Newspaper Page Text
S11E EAGLE. SATURIhY, APRIL 7, 1877 Ofilical Journal Parish of Oonoordia 'Phe wniud be b'owed. Never uind the weather. The lazy nman's greatest force is the force of habit. A politician without a party is likea man without a country It is lot O"e.wssary for a manlr to be a fool for luck. A (lhatley Ross and A.Oakey Hall are* still missing. It is legal proftanity to break the law in the name of the law. Wooden headed men can not succeed in the lumber business. The Morgan City Firemen's annual parade comies off May 5-. Our beautiful flowers do not wait for April suns and show ers. Everlasting hot water is the price of native American vigi lance. Brigham Young says he is too well known to sufhfer injury of character,and Brigham knows Young men for bulldozers and old men for city council or*. 3oys with the deadly "nig ge shooter" must not hit white m u. -pring is the most favorable se4son for a revival ot Budd hitm. A bad marksman will some times bit the centre target ox eye-dentally. Barbers should remember that white handled razors are concealed weapons. Winter has lingered in the lap of spring so long, that the maiden's feet are asleep. Yellow is the fashionable color, and a jaundiced complex Ion may be beautiful. A surplus of young doctors infest Texas They might do well to engage in curing hams. Mr. Beecher has never been able to reconcile true inward ness with crooked out'wardness. When Boston and Chicago are connected by rail New York city will be given the go by. The President will do the best he can when hlie nmakes other people do the best they can. Moody will contract for a re vival in San Francisco after he finishes his Boston engage ment. Mountain Meadow Leeown ed up to having fily children. In one sense be was a good father. In view of the appointmentb of Mr. Nicholls, an Iishmana wishes to know where the Irish come in. Sog r has been made from corn at Chicago. That grain appears to contain all the es sentials for a successful toddy. Ont in Nebraska they have named a county Tilden. The income tax collector will have a rough and rugged way. There are a plenty of kind hearted persons whe talk so much of themselves that they have not time to speak ill of others. By three majority a woman suffrage bill in the Massachu setts Senate has passed to a third reading. This is as far as the compliment can go. The British Navy estimates for the year 1877'8 amoont to the large sum of $54,869,1 45- decrease as compared with last year of $1,545,215. Washington Letter. Washington, D. C., March 26, 17lf7. The storn of abuse and intu peration which is almost certain a to overtake every participant in the proposed Commission to r Louisiana, evidently operates to deter many of the gentle men invited from acctlting. It is understood that its ncuul),rs will go there with the 1lnrlsec Vof ascertaining by pers l ob-n servation and every other n means, the real clquities of the disputed succession, atnd when vthat shall have been accom plished, they arie tacitly ctn powered to negotiat it col k omise based upon their find ilgs, which the President, iin t turn, will approve. It is a del L" icate mission, and the delay ini a starting the Conmmission is ex, i plained by the gvneral unwill irgtess manifested, to under take it. Many indligant remInonstant ces are heard here against the arB it rory and wholly indetensi ble course that Mr. Adams, Clerk of the lHouse, is said to ScoIntemplate, in so man InIlating y the rolls as to show al Demo s cratic majority of from fifteen to twenty when the Ill, uso con veones in extra session; a11tu agreeable to the progratlunue he is accused of having enurolled Patterson as member fromn e Colorado. In compliance with the enrolling act, the peopl)le of 9 that Territory adopted a Con - stitutiotn last Jnly, and it was subsequently declared a State of the American Unioni by Presidential proclamation. In October an election wa' held for a mem hber of Con gress, iot h r for the short and long term, the latter beginning with the Forty fifth Congress. This was strictly in accordance with the provision of a recently enacted State law. .i u:ge Belford was electedl tr both terms, over his D)etmo cratic coltiwpetilor, 'Patterson, by neal'y 1,00()0 ajorilty, and holds Governor RoutI t"s' etrl iti cate astihe lawfully elected it.', resentative for both t'erms. ll November tle Democrats voted again fuor Patterson for the long term, the liepublicans refusing to vote, holding that there was no vacancy to be tilled. Adams now claims that this failure was fatal and that Patterson is the legal Representative. Those familure with the treatment