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PAGE 10 MICHIGAN PICKED TO BEAT REDS Wolverines Favorite In Betting On Clash With Cornell CHIGAGO, Nov. 'inl foo'bill will be the big *ttwtiou »n Afiti Aihor, with every tin k ha la \<h of the former. In** <\ iilvi i ,bi • while Cornell is said r c nave gou* back. Couch Yotft I* ‘xp-cfcd to jre>-*n' tii« tegular linkup i<» lb’ flr**t n this us*>n. .Sparks and t im, our back?, v ho hATf M • n <<■,. oi cunt on; ion be«ause ol inj. jn.ny not .-oart th* game, but i *> •will play at a pari of th-- tnn**. V ,? laid The only w* ftwu enure r*nc championship tilt will b* tb*- Wi* &M\ In Ob o St.i*t pant • •*» >• -*• • i " Ttic Buckeye wiuad was t*n rout*- to th* I 'ip r capital t.Mlay, b u. tniny, * ith confident* LaM year'*' chcinpienn have encountered no r a'. opr l, ''•* it lon -o far this year, dispos ing of Northwestern and Indiana twijjdily. ( hit k Harley, ail-A mmi can ba-k, is golnsr better than • v. Wisconsin up* ■? the dope by stop* pirifc Minnesota lost Saturday,, how ever, and itr support* i.- b* le v* ba. a elmm to pull a similar stun* on live ’ ifleholilmr. The Mu i;irr.m Act:- ’ *-r« * * »■•■* r>' wins this v« ir i~ • x B b * they nm txpevfrt. •*> giv* North We. tern a good battb n Tht Oregon Aggie- und Washing son fstatc will prov and« th* bur * ,tr • -ion V; ;1 * ur v - w • 1 • lor and the V* \a< Aggi* - will b* m jh< limelight in the southwest Fvt.iiev and Sp* B’-$ Meet Martin Mab y, of U**tr >it. and rjeoi".’' Spear*, of Grand Hand- will play the first i,. < h of the Michigan »phree-Cu«hlnn Billiard 1* cue c*ni petit lon fti th* M&jes.le ~>*oni. in day n c»it Matey wa* on**> ;* -*ar In til*' Interstate league. while spcar« vas .tn expert at balk line nnd has only recently f; ken up th* thr* * cushion gam* I'rlnflw*—|>lnl l* neal kinrf—that In rlcht—Tlnim Jah tlf|M.—M»li< IflJO Outbursts of Everett True. IvTfc-CA. YOU, BOYS, I -SAUS'MR.e 1 TRuefs SPunk. He 3siys He, FOR OM*S, IS NOT /VFRAt-D Op [~ - " - '*•- } SHOT VP J r^— * ™“ ' s Shc's sitting t - I£\ RIGHT OACK f 1 ' f\ 5 OF- TM*T PALM \ L ' I oveß THePcf*' ) Overcoats & Suits s*yf\ OCT eorepwr* IVm If rou «’’ mU m v 11 ‘ 1f •' ’h*- ‘ ?nti» h hup* prices. They'll sUod the test. They the Individual «nd the anappv «Hv|n that ni» nos today admire—eatlufurtorv lu the day's wear. Wen'* Cape Gloves the good stib 'ihnua dressy kind, epefial at $2 50. Regular $1.50 Shirt* ■*nft «ufT(*. n»af new pattern*. rperial—sOts. Under wea r «f* warm. «»«rvie* nbje Winter W*igt'/ ; , **prru*i at $1.50. / J.C.Tfassc £• son WOODWARD AND CONGRESS * TANARUS« lor* ClotKiwr* H*tk»r* H*b»rd*»h#r* Whore American Troops W ere Killed i * i ve;* '■ V 3 vj-b ■ ? r ;K ‘ ; u *. M • \ / > LU L<,*xLa Il w v \ /‘' y > *^3** \ I / . / '. ' I vv i r v-v \>YT \ 1 / • \ I’roin the H in *• • »unl af thr olion a*«m«t fruu|i« on th»» Irrnrh tr.fitter It .. he.U.erf It took pla* e -t the «•**■ •* »*»rr*« «here 'he .attte line r*»n»e* the llhtae-M« r..e .anal. Mere It -an that aeneral a.i»* |<m t<.u* i«* the eaKaceaieat »*hl. h remiltea la the death of three Am-rt. ana the noonlln* at »»rr. the r-a aeneral net •« I ern tk « pe.a* t« ««a*hea«t of the \ec«liin Hattlr#*U I- o *»lle« i.ein the I. n«** houarfarn. It -a. a M«tet aerttoa at the tine -here A inertia n in>. . nrn heln* *1« en their tralalna f*»r ««r. *‘Schu,’’ Builder of Y. M. C. A. Plant At Custer, Aids in Driving Away Drab Monotony of Camp Life “St hu" look* like a trooper and ■ » Camp C'u- '-r £•-; to f*'*-l!n* that ■ • *\«;rld and «Y>*>ntm*nt ar»- down on them he begitih on a little coni pari son of this splendid cantonment with what h* «*nt thru 'hen he was wsih the Fourth United States vnlum-'Ts in For? R < uni paign. 20 year* .