Newspaper Page Text
ffMrcrair* Lore. Oh ! If there 1« not one law above the rest, Written in Wisdom —if there is a word That I wouid t ace as w ith a p n of are Upon the unsullied temper ot a cuiM— Jt there is any Ling that keeps the mind Open to angel visit?, and n p--li The minlst y of I.l—Ms Human Lore! God has made no.hing worthy 01 contempt. The small'-s: pebble in the well of Truth, Has its peculiar m*, and will stand Wbeu man’s be*. m numeuts w*ear fast away. The law of Heaven Is Love—and though its uamo Has been usurped by passion, and profaned To its unholy u-a* through ail time, Still, the ear. Trial principle is pure; And in these deep affections that we feel Omnipotent within ur, can we see The la\ l*h measure in which love is given. And in the yearulug n-nderue?s of a child For every bird that sings abo.W its head, And every creature feeding on the blits And every tree and flower, and running brook, We see how everything was made to love, And how they err, who in a world like this, Find any thing to hate but human pride. From the Memphis Enquirer. 44 A Life on the Ocean Wave.” BY FRANKLIN PIERCE. Tht Brigadier General , t rho asked and received six months’ pay and rations in advance ! « 4 A li/e on the oc an w ave,” A wreck oil an ••Man < sea !’* Where the fresh water bill <w- rave, Oh ! the snag and the sawyer Jor me ! Like a Hon 1 crouch lor my pi t y Nor heed the wild humcaiii’s roar : Oh the Veto, the \ eto f«*r me, For it whispers oX \ esseis oil shore I The wild thunder from afar— Ah ! the ma out or my reach! Bui no! ?he sirlk -s . u the oar ! Oh soon wilt she ilasu on the beach, A prey to the p ping blast: — A wrec-% »n the sandy blur The “Veto” ha- trt mplied ai last, lit pra se is the hurricane’s roar. The land is n- w bounli g the vi *w, We are borne on the *wi:t-ruiinlng tid?, But ha k! from that v ss 1 and ctcw, What in ans the win! cry as they ride? ’Tls a sawyer is piercing her through ! A snag is upnpplng her deck! Oh the VETO ! »hc Vet" for me!— For onr u ble steamer’s a w reck ! Ob ! p-a se th n 'he Veto of “Polk !” Let «*PIKKCE*’ bo our rallying cry— Let the s »ng of our hearts go up— While his votes in Congress go by f For there'* ‘-lire on the ocean wave” While there’s ilea h u?i our ••Inland so “No power” I- glv. u to save— Oh ! PIERCE and tlio VETO f.r me ! German Agriculture Tlie account given by Mr. Howitt of German agriculture cannot l'ail to interest our readers : Each German has his house, his garden, his roadside trees, so laden with fruit that j if he did not carefully prop up and tie to gether, and in many instances hold the boughs together with wooden clamps, they would be torn asunder by their own weight, He lias bis corn plot, bis plot of mangel-wurtzel, or a hedge for pota toes for hemp, &c. He is his own mas ter, and he therefore, and every branch of his family have the strongest motive for constant exertion. You see the effect of this in his industry and his economy. In Germany nothing is lost. The pro duce of the trees and the cows is carried to market; much fruit is dried for winter use. You see it lying in the sun to dry. You sec strings of them hanging from their chamber windows in the sun. The cows are kept up for the greater part of the year, and every green thing is collected for them. Every little nook where the frass grows by roadside, and river and rook, is carefully cut with the sickle, and carried home on the heads of the wo men and children in baskets, or tied in large cloths. Nothing of any kind that can possibly be made of any use is lost; weeds, nettles, hay, the very goose grass which covers the waste places, is cut and taken for the cows. You see the little children standing in the streets of the villages, in the streams which generally run down them, busy washing these weeds before they are given to the cat tle. They carefully collect the leaves of lhc J marsh grass, carefully cut their potato j tops for them, and even if other things fail, gather green leaves from the wood lands. One cannot help thinking contin ually of the enormous waste of such things in England—of tlie vast quantities of grass on banks, by roadsides, in the openings of plantations, in lanes, in church-yards, where grass from year to year springs and dies, but which, if care fully cut, would maintain many thousand cows for the poor. To pursue still further the subject of German economy. The very cuttings of the vine are dried and preserved for win ter fodder. The ’ops and refuse of hemp serve as bedding for the cows; nay, even the rough stalks of the poppies, after the heads have been gathered for oil, are saved, and all these are converted into manure for the land. When these are not sufficient, the children are sent into the woods to gather moss, and all our readers familiar with Germany will re member to have seen them coming home ward with large bundles of llvs on their heads. In autumn, the falling leaves are gathered and stacked for the same pur pose. The fir cones, which with us lie and rot in the woods, are carefully collec ted and sold for lighting fires. In short, the economy and care of the German peasants is an example tu all Eu rope. They have for years, nay ages, been doing that, as regards agricultural management, to which the British public is but just now beginning to open its eves. Time, also, is as carefully economized as ever J thing else. They are early risers, as may well be conceived when the chil dren, many of whom come from a consid erable distance, are in school at six in the morning. As they tend their cattle or swine, the knitting never ceases, and hence tlie quantity of stockings and otlier household things which they accumulate is astonishing. F-e-l-l-e-r D-i-m-m-i-c-r-a-t-s ! We are on the eve of a lugubriously con sequential and obsequiously important campaign, when all the free dimmikrats are expected to meet the brunt of the battle, bear their virtuous buzzums to the scathing fight, and go it for Thompson Pierce!’ [Tremendous shouts of ap plause.] 1 Snow from the mountains is selling at Shasta, California, at fifty-five cents per pound. It costs something to “ keep cool ” lo that region. Spirit or the Press. —The editor of the Tombigbee Bowie-Knife says if the Clarion of Freedom calls kis sister “a grocery” again, he will sever his jugular with a hand-saw. The Clarion should pause. H. P. M ( I.OSKLY, WHOLESALE GROCER, CO-4 MISSION' AND YOO WA'IDIXO ME lICIIA NT. Importer of Wines. Liquors, Cigars, ole.. No- 3sl l.'-ver, Ciit-ns, I*l. rs NOW RECEIVING HIS LARGE and well selected -tuck of Uroc*rf eg, Frovisiuu-, Wines, Liquor*, etc., which he offer* to the trade at the lowest market raie* for cash. M 6 hhds X O sugar 150 bbls green applet VOO bbls clarified do 60 bales batting 100 obi* loaf, crushed and 60 bbls butter crackers powdered sugar 60 lUOlb bxs codfish 172 bbls St Loui* S H mo- 75 601 b do do Utose* 125 261 b do do 100 bbls plantation molasae* ‘260 bxs Scotch herring 160 “NOSH, do 15 caae* sardine# 75 “ Syrup do 72 do* bucket* 25 kegs Golden Syrup do . f>o mat* tuba 350 bags Kio coffee _ 136 cofls rope 75 packs Java coffee ~ Iso do* bed cords 15 44 Mocha do 50 doz plow lines 36 bags Maracaibo coffee 100 bale* oakum 60 ht chest* Y H tea 60 bbls rosin 75 do Imp do 75 do pitch 40 do G P do 60 do tar 125 131 b bx* Imp tk> »75 kgs assorted nails 100 do G P do 60 do spikes 100 do Y H do 76 bxs qt aud pt flasks 250 611* G P Y n and Imp do 50 do a*s’d tumbler* 125 21b Caddy■ tea 25 do assM decanters 75 bbls n«»s 1,2 a 3 mark! 60 do »>pico Jars 50 hf qr and 1-Sih bbl* do 125 do Yirgiuia tobacco 05 kits salmon 75 do Mo do 76 do mackerel 125 cas**» Va do 20 bbls pickled herring 100 bxs smoking do 25 drums codtish 25 bid* “ do 260 bxs palm soap 15 hx* Scaffarlatl do 60 bxs \ari*“gated do 25 do Vermiceila 75 do shaving do 30 do Maccaronl 200 do mould c.'