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IP' VOL. XI—NO. 2 2 A Morning with Rosa llonlicur. J’akis, August 10, 1859. — 8 y birth Ro -a Bonheur belongs to France—by the rights of genius, to the world. She is the most distinguished female pain ter living or dead. No other has won so wide a lame —no other built a reputation on so broad and firm a basis. Wherever Art is known and talked of, Rosa Bonheur is known and talked of. In France, England, America. Germany and the smaller King aims of Europe, the name ol Rosa Bonheur is a household word. At 12 o'clock on the eleventh of March we were set down at No. 32 Rued’Assas, and passed through a gate and down to the farther end of a garden, where we entered the vestibule of a small cottage house, the present residence ol Rosa Bonheur. We sent up our card and in a few minutes were - ated in her atelier —a large square, oaken furnished room on the second ctage —talking with the little painter, with as much famili arity as if we had known her all our life time. In a clear rather thin voice, Rosa ran on about art and art-life for half an hour, only leaving us room to slip in the points of conversation edgewise. •■You have accomplished much, madam oi.-elle,” we said, glancing at a large picture on the easel, called "Lea Moutons,” (The •Sheep.) ‘•Ye.-," she replied,“l have been a faithful student sin e 1 was ten years old. I have copied no master. 1 have studied nature, and expressed to the best of my ability the ideas and feelings with which she has in spired me. Art, brain, soul, body, the en tireness of its votary. Nothing less will win its highest favor. 1 wed art. It is my husband—my world—my lifed^eam —the air l breathe. 1 know nothing else—feel nothing else—think nothing else. My soul f u Is: in it the most complete satisfaction.” ••You have not married,” we said. “Have 1 not said that 1 married art? What could I do with any other husband ? i am not tit to be a wife in the common ac- captation of that term. Men must marry women who have no absorbent, no idol, ifut f he subject is painful; give me some other topic.” ••You don't love society ?” we said. •‘Yes, .1 do,” she replied, with an air of impatience; -‘but 1 select that which pleases me most. 1 love the society of nature; the company ol horses, bulls, cows, sheep, dogs —all animals. 1 oiten have large receptions where they are the only guests. I also like ?( ciety ol books and the thought of great minds. I like George Sand. She is a great genius. The world has wronged her —society outraged her. Go to see her. You will like her. I have not taste for general society—no interest in its frivolities. J only seek to be known through my works. I ! the world feel and uuderstaud them, I have succeeded.” •Have you given the Women’s Rights question anv attention ?” we asked. • Women’s rights I —women’s nonsense! ” she answered. “ Wooten should seek to stablish their rights by good works, and not by conventions. If I had got up a con vention to debate the question of my ability to paint “ Marche au Chevaux,” (The Horse Fair.) for which England would pay me forty thousand francs, the decision would have be given against me. 1 felt the power within me to paint. 1 cultivated it, and ave produced works that have won the fa- vorable verdicts of the great judges. I have no patience with women who ask per missioii to think ” .\ t this moment two or three visitors en tered, and while Rosa was occupied with thorn, we busied ourselves by making notes of tilings in the atelier. On the wall to the left ol the entrance was a head of a buck, with long, branching horns : one of a goat, and another of a bull; an imperfect skeleton of a horse, and the skins of various animals. At the further end of the room stood a large oaken case, filled with stuffed birds of all sizes and descriprions, and on the top of it, in a per fect state of preservation, were an eagle, a hawk, an owl, and a parrot. On the wall, facing the door, were a pair of landscapes, ; representing a storm rushing between the rocks, and clouds breaking on their tops. The tl i d and fourth walls were taken up with the busts of horses, cows, sheep, dogs, wolves, cats, Ac., in brouze and plaster, modeled by Rosa’s own hand. All about the waxed floors were spread out the pre served skims of cows, bulls, stags with their trreat uplifted horns, and bears, goats, sheep, dogs, and wolves with their fierce eyes glar i ing upon us. The impression these wild pieces of car peting made on us, on entering the atelier, was almost startling. It seemed more like a den ol wild beasts that the atelier of a lady. After a short flirtation with the parrot, which spoke tolerable French, we took our leave, promising to meet Rosa at the School of Design for Women on the next Friday, where she goes once a week to give a lesson. This school was founded by Rosa’s father. At his death she became its sole mistress, but now entrusts it mostly to the care of her sister and brother. There are about fifty rugular pupils, who receive instruction gratis. Rosa Benheur has many proofs of the reward of industry. If