Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY , NOVEMBER it, IHI 7 . STOCK MARKET DROPS SHARPLY N«‘\vs From Russia Mas IH*- pressing Effect on Prices XWW YORK, Nov !> The NV* York Evening Sun linitnclal revitiw Thurmlftjr Maid: "Kxtnmo wmknt’Ks developed in today's utork market on mocTpt of the htio* kiiiK now* from Riimmlh Price** dropped from two to rinht points with I’ H steel leadlnu; in th** downward movement that is ue sailing »t anew low record for the year below N't “That the broad decline was not mnrp preeipltate was due, doulitlf'i* . to the fact that Rifsl.i had been regarded for a lung time aw proctic allv a rngluibl. factor in the war. that the Allies tuunt get along somehow without her aetlve help- Neverthides' it I* not to b« ignur* and that Russia was at least counted on to hold a largo (R ntian fer< e on her front." Boston Copper Stocks quotations I-} II >i nh|.«w > r A \Y « • ks. Nov. v 4iprfl Horn I*' W' * l -S --AlhOui i»old . Alton. • ' 1 '* Amer Zinc ... i5 , 1 - - ! ; * 1 •; ' * Anm I'iot « . •*; ! *. \r t■ < ’oitil . . * % \ ' % Arcad in He 11 «• Supr .. 1 •'* 1 » I*< % '« l t rot. Me 7 7 , <'a I ft V m "I ' 1 «’»il A. It. u. to < *•• < rntenni >t 1 i H«n(' I I'j 1 « • % • 'hino ' '* '• *- ! * Da vis Dal v . 8% ’■> ’ ! i 5 % I >»!v vv .■ it . . 1S . I 1 t % 141 ht Mlltt- .. •*« ■% :,v * i ireene < 'mi 3fi ‘ ' j I sic lio) si-.. ♦ i • 1 ‘ a litspirati-n. » * ' ' Jsnun* V«rd* - » % K. rr lake ... '% * . 4'« * % Mis Oil . . . 4 » Mohank .. . . n l <ak» Copper.. • 1 > % "► *v Nipi Minis S Vm s .., , t 7 17 I r ‘ % t* 1 » North Halt- .. 1 '■ ■ t ! » U-t linn, m. - ’> i . . I Fond Frvek , i•' % • 1 . % ■*' s Ju Iney . ''! 1 ' 1 1 stay ( • n- ' < « ■*upr A Hus. .. ’"4 3 n Shannon . ■ '■ % % % '’4 •«h.itturn 1 * 1 ' * * 1 ■*« Mary rrtnny '% * '•* * [>nfi *'pper.. I- % 111 11% ’nited S'- i» • ' ' . 'n Sh M. . run 1: . 1 . ’tab Cons.<l 'tab C -pper ..... % 3% J S M& lief., 4J . u iJ A- . tctoria .. , 1 % - : % r>11 , t , ', A’olvertnt ... v , Prlnllm—thr plntr* in’ll Und—ih it ■ right— Time* Jot. Ilr|>t—'lnin -t.'.Jtl. Buy 5% First IVlortgage Bonds 1 Convaniant dMHolnationa I tf.o fion s!>oh flftno / I Interest is sure- ■ .. I Principal Is safe - B Short term bonds I Tax exempt in Michigan B Wfl cash the coupons B Every six months B Ask for particulars CuarantyTrust Cos I OF DETROIT I 84 Griswold Street. I Detroit, Michigan [ DUNNING & STEVENS, Inc. Ista blinked ( n l«7« Paid l'p ('aplßn 111 "0.000 00. tl J DA VIM Wecreisry I LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS ler the B,lie .if r* tt|e, lings. Sh-ep and Calves Consignments kc-ltclted lew York Central Stock Yards. Kaat B'lfTalo. N. Y. Telegraph and Fast ■fflce A tdre*s. Stock Y'ard*. F. iftalo, N Y ■lt sttock fn your name, our car* Notify us of shipment. Well do tb* ML Attach till! 01 hiding tn * chi drafts wnen drawn. THREE IN A DECADE CONS. ARIZONA NEW CORNELIA CALUMET AND JEROME TUOLUMNE NIPtSSING SILVER KING CONS. BUTTE COP. AND ZINC ATLANTA AETNA EXPLOSIVES And Others A Cf* n Y WTt.H nc S! NT Y* >1 V WITH*-FT fTI A lit tF, ON T 7 I”Qt*KPT. Charles A. Stoneham & Cos. Penobscot Huiltlintj, Detroit t n'lllluc *11.30 Fedvate leased wire sy*t*'ri connecting all "'• r oftlfrs in tho follow ing cities > KU YORK m»%T(» x HORNBLOWER & WEEKS MEMBERS New York, Boston and Chicago Stock Exchanges Orders Executed In All Security Markets i. J. HAYES, Manager 201 Penobscot Building, Detroit, Mich. i hi its it it m tiriimv' i i£>f n t’lose MI'I Ask .Uni” \\ I. |.r .* "• i-»" *? Am l.t Ir . .... .... 1.0. pt l. HU Am Pul- l til > * It ~ pfd.. \ it.. It., ly J® Mow 1t..1 Mr •* Milr A*l Mu. " u 5. i liar Ir of Am 7 7'4 < » Ho. l-f.l , r, 'i t’h. vml. t Mo t’ltn-s Servtc.’ ...» .«•< • *J l»‘i. |.M. .... ' K Conli I.d A■; •• - } Columbia •■‘via. .... ‘ c It i* 4 I , coni .Mo . • ■* ’ * I > »<• C \:l V . 7• ' t • '4 • Detroit Cr'rv 2 -* Intrott I 10-'a »”• I list Vutv A Kl ; J P.0.l M - "f • I Tiff.l a t . ••••*» p. r.t Mo ot c.t<;;. > 2 16:«'a 1 *77 !•« «|. n At \ Mr Hull Ump I lot Hf I, ■ 13 » Iron sjlv.-r M. •••• H S K r.- «t*> . • ■ ‘ . i>o, pid.... i°;' i°2 yf<* Crude R .... .... 7 ' Mil'll C! l-K • • '- * Mich Su.rar. .* .... .... •• *' M.., I-Kl ..y .... ’ ' ' * 1 |>r<t .... .... 1 ° MUes I'lefrolt 1° .Nutlonal * ir... .... .... ’ ‘ * !’H'* djs« di i'll ...» .... - I to. l>fil xd *1 I ‘a-'k'ard M-I 1^; Ho. pM. •• I*aUr •• t>r I x-1 .. • • ’♦ ’» p. i- * ’ j uiJ'l' n Vt I I . . 11 » 1t.... Motor ix% I*'-, l»'n l"S v, otten f»1 1111 J;* Towirr's t'r'y .... ••• Tpuss'-I c* u SO • • • White Star 1... . \V .»1V Pi o ® T » » v ' Hunk, and Irmt Cnmnintfi Imj>' Hale lild A-H Amerlcn Ptate .... 17’> .... 171 •‘tiirul . its . . 2.10 300 160 i'-t'ot! Pu v Inn* •• 37$ 170 "i** I'(me Savina*.... 300 .... SOO Federal St»»t» . .. 1 -•>’» .... 13' i-i.t k t'tid n n 1 si l , .... m t• ~ • sitm* 1* * lit land Park S . 2'»l 2M> V -t ■ t i’.ts National 170 Vs! I Me.tik of C m 210 .... 213 peninsular state.... ... ?3° 73S Ntat* .. . 2711 276 2-7 ' •■I Su\ ru.. Ilnnk lio 210 •• Wavne O Yfm S?o .... 