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?kX^^^^^PS 2 MAY MEAN NEW PRIMARY LAW Turning Down of Preferential Plan Generally Resented. MEANS MUCH TO EBERHART Retirement of Edgar Weaver From Gubernatorial Race Strength ens Executive's Position. (Special Correspondence.) St. Paul, April 16.Something like ten years ago Minnesota adopted the primary plan for the nomination of candidates for public office. The idea was in its infancy then and the legis lature practically enacted it under protest. I have not at my finger ends the executive who gave it his official signatureit could not have been Dave Clough and it might have been S. R. Van Sant who came nextbut at any rate it has been on the statute books ever since with little change as to its provisions. The author of the law, who was one of the first to seek its aid in a return to his legislative job, went to the discard never to ap pear again and its active supporters are now plying other vocations, many of them dead. As I said that was ten years ago and since then the biennial elections of candidates for public of fice held under that law have been more replete with hypocrisy and cor ruption than ever in the history of the state The theory of the primary was all right, but the draft of the act as placed on the statute books and which has remained intact ever since failed in the matter of results. Five sessions of the legislature have seen bills di rected at its correction, but they failed Few advocated its repeal, but they wanted it bettered Those who did want it repealed knew better than to push their demand. The public would not stand for a return to the convention system So it has con tinued until running for office has come to be looked upon as something only for those properly financed and backed What was an abuse has prac tically been legalized. ir $- The abo\e looks like an attack on the whole primary election principle, but it is not It is simply for the pur pose of serving notice on a few ob structionists that they are playing a poor game and that they will rue the day they started a back fire, for if public opinion counts for anything a bill for a statewide primary will be introduced at the next session of the legislature and it will be passed Woe be to the individual who opposes or causes its defeat He will be over whelmed in the deluge that will fol low As the old saw runs, "might is right," and the true sport seldom hollers even if he is aware that some shaip practices have been used in bringing about his defeat That is about where the minority in the presi dential game in Minnesota stands to day and it is ready to take its medi cine, but those in chaige resent ab solute indifference to its rights. I refer to the machine tactics now be ing resorted to for the purpose of heading off any action by the districts looking to the adoption of some form of a prefeiential primary All this tends to a curtailment of power and it is what will bring about the exten sion of the primary law. As far as Minnesota is concerned hardly one voter in a thousand cares a rap wheth er he casts his franchise under a pref erential primary or not, in fact the whole pnmai question is the least of his troubles, but he hates to be handed something that is uncalled for, and so there you are The primary is coming, fellows, so prepare for it You are making your own bed and you will have to He it *f Governor Eberhart's political sky was cleared somewhat by the an nouncement of the withdrawal otf Ed gar Weaver of Mankato from the Re publican gubernatorial field Mr Weaver said he did so in the interest of party harmony, though he refused to retract his original declaration that Governor Eberhart was in bad in his own county Down here Weaver's sincerity as a candidate was ques tioned from the start and the opinion is general that he has voluntarily re tired himself from public life for good. He left himself open to the charge that he had been seen, something that so impressed the Minneapolis Journal that it devoted two whole columns to sn expose of the Republican machine and its methods, which was not en tirely to the credit of Governor Eber hart and his advisers. It was capital campaign material from a Democratic standpoint and will be extensively used this fall. Gossip concerning the much sought for job of leading the state G. O. P. to victory would not be complete without the announcement that k. C. Spooner of Morris has listened to the call and has decided to give heed. The announcement of his candidacy is old as news runs these days, but it per mits the tip that he is due to hear a lew things from his neighbor, S. Y. Gordon, one of the first to enter the field against Governor Eberhart I am told Mr Gordon is filling his am munition locker, and it is not bird shot either. Gordon is too canny a Scot to speak his mind regarding