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lermans Meet No Check In Italian Drive . t tiie Rate of 100 Subscriptions a Day for 60 Days u nukei 6.000 new subscriptions for The Times. , it not? It does and it has—the greatest two months' gain ever achieved by a Oetroit newspaper KIGHTK KNT II \KA R . NO. :j."». ,gW* LjrJ?j| j££jF J®fpj|jj|j|^^ pP§' ' 39 91 j| mr w i 191 ChiiAulANS HOLD GAINS UNMOLESTED; ITALIAN TROOPS STILL RETREAT Mackensen C rosses Liven/a; Captures 17,000 RETREAT ORDERLY, ROME ASSERTS Destruction of Five En emy Planes Is Reported WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. Gen. Cadorna has been relieved of the high comamnd of the Italian armies and the defense of Italy from the advancing Teutons has boen vested in a board of Allied generals, is the belief of the Italian embassy here this afternoon. * PARIS, Nov. 9.—German at tack* agamat Le Chaume Wood, In Lorraine and the Arracourt sector, were repulsed by French troops, the war office reported today. The Le Chaume Wood attack was the most violent of the attempts, being preceded by a very heavy artillery bombard ment, but the enemy here, as at other places on the line, was thrown back with very heavy losses in dead, wounded and prisoners. By WILUAM PHILLIP SIMMS Staff f'urrr»ftijnjt‘nt Vmltd Ptcn a WITH THK MUTISM ARMIES IN J LANDERS. Nov 9. Frown Prince Kuppt*cht of Hnvaria had to day no< y«*t recovered from the tr**- piipt h Just administered by British troop-' in the capture of Fassohendaeb- There have been no counter attacks to date. Apparent ly Tuesday's blow left Ihe • nemy too groggy. From document* on captured offi cers, however, !• wan learned Hin denburg ha* i-'Uinl order* that h*> must have Paet henda*’le hark Corn pliance with counter-attack order* Was exported soon Meantime < anadliina ar*’ confi dently sojourning In the village. I.OXI MIN, Nov. ft Dispatches received In re Inst night indjen?*>«l that \iiHtro-f iVTiran forces have t Tossed the Livenza river, m north ern Italy, when (Jen Cadorna was expected to make a aland, and Cap lured 17.000 prlsonera. The total number of prisoners now claimed by th» Austro German lorn-.- Is in excess >f 250,000, ac cording to Berlin official statement*. Two thousand three hundred cannon have been captured hv the lnv.drrs Statements from Italian source.-'- assert that tfie Italian retreat Is be Ing can led out tn good order, and report the destruction of five enemy aeroplane*. RERUN fVia London». Nov. 9. "The Mvenza has been crossed and the Italian rent gtistds overcome,' | declared the war (ilfice today. "We ar*> ceaselessly advancing along the mountain road* and the plain Ire ward Hie Pitve river” WASHINGTON, Nor. 9- Italian rear guard ih effectively and valiant* 1) delaying the Teuton advance, u* Fording to Home cables today. Hy tur oils counter-attacks, (Sen 111 >Jt | ergio's troops are protecting 'Jen | < ladorn*'* fefreaf from the Tnglia iii nto .mil the Lin n/.a rivers. Mrs \nna Mclips kl. No., fs&7 I'ho poi-ave., midwife. wi>* Imind gull if of railing to fib .