Newspaper Page Text
1 A Corner’s inquest is now being held over one of the bodies recovered, name unknown. The survivers subsequently held a meeting and strongly condemned the offi cers of both vessels, recommending their arrest, &c. Later accounts set down the number lost at about 130—mostly Norwegian immigrants. In addition to what is published else where, we have the following in regard te the sinking of the Lamartine; Among the freight which formed the cargo of the steamer Lamartine, sunk on Sunday night at Portage Island, was a consignment of 5,061 pigs of lead to Messrs. E. B. Kimbell & Co., transferred to the Lamartine from the Minnesota on the Lower Rapids. Some 3,000 pigs of this lead arc on board the boat, and is, consequently, mostly under water. The balance was on board a barge which she had in tow at the time and was not sunk. We are informed that the lead, and most probably the greater portion of the grain on board, was insured. It is very sel dom, indeed, that insurance on lead is deemed necessary while on its way from Galena to St. Louis. The boat was entirely uninsured. She was owned hv the following persons, all residents of Dubuque, viz : Capt. Samu el R. Harlow, John Bell & Co., J. 11. Thedings. Edward Lang wort by, A. Rich ardson, Mordccui Mobley, each three sixteenths. Emerson & shields fifteen, and Jesse P. Farley twenty sixteenths.— Capt. llarlow thinks she can be raised with but little difficulty, and intends pro curing a boat to go up for the purpose as soon as possible.— St. Louis Rep. These “ accidents” never come by ones or twos. The following was brought by the same mail: Reported Expressly for the Galon* Dally Advertiser. Esplofti u of Dr. Franklin >'o. 2!—Terrible Los* of late !! St. Louis, Aug. 23, The steamer Dr. Franklin No. 2, which left for Louisville on Saturday, collapsed nflue at Turkey Island,at about 1 o'clock, killing and wounding several persons.— The following arc dead : Charles Scliwrimer, Mr. McMeadcr, Mr. Multcn, J. Stestc, James Moreay. John Brown. John Jones, Charles Wil liams, Patrick Murphy, John Mitchell, John M. Powell, Mrs. Payne and infant, James Hirnan and son, Hugh Drum. Patrick Danley, Edward Leding, J. D Fosjoy, Margaret Seluvruli, and several others, names not known. Missive.—Robert McMurtry, head engineer, and Geo. Bocher, stryker. W ousnr.u Badly.— Mr. Lanney and daughters, B. M. Shaplcy and Mr. Still well. All the wounded, capable of being re moved, were taken by the Herman and Selby to Cairo. The Franklin will return to this city for repairs. Tribute of Respect. At a meeting of the Masonic Lodges of Minnesota, convened in St. Paul, Aug. 29, 1852. the following preamble and res olutions were adopted: Whereas, It has pleased Almighty Go l in the wise dispensation of his govern ment, to remove from us by death our worthy brother, James M. Goodhue, by which dispensation, suddenly and at a time when it was but little to be looked for, this fraternity has been called to mourn the loss of a worthy, upright and de serving brother; the community a faith ful, true and enthusiastic friend, and his family a kind, generous and affectionate husband and father. And whereas also, the fraternal tie which bound us to our departed brother, enjoins upon us the pleasing duty of pub licly expressing the high regard which we entertain for the memory of the dead, and also the deep sympathy which we feel for his deeply afflicted family.— Therefore be it Resolved, That in the death of James M. Goodhue, the Masonic Fraternity has been bereft of a member whose attach ment to the principles of our ancient in stitution, whose ability and sincerity in j maintaining and vindicating them, have endeared him to the breasts of all the members of our institution, with whom he was well and intimately acquainted. Resolved, That the death of our Broth er will be seriously and deeply felt by every citizen who is truly interested in! the welfare of Minnesota, for by his death our Tcrritorj Inis lost a most able and devoted advocate ;'who has from the first organiz ition of our Territorial Gov ernment to the time of his death, firmly and with masterly ability, advocated those measures which tend-’d to upbuild the best interests of our Territory, its pros perity and happiness. Resolv'd, That we tender to the be reaved Widow of the deceased our deep est sympathy, yet we are well assured that the consolations which we can ofTer, arc of Earth, and poorly calculated to con dole a wounded spirit in an hour like this, but all that we can do is to commend her to the Fatherly care of him who hath or dered all things aright. CHAS. W. BORUP. Chairman Coin. Sate or the Glencoe. —The safe of the steamer Glencoe, blown overboard at St. Louis, at the time of the explosion of that boat last spring, was lately discover ed in the river by a party of laborers, nine in number. They dragged it ashore, agreed to keep it a secret, broke it open and divided the money, about $2,300, and made off. Four of them were cap tured by the police in a field, counting their spoils, and were arrested for larce ny.—Galena .idv. Wax Seals. —The Postmaster Gener al again cautions the public against the use of wax seals on letters which are to be transmitted across the Isthmus, either to or from the Pacific. The Postmaster at San Francisco re ports, under date 15th July, that “the [thenj last mail from New York con tained a large number of letters thus seal ed, which (owing to the melting of the wax) it was impossible to separate with out injury to a portion of them.” Similar complaints have been received from other quarters, and particularly from England, in respect to letters sent sealed in this manner from California. Fur the Minn sotiau. Mb. Editor : It would be diverting, if it were not pitiable, to see how some men act in life. They may have been brought up with all the advantages of a good education, but some how or other, on account of some defect, their educa tion has been of little service to them, ex cept to furnish them with means for their own destruction. Talk to them of a mat ter upon which there can be but one opinion, you will find that rather than ac quiesce in the common judgment, they will perversely take, if not the out and out antagonistic position, at least a posi tion different from that of the ordinary mind. They will take a position suited to their perverted sensibilities and tastes. You have only to express to such persons a notion as being well received, and therefore to be respected, to draw from them a cavil, or a downright dissent.