Newspaper Page Text
nmi. For the MlnoeaUian. Mysterious Love. inuilni love I Of love the mystery 1 Made fleeh, the Word on Earth with aortal dwelt I Vot like a monarchy ptielng through hie realm) From grateful subjects homage to receive. Though this were ktod } but *moug his enemlta, In helpless infancy became; thence up Through all the dangers, snares sod ilia of youth TO manhood pass'd. The Lord of all the earth Claimed not a place to lay hit head, but wrought. To parents In subjection, with bis band In toll laborious. That he In ParadUe, With sanctified souls should dwell is uJt Mysterious; but that the Lord of heaven Should come to earth—of sin the theater— Where every man bis utmost effort makes His God to hate—his government despise— And trample 'neath bis feet unhallowed His holy law—this Is mysterious. He who Is Lord of lords and King of kin**, By man—his creature f man—as vilest slave Is used ; with sly, malignant eye Is watch'd— With slanderous, lying tongue defam'd and refused The confidence of nearest friends —and by Tbe trail'rous hand of follower betrayed— Forsaken by his friends—denied by b'.m Who witnessed his McslaUshlp—■and brought Before the Judgment seat of men to be Eeviled, and scourged, and spitted on—worshipped In mockery, falsely accused, condemned, and Put to death as malefactor, with pain And sorrow, far beyond conception's reach. All this, and more than tongue can tell, or heart Conceive, of wickedness of men, to him Was In full view : Yet stilt lie came—the form Of man upon him took; with tender heart, And bowels yearning o'er the Ills of man— With mercy winged, and steps all marked In love, And eyes of melting sympathy, he sought The 'bodes of men and bleared them as be went. The deaf heard—the blind saw—the halting leaped With Joy—the l>ng sealeJ Mm praised aloud. He spake—and fevers fled—and withered hands Were whole—and active, palsied limbs became: From out them long possessed were devils cast—. The graves no power to hold their captives had— The troubled sea Wis calm, nor swallowed up The vot'rles of the oars:—he broke, aud blessed, And multiplied the bread that thousands filled, And to the poor the blessed Gospel preached. When those he loved had erred, and ceased to watch, For them excuse he framed—she Inward man “Is willing," but, alas ! “the flesh is weak." And when reviling thief his favor sought, He turned his head, forgiveness smiled, and raid With me thy soul In Paradise shall be. And when with murd'rous hate, his enemies His life blood spilled upon the cross, “Father,'* He said, “forgive ! they know not what they do." But most of all, he here our sins, and died That we might live. Offended justice sought Our lives, and we beneath Lis stroke were brought; One moment, and our Immortal souls Had been assigned to everlasting night; Mercy cried, hold!—the son of God himself Stepped In—received the blow, which shook the earth. And solid marbles rent, and caused the sun To hide his cheerrul face—received the Mow, And with expiring breast, cried, <*lt is done” The ransom’s paid—God's law is honored, and Man, wretched, helpless, guilty man may live. O wondrous love 1 But still pursuing life For man, not content the soul's redemption To complete, the ’bodes of death he enters— Perfect ransom for s«»ul and body gives. Man, all immortal, hail! A risen God Ascends to take the Mediatorial seat, And plead the cause of guilty man redeemed— Ills spirit sends to woo, convict, arouse, And draw rebellious man to God. Xor stops His love at this—bis law to teacb the way, And men t' enforce that law he leaves on earth, That none may tall of boundless, endless bliss, Say I is this not wondrous love, mystcrions ? But why attempt to sing his love ? Were earth And arching sky a parchment—every weed And shrub, and every twig of every tree In all time’s flight, a i*en— and every man A ready scribe—and ocean* «m «-.,o’u»k - While life might last each man might write, but when ] The Ink were gone, the parchment filled, and worn To nothing every pen—the talc of love Of God to man, ingratc, would not be told. Cease struggling then, my pen ! my darkened mind Be still! and rest, my troubled heart! Enough That thou enjoy h!s love—observe his laws! ST. PACL, 1*62. Incident at the Falls.— The fallow* | ing is told of an English lady recently ' stopping at Niagara: Perfectly enchanted with the scene, and anxious to possess some memento of her visit, she, assisted by the guide, stepped ! off the ridge on Goat Island, familiarly j known as ‘‘The Ilog s Back,” from rock to rock, until she reached the large slab which divides the American sheet of i water, and in the crevice of which grew j a small tree—lrom this, gathering a i branch, she proceeded on her perilous jour ney —the boiling rapids at her feet, within two yards of taking their mad leap and the spray flying around her. At the sec ond step, the rock being wet and slippery, she fell, but fortunately the water here was shallow and formed an eddy. The guide stood firm, and she retained her grasp of his hand, and thus escaped with an “awful fright and a thorough baptism in Niagara’s stream, obtained, pcrnaps, nearer the extreme edge of the falls, than was ever previously managed, without loss of life. She neither screamed nor fainted when she reached terra firma but, like a sensible woman, felt thankful for her deliverance and proud of her tro phy, which she had retained all the time. Mr. Webster called to see John Ad ams on one of the loveliest days in June, (Mr. Adams died on the next 4th of Ju ly,) and found him in a more cheerful mood than usual. He congratulated him on his apparently improved health and predicted tor himyearsof comfort. “You are mistaken, Mr. Webster,” said the sage. “My days upon earth are few and numbered. I am the tenant of a miserable, worn-out old mansion, and what is worse than all the landlord refuses to make any more repairs .” A lady, a few evenings ago, upon tak ing Shelley’s novel, “ The Last Man,” threw it down very suddenly, exclaim ing, “The last man ! bless me ! if such a thing were to happen, what would be come of the women ?” A Fast Man.— The Pittsburgh Dis pa c says there is a man in that city who tinn Cen * to a county conven wi»la?»™ n * U ? eSS ' ul candida » e for the sW ? ° ." P a P ub,ic ball *" d sup 2nt r ig L theTo,nbs for seeing other people drink, got possession of f farm against the will of the owners, ar rested for being too drunk to know smother man’s horse from his own, held to bail for forcible entry and detainer, and prosecuted some half dozen people for conspiracy— all within acouple of months. A whisky jug is at the bottom of all his troubles. Smithers says he never fell out with r'l £ lfe but ono ®> and then he lost by it, uunn *»rw. ~ H. r. M CLOUET, WHOLESALE GROCER, COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING MERCHANT, larwltr H Wlwa Clean, ate.. No. 38 Lew, Cal.oa, HI TS NOW RECEIVING HIS LARGE A and well selected stock of Grocerlee, Provision*, Wines, Liquors, etc., which he offers to the trade at the lowest market rates for cash. 226 hhds N O sugar 150 bbls green applet 200 bbls clarified do 50 bales batting 100 bbls loaf, crushed and 60 bbls butler crackers powdered sugar 50 1001 b hxs codfish 172 bbls gt Louie ft H mo- 76 601 bdo do lasses 12ft 261 bdo do 100 bbls plantation molasses 2fto bxs ftcotch herring 160 “ NOft H do 16 cases sardines 76 “ Syrup do 72 do* buckets 26 kegs Golden Syrup do 60 nests tubs 160 bsgs Rio coffee 125 colls rope 76 packs Java coffee 150 dos bed ourdt 16 “ Mocha do 60 dos plow Mace 36 bags Maracaibo coffee 100 bales oakum 60 hf chests Y U tea 60 bbls roetu 76 do Imp do 76 do pitch 40 do G P do 60 do tar 126 lllb bxs Imp do 976 kgs assorted nails 100 do G P do 60 do spikes 100 do Y H do 76 bxs qt and pt flasks 260 61b G P T H and Imp do 60 do ass’d tumbler* 1-5 21b Caddys tea 26 do ass’d decanters 76 bbls nos 1,2 A 3 mark! 60 do spice Jars 50 hf qr snd l-Bth bbls do 126 do Virginia tobacco 05 kite salmon 76 do Mo do 75 do mackerel 126 cases Va do 20 bbls pickled herring 100 bxs smoking do 25 drums codfish 26 bbls “ do 260 bxs palm soap 16 bxs Scaffarlatl do 60 bxs variegated do 25 do Vermlcella 76 do shaving do 30 do Maccaronl 200 do mould caudles 26 csks Zante currants 100 do dipt do 28 bxs spice chocolate 76 do star do 260 lbs dried cherries 60 hf bxs star do 6 cases preserv ed ginger 60 qr “ de 26 bbls S S almonds 160 bxs solar do 16 do filberts I 26 bxs sperm do 30 do pecans ; 100 61b bxs tolar caudles 10 do pea nuts ' 125 bxs pipes 16 do Brazil nuts ! 