« birth c ertllfcioc , > Justice Stein. Thursday after in, >n md »n“ m nteneed to pay a j fine oi l‘)T. This Is the second con vlc»ion < otnplnint was made hy the hoard of health. DEFENSE COUNCIL IS REARRANGED WASHINGTON, Nov. ‘i —The numerous .subordinate committee* of the ('on net I of NnMon-i! Defence, in cluding somr of the leading bualnesH uep of the country among their menibe?a, are to be dissolved and eliminated 1 rora the government ser vice. In making this announcement this afternoon Director (Jlfforri atm • and tba* arrangenientn have been made to perform their dittos thru the war Industries hoard and core, mil tees representing all Industries eseentiel to the government war supplies. SOLDIERS DOARDFOOD SUPPLIES Constabulary Will Pa trol Places W here - Supplies Are Kept I* w a-i ;t husky looking squad ol Holdiers that detrained in the union depot at I o’rlo* k Friday afternoon and marched bnskly thru the da lion Tim squad comprised three ol fleers and Sf> men of the Michigan state constabulary, and they hive come N* Detroit to guard the docks, elevators and packing houses again*) poi- ihie atlempts to reduce the food supply Th • detachment came from L.m.- ing in a special car attached to the regular Peru Marque;ti train du" here at 12 \faj. ifov <' Vnnd* r cook w:u m general charge. The officers of rile lAlachiuelit are Opt | Charles |-T Koch and First Lieut Nel son A Itarnes All the men are fine physical -peclniens. and as they *w ung along w ith their musket they dre»v nifipv compliments frnn the crowd that quickly gathered. It wp* Detroit’*- drat glimpse of the constabulary The uniform dis sere front the army outfit in that tlie men all wear bather logrmr and leather hat hands, while thru overcoat* are a gray chinchlll v.|?n gauntlet* to match The tn< ft marctiMl with a strep tj.'ii la>d**d i'.' for any Hetman plott* r who gets mixed up w-ith them. After h iv n th#- train :?ie laid tip on Third av •->, opf-redte the sta tion, and then march# and »o th#- docs at the foot of Third, from which point they were assigned *o their various stations. Tii#> disposition of th« nun i-* up to Fnlted Bt*f« ■; M trshal Tl* nr. II- b rendf, and all repoita will he m-’d* to Mm. ONLY SHIRT IS WASHED WHILE OWNER WAITS VAN'OFVI.It, Wash., Nov 9 .1 .1 (’. Armstrong, of th* Vancouver lalimlry, asked a man who stepped into th*» office, "Wind can 1 do for you ?** "Can you wash and Iren this shirt ‘•o I can get |t this nft -inoon T’ wat* the query. "('«-rtatnly w* can.” .said Mr. Arm strong. “Have you a place v here I can take It oft'’" the man n:*ked "Th*.- 1.-* the mly *hlrt I hapten to have." - ll*- whs shown* P room, •. N*i * * ’t* r#-h»pv**d,ihr -l.lrt and emerged, his I coat collar buttoned ,aroin<l hi i n* e|< ,J The shirt w ns luund r*sl, the man I was th* r«- to *r*» it 'hacked M Arm iron :, i aid the bill,'and went aw ay *mflyi . Sears* t lat* «|>rn #*• imMlr Sat., t ta S. titiltran ttoirl. —Adv. DETROIT TIMES rw-A.*;. . • , u -V. ' v* ..«* ... *a .... Z&fr m —,,. • J ____________ .1 '*• ' *'••' e *•••**''’- •?* •' .V»'* v-v> ' ~ . ■ « (A)—William R Holler, Brooklyn. (B) —Charles F. Gang, Jamaica. L. I. (C) —J. W. Bernhardt, Brooklyn. (D)—S. Towle, Jamaica, L. I. (E)- Richard Weache, Brooklyn. (F) —Herman Spitzer, Brooklyn. RACES Starr, (Kuinmsr), won; Moose IP ul 1 07 i It-iwmu) sei-i-nd Gftnmn*-, 112i Robinson i. (bird Time in 3-5 -5..-.-nd Rare 2 mi ten «;..|rf Itond. 137 (11ender.ton) won Itig Four. 132, (Kualii snood Russian Pinion, 132, (Wolk'-r third. Time: ( *K. Third Knc* Mile and 70 varrls - f.axy faru. 02 (Stalker) won; Scorpll, I"7 iLang) aei-und; (’upper king, 10.', < \tkln**--n) tiurd Tine*. 