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PAGE 6 First AiJ ic: . jusehold Accidents i'he tame gentle, healing medicate' ; h makes Resino! a standard rerr.edv skin-troublea makes it a moat re.u dressing for cuts, burns, acaifl* ftnjft, and similar emergencies. | k\\ drift-*'' wi> » » f •• ! OSES HER BEAU! WANTS $10,000! CAN YOU BLAME? t PENN YAN. N. Y., Oct. 9. —Bailie fisher haa eued a motion picture Proprietor here for 110.000 damage*, lies Sallie, aged 42. a epms’er. was on joying the moriea with her beau »hen »h® sneezed her false teeth >ut into his lap. The shock of learn ijvj her pearly grinders were arttfl £<*l caused him to leave in haste, a- v«r to return. Miss Bailie claims >i>v* scattered sneeze powder in the Cheater. Kw" " " ; His Moustaches Threaten Italy tiOFT2£'ffDOftr' Nimlil r«»m4 t*h n*rti«M«rt. long ntminanilrr-InThlrf of the %«•- trlnn itriukt <>■ »hr Italian fraaf, I* probably the atanter ■lrategUt la vfcaa* brala the nlelr mrastlga nralnat Italy "»• mappH aat. He la almaat the aaly Aaatrlan Kf-aeral nb* haa ant loaf hla rrpiilnllon itnHng the air. Perhapa that la t*e«-anae hla m«a»lark« are little brother* to tfcoae at Kalaer Ullhelai. Petattaa—the pinto nent bln«l—that la Haht—Tlanee Jab llept.— Moln t*.2t». Oh, Dear, These Poor Gamblers! They’re Having Their Troubles; There’s Dearth of Good ‘Lookouts’ Since Police Commissioner Conic • s’ campaign to drive gambler* rom the city ha* assumed percepti ble proportions, a demand has be**n c eated among the gamblers (or flrrt-claaa “lookouts.” According to on* 1 of our most * 'dely known discipie* of chance " re la an alarming dearth of real > competent cappers in the city. Results of the recent "clean up" ■ <>*d raids Indicate that there are good ones and the mediocre V itchmen art falling down on the Tt Is the duty of a lookout to ' Hind on tbe street near a bulld ]|ng In which a gambling game is in i •''tress. When the police show up ! 1 I'Mn hailing distance the lookon' * > ’ hes a button or rives «nree *»r r fi : and the gambling pCrapL* ;n.»l » in quickly hidden. Many patrolmen from ouilyir.g st lona have been detailed to the ‘ *an tip” squad and as a result the • npers do dot observe them In Mm** > give/ entile lent warning. One the eaat side Is known to ’Tv"** at least, three lookouts during >' <■ progreta of a reasonably large ; ;m«. Then there Is the first class look &ketect UcuMety! Gat tl» Round Paekaga * Ask For and GET S Uad he ft Catary. CMITIOII >3k>oo*d Sab»tit«tn£r» WAR HOLDS UP WORK OH BUILDINGS Contractors For New School Refuse To Set Time Limit Offices of ihe board of education were throng'd Thursday meht with building contrst tons or their r- pie wnthtires. the oc a*io.n be mg th*- i adver n *or proposal* had stated explicitly that the bid ‘er | must tlx a uiiaimnn tmu* In whVh jhe would agr*-» io havi* the work completed, barring nf jt • 1 • >ond hi? control Bui when th>- t* d ere opened it was found f na’ r 'i“ bidder* without exception had ignor ed this requirement It was all the f.vilt Os ‘1 c war. t'* steel and other rv.i' Ti t v<r<’ uncertain that .It wa* Lapos.-ib e fix ary minimum limit, the; said. >o the boird de-Mded to waive this rc quirrment with to tb®*e bids, but will hold contrac >rs to In future. The *czr gate of The low bid* W Ing within the appropriation*. con tribCM weie award .1 a.i Je'lows: Holy school addition Masco, i* V Cooj ♦• r. ® ? ■ - *•. * ppR eoßpil!i f ’■ 4 beating pt': 1 him.' ! Av* SK.T*M). Columbian *< !.