— Such characters are calculated to do harm where they are little known ; but where they are well known, when their disposi tion to cavil and oppose is known as a fixed habit, and to be the emanation of a diseased heart, if not of a weak head ; they are powerless except to bring upon them the contempt or indifference which such habits are sure to engender. In this category does it seem to me is the editor of the Democrat. lie evident ly shows the prestige of a good, early | education. lie can write flippuutlv, though not massively, or with power, oil the subjects of the day. lie is quick and (justifying , but not deep or convinc ing. He is rather taken up with what he has to say, than to weigh fairly and give just consideration to what his friend or opponent has said. He has none of the heartiness and candor which will cause him to fall in without reserve with the just sentiments of a community, and be come thoroughly concurrent with them, except when these sentiments happen to have been first aroused by himself; and then there is no one mure flattering or puffy. But it is the fate in all advanced stages of a community, for the vain and pulled up—the unreasonable and the per verse—lo find their own level. Be they editors, or merely private characters, in proportion as the perverse characters of their hearts and minds become known, just in that proportion do they tend towards the low place to be assigned them in the conduct of this world’s af fairs. To come to particulars. The editor of the Democrat, in his Don Quixotte attacks upon every tiling in which lie is not re garded a leader, I perceive is now try ing bis lance against whole masses of community ; even against the majority of the good people of this. Commonwealth— pure democrat though lie professes him self to be! There was a time when be even lent bis pen to the advocacy of the great temperance reform ; but lie was not regarded as a leader in it, and therefore, true to bis nature, lie must oppose it. His perversity must discover itself. Now, no one that favors the carrying out of the laws in regard to temperance, is to be free from the attacks of his courageous lance. The civil, religious, moral, and military portions of community arc all to wheel about and submit themselves to bis modest dictation, or else suffer the vengeance of bis scathing indignation! lint. Mr. Editor, I think the public will survive all the severe onslaughts of this mighty n an. 1 really do not think he is going to do a very great deal of harm to the Commonwealth. I really do not think that the whole policy of this Territory is to be suddenly changed at bis bidding. It sccins to me that this very same gentleman has made just such furious onslaughts on other measures which the good pleoplc of this Territory bad determined upon and established as of public utility, and as all these meas ures happily survive the infliction of his august mind, I cannot but believe that we shall all live to see law and order carried out in this community, and the temper ance movement go onward, notwithstand ing his Don Quixotic opposition. A Loyal Sox of Minnesota. By Authority. Minnesota Territory—Exec. Df.partm’t, ) St. Pail’, August 30, 1F62. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to “ an act to provide lor the esiublisinent of election precincts in unorganized Coun ties,” approved March, 1852, new elec tion precincts are established in the un organized counties of the Territory as follows, viz: So much of the county or Wabasha, as lies between the south line of Dakota county, and a line running due west, from a point on the Mississippi river, known as Diamond Bluff, is constituted an elec tion precinct, to be designated Olive Grove precinct; the elections to be held at the house of Henry B.iilly. So much of the said county as lies between the last named line, and a line running due west from a point midway in Lake Pepin, is constituted an clecti« n district, to be known as the lied Wing precinct; the elections to be held at the house of Cal vin A. Potter. So much as lies between the last named line, and a line running due west from a place on the Mississippi river, known as the “Grand Encampment,” is constituted a precinct to be known as Wabasha precinct; the elections tobcheld as here tofore at the house of Augustine Rock. So much as lies between the last named line and a line running due west Irom the foot of Wabasha Prairie, on the Missis sippi river,is constituted an election pre cinct, to be known as Rolling Stone pre cinct, the elections to be held at the house of William Haddock. So much as lies between the last named line, and a line running due west from the mouth of Pine creek, is constituted a precinct, to be known as Bunnell’s pre cinct ; the election to be held at the house of W. B. Bunnell. So much as lies between the last named line, and the lowa State line, is constituted a precinct, to be known as Wild Cat pre cinct ; the election to be held at the house of Job Brown. All that part of Cass county, lying north of Long Prairie and the Crow Wing rivers, is constituted an election precinct; the elections to be held at the Chippewa agency. All that part of Cass county, lying south of Long Prairie and Crow Wing rivers, is constituted an election pre cinct ; the elections to be held as hereto fore at the house of David Olmsted. The county of Hennepin is constituted an election precinct; the elections to be held at the house of John H. Stevens. Section 3 of the act of March Ist, 1851, requires that all elections, which may be held at these precincts, shall be conducted, and the returns made, as now provided by law, for the precincts heretofore estab lished by the Governor, in unorganized counties west of the Mississippi river; and section 4, chapter 5 of the Revised Statutes provides that the voters of these precincts shall have a right to elect their judges of Elections, who shall appoint their clerks. ALEX. RAMSEY. By the Governor: Alexander Wilkin, Secretary. Attention, City Guards! MEET at Spencer S Co’* Warehouse on Thurs- X% l A day evening n xt, at halt-past 7 o’clock, \.\.l 7 for drill an i business. By order of Capt. Simpson. R. C. KNOX, O. S. Sept. 2, 1852. Hook and Ladder Co. ’ I HE members of the St. Paul Hook " and Ladder Company are requested to meet at the Temperance llall on Monday evening, Sept. 6. By order of the Foreman. J. F. Pea trick, See’y. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, BY F. E. COLLINS. lot on Main Street, back of the American Hotel; two Lots on Fourth street, near Jackson; two Lots on Huberts street above Sixth ; also several p<h*l farms* Persons wishing to purchase town property or farmers will do well to call on me before purchasing elsewhere. IUST RECEIVED, on Consignment, Six splendid dreasing Bureau', with l.'*oking Glass*** on top, t..r sale cheap; also2o good substantial bedsteads, willed 1 will 6.11 cheap for cash. F. E. COLLINS, Ware Rooms, Third street. JOHN SQUIIIE. S. G. REED, Squire A Reed, Eagle Iron and Nail Store, 23 Water st., Between Olive and Pine, St. Louis, Mo., DEALERS in Iron, Nails, Hollow Ware, Castings. steel, Iron Axles, Kliptic spring*, Fireproof »af* s, smiths’ Tool', Sr.. agents for the sale of Hope Cjtton Yarns, and Pittsburgh manufactures gener ally. Sly Sale. TVEFAULT having been made in the a * condition* of a certain mortgage bearing date the eleventh day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-on", ma le by Andrew Shearer an I Theresa Shearer his wife, of the county of Ram* y, and Territory of Minnesota, parties of the first part, to Joseph W. Bab- ock of the same place, of the sec ond part; and which mortgage was duly acknowledged and recorded In the office* of Register of Deeds for the t fih'.v of Ramsey. Minn sofa Territory «*n the 12th dav of December, A. D., I*6l, at 4 oVlo k, P. M., In book A of mortgages ..n pages 484, 4*5, 486, and 457. Th»* said mortgage was given to secure the payment of one bun T*d and fifty dollars with Interest thereon on or before the t't day of January, A. D. 1852, according to the conditions of a promissory note bearing even date with the said mort gage, upon which said note there is a receipt endorsed on the bark thereof f,.r the anm of $50,00, da*ed Fobruarv 10th, 185*; and that the sum of one hundred and fifty-two dollars an l thirty-nine c«*nt* Is claimed to be due upon the said mortgage at the date of thl* notice* The premises mortgaged to secure the said debt ar- de scribed in the aforesaid mortgage *' follows, to wit: All tin* following described pl-ce or pare#! of land situate, lying and being in the county of Rain* -v and Territory of Minnesota known an l designat 'd as follows, to wit: !x>t numb-r five (5) In block number twenty-seven In ltlce and Irviue's addplon to the town of St. Paul, subject to the reservation of the right of the said Kic* and Irvine and the r legal representatives, to convey any stream of water or spring from, through, or to -aid lot. And th* subl mortcagr anti note were, on the 20th day of Maxell, A. D.. 1852, duly a>i.*d-'n'‘d by the said J. W. Babcock, the pav**e of th«re**f, to Charles 11. »>ake*, w'hlrh *abl assignment was duly recorded In the office of Register of Deeds of the county of Ramsey in the Terri tory of Minn sola, on the 19rh day of August, A. D. 1852, in >Hx»k B of mortgages on page 122. Now therefore, no *ult or proceeding having instituted at law to recover the d bt now remaining secured by such mortgage or any part thereof, notice Is hereby given that pur-rant to an I by virtue of a power of sale contained therein, said mortgaged premises will be sold at public auction, at the ••Central Hons-” in the town of St. Paul, in the said county, on the 18th day ot October next at one «.V|occ in the aft rnnon of that day. Dated, September Ist, 1862. Cl IAS. IT. OAKES, Assignee. Babcock S Wilkinson, Atty’s. sitds ULOUR—2OO bhls. extra War Eagle -I Flour, for sale by KKV & KAKMKH. wI’GAR—2O lihds. sugar—so hbls. clarltlod—BeMiors", by KEY St FARMER. j\/l GLASSES—IO bbls., just received IVJ and lor sale by KEY St FARMER. U OFFEE—2O sacks Rio Coffee, for v_. Bair by REY St FARMER. S,OAP —50 boxes Palm Soap, just re crlvnl by REY At FARMER. C 1 ANGLES —SO boxes mould candles, ‘ 53 box -8 star canillrr, by REY St FARMER. IARD —5 bbls. Prime article, received by KEY St FARMER. HAMS —2,000 lbs.—Prime article, for Pair by REY St FARMER. QALT —20 sacks G. A.—lo do. Dairy, by REY St FARMER. I MCARS—2O,OOO Havana Cigars, for ' y Sale by KEY St FARMER. And a general assortment of Groceries aud Provisions constantly on hand. August 28, 1852. WIUTiM’Y’S GALLERY OF Cor. Third and Cedar sis., St. Paid. 'I'HIS Gallery was built expressly for *• Dagucrreotyplne, anti Is funiLhetl wlih the VERY IJEST of Apparatus. The light is arranged upon the m«»st approved scientific principles. The proprietor use*, his b«*>t endeavors to please those who favor him with their patronage. All are respectfully invited to call and ex amine specimens. 49 r OCKETS! LOCKETS!—Splendid A-i Gold Locket* at extrenv ly low prices at WHITNEY’S GALLERY. Pocket Editions of Nature. TAAGUERREOTYPE Views of “Min- X-* nc-totik.t” or St. Anthony Falls, k ‘Mlnne-ha-ha,’’ or Little F ils, Fort Spelling. and other beantitul Minne sota scenery, f\»r sale at Whitney’s Gallery, comer of Third and U.*dar streets, saint Paul. Thesis views have been procured with great labor and expense, and for beauty and perfection of execution can not t>e surpa-s-d. All are respectfully invited to call and examine specimens. August 21, 1852. 49 Good Rooms, SUITABLE for families can be had on O accommodating terms, by application at the Minne sota Boarding-lit'use, Eagle .Street. 46tf S. C. McCRAT. St. Paul House. 'PHIS House, formerly kept by J. W. -X Ba-s, being the original hotel of St. Paul, at the corner of Third and Jack-on sis.. opposite the Minnesota Outfit, is thoroughly repaired, and remodeled, and with the addi tions now made to It, is one or the m >st spacious and con venient hotels In town. Uavi.ig taken a lease of It, and fitted It up throughout with new furniture, 1 Invite the traveling public to call upon me; believing they will find this hous» equal to the best, lu all respect*. The charges will be very moderate. GEORGE WELLS. St. Paul, July 31, 18*2. 46y wUGARS of every description, of the O best qually and large quantity. Just received by RKY k FARMER. CODA and Butter Crackers, just re- O celved by RET A FARMER. IVI OLASSES.