OCR Interpretation

The Princeton union. [volume] (Princeton, Minn.) 1876-1976, January 03, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016758/1901-01-03/ed-1/seq-2/

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Through the courtesy of the UNIONthis space
is granted to the W The press super
intendent assumes all responsibility for the
sentiments and statements contained herein
Our Motto "For God and Home and Native
Our Badge A knot of white ribbon
Our Aims Home protection, prohibition of
the liquor traffic equal suffrage, one standard
of morals, and the bringing about of a better
public sentiment
MBS E WHEELER, President,
When Mrs. Leonora Barry Lake
was introduced to the National
convention she brought greetings
from the Catholic Total Abstinance
Union of America and added that
she was an Irish woman born in
that very beautiful city of Cork,
an American by love and adoption,
a Catholic by creed and allegiance,
a total abstainer by principle, then
to show her love for "our Mrs.
Stevens" she imprinted a kiss on
her cheek apd retired to her seat
on the platform.
As a lesult of Miss Kearney's
speech before the Georgia legisla
tuie and the faithful work done by
the W. C. T. U. the "Dispensary
bill is defeated and stiaight prohi
bition is the order."
The Alabama legislature has
passed a bill prohibiting the "sale
of cigarettes
Veiraont has passed a very strong
law against cigaiettes which the
governor has signed.
The city of Richmond, Va., has
passed the curfew law
Duimg convention week Ad
miial and Mrs Dewey received
the Veimont delegation in their
home, on Rhode Island avenue.
The admiral, in his kindly, jovial
manner, displayed the trophies of
a long career as an officer, also the
latei gifts following his achieve
ments in Manila baythe swords,
the loving cups, the immense sil
ver urn, the books three feet square
bound in silver and gold, etc. A
collation was spread for the twenty
four Vermonters who weie pres
Dunne the lebuildmg of Mr.Monday
Spmgeon's Metropolitan Taber
nacle in London not a drop of
liquor was diunk on the premises.
So stated the builder, Mr. Higgs,
at me dedicator}' sei vices. When
building opeiations commenced
the neai by liquor selleis sent men
with sticks on which were slung
cans 01 beei ioi the woikmen, but
the\ weie promptly oideied ofl
the pienwses by the foreman. And
theie was no stiike among the
woikmen because beei was
hibited Here ib a suggestion for
tempciance employers, not only
in England but this country
To lepiesentative of the Pitts
buig Post, Mr E. Spencer Piatt,
late consul geneial of the United
States at Singapoie, made this
stitement legaiding the conditions
in Manila, in which city he spent
the month of July.
"An Amencan officei of high
lank in the regular army, said to
me on the eve of my departuie:
Ton aie about to letuin to
United States. As a native Amei
lcan, if you have any love foi your
countiy, for God's sake tell the
people at home what is being done
heie undei the flag. I cannot
spetjk, you can, and if you desae
the peipetuation of the lepublic
you will not remain silent.'
Thousands Sent Into Exile.
Eveiyyeara large number of poor
sufferers whose lungs are sore and
racked wilh coughs are urged to go to
another chmate But this is co&tl\
and not always sure Don't be an exile
when Dr King's New Discovery for
consumption will cure you at home
It's the most infallible medicine for
coughs, colds, and all throat and lung
diseases on earth. The first dose brings
relief Astounding cures result from
persistent use. Trial bottles free at
Jack's. Price 50c and $100.
Every bottle guaranteed
Mrs John Viederwitch is rerunning
ported to be seriously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ransom,
of Annandale, are visiting relatives
Edward Cater and Hiram Har
rington Jr. spent Sunday in Brad
ford, returning Monday morning.
August Meyers left Saturday for
Mudgett's camp, where he will
was injured by an accident.
A Prominent Chicago Woman Speaks.
