Newspaper Page Text
FKIII AY . OVEM II E K », 19 17. You ('an lie Cured oK Rupture I Mr rut.i | Y\ hile You Work My methods permit > <»u to return y**ui position and keep oti working while being cured. I slahltsbed in * ear* In the snme wflter. Ignatz Mayer, M. D.j HOI-SI-S-4 4'bamiter us < oramrree llbig lloiirsi HI lift 3 I«* I. Saturday and *uu4ajrt Itt |«» 12. ( IT* OK DI.TItOIT—OKKICK OKTIIF. » IIT THI *'l HI 11. Detroit, Mi'h.. Nov. 2. 1917. Notif* In hereby given to nil per son* Intel >• «'<l lliitt th>t*- have Ix-rn flletl in this office the following named a * Ac**-merit folia: FOR .PAVINC STREETS AND ALLEYS Roll No 232S For grading and |>«v 1 r tf Alley No. R’S. being the Alley In lilni*k l>« tween Went ilrund Hotile \ ar*!. Vlm wc 'd, ,M ijinw and Mil ford avriuiot Roll No .32' IVr grading and \ | M l{, b*lnc III* Allay In block 1 •tween Kadfoid, Molmer. Oolumbua and Montgomery avenue*. 1: 011 No. 2J3t>. l-'or grading and paving Algonquin Avenue, from the n *rth curb line of Kssex Avenue to tit* north curl* line <>f Fc"ud Avenue. Koll N 2331 For a* railing and paving I'rftt'l Avenue, from the south curb line of Kerclteval avenue to the northerly « ify limit* Roll No. 1133? Por grading end paving Ml* v No. ?•* being the Mley In block bounded by Brush, Keau bi»ti «ir*'* , tr. Muttt n and Mt Vernon a %enues Roll Vo 2331 For grading anti I .tv In.- 'll* N 1. sing tin- Alley lit hick bounded b\ Brush, lleaubien atr**‘ta. A.'ii* t m i King avenue*. Roll No. 7 3.34 I'or grading and ps'Uirf All«» No. 7."*X, being the Alley in block between t'.idllla an*l Hurl bo t «\ ertitea, \A aterloo and f'harle* Vl» I y ■ll eet << ’ R*»ll No 2'' Por grading anil raving Alle\ No TFI. being th* met • tvl v% <* «t All* v bet o-rti Woodward it ettue. John I*, etr* *t, King an<l Aloll ro.ik nv titif* Roll No C'.s*> For giading and ps'ing Aliev No. 7fl. being ail th* Aliev* tn blot I o noted lo I *:ri« o<| • Hand Rivet, Or* Roll itnd ' am ouver a eti»je.« Roll N* J' 7 Por grading and ra tng Alley No 7*2, bring the 'T” Alley between St t lair and Hamil ton avenues, t’anal :ih of .leff*>r m»n avenue an*t .!»ff*»r«*-n avenue Part 1 l' due and payable within Mi da>» from the <iate of th » ti"tt e Part* 1. 3 ind 4 be. time due and pa v - aide tn 'Ote and one month. two year* an«l one month anil three years and one month respectively, fr m the *late of this notice, together with Interest at the rat* of 4 per rent from the date of th*- *>r ill mat !■ >n "f the rolls Any. or -til f *si*i part n>*' ).*•• raid srt the ordet named within fblr tv davs ftorn the date *>f th* notice Without Interest If either of said parts one. two, there <*r four shall not hr paid when th*v become due, j per rent penalty and Interest. at the rate of 7 per rent front the date *.f ronflrmati- o of the assessment rolls will be added and the premise* n.tsess* <1 will he adver tised and *• Id a* ptovldrd bv law. ,\f v X f K* •< IP *»«». I* City Treasurer, For Y our Approval KERN'S-H undrcds of Wonderful Coats! s ls *25 *35 We emphasize for selling three notable Coat group* at * 1 $25 and $35 smart, unusual looking garment- that at their respective price* win bt> 11 . wonder of every woman Who sees thorn! Fabric* are of appealing richness and warmth soft Velour-, Bolivia**, Pom Pom, Kersey* anti Cheviot*. in rob taupes, browns, deer, Ilurgundy, greens, navy and fur shade Idncs are distinctive, graceful with newest idea* in collars, pockets, belts. Ever so