J* Gives Farmers Some Good Advice Going1 Into Fruit liaising-. I think the present a good time to give expression to a few thoughts on orcharding and the first and a very im portant matter to consider is the tree agent. Have nothing to do with him: just tell him that you don't want his trees, bid him goodbye and leave him don't give him a chance to talk for if you do he will convince you or will try to make you believe that he is an honest agent and the firm or nursery man he represents is reliable. But don't believe him. His statements are not the truth. It is said that every fish is either slippery or scaley: the same is true in regard to tree agents. When you are ready to set an orchard send to any nersery man in Minnesota for a catalogue and select such va rieties of apples or plums as are rec ommended to be hardy, prolific and free from blight. Always get your apple trees from a nursery in your own State and you will stand abetter chance to succeed. If you get apple trees from an eastern state you will fail of success. Minnesota nursery men are reliable. Trees that are perfectly hardy and prolific are so recommended and those that are not hardy or are troubled with blight it is so stated, so if a man sets out an orchard of the latter varieties and fails it is his own fault. Every man ought to post himself in horticul ture. The cost of horticultural litera ture is small compared with the cost of experience by the loss of setting out a poor variety of trees. The apple tree blight is a disease that should be guarded against as much as possible. It does not affect all kinds of trees but those varieties that are affected should be discarded. The Transcendent crab is the most affected of any variety and is so badly troubled with blight that it ought to be stricken from the list and not propagated. Nearly all the trees of this variety in this section have been killed by blight. This va riety was condemned years ago by nearly all of the leading horticultural ists in Minnesota. The Tetofsky is another variety that it is not safe to plant and some others following close after. There is but little if any danger in planting the following varieties of standard apples: At the head of the list is the Duchess and Hibernal, closely followed by Wealthy, Patten's Greening and Rupka. There are a few other varieties of which it would be well to plant a few trees, but I would not plant more than one or two of any variety unless I knew them to be perfectly hard\. Two-thirds of the apple trees that have been planted in Mille Lacs county south of Foreston within the last ten years are dead. Many of the trees were winter killed, showing that they were not hardy enough for this climate. Others were killed the blight. Many trees that have borne fruit for several years have died from the effects of blight during the past two years, causing men to be come discouraged and they declare that they will never plant another ap ple tree. But whj should men be so easily discouraged because of a little failure in starting an orchard. Does a farmer become discouraged and give up farming because of a failure of a crop or does he quit farming because he has failed of a crop of one variety of grain? A few years ago farmers in the southern part of Minnesota went wild over the introduction of several va rieties of soft wheat, such as China Tea, Rio Grand, Italian and Lost Nation. Some of these varieties were badly troubled with smut and were worth less like the Transcendent crab apple others rusted badly and the bran on all of them was too thick for profitable milling purposes. Many farmers met with heavy losses but they did not quit farming nor the raising of wheat but they tried again and now they make a success with the Fife wheat and its first cousin the Blue Stem, so if at first you don't succeed try, try again. Recently an agent traveling through Milo got bit. It was the lightning rod man. He called on a man who had a good lot of buildings and told him he ought to have rods on them. He said he was taking orders for putting cop per rods on buildings for seventy cents a foot but would put them on his build ings for $6.00 and the farmer told him to go ahead and put them on, where upon the lightning rod shark filled out a blank and asked the farmer to sign his name but he refused to do it and told the agent he might put on the rods according to agreement but he would not sign his name to anything. The result was the agent destroyed the order and passed on to the next. Doubtless if the order had been signed it would have proved to be a note of perhaps $160. Let others take warn ing and shun such sharks. HOPEFUL HARRY. A Lost Children Kpisode. It is said that hope springs eternal in