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Main Street, )^*^^*t0^m0*m&^i^^m0^*^^*^^***^a*^^**0*m^^^0*^^*m^0**^*i^l0ma*0 THE TEST OF MEJ51T ^^||p^M Here's the Plumb Bob It's just another proof that Tubular Cream Separators are right up to the minutemiles ahead of any other. No other separator has it. What's It For? It enables you to level the Sharpies Dairy Tubular Cream Separator in a minutequicker than you could find the spirit level you must use to level all other separators. A glance at the plumb bob, hanging there on the back of the Tubular, will always tell you whether the Tubular remains level. In that way you get the very best work out of the Tubular, for all separators should be kept level to do their best work. Tubulars have dozens of ex clusive fine points and are sold on the level Bring the wife in. See how simple, perfect and different from others Tubulars are. CALEY HDW. CO. Princeton A. C. SMITH (Successor to G. H. Gottwerth) Prime Meats of Every Variety, Poultry, Fish, Etc. Highest market prices paid tor Cattle and Hogs. L. C. HUMMEL Dealer i Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Poultry, Fish and Game in Season. Both Telephones. Main Street, (Opposite Starch Factor. Princeton, #Mnn. Let Figure Can Your Bill This is the season of the vear when evervboc?\ begins, to figure on making needed repairs about the Dlace or putting up new buildings Wt have anticipated the needs of users and have stocked up with the choicest assortment of select lumber and build- ing material e\er offered in this section Our prices aie absolutely right and no matter what you wantone piece or a complete house or oarn bill Let Figure O It. CALEY LUMBER CO. BENJAfllN SOULE, Manager (Successor to Anton Falk) DEALER IN nes, Liquors and Cii ilamm's Beer on Draught Your Trade is Solicited^B^ PRINCETON, MINN. Princeton People Are Given Convincing Proof. No better test of any article can bemedicine made than the test of time and this is particularly true of a kidney medi cine. Doan's Kidney Pills have stood this test and stood it well. What better proof of the merits of this remedy could you demand than the statement of a Princeton resident who has been cured and has stayed cured? Read the following: Mrs. J. E. Bates, Main St., Prince ton, Minn., says: I cheerfully con firm all I satid in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills when I publicly recom mended them three years ago, and I again advise their use to anyone afflicted with kidney trouble. This complaint clung to me for years. My back was weak and I could not stoop without having sharp, shooting pains throughout my body. I had attacks of dizziness and nervousness and a kidney weakness caused me no end of *m^t0^m0*m^m^^\ Princeton. annoyance. My husband finally got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills for meThey and they proved to be the best kidney I ever used, giving me prompt relief." For sale by all dealers or upon re ceipt of price, 50 cents. Foster-Mil burnCo., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the nameDoan's and take no other School Report.. School report for month ending April 5 in primary department of district 4: Pupils in perfect attendance Blanche, Oliver and Theodore Burke, Walter Larson, Florence Teutz, Harold Wesloh and Agnes Pihl. Attending 19 daysClarence Larson, Oscar Olson and Walter Wes loh. Harold Wesloh and Florence Teutz did perfect work in reading and Walter Larson in spelling for the entire month. Ida May Schmidt, Teacher. Already half a dozen new buildings are in course of erection In this vil lage. Church festivals and entertainments are crowding one another in Prince ton at present. The damp, cold weather ol the past few days has somewhat retarded farm ing operations. I. E. Burgan is building, east of the elevator, what will be a neat little residence when finished. Many of the bottom land farms be tween here and Cambridge are under water. The Rum river is on a regular bender. About every young man and boy in this village who can handle a cant dog or pick pole has gone off on the drive this week. The dog ordinance will be enforced at once in this village. Owners of dogs had better take out license be fore the first of May. N. E. Jesmer shipped a carload of potatoes to Austin this week and has contracted to deliver another carload at the same place by the first of next week. T. J. Latta and wife of Elk River spent Sunday in town visiting friends. Mr. Latta is a veteran lumberman and hauled logs on Rum river 23 years ago. State News. Thomas J. Abbett was elected mayor of Anoka last week by a majority of 91 votes over W. E. Wil berg. BUB PRDTCETON ^ggON: TJUJBSDAT, APfell, 11, 1912. W