Y. I. iPOPULAR "Mike" Reports That Border Boys Take Achantage of Conveni- ences Offered by "Y." Camp Conditions Constantly Being Im- proved and the Boys Are Well Fed and Happy. Camp Llano Grande, Aug. 3, 1916. And the "war" goes merrily on. War in name only, but the boys de light in referring to this expedition as the big war of 1916, and already the camp venders have their medals and badges for sale. On these it is blaz oned forth to the world that he wear er is a veteran of the 1916 Mexican expedition to the border. The so called war has developed into a gi gantic training camp for thousands of young men and is one of the results of all our preparedness talk. Drill, hike, eat and sleep are the four big items of interest in this camp and we get plenty of all of them. Part of the First regiment is now doing border patrol duty and we presume it is only a question of time until we get some of this same work. And at that it would be a much desired change as the steady routine of camp life is bound to get monotonous and a change of any kind is welcomed by the officers and men. The new mess halls are now com plete and are one of the biggest im provements we have. In these build ings the cooks can do better work and more conveniently, and the boys can enjoy their hard earned meals with some degree of comfort. Cooking and eating right out in the open naturally attracts and draws millions of flies a hot climate and oftimes it was touch and go to see whether you could ge the food before the flies got it. Sergt. Cordmer was the master carpenter in charge of the mess hall building and he and his crew of car penters, who were picked from the company, did a very good job. An officers' mess hall has also been built and this will be a big conveni ence for the company officers, as here tofore they have eaten their meals in their tents. Eugene Kalkman, Second Lieuten ant, is now stationed at Harlingen, Texas, with the 26th Inf. Jerry is plugging for the "exam" and says his chances are good for getting into the regular service. He reports very courteous treatment from his brother officers of the regular service. One of the most popular places for the boys is the Minnesota Y. M. C. A. "building. This is a good sized building where the soldiers can go and make themselves at home. It contains plen ty of chairs, writing benches, writixig paper, pens and ink, checkers and dom inos, books, papers and magazines. In fact it contains most everything that the inen need to amuse and entertain themselves, and also provides ready means for the boys to write home. And write they do. It is no uncommon sight to see every available' writing space in the large building taken up by young men in khaki busily engaged in writing letters back to the dear ones i" Minnesota. Another good fea ture of the "Y" is that they make it a practice to pay off the men right in the building, and here they have ready means for sending their money, or part of it, back home or to their sav ings bank. This gives the men an excellent chance to save part of their money before the camp followers get a crack at it. The army mule is very much in evi dence around this camp now and he -and the army truck vie with each other as to who can and will do the most heavy work for Uncle Sam. When the roads are good the truck does better and quicker work than the mule teams, but when the weather gets wet and the roads get bad the army mule comefe into his own and calmly wallows through the mud and mire with his heavy load while the auto truck is hung up in a mud hole or has slid off the road entirely and is out of commission. The trucks are necessary in this army life but the mule is absolutely indispensable. Wednesday was Co.'s day on guard and as usual we were out of luck. Every other time we had a storm, but this time it was even worse as it -was field day and a holiday all over the border. It was celebrated in the usual manner with the advertised added attraction of a balloon ascension by one of the First Inf. boys who owns a balloon, but was unable to make it on account of the wind. The Third Inf. ball team went to Donna and played the Iowa Cavalry ball team and as usual won. Co. isn't rep resented on the team any more as all Minn. Historical Society of our ball players seemed to have been married men and are now help ing Princeton win. A bunch of boys with a wash tub for a drum, can covers for cymbals, with cans and pans of various descriptions for volume, and a bugle and a cornet, and with the leader carrying a broom stick, and a banner proclaiming them the reor ganized Third Inf. band, marched onto the field. They performed all sorts of movements and