the human breast, but parental in stinct and love and affection are not a bit behind hope in this respect, for there is no danger so great, no trial so severe, nor affliction so sore and painful that will brook the slightest abate ment of this the greatest attribute of human and dumb brute creation. It is hard to conceive of a man devoid of this parental affection to an extent that he would leave two of his little children out all night in a storm, and knowing that they had became lost, but according to reliable reports this is what Marcus Brynulson who lives in the town of Glendorado did last Thurs day night. The parents sent their lit tle girl six years of age and a little boy four years of age after the cows about dusk, and after the children had been gone some time the cows came home but the children were not with them. The mother started to look for the children at once and was joined by the father when he had finished milking. The neighbors were not notified and after searching in vein until nearly midnight the parents gave up the search and went home, much against the mother's wish. In the morning they managed to tell some of the neigh bors and soon a large searching party started to look for the children, and about ten o'clock in the forenoon they were found not a great ways from the house. There were no houses near and the children remained out exposed to the elements all night. When found they were chilled through from expo sure and were in a pitable condition. The little boy had become tired and ex austed and had fallen down and gone to sleep. His sister had tried to shield the little fellow as much as possible. There is considerable feeling in the neighborhood over the affair. A Brilliant Scheme. Some amusement and a good deal of unfavorable comment has been caused by the visit paid last Monday by a party of State officials to the hospitals for the insane at St. Peter. The party con sisted of James Martin of the board of control who acted as chaperon Gov ernor VanSant taken along presumably to lend an air of respectability and im portance to the affair Labor Commis sioner O'Donnell, Dairy Commissioner McConnell, and the secretary of the live stock sanitary board, Dr. S. H. Ward. The real object of the visit is not given out, but the public has been in formed that it was for the purpose of improving the minds of the departmen tal officials named. It is not asserted that they had any legitimate business there, as that would entail proving that the insane patients are working people, milch cows or live stock, and even the cheapest of politicians would hesitate before adding any burden to the mis fortue of the insane. It is freely alleged, however, that the visit is a part of a brilliant political scheme, entirely original with the Jam ison-Martin third term boomers, for using the power of the board of control for their own political purposes, and, if successful, anyone who remembers the influence wielded by the State institu tions a ear or two ago when they and their friends were fighting the board of conti-ol bill in the legislature, will realize that with good management and some luck an exceedingly power ful and dangerous political machine might be constructed. In the hands of unscrupulous and sel fish politicians, such a machine would be a menace and a danger to the State, and would enable its maniplators to re tain their hold on the public offices for an indefinite period.Duluth Herald. Real Estate Transfers. The following are the real estate transfers in Mille Lacs county as filed with Register of Deeds Chapman dur ing the past week. Eastern Minnesota Creamery Co. to Fred C. Keith. Creamery lot in the village of Princeton $180 00 Fred C. Keith, unmarried, to Charles Keith and Swan S. Petterson Creamery lot in village of Princeton Timothy Foley and wile, et al. to Oscar W. Swenson, lot 5 in block 2, of Ma lone's addition to Bridgman Aulger Kines and wife to The Heirs of Erastus O. Fletcher, deceased, the n% of lot 7 block 6 of Oak Knoll cemetery N. M. Smith, widower, to Ingar Yotten, ne of nyf^i of section 27, Bogus Brook E. N. Best and wife to North Star Land Co.. sw of svrH of section 6, Bogus Brook Peter Dahlen, single, to EibertRuis, sVofnw&of sections Milo.. 59400 North Star Land Co. to Oscar W. John son, swH of swX of section 6, Bogus Brook 230 00 Ann River Farm Land Co. to Carrie L. Pratt, nw# of neH. and n% of nwi of section 2, Borgholm 1103 70 Isaac E. Burgan and wife to .Annice Geckler, lot4 in block 7 of Princeton 400.00 Central Trust Co. of New York to Geo. E. Raicne, swi of nwM of section 19 Greenbush 41166 Eugene N. Best and wife to North Star Land Co., ey2 of sea and se# of swj* of section 24, w&of neH, seM of