Newspaper Page Text
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1917 Wh> Our Aldermen Should Never Fail to Read Electric Railway Service In (he last number of Electric Railway Service, one of which we ‘'took," the com pany tells us of the demands that have been made upon it by the growth of the city and of business. It tells u.~- in this manner: “In 1915 the one-fare zone car* oper ated a total of 83,6%,"52 miles as against 82,9 b 1,398 in the year before. This was an increase of more than a million miles. “The jump in 1916, due to the marked development of Detroit, was six times y renter! In 1916. the passenger cars ran the wonderful total of 39,541.216 miles— the increase over 1915 being 6,004,19-1 miles. “The present year ot 191 < continued to produce a progressive business condition and we kept pace, as you will note. Dur ing the first nine months of 1916 th* c*»: miles totaled 28,781,273, and tor .v - me period of this year, January to the < nd of September, the mileage reached th huge sum of 32,807,253, an increase of 4,025,980. That increase was at the rate of 447,331 car miles a month, so that had that rate l>een maintained thruout the year the twelve months’ gain would have been 5,367,972!" We are given the figures as propagan da leading up to something the company wants —more skip stops or higher faies —or something, the exact nature of which we are left to guess. Whatever it is will dawn upon us with much force sooner or later, and the com pany will get it, so we won’t worry about that end of it. However, the company adds in setting forth the extent of the extensions it has made: “AND THE COMPANY HAS MADE THESE INCREASES OF ITS OWN FREE WILL AND ACCORD —WHOLLY VOLUNTARILY.’* And repeats in another place: “AS WE HAVE SAID. THE IN CREASES WE ARE HERE DIS CUSSING HAVE BEEN VOLUNTA RILY MADE.” And a little farther on: “WE AGAIN REPEAT THESE IN CREASES IN THE NUMBER OF ( AR MILES WERE MADE BY THE COM PANY WITHOUT ANY SOLICITATION BY THE PEOPLE OR THEIR REPRE SENTATIVES. IT WAS PROPER THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN MADE. The Times is not disposed to with hold from the Detroit United Railway any of the praise that is due it for the manner in which it has sought to keep pace with the growth of the city. That leaves us free to criticize its faults. It is evident that the company has been put to heavy expense in meeting Detroit's rapid expansion and we com mend it here for its public spirit in that connection. But why, in telling us about it, does it repeat again and again that it did it of its own volition. Does the D. U. R. imagine for a mo ment that anybody in Detroit would think that our present common council FORCED it to make the extensions? The chances are that there are several members of that august body who didn't know th«* extensions had been made unt 1 they read about them in Electric Railway Service. We Said We Had Space For Praise and Here It Is, For Dodtfe Bros. The Times, a few Mays asm, commenc ed the Victor Talking 1 Machine company in this column for its policy in provid ing for the dependents of employes taken by death. It announced, too, that it had on hand words of praise for any employer wi s h like conception of the effect <»f an inter est in those helping him to make his product in hastening s he day of a better understanding between capital and labor and the arrangement President Wilson has emphasized As so necessary at this time. An employe of Dodge Bros., motor ve hicle manufacturers of our city, writes: “Why go to New Jersey for the subject of your editorial? They have nothing on this," and inclose s a letter fr«>rn the Company to its workers, offering the fol lowing scale of insurance: R|« months’ complete! trrrn of nervier $ On* yrar’n completed form of nervice 3 ><■ Two year*' Completed term of aem t« •> 4*>n Three years’ oomplcM form of nervpe ’<<••• Four Tours' completed term of **-rvio goo >’lvo jrMis and orer 'This insurance," says the announce* ment. “is furnished Wy u* at no expense to you, and does not in any way take <i»e rlaec of any payment to be made for you for accidents under the workmen s [compensation act." The Times is more than pleased to kn’ow that such a broad, hunati 3} obtains in Detroit. Next I l’art Way, Or All the Way In? When congress meets. : is >, v to i« , all stirred up over giving l l <■ * v ' -* more decent, if not. ind> e<i, a orahle standing in the great war. We are not at «.,r with Au.-tra. Tur key or Bulgaria We are pr \nting n I lions for the killing o 9 o’ A i>iuah--. Turks and Bulgarians. No these nations would ht> [American soldier. Should Am- * I dier<i come face to face w. ! Turkish or Bulgarian fore be a fight, without ary } re! | vestigation into the dip - '■ :ma . relations of the count " -■ | In short, w ar* k r not shameful, position > * ► \ 1 * \ with whom we are at ji j somewhat of the a • o' 4 - ,r biooa> brigandage. Wry likely, wo lose much by it. too. .; Declarations of war upon these three na-; ‘ions would undoubtedly have etiect upon their morab allies of Germany, i Besides, how can we sit at a peace table, with world-wide democracy our honest purpose, and help fix the destinies of people whom we ve merely stabbed in the back with our money and munitions? ; How can we honorably claim that this i$ an issue between civilization and bar- j bar>m. when our national attitude is that of peace and soft-dealing toward Lsuch profesional barbarians as the Turks and Bulgars? In respect of these three nations, we are a neutral doing all we can. save shooting, to put them out of business. It hath an ugly, a German look. Compunctions? What! A voice from Austria! She hasn’t had any voice of her own for some time, but now she demand* that the Italian gov ernment declare whether Venice is or is not a fortified city. Austria evidently has compunctions of conscience about destroying the magnifi cent “Queen of the Adriatic" and her priceless art works. You’ll have to make Austria 'hut up, Mr. Kaiser. Anybody with compunc tions in your party is liable to 'tart a “cracking.” What Was He? General Pershing has had to have one of his -cithers shot for murdering a French woman. The people want the whole -tory abou* that fellow, general. Was he a pro-Ger man, a pacifist throwing a fit, or just a war-profiteer? From Another Point of Vieu) By C. TANARUS, S. 11 | j When a banker gives up work, it is [generally to retire with enough to live on the r> -! of hi.- days. W hen anew -- paper in an gives up his work, it is gen erally because he is broke and ha> to find something to do that will keep bin 1 , out i of the poor house. « • • “Tris Speaker Haps Ban Johnson." -ays a headline. Proper, might we observe, j : :- ■ .* »•-*• to do tr e rar \ • • • rfV’LL TALK ON DETROIT during millennium Head'me. "! have he,, and o: protraci*-*d meetings." remarks K. P. (\, “but of nothing Ijefore like thi • 9 • She i- rr. i'\ f-r gag' and in knitting the sweater we take it. having heard her in forming somet»ody over the phone that a couple of inches more and she will be up to the neck. ■ • The Detroit library lists among the new books one called “Hone-? Abe.", “Believe it from me," says Mawni -j. “it has to l>e a fiction." • • • ?io ahead, Phyllis, if you t‘ l ou would like to take a c< 'ii c ir ui ie | speaking. Vou can always count on g* t- I ting a job addressing envc’or • • • t’nlhoun county tr-oi? ?! .at a young I lady out there has one brown eye and 1 one blue eye. [.Ah. lucky, lucky girl l* thi!