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aiAuJiUJ.. Wil J)W rvv "AM f, nit .... i it ' 4 in if JM2MK "' Mill. fdsW u A Wa I iv M. H.m . f bf rt-Odlccliln riRI 4T IH It Hil l D ".it, Miw , Ds 4, 1" CifsstV A II m If I 4 Tm r f i ' ' H' is thus to lft f'LWseb't IMIM m Jksjr W do . Ih"ft4 Is ' lh f.M. Mf f. ll Mf ' sms. i On. , .. ... r , . ri.f.( r Oofwsl 9UnmH . bi w fct restive' r f 1 " "lr- 1 1 ind kdeh on!.' lot lf, we ohill oiUfj ri 'li(i i. o.i, ly ii, ,nNI,rmi ii of lit Tl weekly (, Wo hsre h 0)01 row foodie, I ' upon Hun" in rials lbs I " htf lf i inr limn no bread tf e hn" bad b " rul nut g t rise St according lo our ,ih " " Piooihu Awt " In nrr to Utt In qui' to wlut ho w-ril.l i, if ih rrlilli(in wrf not cruihfil l,r a Trlnin lime lit Kit l him, Lincoln rliccl, ln plumM Itr ap " irf KitiK awj." mitt (I our 1 . 1 lri-ni), VS m llilr.r, t ho utlirr lj, wnl w -!ioul, nil l, if tlm witr iliil n'l ( nti'' I i i ! r Mi rilird, " Ai for mirll, I lxtll k4f) 1 f ICinix nwnv.' Ioullli thin will bp n, I I H lnnuy mitt, amiI tntiy prrvrnt iumt p, ;mih from ",ib'iiM(r out." Me n liti ntn hi? dr taruiinAtioti tn-dnj thruui'li our pitper, Wbieh will jiliirp IfatfpfMpvoti of our ultimato mie cetn scverftl prs higher. Shorn rrratt tit bud, even "pegged shoes," or the ihread ol innny iuan'9 existence inaj he. cut, n I awl may be lost At last, And our itr iggles f.r in dependeuce he iooMess ! Heaven forelVud. ii Ocr Chbistmas TuuKiY. This bird, whit h generally makes his visits llmuHaaeoafjl with those of SabM Claws, annually, OA tut duly to bund, as expected, :iud ui wurtuly welcomed. He was in line tlesh and feather, and, judging from the frequency and high (tur)key note of his gobble, was in bouyMl Spirits. He was " cooped, cabiued and con fined " for a short time, but being fearful that his continual clamor might bring sonic other biped to his rci, to prevent so fowl a trans action, we put a . to his existence in the self same moment. After undergoing the culin ary process, and being tested by the m itiir eatery and gastronomicdl apparatus, it was couceded by every one who sat on the in Vjaeat, th f he was not all "f.tss and feath ers, " but that he was a biped of fine parts and of tender and excellent qualities. Farewell, noble, bfrd i) Never again shall we behold th; gsudv pltimiige no more sh-vll we see thy stalwart frame uo more listen to thy stomach-stirring gobble I Thy coop is empty thy head is trunkless thy f ith urs lie scattered on the ground ! We mourn for tin e (or one like thee, which would do hs well !) M but we mourti not its those with out Ao;f.'' Our loss is great but not irrepa rable ! Though the recent holidays and fine weather has created s id havoc in thy family, doubtless thy tribe is still numerous. The coop is empty and lo 1 New Year's day is at hand I (P. S. Don't mistake the editor's for the publisher's domicil. In thtyl event, we hould have to exclaim with Richard, " Now is the Winter of oar discontent;" and an other battle of Bosworth field might ensue.) To the kindness of our esteemed friend, Mrs. 'Andy' Montgomery, we are indebted for the 4iue gobbler above mentioned. May her tribe and her turkeys increase ; may she be blessed in barn and store-house, and in all good things I Geographical. President Davis, in his late message, speaks more than once of the " Island of Nassau." Is not this an error? Is net the Island New Providence, and Aas tau its chief port and city ? QUIEN SABE. a the Confederate States Cloth ing Bureau at Richmond, S438 women re employed; 2260 make jackets and pants, and 1188 shirts and drawers. The prices paid them are Si for jackets, 1 50 for pants, $1 for shirts, and 50cls for drawers. Fifty hands are employed making caps at 60c te. each. 1,44 Mgfct il sloSslMUSS f Me A H m is ft'. 