she wished to make a small fortune in a few days, it would be easy for her to do it in England, by opening there an exhibition of her pictures and sketches. March au: Chevaux, (The Horse Fair) which was exhibited at Williams & Stevens’ a year or two ago, and which was so well received by the New York press, was bought by the Mr. Gamber, an English editor, for forty thousand francs, When Rosa visited England she was received like a princess. America also paid, the last year, ten thou sand dollars lor a “ View in the Pyrenees,” one of her least known pictures. A rich Hollander, visiting her “ atelier ” recently, offered her a thousand crowns for a small sketch that she could have painted in two hours. “It is impossible to comply with your request,” she said, “ I am not inspired.” Mademoiselle Bonheur is below the me dium height ot women ; in appearance, about thirty-five years ; petite, with quick, piercing blue eyes, and brown hair, worn short and parted on the side, like a boy’s. Her dress was a brown alpaca, sans crino line, with a blouse jacket of black cloth. She looked very boyish. Mademoiselle has also an atelier in the country, where she spends much time. When in the city she wears the costume of her sex, but never ventures outside the bar rier except iu her masculine gear. The are many anecdotes in circulation about the little painter. One day, when she returned from the country, she found a messenger waiting to aunounee to her the sudden illness of one of her young friends. Rosa did not wait to change her male attire, but hastened to the bedside of the young lady. In a few min utes after her arrival, the doctor who had been sent for, entered, and seeing a young man, (as he supposed, from the costume,) seated on the side of the bed, with his arm around the neck of the sick girl, thought he was an intruder, and retreated with all pos sible spaed. “Oh! run after him! He thinks you are my lover, and has left me to die ! ” cried the sick girl. Rosa flew down the stairs, and soon returned with the mod est doctor, who said he did not wish to in trude. On another occasion, Mademoiselle had tickets sent her for the theatre. She had an important picture in hand, and con tinued at the easel till the carriage was an nounced. “ Yes,” said Rosa, “je mis prete and away she went to the theatre comme la. A fine gentleman in the next box to her looked at her with surprise, turned up his nose, affected great disgust, and went into the vestibule to seek the manager. Having found him, he went off in a range. “ Who is this woman in the box next to mine, in an old calico dress, covered with paint and oil ? The odor is terrible. Turn her out ! If you do not, I will never enter your theatre again. It is an insult to re spectable people to admit such a looking creature into the dress-circle.” The manager went to the box, and in a moment discovered who the offensive person was. Returning to the fine white-gloved gentleman, he informed him that the lady was no less than Mademoiselle Rosa Bon heur, the great painter. “ Ilosa Bonheur !” he gasp d. “ Who’d have thought it ? Make my apology to her. I dare not enter her presence again.”— Home Journal. Trial of Steam Plow* at tlie United From the Chicago Times of Friday About noon, the steam plows began to get up steam, preparatory to the exhibition of their abilities in plowing. The “ Lan caster,” Mr. Fawkes’ machine, was the first to get ready for operation. The machine started, (the plows not being attached) and amid the huzzas of the immense crowd by which it was surrounded, moved off, taking a circuitous course about the grounds, turn ing angles and curves in any direction and in a remarkably short space with great ap parent ease, and finally proceeded to the spot where the gang of plows stood. These being attuched, the machine was again put in motion and passed in a straight line across the area enclosed by a half-mile course, leaving behind it a series of furrows, jn all about eight feet in width. The ma chine performed its work easily, and, so far as it went, well; but the plow shares only turned up the earth to the depth of about two inches. It is claimed that the machine will make the furrows of any depth that may be desired, and, theoretically, this is undoubtedly the case The plow-gang con sists of six common plows, minus the han dles, which are secured in a frame at the required distance from each other, and fas tened to the machine by a chain from the end of the beam. By elevating and depress ing the beam, the depth of the furrow may I e regulated, and the plow shares also ac commodated to inequalities in the surface of the ground. The machine moved, both with and with out the plows attached, with the rapidity of about a mile in six or eight minutes. At this rate, the machine should plow between sixty and seventy acres in a day of ten hours, but if in practice it shall accomplish one half of this, the invention may be claimed as a triumph of inventive genius and mechanical skill. States Fair. T m INTENTIONAL DUPLICATE EXP AINT PAUL, FRIDAY, Waters’ steam plow (which has not yet