40 bxs fancy stone pipes 10 do Eng walnuts 76 bales candle wick 76 bxs pt and qt pep sauce i6O do wrapping twine 36 do walnut catsup i 30 bxs ground spice 16 cases table salt 30 do do pepper A ginger 25 do eas'd pickles 160 mats cassia 200 I x* M raisins 1 bbl uutmegs 160 hr bxs do 1 do cloves 100 qr do do 25 bxs cltrou 600 drums Smyrna flga 150 gross blacking 26 n<*sts cov'd buckets 100 dox blacking brushes 26 bxs clothes pins ( 60 scrub brushes 60 nests clothes baskets I 26 casks Boston saleratus 30 tierces rice ; 3*) bags pepper aud spice 260 rms and bait wrap paper 1 76 dnz zinc wash boards 60 do letter do 1 600 dags assorted shot 26 do cap do 1000 lbs bar lead 75 gross ao*'d playing cards j 600 kegs rifle powder 10,000 guuny bags | 300 do blasting do 60 bbls vinegar j 15 cases canister do 15 do lard oil I 250 M percussion caps 10 hhds whale and sperm oil 22 bbls oysters 25 baskets olive oil 60 cases asst'd preserves 16 cases P A cheese 60 bxs Eng dairy cheese 150 bxs W R do 260 bush dried apples 25 do soda crackers 75 do do peaches 60 do do do 160 bxs lemons and oranges 600 bags G A salt 35 dos brooms 126 do LB do 36 bxa Ink 360 do dairy do 60 do candy 260 bbl* hydraulic cement 26 bxs lemon syrup 300 do mess pork 126 gross matches 60 do lard 60 bxs prunes 160 kgs do 76 do mustard 10,000 lbs dried beef 60 cases mustard 176 kgs butter 26 bxs tomato catsup 75,000 lbs hams and should's 60 do starch 1,000 lbs 3 F flour 300 do window glass, asst'd WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. 60 qr casks B port wine 100 bxs Cuba cigars 10 qr do Sicily Maderia 60 do fine imported regalia 10 casks pure Juice P wine 15 qr casks united proprlc -6 do old sherry dark do tors brandy 25 do Malaga do 10 hfps Otard and Co brandy sdo old pale sherry do 15 qr pipes asslgnette do sdo London dock do 6de Moreau do 10 do Oporoto do 10 hf casks champagne do 10 do Lisbon Madeira do 6qr do Megglery do | 6do cherry bounce do 6hf do Goddard do 6do Tenerifffe do 10 qr do Hennessey do j 125 bk's Hiedsleck champg’u 10 qr do Kafteau do ( 75 casks Rhlnelsh wine 6qr do Pellevoisln do I 60 do claret do 10 qr do J J Dupuy do j 160 bxs Newark cider 6qr do A laMonderedo 160 do claret wine 10 pps Otard A Co do ! 160 do Ilaut P ante ns very tine vlntlge, 1793. • 6qr casks Muscat wins 60 l-Bth csks slgnette brandy | 60 bxs whits wine 76 bbls NY do !25 baskets Hock Rhine do 10 do old Va peach do 25 do Broker's A Bankers 690 do Ohio whiskey ! sup champagne 60 do old Bourbon do 15 cases abysynth 76 do Monongahela do 15 bxs creoeo 26 do Rye do 10 cases orange Juice 2 punch Scotch do I 26 casks I .on don porter, pts 3 do Irish do and qts 3 pipes pure Swan gin 30 csks Scotch ale, pts Aqta 26 bbls N E rum 16 casks brown stout 1 pucli pure Jamaica rum 350 M regalia cigars 1 do do St Croix do 25 M principe do 26 bbls Baltimore gin* Agent lor n Galena and St. Louis, and Galena •»»a r«oi r«thci Liu. wi sicmu.i ■* Galrna, May 16, 1862. 34-y HYDRAULIC CEMENT. r j IIE SUBSCRIBER HAVING BEEN * appointed agent for the sale of Louisville Cement, will keep a large supply on hand, and will be sold at a *mall advance from manufacturers prices. _Galena, may 16. U F McCLOSKET. AMERICAN MILLS. PASTIMK, T HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING BEEN A appointed agent for the above mills, will keep con stantly on hand a supply of “Extra Family Flour.” War ranted superior to any flour oold In thl* market. Galena, may 16. H F McCLOSKET. IAEMIJOHNS—ISO, 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 galls, received per Excelsior, snd for sale by H FM’Closket. C’OFFEE—3SO bags Rio coffee just re- SJ ceived per Golden Era, and lor sale by M F M’Closkev. , j OBACCO—I2S bxs. Virginia, rec’d J- and for sale by u F M’Closket. L, IGS—SOO drums received and lor sale *• b F H F M’Cloiiey. L> ICE—2S tierces rec'd per Golden Era iVjsnd for sale by h F K’Closxev. S.ALERATL S—2s bxs. Boston Salera tun* rec’d aud for sale by H F M’Cl oikey ]\/j ACKEREL—7S This. No. 1, 2 and L » mackerel, rec’d per Golden Era, and for sale by li F M’Closkey. TEA —150 hf. chests G. P. Imp. and J- Y II tea rec’d p r Golden Era, and for sals by h f irn wit ( 'URRANTS—2S casks Currants rec’d vy per Golden Era, and for sale by II F M’Closkey. H ERRING—22S bxs. Scotch Herring A. A rac’d per Golden Era, and for »ale by II F sTloiket. P AISINS—2S bxs. M.R. Raisins, rec’d -Kit and for sale by H f K’Closxev. VU tNE—ISO casks Claret and White * * Wine, rac’d and for sale by OF M’Closket. I3ACON—SO casks Hains and Shoul dera, rec’d per Bon Accord, and for sale by H_F M’Cloikey. iVI GLASSES—IOO bbls. rec’d and for J-TAaaleby II F M’Closkey. PANDLES—ISO bxs. Star Candles, rac’d per Wisconsin, and for sale by H F M’Cloikey. r PAR 50 bbls. Tar, rec’d per Wiscon- and for sale by __ II F M’Closkey. T ARD—SO bbls. Leaf Lard rec’d per I.M Wisconsin, and ror sale by II F M’Closkey. un(l BOXES Pintandquart Flasks,rec’d “ vy * n ' l ,or H F M’Closkey. ( ’IDER VlNEGAß—Received and for sale by H F M’Closket. (T b NNIES—IO,OOO Gunny Sacks rec’d per Bon Accord, and for sale by H F M’Closket. VARIED BEEF—IO.OOO IbsT Dried Beef rec’d per B<m Accord, and for sale by — H F M’Closkey. ( jRANGES—SO bxs. Oranges, rec’d Fextra superfine Fam "F’ per Excelsior, and for sale by H F M’Closket. 75 , KEGS P rime Lcaf Lard, rec’d per ExceUlor; for sale by H. F. M’Closkey. O AMS AND SHOULDERS— 20 cks. rec’d per Excelsior, and for sale by H F M’CLOaKET. VI ESS PORK—3OO bbls. on hand, and ALL lor Mje by H. F. K’Closket. h*OAP —250 bbls. Yellow, rec’d per Ex v ' ExceUlor, and for sale l»y H F M’Closkx v. ( ' ANDLES—ISO bxs. Mould, rec’d and ~ for ,ale b r H F M'CLOf KEY. QREEN APPLES—IOO bbls. in store, -^ T “ d - ,or HF JPClo.kit. Siwa^r^T 55 hh<l * - fa * r t 0 P rime D. > per H r and for sale by /mpado — Hri’Cwnif. C Union Regalia do do; Atonl jn&&aa& abwq. ft. H. CAMPBELL, <*• *• JONES* B. H. CAMPBELL A CO., WHOLESALE GIIOCKRS, FORWARDING AND COM MISSION MERCHANTS, AMD GENERAL STEAMBOAT AGENTS, No. 36 Levee, Galena, VII. AUO, AOINTI FOR GALENA AND MINNESOTA V. S. MAIL LINE. Nominee, Copt. O. Smith, leaves Galena, Mondays, atl 12 o'clock. Ben Campbell, CapL Lodwick, leaves Galena, Fridays, at IS o’clock. Doctor Franklin, Capt. R. Blakeley, leaves Galena,! Wednesdays, at 12 o'clock. t3*Ootida snipped to go by the above Line, forwareed i tr*e of charge.«4^fi FRESH GROCERIES. THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOW, A receiving their Spring Stock of Groceries Provision.