.udles 25 csks Zante currants 100 do dipt do 28 bxs spice chocolate 75 do star do 250 lbs dried cherries 60 hf bxs star Ho 6 cases preserved ginger 50 qr “ do 25 bbls S S almonds 60 bxs solar do 15 do filberts 25 bxs sperm do 30 do pecans 100 Gib bxs solar candles 10 do pea nuts 125 bxs pipes 15 do Brazil nuts 40 bxs fancy stone pipes 10 do Eng walnuts 75 bales candle wick 73 bxs pt and qt pep sauce 60 do wrapping twine 33 do walnut catsup 30 bxs ground spice 15 cases table salt 30 do do pepper i*. ginger 25 do as*M pickles 150 mats cassia 200 1 x • M raisin* 1 bbl nutmegs 150 ht bxs do Ido cloves 100 qr do do 25 bxs citron 600 drums Smyrna flga 150 gross blacking 23 n< stacov’d buckets 100 dox blacking brushes 23 bxs clothes pin* 50 scrub brushes 50 neats clothes baskets 23 casks Boston -alcratu* 30 tierces rice 30 bags pepper and spice 250 mis aud bals wrap paper 75 dor zinc wash boards 50 do letter do 500 dags assorted shot 25 do cap do 1000 lbs bar lead 75 gross as>’d playing cards 500 kegs rifle powder 10,000 puiniy bags 300 do biasing do 50 bbls vinegar 15 cases canister do 15 do lard oil 250 M percussion caps 10 hhds whale and sperm oil 22 bbls oysters 15 baskets dlive oil 60 cases asst’d preserves 15 ca.*es P A cheese 50 bxs Enp dairy cheese 150 bxs \K R do 250 bush dried apples 23 do soda crackers 75 do do peaches 50 do do do 150 bxs lemons and oranges 600 bags G A salt 35 dos brooms 125 do Lll do 35 bxs ink 350 do dairy do 50 do candy 250 bbl* hydraulic cement 25 bxs lcimm syrup 300 do mess pork 125 gross matches 60 do lard 60 bxs prunes 150 kgs do 76 do mustard 10.000 lbs dried beef 60 exse# mustard 175 kgs butter 25 bxs tomato catsup 75.000 lbs hains and should’s 50 do starch 1,000 lbs S F flour 300 do window glass, asst’d WINKS, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. 50 qr casks B port wine 100 bxs Cuba cigars 10 qr do Sicily Maderia 60 do tine imported regalia 10 casks pure Juice P wine 15 qr casks united prop de ft do old sherry dark do tors brandy 25 do Malaga do 10 hf ps (Yard and Co brandy 6do old pale sherry do 15 qr pipes ossiguette do sdo London dock do sde Aloreau do lOdoOporoto do 10 hf casks champagne do 10 do Lisbon Madeira do 6qr do Meggl<*ry do 5 do cherry bounce do shf do Goddard do sdo Tenerlfft* do 10 qr do Hennessey do 125 bk’s Hiedsifck champg'n 10 qr do Ratteau do 75 cask* Rhimffsh wine sqr do Pellevotshi do 60 do claret do 10 qr do J J Dupuy do 150 bxs Newark elder 6qr do Ala Mondercdo 150 do claret wine 10 pps Otard 4cCo do 150 do llanf Pautcna very tine vitiligo, 1793. sqr casks Mu-cat wine 50 l-Biii c*ks signette brandy 50 oxs white wine 75 bbls N Y do 25 baskets Hock Rhine do 10 do old Va peach do 25 do Br. ker\s fic Bankers 590 do Ohio whiskey sup champagne 50 do old Bourbon do 15 cases abysy nth 75 do Mouoiigahela do 15 bxs creoai 25 do Rye do 10 cases orange juice 2 punch Scotch do 25 casks London porter, pts 3 do Irish do a»d qts 3 pipes pure Swan gin 30 csks Scotch ale, p!s fcqta 25 bids N K rum 15 casks brown stout 1 puch pare Jamaica rum 350 M regalia cigars Ido do St Cro.x do ! 25 M principe do 25 bbls Baltimore pip. Agent for a Galena and St. Louis, and Galena aud St Paul Packet Line of S.earners. Gal na, May 15, 186*. av-y HYDRAULIC CEMENT. '['HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING BEEN * appointed agent Tor the sale of Louisville Cement, j w l! keep a large supply oil Land, and will be sold ai a I small advance from manufacturers prices. Gnivlia, BUT 16. 11 F JUCLOiKEY. I AMERICAX MILLS. I' HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING BEEN * appointed akviit lur the above mills, will keep o<ii- j stantly on lian-.i a supply oi ‘•Extra Family Fleur.” War- I ranted superior t" any Hour sold iu iln* market. Galena, may 15. 11 E YUCLOiKEY. Demijohns—iso, 1,2. 3,4 and 5 palls, received per Excelsior, and tor sale by li FM CIusKEY. I (~'OFFKE —350 bags Uio cofluejust re- Ceived per Golden Era, aud lor sale by H F M’CLOSKEV. I I OBACCO—I2S bxs. Virginia, ree’d * and Hr sale by II F m’Closkev. 1. IGS—SOO drums received and lor sale _ '’T 11 F M’CLOIKEV. I ICE—2S tierces rce'd per Gulden Era *■* »nd for aale l.y II F M’Closkev. 1 wALERATLS—2S bxs. Boston Salera , tus rtc’.i and for sale by _ 11 F M’Closkev. ; \ I ACKLRLL—/5 bbls. No. 1. 2 and ! a 3 mackerel, ree’d per Gulden Era. and for sale by i H F M'Closkev. jI rA 150 hi. chests G. P. Imp. and I -A- VII tea rec’d p r Gulden Era. and lur sale by II F MTlo»kev. I URRAN TS—25 casks Currants rec’d ' v p»r Gulileu Era, and fur sale by II F M’Closkev. ; H ERRING—22S bxs. Scotch Herring 11 ree’d per Gulden Era, and for sale l.y IIF M’Closkev. U AISINS—2S bxs. M. R. Raisins, rec’d 4 * »'*'l for sale by || K M’Closkev. \\ INE—ISO casks Claret and While -* * wl "'~‘ r «’*l and fur sale by II F M’CLOSKEV. |< ACON—SO casks Hams and Shonl ders. rec’d per Ikm Accord, and for sale by II F M’Closkev. j\/j GLASSES—IOO bbls. rec’d and for : A ~r ll F m’Closkev. f ’ A NDLES—ISO bxs. Star Candles, v -e' reu’d W'iscullsli,, and lor sale by IIF M’Closkev. j AR—SO bbls. Tar, rcc’d per Wiseon _,iu’ “ n, ‘ ,ur ial,! I’F II F M’Closkev. | ARD—SO bbls. Leaf Lard rec’d per _ Wlseunslii. and ior .ale l.y » f M’Closkev. ) BOXES Pint and (iiiarl Flasks, rec’d an ' l 'Of »»"■ '*y * II F M’Closkev. f IDER VlNEGAß—Received and for _ Mlel, y II F M’Closkev. UNNIES—IO.OOO Gunny Sacks n c’d Vj * per 8.. n Accor.], and ror sale l.y H> M’Closkev. IARIED BEEF—IO.OOO lbs. Dried Beef ft-' rec’d per Bon Accord, and tor sub’ by *— F M’Closkev. f I ANGES 50 bxs. Oranges, rec’d V-/ and to - sale l.y „ F M’Closkev. I’ ..PJ: bl,,s ’ cxtra superfine Fum l!.v> rec d per Excelsior, and for sale by ll K M’C'LOIIEY. / 5 e KE p S f ,rime Leaf La '-d, rec’d per *_ Lxrelslor: fur sale by __ n. F. M’Closkev. HAMS AND SHOULDERS—2O ck^. re.-'d per Excelsior, and fur tale by II F M’Closkev. [\/| PORK—3OO bbls. on hand, and I 1»X for sale by IT. F. M’Closkev. j —250 bbls. Yellow, rec’d per Ex- j Excelsior, and for .ale by H f M’Closkev. I l ANDLES—ISO bxs. Mould, rec’d and _ * ur “le <r II F M’Closkev. I _ f “ r »«ie lr ll f M’Closkev. i SVGAR —55 hhds. fair to prime N. O. . ugar, rec’d p«r Wyoming, and for itale by H F R’CLOIKEY. i i rPS;^ 8 - 1^ 000 La" Union Regalia’ in i>? 10,000 SSS,em“K"^V 10 ’ 000 W * sh ' n * ,on 00 Union do do; 6,000 La I Tr fl Mar,a 1,0 ft>- do do; 7,000 La NiSoni Almelna d.; r»a> „ I ’ _ I B. H. CAMPBELL) J• K. JONES. [ B. H. CAMPBELL Is CO., WnOLESALE GROCKR.S, FORWARDING AND COM MISSION MKHCIi ANTS, AND GENERAL STEAMBOAT AGENTS. No. 35 Lever,.Galena, 111. alio, aocnts run galena and Minnesota u. a. MAIL LINE. Nominee, Capt. O. Smith, leaves Galena, Monday*, at 12 o’clock. Ben Campbell, Capt. Lodwlck, leaves Galena, Fridays, at 12 o’clock. Doctor Franklin, Capt. R. Blakeley, leaves Galena, W'-dn ‘Mloye, at 12 o’clock. h3-g ,HH i* snipped to go by the above Line, forwareed i Ir'e of charge -ex FRESH GROCERIES. '| IIE SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOW ■ receiving their Bpring Stock of Groceries, Provfeiune, Liquor, &c., lie., whlctiwe will sell very low, and would respectfully nvite your attention to our dmk aud price* before purcliaaiug elsewl.ere. We have iu su.»r« the following article* : 2tW hhds sugar 100 bids cider vinegar 260 bid* clarified sugar 200 bxs candle* 76 bbl* crushed, powdered 26 bxs sp»-rm candles and loar sugar 60 bxs star do 200 bbls molasses 600 bbls flour 100 hI-bbls do 300 bids pork 16 bbls golden syrup 60 bbl* lard 26 bt-hbis do 100 k<*g> do 30 kegs do 30 bxs starch 360 *a«’ks Rio, iotguira and 10 bales Gunnies Java coffee 300 bxs raisin* 60 hf-chest* imp, Y II and 200 hf-hxs do black tea 200 qr-bxs do 300 caddies Imp, Y 11 and 60 tierce* rica black tea 100 bbls dried apples 76 M assorted cigars 00 bbls tlriinl peaches 200 doy. bed cords 300 hf-i>xs gla.