Prof Roxa Tyler, of Chicago, Vice
President Illinois Woman's Alliance,
in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy, says "I suffered with a se
vere cold this winter which threatened
to run into pneumonia I tried differ
ent remedies but I seemed to grow
worse and the medicine up^et my stom
ach A friend advised me to try Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and I found it
was pleasant to take and it relieved me
at once I am now entirely recovered,
saved a doctor's bill, time and suffer
ing, and I will never be without this
splendid medicine again Poj" sale
by Princeton Drug Co
H. W. Whiting made a business
tup to Hastings last week.
A party of young people went
over the river and gave Robert
King a surprise Friday evening.
O. E. Thompson left last week
foi Washington, where he will
work in a mill for D. M. Clough.
The protracted meetings which
aie being held in the King school
house have been well attended the
last week.
Miss Anna Whiting returned
to her school at Elk Riv
er, after spending a two weeks va
cation at home.
The dance given by the M.
A. lodge Christmas eve was a suc
cess in every way, there being fifty
three numbers out.
There was a hunt-held in the vi
cinity of the Brook Tuesdays and
an oystei suppei in the evening.
It has not been decided yet who
will pa^ for the oystei s, as the le
tuins weie not all in at this writ-
It Girdles The Globe.
The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
as the bet in the world, extends round
the eai th It's the one perfect healer
of cuts, corns, burjis, brumes, sores,
scalds,, boils, ulcers, felons, aches,
pains and all skin eruptions Onlv in
fallible pile cute 25c a box at A.
A new boy arrived at the home
of Joe Schiams last Wednesday.
Joseph Bolster, who has been
sick, is out on the street
A herd of sixteen deer was seen
here one day last jveek. Who
says the deer are all slain?
Mr. Milton has sold his land in
Sec. 26 and the purchaser will
move his family here soon.
J. W. Orton will move to the
trading post soon. He will inn
the engine in the new saw mill
Mrs. Harrington returned Fri
day from Elk River where she was
called by the serious illness of her S
**fim vir^mTjdt^Mx^
turning home Sunday afternoon, by Rev. Olin, who is so well
Miss Christina Thoma left Tues- favorably known at the lake
day morning for her home Ma- Re is a danger signal on thearail--
ple Grove to see her motHer, who ad,'dface.^llow'and
Mr. and Mrs. James Chisholm
gave a dance last Tuesday evening.
A large crowd attended and the
old year was danced out and the
new year in with great zeal, and
although J's rheumatism bothered
him considerably and Mrs. L's wig
kept dropping oft, everybody -en-
joyed a good time. Apple pie
was a pleasing part of the pro
The weather has been fine for Duluthjto spend the holidays.
the last week and the lumbermen Fred Suckow went to Lawrence
theirimproving roads.
Mr. Van Court is cutting his
timber this winter and will build a
large barn as soon as the arilI is in
order so he can get
timber sawed.
Another factory is being .built at
this week, when he wilL-at once
commence operations.
James-H. Stickles^and Mrs!
Katherine Bolster were married
here last Wednesday evening.
be-employed as siecLtenderfor toe ^he bride and groom are both weiTW hauling onWSront of ^the soft
winter. an
H.. Stevis afid R. afi JliHf Bessie many friends wisl^theTn^mjroy
Cater drove to Mille Lacs lake last happy New Years. VH &
Wednesday, returning Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Libby" visited rela- the trading post Friday, Jan
tives in the village last week, re- Mr. Forbes ^vill be -accompanied
v. *-vvu
favorably knowji.-an their "weather
man's Men women use Rocky
Mountain Tea and get genuine
cheeks 35c. C. A. Jack.
Charley Olson-has gone to thef
brick-yard to work.
The ball at James Robertson's
Christmas night was attended by a
large crowd. All enjoyed a good
1 A pleasant surprise party was
given Mr. and Mrs. Olof Olson
on IJew Years eve and a jolly time
Albert Nelson returned from
the lumbering woods last Wednes
day and intends to stav at home
this winter.
Gust Stark and family have re
turned from Minneapolis to live
with his father-in-law, C. F. Lind
quist, this winter.
Mrs. Dunning and Mrs. Fitz
Gibbons are up from Minneapolis
to j3pend the holidays with their
father, Mr. McDougal.