1.42 2-,'i Fourlii tin* - o furlongs Arnalgg* msltir. 102 I Huston i won. Katin yn *ira\, r \ I’ollins) second: star Finch. I (it (Sinit t trig «*r i 1 1# i r*l Turn*: Lit. PIXII.iI O **f It ,41‘f IIPS f- liki Vim-alni:«rv. Miss Sw **#'p. High IKing of ih*- Wind, ('laris* sa Second 'lclod tn 111,# l-'oUrtli M# i lor a. 'I iic I>«-sn, Wood trap. Milkman >i\»h Hreokfyn. Han. S« *- nth (I-’x. Sho#,ting Star. I*r»tonm Ifesults. Fir t lire- 0 fur>ongs- Xteftlotus, ’I * ' *i\ - * * hi I I -in*-. 112. it'onnellx) --'niot; I‘irty Pn*-c. 112, ft,. «>srticri bird. Time: l:t.V Second llsn furlongs Martrf, 113 <t!sii- ill. (v*-n: Klcburne, Hit ((’--Hirtl*) «-c#-nd; randel 1-»S (Willis) I-* t*i 1 m># : 114 I - ml Rjt* - *4 fur!* m Aswfen. 103 (.Martin) v.on; Spi-Trl* ne. 112 x’<»n f.Hv i *. ...i*l. i -iit*i L. I**R- ( Willis) third ’i .»*>*•: 1:13 1 *. I.X ldMt S( ft XTt lIFA Tfrir-I Msrsielsr. l i r-li l*t. Itat low, \engheo. V* r d* f’liiir Sin- ymlng. • y«vf-ntb /anlora. , l.n Follette Sues Newspaper MADISON, Wis , Nov. 9.--Hcnatur Robert M. La Follette today file! a M OO,OOO IR.el nil tn the Mane coun ty clr«-u!t court agni|W O I). Brand • nhtirg. < -liior, -tr-l th«- Perioernt print in j' <"o, of Mad* w on. Th<- ar ticle:! r«-1• -rt• •! tn as lib* lon*’ ebarc ,-d Senator La Follettc with treason, (-edition, dlslo’ulty and official inle | eomiiicl Ia Foil file's public speech* • have l**n misquoted in the article*. th* i-oni pla iut dccpires. Li Follette*.i ,t Paul spe- ch Ov'ures iri the tction. One of til" peciOc eotinls of llh**l h* the publish* *1 staff men* that l,a Fol I#-tie said the country had no ren on lo go to war. La Fol Idle denies he * ier said it. S-iniil* XV *r*Mftn» 7e fi*f t*. Mat* MrH«ae<f<* I **l«*t V • •» . M-iln '.**»-<• I A* I in- tii (\m t ot: -Ixf. i ■Till! **T XU «I’ X\M PO II lN Xi H" at Ares •*-, n,- . i , -* t Tb* ‘* *-i;. *t W - .#1 - v n*ll tnd Adv. I’rlnfliiu th#- }#l-ilr* »M( Klnil—fht| la rl|h|—l t»f • ,lah I►*-1»I. Xlnln SngO. I AM £R IC A' j CLEANEST NEWSPAPcA American Naval Reserves and Ship W ith W hich They W r ent Down the patrol boot Urrrin, formerly ■ >neht owned lt> l.eorue VV . I HIM* Hrrtrl, of I’Nllmlflphln, n«< amt (o the bottom by m l.rrmin torpedo the other iln)', nud of the Vi mem FOUft DETROIT Mil ON WAR AIITO BOARD WASHINGTON. Nov. 9 The Automobile Industries committee to co operate with the war industries bottl’d in cutting production of pleasure ears and turning plants over to the government war work was completed today with these members: Alfred Reeves, Detroit, chairman; Hugh Chalmers, Detroit; John Ft. la-e of the Ford Motor company, and A. W. Copland, Detroit. This committee, with headquarters in Washington, has already begun work. ELECTRIC SIOOO MOST GO OUT AT ELEVEN WASHINGTON. Nov. 9 Fuel Ad ministrator Garfield this afternoon Dotted his order darkening all ad vertising; "white wavs” in the conn try before 7:45 p. nt. and after 11 What Russian Factions Stand For MXXIXtU IXTX—Th#* flf*r»> la nlsllng on Immrdlnt#* intliluH**" of #h«* ••#**.•(*lr»imi* pm-trnm" #*f - in tin SlffflSllMH ■ f||X I* |»r«*p#*rf> mnnnii t(i<* pcopl#*, • nnnl ,11sIrlIt'llllo#i of rleb****. ninfrnment li * mno-nllnn* of Ihr itroplc, etc. llof MtrX OKI Xffiiltt* -i I t • * * Oibril so t)»»- ’»*((* ili-urr- , a hi* mill tn thi Off \ I inn lint pro cm ft* ll>* «tr tnund f«*r lfit«*r>*Ationnll**in. l»roih orhood of mnn, no Mur-*, no nf-n!