Newspaper Page Text
nt fri-'daicehlD 7 1 'KAMA Y If MM, MM ft W -Oft UfO hl bill l ' Mfclt vmK Mff trf MM o mm ik I ik-y f mi g.4 op 4 AgkiMif i mm W Iftftftl 4fltto noon OH Ui-f k4 trotted ! f.,i ik tkl f.r 'f ' '.' Mffutt end Mm Htipwhk's Ued r, M "mlf Ml k rf jr MttftAU Kf ! I ' " ' '' m .fmnl Mf HIM. n,..r,l,. I. arcl f ''!, r i ! lk if maatof'i f lltkf w Pfk rl4 i ' 'I,, if t.wn if- I n.inr ' ' DWA'f Hmp' I i f-fn ' I.m fif it J ink" In iltM '"kN nl MRrl W"f I In lb fmmj hi i (("'"if on. 0iHiil ly onhoul miliuiy lul Iml- rn l For ik OHlfHk win HBMOMI DM.H Wororly Moo-.f 11 on ,k-fi-h of H , . r.l,..rt IIIOOM, Of I h,....,t,r .,o...irf. ki.-.m. ... I . , . Loft, " W'Avrrii.T," i(mI .' v-fir, I w munllm, . . I I I MPJ II' il - i-- . t . . m. . i ' , . , , an. I two iTon l, Ov tl, faiui y rcr.H . "', IT'JJE ,. , , ll. n.H.irui.i in v i urin .ii.'.iii.ii nvt! l"i , . om of it brlfht-ot orjaonu. tod oim. of th i I, ,. !,:-! , .'.-,., in il..- JiO'iiiry , , 1 r mink lt'VfiMfi t.i' fioriZD!) i.f tnnr. . Thil diotbf Uh.d poet anil .i7lt 1" 1 8ln(1, f w,, is , ,,riK.,iC!l ipotbMOfJ j wntUin ntajr thing ;oniooff hUJ, 1(lt,nl( H,u (t,t( n'r8 of callers. effu"ion' WBS ft Poem ddr-Med t0 LcBdemieB, sohooU nd ihooiool s.-mi- Mis, . Hi last vM a hrilliatit little , n(im,s uV(r , f. f lhir,v.fivo T(,vrs, loT.ditt.iDMfibod to "Rob BroidwBrdln," I wfao iayo ,m,n regttiary mguni fr two whieh Mom. t bo iho raillngB of a broken previoua to lb paMftgfl of this act, hert. Iim exquiiitely doleful line tBH 1 ptnoM emplojod in tlii innnu facture over the mindaod v.l.rnte, ami.l tho h-art- Uf Jrm or ordimnce ol any kind by the strings like the solemn dlfg of a lout -"nl. i several States, or bv contract to furnish Bad he never written nny tiling else, this little j.i.em would hand his nana down to postorit aa poet of mora inagmatiou aod invention than the long uges, that have gone before., have ever produced, and would be pronounced bf ail too dilettanti, m the crowning Bet or j Itia tame, ana will causn Ins name to descend lo posterity loaded With the encomiums of all mankind. Rc.U tiiee " Waverly" "deep in the (juiet tomb,'' Por earth bath no Burrow that Boar'noaaiioiaara The poet is "one and with hiej pad, The hopes t.'iat OBC his passion fed; Darktjf he died 'mid grie:' nd ;iain, fiigliiiifT for the love he could not gain. And .v iu death's loBg rrnbuce, Ihjr nptrit has flown and gone, BtUI, atili, thjf f'oi)tsteis ip the sands I'll trace, Aid as thy gaardlaji BOgtl I'll come. There is beautil'iilly itucribcd on hid tomb-stone the following epitaph : When be iiv'nd, he lived near Tully 'eolon, And irbAu he died, he died a rollin'. "Itciiui et-cat in part 1 A Weeping Friend, FB>Jtt McIVOB. Canton, Dee. 14, 1683. Ouk Negro Population. The Rich mond Whig Bays it is not unusual to hear a negro congratulate himself that be is not a white man. While the latter ii subject to conscription, and may have j hardships to undergo in the army never experienced by a plantation slave, Sam bo remains at home and enjoys himself, undisturbed by apprehensions of con scription or "impecumesity." How dif ferent the treatment of the negroes who fall into the power of the base Yankees. The poor wretches no longer boast of their advantage over the white man. They are summarily forced to take up arms, and treated as creatures only fit for "food for gunpowder." -. . Victoria and Leopold A rumor has originated In Belgium that the Queen of England is disposed tc marry a second time, and tbe London press is very indignant. At the same time, while they pro nounce it a "foul and dangerous calumny, '' they also state that (ears about Kiug Leopold's visit to Eng land the present month. Tbe advice of this " crafty diplomatist," as they style him, is said never to have been given to or taken by the Queen