received the honors of christening) occupied a much longer time in getting up steam, owing probably to the fact that all parts of the machine were not in working order until the wheels were put in motion, it is quite new, several parts of the machinery having been put together on the Fair Ground. When everything was in readiness, steam was applied, the monstrous driving wheels revolved and the machine moved slowly and steadily over the ground. A roundabout course was not taken, as with the “Lancaster,” for the purpose of “showing off,” but the machine proceeded directly to its plow-gangs, which stood on the opposite side of the field. An immense crowd of people followed and surrounded it, watching its every movement with eager in terest. The plow-gangs (two in number) are very unlike that ot Fawkes’ machine. Each consists of seven plow-shares, firmly set in a heavy frame of wood and iron, and so arranged that a line drawn in front of the coulters forms the hypothenuse of a tri angle, the base of which is the line of the first furrow. The shares are raised or de pressed by means of large screws at the cor ners of the frame. It was with great difficulty that the crowd could be kept back to give room for the ma chine, and from its slowness in getting under way, and their own unnecessary excitement, doubts were expressed by some of the lookers-on as to the machine’s ability to operate. But at length a start was made, and the machine moved steadily forward with a power which seemed to be irresistible. The furrows were cut to the depth of full five inches, and to the full width of nineteen feet, the sod from every furrow being turned as smoothly and handsomely as the best plowboy in the country could have turned it in the usual way. When the machine stopped, the enthusiastic huzza of the cfowd indicated their satisfaction at the result. Waters’ machine moves much slower than Fawkes’, but plows a “land” of considerably more than double the width, and, by com parison of the plowing done by each yester day afternoon, does its work in a much more thorough manner. Its power is tre mendous, and astonished every one who be held its operation. It was worked with 150 pounds of steam to the square inch. The inventors claim that it will plow 100 acres in a day, but this probably is theory and not practice. Judging, however, from the demonstrations yesterday, it is likely to carry the farmers, if it does not the pre mium. Till- Dljslumatlsts, Washington Correspondence Philadelphia Press. Washington, as you are aware, is the residence of most of the foreign diplomatic corps. The present British Minister, Lord Lyons, occupies the recent residence of Lord Napier, on H, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. He is a quiet, unpre tending gentleman, a thorough Englishman in his habits and manners and is about for ty-two years ot age. His salary is $22,500 per annum. Lord Lyons has been an at tachee to the embassy at Athens, next Sec retary of Legation, and iatc Minister to Florence. He has a Secretary of Legation and two attaches. Count de Sartiges, the French Minister, resides on Georgetown Heights. He is greatly esteemed here, al though somewhat eccentrie, standing high in the favor of his Imperial master, Xapo lean the Third, and wielding considerable in fluence in society at this point. There are two Secretaries of Legation, and attache and a chancelier connected with this mission. Count de Sartiges is now on a visit to his native country. The Russian Minister, Mr. Edward de Stoeckel, resides on G, corner of Twenty-first street. Mr. Waldemar de Bo disco, his Secretary of Legation, is the nephew of the late well known Mr. Bodisco, who occupied the position of Russian Minis ter for many years at this point, having married an accompolished lady, a native of Georgetown, who is now in St. Petersburg with her children, near the Court of the Em peror Alexander. Mr. Theodore Marinus Roest Van Limburg, Minister Resident of the Netherlands, married to the accom plished Miss Cass some two years’ago, lives on F street, corner of Twentieth. Tne Spanish Minister, Senor Don Gabriel Gar cialy Tassara, one of the most popular of all foreign legations, occupies a handsome building on I, between Fifteenth and Six teenth streets. Baron Fr. Yon Gcrolt is still the Prussian Minister, though I believe he is now absent, leaving Baron Yon Gra bow in charge of the business of the lega tion. Austria still continues to retain Che valier Hulsemann, famous in the recollection of the country on account of his celebrated contest with Daniel Webster. Mexico is represented by Senor Mata ; Belgium by H. de Bosch Spencer ; Denmark by W. de ltaasloff; Sweden by Baron Wedderstedt; Sardinia by the Chevalier Bertinatti, and the Two Sicilies by Commander A. Ferrer. There are others unnecessary to mention, altogether making up quite a society of it self. In the order of tilings it frequently happens that marriages take place between these personages and American ladies. It is stated that the Atlantic Monthly now returns to its publishers a net income of twelve thousand dollars per annum. SEPTEMBER 23, 1859 New York an«l Massachusetts. Last week the Democracy of these noble States held their State Conventions. The Massachusetts Convention was the largest ever held, the list of regular delegates num bering 1,440. A State ticket was nomin ated, and four delegates at large, Messrs. Isaac D.