ne% and neM of se'4 of section 26,41-25, Princeton Josiah L. Wilbur and wife (by the sher iff) to Charles Keith, lot 4 and seu of swX of section 30, Isle Harbor Mary A. Potts and husband to Mark Harvey, lots 13 and 14 in block 2 of Potts Town A. E./ Johnson Co. to sl THE PRIKCETOK UNIONS 180.00 000.00 20 00 1.00 1.00 1 00 478.00 Per, EridknwM Aslev, 75.00 of se% of section 11 an of SWM of section 12 41-27. Princeton Amanda Flink and husband to Willard E. Thayer, lot6 in block 43 of Flink's addition to Milaca 250 00 Isle Harbor Land Co. to Mads Knudson and Oscar K. Almlie, netf of section 9 41-2o Princeton 960 00 20.00 Th L,ast Kind Words. A couple of months ago an old man c*ne into this office and "stopped his paper"said he had no use for it. Well, we frequently meet him on the streets since that time and it is amusing to us to note the look of surprise on the old man's face that we are still in existence regardless of him having "stopped his paper." Some day, and it won't be long either, that poor old man will turn up his toes. His old heart will be stilled forever. Neighbors and friends will follow his lifeless clay out to the cemetery and lay him to rest among the flowers. An obituary will appear iftJ?-3,. TCI in these columns telling what a kind father, good neighbor and benevolent citizen he was,which lie the record ing angel will kindly overlook for char ity's sakeand in a short time there after he will be forgotten. As he lies out there in the cold graveyard, wrapped in the silent slumber of death, he will never know that the last kind words ever spoken of him were those of the editor of the paper which in life he "stopped."Growler Allen in Mor ton Enterprise. Wall Street and the West. We are repeatedly assured by east ern journals that the west shall have money to move its crops. Small thanks to the east! The money which will come west for crop moving is that of western men, temporarily loaned to "help out" the ever-needy east. The obligation of the west in the case is that of the depositor to the bank which honors his checksa thing it must do or "bust. "Pioneer Press. Boys Wanted. Boys wanted to pick jack pine cones. Bring them to F. S. Walker's grocery and get fifty cents per bushel. The cones must be the closed kind of this seasons's growth, not the old open ones. Pick with a knife or by giving them a jerk back toward the base of the limb, and do not have more than three inches of bark adhering to them. 36-38 THE WEDGE NURSERY. Saturday was the first day of the State fair rates on the Great Northern, and there was quite a crowd on hand to get in on the ground floor and take the morning passenger. First publication Sept. 3,1903. OTATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF Mille Lacs.ss. In Probate Court. Special ierm, September 2dd, 1903. In the matter of the estate Flora A. Couch, deceased. On receiving and filing the petition of Nellie M. Bnggs of the village of Princeton, repre senting, among other things, that Flora A. Couch, late of Elgin, Oregon, on the 22nd day Augnst, A. 1902, at Elgin. Oregon, died in testate, and being a resident of Elgin, Oregon, at the time of her death, leaving estate within this county, and that the said petitioner is no relation of said deceased, and praying that ad ministration of said estate be to E. A. Briggs granted: It is ordered, that said petition be heard be fore this court on Friday, the 25th day of Sep tember. A. D. 1903, at 3 o'clock p. M., at the vil lage of Princeton in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing this order once in each week, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing, in the Princeton Union, a weekly newspaper printed and published .at Princeton in said county. Dated at Princeton the 2nd day of September, A. D. 1903. By the court, B. M. VANALSTEIN, [Probate Seal.] Judge of Probate. First publication Aug. 20,1903. STATEe OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF Mill Lacs.ss. In Probate Court. Special Term, Aug. 18th. 1903. In the matter of the estate of Olive R. Bar ker, deceased. On receiving and filing the petition of E A. Vaughn of Marion. Lynn county, Iowa, repre senting, among other things, that Olive R. Bar ker, late of the city of Greeley, Weld county, Colorado, on the 12th day of July, A. D. 1903 at the city of Denver, died intestate, and being a resident of said city of Greeley of said county at the time of her death, leaving estate within this county, and that the said petitioner is an uncle of said deceased, and praying that ad ministration of &aid estate be to John W. Gouldmg, of Mille Lacs county, Minn., granted. It is ordered, that said petition be heard be fore this court on Saturday, the 12th day of September. A. D. 1903, at 2 o'clock p. M. at Princeton in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing this order once in each week, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing, in the Princeton Union, a weekly, newspaper printed and published at Princeton in said county. Dated at Princeton this 18th day of August. A. i). 