-s 100 coils rope 10.000 lights sash 6J bales oakutn ‘.O bales hops 500 bbls seine twine 60 bxs pint flasks 60 colls lath twine 25 do tumblers 250 bbls wb *key 20 doz decanters 30 do Bourtiou whiskey 60 doz wine glasses 30 do Moiiotigahela do 20 doz champaign glasses 25 do Am hrandy 10 doz lantern* 26 do N K rum 160 bxs cheese 20 qt cks port wtno 100 nests tubs 29 do Malaga do 100 doz buckets 10 do Maderia do 25 casks 10 do Sherry do 39 bxs almonds 2 pipe* Holland gin 25 trails do l do St Croix rum 20 bbls Alberta 10 hr-plpes brandy 16 bbls Kng walnuts 20 qr-pipe» do 20 bxs maccaronl 30 1-4 do do 60 gros.-> lamp wicks 26 baskets champaign 10J mis letter and cap paper 75 bxs champaign cider 300 rma wrapping do 10 bxs Mu-cat wind 30 bxs clothe- pins 6’t bxs Claret 30 bxs ground ginger 10 bxs Anuesette 26 bx** extra -ts, assorted 100 bbl* Dayton ale 10 bids lard oil 100 lb> isinglass 10 bbls lin>ced oil 20 bx* preserves 10 bids sperm do 25 haske's olive oil 100 market ba.-kets 26 bx* pickle* 76 bbl* mackerel 20 bags p.-pper 76 lif-bbls do 16 hags spice 40 qr-bbls do 40 ck> currants 100 kilts do I bbl cloves 100 kills salmon 1 do nutmegs 25 drums cod ft.-.h 100 lbs mace 10« J bxs do 26 bxs chocolate 10 > bxs herring 400 k'-gs nails 100 -mall bxs t”bacco 30 bxs grouud pepper 100 large * do do 20 bxs do splc* 40 bx* smoking do 15 bxs cassia 25 bxs tine cut ch’ng tobacco 500 lbs cassia in mats 10 bxs scatlarlati do 60 doz scrubbing brushes ion bxs pipes 25 doz shoe do 30 bxs brandy cherries SJO m gun caps 100 doz zinc washboards 16 . ases sardines 60 bbl- tar 30 bbls oysters 26 bbls pitch 30 bxs ink 25 bid* rosin 30 bales twine 60 bx- lemons 30 d*» wicking 10 cas'-s prunes JOO drums flu* 600 sacks salt 200 demijohns B. 11. CAMPBELL & CO. No. 35 Levee. Galena, May 15, 1562. 34-y R. 8. Harris A €O. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, : Forwarding and Commission Merchants. BOAT STORES. ALSO, IMPORTERS AND DKALKItS IN’ PURE BRANDY, WINKS, CIGARS, tec. HAX E on hand and arc constantly receiving the following, which we are prepared to sell cheap and on erms that cannot tail to suit purchasers. SUGARS AND MOLASSES. 40 hhds* N. O. Sugar, 69 bbi>. S II Molasses, 100 bbl* cluriiled A & Bsugar 60 hr bbls S II do 50 do “ (kvOO do 20 k'-gs do do 20 do loaf do 20 bbls N O do 20 do crushed do 20 hf bbls do do i 10 do pulverized do 10 kegs Golden Syrup, COFFEE AND TKA. 100 sacks Rio Coffee. 76 bxs imperial Tea, 30 sacks Java do 60 tM> oxs no uo : 30 “ J.aguiru do bO bxs G P do 10 St. Domingo Coffee, 40 Gib l*\s G P do 20 ‘* Havana Green do 40 6 & 13,b bxs YII Tea, 10 bxs ground do 30 bxs blk do 6 <4 Manilla do 10 do do very tine do PORK AND I ACON. j 100 bbls Mess P.*rk, 600 Sugar Cur d llano*, ; 30 do Prime do 10 casks clear bides, ; 40 hr bbls Fami:y Pork, 10 do Shoulders. COD FISH, MACKEREL, \c. 25 bbls No 1 Mack rel, 5 drums Cod Fish, ■ ( 2d do No 2 do 5J bxs do do 15 do No 3 do 60 kits Salm n, 1 6o kits No 1 do 100 bxs II rrin :, CANDLES AND SOAP. 200 l»xs Mould Caudles, 1»K) l>xs Palm Soap, * 67 do dipt do 75 do Family do | 100 do Star do 125 do Quincy Yellow, ! 10 do Adamantine Candles, 60 do Vari gated do PiCKL S AN D CATSUP. : 25 bxs assorted Pickles, 25 bxs Tomato Catsup, i 6do Cabbage do sdo Walimt do 6do Ficolila do 6do Mushroom do , SP C.:S AND KXTRAC S. I j 20 bxs ground p. pp r, 40 doz Kx ract or leonoii, 10 do ground Pim uto, 10 do do Vnnil.a, 6do do Ca.--ia 30 do do Clows, ? 30matts do 10 do do Rose, TABLE Klit*lT AND PRESERVES. ' 15 bxs Cherries, 10 bx- preserved Pears. I 10 do Peaches, 10 do Quinces, 10 do Strawberries, 10 do assorted Jelli -, 10 do Apricots, 10 do Jatn>«, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 50 bx- \ irginia Tobacco, 100 lix- clioiee Regalia, viz! ■!2O do Mis-otiri do 20 00 J’-ntiy Liud, l 25 do I!SUt smoking 20 do Nanoleon, 50 do <rN.W do 10 dO l-*i Union, 5 do H L chewing do 60 do Washington, I 10 do Neetariua do 60 do Priiicip •, ‘ | 6do Gobi Leaf do 60 do Cuba iaixes. WINES AND LIQUORS. 20 hf pipes R andies, v.z: 6qr ek> Burgundy Port, I 4hr do Otard• pure sqr do Pure Juice do 4hf p- P-Uet,Ca-tillar co 1 pip** Swan Gin. 4 do Cotar I, 100 liMm rectified Whiskey, , 1 4 do J J Duprev, 40 do Mon’la and Rye do , 4 do First Proof 10 bxs Champagne Cider, 20 do Brandy 50 do Claret, 40 8-h pipes Brandy, 10 do Stoughton, • 20 bx- Brandy Cherries 10 do Y 'ppemiint, l 10 do IVuehes, 2qr casks Malt Wine. 10 do Absintha, 10 bxs stomach bitter-# snip chandlery. * 100coilsass'il Man’laCorda-••500 Tackle Blocks, assorted, 50 do Tar d 500 tlo..ks and Thimble*. -.6 do llemp 100 Cap-tan Ba s. assorted, * 25 nils Packing Yarn, 200 Yawi and Skiff Oar-, 25 coll* Cotton Rope, as*’.| 600 Pole*, 2 do L *ad Line II qnp 200 S >ck-N, 2 do do Cotton 10 pair Cm* H H.ks 2 do Bell Hope Hemp, 60 Hlmaves, plane&. bushel 2 do Wheel R..p •, 25 do for Tiller R..p», 6 doz Dh 2 Buckets, 10 doz »»l k »ry Bro -m-, , Gum Packing, all ».zes, Gu ktPap-r, 20 ob.s Tar, 60 bid- P tchstid Rosin, 2uo keg- Tar Ao bales Oakum. 50 do w.o’t Spikes,ass’d 1000 tbs spun Yarn & Marlin 60 Wood P.<mps, 2G Ciulk ng Mallet* SUNDRIES. 200 sacks G A Salt, 300 ».bls Family Flour, 30 do L B do 20 ca-e* M.t -he-, 60 do Dairy Sait, 20 ixs Pe, |H*r S *uce 10 case* do sdo Gr-eii Co n and Peas | 1000 Si»ern. Oil, 10 do L •uiofi Syrup, 20 i»bl- Lard do 6do oranv Water, 10 hi bids Lard O I, 20 do starch. 10 bbls do 6 ti»*rc*-s Rlc», 5 do Tanners’do 100 bx* Bby 10 Gin**, 1 6 B tsk t- OIL edo 80 d.. 10 by 12 do [ 500 cans Sar-liue*, 40 do 11 by 15 do 600 do Fresh Oyster*, 60 -lo 12 t»v 18 do , 20 NVi’- W Tnl h 1000 lbs Lathe Twine, 20 doz Painted B tckcts, 20 12ib can* Mus ard, 6 casks Salr r.itus, 30 bxs do 20 »<X- do 30 do Pip<*g 50 bbis Cider Vinegar, 20 do Cull in-’ Ax** 50 cans Lolister* and Ciam-2000 lb- Bar Lead, 00 kegs Bla-ting Powder 100 pig* do 00 do Rifle 20 bxs Jenny Lind Candy 6J do Cannon 20 do assorted Brandy do 6 0 doz cans Sporting do 60 k'*g- Lard. 100 do Brooms, assorted 60 Hrkin- Butter, 00 rtns wrai ’g Paper,aa**d 10 bxs Ginger 20 dz Writing Paper, 20 bbls S S Almonds, 250 gross playing card*, 10 do BrazdNuts, 250 bxs W' It Cheese, 10 do p.*a Nuts, 25 do EI) do 10 do Filberts, 250 kvgs Nalls, as*orttd, 20 hah s Wrapping Twine, ! 6odmni>« Figs 200 lbs Seine d<i j 20 bbl* Pilot Bread, 200 do Sack do 2 dz lliirk MarU. 100 bx* Raisin-*, 2 do Manilla Mi ls, 60 hi bx* Itaisin*, 5 do Batter pnuts, 6 cask* Rai -ins, I 0 f! . Lidb s 2»> gpwa Lamp Wick, i 20 do Scrub B oshes, ass’d 200 lbs Candle Wick, 60 packages Pius, 20 doz blue and black Ink, 10 di .Uo.- bru-h. s, JO Shuu ma, ' I do 4 '' a ' h 60 rtu Shoe Tacks, . Pa n ' 10 bx Cln ties Fins, | 2do imsirn* du 60 d„i Bd C mis, sd" J.llv M 600 lb* live <»e-se Feathers, sdo C .tTce Mills, 6 bx* Cayenne P -npcr, f, x,. EB po, re , 600 bnaliela Plasterers’ Hair 1000 Kale Slone Ware, 100 M tiun Capa, 200 -a.k- shot, a,»_«ned, , 100 lbs Nillmexv 2 <tnx Oil Cana, i 10 hxa Vermacllla. 