*: No ctuinc* ha* ah*- »i nil to m * - An *•> e of brown and on*- of bl i* * «• ••>'., !; •< HT']*- If * Sfu*'!! inn<? -‘dm* f* ‘ S .’rw »r ' • | On* linking f«*c l.h** eye of Ir » n, | Or on** who liken the other hit* ! A*.d ratrh him with »he * yo of blu*. No (hiinrc has ahr, lt> plain U n **, I Os s's r h* Im i’t f‘ | WiU one of bln** and on* of brow*. I And luved. >Ol4 *ev. both right • * I And they tell us winter does not Ugin I until Dec. 21. DETROIT TIMES “His Garment } hum's Loose About Him Like a Giants Kobe l pun a Dwarfish Lh.*’ Ky Webster. I ■ ( r (i r-~' r >> . O' L u / ,■‘ • • s, IP%// 5 / ; '' '' 'Orrnrt* »<>l - H ? f— > J>|f4o K Tmjs OE p APTVENT * r-amta ned to »*ed the tight of truth on t*e ope at -on* of the advert *mg faker, the quack and swindler \t we comes lette'» re at ng e»per ence* w th advertiser* who nave men jrfair in the - assertion* or promiiei—who nave mated or •and the " reccgmt'op to hone*t adver tiser* D shonest advert *e-« *no may be found in The Time* will not be soa-ed It e. >! pr -t ttte r * deemed c* public r.te r e*t Advice w aso be g ven to rnvesto-s. Only letter*. a»vin§ the writer's name and ad2'* S s „ be considered Name, w e prated or withheld a* preferred. Address, The Ad Mirror, The Times Detroit, M ch i« n In --'rsr.s to th» West .A' ■ A.,, ! in tv r.-,min* and Oklahoma te it worth i w my name, use initial*. r.... V M R M . j m, would riear of r,-. T-.,'. y , ,i, .. • ,i.,j r ;>*.-<ir: < -,g the :r. dependent oil rompaot^a, r m atlon « mm. f *.»•••*% 4 \f . 0. * *r i ■ r r g ir'l rar If NT- ** v , ,♦ . K n<fly in#* Ini Malt * . ' ..' MItS II H. ~ v-, .. ii, , ’ i,, r- - i .. • ;. , r . - >f, .i, * - • ■ f them We are ready to .' l v ‘ . r:i»-.i;nna! va!ti< It la non-alcohollr and ' r , ■ •/..,• Hr ’ •» • ipp»-ar to be If* mos* artlvr , . . r ,*. : > . • f rri> ' - pa»ent med!r:neu, ,’. r .. v, • f manufacture. Anniversaries i *ii» % \ •*> omimimhii:* / * , >r 9 l r ‘ ■ | , * • »< t' ftfle ' • r.r ?fi I" £ 7 ' r 4 , • N9 w Vo t k nm t ' ff\ r .nd * T Pf** if.l* VT - f• O9 • i1 • • • • t. ' jin Ij& 77 e* #-F 'll fit V I'it. r. i * Afart<sfi * J • 1 * Ty* f 1 *’ ■ Ma** - rr m * ;«* u ‘ * ' **’ +sz r * !1 1 2- f>f t' a 1 Vlf i * esig i •I■*> ei” -n \ l I'*l * ! '■ - » '■■‘■n hr I*4 : |rr - : - 1 ' ' l ./■ ' * } " B I o\i; H' W( »«.»» TODU I' tmi: j a \ x P. >* mniHT hr-ry »*• •*•+*. *r*r\ t v o* ! M* k* •h- *1 A:*x*norin T«n» m « nitiTiin u* A ■r. ' '• I■-f» n k H s-/ • » ■ | ..Of r : I*, • • ■r «>>• ii iao var*l ,rs a* j , -.ft* an » A ♦ ■»■a t » 4Uf ’ ■ t 1 m a *«■• n i t*nii -i «•••-• j •.. *, -ei horn *1 f , . j K "'XT *" ft » #h!c’*-l i- • . .r r H II I/Ml I V«■ . j , t „r,’r<'* M \'-; I i*gs The Ad-Mirror And Advice to Investor* if The Time* Prirts It, The Times Believe* it Pointed Parasrraphs It - nan voo ar** ralkini? »o • r :« wif** i»> Hm* to «hot A nan dodr«»ii wh*n h* m<*»- opportunity W - c? a man aro n*v«>r r*-1>■ ft***;! .n rotirt. ■■ » t th< *op a man - al.M'ir 't,* mom th*'!** TANARUS; “ r >- a lot of A**ntimor,t ;n a «■/■ >f Th<* hand hv th** rl*cti T Thf r ir*-r a man 1* ? ha» woman r v *oy th* aur**r •h* is *o p'av wph him. t-r lt rld** n*T*r bring* oar* :at:on of having a favor Tfuied * man forir*ta to ask his wiv- x|u*h**r sh<* r,»**<l* any money i :r«* s,nn tha" th* hon»*y •; or r -< an th** wan*. nadorned may b* all right • b it a IV* *■ nproves *h* turkoy. Out of the Mouths of Bnbe-s > jth was trying U» f„• >,h»' m*mplain*! ‘♦his b* aal»**p I just <*an't f;." f*-nfj in It- «*)« ut all*’ j ,*ra!ts am h** ni*>st and■, • «rd th* **hrh"f of h* ■ « !,•*► :n K* ograph ■ t*ira:gJ,ta," p[<unptly an *r* *. ! i boy at »1 « f»>rt Vi r- p »a ■ H !’ n k *h * ! ! ’ * ri--i j A a 1 >-«**<irr in ponotuattor. I ,* -h** a«*K*d oT a p i;.ii, pointing to a period i nd'iiTftd lha llttlo ona, - ’I * lid off an *».’" dl lulla a sash« r wa« mry ,nd fin* day ah* **aid . why did oil rnarrv papa’’' <- | iov«d him, d*ar " to i*i mu," oon*lnti*d Joi a vi i make *ia kontao do anv ' t.d n t i» r One Hope .*«■ 1 Ift going up **>d Mayb* »h*-v will b*» ii 'j| n lb* number of | l - I lriond»T**d ablrt laf* 7he Keep Well Column FEVER Scarlv fpvwi isrlfs mof* in Intr: ri'r than in'. - o(ht*r *ruptt\w fevm Tin* real of the ilir*• ais a* tm» unknown It i* known, how ♦ rer. that th-» i s?re; tocce cus. a ] certain form of pu« prixlunn* ernn. is prenent n the no***. mouth*, 'hroats and blood of *carle' fever pa’irnt.s One *o 11 day* and occasional! • mor • elapse after the r*>a! germ o' :*c * rI»• T fever cam* en'ranc,* to ;h* j I bod) Mon th# ffoiptoini ippctr AVhenev* r scarlet fever !* pn v i lent every child suddenly *‘n r '-.- j with illn» ***. or even mild!' i affected, should b»- farefull - - watt'd I ed and a ph'«lcmn called immul j ately *o 'hat an accurate diagnosis l may be mad* 1 f<>r ft itood of the family and the community i A certain number of Irdfv dr.V are naturally immune ChUdr«*n of i school age, however, ar" fp-qu* n ! victims, making medical school in j rpection bv an efficient curp* of phy sician* and nurse- a necessity. Yours bab:< * ar*- not «n frequent iiy ejpo-ed Susceptibility af'er f'■ | years and n adttlts decreases owinv J partly to greater actual immunity. ! par*!' to immunity acquired from j an arrack in childhood 1 Scarlet fever probnblv does no’ spread widely thru 'he ai r . It re i quires rather c.O'c contact with rt 'one afflict'd >r with »otnc >b;"*' i tha' is contanura'ed by the patient. Hsatfh Quest oc* Ai|A»rej Miss L M writ*-* I Ha v» h""* ! fold tha' wenring a veil injure I the*|ghf, I- this friie , ‘* Occulis'* ag-en tha* *h» -vearlni of veil* J* Injurlo'i* *o the * ves To i «ee thing - * ; t.n n*''ing mu*' h mdi i cap the vision \ Pfou. \\ i■ || Dr fv.scm Time* ar n awfully ' dull l can’t imagine what's be<om< of all the patient* l i: H to have Mrs D Iy* • hope t . ti>- | dear' Drowning'* Magazin* If your bo* Isn’t «<• i-far'or? »’ j mention the fact to aml t< • bans he will nermi’ '■ ltor. * . An ExUwotion BY BERTON BRAiEV You O'r, •('« IhH wov Tv#, pot H«v<»r»l thin K-'* l Wart to today, anti I'M <im !*/•» to put »ti 1 ‘bought m'o l!h\ u* (Tiia’ nqui'f- « «retain ammint of train work and nnrrgj Ar.d I don’t r**| KltrflfpUc) « ftn I rri going in srr if I rali’t slip > 11,js fr*«- vft • dop*- , , Or*r on thr editor 'in qLii p Os ro'il tduff tha*'K worfli m«fp * . J If I grt h* »;*h that pfunf k I ran go join th* ho.»n \t ft*- K♦-1 ! > pool garn*' And toil >*m how runy * x : It H to ho H pilt'l. T*u.t *tonl> *i* u*n I httf for Th<» frp** l \« r«« proposition \nd a> dint U‘» >» t»» * t#*i ointio- Than i to n giilar fr«*»* »»*r*«* port* harn. J tons. / \\ lu> Stay Home IM II tttOlXi * •»\ 1111 l f'F Author f "*:**-<• I .>!■*!<• ..f ivrinn • itly' r« * 1 *'V !’ur >n! «tc. There atm aio people in thin rmin j r> who do not M’«*m to r»*alla»' that J V* e H. «> at WHI , (>rtiur|>, at any rau* dirt do not 1 r«**li«c that, to win the war. 1 1»«*v ! ibemst lv«*f. rnurt tender war >.<rvU«', loyally, earnestly, and intelligently.; I’rnuft affaii- nut, by even laxly, be subordinated to public bus j .•..** Without e\« •pt ion the*.* who j home must find plac* in :«n artt v b u k of thp arniv at the front It iIIQPH* prevents active effort .•. ,• n .it >t,. j,,.. . o»’ par I tli'ij-a i u n it ** wt»r to the • itent j of t'tin • wt»h:n one- mean- for 'he , >p*vf? Os the flehtinjr men (it. ,j] r>Mt ttie OfluitlvrlV Ml the oh! _'.