3**s - , i; Tr- ,t Cos . SX$ ... «00 Security Tru*t f 'o.. 262 Colon Trn r 190 .... l'*' ; The following fl.trs era privileged t execute i-rd-r* on th" exchange: V V. M -s* A Cos t.’ar'.vls At Povatu <\! U-4t A Cos., E E Mao.-rona ,< Cos It w NcMf A Cos., r> 1, Say* ■ .ir ,v r XV. H MclJiughltn. Mer nll h A C" . W. A Hamlin A‘'o , 'A m A Veer A Cos.. Sinclair 4. Couli. W. ri-i tl Mulkey ft Cos.. Wm M Roaa 4 (.'d , !•' K J*e|fon A Cos.. J. al Htock :ir I 4 Cos.. B-nnett. Smith A Cos.. W. p. >• A Cos, Vatthew l*mn, A w Wsllaoe 4 Cos , !,< wla c (Jorton. S’eh. Maiden-Woodruff Cos.; Uood, Martin * C » O’Hi nr. Farris ft Cos., W 1 ■ A Cos *mia r« '# 5 r |t iv hole salu prices; Crystal dominoes, : lb. *it 7t; <t... R. «I1 7 t on " f .tih ts. *P' :t. ( lit |oaf. II 1 ’ 14. . iilm’s I It. im powd., «< '*'. tnmli< iit [!■ wfl , I * X'*; gran, extra c-ursa. fx 4:< Cl»i•* In bulk. Jx: ~ ur-iri 76-lb. rott-ms. *>•7t 4: i-ryatsl d--b no Ki-»n.. 2-11' 'in-l 6-lb. rurtons in « n *-'f> I It crvstsl dorr liv > K'■ an H ! I.l■ - -- 11* 2 4 til ’tin tl<! \ » r riCe. fli iieri \ ««< l V 4‘fx. I. V. . » » N I* *: No 7 $x N X. 3*24. V t. ,4S !•:> N.. j - 4 4(4 N II IX .N 1 12 |XO 4 . N 1 ; 17 ■ N 1». *7 99. No. 16. $7 •> n« n . iking ml x’ in $9 ft!' , beet Krsnulat*'d, |7.«5 per R • 1,.-il«e- Itolil JN’Wll Is. ’I to a-*«, 12 b. (10. in to •*«<■. » v "T <■ 1 s*. - - 1 mi< \«.o ih 1 11 m xt \itKl r flllcAfH* V w 6 Puttei t.xtrs*. c’Uc: tl 1 *t* 4241 42S dairy oxtrav 3•Vi 4 i *», lir 't«. ’• 7 1 'x ur. Eg« I- inn ordlna* x > v "« tlr*t», 1/ i | ,•* C *■» se Tw ; i. • 4\t i ! '-j < . y-.iing Am* r - * V t ' I *4. I.ive jinnßrx 1 F'-wls, IK c, Sr 1 K *ai r ducks. \nn *oe. ye, -prings. !*<•. t-rk- y. fi Potat"** |f •0.-.rua, 1 1 nrs \x s.vinain and M nti—s-tta *1 9(tt/2 10; Idaho and Washliivt ti *.:.r»u. I'rtntlng—the pliiln n*ii! kind—-that fa right— rt»n *s ink Dept—Wnlti I.XIO An unusually lnter**tlng analysis of present market conditions und some • <>mparl»‘-ns with • th< r i-rrh-rt* in tiie puat decado. An aril Te that Khnulrt ue .if vital Interest to eyory holder of e-'<'Urttlee. It Hpl-uirn In c'll f'I’K JIKVT \V| KIiLY MARK FT I.HTTF.R. This letter contains. In u-ldition, lat-st IntuiiiiAiiun on MERRITT OIL KINNEY OIL HENDEE MFG HERCULES POWDER CHEVROLET MOTORS GLEN ROCK OIL U. CIGAR STORES SAVAGE ARMS HOLLY SUGAR I'lllt tIIFI Fill \ rout* x ro t lilt tf.4* Detroit Stocks Sugar Market It tItTI'OHD ritot IIHM R New York Stocks 1* i. "'i»t4oiiS t-y Hornblower ft Werlta, Nov. x; 6("-n IMktv I.ow Closa Adi Hum, pfd ."'s i’*' 1 * 20*» 2*it Ajax Rubber.. 51 7 1 -o Alaska do Id ~ 3 7 3 Alas Juneau . 2 4 j '>j - ‘-x Alii* Chaim .. 1? 17 3'lS It's 1)0. t'fd 7 2 72 72 <2 Am Agrl, com 7$ 76 7 1 74 Am t'an. com 97 \ J 6 2vt*-» 20*xi lt«». pfd .... 93 S3 S2*» S2’a Am C * K. cm *1 \ dts 66 Am St Founds 64 *4 '-4*4 64% 64% Am Ship ’’■j Nx % xxij xxtij Am Cotton OR 2* 2C 2fi 2‘i Am IM ft Lth 13«; 14 12 4 1‘ 4 I*o, pr<l ... 64 4 :-4*i 60 4 61 Am l.lrisd, orn. 26 '* 26% 24 24 4 l»o. pfd .... *<o% t'ctv. r 9k 664 Am l/ivum ... 62 63*.. fto’, 60** Am Sin A 1 Usf 74% 76 tin % 7tl t , !*o pfd .. Rtl% 101% 101% 301 4 Am Suit Ref. . '.*,>4 '*6 4s’« 90 Am Zinc li\ 12% 12% 12% Am Pf«t S-lg T'-’t* 72 4 K»i.** 49 4 \ til Tel ft 'lei 1 HP* 111) Vi M3 106 4 Ain Tohac ro ..176 l*e 371 171 Am Woolen .. :i«4 ,i!4«4 .I*4. 7.x% I ’<>. pfd .... 'I * 9l '* XX \ X.’ , Anaconda .... 66 66% 614 6^% Atchison S'- Hit., S’ 52% Do, pfd .... X 7 S7 NS XH At Os ft W tn mi 974 9't% 62 >* Maid Hoc ... 66 1, 66% 49 4 61% Malt ft Ohio.. G 24 61 6<t4 B 0 4 Heth Steel ... xj X 2« 4 7t 74 l*o, Cluas B. S<*4 *24 72% 76 4 Brook RT 47% 47% 41 % 43 * a Mutte ,v Supr. 17'* 17% 144 164 Calif Petr ... 12% 17 12% 124 Do. pfd .... 30% 204 so ao Canad Paclflc.lilfl% 118% i:u% Mt. 7»» I -n Heather., *l4 6x4 60 C* rro -I- Pa* . 31 .71 3 ->, 3tt'* Che* ft- Ohio.. 47 <7 44 4 46 Chandler Mir. HO 6<> .’,7 6xi t Columbia Oa* 394 -‘*4 27 4 Cril lit \S>at.. 7 7 7 7 1 »o. pfd .... 2" 4 241% 2'i 4 20 Chi A .>< *t .0, -,#j -.14 vi cm. \i ft st p .c-i, 1 I>4 ".7 m; • 'hi. It Ift P 19 , p*4 !; 17 t*tiilo Copper,. 14 4 .11% 12 ", J 94 Chino Copper. V ' .76 4 27 4 Cos!., Fuel .... :::: .734 <7i-nt «'o« Cfi. . s-t X 1) ; 9 4'- n O.c* X 64 so xn% Corn Prod Ilf. 27 4 374 2 4 I*o. pfd in St vs Cruel Steel C<* f-‘4 66% 5u 62 Do, pf.l .... x;. x", v Cub Cun Hug.. 64 A 4 25 % *.. 4 I I * K <», pfd .14 4 14 4 14 4 14, Del a- Hudson 97 4 9 7’, '<i>4 ‘“ 4 Dts Sec . ~3.', 37 ;jj 1 7-1 „ I*'on*- Mine* . 74 7% 7*» 74 Erie Coin ... ts% ts% 1 j v, jp. Do let pfd 21 "i 21% 2" * 21 Do 2nd pfd 17 4 ix 1: 4 I'4 Fed Hft It Cos 3.1 . ;,m ■ . HasM-fx Wft U 4 JJ4 )■. 'on Electric. 12x 12* 1234 125 Hen- Motors . X3 xJC, 774 id I>o pfd . . 74 4 r 4 1 . ;i 4 71' .. Moo-lru-h RCo (*• 4 ;:*,4 :i 43111 fSt St. . XI 4 m% .Xo Sit 'it Noth pfd 9:i 9' x 9% 'in\ <i f North Ore 27,', 27 4 - 2M • itfen i’*n ... 36 7 6 374 ‘J H-l it-i ker. 2.4 7 4 27'; 2X 1 .1 1 t vm ral 9*> 9 7 94 o 4 I nsplr.i t'-.p. tl', (•_*», 3n 3,i 4 Jntei Met. . 7 , i,l„ i, l, O'I jfd 4,7 46 43'- 45 fnr M. r Mar. 2a '• 2X 4 214 35 Do ifd . . 