■ a nd. M Interstate Building A Land ’■ 1 f n;- t ' ’ • - plumbing. Houseman. Sp’tzi*'; puny. s3?.7f*i>. electrical, f-n . . Electric company. n.n Robert Empi. plumb r.s ronttn to protested against the award to 'h‘ Prake-Avcry company, l.’d > ground that It ie a t anadian him. *tji head offices being in Hamilton. | inspector Anz'dt *aid there *i- no I question as to the legal right o' ’he j board to make the contract and no I action w;»a taken <<n ’he prom * The board ur-’et an old pree#»d rr hv voting ftvi to cri to eegaz- Mis* Agnes Forbes McClure as assistant in the cotitinuation school for girl-* at $l3O. Visa McClure was on tb teaching staff of the school- for • eml years, leaving about n year av Dr Chads*)-, superintendent, s • ! that, whil* under *he old rule. she would new be entitled to only J’u, p«*r month, she wool! bo receiving Sl3O per month if fehe w>»s exceptionally well qualifi* and, be declared. *r.d his TecoTn:nen«tH itu>n was that she r-hould receive :: higher salary. Pr John S. Hall c.:- 1 the only dis«eot ng vote. This action d ; *es not mean that the bO‘*rd will follow ihi.i practice In the case of every t»arh*r who te turn«. It tn-atrM Mias McClure as o teacher who had really' be* n or. a lea*» * of absence. Teachers return ing :*fur an absence of several years would have to a ‘*p* ’h- - ■ ory pre»c,r;b'd by th** f, !d rules. nd Dr. Chad.'cy was instructed to pre pare a rul“ co>ering *hls point, j Reorganization of the board - [methods of doirr bu.dnea* in con formlty with mad* b*. the Detroit Bu-eau of (Government,. Research was postponed until asp-- I rial tre< ting Vnv.'ld, on the sugg’- ; 1 tion of Dr. Hall. out who commands a salary of g- n r rous proportions for his effort but th*n his duties differ somewhn frj>m th** ordinary follower of that business. It la nor only Ms duty to watch for tho police. He he a more delicate t a*k on Ms ha ad* By some subtle process l.r ** tv, tifl*-d that th«- ’’house'' is a head <-f the game. It then become- hi* and • to rive the general alarm. Par r? pants in the game usually, wher thfy learn the poll'** are coming leave their money on the table and ,? the made-in-order excitement 'hr ! ■ v ’ er« r , rv • and ste«rs The players Into an smer g* ncy * xlt. Fifteen minutes later ano*h* r gam* Is started and new player only 'clean* up’ In th«* mm* but takes all the money left hr th* player* In their hurry to evade ar Hut there Is j» famine In flrst.r!a» [ lookouts, and that practice is C’ r tailed soitewhat because t v e ran Mers reallie that If the players dl eovered th* camouflage tbs gam*- would be for»jvej closed. HORLICK’S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Made from clean, rich milk with the ex. tract of select malted grain, malted in out own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions. kfasfi anj eh/Urvn thrtro on *# Af*#*i wMi tkm wmkrmt atotmmrk of fit j or tho ogmd. Noodo mm cooking nor mddMmn of mr'lk. Nourishes and sustains more than tea, coffee, ore. Should he kopt at homo or when traveling Ann tliboua food drink may bo prepared in a moment. A gWui hot before retiring 'mdo-'es refrmhing sleep. Also m lunch tablet form for bustones mta SabatHutaa Cost YOU Some Price Fairs a Pmokaao Uopto Couldn’t Run Away From American I>ms • ir | L ADY WAItD. I ml> W»rrt I* tin VntcrirnH *lrl. ilqiniblrr of H hlirlaw Hrt4. lete \hi 1. ■«**• Hor to t.rml BrtUl*. Sl* tkii «hr nmrrlrtl < aptolm sir John V> xril. a Itrlma. cowlSo t t»r*»l ihr k«M buck h«mr. nnd I* »•« st Ikr hrad of Ifcr Xmrrima X . l i.. nhlch I* t-arlnit for Ibr '•oramir« in I wmlu*. Little Theater Opens the Season With Four Plays Fur plays of varying worth and vartfd inter*.''