ac corded Judge Belford by the Democratic House last winter are none surprised by this con sistent trick of its Clerk; and the di-graceful tactics resorted to in otler to deprive the ileo lle ot Colorado of their cho, sen lRepresentatives, is sub stautiaily the sau:e as of the Bourbon Grover of Oregon, to torce Crouin into the place to which Watts had been elected by a large majority of the voters, and to which he was subsequently appointed. Adams is also charged with having placed on the roll the names of all Democratic comlpetitors of successful Republicans who held United States officers at *the time of their election. The speedy adoption of the new code of rules which are now in course of preparation by Sec% retary Evarts and Schurz, and which are designated to govern future appointments, promo tions and discharges to, and from the civil service, has had the effect to revive many old scandals and develop new ones relative to the immoral charac ter of many of the Depart mental employees in this city, touching the nepotism and lavoritism that allowed froml two to seven members of the same family places under the Government. To old residents, t the charges that favorite i females of influential politicians I were crowded into the depart. ments to the exclusion of de serving ladies, many of themn destitute widows of soldiers, I and kept there on good salaries' while occupying almost iie. cure positions, are not new. 3 They have been in mode tor years; and .a morning paper t charges that one family in this city draws a salary (of about *2,000 monthly for its various mbel 1c'OrS Iler Gov erIlInental pay; and a civil service '' reform ' that does not correctt such abuss , if they ex. - ist, will trot co(illInimd the COl. Sfielnce of people here, whoale - supposed to have an excellhnt opportunity of knowing sonme, thing of the truth or falsityof - these allegations. 'T'here is but one voice among Rl;leplublicans aIs to the impro. priety of the late exploits of' two promineiiit llepublicasinuI seekinig to commit the Presi. - dent to a r'coguitio,; of the SNicholls anl Ilaiupton govern - ! meeits, and who aseumed to bargain away all voice the gIgreat llpublllicanl party had in the disposition of matters of such natioinal gravity, in their 1 alleg'ed I\ri ten agireeumclt with I)t.Iiioeuials, and which there I sees Ino rason to doubt they entlered into. The Plresident's 1 denihl of any knowledge of the i ciiipact surprises 1o one ; and he is held blameless while there f is a dispositioni to suspend - judligmenet until the two gentle imen in question have had reasonable time to speak; but very many who were disposed to censure Mr. Blaine's protest I as premature and without sufi cient grounds, have radically chaiged in their views sisce this attemlptetd sale has conme to light, and now conInend his utterances as words timely and. litly spoken. r There is a very strong desire to see ltrigham Young promptly investigated; and it found I guilty of any participation eith<r \ 'l:u l,-I" or otherwise, ill the 31cl;tlail I3 odelow butch erI , to s(c ill! :i s IH p olll ly and e1(ttctalay ,unii.hed as his leaky lieu nte at Lee. Two warmi, alimost sultry, days last week wre follo'wed ,ndlay by a vi,ieit. wiind aid rain storm from the east whith continued til this morning. The wiun is now howling with fury as it comes tearing down from the Northi-west with a velocity hardly equallehd tlhI past wrilte,. SSutinty, :t the \White Ilou*, 1is a quiet day, all unnecessaryj busiuess being avoided, a$ only intimate friends ventlr ing .to intrude. Mrs. Hayes astonishes the languid a8d fashionab!e c:lhurch goers by her I constanit attendance nI rIodtlt dress, almost devoid of ornlc. inent, and wholly guiltless pf the extravagance that marks' Sthe get up of good society, " In Southern Inidia childern are married at eight years id age. Native fathers consider it a disgrace to have single gids in the flamily, and endeavor to get them married in childhood, but when married they do not always go to their husbands homes. The marriages are generally arranged by old woman, who go from family to family to find suitable matches. Widows are treated very badly by the natives; they are made as miserable as possible. SThe Pall Mall Gazette says that "Americansa justly bear the reputation of being the most hospitable nation on earth." In Boston young girls are taking the place of errand boys in many cases. The girls are considered more tractable. State News. Mardsville paper is worth dollar for dollar. Bayou Lafourche is scarcely I navigable tor lack of water. The small-pox prevails in the r northern