Without injury to her welfare and honor." Censure is most effectual when mixed with praise. So, when a fault is discovered, it U well to look np t rirtoe t her it cjwpsnv. TflK ftlfcWflTtTr UW, j .Itu ntftft ft m un t r mmiim i n fw y ia w tuntH 4m tmrt. n r " " k., .k.H k- f fU ., ik U4, hf '- of t.f MOUl lM4ttlf BWtll'?. rU lo k- of-HWd k ik- 'ft I ft kk lb I, gllftfof of HtH mi4 i4 .kr Nfl , U MMW IfWff HfIMf ,.H If ff MM lM tVHg. of lk Ml fiHM. " An ( ffkf t r' , , f,)f u . j , ,ir-." Ik IIIMI fUf ni Apt!, IMf. MU tn, k ifun mjr rMi rn mI f il H'' AM'kofi'V J ' 1 ' I lkl iki imi'in kll Hoi !'!? lo f7 f"'"f M ImM- Mi h etlbd tnt f" I hj ftfit of th tJ h .ii"nh d7 of Affll, IIM , !! in ll. m'ftKrtl tnfin fl. wo flu ,r( ,,, , rir o.ji f n.. t-"' .r p'iblMl. .1. ni. l och mpluftM 'K" JIWMT f MMrkjkM rtiny rrify opon olh I" in li " ii I rii)iiioiiii( ui" ji'm i i .l . 4 Ii. f : Iff D'l" t ' in" ' i ' i. ii' i arii rmplttil in p-rffW pt l i ifiiiiini( l'r ik- lionHfilfioi- id h . i . . . ,i. ' 1 .llf I.IIM' ll , IV iyillU ' iri.Min ... r ll I iliiriy Ii1' T-iM. mil HOT- i,, to priMi h Hrfi.r.linjf lo ll.n rulM -i it. .1 "l" "c ' TV" . T -V.-"...,V llillllR'i I mi u' " i ' I'" J , ,.'..!, Hl'f II Illlllf II". iv - r' ItitvA l.,.n. i 11111 ' W W n.w ii. ilio hciuhI pmciice of ibtlr profelon ; ill uperinii?ndijnu of public Ii'.miiihi. 1 j ,i ' ....i ..i...; Clow, iiuri, n,l mi. -niLinii. ilffin i ibi ( i ,m. o h (ll,tlfduill, mt blind; in eneh ikkli.kiid ond do. Iimr i.ti. inn .iVf'il In UW' III' III! I Hi' L'f 1 1 1 v a t oov v mv - .1 ! 1 hit 1 "Mil - i' t; 01 'ii n hi the same to t he several State Govern- ment, whom the Governor or Secretary of the Stale thereof may certify to be ne StMtCT to the Mfne;aM persons empl. yed by any State in manufacturing iron, coal, saltpetre, salt, ami munitions at war ol ;iny kind, whom the Governor or Secre tary of State thereof may certify to be Dteetsarj for the same ; a segiment rais ed under and by authority ol the State of Texas ler frontier defense, now in service of aaid State, while in such service; Pro vided, that the exemption herein granted shall ouly continue while the persona are engaged in their respective pursuits or occupations. Sec. 2. lie il further enacted, That upon the certificate of any of the Gover nors of the several States, the heads of any department of the Confederate Gov ernment, or of the president of any rail road company, or chief manager of any iaclory or forge, that persons named in said certificate are indispensably necessa ry to carry on with success such State Government or Department, or factory, or lorge or railroad, the Secretary of War shall detail such persons for such occupa tion and employments respectively, for such time as their services may be deem ed ueceesary; and the Secretary of War may, from time to time, detail from the military service in the field such persons for sueh purposes in the several States and Confederate Government as be may deem necessary for the good of tbe pub lic service, and he may revoke orders of detail whenever he may deem it best for tbe public service. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That immediately after the passage of this act the Secretary of War shall cause a no tice to be published in at least news papers in each State of the Confederacy then in possession of the Confederate forces, requiring all' and every person who may nave in actual service substi tutes serving in their stead in the army of the Confederate States, to apply within a day named in said notice to the Treasurer of the Confederate States at Richmond, or to one of the several paymasters of the army, and prove to the satisfaction of the Treasurer of the Confederate States, or to the paymaster, the sum or sums they may have paid to said substitutes for services to be performed for him in the army, and upon such proof being made, the said treasurer or paymaster shall pay to such persons tbe amount they may have paid ; and all tuoh peraone, front Ml 1f "7 77 ftf.l.