtiaran ter of '•* j*- ? --m-o* 1 all game® * •la 1 1 v -a la 1 \ ..* f I'* n GUA RANTEi: T< * R'-V" ON SIXTH tUulh 4 *>K WFHf * *t*— ot*T J Bov r ,«*i it n*r t 1 il.-'v l<- f re ll s m t-- pin l-**y captu ns. <1 75 p- r da y B**y* rrp.irtlng f- r duty before 15 noon to ptn boy sidaina II 50 per *lay. Boys r-i-oM'm: for duty before 2 p. m to pin bey car * *ins $■ 55 p* r day B*.\ ** report ng f- r *1 l-efor- 4 p to to pin too) captains, I; 09 p*-r •In >. Boj .- reporting f r duty 1 ■ f >rr* ft p. to t*« f-ln I** - v cHft-un- 7.5 ents per —— cTTsiiig to or 12 r r Average of F hour- sten*l> w rk f**<! day and do w n. Hoys that *r •*'.* ri -re than we Kunriinff*' nf 1 • r-t r«• of 3<* p«r km no* wr 11 1-c * 1 I « • - • ■ nm- unt they earn tl-e • . r -* - f* no boy will b- 1 - ! - than the am, -unt- m* *l ll •*■ ' f* - the time they u-i" 1 1 * - * . dirrer ent fl, 1 * un" ) Gt'ARANTI i: ‘ V r and RTF! ANT* 1 *T> I ■" ■ FOR 55' HI K * *F* • T 1 Bovs rep'-r’i’it- 1 tef re j? .o’cbrk i)*- e It 5- p. -la.y Boy sr. 1 * i • *--ft r* 2 p rrt . t! 2 ., J* r ' Boj S rr-) ; ! i- 7 rs 4 p. m . $ 1 ■*(• i- o v Hoys r**i *■:■•;ft. vlf >r*- Bp. m., 75>- p- *: Closing I -i: ' r- m sv-*sße *t 8 h, w n. Under the 1 ■ *• ’ -ns boys are ss-u* • t • f *i • 1 ' r ran teed drill. » % • • - 1 In* up c* * • ‘ * 1 n make a- ho *- * dn s' the rale oi HufTeuri*!,nr* a * r *> ■ • an. M m* * focal is ,«*r' ‘1 t*J 1 -i • - • n the floors nr**--ii f a* * * • * n )8» at res• nsl e ;*• I * bring their I1? <■ \« • - « STEADY work r ■ ' r> i-:vi;itv v *<; u i run it: ;.i-. ' :ng BUILDING FIR<T t’OMI FIT ' T PT.A*"T’ ASK F* 'Ft M UN- **R Ml ft)AGE. --r. 4* home st-sre ten- gr )v Ing m•* 1- r-iftnu In * e||n ■ ! .* - * * s-- *- guar into.-d F’re i!l*.s»-,j»ei 1- let Hlran Rot* * • 5 * f 4 s- • sf New 5* rk 1 70 Weekly m*ie v*r‘ m fof ms ll »rder c n *- i ing- P.triiruiai f re* . I ! • *; .i-fe Go. Memphis, Te** tl > 55 A5 I ED— sf. I >I s *n,l «*)l I -'I I \ v-; * NTS * travel 1 m l l -du <• to * 1 /• -*. Ularepr ll •-I b useli. M n. , <««*;:»»■ THtw grsft 1»-st 'lne on es th Mn!,i -111 8 4t) t >*'.--hi! m 1 55'rlto * M.ft) f- r *-\, I- *-e * F. M Veit man l 5* • ri**an bldg , Glnolnna'l, (Jk Mfcl.r M »Ml t ritMSLK TELEPHONE * OI'LL.WIAT —> ? \, An excell* rvt\ sion and opportunity to ‘Mo yOur tit” for Uncle Sum. PATRIOTIC The "war machine" is opor-j ated by telephone. "Stick to’ your jo-t” is the advice of an' arrm • >tti< **r to telephone em ploye s. PLEASANT The vork is interesting and; enjoyable. The surroundings are comfortable; assocnations agreeable. The company is liberal in its treatment of employes. PROFITABLE Salaries start at once. Oper ator earn while they learn. Splendid opportunities for ad-_ vancemonL Apply Operators* Training Department, Madison avenue and John It street, between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. . TEI EPHONE COMPANY 111 NDf; i'.DS fg. V‘ rnrru rit \v«r pnsl • m -.