mmm I TEA A The village schools are again in full blast. There has been no chaage in the teachers save in the intermedi ate department, where Miss Mary Huse succeeds Mrs. Rose Patterson. Greenbush Correspondence. The snow has nearly all disappeared and, there being so little frost in the ground last winter, the fields will soon be in good condition for seeding. After a protracted illness death ended Mrs. Wheeler Barnum's suffer ings at her home in Spencer Brook on Monday. She was an estimable wife and mother and reared a large family of children. Work has been commenced on anew building on the corner of First street and Washington avenue, which is toWANTEDNine be completed in 30 days, and will be occupied as a drug store by Drs. Gile and Canright. Thousands of new settlers, mostly from the central states, are locating in Minnesota this spring. The newAverage comers will never have cause to regret their change of location. Anoka would like to have Prince ton's opportunity of getting an armory. But Anoka will have to wait at least another year. Do Princeton people appreciate their good fortune? An all-steel daily passenger train has been put on the Dulutfa, Messabe & Northern, between Duluth and tne range towns. The iron range rail roads are the most progressive and up-to-date of any railroads in theson, country Warning: Against Southern Seed Corn. The unusual demand for seed-corn this year has stimulated a desire on the part of the commercial interests to satisfy the people in the purchase of corn. As a result, of course, there is a great deal of southern seed-corn being advertised. The use of southern corn for the production of ears should be carefully guarded against. It is not possible to mature, in Minnesota, a reliable crop of corn from any of the varieties grown in Iowa or southern South Da kota. Farmers who may possibly be confronted with the problem of secur ing seed-corn should look carefully into this question, and, ID case of doubt, communicate with the Experi mental Station or some other reliable source of information.C. P. Bull, Associate Agriculturist, Minn. Uni versity Farm. Car of Horses Here. A ear of native horses, selected from among hundreds, arrived at our barns on Tuesday of this week. are sound, strong animals, and every one of them is young and incause good condition. They are especially adapted for farm work or general purposes. It has never been our luck to obtain such a splendid bunch of horseflesh during the whole time we have been in business. Call and seeparte, them and convince yourselves. The prices are nominal and we guar antee every horse. Besides this we will sell them on time if the purchaser so desires. 6-tfc Aug. Rines Horse Co. For Service. A registered Guernsey bull, 4 years old, weight 1,600 pounds. M. B.memoirs Mattson, Blue Hill, Minn. 15-3tp Fine Farm Mares I have a carload of farm horses for sale at Wresch's barn. They are mostly mares and will be sold either for cash or on time.Frank 13 tf Henschel. WANT- COLUMwill I*""nt,?e!nts^under advertisementN word No pe Notice this head will be Inserted SI 2 oe published In this column for less than 15 cts. FOB SALE. FOR SALETen tons of hay, on my meadow, section 24, Sherburne county. E. Grant, Princeton, Minn. it FOR SALEA team of general pur pose horses cheap for cash. Conrad Bender, Baldwin, Minn. 15-tfc FOR SALEA top buggy suitable for one or two horses. Call at Edmund Young's barn. 13-tfc FOR SALEPure blood White Ply mouth Rock eggs, 50 cents per set6ing. A. E. Hayes, Prince ton, n-tfc FOR SALE OR RENT -A house and barn and three acres of land. Ap ply to W. S. Davis, Princeton, Minn. ltp FOR SALESix room cottage, barn and other buildings, on large corner lot in Oakland addition. $950 takes it. Inquire at office of Princeton Lumber Co. 10-tfc FOR SALETwo lots in village of Princeton, with barn, buggy shed j, and pump. Cheap if taken at once. Eugene Boyn, Route 2, Box 21, Dalbo, Minn. 16-3tp FOR SALEBy owner, the following land in Blue Hill township, Sher burne county, shown on 1910 plat book in name of F. W. Rider: Northwest quarter of section 34, township 35, range 27. Make me an offer. I want $800 cash, balance on long time. Torrens title to land. W. H. Deubener, 59 E. Seventh street, St. Paul, Minn. 16-2tc FOR BENT. FOR RENTThe 80-acre farm known as the Otto Henschel old homestead, 4 miles northeast of Princeton. Wm. Horstman, Route 2, Prince ton, n-tfc MISCELLANEOUS. bushels of Carmens and ten bushels of Irish Cobblers. Must be clean, straight stock. Highest market price will be paid. Apply at Union office. WANTEDFat cattle. Bring all you have to Hummel's meat market, opposite starch factory, Prince ton. 42-tfc School Report School