100 bbl* L .oisrllle Cement, ) 10 dz Macaroni, 2 doz Selves, 10 do Coopers’ Isinglass, 6 bxs Curiso, 10 do Shred do 20 <k> Yeast Powders, ■ . 20 bxs Chocolate 60 bbl* Cracker*, I 100 do Indigo, 6 case* Prune*. * Galena, June 5,18 M— 37v ■ SSOO CHALLENGE. \.\ HATEVER concerns ihe health and bai>pin '*H ot a people I* at all time* of ibe most valuable lmp.irtance. I take it for granted that every per-on will do all in the r power t* save the lives of their CbiUfr n, and that every person will endeavor i.» pr mote their own health at all *acrirt' •*. I feel it be mv dutv to solitnuiy a -mi re you that W*TMI. according t-. the o p:iiion of the most celebrated Physician, are the primary causes or a large major! y of diseases to which children and adults are liable; it you have an app tlte continually changeable from one kind of fund to another. Bad B eath, Pain in the Stomach, Picking at the Nose, Hanlnes* and h iilln. ** of the B lly. Dry Cough, Blow FW r. Pul>e Ir regular—remember that all these denote Worms, and you bhould at once apply tlie remedy hobf.nsack s worm syrup. An a -ticlc founded up n Scl.-ntltlcPrinripl^compound ed with purely veg tatile substances, tieiug perfectlv *afe when iak. n, and can be given to the most tender in ant decided iM-neti. |HI effect, wh -re Bowel Complaints and Diarrhea have made them weak and dehilitat>*d tlie Toni. p r . pertiea of my worm Syrup are such that it stands without an equal iu the ca aloguc oi tu diciiu’*, in g.ving ton>* and -trengtli to the stomach, which make- it an in fallible remedy for th •►* afflict' d with Dyspepsia, the a.-- toni-hiiig cures periorn ei by this syrup alter Physicians have failed, U Uie be-t evideucc of it* superior efficacy ever all others. the tap worm. This l* the motif difficult Worm to d-sttoy of all that !n --fe.-t the ,-y-tem; a grow* o an ahu .st in’leffnite length, ng s«> coiled and fastened n the int-stine* and stomach, affecting the health -o sadly a.- to cause st. '<t is Dane*, l-Its, &c.. tha those afll.ct d seldom if ever suspect that it is Tape Worm ha«t« n ng them to an early grave. Iu order to de-troy ihis worn, a very energ-1 c t -eatm nt must be pa suetl. it would therefore be p-*»per to tike G to 8 of my liver Pills -o a* ’o remove all obstruc tion , that the Worm syrup may a t direct upon the Wo m, which must he taken in dos-.-s of 2 tabl spoonfuls 3 t.m-s a day; these direc.ions followetl have never been known to fad m curing the obstinate case of Tape Worm . Hobensack’s Liver Pills. No part ot the syst’-m is more liable to disease than the Liver, it serving a- a liliert r to purify the blood, or giv ing tlie proper s -cretl n b» the b.le; so that any wrong action of the Liver atlec s the otlier iui|*ortaiU parts ot the system, and result* variously, iu Liver Complaint, Ja uidic*', Dysp-psia, etc. We should, tie refore, waich ••very symptbm that might indicate a wrong action of the Liver. These Pill* being e; mjM.sed of Root* and Plants furnished hy nature to heal tlie sick: N im.'.y, Ist,an Ex pectorant, which augments the secreti’n irotn the Pul m -nary mucus membrane, or p -otnoies the discharge of sec - tisl matter. 2d. An Alterative, whicli clianges in Ei in a Inexplicable and maimer tlieeertaiu mor bid action of tlie system. 3d. A Tonic which gives tone and strength to tin* nervous y.-tem, r- newlug health and vigor to all pa ts Oi the body. 4tii. A Cathartic which acts Hi perfect harmony w i h the other IngmlieiiU, and op -rating on th B.w is, and .xp lllng the whole m is* of corr.ipt uni ritia id ma ter, and p.iri;ylng the Blood, widen destroy* disease and r store.- health. To Females. You will find these Pill* an .nval table medicine Ir many complaints to which you ar- subject. In obst u tloiis, ci ther total . r part ai, tn •> itave been f..und ot iu stitnabb* b. n fl , restoring tl.eir fui.cti nal a rungi menis t • a heal ihy ac ion, p trlfying the bl.. <t and other fluids *.. effec tual yto put t» flight all complal .ts which may arise from female irregular! i -s, a* headache, giddiness, dimness of sight, pain In th- side, back, e:c. N'-n.- genuine unless signed «‘J. N- Hob nsa. k,” all oth ers b • ng base im- .a lon. ft7* Agents wishing n-w supplies, and Stir * K-epers d. sir u- of beemii ng Agents must address tlie Proprietor, J. N. II- bcitsack, Piiita elpliia. Pa. 40y For sale by J. If. STEVENS & Co. SCARRITT & MASON’S SPRIJiU ARRANGE .II E N ]'S FO It 1852. \\ E ARE NOW IN RECEIPT OF * V the largest and bot ass .rted *t,.rk of Fl ItNITI RE ami UPIIOI.SI’ERY, we have ever had; whb li we offer to whole ale and retail dealer* at the ven low.-st p ; i C .>, and feel c .iitideiit we cannot fail to meet their appr .l-a tion. In connection with our m n-aiacturing, we parcha-e from all ilieb v-t markets. East ..r We.-t, thus k- epmg pace wi.b all iinprox enieut- in our line, and eiiaidmg us p. oi ler a great variety of late styles at the l.,w.*>i price*. Our Warehouse is large; this with other racilhse* every wav equal, enables u- to k-ep a large -lock at all tnn.-s*, thus ottering great inducement* to Wholesale Dealers. We Invite attention to a large stock «d *.,ta-, sofa beds, lounges, bureaus, wardrobe*, divan.-, rock H and parlor chairs, cane-seat chairs, tables, bedsteads, office and easy chairs, wire and tin safe-, spring, hair, cotton, moss, po liti’* and husk MATrUKSSKS, with a complete as.-oriuient or UPIIoL>TEItY, all of our own make, and every at tide warranted, thus making a perfect a-smim nt of de-irable PARLOR, HOTEL, BED ROOM AND KITCHEN FUR NITURE, To which we are continually receiving additions, thus k-eping our stock large and complete, and insuring mil r tilled without delay. M'ARllirPS PATENT SOFA BED, Which 1* acknowledged the most desirable article of th** k'«d ever pr *duced, a.way on hand or made to suit your ta-ie at short notice. The attention of ail housekeepers, hotel-keeper*, st-atnboat officer.-, and the public in gen eral, is yenue-ted to an examination, when w.- it.lok u»ej will each and ail .-av we are correct. TO DEALERS. We offer at Wholesal‘d— 20G Bureaus, 200 Children's chairs, lot) Sota-, 100 Office chairs, 100 Mohogan.v rockers, 100 v\ ill.»w chairs, 60 Rosewood and nialiog- 100 Willow cradles, any ea-y chairs, 100 Tin and w ire safes, 200 Mahogany parlor chair-600 Bedsteads? 200 Uan.-seai rucking do; 2GO and breakfast ta -200 Wood seat do do; bb**, 1,000 Can -seat chairs, 200 Work stands, 1.000 Wood-seat do JOO Sewing stands, Ac. We have made arrangements for a continued largo sup ply ot the above and ail other article* in our line, and confidently -ay don’t “go further, as yon in iy fare wor-c.’ J Ph*ase call and examine, at So. 0(1 \\ Ave ,,Mf* BCARUUT fc. .UAsii.V. M. Louis, May 1. 33-2 u» LATEST ARRIVAL FUKSII (iKOCKIUKS! E EY & FARMER, Roberts street,next -I-V door to ih ■ \t crlo’s Pair, have ju-i received p. r Dr. Franklin No. 2, the.r second sprue slock of ircsli Family (.roc-ri -s, Provisions, A;c., which tli . wid sod at their u ua; cheap rules, our soppty Is now superior to aoy ev r brought to this mark'd; arid we conn 'l-ntly appeal to our form r i u toiucr- ior a Continuance ot their favors, knowing that those who have purchased ol us once will not laii lo come agaiu. ni “y 22. 11 EV «t PARMP.It. i, XTRA superfine War Eagle Flour— ■CJ a supply on hand, which we can sell at the most ac commodating rates. REV at FARMER. L»ORK —An excellent article for Fain -1- lly use, r.