(• ■!. i' w I*. r v»-r SBO >' 1 th. I ®t ?rWrit•> irntnf 4 ■ Franklin ln-«f i.jtr. <s*• i*t. • 63:«-H It. <1 « N Y BOOI.K i :j‘! its «r.'t '.ernrv'’ - ' hrff k<tu-ml • .*’?; •• rwi. hip; po'dth’n, i . t. L'.miintritit. / _ rll • ’i f ? I i>-t: ii * " ; -it l . t:»< »'Hfu ri training I*«. ♦' «v Price, Hudson T. rmlnai. N« w York. Wi'MKN’ tr> nil riiarnn't'<'rt hnst»rv .to ve*rer Salary s|s f..11 flm» ?5c an h*'*»«r spar® time rn..rm >us Chrlstr*>r>® tr *rl*• Experience un »lf. n**' '•h'.'ii y Ititcrnnf... :i;tl Mills, \nrrl»tiiwn Pa I'rlnllns— thp plnln f. -n. r mil—lliM l« r*'• It i ' 1 • loli li —pr -Main 1'.20. w \ > nsrv—k \ h >i«i ! V. a.VTI'I' We h*v> full.- r ( .«* |niprm.-l farms of nil nrr. ,< < \v thin 1• >0 miles of Detroit. If vi.u have farm* for sal® writ*' us at once «>r < all BOSS LAND GO. 11 I'orf «f West Oj jv rife P. O. Phone <*herrv 3i'fis. u i \ > t o 11> 111 \ —MI "I i.i i \m„oi * CAHiI f< r .1 f us« ■ -«'th gold crowns, br.k»n It welry, diamond*, watches, etc. full value (ieul Liberty Kfg. Cos ft" W oi' * <l. i - i floor -levator WANTED In h' ur fr tn owner of good patent fi>r sale N -thvvestern Busin* *s Acemy, Minneapolis. Min nesota. crr=.--. J”" 1 i 1 asaa . TO It I'l.Vl— llOiiHS HOTEL FRANKLIN Cor liirnf*l nn<l Rates-,«ts. Make your hum*, down-town <onvenlenf to bu Inrri and t-hcatr r* Hooms $5 <n> f■ i w-mU, us. r-, am j »'!■' 1- • -G llott-l Crunk »u BATH. I'lnfd' and heating: r®- si" rirT.l.e tin!v T• Jephone Walnut 4 4*o R • rinllnr—llir r’nln nrf.t U I oil— (Mi la Hjih l Tlmr« .!»>•* ili-nl.— Ma o 4020 * UKX I— HOI 21 A A. A. A A. a A , A A. Harman Rental Agency A fr list of 1 s< sand flats, f'sll i• < t *>.• -;h I lsr^rst res. • • xrhMntf.- If. Ml. hlifsu. 1 V f?P MV RPII Id ‘TI Ti i EtCVr—KI.AT* v IP 'i M t >i • Modem flat to rent to adults only. "bH i/oncord-ave. R 1 '* RI'CfIANAN-hT ipjo rin 1 lower flat. $I r. and $1 - t' •. 1 1!' ion" \ i I.— hi 'ini m i citoi*nilta 464 LONGFELLi iw OPEN SEN DAY 2 TO ft\ till I ,<I ’ v i s’ iI oi ) t ••• sos m'd ?. * f.».i n. i. ■n . « —ti_M— U'tinr in -room I • • ' #-\"i-ption al charm and rln-r t Tl.** li\ina r • . t<• r*.i - n< r O•• I the h<>iis<- and im rctilly n very hsa utlful i < om. I’rcr h do rs <"‘n r*» < t it With til' (inlui! room, arid l'r m h door also nro ■ t Um <l;n imv ro»>m w th i did ‘ tful sun »•' .hi (in t r- . ! i <i. .r nr • four irrv Ini... hr.irht tiiul cheerful h-dioom spl'-.dld t.nO. with tt|a f | floor sn- 1 v and * '<■ l-'.i tilo p*»d a*r a I tia. ln and r.