report for district 5, Green bush, for month ending April 5: attendance, 29. Those pres ent 20 days were Abraham, Walter, Katie, Henry and Ole Abrahamson, Ray Robideau, Merlyn Sager, Lucille and Tilly Zimpel, Raymond Ander son Dolores Grow and Joseph John son. Those present 19 days were Os car Sol berg, Helmer Johnson, Walter Fradette and Edward Zimpel. Laurel M. Davis, Primary Teacher. Average attendance, 19. Julius An derson was present 20 days. Those present 19 days were Olaf Abraham Orhpia Ross and Agnes Thomp son. Helen C. Conroy, Principal. SALT AND ICE The Process That Begins When the Two Are Mixed. It is not coirect to -say that salt dis solves ice. since real solution only takes place when a solid, liquid or gas xs dissolved in a liquid The true explanation of the fatt that Ice melts when common salt is adde.l to it depends upon the simple phM'*a principle that when a salt is dissolved in water heat is absorbed and its tem peratuie is lowered When salt tnd are mixed together some of the salt dissolves in the small amount of wa ter which is always present, the tem perature is thereby lowered and anew freezing point is established The remainder of thQ ice. being at a temperature higher than this new freezing point, slowly melts and more salt is dissohed until the horation is saturated The temperature can in this way be lowered to 22 degrees C. which is the freezing point of a definite com pound of salt and water The salts dissohed in sea waters serve a very important purpose, as it requires a gi eater degree of cold to the formation ot ice on them than on fresh water Bonaparte and Mile. Montansier. The Cate Corazza. the Palais Roy al, had many interesting clients its time. It was there that General Bona then only a general of brigade asked his triend Barras to tind bim a rich wife, and Barras suggested Mile Montansier, the proprietress of the ad jacent Theatre Montansier She was sixty-three, but she was well presen ed and might have passed for forty-tne. and she was belie\ ed to have accumu lated a fortune of 48,000 Bonaparte asked to be introduced, and Ban as presented him and assures us in his that the match would ha\e come off if it had not been for the events of Vendemiaire. After that memorable day ot the "whiff of grape shot" the future emperor broke off the engagement, feeling himself too impor tant to marry a superannuated actress, even for the sake of having the spend ing of her savings.Pall Mall Gazette. F^TT??*** "i heel 4* .j. cents each Driving Harness Our Stock of Driving Harness is a Winner We always have a large stock of single and double driving harness and our prices are reasonable. It will pay you to get our prices before buying. We are well stocked In all depart- ments and our prices are right. If you have not had your harness oiled this spriHg bring It in and we will oil it in a first- class manner at $i.oo per set. Do it now. We have just received a consignment of lap dusters and you will have the chance to take your pick if you come early J. H. HOFFMAN, Gillespie & Stoneberg's Old Stand ^^^^^^^^P^^^** Umbrellas and Rubbers 1 g: Children's umbrellas, for rain, each 50c 3 Good quality steel ribbed umbrellas...$1,00 $1.25 3 Heavy quality rain-proof umbrellas...$|,50 $2.00 g: Men's splendid quality umbrellas...$|.25 to $|B75 i Children's rubbers, per pair 50c and 55c 3 gr Misses'rubbers, per pair gQ 3 Ladies' rubbers, high, medium and low 3 & gr Men's rubbers, per pair $1.00 3 g: Men's Shoes, Hats and Caps 3 g: Men's gun metal shoes, per pair $4.00 3 Men's vici shoes $3.25 to $4.00 Men's velour calf shoes $4.00 3 S Men's summer caps 25c and 50c 3 Wear the Lampher Hat $3.00 =2 gr Fresh Green Stuff Every Saturday. 3 J0.B. NEWTO N J. M. JOHN50N EWELER I I MAKE a specialty of repairing all kinds of com plicated, watches and clocks. If you have old, worn out jewelry bring it to me and I will make it like new on short notice. v? i, 1 0IHH..H..M.1, I 1 I 1 1 *^-M~MMfr**j. j-.M M~M~4~W^ ^Will Photograph Anything, Anywhere at Any Time, Day or Night.-^ Clement's Photographs *re as good at, the bet He makes a business of r photographing family group* at th'ir homes Old people a specialty Stock, buildings etc. Send a post card to box 34 or call on me over Mark's store and 1 will be with you' Post eard printing Bringn your negatives or films and I will print your cards for 5 E CLEMENT, Princeton I I We are lew Offering a Line of Sample Shoes Special Bargains in 5c and 10c Ribbons. A Full Line of Colors in Voiles and Batistes for I Summer wear. Our Bulk Coffee at 25c, 27c, 30c, 33c is Extra Value. We Have a New Lot of Garden Seeds. THE DAYLIGHT STORE BYERS 3 ll *M^IM*M^ hs( I. &S3 1 i *&!,- 60c and 75c 3 t"$