-r sale hy REV at FARMER. I EAS—Fresh Teas, received at New X York hy (he hit ■ ipil k trdis or the “Cllpis r licet,” only ninety days irum Canton, tlio best In mark t. REV &. PARMER. \ | ACCARONI AND VERMICELLI iff —A now supply uf fresli anti gotfd, rec’d ,-cr Frank l*n No. 2, f r *aic by ff j ;\ kFA RM Klt. L> AISINS—Fresh VI R. Raisins, of this ini|K>rtatit>n, rce’d per No. 2, for BaWby KEY k FARMER. I iRIED h RUlT—Apples and Peaches, XJ a must sup.ri r ar.icle, tor Kile l>y RKV 4c FARM Kit. jVAILS —Ot all sizes, from the lest -L * iuiuiuiactovl s In the couuirv, for sale at v* rv low rates hy RKV ac FAKMK . . IIILDREN’S Carriages and Willow Ware of all kinds, purchased at the mamit.ict ry, and for Mil • by UI 4c FARM RE. ANDL ES AND SO A PT^-Star^and s iu »u.d candl -s and the quality of »*>aj» f« r s*al«* by KEY Al FARMER. |~ OTTON BATTING—A goo<l supply on hand. KEY E FARMER. V i ANILLA CORDAGE—For sale by * 1 RKV 4c FARMER. < OFFEE~AND SUGAR—Sock of both largely replenished by arrival of Franklin No. 2, every variety of these article* for sale by KEY k FARMER LE CLAIRE FOUNDRY, DAVENPORT. IOWA. I HE PROPRIETORS of the above ■ establishment would vail the attention of mili-wrighfs and mi'l-owner*, with others that may warn marhin-ry to the fa t that th**y are ready to furnish various kinds oi work at their estahli-linient viz : Mill Gearinjr for flouran«t satv mills, hoisting anff Mcht er screws, reaction wat«*r wheels of ffllt rent kin<!». horse powers, Thresher* an»l separator.-, fanning mill,com shel lor, plow anti cultivator ca.-ting*, wagon huh*, arms ami boxes, grate* for windows, pavements and parlor*, front* fur store and warehouses, columns, plain or fluted square or round, tmat and mill engines, large or small, horizon tal or upright, slide or lever cut-off; Black-mlthlng and finishing, and in fact everything ordered In our line, of Iron liras*;, composition or babbit metal. Our patterns ar** all new, and inil!~\vrlght*ordertiig ma chinery can have it in the latent and be*r style. We do not Intend to be surpa sed by any establishm.-nr, for neat ness of proportion, or strength and durability. Care and experience will be exercised in selecting, mixing, and snuffling of nt >tab, to make It sa-lsfactory to the purcha ser aud creditable to the manufacturer. LK CLAIRE, DAVENPORT k TO. Davenport, Hap 22, 1862. 36-4™ Choice Land* For Sale. \\ E have several tracts ol choice farm -4 ’ tnir lands, a short distance* from St. Paul, which wish to sell on r canons No terms. ALSO, A tract of heavi'y-timbered bottom land, on the Mls-l-slppl, opposite Little Crow village, four mu ■» below St. Paul. This tiwct oflera rare Inducem' n-s to persons wish iu, timber for manufacturing purposes sod firewood. Apply to WILLOITGHBT It POWERS, LKefy Stab!', Roberts Street. CHEAP CASH STOKE..WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, HARDWARE BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHIN<i, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, FURNITURE, BOOKS AND STATIONERY. *|AllK subscriber, by late arrival* i* now in receipt 1. and opening in his store on St. Anthony street, near the American House, a large and mo't complete assort ment of the atiove named goods, which will positive y be *ohl at lower price* for cash than ever before offered in this nlace. Ills entire stock was selected with great care, and purchased in the eastern and southern markets for cash, so that he can safely assure his rriends and the pub lic generally that it will he to their interest* to call be fore purchasing elsewhere and examtue his stock, which consist* in part as follows: GROCERIES. 5 hhds N Or lean* sugar, 12 chest* fine Y n tea, i 12 bbls d • do 17 caddie* till” imperial tea. 15 “ clarified sugar, 25 “ gunpowder tea, ! 6 “ crushed do 25 boxes W It cheese, : 3 •« pu verlzed sugar. 10 M fre-h mi-ins, 8 “ SII uiola.-se*, I cask “ currants, 10 “ N O do 10 drum* fresh tigs, i 3 “ golden syrup, 5 boxes assort 'd candy, 1 13 bags Kio cotlVe, 28 dozen Ih»xc* *ar<lin<**, i 5 “ Java do 20 *• cans oysters, 10 bid* rice, 6 baskets olive oil, 10 “ butter crackers, G boxes assorted pickets, 6 No I mackerel, 7 “ to ato catsup, 3 “ do saluioiid, 3 “ mushroom catsup, 10 boxes ainokisi herring, 3 “ walnut catsup, 25 “ co*lti.-b, 6 pepper sauce, 50 « table salt, 5 « lemon sy up, 10 sacks coarse salt, 10 M regalia cigars, 7 boxes X Y mustard, 12 “ Cuba 6 cases do 5 “ Principe u 5 boxes groud pepper, 15 boxes chewing tobacco, 3 “ grain do 100 doz n smoking do 3 “ al-pice, 60 lbs macaboy snuff, 2 i( cloves, 6 boxes 8 D pipe*, 2 4i cinnamon, 15 «• matches, 8 “ wheat stai ch, 5 “ ginger, 15 “ No 1 soap, 5 gross Mason’s blacking, 2 “ ca-tile soap, 9 boxes ink, 2 “ faie y flu 10 kegs rifle powder, 15 •< mould candles, 8 dozen cans do 7 “ star do 40 bags shot, 4 “ spenu do 900 lbs liar l**atl, 3 bbls sperm oil, 10 M gun caps, 5 “ lard oil. 10 dozen brooms, 12 dozen axe helves, 5 44 shoe brushes, 4 44 mop handles, 6 44 scrub brushes, 4 44 door mats, 20 44 bedcords, 10 44 clothe* lines. 8 44 painted pails, 6 * 4 covered buckets, 6 44 washboards, 2 44 well do 10 44 measures, 4 boxes clothe*’ pin*, 6 coils niuiiilla rope, G dozen market basket- 6 dozen w«»od bowl*. The above enumerated goods comprise only a small portion of my Mock. 1 shall keep constantly on hand a large quamliy PROVISIONS, such as ham-, shoulders, butter, lard, flour, pork, peach es,, potatoes, corn and oats. Also, WINES AND LIQUORS, consisting of whiskey, brandy, port, madcira, gin, porter, claret, champaigue and ale. Also, CLOTHING, a ompjetc and fashionable a-s.-rtne nt, made tip in the b“st manner, and or the best material, ant ing will h are overcoat*, dress and frock coats, and v ests -d ail kinds, colors and sizes; under clothing in great variety. Also, BOOTS AND SHOES, a very large and well selected assortment, too uunterom h. mention. Also, HATS AND CAPS, embracing all the fail aud w inter style*. Al*o, a gene rai a-soritiietit of hardware, paints, gla-s, tinware cutle ry, oi is, Ac. JOHN FARRINGTON. IXSt’RA N C E 11 v THE Protection Insurance Cornp/y OF HARTFORD, CON NE C TlCU’i. IN ORPOHATED 1825 Ua, iinl Slock. Annual Premium* & Western Fund 81.tiiiO.flOO. f fnE merchants and householders or St Paul and Ramsey I county, are respectfully refetred to the superior advan tages offered for t ire and Ma ine Insurance, by W. 1». MURRAY, Esq, The duly authorized Agent for tills Company: By the establishment, 26 years since of a central office at Cincinnati, for the prompt settlement of western and south western losses, a caret nl selection t risk-, the most unremitting attention to their dispersion, and prudence and economy iu all its transactions, the offi.-.-rs of this Compa ny have had the sati-iaction of seeing the usefulness and prosperity constantly upon tin* increase during a long pe riod of year'. Many other Companies have in the MEANTIME FAILED TO DISCHARGE THEIR JUST 1.1- AIIII.It IKS. HAYING BEEN WEAKENED AND FINALLY RENDERED BANKRUPT, BY A RECKLESS COURSE OF BUSINESS. Insurance Companies of this stamp and character are continually springing up in various parts of the country. It is not onr purpose (by accepting premiums inade quate TO COVER THE AVERAGE ANNUAL LOSS) to compete with such Irresponsible offices, whose object would seem to lie to collect a considerable sum from the oporn t.r one or two seas. iik, divbJe the proceeds, and pay their los-e-, or not. a- exp.