evolutions, and elicited storms of applause. The real Third Inf. band is still patiently wait ing for instruments. They have music and music racks but can't get any music from that. Our hike of last Friday was about an eight mile one and in heavy march ing order. A heavy ram on the day before made the roads a sea of mud and gumbo, and one slipped back al most as fast as he went foreward on the march. Although badly mud-be spattered and somewhat tired from their heavy hike through the mud still the boys came back to camp in good shape and apparently did not mind this part of the training as much as they do some of the rest of the work. The effects of the training are begin ning to show wonderful results, and the men are "hard boiled" now in every sense of this popular army phrase. We have had lots of rain lately. Get a good shower almost every after noon, from two to four as a rule. This makes the work heavier and causes some discomfort for the men. Last Friday Sergt. Doane received word that he had been discharged un der the married man's clause, and the same day left for Fort Snelling. Al Escherisch also left for home the day before. This leaves only three more married men in the company who de sire to get out, and it is only a ques tion of time until they will be out and on their way home. Good southern pine floors have been laid in all the tents now and this will be a big help to the men as they can be more comfortable and clean than when they were living on a dirt floor. We presume electric lights and steam heat for the tents will be the next move. The lights we could make good use of. The steam heat clause we are willing to waive. A new older is out that the officers must wear their blouses whenever they appear outside their tents. This is an order that pleases Captain Johnson and Lieutenant Morton. Of course you may not believe the latter part of this statementwe don't ourselves. "Coco" Hanson has been promoted from mule skinner to artificer to take the place of Al Escherisch. Corp. Lee Sanford has also been promoted and now wears a sergeant's stripes. Following is a sample of what the "dough boys" have to eat for a regu lar army diet: Saturday, Aug. 19, 1916. Breakfast: Bacon and potatoes, bread and jam, coffee, sugar and milk. Dinner: Bean soup, mashed pota toes, tomatoes and macaroni, bread and honey, coffee, sugar and milk. Supper: Beef steak sirloin, fried potatoes, corn, oleomargerine, bread, coffee, sugar and milk. Sunday, Aug. 20, 1916. Breakfast: Wheatcakes and syrup, bacon, potatoes, coffee, sugar and milk. Dinner: Roast beef, mashed pota toes, creamed carrots, sour cucumber pickles, bread- and jam, coffee, sugar and milk. Supper: Frankfurters and kraut, potatoes, pickles, apple sauce, bread and honey, coffee, sugar and milk. Monday, Aug. 21, 1916. Breakfast: French toast and syrup, bacon, potatoes, coffee, sugar and milk. Dinner: Mashed potatoes, tomatoes and macaroni, rice pudding and milk, bread and honey, coffee, sugar and milk. Supper: Sirloin beef steak, fried potatoes, stewed corn, prune and peach sauce, bread and jam, coffee, sugar and milk. MIKE. Slater-Moody. Mr. Emmett Slater and Miss Grace Moody were united in marriage at Foley Monday, and returned to Prince ton the same day. They are now keep ing house in the Hamilton residence the south end of town. The groom is wire chief of the Min nesota Rural Telephone Co., and is a deservedly popular young man. The bride, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moody of Spencer Brook, is a young lady of winning ways and she enjoys the friendship and esteem of all who know her. A large circle of friends extend felicitations. Reformer, Spare That Wafifle! Just so they don't abolish waffles. -Baltimore Sun. R. C. DUNN, Publisher. Terms, $1.00 Per Year. PRINCETON, MILLE LACS COUNTY, MINNESOTA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1916. SILVERJUBILEE Exposition of Mille Lacs County Agri- cultural Society to Open Next Wednesday. Airship Flights to Feature a Program of Exceptional MeritThe Grounds Are Ready. Officers: Andrew Bryson, R. D. Byers, C. A. Jack, Ira G. Stanley. Directors: S. S. Petterson, Robt. Clark, George Schmidt, A. P. Jorgen sen, Nels Soderquist, John P. Asp, J. J. Skahen, H. F. Mann, Carl Sholin, Henry Merbach, M. C. Thoring. Committees: Fair Grounds, Chas. Keith, A. Bryson races, Frank Smith, Fred Keith, D. A. McRae music, S. S. Petterson attractions, C. A. Jack, S. S. Petterson, Ira G. Stanley privi leges, A. Bryson, Ira G. Stanley, C. A. Jack ball games, A. G. Osterberg, I. G. Stanley. Next Wednesday the gates to the fair grounds will be opened for the Silver Jubilee exposition of