99 t H-2% 91 % 94 Int. I Mir N J 1 ; , R-% 103% |i>44 Int Harv i'o. ''t 4 vi ; 7,17 Int. Nickel ... is', if- 7 , 2'.', 7014 lb» Itl per .. . 33 2 7 I*4 194 Kan City So.. 144 14", 14* 114 I->0 P<4 . 4"*4 int. id’; 494 Mb <f - p.-i 30 :• -t, 7XI, I'.'cßv S'pg T .7 4 34 2X 'lx I 1.0 It St <V . 73 4 7 3 . 6X 1,4 4 i l.< 4|Jgh \nl :■ , f,3 r- 4 /| I . . . I- . '.HI Rub 14 ] 4 It * 14 ' ll v««h IIS 11$ H?4* 112% M*x M'.tor .. 33% 23’i 21 1, 214 I'o IFt pfd 14 66', r.ftt. sat. 'Ox Pet . . 7? 4 7*>4 7 Ri, M■■•ml Cop .. :7% 27% 26 'ldv,l le St 44t -j 4 4 39 % ll’.. M. .-I P S M xl: «| ,- t 7*l >' • N»w. . 22* t 23 29% K .x T 4 % 14 4 4 M' t| M -werer t'*' 66 do f,»; Nat Mlec ~jn x 4 4 ,xi 4 '.14 *4% N«4 l.t a.' . . 411 % JHI . Jill Ml N lilt ft St .. 35% ,T->% 72% 33 !N< v. Con.* .17 J 7 16 t k 16 NY Ml ft H 2 2 73 7 2 33 North. Ame 1 Ix l v JX>- »x! t 4v t. Not ft w. *l. . H*4 4 Iftl ’" Ml . 4 Jill No, th. Pnc 96 4 NS I*, X7l, X3», N ' sir Mk» 107 J.I.S 93% N V (Ntitral. tiS I* ex% «5 tjS NY •» ft \V. . 1 x ix 17% 17% •)l o•'t t v fine 36 4 86% 13% in, 1 ’ll Mail . .. 23% 28% 2.3 23 I cun* > I vanin 4*4 4x4 47 47 , H lkopi' I* Has 42 N. 47% 42% 47 ». Pit I e C -ui . II % 41 % it 3** Ito PM ... 79 79 77 77 I'hll*. Cos 37 2.' ' 26 26% Press St Cm 7.2 52% 52 ’ 5- I Pullman ... 131 1.31 126 125 May ‘ 'f-ns ~ . 20 T ANARUS, 21 1f» * k 20 I Ry St spg ~99 7* x% 3x% Per l ft St . 734 7.'4 •*. 4 i.x% Ing i 61 % 6i ' ». ■ Sen Ml I. pf.l IN 1« IS * 1 , S' nr* |; -I,l'lt II I 143 16 Ije Shfrt \riz. I'* 19 ' 19 19 sup. Steel 18% 35% ,;t>ti 744 s.-' I*ll 3i 3i _**l . st ss-Shef .. Ufi ’ 36 ’ ■ 34‘> .3,1 S--uth Fftc; . . xi % vi % 7y 7^ South Rjr. .. 25% 25% 23% 2.6 Do pfd ... 66 61 4 54 % V: ud- C.*CP -I? 37 r % 'f % V< ,I*l-1 . 77 37 .3 V ■’•'ti 1 ' ■ 1 * ■ % T. * • 5 1 to t 1 I . I .. I t*. Teg* 1 'it. .. 12 4 l?i<. 12 *. 12!.. Third \ve ... 17 % 17 % 17 „1 7 Toll Pro 44. 4. 4.3 %. It 1 S Min'ti* . »3 t3 12 »; 1 nl n in ..112% 113’, M-x 1-• w t t'nl \li--v .. 87 „ 87 3 , 26 4 I nit C1.,,' ,St 86’i X-,'-, vi % 1 111 % Fruit ..113% 142 % H).s', 10.1% l' S Rubber . .6 3 *>-l% 50 % f,J 4 Do Ist i-rd. 97 9 7 <*? 97 I SS t -e) C’-m X 5% XX*, 9-4 Ito |»M ... l-v 109 % 1“9 100 1' .s St.,| 5«. osx; ixv., ~,% »m’. r s f*as» T p it % n % 11 it C K ! Alcohol 1 I'l 1104 1«• 3 10« I fall fop. 75% 7 7 72 % 73% Vir, Caro Ch '27 37 264A 2t; s »* \\ a hi, *h i'oni * ’•• 7 1 . 7 ’, Ito J.fd A »-* 4 111 % :9 90 \v*bn*h It .. 2-1 % 80% 19 Itl\ Urst’hortee . 391* 194, «« 36 % Utflv.* i'ver, f IS I* l . 16 15 . I to pfd. .73 ,1 70 70 Wot Mary 1» % 13% 13% 12’* Whit* Motor. 36 16 36 36 \\ 1 Dion x 1 XI * X 7» Moot Worth 114 tit 113 111 V\ ilscm Pack H% 11 ** 13 4 1 ♦ t t I*n imii xmi vi,a Q<K)l*t)on> l<) Hornblower ft M eeks. Nov .x Mid Ask-'d Am*T piihltc PHRties ... 27 Do, preferred .... 36 60 Artier Might ft Tra-... 2"3 Do, preferred 96 9X Aetna Explosives . . . ID* 6% Citn-s Service com ... 195 ion Chevrolet . . 67 60 Clin'm* rs Motor, new 76 Cns'ten ft- Cos 7% 7 > Dundee Arizona % % Federal Oil 3** Hupp Motor Z -1 .Vtsxlm Mu nit lons 1J 16 13 *6 Omiri' llomlny .... 6% 6% Pa< Iflt this ft Elec.... .37 Do, preferred . , . N" xi Rep Railway ft Right 2 - Do, preferied . .. 6| Mouth Ctrl Edison com. *3 Do, preferred *96 #9 Saptilpi Ref x% '^4, Stibmarlne Rost it % 12 1 C. s l.lgtit ft Heat com l % 1 % ltn, preferred 7 I'nlled Motors IS% 15% '’uriffsia Aeroplane 23 Met- Fetroteiim *» Merritt f»U 24', 21% Midwest ')il . 114 1 ' 9 Oklahoma I*. A R 65, 1% W rlght-Martm 6% fix, —♦ - NEW V OltH I'ltlllM I r. NEW Y 4) IM*. Nov S Flour: Firm. 1 -11.1 purl Firm mt ■* |4: , .* Ij»rd Stronger, middle west spot. f'26 9094 27 HHtfnr ttn'V. deady; cety frtfuKal. 9C at. I'-'M) muscoXad-r^'s* t*’St. |6 02. rednetl, steady, vut )'*af, lain, rrustied. $9 60; i.owdsrrd. I*3o 1 x 55, g rsnulrtf- and, 89.35 < ffe* Hl'* \o 7on sp' 4 7 r *'if 4 . Tallow Drtlh spectu| j6o. eltv. 15%e Hay: Firm, prime No 1. II fit. 1 to. No. t. $lO , 3ft 30, clover, 95« s is tl .26 , l>ressii| poultry fftilet. turkeys. 34!ff36c: Ihh kena. it’Wlfi' fowls. 16 41/ 26c; .tucks, 26c Rive poultry Firmer: gees* . ?0r duvk> 2D fowls 2*l *J 24c. turkeys, fsc roosters. 17« . chicken, broilers. 210 21c Cheese Firmer, state milk, common to »!»*•• Sla. .'B%c; skliris. common to spee|«|«, , if J«fr ÜbIKUM Hmtk Grain and Provisions 1 lUl.’Atji' .N- v. fc. Modstais pres sure. In Ihe absence "f buying sup ui.rt, today sent corn down l<i t° . und* 1 yesterday's closing prices. Trading was light !>••«:. .-urn opened uui.haiigu'l at li.!*** and lat<-r e*'}'' down 1 $117%. Jan. opened at fl-lG down latsr losing IS'il May opened up %o. but later lost l%i’ * u $1.12 *. Data w-er- li-wi-r on Uis dw <llnr m Com I>e*;. opened at 6V4c. down %r, and aui-i-uusntly lout th « Raini- Traction. May open-d %c .iff *t Oiiy , lut-r losing %o. l'rovlstona m-rc fovßer -t> split- active and htgi4©t" h' g inurk-t. DETROIT. Nov. S. -t'lose; Drains were 'julot at forniar price* wh-n th»- I- cal market opened. Ohloagn -tuote-J an early de-line and later went a lit tle lower The tons was • 11111♦* ea.