*, | Liquor, Glassware, Ac., Ac., which we will sell very low, and would respectfully .nvite your attention to our stock imd prices before purchasing elsewhere. We have In store the following articles: 288 hhds sugar 100 bbls cider vinegar 260 bbls clarified sugar 200 bxs candles 7ft bbls crushed, powdered 26 bxs sp«*rm candles and loaf sugar 60 bxs star do 200 bbis molasses 600 bbls flour 100 hf-bbls do 300 bbls pork 16 bbls golden syrup 60 bbls lard 26 bf-bbls do 100 kegs do 30 kegs do 30 bxs starch 360 sacks Rio, lAguira and 10 bales Gunnies Java coflee 300 bxs raisins 60 hf-chests Imp, Y II and 200 hf-bxs do black tea 200 qr-bxs do 300 caddies Imp, Y II and 50 tierces rice black tea 100 bbU dried apples 76 M assorted cigars 50 bbls dried peaches 20u dot bed cords 300 hr-bxs glass 100 coils rope 10,000 lights sash 60 bales oakum 10 bales hops 600 bbls seine twine 60 bxs pint flasks 60 colls lath twine 26 do tumblers 260 bbls whiskey 20 doz decanters 30 do Bourbon whtskey 60 doz wine glasses 30 do Monongahela do 20 doz champaign glasses 26 do Am brandy 10 doz lanterns 26 do N E rum 160 bxs cheese 20 qt cks port wine 100 nests tubs 29 do Malaga do 100 doz buckets 10 do Maderia do 26 casks >aleratus 10 do Sherry do 39 bxs almonds 2 pipes (lolland gin 26 frails do 1 do St Croix rum 20 bbis filberts 10 hf-plpos brandy 16 bbls Eng walnuts 20 qr-pipes do 20 bxs maccaruui 30 1-4 do do 60 gross lamp wicks 26 baskets champaign 100 rms letter and cap paper 76 bxs champaign cider 300 rms wrapping do 10 bxs Muscat wine 30 bxs clothes pins 69 bxs Claret 30 bxs ground ginger 10 bxs Annesctte 26 bxs extracts, assorted 100 bbls Dayton ala 10 bbl* lard oil 100 lbs IslngiaM 10 bbls linseed oil 20 bxs preserves 10 bbls sperm do 26 baskets olivv oil 100 market baskets 26 bxa pickles 76 bbls mackerel 20 hags pepper 75 hf-bbls do 16 bags spice 40 qr-bbls do 40 eks currants 100 kilts do I bbl cloves 100 kilts salmon 1 do nutmegs 25 drums codfish 100 lbs mace 100 bxs do 26 bxa chocolate 100 bxs herring 400 kegs nails 100 small bxs tobacco 30 bxs ground pepper 100 large do do 20 bxs do spice 40 bxs smoking do 16 bxs cassia 26 bxs line cut ch'ng tobacco 600 lbs cassia in mala 10 bxs scaflarlati do 60 doz scrubbing brushes 100 bxs pipes 26 doz shoe do 30 bxs brandy cherriea 600 M gun caps 100 doz zinc washboards 16 cases sardines 6o bbls tar 30 bbls oysters 26 bbls pitch 30 bxs Ink 25 bbls rosin 30 bales twine 60 bxs lemons 30 do wicking 10 cases prunes 300 drums figs 600 sacks salt 200 demijohns B. H. CAMPBELL & CO. No. 36 Levee. Galena, May 15, 1852. 34-y R. S. Harris A Co. WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL GROCERS, Forwarding and Commission .Merchants. BOAT STORES. ALSO, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN PURE BRANDT, WINES, CIGARS, Ac. Have on hand and are constantly receiving the following, which we are prepared to sell cheap aud on terms that cannot fall to suit purchasers. SUGARS AND MOLASSES. 40 hhds- N. O. Sugar, SO bbls. S H Molasses, 100 bbls clarified A A B sugar 50 hf bbls 9 H do 60 do « OXOO do 20 kegs do do 20 do loaf do 20 bbls N O do 20 do crushed do 20 hf bbls do do 10 do pulverized do 10 kegs Golden Syrup, corses AKD TSA. 100 sacks Rio Coffee, *75 bxs Imperial Tea, 30 sacks Java do 60 61b bxs do do 30 “ Laguira do 90 bis G P do 10 « St. Domingo Coffee, 40 61b bxs G P do 20 “ Havana Green do 40 6 A 131 b bxs y H Tea, 10 bxs ground do 30 bxs blk Oalmo do 6 (( Manilla do 10 do do very tine do PORK AND BACON. 100 bbls Mess Pork, 600 Sugar Cur 4 name, 30 do Prime do 10 casks clear Sides, 40 hf bbls Family Pork, 10 do Shoulders. COD FISH, MACKEREL. k<. 28 bbls No 1 Mackerel, 5 drums Cod Fish, 20 do No 2 do 60 bxs do do 15 do No 3 do 50 kits Salmon, 60 kits No 1 do 100 bxs Herring, CANDLES AND SOAP. 200 bxs Mould Candles, 100 bxs Palm Soap, 60 do dipt do 76 flu Family do 100 do Star do 126 do Quincy Veilow, 10 do Adamantine Candles, 60 do Variegated do PICKL’ S AND CATSUP. 25 bxs assorted Pickles, 25 bxs Tomato Catsup, 6 do Cabbage do 6 do Walnnt do 6do Plcolila do 6 do Mushroom do SPICES AND EXTRACTS. 20 hxs ground Pepper, 40 doz Extract of l.emon, 10 do ground Pimento, 10 do do Vanilla, 6do do Cassia 30 do do Cloves, 30 luntts do 10 do do Rose, TABLE ERUIT AND PRESERVES. 15 bxs Cherries, 10 bxs preserved Pears, 10 do Peaches, io do Quinces, 10 do Strawberries, 10 do assorted Jellies, 10 do Apricots, io do Jams, TOBACCO ANI) CIGARS. 50 bxs Virginia Tobacco, 100 bxs choice Regalia, viz: 20 do Missouri do 20 do Jenny Lind, 25 do P.AR smoking 20 do Napoleon, 60 do GAW do 10 do la Union, 6 do S L chewing do 60 do Washington, 10 do Neutarlna do 60 do Principe, 6 do Gold Leaf do 60 do Cuba Sixes. WINES AXD LIQUORS. 20 hf pipes Brandies, viz: 6 qrcks Burgundy Port, 4hr do otard, pure 6 <ir do Pure Juice do 4hf ps Pinet, Castlltar Aco 1 pipe Swan Gin, 4 do Gotanl, 100 bids rectified Whisker, 4 do J J Duprey, 40 do Mon’la and Rve do 4 do FTrst Proof 10 bxs Champagne cider, 20 do Brandy 60 do Claret, 40 Bth pipes Brandy, lo do Stoughton, 20 bxs Brandy Cherries 10 do Peppermint, , d " Peaches, 2 or casks Malt Wine, 10 do Absinths, 10 bxs stomach Liners, SHIP CHANDLERY. lOOcoiltaas’d Man’laCordagc6oo Tackle Blocks assorted 80 do Tar’d 600 Hooka and Thimbles, ’ 26 do llemp 100 Capstan Bars, assorted, 25 ruls Packing Yam, 200 Yawl and Skiff Oars, 26 colls Cotton Rope, ass’d 600 Selling Pole*, 2 do Lead Line Hemp 200 Sockets, 2 do do Cotton 10 pair Cant nooks 2 do Bell Itope Hemp, 60 Sheaves, plane A bushed 2 do Wheel Rope, 25 do for Tiller Rope, 6 doz Dlc2 Buckets, io doz llkkorv Brooms, Gum Packing, all sizes, Gu-k t Paper, 20 hbla Tar, 30 bbls Pitch and Rosin, 200 kegs Tar 60 bales t fakum. 50 do wro't Spikes, asa’d 1000 lbs Spun Yam A Marlin 60 Wood Pomps, 26 Caulking Mallets SUNDRIES. 200 sacks C. A Salt, 300 bbls Family Flour, J® *- B '>o 20 cases Matches, 60 do Dairy Salt, 20 bxs Pepper Sauce d “ , sdo Green Co n and Peas 1000 gal Sperm Oil, 10 do Lemon Syrup. 20 bbls Lard do 6do Orange Water, 10 hf bbls Lard Oil, 20 do Starch, 10 bbls Linseed do 6 tierces Rice, 6 do Tannere’ do 100 bxs Bby 10 Glass, 6 Baskets Olive do 80 do 10 by 12 do 600 cans Sardines, 40 do 11 by 15 do 600 do Fresh Oyster,, 80 do 12 by 18 do 20 Ne-t’s W Tube 1000 lb. Lathe Twine, 20 doz Painted Buckets, 20 121 b cans Mustard, 6 casks Saleratus, 30 hxs do 20 bxs do 30 do Pipes 60 bbls Cider Vinegar, 20 do Collin.,’ Axes 60 cans Lobsters and Clams2ooo lbs Bar Lead, 00 kegs Blasting Powder 100 plga do 00 do Rifle 20 bxa Jenny Lind Candy 60 do Cannon 20 do assorted Brandy do 620 doz cans Sporting do 60 kegs Lard, 100 do Brooms, assorted 60 Firkins Butter, 00 rms wrap’s Paper,ass’d 10 bxa Ginger 20 di Writing Paper, 20 bbla S S Almonds, 260 gross playing carda, 10 do Brazil Nutt, 260 bxs W R Cheese, 10 do Pea Nuts, 26 do E D do 10 do Filbertl, 260 kega Nalls, assorted, 20 bait. Wrapping Twine, 60 drama Elga 200 It. Seine do 20 bbla pilot Bread, 200 do Sack do 2 da llu-k Malta. 100 bxa Retains, 2 do Manilla Malts, 60 hf bxa Raisina, • do Butiar priuia, 6 eaaka Ral-lns, * .“® 20 do Scrub Brushes, eas’d 200 lbs Candle Wick, in Stvlf**? 80 do * blue ,Dd blnek Ink, 10 da aboe brushes, 20 do Shoe Blackiux. 10 Z 60 do Sho,! T “ k ’’ l f P JjU? lO bx ' clo,he ‘ Fins, 6 ° 60 dm Bed Cords, 6 do Jelly Moulds, 5 do Mouse and Ilat Traps <W> ll« Gees. Peahen., 6do 6otZ^ 6 bxs Cayenne Pepper. 6 kegs Salt Pelre. 