the Mille Lacs county Agricultural society, and the fair will continue from then until Saturday evening. The opening day will be given over to receiving exhibits and arranging same. The premiums'offered are very liberal and the indications are that the exhibits will even surpass last year's splendid display. There is scarcely a farmer in this section, who' has not something worthy of a prize. Bring in what you have, and help make the fair a success.' Elsewhere in this issue appears a program of sports and attractions. Horse races, ball games and other con tests will entertain the multitude, while stirring music will be discoursed by the Glendorado and Bock bands. But the feature attraction will be the airship flights by Monte Rolfe, one of the leading aviators in the country, who will be at the fair on Friday and Saturday and thrill the throngs with daring dips and dives. Never before has such an attractive program been offered fair visitors. On Friday Hon. Frank B. Kellogg will deliver an address at 2 p. m. Mr. Kellogg will be the next United States senator from Minnesota, and he is one of the big men of the country. We have no doubt but what an immense throng will greet* the distinguished Minnesotan, and that he will deliver an interesting message is a foregone conclusion. The officers and committees have at tended to their duties in a commenda ble manner, and everything is in readiness for the opening day of the biggest and best exposition ever staged by the Mille Lacs County Agricultural society. If they have the co-oparation of the progressive citizens of Prince ton and vicinity the Silver Jubilee ex position will certainly be a winner. Gun Club Scores. At the regular shoot of the gun club Sunday morning Joe Mossman carried off the honors by breaking 22 out of a possible 25. Dr. McRae was second, shattering 20, and C. E. Hill third with 19. "Heinie" Plaas had easy going for the cellar position, get ting 7. Other scores follow: O. B. Randall 18 and Lloyd Mallette 15. At the shoot of a week ago a crack shot in the employ of the Peters Cor tridge Co. participated, and he came within one of hanging up a perfect score. Dr. Mallette and Joe Mossman were right after him, missing only 2. Other scores follow: Dr. McRae 21, F. H. Bartelt 19, Swan Olson 12 and W. G. Fredericks 12. Fall Selection of Potatoes Pays. It pays to select next year's pota to tubers from the field at digging time, better than to select them from the bin next spring. Here are reasons why seed selection is more easily tak en care of now than when the potatoes are in the bin. At digging time one can get a good idea as to the lype and uniformity of tubers produced under individual vines which can not be obtained "after the crop has been put in storage. Seed should be selected only from vines producing several uniform, average sized, true-to-type tubers. Such se lection can not be practiced when the seed is selected out of the bin. Tubers affected with scab, russet scab, late blight rot, black leg rot and brown ring discoloration due to wilt should be discarded. To avoid the possibility of getting tubers infected with black leg rot or brown ring dis coloration, the field should be thor oughly inspected before the vines phave dried up. Seed should not be kept from infected plants, in fact, wilted plants, together with what tubers may have been formed on them, ought to be destroyed. Plants affected with leaf roll, curly dwarf and mosaic should be destroyed and no tubers saved from them. Al though these diseases do not cause any visable injury on the tubers, the use of infected seed will reduce the yield and finally cause the potatoes to "run out." The diseases are described in detail in Minnesota Station Bulletin No. 158, which can be obtained on application to the office of publications, University Farm, St. Paul, Minn.A. G. Tolaas, University Farm, St. Paul. I. O. O. Picnic. The Odd Fellow and Rebekah picnic on the banks of the Rum in the Umbe hocker grove Sunday was a most pleasant occasion for those in atten dance. The committee on arrangements had attended to their duties in a commend able manner. Swings and hammocks were in evidence and the little folks present enjoyed these features im mensely. Stakes had been driven into the ground, also, and pitching quoits, or rather horse shoes, proved whole some and entertaining. Fred Manke and I. Mudgett claimed the champion ship in this line, although Wm. Bal dowsky and George Borchard downed them in the last game of the day. Some of those present were extremely accurate, and to win the champion ship required a display of uncanny skill. Sam Smith, O. B. Newton, M. Stacy and Carl