* were presented Thursday evening, in the Little *h .. cr. opening the fH'on in that ch.trminc !>cx of a playhouse in the Society of Arts and Crafts building. X *5 Watrcn st. Th.- plays were: A o ;nn-- M rn.r.f iy A and B gumtero **The Doorway." by Har old Brighow e; 'The Drums of Otide.” by Austin Strong, and "Net tle." bv George Ade. Os the*., the Ade «kl’ was *R out and out com'Hiv. and sen’ the audi ence a wav chuckling ever the man n* r in which the philandering Net tie. wbo by the wav did not appear •3C *vli» riift naged to get good dinners, sable coar s . pianos and other little thine.** out of her admirers without paving any other price than pretty am b « .ird innocent look? and giv ing promissory notes wiih interest tr r\• *he ne\*r Intended should be '•olleod. 'ihc Ade sketch #«ir ca* iirillv acted by Sam Hume. Ralph ' M**nz:--.. A 1.. We*»k.« Frank H cd John .Mallingcr Honors w*ni »o Mullingar a* the ni**«-engcr boy. Chap* r J. I.ingeman as Cap? Hec tor McGregor in “The Drums of Oude,” u s?ory of India aboiit the time cf the Bepuy rebellion, was ex (Optionally good and he *»• quite the professional in the ease and in cisivene?* with whi h he played a difficult role. The playlet win quite tbClling and the afniosphere was »>:i ir.‘-d ty Mt I.ingeman. Mr* Gor»rud Kav R A Beyer W. V \:< K. • \ C P'-*e-s. F T < lark. Phillip Camp! ‘"SI and J Plalr The un • tin Highlanders and the V, •' I* !*'i : -'an; lent • lor in ' I ?o the ! ’ of melodrama H* n -I Ji n» ? and A I* Week*, > ’ < •in - nfai v ?*r» *-t lif* t • ■ V -d Ihe < Wfivv? en »T --tai C.’wkney pidlosopher* in an • ■' - bt* p h night'-* rest in a friend’ v doorway, In the Brigbouae p!i*.|"- O aid B Uatton »as ’he •V'* ‘t 4)TI tb' Mat**-! Tourney, Re«*?ie 8 Brecne, !! < -Ia Rooks by and Chester E. •r dj aipoured in ’’A Bunny Mcrn- The *ettjng for all the plays were notably tood. especially the back ground for “Nettie*’ which offered an arrang'-n*en’ of ransh »ereens and rrher decorative pier/-« of fur n tur- in a corner of » hotel p»lra ro< m. v- !< h skilfully -atirized the sort r s thing wWleh pauses for rr nd**u r in ' palatial ho' f elrles ' TANARUS! • • cond regular production of th« Lt’tle th«vater season sill be given Jan. IT. H and Ift, and on S>* ;rdf\'- evening. Decl 22, “Snow V.-vp* ‘ will b* given a« a special ■, ObrlHjna* attraction, and on Friday and Saturday evening* and Satur day afternoon. Nor. 23 and 24, V - n :o« nr ii Little Theater \-i * < i *\ h lit pr*n*>rA * 4 Th# Philan<l*rf»r and ‘TandUla" and Euripides >!••■ The vroun of plays given Thurs day « venue will be prevented again Prid.v. and J atu;da; evenings and BTXA MAE HAWTHORNE IMS HER \V\Y IN SUC \U BIN TO SAFETY! YUM! VTCHKE, Col., Nov Miaa Ooldle I/ig was «aved from suffo cc.tion in it gr* at ■•litnr bin by a miracle At a refinery she fell In a bln 2ft feet deep, and the sugar rh jti and fiver hep like sand lAtet •-he « xplatn*d that her tear* in f**r of death ’ th< sugar immedi ately In front of her fa* *- into candy, a sort of tali »»••'* taffy, whereupon -! • w.