* •• i lioivnr Maid's too i, ! i • ii, I o r '.. r. . i ..ti third tl.-' >r._ ’) • h :ai ios —:: > t o n<l fltt • Hi? " 1 1of th» ’• r\ best. It * well r (lit: I r ’ll' 1 , * and Hid the CO* dt on J I «Tf®< t h’tde rir’ve 2. car r iri .«• A* fit ?<■■■<> 'tL_ VCry re nvi • ; 'l'rim ivn !|rv Ih 1 I' o lo; OV' -11 he V ..-..1, "Jr,S|H .'*|.in im itfl Ilv. n m . « II II" 1. nis i S’ SI i'-:it : 1»R CNN A S.'l!! \'H f V !' O'.. f.n.di. oi iddi. i did \\’TlL TAKE VAt \NT • T.OT AS I IRST PAYMENT ON THESE PROPERTIES 3l< 1 licrton near 0.-'l ino modern. >' r. niri" flt r | , e -in | Imth.' f4. 'l Ar’’ mi ii" ,<ii .1»»‘ u H \-n: Cord « « fc,r.Hi« u"! hat’ *I4A" i<i rniuwt. .’ii and nod r hj. 72 IlMrii®. ,1 7 r . murffUi. *I 4 r t,» I’ o . tii*ii .'« <r*o ...n i'i 4^o EBERT. "0J Majestic Bldg Ml ST BE SOl.iT" THIS W EEK Th »'s ▼ r. ■ I h «• T»> danAjf Jit lc 1.*.•■..> ' . t|-e rast side near tl.e f-.r hnt n • brn In ev, >y wav. Fh. I I f* ii r d. full bek k li.Kpqit if • u havc < HU® so I if« rnr, for I want t< sell I - -■.■ld tv 'C.-r ret if,. No , ft!.. F" ' ■ r T “on. b'lllder. North Tftl-2 r.r* l ire '{’ld C,*si bldg ••D-MH E riper,E LARGE APARTMENT 81/>( K, OVEIv IJ r r ■ «•) f.-et Ousr®ntr<»d 1-ssa, #i 1 1 \•' V- ’ |l\ i; rtif ! \ -«• r i * I*ii • T • !' ' ' •••> • \ •• lA •• < t” rd W .11 h-idc k'*•♦•»! Hintr • is m l i *i » Z T ** tH'i* % Id * IST Bl No A LOW .'.'<no __ , - ; ph. KBr.PwT. JO9 Majestic Bldg. rrlnllnc—tß. pMltf neat htn.l—thvf |® rl®hf —I Inirt .loti llrpt.—M»t» 4il3A PUR *4l jIC —HOIUK4CR PHIIPXNII 'i’rade In That Vacant Lot On a M rhty rimi Wnm* n s lot flii&lSO f®«t. contain® l ruo n ®. Our . SA( RIFICE PRICE oq at' v® <® $2,200 Tour 1 t got s as first paym«nf. th® tniaf. e 125 per month.® In It < r r* at it. but get in It now No fa A J MS M WFII/'H A St^NS. RIJ I fiin Rank bldg. Cher ry 111! 1 FAMILY FLAT $ 1 d,ooo —sß,ooo DOWN |; <• ■ I, or, on a 4fl-fopt lot. 6-room 11. uni. m . with separata hot air f ru e. Monthly lncorn® Is |lO3. pavrnruta s's. You will huv® to hu; • * *aM Mr. Folejr. JAMES (;. PIERCE CO. C’h»rr< . 20. 12th floor Vinton bldg. • - RENDON AYE. and iimy ter? n buys another <:•. !’ tnose trautlful brick \eprer burtasl -ws. nearly completed. Rujr v' hlle > u can pkk Mil your own decorations and flvtnrt*. BIjOMEFELD Mnln B*o6 14J* Ford bldg. S4OO DOWN SIOO If al f b i< from Jefferson-ave east. 10-roum modern; paved can ■ • • m Ist. Main I " fP| M j 'i 1 Mb WARREN AYE. WEST Neat riviv L i\< N* i C tdsnt. Well .leu i-ri.j ri > f r t ist n > » '• lit -I I■ ! I' l : Vij (' !'