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VOL. XIII.—NO. 18 gone: to the war. BY HORATIO ALGER, JR. From the Boston Transcript. My Charlie has gone to the war, My Charlie so brave and tall; He left his plow in the furrow. And hew at his country’s call, May God in safety keep him, My precious boy—my all. My heart is pining to see him, I miss him every day: My heart is weary with waiting, And sick of the long delay. But I know his country needs him, And 1 could not bid him stay. I remember how his face flushed And how his color came. When the hash from the guns of Sumpter Lit the whole laud with tlame, And darkened our country’s banner, With the crimson hue of shame. ‘“Mother,” he said, then faltered— -1 felt his mute appeal; I paused—if you are a mother, You know what mothers feel, When called to yield their dear ones To the cruel bullet and steel. My heart stood still for a moment, Struck, with a mighty woe ; A faint of death came o’er me— I am a mother, you know— But 1 sternly checked my weakness, And flrmly bade him Go.” Wherever the fight is fiercest I know that my boy will be ; Wherever the need is surest Of the strout arms of the free, May he prove as true to his country As he has been true to me! My home is lonely without him, My heart bereit of joy— The thought of him who has left me My constant sad employ; But God has been good to the mother— She shall not blush for her boy. Tlie Paris Duel Between Capt. Moses and F. G. Farquar, of Virginia. Among the passengers by the steamer Edinburgh, was Captain C. L. Moses, of Saco, Maine, whose duel with the Hon. F. G. Farquar, of Virginia, has previously been referred to. He is still suffering from his wound received in that affair, the par* ticulars of which are thus given in the Com* merciat Advertiser : Capt. Moses, although a South Carotin* ian by birth, is a strong and devoted adhe rent to the cause of the Union, and during his journey through France made no hesita tion in expressing his feelings and sympa* thies for the United States Government, and bis abhorrence of the Southern traitors and rebels. Hon. F. G. Farquhar of Vir ginia, meeting the Captain at a hotel in Baris, and knowing his parentage, re proached him in opprobrious terms as a renegade from his native State. He charged him with being a traitor to the South, and a man of no honor because he abandoned her when she needed all the services of her sons, particularly of her seamen and navigators. He took occasion, in his vituperation, also, to cast impunities upon the character of Northern ladie3, which, as the captain bad married a New England wife, waß resented by a tremendous blow, entirely doubling up the chivalric Virginian, and laying him in ordinary for the remainder of the evening. Farquar was taken charge of by his friends, and when be had gathered his scat tered faculties, sent a challenge to the cap tain by the hands of his friend Mon 3. Ste phanie. The challenge received a prompt response, and no* twenty four hours from the first meeting of the combatants, they stood on the banks of the Seine, prepared to take each other’s lives. The weapons se iecied were Derringer pistols, the distance ten paces, the combatants being ordered to wheel and fire at the given signal. Farquar 'was boastful and coarse in his manner and remarks. The captain was calm, though determined. Ail being ready, Capt. Moses handed two letters to L s second, one addressed to the American Consul at Liverpool, and the other to his wife at Saco, Maine, to be de livered in case he fell. He then removed his coat, bandaged back his hair from his eyes, and took his position. The word was then given, and, with a simultaneous re port of both pistols, the combatants fell to the ground. Both were shot through the head. Farquar received a mortal wound with which he lingered several days, finally dying at a hamlet a few miles from Baris, where he had been removed to avoid the noise of the city. Bolore dying he solicited an interview with Capt. Moses, made an acknowledg ment ot his base conduct, and solicited the latter’s forgiveness, which was freely grant ed. The Captain escaping from the French police, took refuge at Liverpool, where he was concealed by the American shippers of that city, and sent on to New York by the Edinburgh. lie isuow at the Stevens House, in this city, where he lies in a very critical condi tion. The ball of bis adversary passing im mediately under the ear, caused a severe concussion of the braio, which was more dangerous from the fact that the Captain had received a severe wound iu the head in the Mexican war. He bleeds frequently from the ears, and remains in a condition constantly threatening apoplexy. — lt is represented as a dry time at Cairo —do whisky, do excitement. NOTES OF THE REBELLION. REBEL QUARRELS. The traitors are growing more quarrel* some as the time for a “ Presidential ” elec tion draws near. The Richmond Examin er, an original secession orgai£ is as bitter as gall upon Stephens. It charges the coU ton States with monopolizing all the im portant offices to the exclusion ot the Bor der States, and moreover accuses Stephens of being a corrupt man. It says “the South has done nothing to deserve such an infliction as the putting of Stephens in a position where there would be an even chance cf his becoming President for five or six years,” from which it appears that Jeff. Davis’ lease of life isn’t thought to be worth much ; and the Examiner closes its article thus: He (Stephens) is the pet, the idol, the hope of every corrupt spoilsman and jobber in the South. For some reason, best known to them selves, they thiuk “Aleck Stephens” the great est man in the country, and that when he mounts the pnrple they will be all right. The circumstance is a suspicious one. Let it teach us caution. HOW THE BLAIR AND FREMONT PAPERS WERE MADE PUBLIC. The papers m the Fremont and Blair cases were first published in the Cincinnati Enquirer. The Cincinnati Commercial, after statiDg that a Mr. Belman had been sent to St. Louis as a correspondent of the Enquirer, thus accounts for the appearance of the papers: In the course of human events, the Hon. R. M. Gorwiue, who is fully determined not to relax an effort until rebellion is crushed out, was made judge advocate of Fremont's army. He of conrse knew Hr. Belman, and with his accustomed courtesy to the representatives of the press, tendered him the “ facilities ” usual in such cases—that is to say, an armed chair, deskroom and stationery. It came to pass, as Gen. Fremont was about to take his departure for Jefferson City, that the judge advocate had a press of business, and needed the labors of a copyist. He availed hrmself immediately of tbe services of Mr. Belman, who was to be properly compen sated foi bis toils in making fair copies of a certain correspondence, it being necessary to forward duplicates of the papers in the case to Washington. Mr.Belman, in copying the letters, found them interesting, and wondered they had not been in the newspapers. It was his leading article of faith, that nothing upon the globe accom plished its destiny until it made its appearance in print, with proper headlines. Therefore, as he copied letters from Jessie Benton Fremont, and A. Lincoln, and Francis P. Blair, and John C. Fremont, he was astonished at the want of enterprise in the press of St. Louis, and with perfect naturalness took copies of the afore said for nse in his correspondence; and so one copy of the correspondence was sent to the President, and another to the Cincinnati En quirer. For some days after the event of publication, St. Louis, Fremont, and Washington City were in a condition of surprise and wrath. The in domitable Belman, panoplied in innocence, was late in finding out there was a row, and still later in knowing himself as the instrument of Providence visibly working in the nation. The state of mind of Col. R. M. Corwine, “when he learned all,’’ is said to have been stupen dous. It may not be improper to [state in this con nection that Mr. Belman has from St. Louis. GENERAL ANDERSON’s RETIREMENT. The Louisville Journal of Monday says General Anderson, in conversation yester day morning, speaking of his being com pelled to leave his native State at this time, says, lie deeply regrets that * his feeble health renders it necessary for him to do so. The selection oi L;s successor is, however, entirely satisfactory him.” general orders—no. 6. Headquarters dkp’t ok the Cumberland, Louisville, Ky., Oct. 8, 1861. The following telegraphic order was re ceived yesterday at these headquarters : Brigadier General Anderson: To give you rest necessary to restoration of health, call Brigadier General Sherman to command the Department of the Cumberland. Turn over to him your instructions, and report here in person as soon as you may without retarding your recovery. (Signed) WINFIELD SCOTT. Washington, D. C., Oct. 6,1861. In obedience to this order I hereby relin quish the command of this department to Brig adier General Sherman. Regretting deeply the necessity which renders this step proper, I do it with less reluctance btusause my succes sor, Brigadier General Sherman, is the man I had selected for that purpose. God grant that he may be the means of delivering this depart ment from the marauding bands, who, under the guise of relieving and befriending Ken tucky, are doing all the injury they can to those who will not join them in their accursed warfare. UOBKRT ANDERSON. Brigadier General U. S. A., Commanding. Official: Oliver D. Greene, Asst. Adj. Gen’l. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 7. Hbadqk’s of the Cumberland, ) Louisville, Oct. 8, 1861. j Brigadier General Robert Anderson having relinquished tbe command ot this department, in General Orders No. 6. of this date, the un dersigned assumes command of this depart ment. w. T. SHERMAN, _ Brig. General. Oliver D. Greene, Asat, Adj. Gen. THB war IN KENTUCKY. Gen. W. T. Sherman, wbo has taken SAINT PAUL. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1861. command in Kentucky, is actively engaged in preparirg an army to drive the rebels from the State. His headquarters are at the Louisville Hotel, at the room lately occupied by Gen. Anderson. The following general order was issued on the 9th : I. The chiefs of the different departments of the staff ot this military department are directed to estimate at ence for funds adequate to the eupplying of i n army of (GO 000) sixty thousand men. 11. A Quartermaster and Commissary of Sub sistence will be detailed by their respective chiefs for each of the armies now in part of Louisville and Lexington. They will be&ber ally supplied with funds to b? disbursed for transportation aud supplies. 111. The Chief Quartermaster and Ordnance officer will see that Col. Buckner Board’s regi ment of cavalry is supplied with horses and armed and equipped as cavalry at the earliest possible moment. IV. Commanders of armies in the field and commanders of separate detachments, will use all possible efforts to protect the property of the inhabitants of the country. Whan forage is taken it must be paid for, and when articles of subsistence are taken, a certified account thereof must be forwarded to the Chief of Com missary at Louisville to be paid and charged to the regiment commanding taking the property. Other damages must be certified to aud held over, till the restoration of peace, to be ad justed. By oommand of BRIG. GEN. SHERMAN. Oliver D. Greene, Ass’t Adj. General. ROSKCRANS MORE THAN THEIR MATCH. A man named Michael Price, one of the first advocates of secesssion in Virginia, and recently in the army, opposed to our forces under Gen. Rosecrana, has become disgusted with the cause, and returned to his home near Harper’s Ferry. He controlled and exercised great influence in getting the State out of the Union; but has became convinced that the Confederacy can’t stood. He now wishes his Union friends to inter cede for his return to loyalty. On Thurs day he diDed at tbe house of an old friend, and remarked that the rebels might as well fight against the devil or North Star as Rosecrans. “For,” he said, “just as we thought we had got him, he was all arownd us. At other times, when we thought we were safely encamped for the night, be thought he would attack us, aud did, too.” He says, also, that Rosecrans is more than a match for all the rebel forces west of the mountains.” AFFAIRS AT RICHMOND. The Washington Sunday Morning Chronicle publishes an account of an inter view with Mr. Eyster, who has just return ed from Richmond, where he was sent as a prisoner July 23rd, the day alter the bat tle of Manassas. Mr. Eyster says that he was surprised on gaining his liberty to find the universal despotism which the rebel government exerted over all classes. The people looked abject and subdued, and every man seemed to suspect his neighbor. The conclusion he formed was that the people were dissatisfied with their government, and always afraid lest they should betray their loss of hope in the men they had plac ed over them. Very little business of any kind seemed to be dorng, and he did not think there was much inducement for merchants to part with their goods and receive in return worthless confed erate notes, which to keep in circulation it requires the penalty of death againt any one who refuses to receive them. He re mained a short time in Norfoik, waiting for a flag of truce to go to Fortress Monroe, and took lodgings at a boarding j house in order to avoid, as a much as possible, public observation. But he luiieJ to escape in sult, for even the women would point to him while sitting at table, and try to hurt his feelings by their intemperate remarks against the North. Norfolk is well forti fied, and is occupied by 12,000 men, while 25,000 men were represented to be encamped at Yorktown. Whisky was cheaper in Norfolk than ice-water; the former selling for ten cents a glass, tbe lat ter at a shilling a glass. total depravity about reached. We all know what sort of beings the spirit of secession makes of most'of the meu aDd boys upon whom it fastens itself. The following from the Frankfort Commonwealth shows what it has made of a late preten tious citizen of Louisville. The stealing of tbe State arms at Elizabethtown was not, it seems, tbe first act in Blanton Duncan’s career of theft: When this individual (Colonel Duncan) left Kentucky the only charge that existed against him consisted in treason against his Qovern ment, and in inducing hundreds of young men to follow him into his treasonable purposes, al 1 to curry favor with the people of the South, to save from confiscation his land and negroes. This was* bad enough in all conscience to damn any man of aound sense, mnch more a man as devoid in that respect as the aforesaid Duncan. But that is not all now. When he bad taken these