the entrance of a rival from his home dis trict, but his friends are not so care ful and they have been indulging in some statements not entirely to the credit of the Stevens county man. They openly say Mr Spooner's candi dacy is simply for the purpose of em barrassing Mr. Gordon and in the in terest of a certain crowd that they will expose later. When in the legislature Mr. Spooner's bulldog tenacity was the one asset that often forced from a re luctant majority support for measures which he advocated, but no one ever accused him of not being on the square. He was never of the milk and water sort. As I once said he was not generally liked, but he com pelled admiration because of his fight ing qualities. Mr. Spooner, I figure, will be heard from soon and whether he is the candidate of some particular interest or not he will have a jolt com ing for some one. He is bad medicine to tackle. *S* T* The position of governor, with its salary of $7,000 a year and a $5,000 contingent fund, not to speak of the honor, may look good to some people, but if those aspirants now so indus triously engaged in trying to wrest the job from Governor Eberhart would spend a day at the big marble pile in St. Paul they might change their minds. If between begging letters, in sistent solicitors and campaign con tribution demands his excellency V.^WI.J.UU. ucuuuiuo ui excellency gets away from an expenditure of at *i* *$- With the fight for the Republican nomination for governor on those now occupying the minor offices and who are candidates for renomination have what might be termed a cinch, but they do not want to be too positive in the matter. Their nice things have been hidden by the smoke of battle. It comes on good authority that the two places on the railroad and warehouse commission which will be filled this fall will be contested for and even the job as state treasurer may figure as the contention between several. Judge Mills and Charles Elmquist, at present members of the railway commission, want to be returned and it looks as if they might have a clear field, but word comes that their right to a renomina tion may be protested x* If the Virginia state bonds, valued at over $2,000,000 and now held by Minnesota to the credit of the perma nent school fund, are sold it will be over the vigorous protest of former State Auditor Dunn. The old warrior aided the state in purchasing them, and at a figure far below par, and in his official organ, the Princeton Union, he jumps on State Treasurer Smith with both feet for even suggesting their sale This is the third time the sale of the Virginia bonds for reinvest ment in local securities has been pro posed and Mr Dunn asks the question why these particular bonds always are selected whenever the agitation for more money for loaning purposes comes up He insists that if the bonds are sold it be at par and he wants a law passed making such compulsory in the case of all outside securities held by the state. 4. 4. 4. It looks as if Fred B. Lynch of St. Paul, national Democratic committee man, might have to fight to retain his present official position in the party councils. The rumor is that several candidates are being groomed, among them T. T. Hudson of Duluth and Judge Willis of St. Paul. The position is one that carries with it an expense account that the holder alone must meet and if Mr. Lynch cared to en lighten the public with an itemized statement since he has held the office it might stagger a few of the curious. The St. Paul man is generally credited with a fair amount of the goods of this world and his long stay in Chicago and the East, while trying to promote the presidential interests of the late Gov ernor Johnson, undoubtedly represent ed a tidy sum. If any one passed the hat for the purpose of reimbursement it is not of record. Mr. Lynch is said to have incurred the enmity of the O'Connor machine in St. Paul and its followers are said to be after his scalp. Champ Clark, who is being boomed fer presidential honors, also has added to his prestige in Minnesota, through the vote given him in the Illinois pri maries and no one would be surprised if local headquarters were opened shortly by the Missouri man. He is said to be exceptionally strong in Hen nepin county and he has a decided fol lowing in the Capital City. W. W. Williams of Minneapolis, former state labor commissioner, is said to be look ing after his interests in the North Star state. 4. 4. 4. The memory of Jefferson was hon ored with a banquet by Minnesota Democrats at the St Paul hotel April 15. J. Hamilton Lewis of Chicago was the principal speaker and there were other speakers of note. THE COtJNTY CHAIRMAN. ren a saint Would Have Sworn. "Gosh dem this allured new me chanical intricacy!" ejaculated Dr. Cooney as his machine came to an abrupt stop somewhere between Min neapolis and Anoka the other night "ifc takes the touch of a slide trom bone player to accurately manipulate it." It was somewhere near midnight and the doctor, accompanied by his friend, W. H. Ferrell, was speeding toward Princeton with a new touring car equipped with all the latest im provements.