Ness were also among the top-notchers. A tug-of-war with ten lady Rebekahs holding one end of the rope, and five Stalwart Odd Fel lows at the other end would have been interesting had it not been so one sided. The Rebekahs hauled the Odd Fellows all over the lot. The picnic dinner, which was spread upon the greensward, was indeed an appetizing repast. The Rebekahs had prepared it and there was an abund ance of substantial eatables. Com plete justice was done to the dinner by the hungry outers. The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs in variably do things up right, and the picnic was certainly a happy occasion. Library Meetings. The meeting at the armory last Thursday evening for the purpose of discussing the advisability of estab lishing a public library in Princeton was not as well attended as it might have been, but a representative gath ering of citizens was present. Miss Baldwin, state libarian, addressed the gathering and impressed those in at tendance with the benefits to be de rived from a library. Several plans were outlined and dis cussed but no action was taken. ^Miss Baldwin also addressed the Civic Betterment club Friday after noon, and favorably impressed her hearers. The indications are that in the not remote future Princeton will be blessed with a public library, and a project of this kind should be accorded the support of all good citizens. Runaway Accident. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bergeron and little son, Elvero, were painfully bruised Monday afternoon, when a team of horses hitched to a buggy, driven by Mr. Bergeron, became frightened at an automobile and a barking dog and ran away. The bug gy tipped over and all the inmates were painfully bruised, with the ex ception of Mrs. Liskey, mother of Mrs. Bergeron, who escaped unhurt. The accident took place" on the east Milaca road, about half a mile south of the Pohl farm. An Election Bet. The first election bet of the season has been made, and the principals can not hedge. Fred Murphy of Baldwin is so confident that President Wilson will be chosen to succeed himself, that he has promised I. Martin to ride him down two blocks of Main street, Princeton, in a wheel barrow in case Hughes is elected. On the other hand if President Wilson is elected Mr. Ma^in must wheel Fred down Main street. Fred is really giving odds, as Mr. Martin out-weighs him. McClellan Nominated. A few weeks ago the Union an nounced that Mr. R. F. McClellan, formerly of Princeton, was a candi date for the republican nomination for the office of supervisor in the fourth district of Los Angeles county, Cal. There were four candidates, and Mr. McClellan, who polled 5,107 votes, was second on the list and his name goes on the ballot at the November election. We sincerely hope that Fred will come in ahead on the home stretch. REGULARSWAT-FEST Princeton Ball Tossers Lose Seven- Inning Slugging Match by a 7 to 5 Count. Visitors Arrive at Five o'ClockA Home-Run Drive by Wilkes One of the Features. It was a tired lot of Princeton ball tossers that lined up against the Min neapolis post office team late Sunday afternoon, and at the end of the con test the fans were some tired also. Only seven innings were played and the final count was 7 to 5 in favor of the visitors. Play" did not commence until after 5 o'clock, as the visitors did not arrive until then. A large auto bus carried the players, and a goodly percentage of the Mill City fans to Princeton, and it was undoubtedly overloaded. At any rate blow-outs delayed the outfit three hours or more. In the meantime Pongo's pastimers had ample opportunity to warm up, and warm up they did. For two hours the boys engaged in strenuous prac tice, and then sides were chosen and a regular game started. Five innings were played before the visitors ar rived, and by this time the Princeton performers were in fine shapeto quit. Rather than disappoint the loyal fans, who had remained at the grounds three hours, Manager Olson concluded to take the visitors on, although he well knew that his men had about as much pep as a well-fed hobo. Wilkes was on the hill top for Princeton, and under the circum stances did remarkably well. He drove in four of Princeton's five runs one of his drives being a steaming home run. Skahen was at the re ceiving station and performed well. Swenson and Thonnan were in the points for the postal men, and got by in good shape. N The visitors started with a curtain of fire bombardment. Bang! Bang! Bang! Three blows and four runs Was the result. Princeton was blanked in its half, and the Minneapolis men were retired scoreless in the second. Princeton broke into