young men—naked and destitute—and mustered them into of the rebels, some charitable ladies of Maryland purchased and sent to them a lot of blankets distinctly labeled: ‘‘For the use of the destitute Ken tuckians.” This man Duncan abstracted the label and afterward sold those same blankets to the “ destitute Kentuckians ” that he had induced to abandon loyalty and home of plenty for four dollars apiece. This is reported as the reason of his tion, aud the change of the name of the com pany commanded by Captain Harvey, from that of the “Duncan Rifles” to that of the “Harvey Rifles.” THE POSITION OF JOHN BELL. The Tribune has a correspondent who has traveled extensively in the South, and who writes as follows : John Bell, his public renunciation of loyalty to the Union to the contrary notwithstanding, has really neither heart nor hand in the great Southern rebellion. He goes with his section, not because he thinks it is right, but because it is his section. He pronounces himself a reb el—however, not one of choice. He believes, or at least expresses the opinion, that the “war of subjugation” undertaken by the North is wrong, but, on the other hand, loses no oppor tunity in declaring the Southern revolution un justified. Whenever he visits places of public resort he takes occasion to denounce, the Jef ferson Davis dynasty in unmeasured terms. His past public services secure him immunity from the consequences this offense would entail up on any other, but render him at the same time unpopular among the thorough-going rebels. The late confiscation of some of his steamboat property has greatly irritated him, not sulfi ciently. however, to make him more forbear ing with the administration of affairs at Rich mond. \ FRENCH SYMPATHY. The Debats, a leading paper in France, thus speaks of the capture of the forts at Hatteras Inlet: For the first time since the commencement of the war, the news from America (received under date of oth September.) is favorable to the Union party. The teat of arms at Hatteras, which cannot bat be of very great importance, greatly brightens the chances of the cause which has naturally all onr sympathy, as we believe it has that of all Europe. The Moniteur, also a leading journal, has an American correspondence rejoicing over the Hatteras affair us a signal victory for the Government. The same writer, who is understood to be a gentleman in Prince Napoleon’s suite, iD another letter says “ that the Northern soldiers have the dash of the French and the solidity of the Eng lish.” Appearing as these things do in official and leading journals, they indicate the sympathy of France, and will exercise an influence elsewhere. They offer small hope of recognition oi the rebel govern ment. THE TEXAN SOLDIERS. Several of tbe Texan soldiers sent to West Point have deserted. The monotony and inactivity of garrisou life does not suit them after their frontier experience. It is veiy seldom that au old soldier can remain con tentedly at a northern post after he has spent a few year 3 at the South or West. In his estimation the freedom and excitement of frontier soldiering more than counter balance the hurdships aud privations he is often forced to endure. The Rebel Ship Bermuda The N. York Tribune obtains information about the rebel ship Bermuda from “a gen tleman arrived last week from Savannah,” who is “ vouched for as a man in whose word implicit reliance may be placed.” The 1 1 i bune says: Mr. Edward C. Anderson, ex-Mayor of Savannah, went over to England in Lord Ducie’s yacht America, which was, if our memory serves us, in the port of Charleston sometime iu June, for the express purpose of buying arms. The Bermuda was seDt out by Mr. Anderson, aud brought G. 500 Eufield rifles purchased by him. This, we under stand from our informant, is only one install** ment of Mr. AndersoD’s purchases, as three to live more steamers are looked for with confidence at Savannah, ail to bring arms. The Bermuda gets, of course, a high freight on these arms, but her profit will be still larger ou a return cargo of cotton, should she be as fortunate in getting out as she was iD getting ia ; and the double chance of a good voyage both ways is inducement enough for all these steamers to take tbe risk of capture. The Bermuda, it seems, was ex» pected, and m iy, possibly, have been signaled somewhere 6u the coast At any rate, at the precise mom ant to suit her convenience, a heavy cannonading was opened at u distant post by the rebels, and hlocKaJirig squadion hastened thither to ascertain its cause. When out of. sight, the Bermuda slipped iu, —The following table shows the debt of the United States at the time of the adop tion of tbe Constitution, at tbe close ot the last war with Great Britain, and its pro bable amount in the coming year, together with the amount per head of the population at those three several periods : 1787. 1815. 