-f Itfa'f* AawftfeLiJ^ijyjiiM*iM 22 'fTfc* in. I'm accustomed to a larger life and I can't s$and this narrow shut-in feeling." Her cousin replied, ".You're really just finding out how narrow your life has always been. Now -is your chance to enlarge it." Life is what we are alive bo. There are women very much alive to the department store and the matinee, men alive only to business and girls alive only bo frivolity and flirtation. Now let these women move to Smithville, where there are no department stores, and these men lose or get too old for business and these girls get too old to be frivolous and too homely to flirbj and what is there left but an empty, life. They might as well be dead they aro dead. "I do not sorrow much," said a philosopher, "over what men suffer as over what they SUPT. J. C. MARSHALL. miss." Think of living a lifetime with an empty mind. There are men and women three score and ten who have not admitted a single new thought into their lives since they were twenty. And a single thought can revolutionize a life. There were two twin boys born on a farm on the Kennebec. They did chores and went to the district school until fourteen. One day after school a teacher had a fifteen-min,ute talk with them and put the idea of studying Latin and going to college into their heads. He set them on fire with am bition and the next day they begin Latin. They had to leave school and cut the winter's wood, but while chop ping they declined the nouns, con jugated the verbs, and read the Latin reader from start to finish. I have not time to give the account in detail but one of them, who is still living, says "that fifteen minute talk took us from the farm, sent us through college and made me an educator for thirty years." This education was not necessarily away from the farm, for they came back to that and one now reigns at Lake Mohawk rich in years and in honors, a friend of peace and one of the most, zealous of American philanthropists. The mind of Christ. Charles Dar win hiul it seaching ior God and His ways among created things. We can almost say of him he has created for us a new world. Yet he was an invalid. He says of himself, "If I had not been so great an invalid I should not have done nearly so much work." Louis Stevenson was also an invalid and had to live most of his life in far off, lonely parts of the world. Hear his own account of what might be called his conversion: I remember a time when was very idle. I have no idea why I ceased to be so. Of that great change of campaign which turned me from one who made a busi- MISS FRANCES PETERSON. ness of shirking into one whose busi ness was to strive and persevere, itfseems to me as though all that had been done by someone else. I came about like a well handled ship. There stood at the wheel that unknown steer man whom we call God." Here you are, young people, start ing out on this voyage of life like a well^freighted ship laden with mighty powers and possibilities. There is one thing neededa pilot! A masterhand on the helm, a master mind to guide your thought. Take the Christ as the captain of your salvation. For you know not the"[untraversed path of the sea and without him will surely make shipwreck of life. Does Christ make life hard? De prive you of liberty and peasure? Make it impossible to make money? Does His way lead to sacrifice and death? You do not want to? You would rather do what suits you better? You know an easier way, a short cut that gets there just the same? You will cheat the preacher? That reminds me of a boy in the Central high school in my brother's room. He read a novel during study hours and was not found out. Upon being dismissed he ran through the halls in high glee and bragged to the janitor: I read a novel in school and Heard did not find it out!" That janitor is a phi losopher. He deserves a chair in the institution. He replied, "You did not cheat Heard, you cheated your- self." Or it is like a small black bear kept for a while in a box eight feet long. When placed in a large den he selected for himself a strip of ground just the length of the old box and day after day paced up and down that scanty space as if still confined. That bear was cheating himself. It took weeks for him to realize the largeness of his liberty. And some men and some Christians never do. God has set us in a large place. "Why, we're rich, we've got the earth." More than that, we have a vast outlook into space. When you go home tonight look at the north star. The light that you see tonight left that star fifty years ago and has been traveling day and night ever since at the rate light travels, 186,000 miles per second. When Amanda Smith, the gifted colored woman, heard a Methodist bishop preach on the vastness and splendor of the astronomical universe she said: "It makes me dizzy, but I'm glad I've got such a mighty Father." Think of the mind that planned and the power that brought into being all these things and then think of the mind of man, greater than any fact of science because capable of taking it inand you have some ^vV^5.