-v abl* casilv to eat her way I to the -urface. HOW A BALD MAN BROKE INTO JAIL TOt HKT, Tinn, Nov !• Johnnv Tomhs*one is in Jail following a riot ?n a I cal barber shop Tombstone | bald spot on the top of his head ! the hair cut from the fringe*, claim 1 irr •he hair belonged to him Me * ought P*’ of *lue for the pur and when the barber refused i rt i b- «i t <• i.;I• j• • all over the lehuLni kurtin# » free-for-ail fight. DETROIT TIMES Your Money BY JOHN M. OS KI SON At length detail* of the go%ern menu* insurance plan aie out They make good reading to u* who have any personal interest .n the war’s outcome. I find that any American between the ag -* of 15 and 65 who 1* in any way assisting in the war work iuhv buv government insurance up to JlO.iKbV Men. women and children •: e> nuv all buy it I find that the coef (or premium?! will be figured on a monthly ban? on the following schedule: At age 15 the mon:hly coat of a policy for will be »?3 cents Between the age? of 21 and 31 the rate increases slowly from a*,'* to 70 ren.s per month per thousand Beyond 31 the rate rises until at age 6*, the cost is $3.35 per month per thousand. The government proro*c* to do more than offer p'ain life insurance, ft i* proposed to go a lons way in caring for the fanill-a of men actu ally dependent on the scldier’s earn ing* It is proposed to car-* for the mat ter of re educating wounded soldiers so that they may take up ?om* other kind of productive work when they pome home from ’he war It ia proposed to continue for th • family of the, man killed in the war ’he offer of insurance at the very low- war rate. . Finally, it is proposed to adopt In the payment of policies the most modern theory concerning death benefit*, and in case* of total disa bilttv the payments will continue for at least 20 years if the soldier lives that long if he d*e* before, the enilre sum will be paid o\er to !.i» fauiily What, practically, wouid this in stallmen? plan amount to? The government says that if the soldier is 25 >eur<- old when he •akes his policy, the n-on’hly pay ment for total disability will amount to $' 75 for each $1,049 ot insurance Thu> the soldier w ho taaes 1 10.000 of insurance a* the age of 25 will pay s(> $0 a month, and ts he |s dis shied »he government will pay him s'7 Trt \ month for 2'» years 1* is worth while asking for a eopv of this n»w plan from the war risk insurance bureau of tne Treasurv depar’ment at Washington Bend for it' LIST! EVER KNOW PICKLED PF VRS WILL PICKLE? SUGAR CREEK. O. Nor «» h'eaiing bis state would go dry at the fall els tjon Jonas Archer put up a huge stock of mince meat, ptckl-d pear* and other preserve* with enough alcoholic kirk in them to guaran’ee a per spoonful to any reside*’ of a bone-dry state Archer expects *o «ej] hi* product • t high price* to all forbidden lo have alcoholic tevrag-’s on their premise*. Printlwc—llf plain neat king — that La rlabl—Tlrafs Jab n*-p».—M• In (SJS Pay With ’ Liberty Bonds WE will accent L-be«ty Bonds. Bank Receipts or Ad Interim Certifi cates the same as cash, re turning balance beyond amount you desire to pay in cash. LOWEST PRICES 9x 12 Foot Velvet Rug s ORIENTAL The** fashion. sbte. wsll-wflv«n ugt come a __ e/\ »n 4 node va r of beautl. ® 1 11 ful Or cn*il pstte-e* fn# apocial v price la for Saturday only! MM czr.:~ $1 Cash; 50c Weekly Handy Tea Wagons! APPROPRIATE! You can't get a more deeirable or use ful 'Chrl*tm*e gift than one of these wagons. Thay come in mahogany, golden oak or fumed fin ishse. *10 45 Summerfield & Hecht Magnify Your Buying Power HOW YOU HELP PAY' FOR THE WAR Whttl Yoo "Doll I p” The n*w federal war fax** in she bathroom (1) Perfume. 