—N. O. and S. H. Mo- IV l fir tv, RET A. F 4R.WFR. Clothing for the million! Ready-Made and Made to Order. The attention of the people of Minnesota In general; am! St. Paul In particular, is respectfully solicited at the \KVV CLOTHING STOKK. On Robert. Street,a few door, from Third Slreet, Saint Paul. IT'INNE & COOLEY, having opened ' * a new Clothing Establishment fu St. Paul, would respectfully call the attention of the public to their ex tensive assortment of Dress, French. English, and Ger man Cloth* and Ca**itnere*, as well as rich Vesting*, all purchased expressly for their TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Their style, texture, and finish warrant them in assuming that it U the largest and most varied assortment of th< before mentioned, newly-Imported good* In Saint Paul, embracing all styles, from the richest and most costly to the plainest of stout clothing. Particular attention will be paid to the Hosiery. Glove and .Shirt Department. In the Clothing Department, they challenge nil competition as regards quality, style and low prices. May, 1852. 33y PIRE &. WATER-PROOF PAINT— X Sims’ celebrated article for Roofs, Fences, Brick, &,c. For sale by the Birr'd, Keg or pound by 43tf SPENCER, KIRKPATRICK S MAUKLKY. House and Lot for Sale. HE Subscriber wishes to sell his * house and lot on Fifth, between Jackson and Ro bert* streets, near the Mlnnesotlan Office. The house Is a good and comiurtable dwelling, nearly new and conven iently adapted to a family of six of eight persons. A good stable is al9o upon tin* premises* The lot is fifty feet front by 150 deep. Apple upon the premises to 43tf A. K. FMIfCB. tl AMS AND SHOULDERS—A very LX superior article, cured In the b *st of style, for sale by KEY S FARMER. The Northwest Express Co. UILL deliver good Fresh Lime in St. Paul at $1.20 per bbl., Superfine Flour, warrant ed, for $4.25. Also, any kind of merchandise at f» per cent advance from wholesale prices in Galena or St. I ou s. ('all on the subscriber on the Nominee or of W* N* Per son or C. R. Rice Co., Agents, M. Paul. July 3,3 m J. C. BURBANK Co. Tobacco! Tobacco!! /ARONOKA —81b. 51b, and one pound V,./ lump* of Tobacco—* first rate article, for sale by the box or half box at Saint Louis prices. We have also on hand, Oats and Butter, which we will sell at market rates. 42 3 SPENCER, KIRKPATRICK S MARKLEY. Oats! Oats!! | iTfl/T BUSHELS, just received 1 UVr an l !or sale by CATHCART S TYSON. Contracting and Building. P D W A R D STEWART, Bricklayer -Li and Architect, thankful to the citizens of St. Paul, tor favors since he Commenced business, would respectful ly Inf- rn them that he 1: prepared to contract for and c rect stone or Brick buildings, and furnish material* if re quired, on fair terms, having permanently settled in Suiut Paul, he solicits a share ot public patronage. Drafts and specifications furnished on reasonable terms. N. B- Orders for work leit at the store of 11. C. Sand ford. near the Post Office will receive prompt attention. 42/ EDWARD STEWART. Haas & Krirgcr, Grocers and Provision Dealers, Corner of Roberts and Fifth Streets, Saint Paid, .Minnesota Also, Prunes and other Fruit*, Quecnsware, Fancy Ar ticles, of ladles and gentlemen’s w.-ar, all kinds of Thread, Knives and Forks, Brushes, Looking G.’a*: e*. Window Glass, Nails, Tobacco, Cigars, ,\c., and In short every thing needed by housekeepers and Families. Our |»rl e* arc reasonable and our stock such as will please all custo mer* who may call. 4.*tf IVTICHOLS’ MAP OF ST. PAUL— -L v Nichols’ new map of St. Paul, embracing all the Additions, for sale at our store. Price SI,OO. LKDLL A ROIIREK ‘‘Mill turn in Parvo.” NEW D‘ UG STORE, Corner Fifth & Jackson Sts., opp. Mtunesoiian Office DR. JARVIS very respectfully solieiis from th-* l.idias and gentl -men of Saint Paul and vicinity, a visit to ht> n *westablishment. We have com m need our career as a Dispensing Apothecary’ and Chem ist, and from this day forward it shall be our highest claim to public patronage to merit success oniy in pn>|»ortiun to the amount of att ontion and the faithful discharge of our professional duties. The comitoundinz and dispensing of medicines has been with us a llfe-siudy. To the pliysi c an and t >private families we respectfully urge our claim to confidence and support—for how much soever of medi cal tab nt be brought to **ear in a sick case, both the skill of the physician and the kindest attention of friends will be nil useless unless the prescription be fa thfully com pounded and of pure and effective medicines. These things wo pledge ours five* to the public faithfully to sup ply The next Important question with our customer* Is —“Doctor, what do you charge?” T>* these inquiries we say, ••try u>.” It has become such a o*mni»n trick lu trade for advertisers to profess a proto ind attachment for the ••nimble sixpence"’ and small profits, and then skin a man when they get hold of him. that we say again “fry us.” W. 11. JARVIS, July 3. Apothecary and Chemist. W. H. JARVIS, APOTHECARY AND CHEMIST, HAS received by recent arrivals a large addition to his p-« vious’v well selected stock of Drug?, Chemicals, Perfutn- ry, Oils and Patent r Medicines, at ills drug store, corner Fifth and Jackson. j PHYSICIANS will he supplied, also dealers in Drugs or Patent Medicines, on as good ■ terms as they can effect purclias s by sending to Galena. : I will sell at Galena prices without th<* addition of trans- ! portatbm. J.\ KYIS, Druggist. I IVILL contract for the construction of some 300 to 50J drawers; a!s ». for new fixtures and counters. Apply to .1 Wit IS, Fifth st. N. B. Terms cash ou the coinp! ti«»n of the work. TRISII MOSS, a very superior article, X just received and for sale in the * Multum lu Parvo” Drug store. pONGRESS WATER—another lot w has arrived of the genuine. For sale by the bottle or dozen. J A It VIS, Apoth’y. • J BBLS. BLUE LICK, fresh from the “ Springs ”—for sale by Hie glass or gallon. J ARVIS, Druggist. PILLS! PILLS ! PlLLS!!—Wright’s Indian Vegetable, llrandretli’s, Moffat’s, Graefcn burgh, Lee’s, Cook's, Dr. Jaym Dr. Soules’, Parr’s Life, Hooper’s Female, Sugar Coat at, and Dr. Davis’ Antlbill lous Pills—for sale at the Pat -nt Medicine Store, comer sth and Jackson. PRESII TAMARINDS—A very fine X and delicious article at the Fifth st. DRUG STORE. r I'HERMOMETERS—From 230 deg. -X down to 40 deg. below Zero—for sale by JARVIS. TAR. GREEN’S Oxygenated Bitters are TJ a nevei-lalUng rcmidy fur Dvept-pala—for sale by JARVIS. PEPSIN, the genuine article, 75 cents per !