1903. By the court. ,_ B. M. VANALSTBIN, [Probate Seal.] Judge of Probate. First Publication Aug. 20,1903. Summons. STATE OF MINNESOTA, I County of Mille Lacs, fSS District Court, Seventh Judicial District. Andrew Bryson, Plaintiff, vs Margaret J. Ross, Howard M. Atkins, John Toal, Daniel Mccarty, Eliza Banks McCarty, Richard Washington, Administrator, Elial S. Wilson, John Rollins, James W. Gillam, Ovid Pinney also all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, estate, hen or interest in the real estate de scribed in the complaint herein De fendents. The State of Minnesota, to the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled action, which complaint has been filed in the office of the clerk of said dis trict court, at the village of Princeton, county of Mille Lacs and State of Minnesota, and to serve a copy of your answer to said complaint on the subscriber at his office, in the village of Princeton, in said county of Mille Lacs, within twenty (20) days after the service of this sum mons upon you, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the said com plaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint together with plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein. CHARL ES KEITH. Plaintiff's Attorney, Princeton, Minn. Notice of Lis Pendens. STATE OF MINNESOTA, I County of Mille Lacs. s District Court, Seventh Judicial District. Andrew Bryson, Plaintiff, vs. Margaret J. Ross, Howard M. Atkins John T. Toal, Daniel McCarty, Eliza Banks McCarty, Richard Washington Administrator, Elial S. Wilson, John Rollins. James W. Gillam, Ovid Pinney, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint here in, Defendants. Notice is hereby given, that an action has been commenced in this court by the above named plaintiff, against the above named de fendants that the object of said action is to determine the adverse claim of the defend ants, and each and all of them, and the rights of the parties respectively herein, in and to the real estate hereinafter described, and asking that said adverse claim of the defendants and each of them, may be adjudged by the court null and void, and that the title of said real es tate may be adjudged and decreed to be in the plaintiff and that the premises affected by said action, situated in the county of Mill Lacs and State of Minnesotal,o are described as follows: Lots three (3)', thiVty-eilhte bc (4), five (5), seven (1) and eight (8), inn block thirty-six (36) lots one (l), six (6) seven (7) and eight (8), in block thirty-seve)nanfive (10 ifour te (37), lots one (l)f two (2), three -d (9) 01 and (3). four (4) (5), six (6), seven (7), eight Jlml,ont!s (9 G*8)- 10 elevei one(l),two (2), three (3), seven (7), te W twelve (12) in block forty-seven (47) lots one (1). three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), eight (8) ten (10), eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block forty-eight (48) lots four (4), five (5) six (6), seven (7), eight (8) and nine (9). in block forty-nine (49), of Princeton, according to the recorded plat thereof in the registry of deeds of said county. Also the north three (3) acres of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-eight (28), township ^rty-six (36), north of range twenty-six (26) TJ, i CHARLES KEIH* Plaintif~f, Attorney, PrincetonT, Minn. yimffifflm&ssg} 3^:5353535^^ Mille Lacs County I Agricultural ill Society, & Wednesday Afternoon, Sept. 16. 1:30 p. m.2:30 Trot, one mile heats, best three in five, For a purse of Purity in beer O I that the Long's Mercantile Co. have plenty of barbed wire,lime and cement, flour, feed, bran and shorts on hand. Twelfth Annual A Better Fair Than Ever 3:00 p. m.