*>’> Mil *umm* , r. th* **n. - ' of iffait. agree with hmi tha< thing* are not half bad K B T S' huntai her. veteran, builder, theatrical manager, V. M. <’ \ worker, beggar extraordinary, is what foik- ustiallf call a char at ter. Hi.- old »f»'* r vest »nd a pair of tiio.-t awf il trousers are his usual habiliments, tho h* has a cic* slich oliv* drai* uniform, with the r*>d tr’angb - <>n th* sleeve*, when •v. r there all for dr* *.« up He lives in a iittl* box off Th« gr*-Ht central auditonam that he bull* a* Custer, and he -a' • ‘'Oh. bo/! wha' an improvement over my first rjuar ter* here —I slept ou in a pib of raw lurub* r “ —By Condo. g.’hu” built 'he Y. M C A. plant .ts t’atiip Cust* r. He moved t!oP.K wup *,t< h succeeding new I ru tune until he finally came to the cotuple rium. He has lavished affection on •ha l build,ng. s*-tttns scenery' b : r. stage, ferns and flowers ■•> ban-, the pUffonu—ond a flower y re lieving spot of color in a big. b<tr<*7 masculine camp—a fine piano, ar.'t *h» equtpm* nt tot a gtx>d man;- du rt kinds o*' -i.ov- Go* «il these f hir.g« ou* of tru army Y M t. A fund ' Not a* a 1 j*chuniacher s n rr ember of th n United States Sianisn \\a* Veter ans. a Mason, a Gideon, a Billy Sunday •'■•mp-.cner. eS rtrday cla-s teaefisr. snd probably 10 other thing* He didn't sork and fignt Most Complete Assortment • °f Formal Dress Accessories Kirs Aii 'AOOL— 100 PI,R CENT AND No> COMPROMISE FAT.X’ING CLOTHES, CUSTOM TAILORED, $1? WHEN so moderate a price as $35,wi1l Huy a suit of Kirschbaum Evening Clothes .... with the soft, deep luster of its all-wool fabric .... with its case and shapeliness of line .... with its wealth of fine custom tailoring .... men naturally look upon the wearing of correct formal dress—not as a burdensome necessity—but as an admirable conveniion which it is a pleasure to obey Baumgartner’s , EXCLUSIVE AO NTS FOR KIP iCT n AUM AND HIMCH WICKWIRE CLOTHES X STATE at ORUWOLD WASHINGTON at GRAND MVER. y J and go thru ritual with all these a i social ion- it»r nothing His scenery («iyn« from «h* t .i-sov*- Methodie* ! >unddly school v liis-- he used to | »ea<h the big sjik flag from the daughter* of Grand Artnt veteran*.: r he piano and the ti<iu*-rs and ferns j from Battle Creek business men And he's still puitng finishing ! 'ouches m the auditorium Th* re', a line rest rm>m for wt>:nen visitors r«» the ia.up being titled up by Hu' [tie Cr *>k furn*ture stoics. Th*re are *lrr aing rooms for th«- perform *’ r ' There are eU'Cilc lighting es sects vxothv «>f a playhou*C that ‘uing ■ out th** S It O siiin only at t» r a.«>on people are seated in "S huV Mg autUtoriu mare put *»n tlu productions of the Red Tr» mgle circuit—concert*. lecture <»n* sign announced Welborn V Tone*, litgu c\[ lot-ives demonstration nn*i Hawaiian singers, h* re tonichf*. nil ns* re> shows, community r*st-, religious exercises. Thcr*. when tlu weather turn«Hi the pre ur ranged program inside out, they held he dedicatorx exercises of t'atn, * u,-!er. with Gen I'u-ter‘s widow fj.scrv Ortei ,* -ermon by Ur Ko tor, the cutup religious director, can w ivc his hand at th fallows .n th>‘ tront iow anil b putting a . wple of padded posts , n place have a “squared circle" for a boxing u.-Ytch or wrestling Ixvip Th* re, t*x», in these day* of prep, aration for the wint«r'* sh*»ws. Schu macher discovers at th.e piano a lau with a talent for aiTangtrig ihinu*. and -evoa Albert Jackson. Thre. Hut* 6 red *nd Fortieth ambulant** corps, i- production manager for" !he Hr'xl It’s nil a part of the army Y M ( A cun.«piracy against, the <lt.»b nonoUw yof cunp lift and **Bcl is a typical con.-pTni’or. Over the Tea j •• • x ly ® Mrs ij«ftu vMM *nsvc #*r * 3-* h b»’l<i children u* Mrs Wlgg#*? Mr N< ;* No? since yours w*-n? back to bi'arding school Prlntlnc —*1*- plain neat Unit—that la rtflt—Ttm»« Jnh Prpt.— Main 4VK*. •»••”«» - nm r» i. (••«* ■» v DETROIT Tlto^S TO MAKE FIGHT ONNEWLEAGUE f texg.ll ' *».!