600 bushels Plasterers’ Hair 1000 gala Stone wire, *2* It 0” C * p *’ 400 e*** Shot, assorted, 100 lbs Nutmegs, 2 dos Oil Cana, 10 bxa Vermacllla, 100 bbla Louisville Cement, 10 4> Macaroni, 2 doz Selves, 10 do Coopers’ Isinglass, 6 bxa Curiso, 1» do Shred do 20 do Feast Powders, *0 bxa Chocolate *0 bbla Crackers, M 0 4. Indigo, • eaera PnmoaT Galena, Pm. L IMB—ITr SSOO CHALLENGE. \\ HATEVER concerns the health and " happiness or <t people Is at all time* of the most valuable importance. I take It fur granted that every Person will do all in their power to save the lives of their children, and that every person will endeavor to promote their own health at all sacri flees. I feel it to be my duty to solemnly assure you that Worms, according to the o piulon of the moot celebrated Physician, are the primary c * u#e * of » l»rge majority of diseases to which children and adults are liable; if you have an appetite continually changeable from one kind of food to another. Bad Breath, Pain In the Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hardness and Fullm-as of the Bi lly, Dry Cough, Slow Kev.-r, Pulse Ir regular—remember that all these denote Worms, aud you should at ouce apply the remedy : HOBENSACK’S WORM SYRUP. An article founded upon Scientific Principles, compound ed with purely vegetable mi balances, beiug perfectly safe when taken, snd can be given to the most lender infant wll j l decided beneficial effect, where Bowel Complaints ana Diarrhea have made them weak and debilitated the iK C * >r " pert ‘ eß my worm Syrup are such that it stands without an equal in the catalogue of ra ’dicines, in giving tone and strength to the stomach, which makes It an in fallible remedy for th.-se afflicted with Dyspepsia. the as tonishing cures performed by this syrup atier Physicians have failed, is the best evidence of its superior etticacy ever all others. the tap worm. This is the most difficult Worm to destroy of all that in i n »! iulUan systemj it grows to an almost indefinite length, becoming so coiled and fastened in the intestines ana stomach, affecting the health so sadly as to cans.* St. r a “ CL ‘> Fite* &c., that those afflicted seldom lf ever irrJ^ Ct ,l * 8 Tape U'orm ha> them to an early K e. in order to destroy this worm, a very energetic leaim-’nt must be pu sued, it would therefore be proper •1* „ , K 6 Bof n, y IJver to remove all obstruc- Hht-h ** ,he Worm *y ru P may act direct upon the Worm, !! • “ USI tak, * n * n doses of 2 tabl-spoonfuls 3 times ♦ *y » directions followed have never been known to fail in curing the most obstinate case of Tape Worm . Hobensack’s Liver Pills. No part of the system Is more liable to disease than the Liver, it serving a> a fllier**r to purify the blood, or giv ing the proper secret! n to the bile ;*so that any wrong action of the Liver affects the other important parts «*r the system, and results variously, In Liver (’. mplaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, etc. We should, therefore, watch every sympibm that might indicate a wrong action of the Liver. These Pills being c.iinjMised of Roots and Plants furnished by nature to heal the sick: Namely, Ist, an Ex pectorant, which augments the secretion from the Pul mi-nary mucus membrane, or promotes the dlacltarkc of accreted matter. 2d. An Alterative, which chances in &r>mw inexplicable and insensible manner the certaiu mor bid aelion of the system. 3d. A Tonic* which gives tune anil strength to the nervous system, renewing health and vigor to all pa-ts or the l>udj . 4Ui. A Cathartic which acts in perfect harmony whb the other ingredients, and operating on the Bowels, and expelling the w mass of corrupt and vitla.ed matter, and purltying the Blood, which destroys disease and restores health. To Females. Ton will find the»o Pdis an invaluable medicine lr manv complaints tu which you are subject. In obstructions, ei ther total or partial, they have been round of inestimable ben lit, restoring their functional arrangements to a heal thy ac lon, purifying the LI eel and other fluids so effec tually to put to flight all complaints which may arise from female irregularities, as headache, giddiness, dimness ol sight, pain In the side, back, etc. None genuine unless signed “J. X- Hobtnsaek,” alloth ers b-ing base Imita.lou. tj“ Agents wishing new supplies, and Shire Keepers desirous of becoming Agents must address the Proprietor, J. N. Ilubclisaek, Pldta iciphia, Pa. For sale by J. H. STEVENS & Co. SCARRITT & MASON’S SPRING ARRANGEMENTS FOR 1852. \T 7 E ARE NOW IN RECEIPT OF v ▼ tht* largest and best assorted stock of FI UNIT! KK and rPHOLsSTKKV, we have ever had j whirl* we otter to wholesale aud retail dialers at the verj lowest price*, and feel confident we cannot fail to meet their approba tion. In connection with our ni-tnitfaciuring, we purchase from all the b *st markets, Hast or West, thus keeping pace with all improvements In our line, and enabling us to of fer a great \ ariety of late styles at the lowest prices. Our Warehouse Is large; this with other tacilitses every wu> equal, enables us to keep a large stock at all times, thus ottering great inducement* to Wholesale Dealers. We Invite attention to a large stock or soras, sofa beds, lounges, bureaus, wardrobes, di\an>, rock.n * and parlor chairs, cane-scat chairs, tables, bedsteads, office and easy chairs, wire and tin safes, spring, hair, cotton, moss. im»’- line and husk MATTRKSSKS, with a complete assortment or ri'IIOLsTKRY, all of our own make, and every at tide warranted, thus making a perfect assortment «.r desirable PAIILOK, HOTEL, BED ROOM AND KITCHEN FtJI- N'ITU RE, To which we are continually receiving Additions, thus keeping our stock largo and complete, and insuring old r» tilled without delay. SC A MUTT'S PATENT SOFA BED, Which is acknowledged the most desirable article of the kind ever produced, aiway- on hand or made to suit your taste at short notice. The attention or all housekeeper*. hvtel Ue.por , ~*• oniLx-ut VllKci.*, 4llt| lllf pIIOIIC 111 gell eral, is requested to an examination, when we think they w ill each and all say w e are correct. TO DEALERS’ We offer at Wholesale— 206 Bureaus, 200 Children's chairs, 100 Solas, - 100 Oitlce chairs, 100 Mohogany r«*ckcrs, 100 Willow chairs, 50 Rosewood and mahog- 100 Willow cradles, any easy chairs, 100 Tin and wire safes, 200 Mahogany parlor chairssoo Bedsteads; 200 Cane-beat rocking do; 260 Dining and breakfa>t ta -200 Wood seat do do; ties, 1.000 Cane-»eat chairs, 200 Work stands, 1,000 Wood-seat do 100 .Sewing stands, Ac. We have made arrangements for a continued large sup ply of the above and all other articles in our line, aud confidently say don't “ go further, ns you mav tare worse.” Please call aud examine, at No. <»o Washington Ave l,u<*' SC A HR l IT &. Ai AM )N. St. Louis, May 1. 33-2 m LATEST ARRIVAL FRESH GROCERIES! D E\ &. IARMLR, Roberts street, next XV door to tin- Worbi’s Fair, haw jiM rcc.-Ivt-d p.-r I>r. Franklin No. -2, tlieir ttevoml spriitt? stock of fresh Fanillv Groceries, Provisions, Ac., which tln-y will sell at their u.ual cheap rates. Onr supply Is now superior lo any ever brought to this market; ami we coiiti tlcntly appeal to our form r cu tonicrs for a continuance or their favors, knowing that thus,- who have purchas. il ol us once w hl not tail to come attain. nta.v '22. KEY & FARMER. CENTRA superfine War Eagle Flour— A-J A supply on liaml, which we can e'-h at the ac o mnvodatlmt rates. HEY &. FAItMKK. IjORK—An excellent article for Fam- X lly use, for sate by KEY Jt FAIIMEK. 