portion of Lafayette r parish. "Business dull and cash scarce," is the universal complaint ot the country. Sinme cotton was planted in Avoyelles parish last week. A little premature, this. The fears of an overflow have been indefinitely post pttned. Nicholls collectors have been busy collecting warrants. They have no use for a Treasurer. A mad dog got loose in the streets of Minden and bit sev eral hogs. The hogs were killed from fear of bydropho bia. Shreveport ships her tramps to Marshall. Marshall is pre parig for a good revenge- simall-pox, cholera, something in that line. The crop outlook in Madi son parish is very good. The laborers are all working satis i factorily. Cotton will be plant Sed this week, and worked next. The State House grounds at Baton Rouge have been put in perfect order, and now serve as a sort of park or public garden to the people of that town. Jonas Davis, colored, con victed of cattle stealing in Ten t sas, seemed affected by it, for he died suddenly the very day he was locked up in prison. The Terrebonne cane crop is Spromising, A much larger acreage has been planted than I last season, all of which, with but few exceptions, is doing a well. V The rNorth Louisiana Rail road is improving and repair i1ig its Ihoie line. .A new and line raitroad bridge was built during the past month over L ittle Ctrek. The planters of St. Charles, left batink, will endeavor to keep out the water that will flow through the Bonnet Carre crevasso as soon as the river rises. They hope to be able to do this until the crop is har vested. The Opelousas Courier com plains that the Mound City Mutual Life InsuranceCompa ny of St. Louis, which recently went into bankruptcy, collect ed $20,000 trom residents of St. Launry parisb; not one cent of which can be recovered by the victims. The police jury of Iberville has aplpointed a committee of citizens to confer with the police jury of West Baton Rouge re lative to the openi'ng of the Allain drain, which will have the effect of draining a large potion of Iberville parish. Judge R. D. Caldwell, of Monroe, recently appointed Receiver of the United States Landoffice at that place, de clines the office. He complains that the business of the office is wholly disproportionate with the bond made necessary--some $5Z,000-and declares that it is impossible for him to give sol vent surety to that amount. While everything else is early, almost premature, and cotton planted taully three weeks before the usual time, the orange trees are, by some strange chance, several weeks late, and bloom later this season than they have ever done before. It is thought that this is owing to the severe cold of the late winter, which somewhat retard ed their growth. The Turkish naval force is att present composed of two im perial yachts, six iron-clad frigates, nine iron-clad corvettes two iron-clad monitors. five. iron-elad gunhoats. four ships of l eline, tour frigat s, seven corvettes, 15 coast guard ves sels, five schooners, four cannon sloops. and 53 other vessels-in all 116, with 749 guns and 16,-/ 038 men. Among the country towns that are showing great improvte ment is Thibodaux. It now boasts several public halls,i theatricals, minstre s cockkpia two newspapers, and all the other necessities and luxuries of a city. New houses are going up daily, and everything shows that it is increasing in popula tion and prosperity. The Lynchburg Viryinian re-i ports the presence in that city of representatives of a Massa, chusetts colony of a thousand persons who desire to clngage in manufacturing and fitring in Virginia, and want a large body of land. A tedious old getntl man, known as one of the oldest in habitants, has noticed for al long timle that if he lived' through March lie was likely tol live the year out. In his case the ru:e has never failed." A telegramn frm New Orleans dated April 5th, states that Gov. Packard mlade a speech in caucus Thursday, declaring he would insist on his claims to the Governorship to the bitter end. It is proposed to use the steamship Great Eastern for carrying cattle from this,eouin t'y to England. She will Ite fitted up to answer modern, re retllirelments, at a cost, of $250, 000,. NEW ADVEIý' T'lsJMI \'1NTS. SHERIFFI ' S.I,E. \.'rit of f'iB r -; i .- . . n' 'i,,16i4d a. Parish of Con-rrd:a. 'dri-; (ourt. Julia tewis Hrriet Koberr . Rl tartinr o' :tw, i I, V i.fvy a urit of fi ri fiAr I: . t,, lnop iir-lre. d IelrId onit of aid PYarih ('otrt, in the ab,,v, ,'nti'l,, -tllr, wherein J li. 1,Lwri. i. ;, t,:ntiff ;rd Ff1rrIet R h,.rº, i. def'nd,nt, I John Young. Sheriff of said parist. have seiz'-d upon and will offr at sh.