^fe:^s^W^Xii GRADUATING CLASS OF '08. Princeton High School Students Upon Whom Diplomas Were Bestowed. Top row. left to right: Edith A. Johnson, Ida May Schmidt, Henry E. Lenz, Norma Van Alstein. Bottom row: Sarah E. Schumacher, LauraE. Mitchell, Gladys L. Neumann, Marguerite A. Byers. conception of the spiritual privileges of every child of God. "Yes. you'ie rich It you're a tramp it, tatters While ihe blue &ky bends above Ynu gnz ueavlv all that matters You've got God and God is. love." Who would think of remaining a tramp in tatters after the light of this great truth breaks upon him? Don't cheat yourself! Let the mind of Christ be in you if not for your own sake then for the sake of the world. The context will tell us just what the mind of Christ wasor just what Christ was minded to do in a particular case. "He who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation and took upon himself the form of a ser- vant." And this is the particular definite reason "wherefore God hath highly exalted him"exaltation through service. If for your own sake you do not care for this gospel, if it does not appeal to you, if righteousness is no longer worth while on personal grounds, yet here is a fact we cannot denythe fact of a sinful and suffer ing world that needs righteous and serviceable men more than it needs anything else under heaven. Our president has well said, "It is more important that rich men should conduct their business affairs decently than that they should spend the sur plus of their fortunes in philan thropies." In this scripture we have an incarnate Christ or the way God acts when he becomes man and the way man should and will act when the spirit and thought and purpose of God rules in his life. What this world needs is an incarnation of the spirit and thought of Christ in business and social and political life. It needs men whose own lives have been en larged by the apprehension of the mind of Christ and who have the courage and daring to apply Christ's thought to the affairs of daily life. To illustrate exactly what I mean by the practical application of the mind of Christ to the life of the world take the aocount of conditions In the &&< state of Pennsylvania, where there is a law that none under sixteen years of age shall work in the mines. Dr. Peter Roberts, by his own investiga tion, found 6,000 boys under sixteen. Mr. Owen R. Lovejoy, among a group of twenty-two breaker boys, found one nine, four were ten, two were eleven, six were twelve, three were thirteen years of age. Sixteen out of twent-two were under fourteen and employed in violation of the law. As Mr. Lovejoy tells us, "These little fellows work nine hours a day over a stream of coal which pours out a cloud of dust so thick the light can not penetrate it. They are responsible for the separation of the coal from the slate and rock depending often entirely upon the sense of touch. They have to endure the incessant deafening roar of gigantic machinery, the stifling heat of summer, the bitter blasts of winter that sweep the moun tains. The boss stands with his stick or piece of coal to prompt to duty when the natural playfulness of children breaks out. Their hands are cut and crippled and hardened by the rough sharp edges of the coal. They must learn to control the nausea caused by swallowing large quantities of coal dust and by the feeling that one's throat and lungs are never clean!" Think of the monotony and the hardening effect of such a life upon a boy of nine or ten! Or'go with Chas. B. Spahr to the cotton mills of New England, or with John Brooks to the mills of the south. They describe conditions "where troops of children, many under twelve years of age, who are dragged from their beds in the early morning, fed a meagre breakfast and rushed off to the mills rubbing their eyes, where they work amidst the roar of machin ery eleven hdurs a day. Their homes are narrow, dirty, ill smelling sties, on the edge of a marsh. They are pinched and broken waifs, sad eyed and wistful." Sixty per cent of all the workers of the cotton mills of the south are under sixteen years of age. In North Carolina sixteen per cent