4 i , ft. td tat kiWim. t.H W had, INM ttttMe 4. M jifco ssstsftowsttt asswpvlag I IW"f 4 Mr Ilt4fei ' '. 7I. in Ho VI I If tl riomea of tfci I (,., I il l "I tp' J !. lf.4r Hi I' MrAt Oor-tse Ni in ..I. -to tl rd f UK KM tf th PrevMmto tks eomniai -I f iln H luem has hsvn trusftrrd In uienl (Inn. lUvit'if f It (f real prliU in this am (bncrsl r-imtiiandltw lear it with rue Mi VI I. Mm aurr rus irare mi.itM.ies fiii! hi p riAii.iii of the hu'li 1 1 mm il,.. !, mrliihili'd. Hurl mil ion and purpiine da rtln'sd in ail HI. I M.K. -...r.."W Amid eTii,i tpiidnur to produff i I -"'il a , I ilsSfevdWCJ, they have firr-oo-nled tin' isre I , iie.l Of the coimtaul Ituprovt-ment of all iiiini in I'ttlcienry and Jl-ripliiip. He offer Uiein hie beet Wuhan for their future sticccsa. In leafing tin h itlinmaiol, r ii a source of great hAtirtluctiOti lo lino, that it devolved llftOU the 4lliiiguihed thin nil choeeii for il l.v lliu I'rvftitlfii I oiie whu. on an iinili v bbnld V tield. Iiah pioved him elf worthy of mch tm, is Constitute thil nnnv. i, hi. JiUINm ION, Ueneral. Mt, Wo take the following from (he pro- . . .... lit. , , n. . i. .. coeatugs oi me iTasmngioa tongicss, on iue Oth inst.: Sknatk. ;Mr. P;.wcll, (Vim. Kv.) gavo no tics of a bill totil!W!lc.5iTi!lf iJlii er nnd soldiers interfering wmWiTtioiJ- in States. HouSlt. The Speaker nnnnuncd ns the regular order of business the resolution snli Bai'tted, by naanimous consent, by Mr. Cox, , Hem., Ohio) and laid over under the rule.. The resolution is as follows: A.v fwtf, That the president of the United States i,e respectfully nil urgently requested to take immediate step- 1 r the exchiinge f such of our prisoner! as are now contined in the prisons of the South, and that be be re quested to communicate to this body all the correspondence in the War Department in ref erence to the exchange of prisoners: Mr. Washburue (Un.'j 111.) submitted a sub stitute, namely: That the House approve of the consistent statesmanlike and humane eifoits of the Ad mlolstration to secure an exchange of our prisoner? nnw in the hands tot the rebels, and it is hereby recommended that such eii'ot t.s be continued to secure an exchange of our prisoners now in bo ijhern prisons. This subititute to Mr. Cox's resolution was agreed to by 94 to 73 uncf the resolution as thus amended was passed. Yeas, 100 Nays, 40. ft is verv Blgficant that in Htiuso so de votedly servile, Mr. Lincoln should have his course relative to the exchange of prisoners endorsed by n vote of 94 to 73; It id u vic tory that will have the consequences, of n de feat; for the confession of 7;; mn that he hag not acted honorably and humanely, will out weigh the interested testiurony Of 94 parti lani that he bus. If the truth was knon and tee Congressmen brave enough to speak it, the substitute would have beea uuaui raouly rejected. Repentant rebels are required by tbe President's proclamation of amnesty not simplv to yield obedierc to bis emancipa tion edict and all (he radical acts of Con gress relating to the rebellion, but to sup port all these. Abolitionists, formerly, were expected lo yield obedience to the fugitive slave law, which they did not do, but what would they hae said if they bad been required to take an oath to support it. Repentant rebels