-r:f; ale, te tween the hours prescrihbed by law at the Court House doer, in the town of Vidali, Saturday, the 29th day of April next, 1877. The following descri ed property to-wit: One Yoke of Oxen, One Cow and ('at!. Terms and eon:itionn of the sale Cash. with honefit of apor'iaetnent. Sheriff's Offie, April 7th. A D., 1877 JOtN YOUNG. Nheriff Per A. J. ('nzc. I)pty Sheriff JOUN CONTI, JN(). J. WALLACI JOIa C'OYTI asrd CO., Is the place to get your a- R OCERIES WVE have jUst received a fresh supply of Baeon, Ylaur, Lard. Molasses, Pigs Feet, Potatoes, Onions, Canned Goods Of all kinds; Wines, Liquors. Cigars, d&s And a large assortment of Choice from 50e to $1.25 per pound; CHEAP FOR CASH. In connection, we have reeely fitted up the Rdl RatOD Bd OO.V, next door, which will be kep n first elas style in every respect. At whi saloon will always be found the very be and choices WINES, LIQUORBS AIOIGAR In order to give entire saaetion, all drinks at this Saloon will be o TEN CEN j. A share of the Pablic PsatRe is Solicited C•l E t~ ZLstablished 1690. GILMORE & CO., Attorneys at Law, Bnee.r. M to lhipa.., El m & Co., 09 F Street, Washington, D. C. Ameries u d Foreign Patents. e Patents procured in all conntrie. No rircx rv ADVAWOU. No charge unless the pa..t is 81 graItM . No fees for making prelimnlaryu ,x aeinateonas. Special attention Riven to fetres Cases c efore the Patent Oice,. .xten soeas bsfore(ongrer.. Infringement Suit. in rdt fersat States, and all litigation appertarLitug tt. Inventions or Patents. Sarinu I TAMr riPl riAm PatsT? 0o sXfYI PAraS. VUited States Cearts sad Depaotmeats. U Claims prosecuted In theu Ruprem Court of the United States (Court of Claims, Court of trn mmldsoners of Alabama Claim., Southern (i;auns Commlston, and all classes of war claimns he fore the Executive li-partnents. Arrears of Pay sad lBouty. OPriIcaS, sOI.orans and ut IllinRs of tlM late 4 war, or their heirs, are in many asesr entltled to money from ihe Governsnett, t.f which they liar.e no knowledge. Write full history of sertlite, and state amount of pay and bounty received I;n" Sclose stamp, and a fuil reply, after leamination, will begiven you free. 4,1 Peanoas. All orricas, sortostalr and'r wounded, S ruptured, or injured in the late war, however slightly, can obtain a pension, many now Iccciv e lIg pensions are enttitled to nio Siend stamp and informnation will be nfrniedi free. if (clrmaints, whose attorneys have bee.n iuie pended, will be gmratillsly flrnheshed with fill r information and proper papers onM apcllt.caon to us. As we charge no fee Inless stuccersful, stampe for return postage should be sent is. United States General Land Omoe. Contested Land Ctase.. Private Lald (;lJiim., Mining. Pre-emrpion and flo. esteul aI-., pros. ecuted before the (enllrail ,aildl Imfle. and lie partmient of the Inlterior. Old Bounty Land Warrants. *i ItWe payeash forthnem. WhereaMsig~n mentsare SImperfect we give iastroctions to plrfe,,t them. Matt Ceatrnetrs amest etheor. We act as attorneys for such iit pr,.e' aring con tracts. making colltectioltu, nagotiating loanI, and attending to till businPes confided to nl Liberal arralgmlnelluts :ade with :attlorneys in all classes of hllnliess. Address GILMORE & CO., P. O. Box 44. Wasklglroi, D C WARIawoITO, Ii. (.. Noneber 24, 187t, I take pleasure in expressing my entire c.,fl dence in the responshtllity and Adelity of the Law, Patent and Collection ouse of (ilLxioK I COo., of this city. GEO. H. B. WHITE. (CaeMar of V" Nutiosal Ntrs epate Bank.) 1 T-I-D ALI-' e DRUG STOi It1 J. H. SCHAAF. , JPOTH E C.· If I -ANT- 0 Dr IIT.TJG GI3',. Wholesa? mand Ri-ti' Dehli r Pore Drn,.. !:. e Chemicnls. P Patent MPediire p . T: , Glass anI P,,th,, l- Trut_ "- PShnniddr Brcrr. t Fancy andi Toii. 'l'i Ciars.Smokingf in ('lc i: " " Fine Wines and L,iqgnrs t,r It, 1al1et. and I.audrethl'., tr -..: . (GARDEN.V . l:1,. T; Prire. \r1 t ' ' ' ,. . -- ' ---- ANYTHING FlRA a n 'f DELIVEREI) 'JiEEI of Of drayare to any parr of I", tv , to 'ii the Ferry [Iding. and ertr r riior, id sold for asi only. at li 4 37 M ales ,te't't. NATO HEZ. Sweet Pickle Hams, 15c a lb: ('frr.nt Jelly. 25e a lb.; App;i, Penrh, Pe ,r , - Quince Butter, S0e can ; R,:k l'tnt. ( prm Drop., ail kinds of I'andi., "5,. a Ib : 3 lb peaches, 25ec, 3 Ib Tomn l..", ; Okr and 'l'omlatoe 3..; Markr,: 4 te <hcz.: best kit maekerel $1 50 ,. I,.s. Cod Fish 10c a lb. MUTI LAT I) -oR - Torn Mooney Takes. Por Goods. Bring it along, I will take it. E. IIBBE. JA O . "rr" co'.. MIRETT's HAIR RESTORATIVE FRESH Buist's and Landreth's G ABDEA SEEDS VWholesale and Retail, Drug tore. -AT--~