Miss Olga Olson, who has been
at Minneapolis foi*' some time,
came home to spend Christmas and
may stay the balance of the winter.
The Ladies' society of the
church held its last monthly meet
ing the 26th, at Jacob Ege's. It
was attended by a large, jolly
The Christmas tree at the church
was very beautifully decorated
and many valuable presents were
distributed. The program con
sisted of singing, playing and
speaking by the Sunday school
Cut this out and take it to Princeton
Drug Co' drug store and get a free
sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Tablets, the best physic. They
also cure disorders of the stomach,
bilhousness and headache.
Happy new year.
We have all kinds of weather
Mrs. M. A. Newman, returned
last week from Olmstead county
wheie bhe has been on a visit with
S E. Dora has returned fiom
the southern part of the State,
wheie he has been employed in a
mill for some time.
Miss Lizzie Lamore gave an en
tertainment at her school last Fri
day afternoon, as an ending of the
term for the holiday vacation.
August Olson, from White Rock
Constipation neglected or badly
treated, leads to total disability or
death Rocky Mountain Tea abso
lutely cures constipation in all its
forms. 35c A. Jack
4.u a
are the time building the first ofA the weeik on business.
the trading post. The proprietor D., Bought a farm here in section other departments were: Property sec-
will arrive from Anoka some day 9 last week, paying $10 an acre
while here on a visit last week,
took such a liking to the countiy rights" ormen^'thTOretic^ly'recog'
that he made a deal for a piece of
land with Mr. Rutherford befoie
he left.
Bob Burch was here a few days
last week.
Thd weather is fine but the losr
Maggie Peterson is home from
BL party of young folks~ spent
last Saturday evening' at Wes
Rev. Dr. Forbes will preach atjFreer's amTa very pleasant time is
anU on
8 nose and on wo
lTxuuigomery was in towr Fre Montgomer was in town
ofer a logging job in Sec
up his
I guess Fred made
mind he did not want it.
Fred Suckow has the crossing at
Cedar creek in good shape for
travel and is" chopping out the
road in Sees, threea and four
Chas.wJohnson and his brother
few days ago
The latter is highly pleased with
the country and is looking for
piece of land
The Aitkm stage is on runners
now and Mi. Delberg says he is
glad of the change as it is easier
on the hordes and he can make bet
ter time, but Peter was always on
time anyway.
An old couple over 70 years old
passed through town this week on
foot. They said they had walked
from near Elk River and weie go
ing up on the Mississippi above
Aitkin they both had heavy
packs, good loads for a man.
Kills any pain instantly, internal or
external No opiates, ammonia or
capsicum Mull's Lightning Pain
Killer. 25e For sale by A Jack.
Outgoing and Incoming Centuries.
The New York Outlook publishes an
exceedingly interesting review and In
terpietation of the century just clos
ing, the distinctive characteristic of
which it finds to have been freedom
in science freedom of investigation un
hampered by either the scientific or
theological theories of the past, in edu
cation freedom to teach all the people
all truth on all Subjects without that
lear of umveisal education which even
educators themselves felt in former
times, in theology freedom from tradi
tionary dogma, upon which our fore
fathers believed the whole structure of
organized religion rested, in ethics
freedom to apply the practical test of
ethical result to every problem of con
duct and to every man in every station,
in politics freedom from despotic con
trol of the many by the one or the few,
in industry freedom of the working
man to deteimine the conditions in
which a man's work shall done, in
liteiature freedom to give expression to
life as it really is instead of to life as a
little band of writers think it should
With freedom as the chief character
istic of 4:he nineteenth centuiy the first
duty of the twentieth century, says
The Outlook, is to use that freedom in
religion, politics, society, ait, literature,
so as to maintain the highest ideals
and minister to the laigest life The
work which lies before the twentieth
century is as gieat as that which the
nineteenth century has accomplished
It is impossible to forecast the pioba
ble advances science, whether piac
tical or theoretical, nor Is it easy even
to indicate what fields remain for it to
conquer Of this we may be sure The
principle of evolution which it has es
tablished, which is the basis of moral
as well as scientific progress, will not
be lost to the world. In education we
have to adjust our school system to the
rapidly growing sphere of knowledge
so that it will deal with all subjects
without being superficial in any and
will tiain the moral faculties without
giving to the training a denominational
or dogmatic character. In politics the
nized In England and America and
measurably in all western Europe as
the basis of government, but the lights
and duties of nations toward each oth
er have yet to be defined by a gradual
development and application of inter
national law and a solution of the
problem, What are the duties which
the civilized nations owe to those that
are uncivilized or semicivilized Broth
erhood is as yet an academic opinion
or an ethical sentiment The work of
the reformer, whether thought or in
action, is to formulate its principles, to
learn what are the fundamental obliga
tions of man to his brother man and to
Sam Tille has taken a contract street, New York. The general ex
penses for maintaining the headquar
ters for the year ended Sept. 30 were
$77,805.47. The balance of $5,107.24
John-! was turned over to the army fund.