'I EAS —Fresh Teas, received at New X York by the late quick trips or the “Clipper fleet,” only ninety Uays iroiu Canton, the best I arket. KEY it FAItMKK. Maccaroni and vermicelli —A new supply of fresh ami good, roc’d per Frank lin No. i, for sale by KEY it FAKMKK. K AISINS—Fresh M R. Raisins, of this Spring’s importation, rec’d per Frank.ln No. 2, for sale by KEY ft FAItMEIt. DRIED FRUlT—Apples and Peaches, a most superior article, for sale by KEY &. FAKMKK. TRAILS —Of all sizes, from the lest J-N manufactories In the country, f.,rsale at very low rates by KEY It FAKMKK. j HILDRF.N’S Carriages and Willow Ware of all kinds, purchas ’d at tin* manufactory, and for sale by REY Jt FARMER. ANDLES AND SOAP.—Star and mould candi.i and the best quality of soap for sale by BIT A. FARMER. / OTTON BATTING—A good suppty V ~~ » n hand. RET it FARMER. \/l ANILLA CORDAGE—For sale by ’ 1 KEY & FARMER. ( OFFEE AND SUGAR—Stick of both largely replenished by arrival of Franklin No. 2, every variety of these articles for sale by KEY & FARMER. LE CLAIRE FOUNDRY, DAVENPORT, IOWA, r \ HE PROPRIETORS of the above * establishment would ca»l the attention of mill-wrights and mill-owners, with others that may want machinery to the fa t that they are ready to furnish various kinds of work at their establishment viz : Mill Gearing for fl«»uran«l saw mills, hoistingan<l light er screws, renctlon water wheels of ttifTVrent kin«la, horse powers, threshers aiul separators, fanning mill,cot n shel lor, plow ami cultivator castings, wagon hubs, arms and boxes, grates for windows* pavements and parlors, fronts fer store and warehouses, columns, plain or fluted square or round, boat and mill engines, large or small, horizon tal or upright, alkie or lever cui-oft; Blacksmithing and finishing, and in fact everything ordered In our line, 0 f Iron bras*, composition or bai bit in- tal. Our patterns ar»* all new, ami mill-wrights ordering ma chinery can have It In the la|e S t and best style. We do not Intend to be surpassed by any otablishnn nf, for neat ness of proportion, or strength and durability. Care and experience will be exercised in selecting, mixing, and smelting of metals, to make it satisfactory to the purcha ser aud creditable to the manufacturer. LE CLAIRE, DAVENPORT fc CO. Davenport, May 22, 1862. 36-4ra Choice Lands Tor Sale. Y\ E have several tracts of choice farm * * In* lands, a abort dlatance from St. Paul, which we w(sh to sail on reasonable Urms. ALSO, A tract of heavily-limbered bottom land, on the Mla-t-idppl, opposite Little Crow villa*., four miles below St. Paul. This tract offers rare Inducements to persona wishing timber for manufacturing purposes and firewood. Apply to WLLLOCGHBT Is POWERS, U-rerr Stable, Roberts Street, CHEAP CASH STORK-WHOLESALE AND RETAIL* GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, HARDWARE BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, FURNITURE, BOOKS AND STATIONERY. 'f7lIK aubacrlber, by late arrivals is now In receipt 1. and opeuing in his store on St. Anthony street, near the American House, a large and nio«t complete assort ment of the above named goods, which will positive y be sold at lower prices for cash than ever before offered in this place. His entire sb»ck was selected with great care, and purchased In the eastern and southern markets for cash, ho that he can safely aosure his friends and the pub lic generally that it will be to their interests to call be fore purchasing elsewhere and examine his stock, which consists :u part as follows: GROCERIES. 6 hhds N Orleans sugar, 12 chests fine Y II tos, 12 bbls d • do 17 caddies tine Imperial tea, 15 “ clarified sugar, 25 “ gunpowder tea, 6 “ crushed do 25 boxes W R cheese, 3 “ puiverized sugar. 10 “ fresh raLliis, 8 “ 811 molasses, 1 cask “ currants, 10 “ N O do 10 drums fresh figs, 3 “ golden syrup, 6 boxes assorted candy, 13 hags Kio coffee, 28 dozen boxes sardines, 5 “ Java do 20 “ cans oysters, 10 bbls rice, 5 ba.-kets olive oil, 10 “ butter crackers, 6 boxes as.*orted pickets, 5 “ No 1 mackerel, 7 “ to ato catsup, 3 “ do saluiond, 3 “ mushroom catsup, 10 boxes smoked herring, 3 “ walnut catsup, 25 “ codfish, 6 “ pepper sauce, 50 “ table salt, 6 “ lemon sy up, 10 sacks coarse salt, 10 M regalia cigars, 7 boxes N Y mustard, 12 “ Cuba “ 5 eases do 6 “ Principe “ 5 boxes grond pepper, 15 boxes chewing tobacco, 3 “ grain do 100 dozen smoking do 3 “ slspice, 60 lbs macahoy >nutY, 2 “ clove*, 5 boxes 8 D pipes, 2 “ cinnamon, 15 “ matches, 8 “ wheat staich, 6 “ ginger, 16 “ No 1 soap, 6 gross Mason's blacking, 2 “ castile soap, 9 boxes Ink, 2 “ fancy do 10 kegs rifle powder, 15 “ mould candles, 8 dozen cans do 7 “ star do 40 bags shot, 4 “ sperm do 900 lbs bar lead, 3 bids sperm oil, 10 M gun caps, 5 lard oil. 10 dozen brooms, 12 dozen axe helves, 5 “ shoe brushes, 4 “ mop handles, 6 “ scrub brushes, 4 “ door mats, 20 “ bedcords, 10 “ clothes lines, 8 “ painted pails, 5 “ covered buckets, 5 “ w ashboards, 2 “ well do 10 “ measures, 4 boxes clothes' pins, 6 coils nianilla rope, 6 dozen market baskets 6 dozen wood bowls. The above enumerated g«*ods comprise only a small portion of my slock. 1 shall keep constantly on hand a large quan.ity PROVISIONS, such as ham:*, shoulders, butter, lard, flour, pork, peach es, apples, potatoes, corn and oats. Also, WINKS AND LIQUORS, consisting of whiskey, brandy, port, madeira, gin, porter, claict, champuigne and ale. Also, CLOTHING, a complete and fashionable assortment, made up in th<* best manner, and of the best material, among which are overcoats, dress and frock coats, and vests of all kinds, colors and sizes; under clothing in great variety. Also, BOOTS AND SHOES, a very large and well selected assortment, too numerous to mention. Also, HATS AND CAPS, embracing all the fall and w inter styles. Also, a gene ral assortment of hardware, paint*, glass, tinware cutle ry, oils, Ac. JOHN FARRINGTON. INSURANCE BY THE Protection Insurance Comp.’y OF II AKTF OR D, CO XX*KOT ICU T. IN. ORFORATED 1825. Uauilal Stock, Annual Premiums fc Western Fund 11.A00.f100. THE merchants and liou>eh<dders of St Paul and Ramsey 1 county, are respectfully refeired to the superior advan tages ottered lor Fire and Marine Insurance, by W. P. MURRAY, Esq, The duly authorized Agent for this Company: By the establishment, 26 years since of a central office at Cincinnati, for the prompt settlement of western and south western losses, a careful selection f ri>k>, the most unremitting attention to their dispersion, and prudence and economy in all its transactions, the officers of this Compa ny have had the satisfaction of seeing the usefulness and prosperity constantly upon the increase during a long pe rlo>! or year.