*v. Commlsston houses in Chicago had selling oid-rs at the opvalng utid all condition* iv-lnt-d to an easy londl tion Hhorta had flnlsh-d covering and t-uying was slow, leaving the corn market technically weak, at the. top of the advau- «* An oversold con dition rei -lved credit for causing the advance of W edn-eduy Anutlisr gov ernment crop r-port 1- du* after the close and Is expect al to show a yield per »o 1 -of 27 6 buVhels. which will mean a corn crop of 8,3214.000,01)0 bu. private ealimatea have recently made the crop between 3.180,000.000 bu and 3.2*0 000,1100 bu. Hast month It was 3,21 1,000.000 bu and last years harv-st was 2.6X8.000.000 bu. The average yield p-r acre for 10 years is 26 bushels Farm reserves << "id corn aft# Kn<»wn to be low. 7 lie live year average for this Hint* of year In farmers' hands Is 100,5' 3,000 bu. c,,rn demand In Detroit It active nn-l r-c.-lpts nr* nut sufficient U> meet n*-'l* of consumers. Wheat Is coming tn freely enough to meet tho 11 ceils f Mill rs *f winter g. . is. but siring wheat Is scarce. Rye Is dull and easy 1 torn advanced 3 and the other grains and seeds were unchanged. Thursday's wheat quotation*: f’ash N » r.-d, $2 17 No. 3 mixed, $2.15 N. 2 white, $2.15. Thursday's course grain quotations; Porn cash V* 2, $2 23. No 3 yellow. s2:4’. No 4 yellow, $2 23 <*at* Htan dard *3- N 3 wh fe. 62 %c N.>__ 4 v b.te. t/l %< . Rjr« 1 lU* It, .hi, Immediate and prompt shlp ,,,, n t f» Meed* Prime red clover, cash and March. sls 76. alsik*-, $1.3.50, t |piot I: v. $3 75. Receli'ts In ’it* Detroit ninrkrt on Thursdej in-lud and 10"" b»-ls of »1->ur. lb . his of wh< at, 11 . f out* and 2 -.f Cj 1 *i j incnts were 2.t*00 bi I* of j j), n -1 •ks ar- 1 17.'-i»i> bu of wheat. I 9,fi-»fi hu of corn, *7,000 bu -*f <-ats uri.l 2fi,"ou bu t-f rye. Report - come that some corn ie I heating in itunsii ' . \j. it- . f wheat nnd flour Thurs !dn ' . I t.-'On t-u. I M.ccipt* of wheat Thursday Du ’ hub. 127 cars, against 118 a year lag., Mlnneaj oils. 126 tars, against | ■,; 1 Winnipeg, I.l*l cnr!». against : >'73 ciiii'4g - 186 cars, against 9* Kansas City, 126,000 bu; s*t. Ixiuls, St. 000 bu Frimnrv wheat receipts were 1.- ' <c,oon* bu, against 1 654.000 bu n \ear s* I IIH'Vt.O Gi: VIA fTITFAf-D, Nov *—Opening (•■rn 1 uncuanged. Jan down %c Mav up %c Oats: Dec. d--wn %, , May down %< Provlsionn htgli «-r N.-.'ii Horn Dec down lc. Jan. down 1 %••, Nfay down INr ('.its Dec flown %<•; May down *»c. Pro visions lower. f'lcsc -4’urn • Pec. f'oxrn 1 7 *c; .lan down !%'■: Mav down IT«>1 T «> Oats lie. awn ’* * May *1 - * vx»l .<■ Pit*- visions lowbr N'ox- 8 Open High rs w Olos p, ' t 18% 118*. 116% 116% lan . 115 1 15% 113 1 13#9 May. 11* 1 14 1 11% 1 12% Oats I Dec.. 5 0 4 59% ' * 6: % j May 60% «(-% 60 60 % Pork -1 .I»r». 45 25 4-5 3" 44 70 44 .0 I *»rd Nov. 76 75 26 86 2fi .2 29 85 .lan 2 1 12 24 27 23 95 2.3 9.> Rlbe— I lan . 98 65 .’4 10 2* 72 23 77 Mav. 25 4 6 23 55 23 42 23 42 4.1 t VIA TOLEDO, N> v B—Close -Wheat: 1 -i\ 17. i'i rn' <’*.->1 $! 1 '.• u.n $1.15% Ms V. $1 14 L. lint*' Cash. #"%c Dec. 61.% c; May. 63c. Rye. <'n-'i $1 77 4’loverseed Oa«-h, flfi 1"; D< , flfi 15 lan $lO 1' Mar., $15,m1 Ms'ka "n*h sl4 35 Tlmotliv. 4'i«h f■ ' Dec $3 7 2 ~M u $3.92%. Hit t-r Wrick creamery, 16c; tub creatn <-n\ l ie. I.ggs: Fre*b candled. 42c; if in- • O'le. t 46c. Hi; UjlCiUUiacd Livestock MU ll|«.\i\ 4 KMTHM. STIM U\ \HII' | i c tti< t: <i Kinder steady, all other* Inwcr titan Monday, i«- : hrtivy dee c sl°. heat handy Weight tint*' ■ K Ktri'in. 9* ArtiUft&ft, nvixed *tecr» amt helfera, |7.no4jt>. handy lttrht butcher*. t‘ >v 7 25. 11kHt hotelier*. • 7’* ' i. -i . v %: •i 7 ttuti ti«>r .-w i*: ',i ,;”50; c 'irunvn co» a. )5 604» 555 rr - n* r« ft ftOfttj; bent h*m v mil In, 17 •" •if 5 boloyna bulla. I*7 500 7.25 bull -., $5 ..»»•» ft. feeder*. 17 CMy * ■in'T'. J 5 1 5 <u 7 <s(i , milker* and -print *'»•*. 566 100 V. til calvejy Mar •h < t aloxv beat grade*. II 2F.0 ?J I •’* bfitvimt. |‘i'*'S Sheep and lamb* Sl'io v brat lamb* $ I 75'/1 0 , fair lamb*. t15d15 50. Ilfs lit. to common iamb*, sl2ftO#**l4 fair to Rood *h*ep $ - *ft to, roll* and comniitn, *5 t Hog- !’*. <„ fl 5 'rr 2S; mixed grade* 11 tJ .in 70 , # t xxi niiixin ini: a rot k ! \ l;l I via I. \ V . No* X Cat IV* Receipt*. 4<*f market *lou •■»«*’ prime iierm, 919t<r14.7n butch* *«r giade*. $7 ft i 1.7 5 row a. 94a:< •* ( t'nK.a Receipt*, 100; market active and *te*dv: <ull to choir.* 95 .it 4 • " Sin *p and lartib* Receipt* 1 "ft" market lurt\k* tr*«fh-*e »+mep ateail choice lamb*. 114.2501»; .5", j «-nil to fait, fit 1116; yearling*. 91.1 f 14 • heep. | .<7ll.ft" Ifojra Receipt* Snftft. rvHrkrt active. 2"( b 4"o blcher vorkera, sl* 7i>« 17.4 ft pis*. $1 r> 7./ 10; mixed. 117 *5 (t 1 7.50 heavy, *l*s" 7t i7ho . rough*. 916.76 Yf 11.50; at aw* lift* U ( III! t(IO I ivr XTOfK CTIICAR* *. Nov, V llnRI Tlecet pt • 11000; market 6c higher; mixed nnd butch»*rn. US ftOff 17.60, Rood hoavv. 11 f> 50*y 17.5<». rough heavy. 916.75 in light. 