• * Tknoinit-i or f'undays- rail Mr. Iran - Hi. kory 4i42-li. M-FVN.w >i’hinutnf. Ci) 310 I'er be* t Bldg. vied. ONE-MILE CIR( LE 80-SI M E AIT. IIT ■ Just "T U . u fd. n« i* ar.d l 'gh claae Inuotne Si .‘VO j>er month, f’ricf an<l '< nv« i lgl.T, al .o can ba l>- e-i liver. 'HR* call Mr. Dawsey, Hifkorv 41V ll ; «WJ 1 It- T»F V\AN - RCHINBINK \ C_), .U*- (-•HtnrirT-rMI - Tud * f <" NOIM Il wooI)WARD [ TWO-I'M,. AT l'lngree-ave n. T rd brick' reb eer. 6 •< 'ti s( " : ii mi d“rn. rent* S 5, 111 f> 0 ' • <'.. i l .i'- wn. ALEX. WATSON * H« 1 . HHI t'Mg. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 1 IST i OUR VACANT m.SI'- N• ■ I:. DOWNTOWN i AND FACT' .! Y Moi'FltTY WITH 110 IREN A CO. 1227 Phan ’ “r of •'Virnrnerce. Grand Blvd. 10-Apartment Bldg., 13T 1 Near Woortivaid lucnme IS3B per ni"nth furt" v! 11 «.rrpt sifl nno down pavment. Kvenlng.s ca l Mr. Dawsey. Illrkorv 4152 |t C 1 v> r ' - r UFNNAN SPIfJNBTVr. rn. 84® Penolisi id bldg Cad »47 HAVE SEVERAL HOUSES And modern flit*: n-ill talc® vacant properfi a.« first pavment. EBERT, r. 05) Majestic Bldg. FOII a 4 1.17—4 If \IT MIT* . . \ \CANT Marlbr.rotigb. ft $ I*6o Fur It an. 1.-t block. -'0 ft 3.600 1 2Ui urn) Rd n i>4 <x! 33... . 4 400 Carter .lust off l.mwoi'd .... 1.000 14th ar*-., r.o ft., cor. Austin sub 3.6n0 Illuinc. n« ar 14th, 36 ff..v.. 1.600 /*hliadclphia. nr. 14th, 56 ft,. 1.775 Euclid, nr. 14Mi 3f> ft I’lngrr®, nr 14th. 36 ft.-. .... 1.62.’ I'.pvvptth. '< each,. .. . . 1.0"0 r Ff worth nr. Warren ft. 7 •t""' t ff-gtiflrld ,!S» !2h ft . . .. 1 42a »- 1 • >• alley . . 4. Mill i r-b»-H>-4 rrr Mr' 1 raw. IS X . I, per f. foo Grand IFvcr and '’hope. 70x 14.. ia.6"o Ham! f<>n»blvri erer ft 16 n Cuplit, near Waterloo 6°o lIOMER WARREN & CO. 1 ,'i . f", ml r <.f Commerce goTngTt V x • i N 1 01. Jf IfO- Ti »K CO F! \ M r.f 1/ < * ■ ' IVI n Till ' Id.' I* >N t.f* i'S T.ISTFD KK I’i >K TlDi KAF-K STAKTKD ,\ \: • i MF,v;h ITll OTIU/KS IN TGlvi \ li'INITt : 36 t i "He'nn.-f nv4 f Bon 3 r ft. Sti.cpel 050 ”. , f* St... p. L *oii <n ft -*i .a pel (550 l', M til. 1 avn. fISO 30 ft. f-'t,ipman-ave. 600 3t it, st,ipr...n-ave., corner... 750 i 35 ft Fr “psi t-nva 500 3 I ft ti Hi le av® 1 250 84 ft Clarendon n<’e 1.250 (iEHRKE <fc JENSEN. Inc. 3t2 Woodward-ave. Cad. 1560, V\ li L P>V •> ih tat vacant lotSf houses. Hath, stures, acreage, real estate ( (iwities. Land con tracts nought; tjuick and sat is far tv ry deals. I.BERT. :>• 9 MnieMtic Bldg. GRAND" RI VER BETWEEN' •McGUAW AND STANLEY 180x120—$200 Per Foot Wt4f Sell Srnnti Pnrrr 1 s HOMER WARREN & GO. 1227 t h amber of Gommeree t:ANTON AVB.- 2 ELAT Near Jcf: > • ...n. b i'lt three years; flvs large rooms atid !