1862. Debt $80,000,000 $127,000,000 $500.01)0 000 Per head 20 16 16 66 The Seat of War in Missouri. The St. Louis Republican publishes a very excellent map of that state, and accompanies it with a statement which we copy. Though their article was written mainly to explain the map it will contain much of interest to the general reader: We know our readers all appreciate the pains we have taken to present, in this issue, a map of the seat of war in the west, inclu ding all that part of Missouri lyiugaouth of the Missouri river, from Kansas City to St. Charles, and embracing (together with a large section of Illinois) the portion of Ken tucky, Arkansas aud Tennessee which is likely to become the scene of conflict. At present, however, -we give the map for the puspose of aiding our readers to form accu rate ideas of the campaign in Missouri, whice is now looming up into gigantic im portance. The breadth of the state in that portion given in our map, averages about 300,miles. The principal towns and cities are St. Louis, Jefferson City, Boonville, Lexington, Inde pendence, Kansas City and Cape Girardean. Besides these important military points, are Pilot Knob, Rolla, Warrensburg, Warsaw, Osceola, Bolivar, Springfield and Neosho, the two first named—Pilot Knob and Rolla —being occupied by United States troops, and the other places in the southwest being in the possession of the rebels. Bird’s Point, just below Cairo, on the Missouri side, is strongly fortified by the Federal forces, while Charleston and Belmont, imme diately south, are possessed by tbe enemy. Belmont, by an oversight, is not marked on our map. It is opposite Columbus, a ferry plying between the two posts. The force of the country South ot the Missouri river is undulating, rising into high, rocky hills as it approaches the lead and iron regions on the Osage range. Tbe Southeast is low and swampy, and full of lakes, extending back a considerable dis tance, and reaching from the Great Swamp, a few miles south of Cape Girardeau, be yond St. Francis Lake, far into Arkansas. Tbe swamps and lagoons are redered al most impenetrable by a dense cypress and other trees. The region extends West of the St Francis river and es far up as Greenville, ‘the boundary of the swampy tract is marked by a line of fertile highlands, beyond which the country rises North, Northeast, East and Southeast. The highlands along tbe Mississippi river ex tend from a little above the head ot the Great Swamp, with occasional depressions, to the Missouri river, the most elevated part being between Ste. Genevieve and Sul phur Springs, or the valley ot the Mara mec, where the limestone banks climb up, in some places, to over 350 feet above the water. From the Mississippi, at a point below Cape Girardeau to the mouth of tbe Missouri, this undulating country spreads West to the Osage aud its brunches, where the rugged character ol the surface disap pears. Between the Gasconade and the Osage, a range cf elevated laud approaches the Mi-souri river, which is the Nor;hern most offset of the Ozark mountains. To the West of this region the country is more open, and is characterized by rolling prai ries, diversified aloug the streams with strips of stunted timber. Naturally this part of the State is abundantly prolific, but in the last few years a succession of floods and droughts have so interfered with agricultural operations, especially near the Kansas border* that many of the inhabit ants have been driven off for fear of famine. The 6ubsistance ol a large army has so drained that portion of the country recent ly, as to have laid it almost bare. The river- of the State, besides the Mis sissippi and the Missouri, are numerous. The Maramec, which empties into the Mis sissippi twenty miles below this city, has a course of one hundred and seventy-five miles, the White and Et. Francis, which drain large sections in the south part of the rotate, are properly rivers of Arkansas. The most considerable affluents of the the Missouri within the State are the Osage and Gasconade. The Osage is about four hundred miles long, rising in the plains be tween the Kansas and the Arkansas rivers, aud joining the Missouri a few miles below Jefferson City. The forks of the Gasconade take their source in the mountainous region about Springfield. Numerous creeks and small’ streams traverse all sections of the Slate, being generally well timbered, and furnishing those essential items to camp life—wood and water. Tbe railroads of the Missouri are tbe Pacific, (Main and Southwest Branch.) tbe Hannibal ar.d St. Joseph, the North Mis souri, the Iron Mountain and the Cairo and Fulton. The mam line of the Pacific is completed to Sedaiia, a distance of one hun dred and eighty-nine miles, and the i-joutb west Branch to Rolla, one hundred and thirteen miles, Ihe Hannibal aud St. Jo seph extends across tbe State, two hundred and six mile 3. The North Missouri nects with tbe Hannibal and St. Joseph at Hudson, one hundred and sixty-eight miles from St. Louis. The Iron Mountain rail road has a length ot eighty*seven miles. The Cairo and Fulton road has been com pleted to Charleston, twenty-one miles from Cairo, but has been rendered useless for transportation. Below we give as accurate a table of distac* NEW SERIES-NO. 411 ces between the several points of interest in this State as we have been able to pre pare. The variations from positive correct ness will, we thipk, be found to be few : TABLE OF DISTANCES. St. Louis to Jefferson City 125 do to Sedalia 189 do to Lexington 239 do to Cape Girardeau 150 do to Cairo .