2 per cent of filing price (2) toilet water. 2 per rent: (St cosmetics, 2 per cent: (4) petroleum Jelly, 2 p**r cent; 1 5) hair oil. 2 per cent, (6) hair restorer, 2 per cent. (7) sharing i*oap, 2 per rent: (8) hair dye. 2 per rent. (I) fingernail powder. 2 per rent: (10) tooth paste, 2 per rent; (11) sailtt soap 2 per cent. And all of three thing- ps> an added freight tax of S per cent of the transportation charge or 1 cent for each 20 cents of express charge rif\AT> T think that because your U * * stomach can digest food you are proof against indigestion. The most important digestive work is done by the bowels, liver and kidneys. Unless these are active and work in harmony, you are in danger of self-poisoning. Beeepanfs Pills help the bowels to functionate properly, and influence the liver and kidneys to act efficiently. Sold by drwggUto throughout the world, la kon*. Direction* of Special Valoo to Wom«n aro with Evary Boa. 90-96 Michigan Avenue Delray Store , 2211-2219 Jefferson Ave. XV. FOR SATVRDAY, NOV. 10, 1917. 100-Pc. Dinner Sets! SIMPLICITY! That is the predominating characteris tic of the dinner sets that # m FJF we place on tale tomorrow. J St I A There are about 10 pattern* to B wy* * chooee from. • ® momm tt Cash; 10c Weekly Period Dining Tables PERIOD! The William and Mary period design la one of the moat papular In din. mg room furnltur#! Table pis. tured It of solid fumed ask. 92 Caah; 50c Weekly 1 21” FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1917. Beautifully Played Music —And, the greatest of all Player- Piano value at the price. Asa matter of fact, there is no Player to equal it outside the instruments of the Pian ola line, no matter what the price— STROUD Pianola Player-Piano % i The rich, pure tone of the STPOCD ao- P«als to tit music-lovers, sod it*s s tone of lasting beauty It’s an instrument, too, that not only gives to all the ability to play, but to impart to the music the same feeling and musicianly interpretation given it by the skilled musician. This is largely made possible by those wonderful expres sion-control features—the Themodist and the Metroftyle— and they can be had ONLY in the instruments of the Pianola line. Gimnellßros m Th* only dU make* in which th« Plan ala ia fnraWhad am tka Statawag, Wh*#(a*k, Stack aad Wakar. 24 STORES. HEADQUARTERS 243-247 Woodward Are. Coll af car 4 lk f(ft f*\t Qt* demons to. doy E%•m In g t by off ointmml Okone Cherry MOO Pru* only S6OO Ineludes Bo nek. Oroft. oni food assortment of Matte Roll*. Other P \ on o t and Pdoyert. token in etehongr Con venient time foy mrnts gladly ar ranged. Unifold Davenports! USKFULI A simple twlet es the wrist converts the an*. # g-\ AT fold davenport Int# a com. # J J ptet* bed. Qeldon er fumed oek. Regal lobther upholetery. %i Cash; 50c Weekly. Rich Cane Rockers! COMFORTABLE 1 AI eo very much favored by discrimi nating buyers. Made of genuine mahog any, wrth back, aides and soot es cane. $ 14I» Very Liberal Credit t Terms OVER 100,000 homo hsvo been furnished In whole of part on the Sumrnof flsid A Hoeht System of o'*- nlflsd S red It. Why not fur nlsh your horns an the sshs plan? COURTEOUS SERVICE.