**** unit on nux le-*. Tho I a In* lii Ihr-M In fb#* 1 n!l***t Xlhlm i*> Ihr I. XX - , X\. I’nrl* hm I#ronn ii|* alnco fhr llnislifn Iniloii nn<l mnn) of It* lomlrr-4 for mrrlx rrnlftod In 4h*- I r»If•*«! stuff**, V (M I X l,|*(TS—lifr**n-*k •** #**rl» v ßt"*crlho r* so crtitm! *«clnll*( I'li-nln, tin! m-oKnirin* #Ti> n- -•*■*- *tt» off n r-hgMire mndr gpa-M-ntl* find not nnfnui*nl*tlr to or«-.i» , ooffl n«r of nnt l-'nrln lt*f incnns («• l-.rrq|fr rrlnnn*, KiH fxi nr.MfH it yrx «’-.r*-i !»■«( i'i*(fl#*d Id Prof. I'ffitl v, xxi-# link** ond Pelnrr l.xofT, inn *»f fHo IrqilTi In flu* molt nMi-h m r thri*** fli»» r«t*r. I hr* * rt- t h I,nil mi no no party worker* of ?ln**ln There- nr#* *rorr* of oflirr ittlnnf •i.fli * In l(H*'ln. *t| h I** t*n** «-l»e*- of thonc unit Inrln«*l****. M ’,# *11)11*1* f i#* nenf (He rem ti****- irirff ns Nv««!r'* *!-»•*,** rnr* now I* ••#'•* it» > n**d «fitdirr*' pur fir* t*elntlnH-~ihe ptnln nest kind ih-f Is right——Times Jab Dept.—Xlnln ir,JO. FRII) AY , N0 V K M BEK 9 , 1917. bers of the Nasal Heaerve who manned her. 21 were reported mlsa lou, The flrnt Air photo(rapha show the men who were lost. Xpltser wus Mn%ed. p. tn. Advertising signs burning * lectriclty from e<*al or coke may remain llphtcd between ihese hours Future total Tlimlnaiion of puch "non-es.iential” lighis was predicied If necessary t n mo* more coal. ROY KILLED BY CONCRETE MIXER Ludvig Li/kroth, light year*- old. No. 7r» Wt Hington-ave., dted l 'rid iv afternoon, shor-ly afor b* :ng taken o Grace ho.-pital from the effects of injuries received when he \v:*s run rver by a concrete niixer neat hi-* Lome. The boy "hiii hed or*” to a r otoi truck which wis- ban inr the tuiyer and wa; Jolted off falling umtn the wheels ol tne mixer. The coroner’s offici is investigat ing. T’l'DS AND BE \NS PAY HIS ALIMONY VANCOFVEi;. Vash , Nov ! \ August (J, PoM ha, no* the men* ... * ;.M a month, he must sub titu T e in pib'iig hi* alimony to hi former wife, Finnn |»nh! wl, irs jus obtained a divorce from Tl)i* v.the ordet f n'ered jp the i-'tii* wstrt It* re r* re mly. Fob I l*»l(- H •••- rt he lied Iftf)» money VV’hi ;i a.'kcfi whnt hls‘ bukines* wa> he Skid lie a f,xr*tl« I. Th“fl the i curt ord' led that Im* pay in produce such as p(**ati»es or beans. Mrs Fohl muU this would do nicely. PACIFISTS HOLD CHICAGO MEET People’s Council Will Once More Attempt To Convene CHICAGO, Nov. 9. —One of the nestlings of the dove of peace that “lit" in Chicago a few months ago, after being shooed all over the middle is scheduled to try its wings here tomorrow afternoon. The Chicago branch of the Peo pie’s Council for Democracy and Terms of Peace will hold a meet ing in Washington hall 'he first activity of the pacific organi /.ation since r.ot Levdos ieot state troopa to Chicago fron. Springfield to break up the hip organization meeting in the West Sid*' auditorium. Neither federal, state or < ity officials so far a- could be learned toda>. have tnnde Hny move to prevent the meet ing It is understood, however, that Police Chief Sehuettler will confer today witlf Deputy Chief~Westbrook who leu the police squad (hat broke up the west side meet lug under fiowdens orders, regarding the std vtsability of taking any action. Officers of the local pacifists in charge of the meeting admitted they expected government agents to be present and cheek up on the pro ceedings, but declared they expect ed to he allow*d to hold the meeting without interference Prof. Scott Nearing of Toledo will deliver the only address. Ills sub Jc< t will be "A plea for an elective peace commission ” Mayor Thompson Is out of the city. WETS LEAD IN OHIO DY 1,056 COM’MIN S, O , No* 9.