«• |t \ \X I• n VS, II no I l ' .v l 1 league. *O *’• " ' |w|» , {lo hv' ilK'llllitHl |l I■* >•» *1 ’fiii! of 'h<- <lub- in the Aiiii T'.' ar , K.iP.Hii!* C|l\ S 1 I‘flUl l\ rr >ut while four club.' ;U»n» wd tx dropped from th* Internal ton..* . )tl | ihv league* I*. ,1 Hickey. . dent oft! • Vm.rkun '»• i' leading the lighf against iht t o h at the of th* n* w nig.*n im *M»tiJd probxblv be -elected >v, to fight against the whole TELEPHONE BILLS can be paid at 200 agencies listed on the back of your telephone bill or by mail. Pay be Tore the discount day and avoid inconvenience, confusion and congestion. Michigan State Telephone Company Let Me Plan the Details of Your California Trip tv* you dl*ltke the tusk of arranging and int»i>i> tig out your trip to Califor nia? It u bothmomt for on» not familiar with It. Hut no bother for me. I hava l '..nurd thouaamla of au« h trlpa and Kt » juat h"» t>> go about it. iVm* in and let mr help you with youra 1., t me tell you all about the Bur lington I’ertonally Conducted" Parties v i.iditlonak iH>mfi>rta without addition al egfxnae) through the marvelous W, st tu California by oar tri|.a that enable you to are in dav light. I»enver. the Itv'yal tlorge the Colorado lim'ktea, City the Bl< • » Nevadaa. at I all of the wonder al'Ols of (hat great Weatern country. l .t me relieve you of the bother of planning, and have a specially trained guide take . are of the detail* m route More than that, he will explain Inter i tinglv ntid intelligently all the etghta aluna the way —you’ll feel that, you know the Went when you get back. Prop me a postal and let me send you de«.rlpt|ve. Illu»t rated folder worth reading even If you don’t go. J Franc:*, ileneral l‘a»*’r Ngent. C. H * w H K i«T W. Jackson Ulvd., Chicago. Printing—the plain neat kind—«*•* K right—Tttwr• Jab l»en« Main 4»2«. Exclusive Agents for • Dobbs Fifth i A7>*vtie J Hou ,[ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 0 , HIT. Late Model STUDEBAKER FOURS and SIXES RKM’ILT and newly painted in excellent running . condition. The pick of car* traded In by our patrons in the pant few w eek a . None h.«« been run over 6.000 mile* At |4»?> and s«i9a they offer one of the moat remark able automobile value- peirolt haa over Men. All are backed by Studebaker, which in u guarantee of their high quality. . A f. w good ear* are being accepted in part payment. Convenient term* may easily be arranged. Trade in your old ear for one of these \ !HR AXIOM.ESS FOLKS and SIXES • prrlA.ntlnnai 'miif In No. I .<• id# e . k*r • n* * f th- frw ar« manufactured throughout 'n on* plant not .*-«»'mr !»d. t paring ti i* *rp* you mav hav* your choice of th* full, wing p*r mat.evt n|or* ftfeli maroon. c.*a h bln* »>»g*-hrii#h gr**n. *hn>i * *.. . . •*f r tp gi ■» g ld*n hrow n. gun-in-ta 1 tc •< ■ Tt • • »*■«!. p,«-*ki». bt wn. naplet ar**n. khnkl grav. perl*, ope blu* Salesroom open evenings until 10 p m Studehaker Corporation of America Show rooms, 513 Woodward, cor. Charlotte. Te'ephone. Cadillac 495 Overcoats. Greatest Values in America at sls, $lB, S2O Har t tailored all wool bought from the b*>a* maker* n New York t’ltv You'll be *urprlaed at *he wav they’re tailored Th' s gjo ,r> allv remarkable value* for the money* Th-re * -very tore for a young man or an oldtr or®, A i si?*w. v $1 a Week T«n*t That convenient’ A payment down and II g w*« h la all that i.a required. GfITEIYS MICHIGAN A VE. LL the great national advertis ings en> who appreciate a news paper of character include r Fhe rimes in their country-covering cam paigns. Many use no other medium in Detroit f~j Happy Prices \fj\ STEINBERG fflgPQvercoats Yf SUITS f | UNREDEEMED 0 ARM ENTS. IT) Original values from S2O to $lO ffl 5,6,7 H |1 Steinberg’s i I/O A N OFFICE Jl7-119 Michigan Ave. SBf J* Near Cass ($495 l and ($695