work of the social and relief
branches cost $58 715.92f which left a
balance of $717.98 to be turned over to
of Bob Burch to log on See's 22,
23 and 24.
There was dance at ChasT
new house a day or two agoThe
and a ood time is reported.
O. N. Hoglund, of Milnor, N. ^the general fund. The receipts of the
Ule and John Wahlm are home uef fund, $9,179.24 Galveston relief
for a few days. They lia^e^een fund,"1
working in a saw-mill at Dnlath. 'am^e fund, "$4,228.23 disabled
Colin Foster has a* large lot
logs on the skids but has done Bl-
them to the solution of current
social problems.
ISome Idea of the magnitude of the
Salvation Army's operations may be
gathered from a summary of the an
nual financial repor jus Issue from
financial reportt Justt Issued from
national headquarters In Fourteenth
518,814 90 self denial, $58,669.87
harvest festival, $20,272.60 winter re-
$2,239.43 Indian missionary and
cers' .fund, $14,437.54 funeral fund
$3,992.36. The general social and prop
erty fund shows assets of $821,674. ^g
The quality ofbarky used in making
None but the best could make so
good a brew 41 Supplied by agents
everywhere, or THEO. HAMM
BREWING CO., St Paul, Minn.
Ninetynine cases of sick headache out of
every hundred comes from Eyestrains.
I guarantee to cure that headache of yours
by properly fitting glasses to your eyes or I will
refund your money.
I can always be found at any hour.
At Anderson & Herdliska's Store.
See These Prices:
Good California Port Wine,
Best California Port WinePer
Imported Portugal Port Wine,
Claremont Distilled Whiskey,
Kentucky Whiskey,
per quait
Give us a call.
Best Line to Chicago and St. Louis
'The Limited, the finest ti am in the world, leaves Minneapolis
7 20 St Paul 8 05 every day Electric lighted,
steam heated, bas compartment and standard sleepers, lechn
lng chair cars, coaches, and dining- car on the cafe plan Arrives
Chicago 9 25 next morning and St Louis 5 21 next afternoon
"The Scenic Express' leaves Minneapolis 7 40 A St Paul
8 15 A except Sunday, aiming Chicago 10 20 same evening
and St Louis 6 40 next morning Ask your home agent for
tickets VIA this line
Gen 1 Pass Agem Ass Gen 1 Ptss Agent
Take the genuine, original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co., Madison, Vfis. it
keeps you vretl. .Oat 1ade
mark cut 00 each package.
Price, 35 cents. Never 50M
In bulk. Accept 00 jufestt*
toawoNATcotufl tute. Aak your druggist*
2.00 3.00
3.00 3.50
per gallon
per gallon
per gallon $2, $2.50 and
uuckenheimer Whiskey,
"OldElk" Whiskey,
Lovers of good
DeliVhtful as a
straight drink
and for* cocktails
and .highballs.
AsKyoar dealer ftrlt
The Best Salve in the World
is Banner Salve. It "is made irons
prescription by a widely known skn
specialist and positively is tbe roog|
healing salve for piles, burns scalds
ulcers, running sores and all skii_
diseases. C. A Jack.

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