BIRTHOFTHE SAVIOR Annlvarsary Wijl Be Qbaeryed With Special Services in the Various Churches of Princeton. Sunday School Children Will Give En- tertainments and Christmas Trees Will Be Provided. Congregational The regular Christmas services will be held next Sunday and in the morn ing special music will be rendered under the direction of Mrs. H. C. Cooney. The program hereunder will be presented on Sunday evening by pupils of the Whittier school. The children have been prepared for the exercises by the teachers of this school and a very pleasing entertain ment is anticipated. Following the exercises Santa Claus will distribute the presents from the Christmas tree. The Great Beyond Orchestra Glory in the Highest School and Orchestra Recitation ...Wilbur Coates Recitation Herbert Malkson Helen Darragh Twelve Children Benme Nichols Mona McMillan, Harold Veal Kenneth Howard Mildred Kenney, Myron Malkson Walter Davis Myron Malkson Ten Children Morris Davis Barbara Rocustad Mildred Kenney School and Orchestra Carl Swanson Twelve Children Stanley Mathews bong Recitation Recitation Recitation bong Recitation Recitation Song and Recitation Recitation kecitation Recitation Shine On O Star, Song Recitation on Recitation. Trio Gertrude Pearson Jennie Umbe hocker and Lulu Ecklund Recitation Boreas Recitation Recitation bong Story of the Christ Child Distribution of Gifts Selection Lawrence Swanson Orchestra Mary Veal Ruth Looney Twelve Children Twelve Girls Santa Claus Orchestra Methodist Christmas services will be held on Sunday morning, when the pastor, Rev Service, will take for his sub ject of discourse, "The Wonder of the World." There will also be an even ing service with the following special program. PROGRAM Prelude Mrs Ewmg and Miss Woodcock Hymn Congregation Anthem There Were Shepherds Choir bcnpture Reading Pastor Piano Solo Miss Woodcock Selection Male Quartet Offertory Mrs Ewing Anthem Hark the Herald Angels Sing Choir Sermon I Have Put Off My Coat, How Rev Service Mrs Caley Christmas exercises will be held on Monday evening, December 25, com mencing at 7.30 o'clock, and the pro gram arranged for this occasion con sists of the cantata, "A Visit to Santa Claus Santa Claus will be the central figure, as the name of the cantata implies. At the close of the musical program Santa Claus will distribute the many gifts that will be suspended from the trees. The music on Sunday and Monday will be under the direction of Mrs. C. A. Caley. Shall I Put It On ocal Solo Christ Is Born Catholic. At St. Edward's Catholic church there will be three masses on Christ mas morning, at 7:30, 8:30 and 10:30 o'clock A special program, with appropriate music, has been arranged for high mass. Rev. Father JKitowski of Foley will conduct the services and Rev. Father Levings will officiate at Foley upon thib day. German Lutheran The customary Christmas services will be conducted by Rev. Eugene Ahl at 10:30 o'clock on Monday morn ing and on Sunday evening a Christ mas tree will be provided and an en tertainment given by the Sunday achool children. Services will also be held on Tuesday morning, De cember 26Second Christmas day. German Lutheran-Town of Princeton. Rev. Otto Strauch will hold services at 10:30 in the morning of Christmas day and on the evening of December 24 there will be a Christmas tree and program by the Sunday school chil dren. On Tuesday morning services will be held at 10:30 o'clock. German Methodist Services will be held at 10:30 o'clock on Christmas morning and Rev. Wolf will preach the sermon. A Christmas eve festival, with entertain-1 ment by the Sunday school children consisting of songs, recitations, etc., will be given on Sunday night. There will also be a Christmas tree. Swedish Lutheran. Services will be conducted by Rev. Lundquist in Saron church, Green bush, at 6 o'clock on Christmas morning, and a Sunday school festival will be held at 7:30 in the evening, with a Christmas tree. On the evening of December 26 a Sunday school festival, with an program, will be given in Emanuel church, Princeton, at 7^30 o'clock, and there will also be a Christmas tree. For the Upbuilding of the County The i is in receipt of several letters from W. R. McKenzie, secre tary of the Northern Minnesota De velopment associaion, relative to ad vertising the resources of Mille Lacs county and setting forth its ad vantages for home-seekers. The pub lisher of the i n, at considerable expense to himself, has attended several meetings of the association and endeavored to represent Mille Lacs county to the best of his ability. But one can