115 6RfMT.II: tdga. 911 754* 16.75 attic Receipt*, 12 000. market atrady m I n ' lower, beeve*, 96 ft"'if 17. <■ >wa and heifer*, 14 5*14711 ‘■o «torkera and feeder*, 95.6.11f tl g(t; ralvea, |7fiflS.2‘>. Sheep Tt*’eel|if«, i.iiiv* market atendy to tOe liltcber nnp\ 9560f1ii.66. weatern fx.s.'.tf 12* laniba, 9 1 2 fi 1 6 1°: > rn, |l2 26 0 If 50, nvM. 17.600 12.60. ( 1.K.5 Kl. till MV 17 «Pllh ri,i;vi:i.ANr>, Sov “.—-Horn rte eotjta. 1 000, tnarki't’ attong yorker* 91.10; mlxei|. 91 7 70, medium*. 11 ~ ‘ V>iHe nnd rough*, J 15.56; at*K*, 914 t'attle Iteeelpta, *0 ear* market dull She*<|i nnd 'Xinhr Keeeipt* 4 • are; tnarkd nt*'»<ly; top. 91 •* t'-ilve« lt*‘C*elpta. 100 ateady; top, 114 .0. roi.r.iH* i.itF. »mi K TOI.RnCI, Nov. 6 lloga: Re* alpta Ithetal; market atrong. he»v • ■.«. 917 26 if 17.46*. medium*. fl7ff 17.16 yorker*. Ilf*til": good piK»*. 9' "> 15 7S (''alX'en. Slow Sheen and lamhn* Sh>w - - -w \» u toitb nt i-rrit imi VK XV Y* *f? V..v. v Rutter. Steady r * nXv - 1 *•. 7.416; creamery frra. it 1 - IxH**. dp eperlal marker. 45U At 45\c **tato dnirr tub*, idiy 41 *• Imitation ereamery rtr*te. nominal Kukx Kirmef; re. eipt*. 6.506. near by whit* funev, 724"f60* - . r»e»*rbr mix ed fan* *. 441953 e. freaii flrot-. 44(4-1* Prlrnl* limit* t’lenrinae t** t rmt f>ank eteniinga f«*r Nor *. 1017, were 910.606 164.2 X; total <|ea mga sot 161. to date air 12,666.161. *O4 26. ax agmnit f 1.656,600.660 26 f < ihe eewfe*t<ond|ng period n tots Produce *... i,i, ,ri niaikwi was u shatls Or i»;r yesterday. Egg* at* v«»y c; m for fresh r-< elpts, which ar- s xr< ", b'it . asv for stor.ig'J stock, whl- h la plentiful. Dressed calve* im- eajy. while dressed hogs arc firm 1 h»» poultry market Is called steady. Any-, thing jlk • good Stock S« Its 1t.,.-If but tin- receipls run largely to und- r- ! weight poultry, am! only that tho dr-".-eiN make a clean-ui- occasion ally at their own pr *, tiie trial kat would be badly choked, \piile»— $6.26 r 'l and . h’.J J- nathans. • * ' 0 bbl. ilsnnuas Hood Shipping stock. 4%c lb. 1 Iteati*--Drl< and L'fnas. 17c tb. 4 r-ni'ierrlc* fil'd 14 ". jer bl'l.J $5 I per bu. < nllturniu Fruite Malaga grapes, $1 if 175 Tok.'« .*. $1 '.1.1.76; lied Emperors, SD« 4.7- pel 4 iieat ■mi* Mi tilg.'i n, HMIOcj southern, 124415* lb. UrcaseJ t ilir* Fancy country dr-ssed. choice, 17 a 18c. cum in n. 15 J 17c lb , . , Dressed Dog* Kan-y HghtWelghta, 22 a 23c; heavy. 2'f 'J2H - lb. Frealt Vegstable* turnips, |1 per t-u.; celery. St* tf2 5c bu.' shall tts. bOlfCOc p-r fi"»; toma to*e. hot house, ?r* ( 25c lb.; eg* plant. $2.$"U3 p-r cuouxnbars, hot houre, $1.75 do/- t.mprs uQoords, 4-qt. bg'Wets, 24 if 2 (•rape Fruit—fS.MMiJO per case Hut —Detroit dealers are paying the following prices f. o. b. Detroit: No. l tlmutliv. I82JOW28; standard. s2l 5 tt(22. No. 1 light mixed. 121 60-1/ 82. No i timothy. $lB 60011*; No. 1 ntlxed. I: % 50m 19. No. 1 clove?, $lO 50 \l7 per tun. Wh' at and oat strau, $8 5 rye straw, s9.6«M{Ylii per ton liltlrß No, 1 cured hides. 2 4c. No t green hid'., 20c. No. * ured bulls. 16c; No. 1 gr« m bulls. 18c; No. 1 cured veal klp. 2Cc; No. 1 green v-al kip, 24*'. No. 1 1 ured murrain. 24c; N< . 1 green niurnun, ?2"; No 1 cured calf. 3. No. I gr* • » <\Hf. 2i'o; No 1 hors- hides, $7, No 2 horse hides. $". N" 1 tallow. 16. No 2 talb-w. 13- N" 2 hides, D off, No. 3 kip and calf l%c off. sheepskin (as to amount wool). 6"ciit.(. leinatii per 1 >.x I.Ultra (I !f»Sf 1 25 I T HKI Vims Walnuts, 214* 26c; almonds, 80tj.:2' Alberts. I°sr2oc. Drazlls. 14 ju sic peeana, ITdp 1 Sir- lb.; nut meatr. Kll cartons, aim .ndw 45<- walnuts, •Or pecans, xf-c lh.. peanuts, roasted, fancy, 18c; Jumbo. 14c lb. Ori.i.ttra \ alenchlS,'ds b<*x. "ntmia Horne grown, $3 7* !1 25 per la lbs., punlsli. 12 per « rate. 4 uliliaac 9()C bu. l ettuce -Read, $2 25 per rose; leaf, 12%. Ib. I‘otatoea -Micblcao, $H40®1.60 In J'b’lr.: lot* f’uultr* Springs. 19i?20c. light w<■ I>• 1 1 17**18- N.> X hens, lfc'-flSc; mediur-.- I" .) hi lightweights. 14t$ 15c, ro"Sters. 154i10c. gc«'.sc, 19w20c; dt’-I. - "2. • in k* ye. 27'2'2$c lb. xiit-fi I'wtat'irs Delawares, $4.76 bbl ; J»f •> Sweets. $2 hampi r. $6 bbl. joHtrrvo ruirr.3 rnnncd « ootls Ap;d*s gal.; Htma bean'’ $ 1.25-92 corn, ranev Maine. $2; standard $1.80; p«'ns. fancy early June, $2.36!/?2.20 sciiu >n. fall. $3.80; marrow fit i-ens. $;, tomatoes, etaud. ard $2 25 for S-/b. bnske’ C’ulTre S;in*n>. a*H.idar'l. tR-ttlßet medluni l*'j:2oc. ranev, 20#/22c; Rio. 1 * (.. I ll pa« kftiges. 190 22c. Dlb. Mux Feed In lOu-lb sacKs: Bran. SB6; standard mid ill lng-. *39. fine mid dling.* s(*’ cracked corn, $8 4 roarse c. rnmeal. $77. corn and <>at cbop. SO9 ton. Flour winter patent. $1160; around patent. $11.40. straight, sil l". patent. sl2 1": rye ur-ur. sll 20 TR f 196 lbs. 11l eighth paper sacks oils Dins A d oil. raw. $1.17. holl-d, $1 ,18 gnl : keroaene, iron barrels. 10c. g. 1-i-tine 31 %c gab Frovislone Me->a perk S6O; family pork. ssl ■( 52. - tear pr-rk. $511554; hain-. 271 rßoc bacon. 37<ft44c; picnic hams. 25c; ohoulde rs, 33 it 27c; laid, 2:%f(7S\c lb Motor Stocks (Juotatiuna l*y Wna. Neer Or Cos.. ! Nov. 7. Bl<t A.