many are fur or fabrit> fur trimmed. DRESSES ! Silks ! Serges ! New arrivals in our lire*** Section, too* Smart and Hnii-ual frocks of • rß*’. charming gown* of -atln. of taffeta and of Cn po for afternoon and evening w» .ir. You'll ftn>l beautiful little dresses hete at sl9 75 that you'll never expert to find for less than s2**. And at $2.» anti $32.50- well, they are simply a- altogether charming and stylish as you'll want at any price! Suits ! ALL REDUCED! All $25 Suita All up to $37.50 All up to SSO are now Suits now Suita now $1975 $25 $37.50 Our November Mult Sal* bs« simply done wonder* tn tntvr'itin the price of Mrmrtc-tt Suit* If n r’u 11 •** to h uart of vour winter 'wardrobe " here * Vm 11 ON'U IWtl opb rt unltv t > v.-t 11 at a lor |»rl«*» Plain tailored model* and v<-l*et and fin trimmed tyfe*. in fin** Sued *- flnlah nr»v,4cb'th*. Mu re Has Serge*. Foplm*. <la 1, 11 din* c every nit in stock i* included In thla ale, * Silk Sale! Reminders for Saturday Sk opper.i! 40-Inch Georgette Crepe, $1.79 a yard'' 72 new shade* llluek Taffeta and Black Satin Meaaaline, 98c a yard. 40 Inch* All-Silk Crepe ,do Chine, $1,19 a yard, 36-inch Colored Chiffon Taf fe»a, $1.19 a yard, i p to $2.50 Novelty Silk*. 98c. Kern’s | The Evening Story Riches. (Copyright. 19U. by W Werner ) "Them art* no rich* * like the | riches ol ih< heart." Denny O’Dea | waa nut a philosopher, hot such was I the glut of liia thoughts that Sunday : mornltiK, as he trudged along to niaa.s with Katie. For h;ul not he | and Katie been \vc*l three months I now and were they 104 Just the hap I I'iest two people In th* world” Glancing sidewise. Kenny could s*-e thal Katie's flow* rlik* face reflected Ia similar contentment Froui the top of a hill they looked down upon the Far* ell estate, with its velvet lawns and trimmed 1 hedges and towering stone man sion. Denny sighed a litfle. Por Mine. FarweM was very, verv rhh. while he and Kattb were very, very poor. * Tjs sure a grand place." mur mured Katie. “You're right." muttered Denny. "Faith, hut rhe ought to he happy, what wuh automobile.-' and all, and nevf r a can In Ihe world " "I don't know Denny," Katie mused. "Maybe not Still, (would be flue io havt grand things, Den ny." "What would you have first, my girl, if you could have it?" It wa a game they often played "Jewels, Denny jewels that sparkled!” Ii was th*- answer Katie always made. "They'd never sparkle like your eyes!" "Oh, go on, Denny!" They were down the hill now and close beside the Far-well grounds Suddenly Denny stopped. \ dew drop brighter then any he had ever seen before flashed up in his eye* saucily. Me leaned over and picket] up a ring with a sparkling stone. "A diamond! he cried, in an awed voice. "Oh, Denny* My eyes aren’t as bright as that'" " "Tis a different sparkle, maybe but no brighter." insisted l>ennv stoutly. “Pul it on tne. right by the w< ti ding ring' Oh!" Kaiie drew a Itmg breath a- the stone blazed up from her plump third finger "l*o you think you could keep it - " she whispered "Sure not. ’Twill he advertised. "Httf. what if 'tls not ’ <»b. l»en-! ny. I ran t b< ar to give it up' See It looks as ii it grew on rny finger' I can’t give it tip!” D«nn> wa startled by her tone "Hut. Katie, girl." h* said, "jew.* I* j ain’t for th*- likes of us Put such foolishness from you. Tis not your own We must flnd the owner." Katie hit lor lip rebellious!) - anti stood still Hut. as if to bear out j Denny’s word*, ju~t then a servant girl from th* Farwell house cam* running through the hedge toward them Did you find lb*- mis-mi.