- lined | on official rw turns from s? counties, together with she unotilriil totals of Ctnahopn county, the one remain tng < ounty t<t li< o.Tleiullv reported, Ih»* w>'ts hr.v*» a majority of I,o‘nj in Tm-day’s prohibition election. Th< to .il now how Wet, 52". FALLS BETWEEN . CARS; IS KILLED .1 .in- Milo k. 21) yeut - old. No. 19>>1 Prortor-ovi . whs uiHtnaU) filled Fridac nftemm.ti when he fell h tween ttvo i ilto-d ar« whl 1: he wa * h« lping to lo iff a truck, on the tiding tr, »b* \ id »./ ihc Federal Motor Truck Co.’ pL-.i The court’s office is hr. Mjaf irg. KERENSKY ARRESTED; RALLYING LOYALISTS, SAY CONFLICTING TALES THE WEATHER l)»tr#l» nn<l vfrlnltri Friday night and Saturday fnlri not mark change In trmprmlnrri gentle to moderate v»rlnli|f v«in<l<i. I.ower Hlrhlgani Partly cloady Friday night and Saturday! probably din<f f»n« near l.iikr Michigan und north I nltr Huron. I pper lakras (irnttr ahlftlng partly olomly Friday night nnd ««t --urdayi dense fog; cacrpt on nonth Huron. I rnfr l.akeai t.cntlc to moderate aonthrrrat rrlnda becoming rartablei fair Friday night and probably Sat urday. * TODAY’S TKMPERATI RES and a. m 97 IO a. m 4b 7 a. m .HI II a. m so * a. w .- . . . XM (2 noon M 9 n. in 41 lllgheat temperature tfcla dnte In the paat 44 year*, OS In IKS3i low rat. 50 In 1912. One year ago today! Highest tem perature. M>i lon eat. Mi mean. IWi fle<H| weather vrllh .94 lack of rain. The aua eeta Friday at sit 7 p. m. and rises *nlnrday at 7llt a. m The moon rtaca Saturday at StlO a. GRQESBECK APPEARS IN JURY PROBE Sifts County Matters With Kloka As Chief Witness Aftv.-Gon Alex J. Groe*bock took charge of the cirruit court grand jury at the beginning of its .session Friday morning Anthony J. Kloka, confessed thief of thousands of dol lars of W.iyno county's money, serv in* four years for the embezzle ment, was the first witness railed. Mason Harbison, clerk in the po- “clean-up ’ squad, was also sum moned to appear before the grand Jury. Friday morning. His police court examination on a chatpe of complicity in ihe opeiation of a dis orderly report at No 67 First st., t«»- gecher with bbrrrrr Milter and George Clantert, police telephone operator, was set for Friday morn ing and at a late hour he had not appeared before the grand jury Other* who wort* summoned were the three county auditors, William Gutman, William F Moeller and Charles 11. Huhrer, Joseph Wuell ner, Jr , former bookkeeper in th•• county treasurer's office; Charles O 11**11, former cashier; James Pin M>n, cashier; Benjamin Pelham, county accountant, Sheriff Edward F. Stein. John F W \Vrgnuw. chief deputy sheriff and former county treasurer, and William H Green, Jr., the present treasurer, thru whose * ffortx the defalcations of Kloka w. r* made public Kloka entered the grand jury chamber at the beginning of the session at 10 o'clock and r* mained for a long time Pro:-.. < uior Charle* If. Ja.snow ski went into the jury oom w ith the attorn* y-en* ial 1 the beginning of th* -t< n Night sessions of th* ; i■ tnd jury began Thursday » veiling *nd >.ttnr day afternoon sessions will *■ ;m this week. MILLIONAIRE'S TWO SONS H' t I) DR VFT DODGERS! I'.OI Vd AS. Arir . Nov f* Hi nr' | 51 I.