«>«!., for sale by JARVIS, Apothecary. jpXTRACT of Bene Plant unequaled J-J by any other lueillclne for the cure of Dysentery and Diarrhea. MULTVM IN PAKVo Drue store. A YRE’S Cherry Pectoral, Wistar's JA. of Wild Cnerry, Ferry Davis’ Fain Killer, and pure Port Win*' Juice for invalids; at the Fifth Street DRUG STORK. JARVIS’ Anti-Corrosive Steel Pen Ink, « for sale Hied, sale and retail at the CIIKMICAL LABORATORY, Sill St. C' 1 OOD Pickles require good Vinegar, J Mace,Cloves.r.lmc-r, Allspice, Mustardae«rt,black pepp**r and a uni; ail w hich can be pu chased low at the Family Medicine tewre, cor. Fifth and Jack* »n. r PEAS, black or green and mixed, the A choicest lot ever l.r..urht to Minnesota r r ..m mixed at 45 CIS per lb., to the very best Imperial at 80 cte per lb. For sale at JARVIS.’ Drug store. FLASTERS —Poor man’*, Jew David’s Hadeaa’s. Dailey’s pain Ext-actor. Canthardlne Tis ane, Conklin’s Salve, Corn plast r; all belna superior ar ticles. For sale at the patent medicine More, corner of Fifth and Jaekson. JARVIS, \\: OODEN WARE of all descriptions I V tor sale by *«' *• FARMER. \ . INNESUI’A CHEESE—a new and lV JL excellent article, for sale by REY k FARMER. TARIED APPLES—just received by J _) KEY k. FARMER. T 5 RAN AN D SHORTS— Just received c ,. h b y°°° butl>eto Br “ *“ d cAin s CAßT“kVrwx!° r Fresh Groceries. \I7E have received, per Excelsior, a VV very large stock of every thing In our line, which we will sell on our usual accommodating term*. KEY X FARMER. TTOPS ’. HOPS! !—Don’t dance all over LX town tor the article, hut apply at once to the Fifth <irmr4 I>Piß JARVIS. NEW STORE. The St. Paul Hat, Cap and Gentlemen’* Fur nishing Store. '['HE subscriber respectfully offers to L th* Gentlemen of St. Paul, bis new stock of Gouda, and will endeavor to keep a full nysorttn .nt of articles for Gentlemen's use and wear, sucli as— Silk Hats, Shirts Gloves, Beaver do Collars Shaving, Tooth and Children do Draw n. Hair Brushes, Kossuth do Hosery, Corahs, Magyar do Cravats, Hair Oils, AND A FULL ASSORTMENT OFSTHAW GOODS, SCARFS, COLOGNE, HANDKERCHIEFS, COAT LINKS, OH cloth and Cloth Caps, Suspenders, Soap, Ace. Button; and Tailors Trimming*, Ladles sewing birds, a useful ar ticle; Trunks, Vail* s. Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, ike. K. O. WALKER, Corner Third and Wabasha* st. ttUtyO. 35-y <»eorge L. Hank*, Cincinnati, Ohio, nAS for many years been extensively engaged in the manufacture of HELLS, and by careful observation and study of the principles Involved in their const ruction, he has been eminently successful In producing an article •»! Superior Form, Tone and Finish. The quality, combination, mu prop »rtion of together with the degree of heat requisite to produce a Compound the m >st sonorous. |>oS'«‘S'lne, at the name time, sufficient Density and Strength, also, the peculiar outline, or shape, having a correct proportion of the different parts, thereby giving them elegance ..f form, have been subjects to which Mr. li. has devoted a great amount of time, in critical observation of effects through a long se ries or Experiment*; Bells cast by him, are unsurpassed in their Symmetrical Figure, and Beauty of Proportion, and for Melody, Strength and Brilliancy of Tone, are universally admired. Mr. Hanks Is prepared to supply Churches, Colleges, Academies, Public Bui Mines, Steam boats, Ac., with his superior Bells, at a short notice, hav ing at all times an assortment on hand. Church Chimes or Peals, and Musical Hand B 11s, to any number on the Chromatic Scale made to order. B 11s sold by Mr. 11. are furn shed with Yokes, Wheels and Springs, of the lato.'t and most approved Plan, and the whole warranted in every particular. Those wishing further information will please address GEORGE L* IIANKS, Cincinnati, Ohio. N. B.—The Great Bell, “St. Peters,” and the Chime of Eleven Bells, at St. Peter’s Cathedral, Cincinnati, were ca.'t at this Foundry. July 3 Bm. WAR EAGLE FLOUR.— A large consignment Just received, and for sale cheap. BEY S FARMER. M MW, Mil. HANDBILL AND General Job Printing. 'j HE Proprietors of the Minnesotian * Office, have rec -fitly made extensive additions to their stock of Book and Job Priming material. Their assortment now embraces all tho Lit, AMI .5 JL of Plain and Fancy Type. They are consequently pre pared to execute all varieties of printing in a manner not surpassed any where north of St. Ix>ui*. We charge small profits and execute all orders with despatch. Both of us being PRACTICAL PRINTERS, We superintend all work entrusted to the Minnesotian Office ourselves, and allow nothing to leave our hand* unless it be executed In a WORKMANLIKE MANNER. We rely upon the public for a liberal share of tlielr patronage. A stock of Plain and Fancy Letter Paper, Foolscap, Flat Cap, Folio Post, Sc., on hand for printing. Also Printing cards of different kinds, sites and colors. June 2C. OWENS &. MOORE. L. B. Wait & Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocer* and Commission Merchants, HAVE opened at the store lately oc cupied by c. F. Tracy, ou Third street, a general assorm-nt of Family Groceries and l*r«»vision*; which tlvy will sell at low prices for cash or in exchange for country produce. They respectfully solicit asi are of patronage. CI!ARLES MILBURN, St. Paul, June 21, ’s2—4ov L. B. WAIT. Ch*s IV. Borup. G'h’s 11. Oakca. BOUI'P A OAKES, LTAVING formed a Co-Partnership LX for transacting an Exchange and Banking Business lu all its various branches, will be prepared to fumMi si'-ht and t.i«'»* .a tv*»> vmi. »nd nrincinal cities of the West- Remittances t » Great Britain, Ireland and Continent of Europe made in sums to suit purchasers. Sight and home bills and European Exchange* pur chased. Collections made and proceeds remitted at usual rates of Exchange. All other business committed to our care punctually attended to. BOUI’P & OAKES. St. Paul, MinneaotaTerritory, June 26, 1852. Office at the .Minnesota Outfit building. 40v. R. M’MtiAA, Storage, Forwarding & Commission Merchant, Dealer jjn Grain *.f all kind*. Fruit Trees, Sr., Main st., near the Bradley House, Galena, HI. Refer to 11. 11. Campbell N Co., Galena; W. L. Ewing & Co., St. Lov.i*. 40y w. u. LEDUC. D. ROIIREII* LEDUC S ROIIRER, BOOKSELLERS AND BTATIONKILS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, [Corner of Bench and Wabashaw streets, Sf. Paul, M. T.J ~wwsr uni. JUST opened at the corner of Bench an<l Wabashaw .