--BalI Game, Princeton vs. Spencer Brook. Home Race for Mille Lacs county horses only, one-half mile heats, best three in five, purse to be divided Farmers' Race, one-half mile heats, best two in three. Purse Concerts Daily by Princeton Band. Something new and interesting every day. FnnCetOn Wednesday September 15,16 and 17,1903. Fine display of Agricultural Products. A Big List of Premiums by the Fair Society and Business Men of Princeton GRAND PROGRAM OF RACES SPORTS $200 S50 S30 AL AGREE to the excellence UNCLE SAMS MONOGRAM WHISKEY A trial will convince? Ask your dealer or druggist, GEO. ST. PAUL, BEN/ MINNEAPOLIS 8 SONS DISTILLERIES AT EMINENCE, KY. AND BALTIMOREtrTD. First publication Aug. 20,1903. STATEe OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF Mill Lacs.ss. Probate Court. Special Term, Aug. 14th, 1903. In the matter of the estate of John Barry, de ceased. On reading and filing the petition of Minnie H. Barry, executrix of the estate of John Bar ry, deceased, setting forth the amount of per sonal estate that has come into her hands as such executrix, the disposition thereof, and how much remains undisposed of the amount of debts outstanding against said deceased, as far as the same can be ascertained and a des scription of all the real estate, of which said deceased died seized, and the condition and value of the respective portions or lots thereof the persons interested in said estate, with their residences: and praying that license be to her granted to sell all of said real estate at private sale. And it appearing by said petition that there is no personal estate in the hands of said executrix to pay said debts or expenses of ad ministration, and that it is necessary for the payment of such debts, legacies or expenses to sell all of said real estate. It is therefore ordered, that all persons in terested in said estate appear before this court on Saturday, the 12th day of September, A. D. 1903, at 2 o'clock p. M., at the court house in Princeton in said county, then and there to show cause (if any there be) why license should not be granted to said Minnie H. Barry, as ex ecutrix aforesaid, to sell all of the real estate of said deceased as shall be necessary to pav such debts. Aiid it is further ordered, that this order shall be published once in each week, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing in the Princeton Union, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Princeton in said county. Dated at Princeton, the 14th day of August A. D. 1903. By the Court, r-r, i. [Probate Seal.] Tuesday, VANALSTBIN. Udge E. L. MCMILLAN, Attorney for Executrix, Princeton, Minn. of Probate. Old Papers for sale at the UNION of fice for 25c per 100. Just the thing for carpets and house-cleaning. Fair and Thursday New Buildings and Many Improvements to Grounds Thursday Afternoon, Sept. 17. 1:30 p. m. Ball Game, Cambridge vs. Milaca. Free-for-all Trot or Pace, Mile heats, best three In five, Purse Free-for-all Running Race, mile heats, best two in three. Purse [First Publication Aug. 27.1903.] No. 5626. OFFICE OF NORTHWESTERN IMPROVEMENT CO Northern Pacific General Office Building Cor. Fourth and Broadway sts., St Paul, Minn. To Gottf rid Johnson. Whereas, a certain contract in writing was made and entered into between the St. Paul & Duluth Railroad Company, as party of the first part, and you, Gottfrid Johnson, as party of the second part, dated the 14th day of May, A. 1898, under and by the terms of which contract the said party of the first part contracted and agreed to sell to you, the said party of the sec ond part, upon payment by you of certain sums of money and the performance of certain con ditions, the following described lands, to-wif Northwest quarter of southwest quarter of sec tion No. 11, in township No. 43 north, of range No. 25 west of the 4th principal meridian, said lands being situate in the county of Mille Lacs and State of Minnesota and Whereas, default has been made by you the said party of the second part, in the perform ance of the terms and conditions of the said contract, in this, to-wit: Failure to make pay ments as per terms and conditions of said con tract and Whereas, the Northwestern Improvement Company, a corporation, has succeeded to the rights of the said St. Paul & Duluth Railroad Company under the said contract and the title of the said St. Paul & Duluth Railroad Com pany in and to the premises above described and Whereas, the said Northwestern Imnrove ment Company is by the terms of said contract by reason of said default entitled to declare a forfeiture thereof, and to declare the same wholly null and void. Now. therefore, you the said Gottfrid John son are notified that the said Northwestern Improvement Company does hereby elect to declare a forfeiture of the said contract and to declare the same wholly null and void, and to cancel and terminate the said contract, and the same is hereby forfeited, canceled and termi nated, as provided in said contract and pursu ant to the statute in such cases made and pro vided, and such eancellation and termination will take effect on the 19th day of October. 1903. NORTHWESTERN IMPROVEMENT COMPANY By F. W. WILSE Y, Ass't Land Commissioner. Dated July 7th, 1903. a Or tf i lb Or I to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to $300 $50 one-half Races to be called at 2 o'clock. Be Sure and Attend. J 1 ri