«l en Ajax Rubber 60's Auto Wheel •• Mm. no M"to* 7 . 1 • Chandler Alot.*r 57 sX'j Cole Al itor . . «'urtt-*H Ai replans .... 2*> I>upl*'V Motor I- 1 Federal Motor H* i’let. r Id. dy -5 Flak Tire 6 Rubber. 50 k*> Fire-tone, new c0m.... ax T>(>. preferred* a* I**l fleneral M itora 7a Vj 6" V* tloodrieh Tires 3.5 ti.odyear Rubber Cos. . 14* 14X tit ant Mcitors ........ 2 4 Hupp Motor Cos .... < Inte* national Motor .. 7 Kelly-Spring field Tire. .17*6 .I*tH Ke 1 v.. v Wheel Cos 24 Tiro J Rubber.,.. H 14 »-a Mill i liubbt-r 1 H*» 12» Mltebeß M-trrx >" 3.*, ,M ■ or i’rodiirt* 7" Nil -b Mot'<r* 65 ft" T’* * Motor t* ID I .i ra t - Arm* .11 t’.uUHge Rubber HS —F?n R«jiubll< - Truck tft 52 s«\op Motor ... , t i>, V 9 Sr ippa-Booth .... Slu h;i l Truck ...... . 12 Stew art-Warner speed. 47 Stromberg M«*t• -r 21 :‘ v -nut' Motor ’ft ‘ft Sw IneJta rt Rubber to I ’nit ed States Rubber., 50 ti 51 Wrilted M it'U » I*s • It;*-. Wlllya-Overl'ind . I"*i '**'4 I>o. preferred 64 .t<* > \V lot. -«tx -, Standard Oil Stocks Quotation* by Hot nbb.w \ Week*, \nv X l ; *1 A eked An£t- - Arn ~ r ratT ion *'■ Atlantic Hefliiing Cos 77" 7ft" Rorne-Scrx-m-ei c.. . 1"" *2■* , Bu< k*ye I’ipe I due . . k « ne*etiro\igb Mfg. Cos., ft.’ Colonial *>il Cos 50 7" Continental f*ll f > 47" ('-<» ent'f'ipe I,!n<* < <>.. 5* < »nil*erland Rlpi f.tne IS’. 146 Ktireka Pipe J.tne ’ ’•*> 2"" OaleOa-Fignal Oil o .. 127 'ft3 t*o. preferred 12. Illinota 'Pipe l.lne .... IXS Indiana I’lim* l.lfe Clo.. x. S7 National Transit C 0.,, l? 13 New Y'.rk Tran*tt Cos. l*'> Northern IMpe tdt»e c - :*7 !*»: Ohio Oil Cos ... . . 2'*" 21*6 Pierce oil Corporation x Prairie till A- <la* Cos.. 4'*" 415 Solar Refining Cos. ... 27" 2'*" Southern Pipe Rina Cos, IS" 1"0 s>utlj Penn «>ll C 0.... 240 2.60 Couth Woi Pa pipe T. 1"" Standard I*ll, California 215 '.’2" l*o, Indiana. ft:*" filO ka n 1 u> ........ 4 • * 1•• . I*o. Kentucky ...... Hft" .>4" l»o. N-braeka 4«" 4"0 | , New .leraery .... 510 s.'ft lb,. New York 2fts jfft |*o, t*hb* 425 4.10 S'u n ,v Finch Cos :♦*• 100 ! t ’l’mnb Fine < 'o.. xu Ya.-uunt fill Cos arft 240 \x ’ Imrton i'll Cos. ... 27 Sft "tindatti r*il < *ld Stork 170t* .... 00. *ilb* lift" .... Int’l Pen b*tim MS 12 Xft.l We*t Rcfg 102 104 pens Mexican 14 IX /in rmt »\l» IN.«.x ! ;”n<«MT, N• *v. 4 ftuttet* Fro"h rremtinv* extraa, ; - 2\j'ii I6<*; creamery f: r** *- 4t*{- u 4 7c p«*f |h. * *1 d-V -h Mob,Clip f r*’» 40xf 44< utorwge ilr*t* v .ifttra4< per i|o/ 1 ho fourth lord ntny<»rs * now to be held tn 1/tndnn sinte the out* lujrttk o f th* »»r will *ak» plarp to dgv and, a* on the three other ocoa x;t.n«. It will ho 4**xenfiallv n mlll •,.r* . fTkir The orraaton will mark the inatnihitlon n( t harle* A ■ljtfj**n Ln *-Ur *wd mavor’a ehatr Deaths Ullllan .Vrwiukn, 31*2 Mullett, IK vssih, phthisis pulmortltls; Mmsry Wilinart,)* '*>72 Tovdmikl, 71 ,‘ 'll*)>**Mm i/i**l!|tn* lAVlnt Shaw, 7or. Garland. I v>*r», dlt’h th*«rla: Nelli** tffn.liorski. 1207 Dub .1* < month*, i>> rr nests; Ida Fin**, Oram hi, ftlmut Jo yt nr*. nephritis', Kay Trcnflold, Renalvtng ho*plt*l, I l * yearn. Inn tent pHidlns. Albnrt Cl®org‘ • Inrner,' <!> «>••• hospital annex. 2* year*, l<»bnr i>n* iinoriia; llusc M W»itn*r. 110 Fa Id, 31 yrsre, typhoid fV\i*r, JoHMph Drayton linker. i3 • M< *r lale-rt , 73 yearn, wirrotna «*f atoniai'hs Aifrrria a, ItodirklnH, S4W Follltijjwooii, 72 yearn. < hronlo mvn rardltls; FhArl** Roy, I*7 Humboldt. 2** years. typhoid favor; Joseph Yurr?.y.\, 107 On n fie Id 1", 72 years. KHStilr, .Johanna Olivrg, hospital, SO yea is, •xnpthulmlft goltra; Helen Ohvvn TuhnrruloslA sanitarium, 27 years, pulmonary tubei ulpxts Edward Thomas, 451 Howlck, II years, t apoplasy. Gartruda Bogart, Herman FClefer lua* pita), iw month*. diphtheria: Herbert Flarauca, 27 r * Trumbull, >lO years, pernicious anemia; Fh arias Irwin, Iteieivlnur hospital, 43 years, lotmr pneumonia. Ft'NßHtl. ninr.rrtMt* C. E. BIRD & CO. Funeral Directros 17 Went Hancock Ava. Phone Oranri 3151 Detroit. Mtch. WEI.LMER & BOBCEAN FUNK HA Is niRFUTOK* 879 Mlf htyan-ave. Phone Grand 8133 H121.1* WANTED—MALIC BRIGHT young man about 17 years of age to work in Mail Room; must be steady and willing to work. Apply Mail ing Dept., Detroit Times, 73- 7;V77 Bagley-ave. KXFFM.KNT i pport ll n4 l les for man, to l*,»rn wiring l . It*, a wo li while l< .'irntriK 'n;>!d •><!- Vdpi er.ient. Men wrli bigh school education preferred. Apply be two n 3 snd 10 i tn. to Mr Kw aid. 21 John It.