*-' (Ha niond ?" sh* tb luand* *1 ex< tedl> \\. hay* found .1 diamond." a serted Denny, solemnly. "It might be your missus'." "Os course it's h* rs"' snapped the girl “Give it to me'" "Sure, I’ll deal with the owner di rect.*' declared Denny, stepping hack l believe you intended to make 36 ini h Colored Satin Messa* line $1.19 amt 79c a yard 1 2 find $2 Mi Safin Stripe Taf feta Silk*. $1.49 a yard. 36-inch Colored Poplin Silks, 89c a yard. i<» Inch Black ( hiffo’t Velv* i $ ■ >5 , iyi;i ■ v rmidi in France. away with it!" "Relieve what you like," retorted I*nny, cheerfully, "i'll talk with your missus." The girl turned sulkily. "Coin* on. then," she ordered. They followed her thru the hedge, across the lawn, up the great ston** steps, and still farther up a beau tifully carved staircase lo a long, high paneled room. The light was o dim that Denny and Katie ehll ilreii ol th* 1 sun and ail blinked un certainly. Katie thing to Denny I’he servant tapped and a thin, tired voice said. "Come in." They entered on tiptoe The odor of ros* • hung hiavily in the great, dim spat e. At the far end they discern ed au old woman sitting by a tali, j* weled lamp with a hook in her lap. Her gown was all soft gray and violet. Denny kn* w it must be Mint. Farwell. ' They've got your ring," blurted the servant. The old woman looked up with interest. D*nny had never seen such a weary face before. "Very well, Addison," -aid the tired voice ' You may go now " "Hut but" stammered ihe girl. It v.'as evident that sh*- flared to leave her mistress with them. "You may go," repeated Mine. Farwell, with a tinge of amusement. Then as the door clo.-ed on th** maid she added "I am very glad You see. it was my engagement ring and I have worn it fifty years. I slipped tiff this morning. Mv Angers are so thin now." Take it off, Katie,’ said l»enny. "tfure w*- thought It no harm for Katie to try if on her finger," he explained, walking over to Mme. Farwell, while Katie followed tim idly. The old woman leaned forward "iHui't take it off yet, my dear," she said “I want to see how it looks t»n a young finger Katie held out her healthy little hand and Mme. Farwell took it in her own. "Dear me, dear nie," she murmured mistily. "To think 1 ever was young anti pretty like you! It looks beautiful on you, my dear. I suppose you have been wishing it was yours!” Yyes. ma’am." stammered Katie, blushing. "It's tho grandest thing 1 ••ver saw." Th** old woman looked at her in tently She seemed to be consider ing. "Dt you?” she asked "Well, if you still want it after 1 finish talking to you, my dear, I will give von one Ilk** it •Oh' gasped Katie, fenny stared in* redulousiy ‘Waif and see!’’ warned the old woman “You are a marries! pair, I s#*e,” indicating Katie's wedding ring "We are that." said Denny. "Three months." "And you have a little home?" ‘We rent half of Mrs t’armody’s ■ ottiige. Sure, 'ii- very comforta ble." "And yon work, Mr -what shall I call you?” "I m 14-nny O’Dea, and a team ter. ma’am And she’s Katie.' • I «e. Well, Denny, you have good h*'a Ith,. a good job. and a grrod wire You must be very happy.” “I am that," admitted Denny sturdily. 