■ th each ("life ■ Km age • *nt < f ! $ ‘ F. B. Gl IN AN t**.s Mat k av® Hi li - * 871. ERWORTH BLVD. S2OO DOW N $lO PER MO. JEST OFF TIREM \N -SI,OOO | HOMER WARREN & GO. ,1317 Chamber of < mnaerie. - K) D< A\ S New bcir# 1 • <v. M ntcla r, $3 100. HILLGER FLAT f. I 1 S IvBERT, 309 Majest’c Bldg. BAUMAN AVE. ONE BLOCK OFF WOODWARD AND SE VEN-M ILF RD. - $650 HOTTER WARREN & GO. SEf-PWi fO' AVENGE J SftAf Oil» ‘ *#• .rjtfl <1 AliEx! W ATSON * ‘ ;3 Hamrrcnrt bldg. jRlGirrON. JUST WUs'nCX HAMILTON 30x120 sl.loo HOW 111 W \ R REN & CO 1227 < ham her of Commerce » «tH Ml.K—riNfl* FOUR ACRES" Near Jeff #f .i iti gi>c«l 6-r ■Tt bcu«e . firha*|i for lily BEtTv 7 «ST Vsalu . IC-icery »*TI, foh— riRNi I rm.i.: nidi ,Z_ Cioaa to Grand lllvar ami outer pava4 boulevard.- 100x172 FRET Fin® soil sot gardening, clos® to alt Improvement® Aut. bus ®erTlce ta I <>r.l fm t..ry, 16 min rid# to city ; Omlia Plica includes sidewalk %n<l si ad® tree® and ma. adarnlxad blvd. 11 Ma: In slip for rt'«i showing »ua location. IiENJ. F. MORTEN SON CO. Nam® ‘ Address • I r tme Hank bldg 10 ACRES On Toledo car tine r.ear Trantowt new- ngalow • taamoiitj 13,600, tl 'OO down. A at.ap. 1 50 ACRES Only IS miles c » a *d farm build in gs. good and, e• 11 at a bargato. 80 ACRES Only 16 n.lics ur. cT< »® to and Hirer. 13 young erchard. Hargsln. MAU'NKr-CAMPBTTI.T. TD'.AHTT CO. 6i»4 Pre® Press Rldg. 80 ACRES Two and one-half n les from Port Fanllac. In sight of laik* Huron. 11-room house, large barn, full basement, cement floor.. other building#, best "f ®"ll ri" w®®te 'arid, a ii"" 1 s:«ht '■ v i» : ■ "-j T e y i■! t and ftrds .'an ba pur lius'.! with farm. Easy terrna Will c.instder •"ni« trad". TPCMT.F:T-3VrT>.«OV * CO. lOlf Cl.fiTT' rtf Cum. Cad. p *A*. 7 A*K 1 KTtk’K FARM, S mile* fr<m S;.< n"tr N Y.; 130 acres of plow lafui, neerly lev l; 30 acres *>f ». ti’iibi r, bnech an 1 mapie. 10*70 baaemer.t barn; alio, running | water in barn; good l-ronm house and other outbidding®. Only two n; from main line It. R Farm la V>ry productive. Price 17.000. Brooks & Montgomery 4! J lIA.MMfi.VD HL.DG. MAIN 4176 40 AfTIES ‘ ■: CA7IBO tIJ.H Os * ’ lldtng.*-. e. and j-cl.srd, ds.rJt S rsrr) t-r tr. r.T ~f. <>Tf fn'Te from ref I, fair ml'e® .m Hire® ge-»d t"wns I'ilc® t3.f/00. Will trade frr t w-> family* t>r cell on easy j—tinna. TH<3MT.T7T-Wn.flON A: CO. 101* Chamber r>f Com. Cad. *9o*. FOR SALK—FACTOItT glTEfl FACTORY SITES Some of the best factory sites ar® I sltun ed In th® northenxtern section on the Terminal and 4’4-Mlle rf'ad. Also .hole® r'«!denf*e and bu«lne** properties. For term* and pric®a cull PETER KEHOE Ridge 435-J KOH 941.8—MD1T.1 t.ANKOCi TYPEWRITERS. RENTED* a MftNTHS .ijw^ First *» (Nnn-v M pay- 'i MONTHS! C 7 wKMB ment ° (Visible) * 1 applies on purrha.