«t >n both *o gt\ o and »o • • a run ■' of , ' * r V,,ij * * i. 11«« | m , [,(>s ro ! vo -r• «'f th»- ij'je-f JOn \ru i r* ally -e» vtng m' '*oi.fntry \ a* I in and hould In this iltne of, < rißi'*’** i* ? v " :r ' n<w “ r ~ j mb*’ ■. voting men. t e ‘.■'wrn W‘ le t wr.-e '1 • able s brlitis in* details of the first hand to hand htv! irirAv I^rnr»'» ■ VH!M fl\* Hti trvi* L and It raliiptn* ,« ~\ei ns f!.a t ;>'! paid by. our b-ave b» y a «*»ipreme t-aer fit . mailt* hv an j American Kef.* for h‘.- flap and for j f'Htl vo-1 afford even to «eem in different to the sarnfl- es thus being i an you - oolly continue *o -Vt* nd , ' v *iv!ne r-rbap* some money so, war interests, hu* sharing in no :(• ;•» war woi k * -he w»r wdi nd vonie day. When homo von wan* »o be able to gt\p a * .hie t i •• \ e K’lO-l xrcotintd of them «.dvps You W :<! wan* *<> have - ht*;r re ..pi---f an i your -* n r--i >•". >o : wj|' vant to he able • rr-or their : if» . • % y r,v • 11 no* want anvb< -ly *o he n a postti -n to point the and: - *r of -<• -m at y>u and nay “He was a ijackpr " If 'hen. vr>n have to confers that P tn the pres* n* yon have no' .brown yourself whole heartedly in'n efTort f-->r v-r.jr ctintry h*.. :n at :♦« to nv*ke amendt T»here are a 'housand war ae'iv! ties from which you can mak< choice H*?»»r than anrbodv else, rou know your capaliihMes nn-n'n! and phv-1, al Vnittn'Ze th* various war work opportunHlea. select the work for whi-’h you r< 'ogntz*' that you are a, «t a t Ted a rid i hi nee Into it Don't continue to h* a mere Imk er on IV,n’t be satisfied w ith tongue patriotism S* • r-nd and body «' work for 'he nation* good llnllst s'dW 'n ’I e tnnv har',< of the ahtnv at the fr<-n' Wake up’ F.ti* *■»:r* vo’irself Do what you can with ail your mt*h* an*l main The Bur House ’’And what/* s«k»d 'he visitor of the intelligent lunatic who uitag In* and 1* was a poached egg, "what seems to give the greatest hope to 'h‘‘ mild cases here*" • W'.-l!*a: f 1 rh.c no* looking around for h piers o* 'kic *o h» co Id -it down "the fool finest ions asked by «om# of our caller* give u* the hop' that we ain't so had off as we think”* DiffVrrnt At'ho oniv 17, he had come to I ’ torn up,” and was in the recruitinr loftier answ * : ing sotUf question- » v m* I ')t» sergeant was putting'to him Look here my man." “.aid the sergcan*. "are you willing to die ! for votir country?” The r* f r 1 »» opened his eyes with astonishment • No. • h< replied- **T'rn joining •in to rnakf a fJerman die for hi*” Tit Mith To Bo Exported ladge The new rector Is ver; j prog re- v<- Marjtiih' Thev even *a> he'* go I in? to • * aside a room for the con gregfttintt to tor* 1 their golf club I during service Life "J tt carrier !n p< troit, ft rents a we k; cT* year fall Main and *L’o. tnu-ied ~1 the Over there BY DR. FRANK CRANE (Copyright, I<lls, by Frank Crane) Over tlu'ii* they’re jfointf.a million of tho.lHfst .im! hi iifhtost. i)v «*r here why all this cry of Liberty Bonds, food con servation, and surtax? It means that the lathers, mothers, brothers and sis ter- are standing by, t<> feed, clothe and at rn their soK'iers. < >ver there they are flirting with death in airplanes, defying' death in trenches, flouting' death in the trumpeted charge. What are you doing over here? I mi eizing the government? Whining' be iMiia* you cannot n o your free speech ta dishearten your country? Complain ing beenu e you cannot nde your i>et hobbies? Over there they have the mon ter of iini militarism by the throat. Over here are you talking of a that shall let that monster escape still strong to wreak his filthy will? Over there i- a Niagara of self-sacri fice. Over here are you seeking to water your crop of profits by the sneaking streams of self-indulgence? Over there is \our son, even now per haps in an unknown grave. Over here are yi»u going to encourage the opinion ated fanatics who can speak only slan der, and nfo England and America, who are standing shoulder to shoulder against the onslaught of the three-htgut ed were-wolf that is ravaging the earth? <)ver there the mad mullahs of I‘ru.s -sianixm are torpedoing peaceful ships, the assassins of the sea are destroying ti:t commerce of the world, food and merchandise for the welfare of the peo ple are piling up in the bottom of the sea, ‘ spurlos verst nkt.