-di. ncv may dictate. On tin contrary, the PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. of llarltord. w ill inaiieaiii its business upon a I’KRM \ NKST and rksi'onsiui.k basis, anti lherel»y secure a cm tinuanc. ot the patronage w liicli lias hitherto been so lib erally extended. w. B. bobbins, General Agent Protection insurance Couip’y. The undersigned, local Agent, is supplied with blank policies and renewal receipts, which w.ll be issued, cov ering approved risks uix.n reasonable terms. tv. I*. Mr KRAY, Agent Protection Insurance Colmianv tor St Paul and Ramsey county. St Paul, November 13, ISsl—d Fre-li uyieis, Sift tvbtTiics.,Stc. Edward Wright. NO. 16 lIILL STREET, Baltimore, Md. HAS now, nn«l will out mud* to kvop ronsta*ltlv oil han.i, a g»Mi«l supply of IlvrineUcally BeaU*U Fresli Cove, and Spire* Cove 0 YSTEPS of superior qualities, put up expressly for the Southern and Western trade. Also, fr«‘sh Fruits, Yegofables. Meats, (‘ream ami Milk, Clams, Soft ami Hard Crabs, Tur tl»* aii<l Diamond Bark Terrapin, put up with their tine flavor, and warranted to k-ep in any climate. JTt** Tin* attention of dealers is respectfully invited. Oct. 17—c at SEW STOUE FOR TIIE ST. CROIX RIVER TRADE. ON HAND —A selected assortment of groceries, pro visions, dry goods and ready-made clothing, hard ware and tin-ware, (toots and shoe*. A general assort ment selected particularly lor the lumber trade e'leap for cash. On time, terms agreed to suit parties. W. 11. C. FOLSOM. Taylor's Falls, Minn., Sept. 23,1861. y SI SNNV & WICI.I) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES. 156 Mam Street. St. Lou a. WOULD respectfulh call the attention of dealers in Minnesota, to tlie largest and most vari**d assort ment or Loots and Shoes ever offered in Sf l^oiti*— Believing they can better indue nirnt* to pur ehaseis, than any other establishment; which they an willing to demonstrate upon an exam.nation of tlieir goo*ls and prices. Septemher 24, ISsl —t IRON, NAILS k STEEL, MANY’FACTUKED BY TIIK St. Louis Rolling Mill, From Mixseturi Iron Mountain Ore t HAS. W. 801 l UP lias on hand and s tc c.nsiainly receiving, lr..n siwl <hh< Nnil-, mann lacttiri-d hy the atiove c-s'abtlsliuii'iii, at the lotion lug prices f..r ca-li, or approved en-'!il; Koiitid, s'litare and Hat bar, 11 large stz- , 4 1-? to 6 ct-. Round and square, A •« “ 512t0 li 1-2 Round, square aud Hat har, B small size, 6 1-2 to 7 1-2 plal bar A “ “ 7 to Sets. Sheet Iron from No. 10 to 27 - - 6 to 7 1-2 Spring Steel, - Bets. Rough, ----- 9 American Rlister - - - - 10 N Al l.S—lO-12-16-20-30—10-50-60d per Ih. 3 cl, keg $1 f>o “ S do 6 1-2 « 5.5 “ * - - - do 7 eta « 675 “ 3 - - - do 8 « 776 SPIKES—cut, - - - do 7 “6 76 “ wrought - - do 10 “ 950 Anvils, .... do 17 CP. Wagon Roses, - - do 4 1-2 Buggy « set - - - - -70 cts. sj” 1 RON GRA RA XTEED. J/Ji The Nalls w ilt be found on trial to be superior to any otlier iu market «»> 35- 6 m TAKE NOTICE. r \ HOSE indebted to me by note or olli- X erwise, wilt confer a lavor bv paying »he same to Truman M. smith. R. M. SPENCER. Saint Paul, May 7, 1852. lilts! |.’(JUs!! U’AXTKD, ten dollars worth of Furs, for which the hlgheal market price, In cash, will tie paid. Apply to W 2. 11. POKRKS. Dec. 20. YIEMOIR OF WILLIAM ELLERY Channing, with an engraving. In 3 vol*. For sale bv LeDUC k KOIIKKR. T IFE and Public Services of John Xf* Quincy Adams, by tin. It. Seward. For sale by I.EDCC fc KOIIKKR. UYDRAULIC RAMS, Pumps, Lead Pipe, Sheeting, and Bar Lead, Patent Chnms, lie. for sale by P. S. XEttPI.I.. S«. Paul, June 5, 1852—37.- GRAEFEWBERG COIWPA NT, I*EW YORK. THE GRAJ&FEXBKRG SARSAPARILLA COMPOUND. warranted ten times more efficacious, and t n times cheaper than any otln r known, no mat ter how large the bottle, or extravagant th<* adwrtlseni -nts, and it is beyoud all question the most valuable preparation of the day. So highly concentratsx! is It, that the dose is but the half of a small t a-spooiitul, while the dose of that which is sold in large bottles is near Of a wine-glass fill!, and lias been pronounced decided.}' Injurious In many cases, owing to its liability to become sour aud ferment. THE GREEN MOUNTAIN VEGETABLE OINTMENT. The pow r of tlie Green Mountain Vegetable Ointment i« astonishingly great. There is no m dicine known that can surpass tt in prompt and » n rgetic action. Appil ’d In sufficient quantities to th-- Immlv, In tlie vicinity of tin* m iM highly in lam d parts, whetli r external or internal, it at once subdues tin- in atn ition and pain. It wli qui t the must M angry ” looking wounds, soften and reduce swell ings of tlie hanlest k.nd, and purify an 1 restore to perfect soundness old and In vet rate sores. Am mg the dis-as*** which this womlcrrui Oiutm nt is adapted are the fol lowing : Glandular swelling*, ague in the face, swelled breast* and sore nipples of nursing women, bronchitis, felons and ring worms, scald head, and Is an invaluable dressing for bums, solid* and dra v n hiist -rs, shiugb s, -rysip -»as, piles, inriamation of tlie eyes yields to Its pow.-r innn ••Ilately , all bruisee* aud fr-sh cut wound* are cured with gr -at rapidity, f -v. r st»r-*s and scrotl'ulous sore* ar -ssitt eiianged inti a healing c*»n.!l ion, and frequenly i nthely cured. GRAKFKNBKItG DYSENTERY SYRUP. Tills celelirat -d and unrivalhsl medicine Is of efficacy in the most v.oient and cases of dys-n --t.-ry, diarrho-a, liluody flux, Asiatic cholera, cholera bus, cholera Inratitura, loosen -ss of the iiowels,* and ail other Irregularities of the in estine.-. The causes of tin- various coinp.aints nr • various, soinetim s they are a m-ispherie ; sont -tlm -s they arise from the eating ot unripe or unwind -sotue loml; sum-till) * tn»m tin* use of river-A at. r; sotn times tr« tn a natura. predisposition ot the system; soin tim *s rrmt teething childr-n ar* frequently adeeted without any n.tic.aM cause. But no matter wha the origin, this syrup is sov reign, in th - most sickiy tropical countries as well as tin ni—t temp rat.- dim s. The following d;r -cti >ns should Im; carefully observnl. Unlike all other medic ii.*s offered for similar complaints, tliis syrup aetsspeci.ic 1 y u|s»n the secret.i.n*, r-s oring th mat once to ot:,. r uy-cil iary m dlcin -s mreiy allay tlie more violent sy nipt-in*— this cures ! TIIE GIIAEFKNBERt; CONSUMPTIVE BALM It is beyond all question tru • that the Consumption (phthisic I- a curable disease. S une oi the ablest in slica; writ rs assert this; am. ng wiiotn we may cit • tin* celebrai -d Ham -s of La-m*c, Ati lra!, Cruvil ii’*r, Stokes and Wiiiianis. Their res-rtrein s, as well us ih • more recent oii-s of Rogee and Loud- f, that so far from puim nary tuiieroteb- ing necessarily lata:, it isspoti aneousiy cur-d by naaire in a vast number ot cases, even "hen ,ar tJ e u.vcrs have be. nunu don the mugs. 11l • great object, is to arr st t.i * progress ot the ulcers (or tub. rel *s) upon the lungs, and to h at th tn p rrua n nt.y. II aith wili th -n mlluw. This th- bra K-n er. Consumptive will do, aud it is beltv d t*l cth only rui -dy ever tliscover.d. It acts atone, upou the tab rcie* and invariably arrest* th irprogr -ss, and resur s the lungs bi soiiiMn -ss. tt wili notoi c.#urs- r thus portions of the tun, * a r ady o n*nine.l, but it xs 1.1 h ai what may he left; leaving tin* individual in, though it uniy be w’ith diminished lungs. DR. LIBBY’S CELEBRATED PILE OINTMENT. As prepar d lor the lira -fenberg Company, and t>earing the s a: of that institiitioti. None g. unass it hu.