-.vis, Caleb Cushing, J. S. Wiiit nf.y and Oliver Stevens, elected to the Charleston Convention. Gen. B. F. But ler, who, in the State Senate last year, made a noble speech against the two years’ amendment, was selected unanimously as the candidate for Governor. Among the resolutions passed, were the following : Resolved, That the two years’ amendment of the Constitution of Massachusetts by which the law of naturalization i-- extended to seven years is a flagrant violation of the Constitution and Laws ot the United States ; a narrow and big oted policy unbecoming an enlightened and free people, and a gross insult to the white men who are thus attempted to be placed be low the negro in the scale of being and human rights. Resolved, That we find no necessity for any addition or change in the great doctrine of Popular Sovereignty as declared by the Massa chusetts Democratic resolves in 1848, that we are “opposed to the exercise of any jurisdiction by Congress over the matter of slavery in the Territories, but are in favor of leaving to the people who inhabit them the right to establish and regulate their own domestic institutions under the general principles of the Constitu tion. A strong Douglas feeling prevailed in the Convention. In the election of Presi dent, Dr. Losing, the candidate of the Douglas men received 919 votes to 411 for Mr. Pak.mknter, the candidate of the friends of the administration. Mr. B. F. llallet, in a speech before the Convention, used the following language : “We must into that (the Charleston) Con vention, ari l, carrying our honest preference with us, avuit them frankly ; but if we cannot secure the man of our choice, we must then agree upon a lair compromise, and secure the man who will be the choice of the Union. And I tell you. we shall electtliat man. (Applause.) And 1 say further, that if Stephen A. Douglas should he that candidate, he would sweep the country in triumph. On the other hand, (and 1 think 1 may pledge Mr. Douglas to this posi lion, honorable ar he is, loving as he does the Democratic party,) I say to you. that if the result ot that Convention shall be the nomina tion of any other man than Stephen A Douglas, he will bo at the head of the champions who wi 1 support that nomination ; and in the elec tion of that nominee, the party may owe more to his individual and powerful influence than any other ten men in the Union. Therefore, I ray that such a Democrat is not the man we want to throw overboard, or want to he in conllict with; while, at the same time, he is not a man we would force to act against his own wishes, his own convictions. ] once heard that distinguished statesman say, when he was ad vocating a measure which it was thought was endangering the Democratic party—• Great God! do I want to destroy the Democratic party ! Where would he my heritage, it it is not there? 1 should be like the prodigal who spent all his heritage. If I have anything, or can expect anything, it is from the Democratic party : and am i to weaken that party, so that neither I nor any other man cau ever receive its successful support?’ ’ Speaking of the issue now before the people, Mr. Hallett said : Upon that great doctrine of popular sover eignty, I am ready to go to its utmost consti tutional limits. Our opponents have got what they call a “catch-word,” a “party cry." which they are going through the North with. It is “Freedom— Freedom — Freedom —vote for FREEDOM ! ” Now, let us meet them with “Popular Sovereignty— Popular Sovereingty — Popular Sovereignty” every time they say “Freedom;” and then I will define it by the simple distinction, that when they cry “free dom” they mean negro freedom, and that when we cry “popular sovereignty’” we mean white freedom In New York, the Democracy nominated the following ticket: Secretary of State— D. It. Floyd Jones, of Queens. Comptroller —Sandford F. Church, of Or leans. Attorney General —Lyman Tremain, of Al bany. State Engine r —Van R. Richmond, of Wayne. Treasurer —lsaac Vanderpool. of Erie. Canal Commissioner —Wm. J. Skinner, of Herkimer. State Prison Inspector- - Noble S. Elderkin, of St. Lawrence. Judge of Court of Appeals— Alex. S' Johnson, of Albany. Clerk of Court of Appeals —John L. Lewis, of Yates. The following we take from the resolu tions adopted: Resolved , That we approve and reiterate the principles laid down in the Cincinnati platform as the true creed of the Democratic party, and that we deny the right of any power except the Democracy of the nation, in convention ?s --sembled, to add to or abridge this creed of the I party. This creed, so far as regards the, question of Slavery in the Territories, leaves such questions as belong to the Courts to the construction of the Judiciary, and Congress ou that subject has no