* The auto expert in Min neapolis, it seems, had npt fully ex plained the operation of these new appliances to Dr. Cooney, and to this was indirectly due the antics of the machine. 'Now, we're in a h of a fix," ex claimed Mr. Ferrell "but, may be, we shall find the combination ere the sun comes up. Patience, doctor pa tience. Patience is a virtue that the fool who buys an automobile and tries to operate it cannot possibly get along without." So the two of them went to work with a will, but, from the brimstonious light which at the end of an hour played around their heads, it was evident that patience had ceased to be a virtue. Suddenly,* however, without warning, a rip, rap, bing, bang noise was emitted by the machine and it darted up the road with a rapidity that would have put tn least $25 a day he is lucky. The gov ernor of this great state is legitimate ing wheel, doctor,don't try to slack prey for every man and woman with her up,"advised Mr. Perrell, "and, a hunch to detach him from some ready money. Then there are the seekers for office and when they are not on the job applicants for release from Minnesota's various penal insti tutions have the floor. One up state paper, in an effort to perpetrate a joke, remarked that the present governor gasoline, and gave up the ghost was not afraid of the cars, and anoth er, in answer, said there was good reason for the statement, as he was car broke. Between you and me it pays to stay on the cars if you are governor. Fire Destroys a Residence. The Edmison house, situated in~the west end of town, which was occupied by Mrs. Matilda Edmison, her son Wayne and his wife, was destroyed by fire early Monday morning. Very little of the furniture was saved and the building was a total loss. The alarm was turned in at 12:30 o'clock, and while the fire department was prompt in getting to the scene it was evident that the flames had gained such headway that the building was doomed, especially as there was no hydrants within reaching distance and only the ohemical extinguisher could be used in fighting the fire. The de partment confined its efforts largely to saving the adjoining buildings. How the fire originated is nob known. The building and its contents were insured as follows: $1,000 on the house, $300 on Mrs. Edmison's furni bure and $800 on Wayne Edmison's household goods. Accidentally Speared Geo. E. Rice, Ira G. Sbanley, Tom Kaliher and Fred Keith went out to Elk lake one evening last week on a fish-spearing expedition. Tom Kali her speared a sucker and in attempt ing to shake the fish from the spear accidentally jabbed the prongs of the spear into Fred's leg just above the knee. They immediately went to shore and succeeded in cubbing the spear out, after which they went to a nearby farm house and washed the injured member in hob water and alco hol. Dr. Cooney dressed the wound as soon as the party reached town aud Fred is getting around now al though he had to resort to the use of crutches for a few days. Pass the Night In an Automobile. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Palthen, Mrs. Caroline Naering and Miss Emma Kriesel started for Crown lasb Satur day evening in Mr. Palthen's recently purchased automobile, and they ar rived at their destination Sunday morning just in time to go to church, which is going some.. The machine stopped about midway between Princebon and Crown and bhe parby was forced bo spend the night in the car. In the morning a team of horses was hired to convey the ladies to their destination, and Mr. Palthen telephoned to Princeton for an ex pert. The car was nob fixed in time bo make bhe reburn trip, however, and bhe parby returned to Princeton be hind a team of humble horses. THE PBOTCETOy UKIQK THTTBSBAT, APBIL 18, 1918. "Flying Dutchman" to shame "Just give your attention to the steer- by merely touching the high places, we'll be home in 15 minutes. Gee, whiz, this is fine riding." But, when they reached Anoka, for some reason not clearly apparent at the time, the ponderous machine coughed, spat A hunt about town was then made for a garage man and eventually one was aroused from his slumbers, but he was nob in the best of moods when he came down stairs demanding in a rasping voice, "What in h and d is the matter?" He looked over the machine, found nothing wrong with it except that it had been improperly operated, and, calling Mr. Ferrell aside, remarked in a contemptuous tone, "That guy the garage people sent up with you doesn't know as much about the machine as you do." The Anoka