- the seal ot the Company. A CUKE IS WARRANTED. This is a suffici nt argum nt to iuduce i-v. tv p -non suf fering under Uii* disease bi try it. Tie- in- iiev whl be jtn tn diate;y r *t ..tided if a cur • does not result man its use according to u.r.ctiotis. 11l : GRAEFENBMtt; KYH-LOHON For disord rs of tin* eye tlii- lotion has no equal: it I* com pounded up n the m .-t scientide pr.mipies, and ; a per tomt dex ra<.Minary cures. For vioietit iniiam itiou,dim n*- and ta ling ot the sight, weakn-ss of the eyes, .nv.„- untary we plug, foreign *ul>stances in the eye.-*, etc., it is a pi and sp.-edy cure. GRAKFKNBKItG CH.LDREN’S PANACEA A most Strange and Incr -dlbb* fact in -ets us at the very threshold of our v marks on this va.cable me liclu . it .» this: that no in d.ein.-pr • tr-.-d adapted to tin- var.ou* dis ease’s of clilldr n and youth has ever been . ff nd to the pillule, while at tli • sam • tint • it is established by the most aeourat * table* oi m >rtnmy that on --bait of the hu man taini.y die before rea liing the age of live years. V e should supjHis.- that to this great class ni human suf f r rs—tliis on-half of the race—the in «t anxious and earn -st attention wouid have be.*n given; that tnedicai skil. wouid have be n task d to Its ntm .st capacity to dud out a medicin • to which mothers and nurses might res-.n under tlie c n-tantiy recurring n ce-.-i.i s which pr.-s n. themseive* in tills connection. The wor.d is literatlv crowded with ui iliciuea tor adults, but to Uiesiiffenng ot children no one la* seemed to turn prop -r a'tentioii. No one has regarded tneir c. n iitioti. No mi • has s t.. tliink it possible that the ravage* of disease and d ath among thm might Ik* stay d. It i- tru • that tin-re ar tium -to is Venmfiiges and Cordials of some value, but eael, of these are eon in d exclusively to oil • or two l.irnis of di-ease. The <; r a ienl»«*rg Coitdr n’s Panacea Is the only m dicine extant to either h mispm re that is nt ah worthy of li lug called a Cliin.r. n’s Medicine; nr that sup plies the ur -at want ailudt*<i to. GRAKFEXBKRG VKGKTAFL" PILLS. History of the Grarfmbcrg Vegetable Put— Perfec tion the rcsu.t of undivided attention. The inventor of t ies • Pills, po»s **sing a long and inti mate ac.unin ance witli the human syst m. and witli th - mini -run* in «licines to which ni-.-»lica. in n u>u«l y r studied fur many and w ar!s«,jn - years upon Uu* sin gle pruporition how t*. p pare a PILL whl h would act iu harmony with tl» • gr -at .aws.ff Natur ,and •> witaout doing viol, nee to ih«* syst ni. GRAEFKNBERG HEALTH BITTKAS. Entirety Veyetao.e. SkillfuFy and elegantly pr *par -d bv the Gra Company, ir in a number of nio-t purl.ying, invig., ratine and h ROOTS, BARKS, II ;ÜB> an ivn >, gath red in the forests and prairie* ot Am rica. Sold i y J. 11. SI EVENS & CO. _ St. Anthony Fails. September 1, 1851. n: TICE. A LL persons interested, jilcase take 1 1 notice that I have been appointed li.v the Court • l Probate ..I the C.mniy of Ramsey, administrator on th. estate "f John Steal!, late ol said conn y. deceased, aud will attend to all claim* or demands t«»r «»r nga n>t hi* ts- THOMAS 1». RKKD, St. Paul, March 30, 1852. 3m Adminiatrator. STOVES. Competition defied at the. Cheap Store Store On Third, between Roberts and Jackson street*, IHAVK now on hand a splendid ass«>rtm**nt *d Stoves of the most approved patterns, among which will b loun l Leflel’s double oven. Queen of the Prairies, Ir ving's air-tight. Prairie Queen, Prairie State, si. hmi. air-tight, prize premium, Gr -cian parlor, cottage parlor. Etna parlor, Saratoga box. air-tight. Bridge x sheet-iron air-tight, of all size* and paiteru*, seven aim ten-plate stuvo. I have also a k-mm! assortment of the follow ing articles: hollow ware, camp kilties, trypans, hake ovens, qcn brass kettles, sjkmiis, ladles, Coffee mills, chiirin, iiuckeb-, brass, iron and tin candlestick-, *ieves, broom*, aimnlen and metal tauo’ts; zinc, sheet iron, copper ami Japan ware, iron and bra-s wire, snuffers, travs, suitt<*ais, pateut zinc washboard*, wr.ffie sa<i-'ir..n*, rivets, •Ton ears, steel trap-, sheep aud cow bells, spring balances, curry col tilts, ca^ls. Also, Axes, axe handles, liatehcts; rip and X cut saws, 'hovels, spades, tire shovel*, to*ig«, grub and garden l»oe>, garden scythes, pitchforks, plows, hydraulic ranis, force and lilt pumps, lead pipe, pig, sheet and bar lead,Russia iron, grind stone*, percussion caps, pistols, hunting-glas ses, hunting hatchets, kr. In short, my a sortineiit consists of almost even thing usually kept iu the stove and tinware line. It i*’o| the best quality, and I w.ll sell at price* low enough lo satis fy almost any one. All kinds oi Gutter rave trough, spouting, fcc., also •very description of Job work, at all tunes neatly ami .übsianiially done at my tin-shop, at reasonable prices. tUinCt F. S. NEWELL. F. E. COLLINS, AUCTION COMMISSION HOUSE THE undersigned having received an Auctioneer’s Coin missioii from tie* Governor of Minnesota, has opened a i Aiietioti and Coiniiiissloii House, in St. Paul, where he will sell mi c-.inm.ssion. Groceries, Dry Goods, Furniture, Ate. lie believe* that the su|M-rior advantage* if St. Paul it' a market, will b • a suffi, ient indtn ein'nt tor inisiiiess men and manufacturers at a distance, to se ,,d their ginuL, R,e., to b • s«»id on c.»ium;*sion at private sale or ai auction. Ills eha:-gc<* will be in derate. N. B. Particular atteutiou wiji be paid to the sale real esute, in or about St. Paul, St. Anihoiiv, or Stillwa ter. M'Vrcl. 6 y. K. COLLINS. REFERENCES: Got. Ai.ev. It amsk Y. st. Paul, Box. 11. 11. Sibley, M"ml"in. “ David Olmsted, M rchant, Bcnl.n Cl., “ J. U. Ramsey, st. Paul, Wm. 11. Forbes, j Elfelt 5. Brothers, f „ J. w. simpsox, V MorchanU, St, John Farrington, \ Paul. D. 1.. Fuller, j Franklin Steele. Mer. si. Amhonv, W.M. Mol. OMBE, Esq., Siillwai.r. For Rent. ! TWO new frame dwellings with two j x. l"Ls or groiin.l a Uchod lo . acl, honw, suiiablv f.. r g.wd gardens, a., it *-<u cultivated last .a., g0..l log li'.usc, will. live acre. ~r ground and - , bam. 30 by 40 let. Also, for SALE, 30 town ZT cheap. Apply to * wu 10lt ‘9 3Ctf W * A * CHEKVKR, Bt. Anthony City. Kittson’s Addition. f T'IIIS desirable ground, lying in lhc of St Rod’ wf mr *' “''•'■'•keou. part of the basin ta.ln«sof bv the principal river and rt n ’ afT;,r ' lln ‘' »!'•> the moM choice llna^hioil' . ’ " rt ' lr ’ “P”" ">'■ bench for dwcl •orveyed Into lota and now ottered for juue with title* undisputed and Indisputable, at reasona- Price*, and up«>n liberal term* of credit, for moat °L money, and lumber for tmlhUng on lot* »<H<l fn the adilitlon, will be furnished at the romry saw mill on easy term*. CHAS. H. OAKES, Agent for Proprietor*. AKIAHOEMtiyV tok 'm&L 1852. GALENA AND MINNESOTA. United States Mail Line. C«nsi**lne of throe first class boats: NOMINEE C-.n*. o. SMITH, BEN CAMPBELL, Capt. M. W. DR FRANKLIN, Capt. R. BLAK.ELY* leaving tiab tia, The NOMINEE, Capt. O. Smith, Mondays,at 12o’clock. The Dlt. FRANKLIN, Capt. R. Blakely, Wcduoday*, at 12 o’clock. The BEN CAMPBELL, Capt. M. W. Lodwic*, Friday*# at 12 o'clock. The above boa's will run regularly during the ensuing season. Having the mail contract their punctuality can be relied on. They will remain at St. Paul sufficiently long to enable pass.-ngers to visit the Falls ai) 81. Anthony, For i-p- ed and acoMnmo'lation these boats are uu«ur paotsl. and every attention will be paid to Paskenfers atal Freight They will leave punctually ar the hour named# The Nominee' will make the trip so as not to be out on Sat* lay. (bMsis shipped to the agents at Sr. tan!