power, the Democracy re garding the interference of that body to exclude the South from participating in the Territories, and the proposition for a Congressional slave code as equally repugnant to the spirit of the Constitution and uncalled for by any considerj ation of public expediency. / D. S. Dickinson, Edward Oro6BWkl|„ J. C. Mather, Schell, and other notAd Hards, have published a protest, denouu ing the bolting and ruffianly conduct (jof Fernando Wood. jarsW il m*. Windom’s Know-Nothi agism. From the Winona Democrat. We clip the following sweet-scented po sy from that paragon of consistent news papers, the St. Paul Times. It U in its j fragrance, about as refreshing as Mr. Win dont’s denial that he was Attorney of the Transit Railroad Company. Read it. The '1 imes’ preface, and all. In a letter to the editor of the Times , over his own signature. Mr. Windoin does deny that 1 he is a Know-Nothing in tne following emphat ic manner : “Dear Sir, —I have just learned that the Pioneer has a long article in relation to Know Nothiugism, in which, with a great deal of parade, the editor charges me with being a member of the order. 1 pronounce the whole charge an umitigated lie ! “ I understand Cavanaugh claims that he has certain publications made by authority. If this is true, he has discovered a kind of Know Nothiugism I never heard of. “Yours, Wm. WINDOM. Now, readers, see how careful Mr. Win dom words his very dirty little letter. He says that “with a great deal of parade the editor (of the Pioneer) charges me with being a member of the order.” (of Know Nothings) “J pronounce the whole charge an unmitigated tie!” So, so, Mr. William Windom ; that is your dodge, is it ? You deny only that, you are not now a member of the order. You do not deny that you ever were a member. Only that you are not to-day a member. Well, Mr. William Windom, does not every man of common sense know that as an organized party there is now no Know Nothing order? But, sir, you dare not deny that you was a member of a Know Nothing Lodge at Mount Yernon, Ohio, in 1854. You dare not deny that you was a Delegate to the Ohio State Council which met at Cramer <fc Watson’s Hall, Cincinna ti, on the 30th day of October, 1854, at 10*.< o’clock A. M. You dare not deny that as a Delegate in that State Council you ran for Delegate to the National Council, and was defeated by J. R. Stanbcrry, E-q., of Licking County. You dare not deny that the “Proceedings” ol this Council, published by its order, by Tidball, Turner and Grey, Odd Fellow's Literary Casket Office, Cincinnati, and in which published “Proceedings” your name appears as a Delegate from Knox Lodge. Mount Yernon, Ohio—you dare not deny, we repeat that these Proceedings are official. For if you do, Mr. Windom, you will have to crawl over the following resolution, (which is priuted on the outside of the cover of the “Proceedings”) passed at a meeting ol the “Advisory Committee” of the State Council, held in Cincinnati, on the 9ih day of August, 1854: “Resolved , That Messrs. Tidball, Turner and Grey are hereby authorized to print and supply all Blanks, etc., used by Councils, and the Subordinates are instructed to obtain the same of them.” This rosolution is attested by “John E. Rees. Grand Correspoding Secretary.” Mr. William Windom, what do you say to the above. A gentleman of your “high moral standing” should be ashamed to stoop to the mean low system of lying you have adopted in denying your Know Nothing ism. And now. Mr. William Windom, permit us to suggest that before you charge lying on much decenter men than yourself, you be suie they have not the proa/, as in the case of your Know Nothiugism, to convict you of the most bare-laced lying. Letter from Hon. Win, Sawyer. Otter-Taii. City, Sept. 2d, 1859, Edit'd * Pioneer 4* Democrat ; My attention has been cal’ed to a short article in the St. Paul Daily Tunes ol the 24th ultimo, headed “The war on James 11. Baker.” In that article the editor asks en quiringly— Perhaps the chief editor of the Pioneer could tell, if he so pleased, who it is of his par ty in Minnesota that has received through the instrumentality of present and former editors of the Ohio Statesman part of Breslin’s stealings; what four or live Minnesota Democrats—men now in high standing with the party—make up a “pony purse” of fifty to a hundred dollars a month to help keep Breslin mum and out of the way in Canada. In short, does the Pioneer wish to dive into this Ohio-Breslin matter, and rip up the Minne sota Democratic connections with it ? If so, we are ready and posted. Our neighbor, however, before he com mences, had better consult with Wash Cones, of Muscatine, “Sausage” Sawyer, of Otter Tail, and sundry other Ohioans of Minnesota.” Now, Mr. Editor, the insinuation and in ference of the Times, is that I have had some connection with the Ohio defalcation, and that I am now contributing hush-money to keep Breslin quiet or “mum.” The editor says he is “ready and posted .” I now, under my own signature, deny the charges meanly insinuated; and—as I have a right to—demand the proof of my complicity or knowledge of the Breslin defalcation, other than the public records show. I shall wait a reasonable time for the Times expose. If it is not made, you will hear from me again. As to his low, blackguard prefix to my name which he has chosen to adopt, he is welcome to all he can make out of it. That same game has been tried before. WM. SAWYER. RE \vWmm NEW SERIES-NO. 196. Letter from Tamarack. Black Republican Meeting at Wabashaw—Judge Ooope aud Woodford on tin; Rostrum—Miserable Failure— Great Day lor the Democracy, Ac. CorresjtoTldenre of the Pioneer awl Democrat. W aba SB a tv, September, 18. 