-treets, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, or Life anung the Lowly* Reverie* of a Bachelor, by Ik Marvel* Dream Life, do Fresh Gleanings do Dickens’ Works, complete. Wandering Jew, illustrated. The Camp Fires of the Revolution. LoSslng’s Field Book of the Revolution. Forest Life and Forest Trets—being camp life among the Loggers. Pencilling* by the Way, by W'illis. Outre-Mer, by Longfellow. And many other works which we cannot enumerate In an advertisement. Call and examine them. June 24. LEDUC S ROIIRER. Just in Time. \XJ E have opened, for sale, some superb » » engravings of Gcu’l Winfield .Scot!. Also, his Life and Services, by K • D- MausiiHU. (.'all before they are all sold. LKDUC k UOIIREK. UISTORY OF CONGRESS—Com -1- X prising Memoirs of the most Prominent members, with numerous steel p»rtrait* ami fac-simile autographs. June 24. LE DUC &. HOllitEß. Y\7 ALL PAPER—A large stock of • * Wall paper, Curtains, shades and Fire Board Prints, now opened and lor sale by June 21. LE DUG k ROIIRER. 'TO SPORTSMEN A superior lot X of Fi.-hitig Tackle, for sale by June 24. Le DUG k lIOHRKR. TV/I ISCELLANIOUS. Scrap Books, IVX Herbariums, Albums, Papier Mache Card Biskcts, Card Gases and Work Boxes, Newspaper Files, Patent Air Tight inks—Post Office boxes, Calenders, &c., &e. Le PCC k IQBIKI* C ' OLD PENS—Just Received, a stipe vJ rlor lot of Gold Pens —sum** new styles. Le DUG k ROIIRER. HOUSE Trimmings, Locks, Bolts, Latches, Buns and Screws, at F. S. NEWELL’S. f ANE FISHING POLES—Just rec’d v 8 do* canc fishing poles, at th<* Iksik Store of may 22. LK DUC k ROIIRER. F. E. Collins, Auction and Commia*ion Merchant, Saint Paul, Minnesota Territory, In the three story Brb k store, Third St., opposite W. 11. Forbes’ Outfit. HAVING received a regular License from the Town Board, which / have paid for . I am prepared to sell real estate or other property, at Public Au tlou at all times and places. Saint Paul, July 31, 1862. F. E. COLLINS. fORN Shellers in Store and for sale by _ F. S. NEWELL, j PORTABLE Fire Engines of all sizes for tile by F. S. NEWELL. CARPENTER’S Tools, Pianes, Chis aele, BIU, t'U<‘e, &c., at F. S- NEWELL’S. INARMING IMPLEMENTS,ShoveIs, l Spades, H *es, Rakes, Forks, Cradles and Plows In store and for sale by F. S. NEWELL. O ARDWARE—Cross Cut and Mill Lx. Saws, Axes, all kirds, Hammers gll kinds, Ac. i For sale by F. S. NEWELL. L'AMILY Grindstones, Oil stones, &c. X for sal* at F. S. NEWELL’S. TZITCHEN WARE—knive. and forks, XV Wafll. Iron’s Ladle.. Baling Spoon., Chopping Knives, To. Bolls, Stove., Shear.. Sallron, Brooa Pt- Plate*. for sal** > “• yCF.wKI J/i. Summer Arrangement! 18 5 2. PAUL and Sf. Anthony Fall*, *■ three Daily Slate*, leavin* each plac at 1 ■ Vluc* A. M., 12 SI. aad 4 P. H. COACHES AND TEAMS Will b? at the landing, on the arrival of Steamboats at Saint Paul. Also, a Daily Line of Stages between Saint Panl and Stillwater. Tl- An extensive LI very SUM* .it the o>rn?r jf Fourth and Roberts street*. Particular attention given to the Aci\>nimodal-on of Pleasure Parties, upon liberal terms. 3>-tf WILLOCCHBT fc POWERS. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Cathcart Sc Tyson, LTAVE leased the new store on the * X corner of Robert* and Fourth street*, where ther arc now opening n stock of Groceries, Provision* and Feed; which they offer at wholesale and retail to the citizens of Saint Paul an l the surrounding country, at a* low prices a* they can be purchased west o i St. Louis. Their stock consists in part a* follows: Cru-liedand Powdered Sugar*, J.iv.t, Kio At Laguira Coffee X O and Clarified do Y 11, Imperial,Gunpowder, Tobacco and S-garv', and Black Tea.* (choice brand*) Rice, Rjig;u, and Currant* Pepper, Spices. Nutuu'ga Cloves, assorted pickles Pepper sau :e, Catchups Powder and *bnt, Chocolate W R Ch» eae. Starch, Citron M nstard,Figs,Ext of Lemon Rose and Vanilla M’!d,*tar and sp’n* Candles Palm and Variegated Soap Mackerel.C nlfi>h, Herrings Shaving do Pork, Hams and shoulder* Fre.*h Butter and Egg* Butter and soda Cra kcra Molasses and Golden syrup Linseed and Li.d Oil Cider, Vinegar Oats, Corn and short*; Corn Meal and Flour, choicest brands, also other articles usually kept in a Family Grocery store, too numerous too mention, which they will aell for Caah exclusively at small profits. Purchasers will please call and examine tor themselves. A. 11. CATHCART, St. Paul, June, 1862 (38y) X. E. TYSON. JUST RECEIVED—2OO bushels fresh Ground Com Meal, and for sab* cheap hr June 10 CATHCART S TYSON. FAIR PLAY! ••Competition is the Life of Trade.’’ PATTISON & BENSON’S new Coach es have arrived, and are now up*«n the road between St- Paul and St- Anthony, ready to accommodate the pub lic on all occasions. They have also received In addition to tlielr former large and excellent Livery stock, several new and elegant Carriages and Barouches; also n.-w Har nesses and Horae Furnishing*, and equipage of the tuo»t elegant description. ALSO—ail additional stock of Fine s+l Blo«>d*d, well broken llorsea. Query. “spirited*’*hordes Come in under the fL IJquor L tw, will they be In danger of be iß knocked «»n the Inal? Our entire V-n 1 w stock will co*t over $ 1,900. No other stable in the West, out or Saint Louis will be found as complete as ours. Will our iriends and the public remember, that at the Livery Stable in ih<* r*arof the American n«u*e, at th** upper end of Sa*nt Paul, they can at all hours, have such conveyance by land, on wheels or on horseback, a* thev may desire. PATTISON S BENSON. St. Paul, June 10, 1852. (38y) DISSOLUTION. CPHE Co-Partnership heretofore exist- X ing between F. E. Collin* and C. P. V. Lull In the Auction and General Land Agency business,!* hereby di - sci ved by mutual consent. F. K. COI.I.INS, Jin-, 3, 1852. C. P. V. LULL. F. E. Collins will continue the Auction, Commission and General I-and Agency business at the large brick building on Third st., below Jai:k*>>n. FURNITURE—just received a splen- X did lot of Furniture from Cinclnna l which 1 will sell at Saint I-ouis prices, ("all at the room* of F. K. COLLINS, Third at., below Jackson. BOOKS I BOOKS! BOOKS ! (Just received per Excelsior.) WS. COMBS, near the American • nouse, lia* Just received a large and varied collect! n of new bo. k>. Just from the pre**, to which he invites the attention of all the reading community. They ARE OFFERED AT EASTERN PRICES. Term* cat*h. Come ami * xaniine—no trouble to show’ goods at the ••Franklin Bookstore.” 