-st. m i r wivn w iKH AI.H TELEPHONE OPERATING An excellent profession and opportunity to “do your bit’' for Uncle Sara. PATRIOTIC The “war machine” is oper ated by telephone. “Stick to your post” is the advice of an army olticer to telephone em ployes. PLEASANT The work is interesting and enjoyable. The surroundings are comfortable; associations agreeable. The company is liberal in its treatment of employes. PROFITABLE Salaries start at once. Oper ators earn while they learn. Splendid opportunities for ad vancement. Apply Operators’ Training Department, Madison avenue and John R street, between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. MICHIGAN STATE TELEPHONE COMPANY arn mom wastko m\i r, A LIVE sales manager ami ex ecutive desires to communi cate with firm desirous of se curing a capable representa tive on the Pacific com t. I am thoroughly conversant with trade and conditions on the coast. Box B, No. 12, Times. h .1 Hi'.ii liJ ill 1 lll>l lU.i, l M ill * CASH for old false * th. gold crown* broken Jt-we’ry, diamond*, watch**. Cos 97 Woodw'd 4 ’i fine* alrv.oTnr W I KD—K HIM* rwANTi'h W * have ml If! for Improved farm* of nil a< >pikp* within 100 mt>s of Detroit. If jfi ii hnv» farms for '>al» write ii* at once or call ROSS LAND < O. 81 F*ort-i»t West, ■ Opposite P. O. Phone Cherrv 3186. t ■> HKVr—UOI IKK a’ a. a. a. a a. a. a. Hannan Rental Agency A free Met of lm*«* ran<l ftsta Fall In parson at tin noi i ><*,d largest real e*f»te rvrhanyn Michigan. 1 MrOhA'V i.l'ii ‘INO TO Itl VI RllllMl HOTEL FRANK LIN Cor. lamed and Hat- s-et* Make your home down-tow ft r,invariant to business and thcnt*r* Koomi 15.0') per wed: up * • ;ufnrt and service at Hotel • r-mkiln TO III.X I— I I \t .e )PtllT«R\n 138 SPC)K ANE ~~ New 5-room flat, nr*y.c * to oc cupy JOHN PM T<»W. JR. 825 Dim* Dank hide C*h« rrv 450#, 542 MONTCLAIR Two and three > > .tv* efearn heated and Janitor * rvlce . $77 50 up In quire Janitor m 821 Dim* Hank bid*. aon•\i « i* t •« ¥> ■ • **ani‘K.ttTt AIM M ; VLOW “ BETTER THAN AN ACRE le>cat*d in :« fine, high and dry place where you can *t>Jo • living G* tit How. (lun't w a l ' until w** sell all we have. Huilt al* nrcund you, r*c copied by tine n< pie. Pi Ice for all $2,850. $250 ca h See J*HV M WKlfPlf A SONS. * 511 Dim# Hank Bid* Cheiry 1318 2-FLAT, SO,OOO located In tli* M . *t Warren e*<:t!on. near n< w 1 In. In 5! tor; rr flern to the minute: S bedrv na eoi h Will f*k• ..<1 I- n* t and aom* i mli a* ftret payment me ahow vi.ii tin* f'i'l Mr l)'. t>- Inaon, u iiii Wn ■ ney h).tg . Kuet 12”">*M l*#(Jlll#C 214* X HAVE YOU 1700 A* flrat (MflMtl on n-odern •-mom houee •n • a ■>’ * '» 1 7 ' * car, paved afreet. Ha* full t>n*e m»nl. furnace. aM hardwood fl • e* and nniah. beam'd ecllfn*a end p»n J et*d dining rof.m. g>.:t.ige Price s4.7si\ nlth S7O( and wr C*a!l Mr Robiftaon With UM ON’aP Whttncy Mitii l-.aet 1?M M orCad- Vtaa sl»t I (tit a A t If—ttKatllK.M'K PH4IPKHTT ” AMOUNTING OUR NEW" LOCATION Owlrg to the rtpld, atihataoMal frowth of our buelneaa we have een obliged to hraW* larger qyar tera. and now' o< eupy the entire aerond floor of ilia new Vinton building, Woodward at Congre**. We are ably equipped to handle all branches of the Real Ratate bustna**. and In every transaction, no rnntler of what etr.c, the aiiiue BRUVICK pievalla. We eatpnd a »no*t cordial Inrlta tlon to visit tia In our new home. ALLDIS & COMPANY s3f)(►- D( >W N Semi-bungalow, on paved street, close to Sprlngwclls or Eort-st. car; full basement, furnace, hardwood floors, dec- Orated. A snap for S3OO down. Call Mr. Robinson, with VVm. Gnau, 601 Whit ney hldg. Caihllac 2163. 346 NAVAHOE AVENUE • Fxeep\lonal bungalow rlx room*. • every convenience, will take part • (rod-- and ea»y t*>rrr *. Open every • afterm*. ti <7hil Mr Rouen#, • DATKRBON PROS. & < <>.. I • J* - r,< id Main ?5$ KOH HA I Pi-V *r Avr t 4»T9 WTfX pay ctiab toi* vacant lots, houses, flats, stores, acreage, real estate equities. Land con tracts bought; quick and eat jsfapt/’rv deals. EBERT, 309 Maiestir Bldg. 1 ~ ■■!—* ■■■' .ii. '! in? FOB HII.B—MI^rKLLANUOIifI TVPEWRITERS RENTED First 3 M..NTI-M nnv (Non -Visible) V** ; i'. O m<..nths cy-., appllr* on pur>‘ha <* Kvtni .rdln iry \uiu- » In factorv r;i;r:riiiT typkwritkrs ('all. Write. Phone. AMIimCAN WRITING M AfHTNE CO. *9 Fort-at W. (.'harry 3332. IL\B V GI LAND PIA NOS n* dutlf' 1 new inatrumenf frt*ah from factory; ftn».*t Han Ilomlngo ma m.iciny, dull ttnialu high, at K'ad* act i«n full >w» f-t ton* only 6 feet 3 tivhCH In h-ngth. Dor.* take up much m(<r>. ro<>m th»n an up ri«ht Tin* sample at $57.7, includ mr bench to mutch, on *ale Sat v i iv. < ■ -m until !> p. nt. '.tf'tp.'T MUSIC 7 R \*7 ,o(l w ard-avv. STORE TTxTURES ~ SODA FOUNTAINS ROLLTOP DESKS B v dir-' t from maker*, eave Job lier*' profit*; show cases, counters, ah* Ivtng, hall case*, etc., for all J. ind>* of H'i*r*'*. T>*fr«>it Store Vn nitur* 15-30 Catiierine o r *vt ißa'iot «nd Antoine. Phone Cad. 4733 f r salesman. . BABY GRAND PIANOS Beautiful Sen Domingo mahogany, ‘•ritfn Onl*h, fresh from factory tn New York; strictly of the highest grad" standard inake; # full hra** trimmed throughout, orily 5 feet :: inclie- in leiu- ih t.-»lie* np*very lit tle more room than an - upright; tills *-iriole instrument only 1573. very liberal ferit!* JietYolt Music Cos., Woodtverd-srf Sewing Machine Bargains Nov i* the time to buy that Sewing Machine; latrte assortment to i boost from in White, singer. Standard. Domestic, etc., $5 up. STS Orat)ot-a\e. VIOI.TN BARGAIN Full slxe St rad model; ebony trimmed; used, but like new This wet k $7.50 take* It. GRIVNKIJ, HHOH. Branch, 57 Mon roe. STETNWAY PIANO Iwirgt sir..