* or Galena, tb go by this line, will be forwarded tree of charge* Galena being the termini iff the gn at thoroughfare leading westward from Chicago and Milwaukee, nearly all the travel from th.* eastward, d.-stifled for the Upper Mississippi* takes pa-suge by steamboat from th 8 point? al-o, nearly all tin* steamboais oil the Southern trade, trout Si. tauls and other t*orts below, come into thi* port lor reshipmciit for points above. AGENTS. It F Sas*. St tauia, Nelson, Gilbert k. Co., B II Campbell 6s. Co., Galena Nelaoii’a Landing, d R West, Dubuque, C R Read, laik.* Pepin. 8 M Uingwor hy, do L Hertz.-11. Point DouglAW* A Mctiregor, Churchill fe Nel*«*n, McGregor’* Landing, Stillwater, B W Bri-bois, Pdit Chieu, J W llalirock# St Paul, F D Cowles, Ijin-lng, 8 II Sergent, do Campbeii Smith, Russell & Rice, St Anthony Iji Crosse, James Peek 6s. Co., Chicago, Galena, Feb. 25, 1852. 26tf ll KG CL A R ST. I/R’IS, GAI.KNA, DCBCQCK, AND ST. PACL PACKET. i HE lavoriiepassenger ste;nn- , IIS' JJ» rrDR.FUANKI.IN No.2,Capt. rri a h -jk-twS£bii Brock, will run regularly du ing the season o- tween the above ]M’ints. Tin- No. 2 has been put In flrst-rate order, and is just as good as n*-w. She ofl r- sup- rior accoinmu* dati 'iis t<» tlie traveling and emigrating public. may 22. 36-tf REGULAR PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS, AND INTKKMK -1)1 A I E PORr.S. iHE new and splendid pas- : Jj svn/er steamer tt bOiJ»KX ERA,” ham Be RSI E, Command r, wll i:iak rcutarw ckiyti.p* is-tween (*atemi an*l St. I>»ul» during tlie M-as*.n, 1 -avifig iiiewry M*»ndav evening at b aud Bt. Id-iuia Friday ev- iiiug at 4 o’clock. The Goal n Era ha.- bo n tit led up with every* regard to th«- sally .and comrori of hex I a-s’ ng- rs, mid li r Slat • Rooms aud Baiooii«are funiisltcd with eieganc-.* and provided with ev-ry itu.uovcin nt. For Freight or passage appiy *>ti l»oanl or t » JAMES CARTER k\ CO., Agent*. Galena, May 22. 35-tf Regular Galena and Snin* Paul Packet, Twice A Week. j IIE superior and last running passen * ger s,« atn-r Wes* !\>w.uu, C. 8. • . um MORUIMIN, a aster, w 1 i.-ave .saint l*a I tor t.aiena «n*l all .ntermediate port-, «-n Sam&4 We* n -day ni ;n tu- ai 9 o’cbn k, and satu day * v.-ning* at 6 o’clock. For freight or passage anplv . n lM,a-d or tc 11. C. TIIUtELL, Agent. June 12, 1852 —3B- f GALENA AND ST LOUIS FRIDAY PACKET. I IIE entirely new anil splen- . 1 did Pa-s -ng r Pack»t BItI*NE TT E. jgjajSpHa Charles Barger, M.»st.-r, wld leave Ga. ..a tor Bt. l>»uis and • po.U. every l-riday evening at six o’clock; r timin’, will i*-»ve st. Lotus every Tu wlay ev -imi- at four • ’clock. £3" i>, * r 8 ' ns ‘ taking tlie Nominee f-«>m st- Paul, wi'l aiw.i; - arrive at Gab-n.i in time for tli Brunette, aitd will nave iki delay in gone be|..w 'Zl}r fhe liRUXEITE is sec >iul to n .nc* in her arrange* m -nt- end acrommi*dalloiis f »r the comfort and safety of I'as-engers; nil >, for speed is not equalled by any boat ott the Upper Mississippi. STILLMAN & ROOD. 39-5 m g« nt*. GLASSWARE ; WHOLESALE & RETAIL. it To Hotel ani Hoard in H *nsr Keeper*. Mcr. Hants i and ilir Public in General. j: j P MARVIN, (AGENT FOR THE ,j i -A-V. f»’(. ln,- Miinmacuirins Coinpaiiv.) hasnpen ,, j .**l "li Th:M nearly ilio (mi e. Ik v.-rv >. ••*!«»'»•» :i<=orlui'-nl ol (iLAS.-WA lIK, «h:, hhf |<k oBV-r --] Im; oi U'linii'Ml" mi l Knail, bol..\v st. L.inls pi Ic.-s. i * i’. l "' Hxaniln'- thi. i'.'mitirul. anu for Si. J'anl. tiniun. u [ ''’splay „f ciasswar... v..n will ii'i-1 i- j 7 um' let s oj every descrjil'n Sugar Eowls, u I Cruets, Fruit Fowls, . ( eferies, Jelly Bowls , Salts, Molasses Cans , Pitchers, Custard Bowls, Fruit Plates, Jel!,) Glasses, i- Cake Salvers, Jelli/ Stands, 1 ' And Indeed a variety too nunirrou- t«> mention. Cali u ••*rly at the St. Paul Gla-aware st..rc, Thir*l street, be -1 tw *i i» Itobi-r:* aiel Minnesota streets. M May 1, ISS». 33-y CAVICNDER & MATTHEW.-, . - LACKSMITHS, at '.he Red Shop on v : th** east side of Roberta r. Street, St. Paul, have como " Prf r ;'“ is,h - rutfw Mf * ! i sr,K mater n] always on hand, and none ,1 ; >n J flrst-rate workm -n employed. Onr terms are CASH. In connection with our Smith Slum, we have also a • "agon Shop, with a supply oi the best seasoned whit* j oak and other material, tor making tlp-».q> wagons, l«t?- i cie- and sleigh*, w hich we mak *, Iron and warrant to or- I ' l 'T.' ,n < * verv descripti*»n ot plows. | We intend to put the business of onr shop straight. ; And though it may »h* -aid we live by «>nr VISF..4 P in.lroßcr.i:..l steel for a living, w.* m antudohonen w _ rK <>r bon-st 2ffmG W. Thomson, No. 6 CARROLL HALL, Baltimore, Md., - AGENT rom THE SALE OF * ~|UXTINI - "Mi, COI.OItKDINKR. BOOK -> K mill N KWS INK, of-uperiurqnalily, mini »t Hie lo»v --| i si prlr.-s, ■ . k ‘ T ,‘ *' arr " n ' c **»■ >"k m th- B.lllmorr work* I ! h ”,'; rry , ~" a ll,v' n "' l ’‘**■•••'■l «<>v article * ' f * Kivc K;l " 'fact ton it can be returncl i IMIICKS OF INK PKII * 1 w “ r Pn-a, New., 2.V; No. 2 Power Prr., , News, 30c; llau.l lire.., new.. 2'j,” Vo 1 p 1...1 ...... v . , 1 ' ’ ’ i > -N" Power press, p'.'V h • t 3 ’y o ' { "- 1 " 1 •"*.’ Tl'nn't , rtJ 1,lk ’ 50 ’ ,ir,cn lnk ' #- Brown Ink, Lii in In- 1* fa- Sale.~ rilK nnderaijrned wishes to inform the •» citlaen. ..f ra in Paul H n.| It, vicinllr that he Is ' »r Hie opt Shil.ele Fa, torv.on 1 i S ; v ''J ,, 1 h s "-e"», amt is prepared Mil or. ’ siiingv, * k,lds ° r Lumber of any de-criptkn, taih«or Term, ea.y, one half up, an.J ill- halanee on the de livery of the Lumber. j. w. bass, Agent for St. Anthony' Mill Cn. WILL.* M TAYL (■ , GARBER and Hair Dresser—has fitted I J up a -al.H.n oil street. U"\t d.H.r »e«t of the p.etoitiee to Siim Pa ni, up t„ the Increaslnv luxurv, "ye ami eiekance of the R r..wlii,. mitn.polia of Mlnne v.U, "here lie will he happy lo nerve citizens ail,l .Iran f rs 1,1 , s • In -very blanch of Ills huslneaa, accord- I Injf tu the best of hi* ability. AT THK OLD RTAXO, Third, between Jackson and Robert Streets. Si Taal. I I l , . A rl r \-i , °T * ""“ l ' «rm-crie„ m„ors, i I'.rlt, Flour. I) im>tlc Dry llmals,oueen.ware.Keadr Mu.". aoihliiK, Hats, i'a|M, Slush.. Kc„ that win cotn lutre fakorahly wlili any ever h.oucl.t h.ihb. market. .Mr aa-onm. nr "f Qneen-ware, e.-peclally, I can recommend jj* , ■ ar P , '»t and liesf Select*xl tn the Territory. Care nas b* en taken to procure the latest styles to be found in tne Eastern markets. To my old customers, and all oth er*, l would respectfully **y, cal! and examine, a- I am determined to.ell very low for cash, and ch*c out my \ . .. y lhc *P«ning of navigation. Thi* is a 44 *ure j thing.” ■ J»ot. 29—tf. 8. 11. SERGENT. NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, 1 OJt SAINT ANTHONY STREET, TWO DOORS BELOW TIIE AMERICAN HOUSE. I r pilE undersigned would respect fully Invite rho attention I of tlie public, to their large and well selected stock of Groceries and Provision-*. Also, Ready-Made Cedhing. IhM ts, Bhoes, Wines, Liquors, Nall*. Glass, llardw.r* I &,c. all «»f which will be sold cheap for cash. ** r9-Ple«e cail and examine before i»nrct»a*ing D USSIA, Engliah. and Americ^Tsh^t t-V Iron, and 400 aasoricd stove, | n ..or-and for sal. ” F. S. NKWrLL. Ca LA SS —AH sizes. Fireproof Puint. K Scalcu, Trucks, fcc., In store and for sn|r by F. 3, NKWrtl,. W ANTED—3OOO old stove* for Foun* *Tj«n*wi,s r. ?. smo.