-- Many (ithlh Companies have in the MEANTIME TAILED TO DISCI! ARUE THEIR JUST LI AIIII-ITIES, HAVING BEEN WEAKENED AND FINALLY RENDERED BANKRUPT, BY A RECKLESS COURSE OF BUSINESS. Insurance Companies of this stamp and character arc continually springing up in various parts of the country. It is not our purpo>e (by accepting premiums inade quate to COVER THE AVERAGE ANNUAL LOSS) to compete with such irresponsible offices, whose object would seem to bo to collect a considerable sum front the opera tions of one or two seasons, divide the proceeds, and pay their losses, or not, a>, expediency may dictate. On the contrary, the PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY, or Hartford, w ill maintain its business upon a peiima nent and RESPONSIBLE basis, and thereby secure a con tinuanc’j of the patronage which has hitherto been so lib orally extended. W. B. ROBBINS, General Agent Protection Insurance Coinp’y. The undersigned, local Agent, is supplied witli lilank and reii. wal receipts, which will be issued, cov ering approved risks upon reasonable term*. W. P. MURRAY, Agent Protection Insurance Company tor St Paul and Ramsey county, St Patti, November 13,1851—d Frc-h (lyUers, Stnnvbcriics, P( aches, See. Edward Wright. NO. 16 IIILI. STREET, Baltimore, M’l. HAS now, an*l will cnntsnuc to keep cunatadtlv on hand, a Bond supply of Ilcrmctically Scaled Fresh 'OYS T ERS of superi-T qualities, put up expressly for the Southern and Western trade. Also, fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Meats, Cream and Mi k, Clams, Sift aud Hard Crabs, Tur tle and Diamond Bn k Terrapin, put up with their tine flavor, and warranted to keep in any climate. JL|~ Hie attention of dealers Is respectfully invited. tKt. 17—c at NEW STOItE FOR TIIE ST. CROIX RIVER TRADE. ON HAND—A selected assortment of groceries, pro visions, dry goods and ready-made clothing, hard ware and tin-ware, boots and shoes. A general assort ment selected particularly lor the lumber trade- ••heap for cash. On time, terms agreed to suit parties. W. 11. C. Taylor’s Falls, Minn., Sept. *23, 1851. y MANNY k WEI.I) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES 156 Main Street, St. Louis, WOULD respectfully call the attention of dealers in Minnesota, to the largest and most varb-d assort ment ot Boots and Shoes ever offered in Sf Louis Believing that they can offer better indue ment* to pur rhasers, than any other establishment; which they are willing to demonstrate upon an examination of their goods a ml prices. September 24, ISsl—r IRON, NAILS A STEEL, MANI FACTIJRKD BY TIIE St. Louis Rolling Mill, From Missouri Iron Mountain Ore ( HAS. VV. BUItUP has on hand and constantly receiving, Iron Steel otid Nail.-, manu factured by the above establishment, at the following prices f..r cash, or approved credit: Round, Mpiare ami fiat bar, B large siz'', 4 1-2 to 5 ots. Round and M|iiare, A “ “ 6 1-2 to 6 1-2 Round, square ami flat bar, B small size, 5 1-2 to 7 1-2 Flat bar A “ “ 7 to 9 cl*. Sheet Iron from No. 10 to ‘27 - - 5 to 7 1-2 Spring Steel, - Sets. Hough, - 9 American Blister - - - - io NAILS— 10-12-16-20-30—10-60-60d per lh. 5 rts keg 50 “ 8 - - - do 6 1-2 “ 5.6 ‘ f - - - do 7 c:s “ 675 3 - - - do 8 “ 775 SPIKES—cut, - - - do 7 “ 676 “ wrought - - do 10 “9 50 Anvils, - do 17 c t>. Wagon Boxes, - - do 4 1-2 Buggy “set - - - - -70 cl*. 53-IKON GRARANTEED.«£4 The Nai!s will be found on trial to be nuperior to an? other in market. Mv 36 6tn TAKE NOTICE. I HOSE indebted to ine by note or oth erwUe, will confer a tavor by paying the same to Truman M. Smith. R. M. SPENCER Saint Paul, Mav 7, 1852. — i FPUS! I’IJKN!! \V A wiT^i. D ’.i. , "l 1 t u""’ i ‘ nd ■ ,,,llan ' Wl > r, lt of Fur*, for wl ' lcf > ,he *>‘Rhct market price, In rash, will be Uec. ‘2O. P T tU WM. 11. FORBES. Y/l EMOIR OF WILLIAM ELLERY Cliantjiug, with an engraving, In 3 vol*. For sale 97 LtDUC A ROHRER. T IFE and Public Services of John -LM Quincy Adams, by Wm. n. Seward. For sale by I.IDUC k KOHKKK. H YDRAULIC RAMS, Pumps, Lead A Pipe, sheet In r, and Bar Lead, Patent Churns, Ac.. Jor ule Uy y, « Kru'vi t RL Raul. Jsne S, isr - ' '*'■ GRAEFEIMBERO CO IP A- NY, NEW YORK. the graefexbkrg sarsaparilla compound. 1 S warranted ten times more efficacious, JL and t*-n times cheaper than any otli*T known, no mat ter how large the b4>ttle, or extravagant the advertisements, and it 1* beyond all question the most valuable preparation of the day. So highly concentrated is It, that the dose is but the half of a small t -a-sp<ionful, while the doeeof that which is sold iu large bottles is nearly a wine-glass full, and has been pronounced decidedly injurious In many cases, owiug to its liability to become sour and funucut. THE GRKKN MOUNTAIN VEGETABLE OINTMENT. The power of the Green Mountain Vegetable Ointment Is astonishingly great. There is no medicine known that can surpass It in prompt and energetic action. Applied In sufficient quantities to the body, In the vicinity of the mi>st highly inflamed part*, whether external or internal, it at once sutxlues the incarnation and pain, it will quiet the most “angry" looking wounds, soften and reduce swell ings of the hardest kind, ami purify and restore to perfect soundness old and inveterate sore*. Among the diseases to which this wonderful Ointment is adapted are the fol lowing : Glandular swellings, ague In the face, swelled breasts and sore nipples of nursing women, bronchitis, felons and ring worms, scald head, and is an invaluable dressing for burns, scalds and drawn blisters, shingles, erysipelas-, piles, infiamation of the eyes yield* to its power iinm ‘diately ; all bruisees and cut wounds are cure! with great rapidity, fever sores and scmfTulous sores are soon chauged into a healing condhion, and frequeniy entirely cured. GRAKFENBKRG DYSENTERY SYRUP. This celebratfi and unrivalled medicine is of immediate efficacy in the most violent and obstinate cas-** of dysen tery, dl.trrhira, IdiMidy flux, Asiatic cholera, cholera mor bus, cholera infantum, looseness of the !>owels, grlpings and all other irregularities of the intestine.*. The causes of the above various complaints are various, sometim-s they are atmospheric; sometimes they arise from the eating of unripe or unwholesome food; soinetim ** man the use of river water, soni tiin -s from a natural predisposition of the system; sum tim s fr.»ui teething— children are frequently affected without any noticeable cause. But no matter what the origin, this syrup is sov reign, in the must sickly tropical C4iuntrh-s as well as the most temperate climes. The following directl >ns should be carefully observed. Unlike all other medicine* ottered for similar complaints, this syrup actsspecitic: 1 y upon the secretion*, restoring them at once to health. Other dysen tary in -dicines w rely allay the more violent symptoms— THIS l L RES ! THE GKAKFEXBERG CONSUMPTIVE BALM. It is beyond all question true that the Consumption (phthisic pulmonaris) 1* a curable disease. Some of the ablest medical writers assert tills; among whom we may cite the celebrated names of La*rnc, Andral, Cruvll lier, Stokes and Williams. Their researches, as well as til-* mure recent ones of Kogce and Boudet, that so tar from pulmonary tuliercle beiug necessarily fatal, it is spon taneously cured l»y nature in a vast munber oi case*, even when lartje u.cent have be« n lomi d on the lungs. The gn at object, is to arr st the progr-s* oi the ulcers (or tubercl-s) upon the lungs, and to In al th in perma nently. Health will then follow. This the lira fenberg Consumptive ha.m will do, aud it is believed to he the only r. m *dy ever discovered. It acts at once upon the tub -rcles and invariably arrests their progress, and restores the lungs to soundn *ss. it will notot course r plac • those portions of the lungs already consumed, but it whl heal what may be left; leaving the individual in health, though it may be with diminished lungs. DR. LIBBY'S CELEBRATED PILE OINTMENT. As prepar’d for the Graefenberg Comjmny, and bearing the s al or that Institution. None genuine unless it has the seal of the company. A CURE IS WARRASTED . This i* a sufficient argum *nt to induce every p -rson suf fering under this disease to try it. Tin* m.itiey