-.®. Extraordinary Values tn factory kepi-h/i i’yfkwkitem r’all. Write Phone. A MET-: c 'A5v W k tft.VO *.t a ffllNK COi.' tV Fort-St \v. Cherry 3831. I Typewriters Rented, $2 Mo. For visibles with tables; floral, 17n derwnod Rem., S nllh. Hue new, $35 to SSO Sell $5 mo. up. Only factory In cltv. ; DKTR* »rr T X PF WRITER CO.. jM 4102. t*o Jefferson, nr. Woodward Pool Tables, Soda Fountains Steam tai- e*__Bhow caa®*. saf«r>—hwr -1 her ffjairs: xupjiltes ary.l r<-p »Trs7 easy trains Marsh >f?g. » i'. . « ■ # I AM. FIND, dog, pr.uifry supplies and f-• D 958. Fourteenth. Walnut 7251. W« buy pullers. - . ■■■ ii— ——m • BTORAOIC furniture, nearly new, bar gain price Homier Go . Sflch. A 4th, gnr.\DJ FurrtMrre tor rii'm* com* j jd..fe $1 w-f'H yiimn»r. Mich, dt 4th. nt S|M.;*S r \nn®. Ot’A UANTF. 7T * 1 isno Tunlr.g $1 60. Cadtllae 12*0 cap* ~~ " ''acrvrrr. ,-t r.IM C 4TTO.V 4t. MA RSHAI.T, rC Ajrr- Regar; V‘s 's-rr'v fli'h y®4^ In f ftiolt r.s a TF/ 'lirp. TiF -!N0T8531 SFPT. 10. Phone Gal r:®7 f7b Wo,-d wp rd-a va. H AW MIAN STUDIO? Teach vn:i to play fonsharn Ha Ita lian steel it i.tar. ukulele, violin, mandolin, runar, b«n.|o, 1 unto pun d lifi and banjo ukulele Aluaran t/■< 1 F -.r. tuni Suite *l® Tlodres *-Mg Tel Csdillae 4260. NM’, n ,r ': '-ni’GH . ’ -u'Y*i~rn-U chin® cf'Urs" *sug‘it o both dar end ex -i f . . . * •* ft i. re-.-. T n . • I*7 tfil C„«« ave rgeef best >d ‘ USlnrsS »ch 1 1 I'l Mu)- g.»f> *•'!; ft’ *»i 1 ty; rlt’ng, bc.olckeep'r k 4" Dh-me Main r *34 f frills ITOH.M.f. tSii . SMI i . CK' •v TANARUS, < r fHAOi: t' f ). moving, packing flrenr. * rat a right M<>. t< r x*s.t« * sutuirl an moving rh-n» Cadillac 69 AC>-F *?• -fr-pe If; -eltous®, l*t rsre. r . T’K M ‘ ‘*9 4 1 fMIiTV MOVING to CV f. rni# .-an" I r»nt e„rf , r .®f tr.-iT Stomas Cos Cc'di’ac r.t min i id ini* “T .ii Liberal n an* «n reel .state Second i.i. -'a >g realty eos. Will l.'iv • !•: rb i r l.ts and I JR- RT 309 -fir Bldg. i LAND CUN i RA( is bought. | CJirck and satisfactory deals. EBERT 309 Mantle Bldg. ■ • : Bm n '.' Is * 1 V.' 2''f O’stloL. wr nt v "Tni ■*ntua*~ts l ivt roit I <°rd f’cirst r.irt Go. »u •18 »T ii" - • tg '’ad 6914. f » HMil tl VOTTG’ ’* ’ l girl I* 'n ! trr uM* need -a sdvif .fr-< r.dahtp or help; M?iir r cal! n sFCRK- T*R3'' \TA ITOAF 1 ~ Y :gl7— |T-r» jt WesT. ?aT sD *r» \ r fry. I.os i 4\n Koi An Tiber ai. reward For the letum oi two diamond * 1 i oiii* Miiittiiiv a,' -on ■•••'uV ring. [ Box \ No. U'j irv < ifltnlniflg fwtt b k« And rarl us ,hf -s n- ward $ ■ ra ■ -f pat ■ • - N * • to Tim. • .’ffleo, h s H-13 i Pn « pm.. •. ? "»s6 Printing--!be plain ne*t k'*4—»#st h right— n«®a Jab flrgt— Wnla 4M\ PAGE 7