1 Mme. Farwell hesitated, as if do t iding what to say next. "When ! was young," slo began slowly, "my father clerked in a grocery. There <■/ J 7 C<.af tltnatrated la of Swede finish Broadcloth iG-rami trimmed. PI usK Coats ! Beautiful, full sweep garments of Salt’s finest seal plush -from $25 to SBS —Second Floor. B 1 ouses! in Suit Shades! lbjyutiful low Su t Tlloti«ei are of tlenrnett<* nnd Ci'**) i* it*- i'hlfl", m suit -n,Mt< bine shade*; „!••* in whit* and it'sli fnt* «<dta;,>l *t y lea high n< • k style* la.jr trimmed nnd hand embroidered mod*-!* or heptslrf, b« and and c|,i«ter*tu« kcd. In *lt sf\ Variety at to S7.UV * ThlYd Floor, A New Wool PlS'd Shirt* $7.98 nnd $lO —: rrorrd Vb-er DETROIT Tiid E S w*re seven of us children, and II was pretty hard for father to make Jll! a week buy shoes for us all When I was is i was clerking in the store, too 1 was engaged •<> marry the bookkeeper. He wa- mak ing $H> a week 1 The old voice halted, as if to control Itadf. "Our wedding day was mu. We wire 1 t.d : . lim t h*e ma 1 tame along with a diamond' It was this very ling’ I was not the first girl tn have her head turned by a diamond! There is something about a diamond very appealing to 1 young girl. Well, 1 look* with rny bookkeeper anil married John Farwell and hfs money!" Dt.nrfy ,ui<l I it" shifted uneasily. ‘1 have lived a long time," cor tinned Mm* Farwell. "I respited John Farwell- 1 respect him now hut I never could love him as I had rny bookecper, and the money, in stead of bringing m< happ finally brought tru- misery. Oh, I traveled everywhere and bought evervthng I wanted’ Hut 1 never had any babies! All 1 had was money and jewels' I don’t blam* Itihn-Farwell H* i- ;r*»o*l to me I war the one who made the mis take 'There H re no riches lik*,* th* riches of the heart " M* r voice trailed off uneasily. "The cradle was -always empty." Katie gulped a little l>enny's own eyes grow misty. Softly, l\a tie slipped off th p ring and dropped it in th* old woman's hand Mine. Farw* 11 start* 1 and tame hack from her reverie. "Now, I’m going to make you a proposition, Katie," she said briskly "1 will place $10*) in the bank to your credit, not to be touched until your first child is born a hundred dol lars will buy lots of nice things for a baby anxl many comfort for you ilt that time, my dear ;» good nurse, perhaps, and little delicacies—or 1 will give you a diamond ring’ Which shall It be”" The room was very still. Denny glanced at Katie’s childlike face, which was working with emotion Quietly he put his arm around her Th" old woman waited with her weary smile. "Oh, ma am." quavered Katie, “the diamond is—so grand. ! —l’d love to havt* one! H-but. i? yod think FWOUId make me diM-ontent e*l with everything anti with Ib-nny here, why, I'd rather not have it!" "Diamonds have trick of mak ing us women discontented," said Mine. Farw el J Katie straightened tip. decided. "Ihin't give i’ to me. then, ma'am, she said, clearly. "Were mi happy now, D*nny and tne." His arm tighten* and about h* r. "Hut you’ve no need to be giving us money," he put in soberly. "We want no reward " "Tut! It’s no reward! It’s a pleasure I'm taking for myself” crjeti Mme. Farw *ll, tartly "One hundred dollars for Mrs. Kali* O’Dea' And I'tu coming to see you some time, if you’ll lei me, Katie!" "I'll be that proud to have you!" cried Katie. Then they tiptoed out. "Good-bye, and the best of luck” the old voic»- called after them. "There are no rlchea like the riches of the heart ’ That was the gist of Denny's thought, as he 1 rudged along to the last mass with Katie. And Katie's flowerlike, grave little fa re reflected a similar con