not do it all. The burden must be shared by others. It does seem as if the real estate dealers in Princeton, Milaca, Onamia and Wahkon should take an interest in these matters. They are vitally in terested. We would like to hear from them, and all others who are inter ested in the upbuilding of Mille Lacs county. The northern end of the county should be especially inter ested. The following letter is one of several received from Mr. McKenzie and is self-explanatory: "We have jusb made a lease for a store building at 39 South Third street, Minneapolis, and are ready to receive exhibits of grasses, grains and vegetables from your county. "We propose to distribute advertis ing matter for your county to what ever extent you wish to send it. We would also like you to send us a map of your county made up in such a way so that it would serve as a soil sur vey map. We presume you could have this arranged without much trouble. We want about a quart of threshed grains, of each kind, as we intend to put these up in attractive uniform sized bottles. It is also our intention to keep on file the current copies of the newspapers of your county and in every way encourage the people of your county to make our exhibit room their headquarters while in the city. "The funds for carrying on the work were proportioned among the counties at the St. Cloud meeting as follows* For each delegate to which a county is entitled $25. In the case of your county the amount would be $75, of which, however, $20 has al ready been received from the follow ing- First National Bank of Prince ton, $10, and the First National Bank of Milaca, $10. I trust that you can collect the balance of this amount and mail it to Mr. A. G. Wedge, jr., treasurer, Bemidji, before the first of the year. This fund is to be dis tributed under the direction of the im migration committee and audited monthly and a quarterly statement sent all contributors showing the re ceipts and expenditures." Unlawful Disposal of Liquor. Harry Wheeler, 19 years of age, and Floyd Erickson, 17, were brought be fore Justice Norton last Thursday and charged with unlawfully dispos ing of one pint of liquor to Lynn Whittemore, whose name was on the saloons' black list. Wheeler waived examination and was bound over to the grand jury in bonds of $300, while Erickson pleaded guilty. Erickson, accompanied by Sheriff Shockley, County Attorney Ross and Clerk of Court King, was taken to St. Cloud on Friday, where Judge Taylor sen tenced him to 20 days in jail and to pay a fine of $50, or, in default of paying such fine, to serve 35 days. It appears from the evidence that Whittemore gave Erickson money to obtain the whiskey, that Erickson turned the money over to Wheeler, who procured the liquor, passed it to Erickson, and that the latter delivered it to Whittemore. Farmers' Institute at Princeton Through the efforts of Mr. Ira G. Stanley, secretary of the commercial club, a farmers' institute will be held in Princeton on Friday and Saturday, January 26 and 27. The institute will probably be held in the court house hall. Whenever an institute is held the business men of the town are sup posed to provide the hall and see that the meeting is well advertisedthe Union will attend to the advertising without cost to any one save its pub lisher. These farmers' institutes are productive of much good to the farmers. It is to be hoped that a lively interest will be manifested and that the hall will be crowded both days of the meeting. AT NORTHWESTERN HOSPITAL. appropriate Howard, strangulated hernia. The following operations were per formed by Dr. Cooney during the full-bloods now. week: Milton Wiley, Princeton, ap pendicitis: Helen Peterson, Bogus Brook, appendicitis Raymond How ard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Millard WEDDEDIN DENMARK to a Daughter of United States Minister M. F. Egan. Calvin Olson Takes Unto Himself Wife in the Person of fliss R. C. DUNN, Pnblisher. Terms $1.00 Per Year. PRINCETOM, MULE LACS COUftTY, MINNESOTA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1911. 