should, of course be required to take an pa'h to support the constitution, bnt the President, in offering amnesty to them, hhould, at the very least, have let the emancipation edict and all other measures of doubtful constitu tionality stand in abeyance, awaiting the decisions of the Supreme Court. But the President was not offering terms to be accepted; he was offering terms not to be accepted. Lhicaffo Times. Our friends will confer great favor by furnishing us any I".te Yankee papers they may chance to get, also anything local of interest. Letters from the front, or differ ent branches of the army, short anu pithy, very acceptable. I'll I I I M I "III ) 11 . a ' M MMm of t s bt. .rgt I I t i I ill v I I v I it I t i.iii'ii.i noi'iii.ji i I Vt'll.l, nffff fur m1. .i my rpnidfi I Wr;iis I lV. m i i . vir .. or, , i oil II' tides suitable fur bull - nod Itifsnttw C 0. DhLACKOIX l,r W.Hin. 1 ri;;s! pfeflail s il o i: rRGfl rou tiik sin nil ii rjQIfllMUl ft I Pegs made Iw 1 mlh : lOieih of A rf i I Springs, by WJI. RILEY, Also, shot lasts tl i btsf in the world I Inflation of atji nsrn PffS suid to be the bent msdf in the Conf.-i) eiacy. Nogroei employed, and can fill all pirn by giving timely nottpe,bv addrsasb'H m at Oaudin, Madison county, Miss. Docember ikom. t r i: i' i o ,' TAX-PAYEES! ON MONDAY. JANUARY 4TH, IM4, I will enmmenes coltseting the State, County and Relief TaXM, at CANTON. I will not attend at any precinct to roller' -niil t.xet, pxrpt al Canton, n the books will not be ready nniil the Int of Januarf. The books sad a collector will remain In Canton every day until the firs dry ofcMffch and evei v Tax payer must come up punctual y on or before thai day, aa lWis the IaaI da of praee, and the time short 4br the eollectlon of the taxes. . (J T Come with plenty of money, as the tax es are large, in consequence ol the fund to be raised for the relief ol the families of soldiers Every Tax -payer will be required to eu dorse the bills paid to me ns T ix Collector. W. J. TAYLOR, Sheriff SQd Tax CoUeotof M. 0. Dec 89, 1FM. I i t il. UKADtiUAUTlRS LoKlVo's PlVISioN,) Canton, Dec. S3d, 1863. I have been sutboriaod Uv the (5: neral O.mi mantling the Department, to raise n company of 100 men, to be attached to the Headquar ters of Major General Lorinrr, to rct as e-c .rt . couriers and acouts, li is necessary fur a!, applicants to be between the acs of la and 1H or IVtwcen 45 and 55, ItvWill also be re quired that each man Bhall fonrniah his own horse. Ail who am desirous of joining thif oommaaU, will report lo me, nt the Headquar ters of Loring's Division, Canton. . J. R. OGDEN, Dec.24, 1861 -17 6; Capt. & A. D. C. CITATION. To Art Ann 11. McDonald and J - H McDon ald, non resident heirs of B. L. Harris, de ceased : A7"OU are herehy cited to be and personally X uppi-ar before the Hon Probate Uourt of Leake county, Mississippi, at the Courthouse thereof, on the Second Monday in January next, (the 14th day of said month,) to show cause, if any you can, why the final settle ment of J. C. Groves, admiuieiirator of the estate of said decedent, should not be au dited and allowed, and said administrator tin-lly discharged. W1TN ESS, the Hon. JAMES W. WILDER, Judge of Probates of Leake county, at Carthage, this the Second Monday and 14ih day of LS. December, A. D. lt6J, and seal of eaid Court JOHN B. GRIGSBY, Clerk. December 24, 1863. 17-6t FRAlSiKLIN SMITH, ATTORN M Y AT UW, CANTON, MfSS. Alwnyn lo lie leand nt hh r t)n door North of .the Pejirce Huttae.uD -tsire. Nov. 17. 1863. 