-l ' I '-K u l I" rf I fww- m ' " ft w ol lh 0-1 k J ik m. kfMb, mI4 fl ic' i ub tlftol fron " I I ., ' Umi. rMl Ik Irl'M of Ift kiMUf W ftfvl (UMfMg M l' ogfo .4l of"'tiOft of loot k Mf r , ol Toi. o. I lk ik iiwmlit io rfffl iko l'fM.lo' mt( t niHof 0if In if I 1 ill io"ff . f, oo o liifl lu..l . !.. -'ft "f l. 'if t . . -rn i f 4 ll 1,1 ll rf. Iko oof ti I I II' I Ik II- i in of ll. vrjr nf-i ( mil in I il Hoill l If hovo iMI IM(( III I 4 Of KMRf ! I, I'lO Noi mn in (' )firr . i I . . . ... I il i'. Ii l li'-n kmiwn uit n- NH-d 10 f0tMf4 ill" y H ilf II ... J - -- ll.i ROliiii'iv ll I Ii ' wk i n i ;i r ' ii r j mw "II''''.1' . , i u , - ilr i ir i. 1 1 ii I (lint If ml.v.r 'of roiin -I .V i,n . nml I-I, . I .... , . I lil.l I'.r (kit on I.m .!. I pin. on l.i : k ii' k i ltd i hut im President wuh opj nn 1 in iho railing f tl.o soldier's pay, and ar uued If pftijvn UkfA be wni MK, Hi fid I the language "I the ii.ssaic on tlii point, winch N in ili -i ttonls . "The propotnll mad at y ur previous e-H his l'i i . .-1 ii! the p ,y in ll si. I:i I by an additional inn .uui of Treasury notes, would have conferred but little benefit on hit, bui n rndiotl n form ol the currency will it store ihe pay to a Value tipiruj-ifitrtui' thai which II orijfiUM ly laid and niau riullv improving his con- dittoo." Mr. Foote said that ho was not surpris ed that tbe gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Gartudl) should rush for wind with such extraordinary ze-i MB the defence of the President. It was well known that this gentleman held the .President in great ad miration. In a speech before the Georgia Legislature, the gentleman told us that our noble President was not only a great man a patriot a Btattsman but he wns a Christian. More even he was a sec ond Washington. On that nocturnal ec casion, he recollections of which he hoped would never leave the gen'leman, he had desciibed the President as our a-do rn-ble President after the fashion of the Romans, whose senators spoke ol their rulers as our great and deified hm peror, etc. Mr. Foote continued to urge his reso lution on the House. He was in favor of raising the soldiers' pay to twenty-two dol lars a month, and that in gold and silver or its equivalent, and of increasing their rations. jT A resolution was introduced in the Senate on Thursday, which may prove the source of a great reform in the Con federate Administration. A law is pro posed to limit the term of office for the Cabinet ministers to two years. At the expiration of that term they may be re nominated, and the Senate can confirm their nomination for another, and another term, if it think proper, or can reject their nomination, if their administration has been worthless and unsatisfactory to the country. On tbe 9th inst., by the Rev. J. M. Pugh, Mr. Danl J. Bailkt of Holmes County, to Miss Ckissy I. Beard. of Sha ron. On the 10th inst. by the Rev. J. M. Pugh, Rev. J. K Hamblen to Miss Than o,i ll a S. Stokbs, both of this County. FOE RENT. THE BRISCOE PLAGE, two miles west of Canton, containing one thousand acres cleared land, atid good improvements, is for ront the ensuing year. Apply to Dec. 8, 1863 .-101m Jr". "T. NOON AN. FRANKLIN SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CANTON, MISS. Alwnrn lo be found ai IiIm ofllrr, $ff One door North of the Poaroc House, up-stairs. Nr. 17. im. 8-ly WAOOff FOR HA IX HO 4 MOinfc IMOI Al,r, ft Ai"' rOM -At W .11 U mM ft M I.ATIwr m ! 