12 Pages VOLUME XXXV. NO 5 ^h 1 Mildred Olson of Orrock. The following cablegram from Copenhagen, Denmark, was published in the Catholic Citizen of Milwaukee: "Miss Carmel Egan, daughter of Maurice Francis Egan, the United States minister, was married at Copenhagen, December 2, at the Catholic church of St. Ansgar to Gabriel Ambrose O'Reilly of the de partment of industries at Manila. The bride wore an ivory satin gown with a corsage of lace. There were about fifty guests present, including the diplomatic corps and persons prominent socially. The young couple received some 200 congratu latory messages, among them being messages from Pope Pius X, Cardi nals Farley and Falconio, President Taft, Theodore Roosevelt and Arch bishop Ireland. After the marriage ceremony there was a reception at the American legation. The couple will spend their honeymoon in Paris and sail from Genoa on December 28 for Manila." This marriage is of local interest for the reason that the bridegroom, Mr. O'Reilly, is a brother of Mrs. J. J. Skahen and Mrs. T. J. Kahher of Princeton and is known by a number of people in this village. Gabriel A. O'Reilly enlisted in the Thirteenth Minnesota volunteers at the outbreak of the Spanish American war and was sent to the Philippines, where he saw much active service. At the expiration of his term he returned to the United States and, upon reach ing San Francisco was offered a posi tion in the educational department of the islands. He was shortly there after promoted to the office of super intendeent of schools for the district of Manila and later appointed a member of the Philippine commission and sent to the United States and Europe for the purpose of establish ing markets for the products of the islands. Mr. O'Reilly, it will be re membered, was in Princeton last July. From here he went to Washington and New York and then to Europe. The Union extends its congratula tions to Mr. and Mrs. O'Reilly and wishes them a life of happiness. Olson-Olson. Calvin Olson, block man at Gott werth's meat market, was married on Thursday, December 14, at Elk River, to Miss Mildred Olson, daughter of Anton Olson of Orrock. The young couple spent a few days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hazen Cravens in Min neapolis and reached Princeton on Monday evening. Here they will make their home. The Union ex tends its best wishes. A Visitor's Opinion of Princeton J. W. Hooper of Libby, Montana, arrived here on Saturday to visit old time friends and left on Tuesday for Anoka to pass Christmas with rela tives. Mr. Hooper left Princeton 35 years ago for the west and nas done well there. "Princeton," he says, "is the liveliest and best business town of its size I have ever seen, and I am glad of it, but it has one great drawbackits hotel facilities. It needs a big modern hotel in order to line up with its other features of progress. Now, I have made observa tions of the volume of business in Anoka, and in comparing it with that of Princeton I should estimate that your village does at least three times the amount done there. I am cer tainly in love with my old place of abodePrinceton.3' Indian Conspiracy Cases Dismissed. Judge Morris directed a verdict of not guilty in the cases for conspiracy chisel one and a quarter inches wide against Gus H. Beaulieu, Benjamin L. Fairbanks, Robert G. Beaulieu and John Leechy, which were tried in the United States court at Fergus Falls. The four men were accused of having induced full-blood Indians to represent themselves as mixed-breeds so they could secure Indian lands. As the case developed it became more and more apparent that the gov ernment was making little headway. The witnesses, all of whom had made affidavits to the effect that they were a passenger train on the old St. Paul mixed-bloods when obtaining title to & Duluth short line, saved the the lands, had no hesitancy in going of more than 300 persons when Hinck on the stand and swearing they were ley and other towns in northern Min Very few of them asserted the defendants induced them to make the original affidavits. Judge Morris, in directing a verdict rooming house. He was 64 years of for the defendants, declared there age. The remains were taken to Still- was no evidence to sustain the charge water, Minn., for burial. that^they had conspired to defraud. At the same time he declared that he had a strong opinion as to the wis- Gabrlel A. O'Reilly United in llarriage dom of the Clapp act and the manner Kedron In which it had been adminisered, and that the evidence tended to confirm his opinion. Address to School Children by J. skahen. It- has been customary for some time to invite citizens of the village, occasionally, to come to the high school building for the purpose of talking to the pupils. Jpn Monday of ahen, secretary "*rd, gave a very tructive talk on n\i this week Mr. of the school interesting and the subject of slavery in the United States. He se le^ied this subject because he thought tb^t it had a practical value and be cause it is taught oftentimes in a fragmentary manner in public schools, e&