wid be im mediately refunded if a cur - dues not res tut from its use according to d.ructions. HIE GRAEFENBERG EYE-LOTION For disorders of the eye till- lotion has noi’qwil; it is com pounded up n the most scientific principles, and ha* per form dex raordinary cures. For violent iiutamatioii, dim n ss and la ling of the sight, weakness of the eyes, invol untary weeping, foreign substances m the eyes, etc., it is a pcs.tive aud speedy cure. GRAKFENBKRG CHILDREN'S PANACEA, A ni >st strange and incr dible fact in *ets us at the v ry threshold of our remarks on this valuable indicia •• It is this: that no m dicinr pr-pard adapted to the var.ous dis eases of children and youth has ever been off red to the public, while at the same time it is establish’ d by the most accurate tables of mortality that one-half of the hu man family die before reaching the age or five years. We should suppose that to tills great class of human suf ferers— tiiis one-lunf or the race—the most anxious and earn-st attention would have been given; that medical skill would have be n tn*ked to its utmost capacltv to find out a medicin ■ to which mothers and nurses might rea-rt under tiie constantly recurring n ceviti s which pres nt themselves in this connection. The world is literaby crowded with in dicines tor adults, but to thesuffering of childr<ti no one la* seemed to turn prop r attention. No one has regarded their c. n iitioii. No one lias s-omed to think it pi*s*ible that the ravages of dis ase and d. alh among them might be stay. d. ltUtru - that there are num rous \ emiifuges and Cordials of some value, but each of these are con in d exclusively to on • or tornis of disease. The Gra. tenb.-rg Children's Panacea is the only m divine extant to either h misphere that is at all worthy of b Ing called a Cliiidr n's Medicine; or that sup ! piles the gr at want alluded to. GRAKFENBKRG VKGETAI’L’-: PILLS. Ilistorj of the Graeftnbenj I'e.ietable P.ilt—Perfec tion the of undivided attention. The Inventor of tliea • Pills, p,«s-ssing a lons and Inti mate ac ,uaintancc with the human svst- in. and with the num.-runs in -dicines to which medical in n usutillv r sort, studied mr many lons and wearisome rears ii|k.ii the sin’ Bh- proposition how to pr. pare a PILL w-ldeh would act in harmony wt", the er- at laws of Nature,and expel diseases without -luinc violence to the ayst-m. GRAEFENBERG IIKALTII BITTK.tS. Entirely Vegetable. Skilirnlly an.l elegantly prepsir-dhy th- Gra -fenher- Comi«tny, ir m a munher of most purifying, inyicoratiiic and healing IK HITS, ItAKKS, HER IIS an I \in-s, gath -red in the forests and prairies of Aut-TA-a. Sold I v J. 11. STEVENS k CO. September I, 1861. St. Anthony Falls. NGTICE \ LL persons interested, please take < 1 notice that I have been appointed hv.tli-- Court ol Probate of flic County of Ramsey, administrator on the «->tate of John Stean, late of said coun'v, d« ceased, and will atb-nd lo all claims or demands for or against liis is tat<** THOMAS P. HKKD, SI. Paul, March 30, 1862. 3m A<lmini>irator, STOVES. Competition defied at the Cheap Store Store On Third, between Roberts and Jackson streets. 11I.W E now on hand a splendid assortment of stores of the most approved patterns, among which will h ""ini I .offers double oven. Queen of the Prairies, Ir ving s air-tight, Prairie Queen, Prairie State, st. LoitU air-tight, prize premium, Grecian parlor, cottage parlor, Etna parlor, Saratoga Itox, air-tight, Bridge k Brothel’., slieet-irun air-tight, of all sizes and patterns, seven and ten-plate stoves. 1 have also a good assortment of the following articles liui'ow ware, camp kettles, trypans, hake ovens, stew pans, brass kettles, spoons, ladles, Coffee mills, churns, huikets, brass. Iron and lin can.lle.-Hck-, sieves, brooms, W’Ktden and metal faucets; zinc, sheet iron. Copper atid Japan ware, iron and brass wire, -buffers, travs, spittoons patent zinc wasliltoards, waffle irons, sad-irons, rivets iron cars, steel traps, sheep and cow bells, spring balances’ currycombs, horse cards. Al>o, Axes, axe handles, hatchets; rip and X cut haws; >hovels, spad -s, tire sliovcl*, tong.*, grub and ganleii hoc>, garden scythes, pitchforks, plow-, hydraulic rains, torce and lilt pumps, lead pipe, pig, slieet and bar lead.itussia tr.di, grind stones, percussion caps, pistols, humlng-gias scs. hunting hatehets, kc. In short, my a-sort mem consists of alnnwt every thing usually kept in the stove and tinware line, it is <,r the best quality, and 1 will sell at prices low enough lo .-ath*- fy almost any one. All kinds of Gutter rave trough, spouting, kc., also every description of Job work, at all tunes tieatlv and substantially done at my tin-shop, al reasonable prices. mioct F. S. newei.ll F. E. COLLINS, AUCTION k COM M ISS ION HOUSE TIIE un.|.-r»ißnc<l having received an Auctioneer’s Com iiiirfioa from the Governor of Mtnnc.ota, hat. opened an Auction an.l Oniniisslnu llotne, In St. Haul, where he will -ell on comniiaaion, Gpjccrics, Dr>- Oo.«Js, Furniture, kc. lie believes that the superior atlvamaffcs of St. I’iittl a market, will h.- a sufficient Inducement fur business men aud mamitactuivn> at a distance, to send their goods, kc., to h- sold on c.numis.ioii at private sale, or at auction, ills charges will he m -derate. N. B. Particular attention wi|l he paid to the sale or real estate, In or about St. Paul, St. Anthony, or SllUwa i*arel' 6 F. E. COLLINS. REFERENCES: Gov. Alev. Ramsey, St. Paul, llon. 11. 11. Sibley, Mendota, “ David Olmsted, M -reliant, Bcnt.n Ct., “ J. C. Kamsey, St. Panl, “ Wm. 11. Fohbes, j Elfelt k Brothers, f „ . . _ J. W. BIMPZON, } Merchants, St. John Ka.huington, \ 1 aul « D. L. fuller, j Frarklir STEELE, Mer. SI. Anthony, Wm. Holcombe, Esq., stllluater. For Rent. T WO new lraine dwellings with two lots of ground attached to each house, suitable f..r Food par lens, as It was cultivated last rear. Also, one F0..1 log house, wilh live acre, of fround, and a good bam. 30 by 40 feet. Also, FOR SALE, SO town lot,, cheap. Apply to „„ W. A. CHKKVKR, j 6l ' St. Anthony City. Kittson’s Addition. 'THIS desirable ground, lying in the ro. rv C r" ,r * l * n<l a,,v *nta«eoua part of the basin or St. Paul. Where must inevitably he the principal river " f < h , e tuw ». affording also the most choice and delightful lots In the rear, upon the bench for dwel ling houses; la surveyed Into lots and now oflered for sale With titles undisputed and Indisputable, at reaaona bly low prices, and upon liberal terms u 1 credit, for most of the purchase money, and lnmber for building on lots sold In the addition, will be furnished at ibe rotary saw mill on easy terms, ('HAS. H. OAKES, Agent for Proprl-fors. | ARRANGEMENT FOR «a 4 1852. ail GALENA AND MINNESOTA. United Slates Mail Line.’inc of throe first cls.s busts: NOMINEE l av. SMITH, BEN CAMPBELL, C»t>t. M. W. LODWICK, DK FRANKLIN, Cspi. R. BLAKELY. Leaving Galena, The NOMINEE, Capt. O. Smith, Mondays, st 12 o'clock. The DK. FRANKLIN, Capt. K. Blakely, Wedsewlays, at 12 o’clock. The BEN CAMPBELL, Capt. M. W. Lodwick, Fridays, at 12 o'clock. The above boats will run regularly during the ensuing season. Having the mail contract their punctuality cau be relied on. They will remain at St. Paul sufficiently long to enabP* passengers to visit the Fails ot St. Anthony. For speed and accommodation these boat* are unsur passed, and every attention will be paid to Passengers and Freight They will leave punctually at the hour named. The Nominee will make the trip so as not to be out oa Sunday. Goods shipped to the agents at St. Louis or Galena, to go by this line, will be forwarded free of charge. Galena being the termini of the great thoroughfare leading westward from Chicago and Milwaukee, nearly all the travel from the eastward, destined for the Upper Mississippi, takes passage by steamboat from this point; also, nearly all the steamboats on the Southern trade, from St. I .ouis and other i*orts below, come into this port for reshipment for points above. AGENTS. R F Sass, St Louis, Nelson, Gilbert Jl Co., B II Campbell k. Co., Galena Nelson's Landing. G K West, Dubuque, C R Read, Lake Pepin. S M Langwor.hy, do L Hertzell, Point Douglass, A McGregor, Churchill it Nelson, McGregor’s landing, Stillwater, B W Brisbois, Pdu Chien, J W Babcock, St Paul, F D Cow les, Lansing, S II Sergent, do Campbell Jl Smith, Russell Jl Rice, St Anthony La Crosse, Janies Peck A Co., Chicago. Galena, Feb. 25, 1852. 