are under fourteen, 20,000 in all the mills of the south are under twelve. Ask the managers "Why they are employed?" and they will answer, "To compete with other mills, to keep up the profits and to meet the demands for cheap goods." Ask the coal barons and they will say, "Business is business" and talk of divine rights, and back of it all is the voracious appetite of the stock holders for dividends. Now apply the mind of Christ to this condition. What is his thought about children? "Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones, for in heaven these angels do always behold the face of my Father." "It is not the will of your Father that one of these little ones should perish." "Whoso shall cause one of these little ones to stumble it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." These words we have wilfully sinned against in our greedy use of the prof itable labor of immature children. When they have burned themselves into our moral consciousness we will "see in our coal fires the burnt out lives of children" and will look forward and realize the fact these breaker boys and these 20,000 bobbin girls of the south are to be among the future fathers and mothers of the race. When by such awful violation of the natural laws of God it is proved that we have hanged the millstone of utter extinction about the neck of the Anglo Saxon race we will understand the strict practicality of the words of Chiist. If I had the time I would like to show in detail that in these mills and others and in our great steel industries there are few men at work over forty five years of age. Asked "why?" a well known superintendent frankly and bluntly said, "It is all true. The way we rush things now makes it neces- j&Wv&.4v! -A" V!-K 'sjtf'l THJC PKl^CJflTO^ UNION: THIJKSDXY, JUKE 4, 1908. ta*i^i4"b.5s^a?Jl^iJ5 sary to get a batch of men, work them out, and then get a fresh batch." Apply to these and like conditions the thought of Christ regarding man. Learn from Him that real practical "brotherhood" means "loving one another" as I have loved you," and how absolutely certain would all this injustice and oppression cease. The application of the mind of Christ to business and politics and society must come by way of public opinion. Public opinion is the dynamic of society. But public opinion must be enlightened and steadied and rescued from the mob, and made safe and righteous by being brought into contact with the mind of Christ. To the members of the graduating class: I now come to the chapter of PROP. B. T. FISK. advices. Do you want any more advice or are you loaded to the brim? First, guard yourselves against the hardening process of the spirit of pure commercialism. God has given you a material world to conquer. Do not let it conquer you. Man is to make money but money is not to make man. Near the close of the civil war a man on the train was saying to his companion, I hope this war will hold out six months longer then I can retire from business and live on my income." A woman sitting behind him, overhearing the remark, addressed him, "Sir, I had two sonsone was killed at Gettysberg and the other in the wilderness." Then her indignation getting the better of her, she slapped him first on one cheek and then on the other. Then the men in the car hustled him out into the next. The love of money will dry up the fountain springs of manly tenderness and sympathy and leaye one with the heart of a Judas. Second, I would have you become leadersnot necessarily reformers or missionaries or ministers or ministers wives, though both are needed in some quarters. The leader is not the one who talks loud or "writes in red ink," nor the one who leads the procession any more than tne boy is leader who runs ahead of the band. The real leaders are those who come in contact with the source of power and become the servants of that power. I would have you incarnate the life of the great master teacher in the business, politi cal and social life of the town in which you live. At the foundation of all is the influence of the home. There is a true American aristocracy. There is one throne before which we bow the knee and the queen on the throne is the queen of all manly heartsthe American woman and mother! Set for your ideal a home in which is the culture of ennobling and elevat- MISS GRACE DICKINSON. ing art and literature, the society of which is clean and decent, where religion holds its place, and in which love reigns, and God, for God is love. Third, guard against a temptation you are certain to meet when you seek to realize your'highest ideals and to fulfill the