-..200 do to Pilot Knob 87 do toßolla 113 do to Springfield 233 LexiDgton to Warrensburg 22 Sedalia to Warrensburg 35 do to Clinton 38 do to Warsaw 3G do to Independence 93 do to Kansas City 109 Cliuton to Osceola 28 do to Paplinsville 45 Osceola to Fort Scott 56 do to Bolivar 35 Bolivar to Springfield 30 Springfield.. Carthage 55 do Neosho 70 do ... .to Fayette (Ark.) 108 do ....toßolla 122 do .. Lebanon 50 Columbus(Ky)to Cairo 20 do .. Charleston 20 Cape Girardeau to Pilot Knob GO Pilot Pocahontas (Ark.) 100 A Good Word from France^ From -lie New York Timet, Oct 9. The French journals think more of our success at Hatteras Inlet than did those on the other side of the Channel. The Debats of the 17th September, welcomes it as a decided victory “ for the cause which has naturally all our sympathies.” The kindly tone of the subjoined paragraph shows how gladly they will hear of other victories to the national arms: “ For the first time since the commence ment of the war, the news from America (received under date of sth September) is favorable to the Union party. The feat of arms at Hatteras, which cannot but be of great importance, greatly brightens the chances of the cause which has naturally all our sympathy, as we believe it has that of all Europe.” The Moniteur, too, continues to publish frequent letters from the United States, per vaded by an unmistakably friendly. spirit towards tbe Union cause. In a late one it rejoices over the Hatteras affair as a “signal victory” for the government, and the writer, who is understood to be a gentleman in the suite of Prince Napoleon, in another letter from Washington, reviewing the mili tary organization of the army of the Poto mac, declares the northern soldiers have “at once tbe dash of the French and solidity of the English.” We are unable to republish these articles on account of the pressure of matter on our columns ; but, appearing as they do iu tbe official journal, they canaot fail to pro* du e an immense amount of good through out Europe, and throw a considerable amount cf cold water upon the hopes of the gentlemen who are waiting to transact "Confederate” businessjwiib his Excellency M. Thou venal. A New Confidence Game. It will be remembered that a few weeks since it was reported that six gentlemen had been elected Representatives to the Federal Congress by the Uuion men of North Car olina. The most prominent of these gentle men was Charles Henry Foster, who made great professions of loyalty to the General Government, and gave glowing accounts of the rapid increase of the Union sentiment iu the o!d North State, and also promised to raise a brigade of volunteers in that state to crush out secession. He, conse quently, acquired very speedily a newspaper notoriety, if nothing more. The other the said-to-have-been-elected representatives from North Carolina have not yet appeared at the National Capital; or if they have, they have been eclipsed by the glare of Mr. Foster’s glory. But this latter person seem 3 to have suddenly fallen into disrepute. His statements about the political sentia ment of his State, it is strongly hinted, are untrue, and that as to his raising any vol unteers there, more doubts exist than about Du Chaillu’s Gorillas; indeed, it is said that he has not been in the State for six or eight months, and that he is seriously sus pected of playing a confidence game for the purpose of obtaining the three thousand & year given by government to her law mak ers. These iiems are all obtained from Re publican sources, and, as the times run, are not to be doubted. The New York Times’ Washington correspondent puts the finish** ing touch on Mr. Foster’s “patriotism,” as follows : Emerson Etheridge has most effectually snuffed out oDe sputtering candle. Mr. Charles Henry Foster, who claims to have been elected a member of Congress from North Carolina, sent a letter franked by himself to Mr. Etheridge, requiring that gentleman to supply him with stationery, which the Clerk very prop rly refused to do, not being willing to concede the per quisites of a member of Congress to a man that only claims to have received a baker’s dozen of votes, and whose claim even to so many as that is strongly questioned. —Certain persons are endeavoring to re vive In Paris the use of the funeral pyre, and the perservation of the ashes of the dead in nrns, Inetead of the system of inhumation, 4l- W