3b'-ly i Wanted to Buy, A T tbis Office, a good Cook, Washer and Ironer ; also, au active negro boy. 14 or 1$ years old. Oct. 31 ft M I. All I U r I At I'm at Cto, Lo ..I'M iMMMif i ipn or un ( V f f ' I N I ,lli f !. so m r i It It M ' i r I be Ci HOTTCE. ! )( KI l (Ji t 4e'r.l POMN ne4 Sr ' , klejelMrK, dub i fi , i.lil :i. ii. I ' o-ie III '''n "i Ihn w i I ue n ! i Madi-ori 1 .oij ilnlii j i h tip iiBdw u tdve evr-rythlua; entrusted to hu u ' In-,.,-, i W iw ndrsma- w II b- ttM.le Mgn t ' I.!- i lihes " k mud.' ! r i jK'tnentt h r foi rajLtal snffl k 1 'o msel my osinsnd on shipment of .ti n ' '. Kloi.r. i'. ii . I'.i l...rU. Wool, (.;, lloii -, , u bacon, LIunkn Ac. nooKRn w i;uot",R. No. fl, Forth Water tie '. ' .ffl'.'s, Nov, I7.h'.:i Hs sir, M..i. ;.. Mi. HrJ W. Us rourisHit, RI8IDKNT PHYSICIAN, CAtfTOX, MJSS. OPnCFf-Routh side of tin- I'obllr, Kqaire. tdiiinivtmtor'ri i elicr. TKTTP9 of sdtninistration on the swtate A of M illisra L Brooks bavin..; bean plant ed to tho biiderslirned by the Probata Court of Madison count v, Mleaisaippi, on ibe9th day of WWVpsJber, A l. IhB.t ; All ptfeous indabted to snid dootdcnl are notified jo ci uii' forward nnd make pam-nt, aid i lit.fe having claims against the psittU ara here ly rjqnired to exhibit f'.ie same and have them rejpstered in the Bsattner and wtthiu tiie I iolc prescribed bv law, or they will be forever haired. DAVID K. OALTNEY, Nov. II, 1863. 3r 6w Adm'r. AtlrEiiiiiMti'.itoa' Notice. TET! F.US of sdninistratioa oa the estato J of Asa A. Hsjrgsowe, deceased , hat ing been grunted to the uuderafgned by th Pro bate Ceprt of Madison county. Mi.-iltpi, on the !)th day of Nowmher, A. D, litS3 : All ursons indebted to said deeeiieni ire notified to come forward and" mak 6j ent. and tbee hkving claims agaiust th. t'SUta are ben y required to exhibit, tho same ,, I 1,'iv 1, ro registered in the manner a'nrl ,' Iti the line prescribed oy law. or they wii, be foreve barred. DAVI 0 Da i'H , Nov! Ul, ltf63. 83-6w AamV ylslassiaiiwlralris's Noifirr. I ENTERS of ridmloistraUon on thee J d Sahjuel J. Stoke- havjog been : ' to ih under. .."!.-' i by the IrYnbaie t' ..i Madift) county, Mississippi, on tho &tb tifc of Not. tnlur, A. D; 1863 ;. All persous indebted to "aid deoedeot aro notifit l to come forward and i.ikl.a pay ment, and Having clam . tUl tie esiateare hereby required to exhibit the - ittw and h v-i tliein registered in the toanua. a-'d wikhut the liwA prescribed by law, or they will u forever bancd. lJnW5 L. STOKE 4, AJm'x. Ntrv K f-tiw JEjtTLi $ of administration .. u iii. t-.tate 4 M Wabningtou Ford, decease.!, having been granted to the undersigned by the rto bate Court oi Madison county, on the 9tb day f November. A. D. 163 ; Al persor.H indebted to said decedent are notited to come forward and make paynent, and those having claims against I lie e-.ato aro heri-ly required to exbibiothe same aud have their registeifd in the manner and wilbia the timeprescnoed by law, or they will oe forever barrtd . JOHN F. FORD, Admr. Nv. 31, 1863. :-Kw Administrator's fliotiee. LETTERS of admlniKiration on beessato of Edwiu Bass, deceased, baying leen graded to the undersigued by the Prohate Coo t of Madison1 county, Mississippi. lh 9ih ,lay of November, A 1) lc3 ; All persods iudobted lo said dei " Botified to come forward and mk pN 1 ai d thoBe having claims ,.gain-,t the etie are hert .y required to exhibit tne same ana o'" them ren-isN.nii in the manner aod within the time prescribed by law .or tbey will bo foreeT barred. HLJLEW TAYLOR, Aom f Rot. 31,