26tf REGULAR ST. I/>UIS, GALENA, DUBUQUE, AND ST. PAUL PACKET. T” 1 HE favorite passenger stenm- , (Kg' «, I er Ur.FRANKLIN No.2,C*pL Uriah Jgggyg Brock, will run regularly ilurlii* the season between tbs above points. The No. 2 has been put in first-rate order, and is just as good as new. She offers superior accommo dations to the traveling and emigrating public, may 22. 36-U REGULAR PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS, AND INTEKME* DIATK PORTS. I HE new and splendid pas- . JEST* m i senger Steamer “GOLDEN ERA," ram Bersif, Commander, will make regular weekly trip* between Galena and St. Louis during the season, leaving Galena every Monday evening at 6 o’clock, and St. Louia Friday evening at 4 o'clock. The Golden Era lias been fit ted up with every regard to the safety and comf«»rt of her pa>scngcrs, and Iter Stab: Rooms ais I Salt*.ns are ftirnifthod with elegance and provided with every improvement. For Freight or passage apply on board or to JAMES CARTER A CO., Agent*. Galena, May 22. 35-tf Regular Galena and Saint Panl Packet, Twice • Week. jHE superior and last running passen (ht su-ain.r West Newton, C. S. tI MORRISON, Master, w. I leave Saint Panl fur Gslena and all intermediate ports, un inskStt We.!ne>dity m-rnings at H u’eiuck, and Saturday evenings at S o’clock. Fur trelght or passage auplv . n i,..srd or tc H. C. TIUItKLL, Agent. June 12, 1852 3B-tf GALENA AND ST. LOUIS FRIDAY PACKET. lIIE entirely new and splcn- , ~ y dM Pa-seng* r Packet B R V NETT K , Charles Barger, Master, whl leave Gaicoa tor St. Louis auil inumiediate port*, every Friday evening at six o'clock; returning, will |e«*ve st. I»nis every evening at four o’clock. o*Pers-.ns raking the Nominee from St. Paul, will alwa\* arrive at Galena in time for the Brunette,and will have no delay in g#*iiig beFov JLj* Thf BRUNETTE i* second b» none in her arrange ment* and accommodations f.,r the comfort and safety of Passengers; and, for *peed is not equalled bv any baton the Upper Mississippi. STILLMAN A ROOD, 39-6 m j gunti>. GLASSWARE WHOLESALE & RETAIL. To Hotel and Hoarding House Keepers, Mpl hants and the Public in General. O MARVIN, (AGENT FOR THE A-L* o’llaiii Glas* Maiiiitaeluring Company.) lias open on Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office, a very extensive assortment ol GLASSW ARE, which he is offer ing at Wholesale and Retail, below st. Lulls prices. Call and examine this beautiful, and for St. Paul, unique d splay or Glassware. You will find Turn' lers of every deserjd' n Sugar fouls, i Cruets, Fruit Fouls, j Celeries, Jetty Bouls, Sat/s, Molasses Cans, Pitchers. Custard Bowls, Fruit Plates, Jelly Glasses, Cake Salvers, Jelly Stands. And indeed a variety too numerous to mention. Call early at the St. Paul Glassware Third street, be tweou Roberts and Minnesota streets. May l, 1852. 33-y CAYENDER & MATTHEWS, 1.. LACKSMITIIS, at ’.he Red Shop on I -■ th.- .-ust sille t.f Roberts fltnd, Bt. FhL Itnrs cm* BanMikg** mis, bL All other work In proportion. The bext slock anil material llvrivi on hand, and none but tirst-rate workmen employed. Our terms are CASH, in cunnecllo ll Whh „, ir Sln | lh sh(>r(; .... hove sis., * ,; , ~'P’ a "“I’Wy of 'lie best seasoned white l- .i„: r , ln '"::*'!■ '" r msßlnc tlp-lop wagons, bug g is and sleighs, which we make. Iron and warrant to or • ler ,m short notice. Also every description or plows. iho.o-i Ar , ,h 0 of ,>l,r ‘hop Straight ffiroiicli. And though u may be said we live by our visfs V tT?" k' 1 *"' 1 living, v/e n. on to do honest a«»rk f«»r prier*. 29m6 W. Thomson, No. 6 CARROLL HALL, Baltimore, Md., AGENT t on THE SALE OF ®-M- T,J * rt ! , N PKINTING INK. COLORED INKS, BOOK IN k. and NEW S INK, o( -upvriorqualttv,and at the low est prices, ’ W . T. warrante the Ink ma le at the Raltlmore works to be Of the very best quality, and should any article Shipped by hint fail to give satisfaction it can be returned at his expense. PRICES OF INK PER POUND. v ,„r"G r ? r ” >s ’ 25c; X’,. 2 Power Press b ,Vi’v* n » »’"•*•’ niw ’’ i No. I, Power press, b'~.k 30c, No. 2, Power press, book, 40c; Hand press, JV*’ : 3 < J Uc < "An.l press, l-.-.V, No. 2, 50,-; Hand N ”; '» 75t > tok $1 00, Fine blue Ink, f 0 ’ I v’ ' r b l" e ~,k’ *' Fine r-d Ink, $2 60; S 2 «) " k ’ 50 ’ <:r ’' en Ink, $2 00; Brown Ink, Lumber r»r Sale, r l IIE undersigned wishes to inform the -X Citizens of Sa tit Paul and Us vicinity that he la opening a Lumber Yard, near the old shingle Factory,on Jackson and Seventh streets, and is prepared to till or d.-r for all kinds of Lumber of any description, l-aihsor Terms easy, one half tip, and the balance on the de livery of the Lumber. j, w. BASS, Agent for St. Anthony Mill Co. WILLiA M TAYLCP, I2ARBER and Hair Dresser—lias fitted SJ up a saloon on Third Street, next west of the Post Office In Saint Paul, op u, the Increasing luxury. style and elegance of the growing metropoll, u f Minne sota, where he will be happy to serve citizen, and stran gers In St. Paul. In every branch of his business. ..cord ing lo the best of his ability. osiucss, accord- AT TIIE OI,D ST AXD, Third, between Jackson and Robert Streets, St. Panl. I "° w ? n * «««* of Groceries, Liquors, u , PU , r V.; °" r ’.V Jm '‘" C I>r F t»oods, Qoeensware, Heady Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, fcc, (hat wdl com pare favorably with any ever benight to this market. My assortment ol Queen-ware, especially, I can recommend as the largest and best selected In the Territory. Cara hat been taken to procure the latest styles to be found In the Eastern markets. To my old customers, aud all oth ers, I would respectfully say, call and examine, ms I am determined to sell very low for cash, and chwe oat my thing ” *“ e ,|K ' nlng ® r «»vlgalien. This la a “aura nov. 29 tf. s. 3FBGKNT. NEW GRIKERY AND PROVISION STORK, ~ OR SAINT ANTHONY STREET, TWO DOORS BELOIT THE AVI Elt I (.AN HOUSE THE undersigned would respectfully Invite the attention 1 of the public, to their large and w ell selected stock of Groceries and Provisions. Also, Headv-Made Clothing Hoot., Shoes, Wines, Lhptors, Kalis, Gln-- „Vra,. r e k-aii ~f which will he sold cheap for cash ’ a I . I,|e " e “ M * l,d e ** ralne before purchasing elae -sTpanl, October 29, 1861 IEV,NE * “J*o D USSIA, English, and American Sheet Iron, and 400 assorted noyea In store and for sals _1 F. S. NEWELL. g j zeg> Fireproof Paint, V-M Scales, Trucks, fcc., In storm and lor sale, by F. S. NEWELL. Wf ANTED —3OOO old stoves for Foun ’ » dr», tw p. p. yrwEI.I .