elusion. GIRLS WANTED TO HELP NAVY Are Asked To Volunteer Serv ices For Country Fair In Armory Next Week Pinna for Detroit’* navy week, beginning next Monday, are fast < oming to a head. John Philip Sou-a and his band of 300 pieces from the Great Lake* naval training station, are expected to arrive Monday, to remain the week, playing at several funct ions. The Rnla event will be th* natal ball in Arcadia, for which Sousa’s hand will furnish the music The hand will al*o play at the .old fash ioned country fall* to be held in the armory Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Ensign Coleman. b« a! n.t\> recruiting officer, is still look ing for pretty girls to act as attend ants at the fair Those who are w illing to volume, r are ask* and tn call at Ihe recruiting office. No. D*l Griswold M , third floor. Proceeds of the T :ir and *h«' ball will go into the treasury of the De troit branch of Die Naval Service league. Mayor Marx has invit ed Capt. \V. A. Moffett, command* 1 of the Great lakes naval training station, and Gov. Sleeper to come to Detroit for the navy week d»»»iik:s Invitation* also have been sent to Senator* Smith end Tow n** nil and lo Congressmen Ikirenni* and Nichols to fak* part In the activ ities. Harry J.nmler. Scotch come dian, who will plav an engagement in a local theater next week, ban offered to help out all he can Marriage Licenses r.litln V*. t 'Ui«ni'i> , w,k 1 ? A D* - t r*■ It. i.lMu. V.'itko*. ski. P>. «hoo* Alphonse c*. t,mitt. M, Detroit; r a 'I relit, * i>* «vnv. i t . 19, • nv-. NV.-t-D* • .’ *-w <>mt*. ?*. !'* -reit: o >\ •• -,r< d«r, IX ■a no .lane- AnMuny. 37, I < • roit. • Bosala Be* : \ aa; *. r ; 1 impbel*. 211 I it Flnla Di!e*. U . a ,e It* t«n T. R b'ertj, 1 ’1 ” , n I’i'Ul J Dirk -a, u!, T’rtr ' (. li *n E. *k to **l 'S. ►’ 1* . Tb* * • *A. M 1. "c, • Velma t, VV.»tr, IX. n Si Dm - i*. , > * ’ B ■• t. V Yd El y 1 ' • C - • < ' ’ V.. ~ t 1 . 1 f t " C. »• to*'. K. J. better kr. 7*. T’elre • W ilma Ir* in'.*, 1 • Hi. I*. »(i''i» r.Vt le s*. ->!t s '* PI ti. oit'i , l.'bswlk k/'lo7. *. Hetr*' * tyefb in- tsar. ■-*. 7fi, u«- I«outa i K* i f r. j>. t-« * . , I i-I l k *-v vs Hall.or * • -' *t” • *rt'. " Cta : Hng. »' *mt; Children Ory FOR FLETCHER * CASTC- R ' A Painless A Seeker For Absolute Painless Dentistry Has Not Far to (io 195 Michigan In the Triangle Building where Porter Street Meets .Michigan venue DR. E. S. HIGGINS Painless Ot*nfal Offices, I or> Michigan Avenue Open Evenings Sunday Till Noon Dentists I'rinllng —lltr ftlnlti nrnl kind— fhnt l» limr» Jwh MrQt.—- Vfnln i’ijn. To insure Victor quality, alway* look for the famous I ’ trademark, “HU Master's Voire " It is on all (enurne I ' * products of the Victor Talking Machine Company. I . • * |i. . ... 1 ~ fi ' . Werrenrath Williams Hear these famous Victor artists Werrenrath at Arcadia Auditorium on November 13 Williams at the Statler Ball Room on November 28 Then hear their Victor Records To hear these great artists is to enjoy the superb interpreta tions of master singers whose every rendition is a real delight. Their recitals present the unique opportunity of a direct per sonal observation of their wonderfully beautiful voices for cgm parative consideration with their historic Victor Records. Attend the concerts of these great artists, being particularly careful to observe the individual characteristics that so plainly identify their voices. Then visit any Victor dealer’s and hear the Victor Records