17 141 14 k COmOtRATi: WAR TAX' llrr In r Tat Vm)rr' fNUl0t4MiM Mo f ? k IHOIT, OHMOO r .:.. o W f . rooioo, lo i-.i M'dMkk i i oil r lo ok (OflRTHRMWi ll I S I ICHIIII T ifffi'b 4 LoofW. '! sr- .!' ' i ' Mill Ik I . . . , .. ' M ' f K kf U in I iii i4sftie4 lo th af fro or ear 'tf feojoMto4 (-on mi. ii mo r..f.f'l rt mooof will fc r-pvH f )f all risloi l l- ! f-.m f" d .f .' i . . ... ...'. fill.. o I i r.,..f.i - . lO- .trig iiMsbtf , sod kfp our ., , f,,, , romp'-t-, A'. I " ' ' I k able lo bs I u.-piroag of ear trim Onnion, He, f . l-vj 7-if NOTICE. Rt x )K RU WAGOi M ;i: Ii l -.',I ii- ! .n lh ITS ill' MMliil.i: I., mil il-. Ii. tin ov in b 4 iiiulitii ll.i.l-i ml I . i... . . i! ihe r.mlom thfjr esrt n and 1 ilnlaa root it i .itru-i. .1 in I.'. -r nut 'if1' i Ivanetfl will . Ii -..III!". I. i 'i' K i rap in! ".nil leal lo mtn i i 'ottofi, Slave. . nil- in : im rfi-el n M- d ' Pioor, Von, Bo hiii , bard, Wui.l, t'otton Vanm, Tie l.acco, i.liiuon' &c. rtOORBR W tOOOKKft, Ko. II. N r". W tl it, at Uto. UrMBo's, ..v 17, 1 sail :.- a Mobile, Ala. I5r. W. Tl. IOM M K, RJ68IDENT PHY8ICIAN, C A XT OX, .VMS. OFFICE Booth side ol the Pnklle Kqmd. AgdminNtratortft Notice. IBTTKP9 of administration on the rstntf A of William L. Brooks having boon grant" ed to tho undersigned by the Probata Court of Madison county, MlBoisaippi, 00 the'Jih day Of November, A. D. 16:1 ; All persons indebted to sai l decedent are. notified to come forward and rnakR piyment. and those having claims ngainst the estate are hereby required to exhibit the same and have shim registered in the manner and within th time prescribed bv law, or they will be forever barred. DAVID K. GALTNEV. Nov. 21, 163. 38 f.w Adm'r. Administrator Notice. LETTERS of administration or: the e statu of Asa A. HlivgyOVO, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned by the Pro bate Court of Madison rounty, Mississippi, on the 9th day o November, A. D, lft63 ; All persons indebted to said decedent ar notified to cone forward and make naymeut, and those having aJsWfM against, the estate are hereby required to exhibit the aame and have them registered in the manner and with in tho time prescribed bv Inw. or they will be tore ver barred. DAVID DEAN, Nov. 21, lfGH. 3MW Adm'r ArfhBifnistratrix's Notice. IETTERS of administration on ine csiaio J of Samuel J. Stokes having been granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court ot Madiaon County, Mississippi, on tho 9th day of November, A. D, 1863 ; All persons indehted to said decedent aro notified to come forward and make pay ment, and those having claims against th estate are hereby required to exhibit the same and have them registered in the manner and within the time prescribed by law, or they will be forever barred. P.Tl'ENCE L. STOKES, Adm'x. Nov. 21, i663. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of administration on the estate of Washington Ford, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned by the Pro bate Court of Madison county, on the 9th day of November, A. D. 1863: All persons indebted to said decedent aro notified to come forward and make payment, and those having claim against the estate aro hereby required to exhibit the same and have them registered in the manner and within the time prescribed by law, or they will be forever barred. . , , JOnB F. FORD, Adm'r. Nov. 21, 1863- 38-6w Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of administration on the estate of Edwin Bass, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned by the Probate Court of Madison-county, Mississippi, on tho 9ih day of November, A. D. 1863 ; All persons indebted to said decedent are notified to come forward and make payment, and those having r- ims against the estate are hereby required to exhibit the same and have them registered in the manner and within tbe time prescribed by law, or they will be forever barred. AXLES TAYLOR, Adm'r. Nov. 21, 1864. -w I niOMBnnm i - it ilkai