* '' I ilr vii i" I* v dn»ft v «<*n <> I, « . v m. 1 0 <•! | Bisbee. mill ton si re mine owner, fail e«I to at*K*ar l<u »r »n •* m '* the tralnin- ramp at Fori Itll*'. Kan., cud has h* m u*p». ted t<* »!** Deiwr ii of Jium •Ji atfi- I set* -i i ; • charge In this county. Prlnllnt-akf *»••»! king—th*l 1* right—Tlur* Jtk IM*. NIGHT IN DETROIT: ONE CENT. Washington Hopes Re volt Confined To Petrograd BOLSHEVIKI HOLD CAPITAL Women Troops Give Up To Rebels After Brave Fi#ht GENEVA, Switzerland, Nov. 9. —Russian cossacka of several great districts are organising Into separate governments, with the idea of affiliating into a Russian confederation, accord* Ing to word reaching hers today. The move was sUtrtad by th# Kuhan cossacka, in proclaiming a republic among thsmssives. PETROGRAD. Nov. 8/—(11 p* m.) —Delayed—The provisional government today issued a proclamation to the army and the people urging their support* The government Is remaining at its post, the statement de clared. M. Kishkin, minister of public relief, has been ap pointed governor of Petrograd. Kerensky is expected back from headquarters tonight. Nov. 9.-—A*, rest of Premier Kerensky of Russia was reported In met* sages received here today. No details were given of how the Bolshevlkl succeeded In appre hending the head of the pro. visional government. WASHINGTON, Nov* 9^—Thar Russian embassy was tremendorm* ly encouraged by (he Fnlted Prese report from Petrograd that (ho Ker ensky government has taken a stand against the Bolshevik!. The embassy regarded as “highly improbable" the Stockholm report that Kerensky had been arrested. “This is the first direct report of an encouraging nature we have had from Petrogmd. said Secretary Sookine of the embassy, “and the Stockholm rumor must be consid ered os unuuthenttc and highly im probable.” Sookin** said he was still without official advices from the provisional government and that fact alone gave the embassy concern. The embassy reiterated that It was their ln-lief the defection was purely local nnd confined to the Petrograd soldiers and workers council. A report of the refusal by two Cossack regiments to obey the pro visional government’s orders does not impair Kerensky's authority ernusl.v. stated the embassy. Greater American war measures n ! cb < j* ?ur o *y over all Russia’s attitude tow * i the Petrograd revolt w * .*r the principal official develop ment her today from Kerensky*# deposition and fiicht. Russia was official!) r* it !* I a* thru with of *n. w- fighting a alnat Germany Official hop * that the situation is not as dark as the Malimalift re- GERM \ N WARNED NOT TO TRUST RUSSI VX REVOLT AMSTERDAM. Nov. 9—' li Is best for tl.e German- not to have too ■ ».->t*. > ti* •* h* •••-.» Hu tan d*\el'.piv.ep'," «h< f V'lntm GreftP cautions t« >, accord.n. to German I ■ v MJ*t j, :|n rc * ;iat?c, editonal d* »i.*d M.- mi.* '•» appeM JJI/tV have Iflllll* It I*. how evvr." I Rlr llr,nm*il «* \* i* »* I( 1. Third nd f. • i ltc <o,i g-<c .. *in»tf mtd n «h» t*>n- n at \-*yn*' Gardens e\.-ry night —Adv. frlnlini—tk# f* I •t r* neat S l«. *■■" «Sat la rtikl—llair* .t«k Dqtt--S«la 4529