visions of your soul. We have acquired a modern habit of speaking the word "puritanical" with a curl of the lip and an accent of contempt. Some Chicago leaders went to the republican state convention at Springfield, 111., the other day. They pointed their fingers and cried, "Puri tanical!" and at their beck there was incorporated into the platform a "personal liberty" plank. It was the same influence that gathered at the convention of the r* 4""' **V i^j -'^vt*. :'j\^6^i&JhS **.?VW-ZI'_rv,' 5 democratic party of the same state and raised the cry, "Puritanical," and there was incorporated into the demo cratic platform a "presonal liberty" plank. Listen to the story of the angel as told by the new poet of the Yukon: "An angel was tired of heaven, as he lounged in the golden street, His halo was tilted sideways and his harp lay mute at his feet. So the master stooped in his pity, and gave him a pass to go For the space of a month to the earth world, to mix with the men below. A Siren beguiled him, mocked at his heavenly scruples and this was her song: We have outlived the old standards we have burst like an air-tight thong The ancient, wornout, Puritanic tradition of Right and Wrong. The master feared for his angel and called him back to bis side, For oh the Siren was skillful, and oh the angel was tried. And deep in his Hell sang the Devil, and this was the strain of his song: The ancient, outworn, Puritanic tradition of Right and Wrong." So the world will cry at you as Joseph's brethren cried at him, "Here comes the dreamer!" But continue to make your vows unto God as young Lincoln made his when he saw a red faced burly auctioneer selling a come ly young mulatto woman, who stood trembling upon the block. The girl looked into the eyes of a lot of human sharks. "Step right up and examine her, gentlemen, if you wish, brawled the auctioneer. I never have any secrets from my customers." And the strong pure soul of Lincoln writhed in moral anguish at the ugly sight. He looked up into heaven and as he tells us later, in silent determin ation breathed out his vow: "Great God if I ever have a chance to hit that thing I'll hit it hard." "And the Almighty God never forgets the splendid vows of uncalculating youth." A Calif ornlan's Luck. "The luckiest day of my life was when I bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve," writes Charles F. Budahn of Tracy, California. "Two 25c. boxes cured me of an annoying case of itching piles, which had troubled me for years and that yielded to no other treatment." Sold under guarantee at C. A. Jack's drug store. Doi a. G*n Farm Mortgages, i Insurance, Collections. Ji 1 Ji iji igifri|ifr{- ifr sfr ifr i|aafr| hl..M"M"M"l"S"l j.4..|..|.i|i.|.i|l.|.l|l,|li|l,l,l|l,|il|l, 1 j^Sl^V,^.*-a^'3.'rt*.lrv 'f ^^5*^?5-f^^^^l^'F^C'^-il l*^ wt^ija,"*6^ If you are about to have an AUCTION consult M. M. STROETER Princeton, Minn. All paper taken at sales with No Discount. Inquire at First National Bank. The Rural Telephone Co. THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE. Lines to Dalbo, Cambridge, Santi ago. Freer and Glendorado. Good Service in Princeton and to all adjoining points. We connect with the Northwestern Long Distance Telephone. Patronize a Home Concern. Service Day and Night. T. J. KALIHER, Proprietor, Princeton, Minn. Single and Double Rigs at a noments' Notice. Commercial Travelers' Trade a Specialty. J' JOHN BARRY Expert Accountant, 5 Over 30 Years Experience. 1011 First Ave. North, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. First National Bank I of Princeton, Minnesota. Paid up Capital, $30,000 A General Banking Busi ness Transacted. Loans Made on Approved Security. Interest Paid on Time De posits. Foreign and Domestic Ex change. S. S. PETTERSON, President. T. H. CALEY, Vice Pres. J. F. PETTERSON, Cashier. Princeton State Bank Capital $20,000 ^-Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Security State Bank of Princeton, Minnesota. Capital and Surplus, $34,000. JOHN W. GOULDING, President. Princeton, Minn. 4 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj MMMMMMMMMMMf i J. J. SKAHEN, Cashier. G. A. EATON, Cashier. M. S. RUTHERFORD E. L. MCMILLAN $ W Make A Specialty Farm Loans/0 M. S. RUTHERFORD S CO. Towmand Building, fr.fr !.|i ,|,.fr.fr.fr.fr fr ,p% i|,li|..i.,i..fr,i,,|,.|..frl|l,i..i..|.,|,|l,| 1 1 !'!j ljjiini 11 L. C. HUMMEj Daaler in Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Poultry, Fish and Game in Season. Both Telephones. Main Street, (Opposite Starch Factory.) Princeton, Minn. 1 yji^.-raflfeS|.'l-sA*'*''.K ^\-:J^^iipi^ &r^&^i&&f^il. "&*< warn