by tl ic same artists. You will appreciate the absolute fidelity of the Victrola; you will realize that on the Victrola you actually hear these artists true to the very life; you will understand why practically all the* world’s greatest artists make records for the Victrola exclusively. There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $lO to S4OO. Victor Talking Machine Cos., Camden, N. J. Important Notice. Victor Record* and Victor Machine* *re sc er.tifically coordinated and srnchronired by our apecial processes of manufacture, and their use. one with the other, ia abaolutely easent al to u peilect Victor reproduction. New Victor Record# demonstrated at all dealer* on the Ist of each month Victrola “Victrola” ia the Registered Trade-mark of the Victor Talking Machine Company designating the products of thia Company only. Warning: The use of the word Victrola upon or in the promotion or aaie of any other Talking Machine or Phonograph product* i* misleading and illegal. AMI :.KMKNT* AW *'-• II Mini *»»...• . r 1.1 l %M» Hl.\ l>. In *o\4 ~ . . . . .... II I) 111 \ tloft H i 09ft: IN' rittK! • * ' 1 » CE-DORO 6- iiV«W,.*“6h|ELECTRJCAI. VENUS 6 6 nm TTflAj TIOS ■ . —: ... LUM C UADT «TMK UIIHMU ■ l x WM ' - ~JI""" S MARCUERITE CLARK -At.. Pun.. Hoi.. '’.inttnuouA, 1-llp.rn. IGJ Imatrur tiam-InK i »ntr«i I rl. Muht Tommy Toner’* 1 •' v -*-■■■-*- Will, -m rln< IK-MAII, CI.KHKS- "r "I HK SK UI-.SI'I H" D TROIT I. I*T .1 Till I > M NT. •OUOIIHOU I'OI’I I Ml run IN llrnr* V. HAVE A HEART Week of November 12 Mallnfm \\ r«fnr«i.n f nn<l Hulun!at *.kim | n a imiiimh prMrNl Fair and Warmer % |*rr %<rll*H«l» fnl ('omiiniHiili'il Ni III*- Mini* \»rr* lln|innnrt I V cnf In N. I ---* llu«. In « hli »*«. • I \| s NOW 'I I I IM. ADAMS m « 11||.; % | |»r Milio. nlm Sim., nii.n, xw.yv-iui- rr.i MnliiiPr* 'I 'iur«. mill »t. i*i-;UV!Wi*, \ AITaHAN < J \SKH CO. In »Hf l.renl I'arr* * hwpHi liirc*** “Stop Thief” > if ffnn„ •tUtliln the I rfn .* *e*f« vtort * - - - - ~ :■ t 1 ii Draft 258 II I D Ilk Vfnkrl In II ,i fp* rn 1 1 I VN O. IIIMM »TIIIM SMHBBM E mitinno A I nli In. 'ln** ri •NEXT WKKK—-mTOLMiVI*." Mitll* nl ». 7 mill !i |i. in. Mill*. '<i< A l.'n- BILLIE BURKE MIIMi VN|» TUI. 1.111 l 1 >1 urph *. Nnn «N luniim, N **w 'nni Mil* JOHN ft. in MKK \ CO. in “Tom Walker in Oivie** linn* l\rnnnltli 1 onnjiJlj W.n- H«*ltt l»tll% M.-M«n‘» I In* * } AYr » nmlrr. u ' 11 ,N 'ri • nn; 'lnrrl* A < nin|»t*rlli 'lnllnt A MnritiiirilP. LYCEUM PEG 0 r MY ?*’EART ll« .1. llanlM Mimnrrs. ■ >MI W rrk— VNurft <>■ iililwn AVENU ' , m: \ i in hi <t HONEY GIRLS'PiiRIE.C'UtRS Kn l ,’l i;—VfOs • I v ».|l:i*i Wrr*»ll«* In-.. 1 . ' i * / *mnkf li Inn like. llUlipr limit* llnr|i«i|iie Will IIN II I* V «IM|I« l,.li|lr« In If Ml*. I Hr. Nr ft. Urn Wt li |-4 1.91 RKMUNI » GARRICK nv n < viim* GRAND OPERA CO. IONIUM I—Jl W 1 Is Ml I III: Vl*- iiiin N\. S' l Mas i,' n WIATA, M Nv< i!. TU» »• ■; \ \Ti I HK, with i.iln .ir. *». i;yt wrpK * N " ,rM ". \ .... Mi# off :iM«i<nil»l**d. Nil.lll* VNI> f \ I . 'I \ 1.. *Or TO *2 M o-, w • lim-filny A i rliln* '•<, to 91. A0 *1 VIS NOW' N|;| |,| N<» vii nil* vv i ; i* MAE MARSH in “Sunshine Vn4 till' f mini .Vi'it' .l VMrnrilMM cadillacT: ;~^Z GIRLS - FOLLIES Nl XI VII l\t-Oii Murnlnn i.lnrln*. ' ' 1-1 , . • ( .. \ p- i.f ipth. i • t 'rh ci* 1 T*u' - > ' l « u MY li p. ’Os-fi ■ , 1 tI ~ ft •'♦>(* ! U*V*- tedg L I hml XV mu- - ty ri.-kp; AtflrOLff Vh -no rhotftjjf. vl)\ EiiTISE IN T 1 IK TIMES! IT PAVSf; PAGE 3