37 gr The Minnesota Remedy,^ Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Diarrhcea, Sec., Sic. “PESIGU AGOMIK,” OK ••Indian Compound Astringent aud Tonic.” r I'IIE materials of this medicine arc en- JL ttrely vegetable, Indigenous to Minnesota, and well known to the Indians by whom they have been used from time immemorial, with Invariable siicce-s. The Proprietor can confidently recoimn nd this medicine t., the public, as a CERTAIN, SAFE, and PLEASANT cu. e for Cholera Morbus, Dinrrha n. Dyson tery, and all diseases of the B«>wels. It affonis almo't Instantane ous relief in cases of grip ngs or cramps, and ordinarily eff ets a complete cure in six or eight hours. To Boatmen, Raflmen. Lumbermen, and all per *ons traveling on the river, tni* medicine is invaluable. Our c.tizens going below, during the summer months should not fail to provide themselves with it. The **l*csi;;uazomik , ’ must of course derive it* repu tation from the testimonial.* of those who have mad.- trial of it. Please read carefully the annexed certificates. Prepared by E. F. ELY. Bt. Paul, And for sale at the Bookstore of I.kDUC S ItOHKKK, an<l at W. 11. FORBES’ Minnesota Store, St. Paul. A Ist., at the Minnest.ta lfc«okst»»re, St. Anthony, and Chnn hill it Nelson, Stillwater. Also, at the Drug Store of llichcox it Axlell, st. Paul. xy Price Fifty Cent* per B.>ttle. c^it CERTIFICATES. I liave used llic “Pesiguagomik” re peatedly in my family and can rec. .nmietid It ns the safest as well as ni«w»t efficacious medicine in all derangements of the Bowels, 1 have ever known. Ii has, to my know ledge, saved several valuable live* In m«*t obstinate eases of Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, St. Paul, May 1b52. C. W. BORUP. This may certify that I liave used the Vegetable Ctmipound Astrlugcut, prepared by Mr. E. F. Ely, in my family, and liave found it to be the beat by far of any thing of the kind l have ever used, lu one In stance, two doses cur-d an obstinate case of Cholera Mor bus. Not a single individual should t»e without this valu able medicine,particularly In a a country where the Diar rhoea and summer complaint are prevalent. CIIA’S 11. OAKES. Having used this preparation in my family, 1 most cliwrmlly J"ln Mr. oaks 111 t!v- al»v>c cer tliicaie nt Us virtue*. St. Paul, May 21, 1552. ALEX. RAMSEY. I take pleasure in being able to state that I have used In my family, Mr. Ely’a Compound As tringent and Tonic, In eases of Iltarrhoe., with much sue ce*«; and especially la*t summer in a case of summer complaint In an Infant of mine some nine months old, and cheerful I v r comm-nd Us use to the public. St. Paid, May, 24, 1752. WM. HENRY FORBES. I have used the Indian Compound As trln-ont >n«l Tonic, mvsolf, nut In my f..mlly, and found It effective, csp -cl lily In case of children toctlilng, and c*snider it an active and w»re rent -dy for all Bowel Com plaint., A. R. FIIKNCU. St. l’aul, Ancu-t I, ISSI. I have used the Indian Compound As trlngent and Tonic, prepar'd by Mr. K<imuttd F. Ely, and f..unJ Immediat - relief; and can cheerfully r-comniend It a* a *peialY and sure cure for dlsea*** <*f the t*ow<*ls. St. Paul, May 24, 1b52. H. F. M ASJKKSON. I certify that I have used the Indian Tonic, catbil “FesignaKumtk,” and r,command the earn, as an excellent a.-trlngeiit, pleasant in Its taste, and certain In its enre. J* NO.'H. August, IS6I. 36mG All orders for the al«ve Modlcinc should be s*<l dre«***d to E. F. Ely, St. Paul, Minnesota. Real Estate. 1 offer property situated In the town of TCSfit St. Paul and its immediate vlelnl'y, for Hw *ale extremely low for cash. The terms 111 are such a* do not often present themselves to the capitalist or man of m*xlerate means, lolnvest mon ey In a prosperous and rapidly growing town and its vicin ity. Among various prep Tty 1 have to dispose of sre the billowing, viz: a dwelling house and several lots of land in a central part of St. Paul, with abundant supply of ex cellent water; also, a small house adjoining. M ith this property will be sold about ten acres of land a large and thrifty growth of wood—a grt*i that the Sioux land cannot, at least, at present, .uppy us wtth fuel until in market. I have also for sale a number of flve mctc lota Tilth growing timber, altuab-d on and In of public roads and not over a mile from st. Paul. TTte above property will be sold on such low terms for cash, that the p lrcha'Ct can imnredlsbdy sen again at an advance. For sale on tlmo-prfo* be Prop -rtbrnably higher. Apply to A * Third street, corner of Cedar, 45tf Or to B. F. HOYT, St. Paul. n pv AA FRUIT TREES—Grafted, Choice Yaiieties, (peach and apple) now growing lo my nursery and for sale. GRO. W. FARRINGTON. VX7ANTED—IBOO cordt, of wood for * * the Empire Foundry. Enquire at F. «. yFWET.T.*«. ANNULS OF THE Minnesota Historical Society FOR 1859. A FEW copies of this interesting An uusl, Ounialnlag more about the dlMurery w\j hutory or MiauewU; 1U *eosr»pUl<»l UMC f uA mineral »ud urological naouroe. tb.n uir wort heretofbr. , U-u-d, are »Utl on buvl, and for ude «t the trlnn-ti of . Mewr. L Duc h Rokrer »ud Combs’: tlso >t tki« I Prlee, Thirty Cents. ; O'VKXS It MOORE, PaUlsh-rs. DOAN, KI.\G Sc Co., Wholesale Dry-Goods Dealers, 123 aN'D 12.1 MAIX STREET, ST. LOCIS. A RE constantly receiving new and de | tl slrmbli' stylr, of STAPLE ANDFANCT OOOn.S which ; or,- o lcrru at * v.'ry small tdvmice for Cash, ~r u, Her. | chants who pay their notes when due. Country Mi rchsutu will ilud s decided ndrantsitc tjy sn exnmlnatlonuf tliclsr -1 (test -took of goods west of the moiintslns. DOAN, KINO It CO. I St. Louis, Mny fi. 36 y C. B. KTLLVM. M. 0. MASSOS, Ml. KELLUM A MASSON, ! I. van OIL ANU CANDLE MANCrACTIHEUS, —ALSO— Produce und Commission Mcrchauu, .Vo. 21 South Lrvtr, i'f. l.uuis* BCrCBENCES: . E. U. Ryl.uid A Co., j I F. H. Chsmtx-rlsln, ■ Sr. Louis. I R. M. Withers, ) ! St. I.uuls, May 22. 30 y HANFORD Sc SHOTHtH, h. B. TIIATEK, Manufuclurers, N. V. St. Louis. HANFORD, THAYER A CO., (Bucct:aaor» to U wis, Thayr S Co. t > MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF C lothing. Shirt*, Drawer*, and Fiirui«hlo^tio«la, No. ISO Main street, Corner of Green , one door beloxc the Virginia House, ST. LOIIS, Mu. f 'ONSTANTLY on hand an immense Vy §t*>ck. Mluni*a»ta and WU-vrafin L unbcrtucn and Merchants can at all times find at ** 190,” a full supply of Clothing got up expressly for their trade , and many ar ticles which can’t be found in any other House in SL l»u« is, such as ixtra sized, tine* and heavy red, bin**, mixed and Old Colony Flannel Shirts and Ifratcers; extra weight Satinet and Casiniere Paula, Dunag** Bags, Jumper*., over alls, Umbrellas, Trunks, Valisca, and ltubt>er Clothing. Carpet and Enamel TravelJuj bags, Satchel*, and Oil Clothing. Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and ••look through our stock.” Always on hand the largest and cheapest st*»ck of assorted shirts and drawers In th * West. Fresh Clothing received from our Factory every w-efc* Stock manufactured expressly for the Western mark*!# Terms liberal. HANFORD, TIIAYKK S CO. Cirucr 31 un and tirven sts. SL Louis May 22. M-y ii. x. bird, Cincinnati.] [j. b., St. Loula. BIRO & ARMSTRONG, WHOLESALE CANE AND WOOD-SKAT CHAIR MAN UFACTURERS, South-West Corner Vine aui Second ats« t St. Louis , Mo. \Y’HOLESALK and retail dealer* in » * Chairs are respectfully Informed that we will con stantly keep on hand a large and general assortment^ «>f Chairs of our own manufacture, consisting of nut, Mahogany. Cherry and Maple cane-seats of ev - cry description: Wood-seat Elbow, large and small * " Oifice, Boston and ban. Arm U«jckers, Polka, French. Bus tle, Jenny Lind, Bannister, Scrolls, M -ck Scollop*, Slat.-*, Children’s, Ate., which we will aell to th:* trade on th • most liberal term*, and warrant them to be unsurpas sed in b- auty of style or finish. Having large mannractu ring facilities, we can offer Inducements that will inaura general satisfaction; and hope, th rough a strict and prompt attention to business, to merit a share of public patronage. We Invite the visits of purchasers, either W'holeaal** <# Retail, to our Ware-rooms, in trier that they may Judga for themselves. BIRD S ARMSTRONG. Su Louis, May 22. 35-y ALONZO CHILD, EL"S G. PRATT, GRANGE W. PRATT* CHILD, PRATT & CO., IMPORTERS and wholesale DEALERS I!V Foreign and Domestic Hardware and Cutl#ry v No. 147 M<iju street, (Third door Morth of Hank of Missouri ,J may 22. 35-y. Sr. LOUIS, Mo. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. l Aj E have now in store a complete as- V v ossortm nt, making our stock unusually large, which-w** ofli-r to purchasers at lowest prices, and on beat terms—among which may be lotmd a complete assortment of— Axes—Simmon C«»llln..’. Hunt’s and others. Scythes—Waldron’s grass, grain, hemp and bush, as sorted. Scythe Snathes—Assorted, all prices, qualities and kind.'. Scythe Stones akd Rifles —Assorteil, all prices. Forks—llav and manure, 2,3, 4 ami 6 pronged, as*’d. Chains—Bright ox aud log, 8-8, 7 1-6,1-2 and 5-Blnch, Assortetl. Chains —Bright trace assorted; coil, brea»t and halter, assorted. Collars— II -rs<? a:;«l mule, a*sort'‘d, (hog and kip skin*.) IIAMES Hors* and mule, steam bent and riveted. Hoes—Carolina, planter*’, eyed and handled, asa’d. R akes —II iy and garden, iron and a*s’d. Knives—Table kmves und fork*, all putt -riia uo*J qual ities. Knives —Table knives and JLrks, all patterns and qual ities. Razors—Wade & But« ht rV, Crooks, and others, as?Fd. Shears and Scissors —Butchei’*, Lux’.-, great vari ety oi pattern*. Locks—Mineral knob, assorted; door, newest pattern* and styles. Locks—Pad, chest, trunk, till, plate, a«sorted. Latches—Ku*>b, thumb and others, all kind*, oss’d. Butts—(irwuwood, narrow, broad and Congress, a*wM. Butts—Wrought, narrow, broad and Congress, os^’d. Screws—l-4 to 4 inch wood, New England taper. Bells—Ox, horse, tuw, band aisl sleigh, acs’d. Brushes—White-wash, shoe, tcrubbiug and horse, as sorted. Chisels—Framing, socket, firmer, mortice, eas’d. Curry Combs —Auv-ncan, ucw patterns, a-Al. ('o« ks—Cock stops, Myd; bra** do a*s’d. Files —Butcher’s celebrated mill, fiat bastard. Files—Round, half round, square fiat and ul! kind*, * und single barrel, .'hot and thick, ask’d. RiFI.ES and PlSTOLS—Revolvers, cast steel barr« l, aa vrUtl. Gvn Barrels- Aaaortcd; gun trimming* and finding*, assorted. Hatchets—Shingling, lath, bench and claw, »*to*d. Hinges—Hook* and hinges, strap and T,a**’«l. Kettles—Bra-*, lea, preserving, glue, Wd. Mills—Coffee, Parker’*, A darn*’ and others, ask’d. Mattocks and Picks—Clay and coal, a**M. Nails —Wrought, 6 to 12« l; horse, G to 12d, ass’d. Planes—Bench and moulding, a**’d, all kind*, supe rior qualities. Pans—Fry, ass’d; «m<:e and preserving, ask’d. Shovels—Am* *’, Rowland’s and others; garden,rain ing and post. Tacks and Brads—Assorted, all sizes and kind*. Augurs—Bright, patent concave, convex and cast steel* With a large assortment of carpenters’ and blacksmith’s tools, of newest pattern* and best qualities. House und Building Hardware—a large assortment. Albo, proprietors of St. Louis Saw and Scale Factory, where we are now manufacturing largely of, Saws—Extra cast steel mill, circular, cross-cut, hand panel, how*, wood and pit saws, of \ailou* qualities and of any kind wanted. Also, Scales—Viz: platform, 300 lb* to 4.000 lbs; counter, hay, fiour, packing, coal and car, of all kind* and descrip tion*. Scales and .Saw* repaired and made to order. We are better prepared to serve our customer* and pur chaaers generally than ever before. Our terms are as fa vorable and price* as low a* the lowest. CHILD, PRATT S CO., 14? Main street. St. May 22, ISO 2. 35-2 m JOS. M. BROWN, Tims. ft. THATCH, JON. Q. HART. BROWN THATCH X HART, WIIOLESALi; AND RETAIL DEALERS Iff FINE CLOTHING AND GENTLE MEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, No. IGG Main Street, West side, bet. Washington Avenue aud Virginia Hotel, ST. LOUIS, MO. \X7E ARE NOW OPENING, Dl * * reel frura the East, a large and xuperior assortineut of Clothing and Furnishing Good*, for Gentlemen** wear, consisting chiefly of the finer and better grades, selected from the be*t Importing and Commission Houma, and made up In a superior manner, expre#*ly for this market. All kinds of Clothing, ready made ami warranted, at wholesale, very low for Cash or good paper. A great variety of Gents’ Furnishing Goods, such as Shirts, Cravats, Gloves, kc., kc. % which will be sold to the trade at New York wholesale (tricet. We respectfully solicit a call. St. Louts, May 16, 1862* *4-1 y NORTH-VVESTERN BOOK STORE. Jowph K. Wa,(Mtr, WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, .Vo. 93 Main Street, four itorg Brick Corner, JX“A«enc7 for the Mlo of aupertor Prlnttne P»p”.-£J Laima, May B. F. S. NEWEL, \l7 HOLES ALE & RETAIL dealer in » V Cook, Parlor, Box Swvea of all kliwl*. rpHE CHARTER OAK, four ,i*es, | patented 18S*i It b« a rorr larse oxen,JWkr* per fectly and to a charm* For sale by F. 8. NKM eLL. T EFFEL’S Double Oven, the neatest 1 j of the Cincinnati castings with extra oval cast Iron boilers, can be seen at F. 8* NEWELL’S. rpHE Queen of the Forest, an elevated X oven Move pleeelnc to all who dee It hjr the aatla factorr manner work le 4w>* and Ike eaee auendtnf ft, In .I'—. end for rale In* F. S* Hff'NL