man called, "All aboard!" jumped on the machine and started toward Princeton. After he had proceeded a couple of miles and found that the machine was running all right, he advised Dr. Cooney and Mr. Ferrell not to monkey with the machinery and then jumped off while the car was in motion. They arrived in Princeton at 5 o'clock in the morning, and just as the car reached the Cooney block it shivered, sighed and diedthe doctor had disobeyed orders and monkeyed with the machinery. As luck would have it, however, the machine came home to die. NORTHWESTERN HOSPITAL AND SANITARIUM. (ESTABLISHED 1900) A private institution which combines all the advantages of a perfectly equipped hospital with the quiet and comfort of a refined and elegant home Modern in every respect No insane, contagious or other objectionable cases received Rates are as low as the most effi cient treatment and the best trained nursing will permit. H. C. COONEY, M. D., riedical Director, NELLIE. JOHNSON, Superintendent Thisisthe StovePolish YOU Should T'S different from others because more care is taken in the mak ing and the materials1"used of higher grade, 9 don tfiod it thebest stove polish youever used, yourdealer isauthorized torefund your money. Insist on Black Silk Stove Polish Blade la liquid or pasteone quality. BLACK SILK STOVE POLISH WORKS Sterling, Illinois Use Black SilkAir-Drying Iron Enamel on grates, registers, stove pipes-Prevents rusting Use Black Silk Metal Polish for silver, nickel or Brass. It has no equal tor use on automobiles. GBta Cart TODAY S Tourists 5 who know the triumphs and troubles, pleasures and punctures on the road, in clude in their equipment i Beer "Leads them Air Its wholesome deliciousness adds to the joy of touring. Tbeo. Hamm Brewing Go. St. Pad, Minn. Ed her Phone 935 SWAN OLSON Local Dealer Princeton Minnesota (April 18-2) Tax Judgment Sale. Pursuant to a real estate tax judg ment of the district court, in the county of Mille Lacs, state of Minne sota, entered the seventh day of March, 1912, in proceedings for en forcing payment of taxes and penal ties upon real estate in the county of Mille Lacs, remaining delinquent on the first Monday in January, 1912, and of the statutes in such cases made and provided, I shall on the 13th day of May (being the second Monday) A. D. 1912, at ten o'clock in the forenoon at my office in the court house in the village of Princeton and county of Mille Lacs, sell the lands which are charged with taxes, penal ties and costs in said judgment, and on which taxes shall not have been previously paid. (Seal) W. C. DOANE, Auditor of Mille Lacs County, Minn. Dated at Princeton, Minnesota, this 16th day of April, A. D. 1912. For Service. A registered Guernsey bull, 4 years old, weight 1,600 pounds. M. B. Mattson, Blue Hill, Minn. 15-3tp M. M. are Black Silk Stove Polish Makes a brilliant, silky poti&h thatdoesnot rub off or dust off, and the stuue lasts four times as long: as ordinarysstove polish. Used on sample and sold by hardware dealerso.r Allwe ask i8s1a0trial Use it on your cook stove. ^"S-^'^u ?stoves *a range iryo ou g+V*V//V/**^V DOM Gnral Farm Mortgages, Insurance, Collections. J*- I !4t--t-!! If1 itiilfi ilfi iti A 'V 'A1 'V JHJHJMjMjHfMji Farm Lands Farm Loans i..l,.l..l,.I..l..t..i..l.,I,ll,lll.t..i.J,.t.. sz First National Bank of Princeton, Minnesota. Paid up Capital, $30,000 A General Banking Busi ness Transacted. Loans Made on Approved Security. Interest Paid on Time De posits. Foreign and Domestic Ex change. S. S. PETTERSON, President. T. H. CALEY, Vice Pres. J. F. PETTERSON, Cashier. Stroeter will conduct farm auctions either on commission or by the day. fc VW l, fc^ Princeton State Bank Capital $20,000 Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Security State Bank Princeton, Minnesota Capital $32,000 Surplus $4,000 JOHN W. GOULDING, President G. A. EATON, Cashier $ HcMillan & Stanley Successors to n. S. RUTHERFORD & CO. Princeton, Minnesota We Handle the Great Northern Railway Co. Lands If You Are in Need of a Board oral E Load of Lumber see the 3 Princeton Lumber Co. E We can sell you at a lower price 3 than anv other yard All that 3 we ask is that you will call and 3 E give us an opportunity to con- 3 vince you. SF 3 I PRINCETON LUMBER CO. J. J. SKAHEN, J Cashier. Farm Loans Farm Lands ..^,y),tTt..ft..T.,|T.T f-MT I I MM.Ii.M.flMi&it ptmrnmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmK QEO. A. COATES, ilanager 3 Florsheim Shoes The Princeton Boot and Shoe Man V*7TE are sole agents for the Florsheim Shoe in this town. Any man who puts his money into a $4.50 or $5.00 Flors heim Shoe need not wonder if he will get it out again. This shoe never disappointed a wearer. We have also the Buster Brown Shoe for children, and many other good brands. Come in and see for yourselves. Yours truly, Solomon Long