- Grand, thoroughly reftn i-di' and, dark mahogany, ha* been used h number of year*, but tone nn I fiction as-'g-otl a* ever. A real bargain ntf $373 on easy terms. I.ibernl atbmnnce for your ut rtght. D* *t* *i t Music Cos., 288 Woodward nve. Pool Tables, Soda Fountains Steim table#, show ease*, safe*, bar ber chairs; supplies and repairs; erisy terms. Marsh Mf*. Cos.. 20 At water east. sf. MONTHLY PAYS FOR KT.TINOIO PIANi) Beautiful tnodern style. Was s3o'., now $13:1 (MUNNKM. BROS. Branch, 57 Monroe. PIANOS WANT ED Tr«i'f< your punn fur a tine hlgh grsde Columbia Gt af.ui'da; liberal i, low in « and en«v term. l *. Detroit ltusi* Cos.. 788 Wood ward-ave. Typewriters. $27.00 Visibles Oliver r toial cut prices; one week • nlv: fin* maotilnea g>iarnnt.eed; 1 oca ii*f! I*, t >it Fail 3rd floor Ft-her bldg., 188 Jefferson, nr. W‘r«l. $2 is F«>R KNABK PIANO --Regular sr,ad r« finished: rare bargain. Pnv * * you ran. ORTNNT<;i,r. RROS., 24 5 Woodward piamT iiarg Xins Beatty uprlgb' flue fnr Jicglnner, only 8 .ft i-’rire er Te-pl* upright, mahogany run*, f-nly SIOO. Rlher*) t' rms "f payment. [intmlt Music <'o., Wood ward-ave. BTORAOK fstmlttire. nearly new, bar gain vrl*’# *#umner Cos. Mich. A 4th. ■ ( V. MILLER ? S4OO- rich toq*) gunr tav *7— monthl' ('ome nuieklr. (,RIN \nr,l, BRn« . 7(5 Woodward. A PI AYrn plsno bnrenln; fun «•- note; t-r tnd m w from fmctnrr; fire dark oak case; lnrg*** sire; thf* •mmple Is priced at $373, on ef«ys term* anlr or\« *» f'lla price f». - froit Music Cos., 25# Wood ward-a vs. ROCMS Furniture for room* com plete $1 week #uwn*r Ml"h. A 4th. poti ntr l\ll PKT STOCK JOHN*TOMUNSON SAYS Now Is the time to feed egg maker* and poultry tonics. We have all the best moke* Also Nir< n(« f>r the famous Red Comb feeds for Btocks and poultry. TOMMN'-ON A* ATf*c*N CO. 210 E Jessi (Sun -s vs IliiNKt in lu#l MONEY TO LOAN ON VACANT LOTS r,lb*r*l Ustts on real estate. Second mortgage realty loans. Will buy e*tu.t'*e in vacant lots and Improved property. EBERT. 309 Majestic Ridg. LAND CONTRACTS bought! Quid' and sat iv factory deals. 1 BE ir r 809 Ms esti Bldg CONSTUtTCt ON l/»*NP amouo*» ' *■ Weber. 2*4 Orillnt. w x it n.ANi ». A7UX(T A " Dptr'it Land Contract Cos. Iff *7s Hammond Bldg r ’ad *4lB. picm«...n at. I NPTTC’. -if any r -or gi-f t* 'n tronble, needing arvlea. friendshly or b*lp, write or call on M’ICNK - T4HT MAT 'AT ,r T i«T*F/'T. 1017 F"rt-*$ %**>•» HstvaDon Army iiw -r .g;-e « hi mm:m CARP# OUAR A KT*r*b Fl a*«o Tuning |v.4C CiadfVlae 4004. MACH no cur BAIRD \ HAS THEM ALL IMMEDIATE DELIVERY MILLING MACHINES 1 No. 0 Rockford Plain MilleTw 2 No. l Rockford Plain Milling Machines. 1 No. Ua Cincinnati Univer-* sal Milling Machine. 1 No. * 2 Van Norman Univet<% sal Milling Machine. I Beeman & Smith Duplex Miller. j 1 Garvin Duplex Miller. BORING MILIS 1 12” Colburn Boring Mill. I 60“ Bickford Vertical Bor-8 ing MilL 1 10’ Niles Vertical Boring* Mill. i SHAPERS & PLANERS 1 16” Gould & Eberhardt Shaper. 1 20” Gould <fe Eberhardt Shaper. 2 21” Potter & Johnson Shapers. I 21” Queen City Shaper. 1 31“x31”x8’ Wkitcomb Planer. I 52“x52”x14’ Pond Planer. J GRINDERS i 1 No. 4 Gardner Disc Grinder^ 2 No. 1 Wilraarth &i Morraan. rTTT\’ersal (Jrinders. 1 No. I VVilmarth & Morman Surface Grinder. 1 No. 2 Wilmarth & Morman; Surf;nee Grlnder. 1 No. 3 Wilmarth & Mormarx Surface Grinder. 1 6”xl8” Plain Grinde'V 1 No. 12 Brown & Sharpe Plain Grinder. 1 No. 70 Heald Internal Grinder. LATHE* 1 No. 4 Stark Precision Bench Lathe. 1 6” Dalton Precision Bench Lathe. I 12” Master Precision Bench, Lathe. 1 13”x5’ Worcester Lathe. 1 14”x8’ American Lathe. I 16”x6’ Bradford Lathe. 1 18”xl0’ Bradford loathe. 2 18”x8’ Walcott Lathes. 1 20”xt0’ Bradford Lathe. 1 30”x20’ Bradford Lathe. 2 36”x24’ Putnam Lathe. 1 40”x26’ Prentiss Lathe. 1 21” Bullard Chucking 1 3 1 V’x40“ Tunet Lathe. WOODWORKING MACHINERY 1 Electric Hollow Chisel Mor tiser and Boring Machine. 1 24” Power Feed Sander. 1 26” Double Cylinder Planer. 1 36’’ Band Saw. , 1 26” Band Saw. • 1 Scroll Saw. 2 Universal Wood Worker*. 1 Elliott Wood Worker. 1 H. B. Smfth Double Spindle Shaper. W. .T. BAIRD MACHINERY COMPANY ' ’ 51-56 Jefferson A vn. Detroit, Mich. HiciTy 2070 Qierry3239 ...aj.iKMi-' ■ .'raas— Aienoß» 1 THE r ‘ n l.riO'(B fNG UNREDEEMED PI.FTNS will b* sold at | üblto aurtittn at 401 nr*ltn>*y*r bldg., on Thursday, N< v is, st H» o'clook. N>. 2 and. rings; .Vo. OSOS 1 Jls t~2T, <1 ring: 87rO. and ting. «9sf. and, I ring; ,4fts. wat*h‘ Ts 2«. iL sttok I pin 7.0*8 fur«; ,I*3. furs; 7455. ft ring. 74*1, -ft. ring Ull, watch; ,34f, t and ring; 75J47 lit 4, and. i ring; 7S«)$. and rlug aj.j. ■.a-etT-imvs an -i. ■iragac—a •TOHAUik AHI t AHTAftk \ and Tsavy trunk(ng. Itt mrd'a.* aaivirs gugrantrsd. tVll Wert sls. I.emscnahla r«t*s. .1, jfTORAOK moving. packing, ft. eproof, ratra right, mo. t<r va*s for suourbaji moving Thona Uadman *s. _ r. 41 tTTiovTnci {*" t*siTfnrn»a rail isnt "art ts cal. Centra I Rtcpmga Cj».. radiOas « iKvmfHaK PAGE 11