‘’ Over there they are carrying men away into captivity, muti lating children, outraging women, reduc ing cities to rubbish heaps, devastating field- as by fir* and salt, till prating of and the mailed fist. Over here, if we are doing any less than our supreme best, if we are not placing at our country’s disposal all our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor, we are recreants to the greatest duty ! destiny ever imposed upon a free people, l we are silent allies of the lords of hell. What are you doing—over here? 1 Laugh With Us TN-ro wrb (b'* ti*iinl roMr-rtlon of t!i»- .-1: ok* r<«>!n m i among f h* r; th«* Inevitable qnmt. innn rommfinims had been the order of the evening. | and ’he fun and I furious Then the fjutrt man spoke “It’s easy.” he began, "to an* j swer such riddles a* ‘Why t.s your hat 11k« ,a baby ' w hich or iy contain one simile, but ! *orn<■ of fho** with two and more are twisters F'or instant e, what is the difference between the son of a millionaire, an organ, and a gum pot ?" "I give f* up," “aid the mustard traveller, whs wa* generally very hot at guessing riddles "The son of a millionaire is an heir to mil lion* while an organ li* a million air-s See?** •Tint wha* about »h<- gaim pot ' tn<juired the hosiery r< presentative “Oil, th •'* Ju*t where you stick." replied th» quiet man. \ private of a well known regiment, who was *»|w.v. « wanting l*ay* on some eviu-e or other. WT I' m 3 klllj f-frang*'. I'rt’. u** r'heek. as only this morning 1 received a letter from vour wife. - rt ving she did tmt v« <nt umi to see her any mop *o hoped f would not grant you I* ave ' p. Th'-n ! uppose 1 can't hav« leav*». sir** forntnandinc Offcer No, vou cannot pru itr r he# V ftt !r . .. a* ' • g. to the door) s»ir. may 1 complinteni you* r'< tnm itidinv Ofllc'T Yes. f 'l'ainly; on what ' j ~fr < la ! lug two «uch loveir * ,a regit iei,t, because |m not mnrrt"d An un-tahle patron of \*w York's gey places K ,. h wr no'thwHrd recently w hen li<. tnn e lltx.i, !‘l • t. !'■ efUM ns *nme upoii u’ i' mao at t'olumbti-' firde, who I* t* voil l**ok at the "tar* for a nickel. The htbuton* Otie looked at the telescope in un a/i met ♦ "Sh a • gun’" he • aid thicklv H« l»*i' hi* firg< r* to his ears and w itch ed lT*«« n♦ 1 v a shooting -tar f. II from the *kr The ha|*p> one rmllcd broadlv f f*ol hi* fingers frotn h's r , ;ir) ii pat: ed the »* h-*cope man "’Rba a ftt r,r\ *ttic'* old tu. ' he aid and wabbled on* into the park i-I t \\!’>t will vou rlmrg»- rue for »h«- use of a hoi -u and bugg' f"i « A A i MM, .p i Krlith l»icky. «lear, your «*(T\ e ia in HUM st ir n ? it •* \#- Vh' 1 Kdtfh ThAt'a «Itat I told papa He made such a funny rptsrake about you yesterday, i lt» • i«t<) heM be*h looking ■ *»i lup In Hr««lst.r* et, m applied at the orueriy room and asksd hi* commanding »>f flier if he might have a few days' leave a- id* wife wa* ill, and had ent lilm « letter ask* ing blm to come at once flu' his commanding officer, gcnini t red of him alw;r. s wanting leave, smd - "This m r- ~ p—"n* —t" I |j few hours' l.iv rvnun It wtl co*t you t lor the fli «i hour and J 1 for each additional hour. l ad- W *ll. 11l use if fdr iwrr addiftonal hours I've got som* shopping to do and will not r«tjt|ire for the first SIA O ..*