18.19, It having been announced in the bills that a gathering of Republicans would be held, or “had,” in this city last evening, and that Judge Cooper and “Hon ” .Mr. Woodford or Wood head, would address the meeting, it was expected that there would be a regular spread-eagle demonstration made ; but oh ! what a failure it was. At about 8 o’clock iu the evening the people began to go into Apollo Hall, where the “demonstra tion” was to take place, but the vacancy in the hall was far more extensive than the space filled by the “orgence,” and at no time during the evening w r ere there present more than eighty persons, a large proportion of whom were Democrats. The ball was opened by Judge Cooper, who, instead of going on in the track of ex-Governor Ramsey, branched off and held forth in another strain, to wit: that the Republicans were in favor of paying State indebtedness and everything else, and the Democrats were repudiationists ; he talked considera bly, or more,about the finances of the State, and undertook to refute what had been said here on that subject by our next Governor, Mr. Becker, when, after replying to two or put to him by some one in the hall by saying “I don't know,” he began to feel of his neck, and said he had a bad cold, and his throat was sore—of which there was no question, as probably that same speech, oft delivered before, had worn an angular passage in his throat that other words would not fit—and that he would introduce to the meeting “Hon.” Mr. Woodford, who would occupy the rest of the evening. Well, the Woodford began by telling how prosperous Minnesota was in 1854, and comparing its condition with that of 1859, which was a very miserable one, and that miserable condition was brought about by the Democratic party of the State ; and so he went on for about an hour, in a raving, ranting, screaming, tear ing. and incoherent manner, during which time about half the audience left the hall in unmitigated disgust. No one could tell what he meant while he was speaking, nor what his speech amounted to alter he had got through. He made no points, uttered no arguments, and created no impression, except that he was an unadulterated blovi ator of the brainless genus, and that his “ speech ” was like a “ tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing ” precisely as my old irieud Mr. Shakspeare, author of several plays, would have said, had he been present. Several Republicans expressed their disgust at the performance of this wooden man, and one of them said that he had ought to boxed up and sent back where he came from, for fear he woill injure “ the cause,” and this disgust, together with the great disappointment occasioned by the high anticipations of a rich treat from Judge Cooper, which had been formed be fore he began to speak, rendered the meet ing one of the most miserable failures that can possibly be imagined. It was a great day for the Democracy, last night was! If we had about forty orators like Wood ford, going to and fro, making speeches in favor of the Republicans, I think we should be able to carry the Democratic ticket through by a majority that would astonish all the old settlers in the State. These down-easfers know so much more about the misery that the Democratic party has brought on this State than the people them selves know, that it is quite refrigerating to hear the extras they issue. I see by the bills, that several more of the B. R. sym pathisers from other States, are announced to stump the State, and give the people of Minnesota some information in regard to their miserable condition; and amongst the rest the Hon. John Phooter Hale, of New Hampshire, is to talk to the people of Wabashaw next week, and enlighten them on that subject, and persuade them to vote for Ramsey, because the Constitution of the United States contains a clause on which the fugitive slave law is based ! Well, let them come—the people like their raree shows, but don’t much heed what they say Tamarack. The correspondent of the Traveler, writ ing from Camp Floyd, under the date of August 18, describes the assassination of first Sergeant Rilpii Pike, of the 10th in fantry, who was shot in front of the Salt Lake hotel, by a Mormon named Spencer. The murderer had escaped. Pike’s funeral was attended by three regiments of infantry, the officers of each regiment being in full uniform, etc., and by Gen. Johnson. Sev eral other assassinations are charged on the Mormons, and great excitement existed.