the run column in the second, when Mallette walked and managed to cross the registering station before the side was retired. In the third the visitors added one to their "total, and Princeton pushed two over in this round. Umbehocker was retired, but Jesmer walked, Berg went down, and Caley walked. With two x)n Wilkes came to bat, and drove a ray of hope into the hearts of the fans by lacing out a scorching double. Of course Jesmer and Caley counted. Neither side scored in the fourth, and the visitors were also blanked in the fifth, but this stanza saw Prince ton even the count. With Berg pre ceding him on the paljhs Wilkes swung his bludgeon and caught the sphere fair and square for a smashing four cushion drive through center field. It was a clean home run, and brought the entire crowd to its feet. This end ed Princeton's scoring, and the visitors put the game on ice in the sixth by pushing one over the tabulating rub ber. Just to make certain the Min neapolis men added another in the seventh. NOTES. It was an old time slug fest, and Wilkes was the star in this line. Had the visitors arrived on time it is safe to say that a real ball game would have been played. Princeton has had the goods this season, and the boys could have had a clean record foJ" 1916, as well as not. Berg was in no condition to play, but he pluckily stayed in the game. He turned his ankle during practice, and was forced to use a crutch Mon day. Hunting Season Opens. The hunting season opened .this morning, and several nimrods from the village ventured forth in search of small game. Prairie chickens are said to be very scarce this year. A total of 65 hunting licenses had been issued at the office of the county auditor up to this morning. Shotgun reports in this county were not ex tremely numerous at the opening of the season. One of the first hunters to return this morning was W. G. Fredericks who succeeded in bagging a fine mallard duck. Here are a few things which it will be( well to remember: No wood ducks may be hunted a stationary blind is compulsory according to the law one may shoot from a boat hid den in the rushes, but artificial'hides are not permitted chasing ducks in VOLUME XL. NO. 38 a boat is forbidden, not of course barring the retrieving of killed birds only twenty-five decoys per hunter will be allowed fifteen ducks is the limit of one man's h^g the sunrise and sunset law must be strictly ob served that is no man must shoot be fore sunrise or after the setting of the sun. For the benefit of the hunt ers on the back of all licenses is printed an abridged- calendar dealing with the hours of sunrise and sunset at this time of the year. Live Stock Fair. Next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day the Milaca Holstein and Guernsey Breeders' association will stage its annual livestock fair at Milaca. On Tuesday Prof. McGuire of the university will judge the stock, and during the afternoon he will deliver a talk. Prof. M. E. Chapman of the state university will visit the fair on Wednesday and talk on poultry that evening. State Dairy and Food Com missioner J. J. Farrell will address those in attendance Wednesday after noon. Special music will feature the fair and an interesting and instructive time is assured. The Mille Lacs county fair will open next Wednesday, and a carload of live stock picked from the Milaca show will be on exhibition. Council Meets. The village council met in regular session last evening, but aside from acting on the usual grist of bills little business of importance was transact ed. Mayor Newbert presided, and all members were present with the ex ceptions of Councilmen Smith and Gottwerth. The council decided to install an automatic fire alarm system that will be connected with the telephone ex change. Firemen and all village offi cers will be connected. The hitching post question was dis cussed but no action was taken. As yet the removal of the hitching posts from Main street has not been or dered. No other business came up for consideration, and the council ad journed in regular form. Girls of Sixties Entertained. Mrs. Sophia Soule entertained the Girls of the Sixties last Thursday evening, and ten members were pres ent. It was a farewell party in honor of Mrs. Imogene Soule, mother of the hostess, who left on Sunday for Chi cago to pass the winter with her son, L. Soule, and family. A tempting din ner was served, and two piano selec tions by Mrs. Wilkes were appreciated. Officers for the ensuing year were also elected. It was an enjoyable occasion, and those present pro nounced Mrs. Soule to be a model hostess. Winsor-Krengel. Mr. Virgil C. Wmsor and Miss Olga Leona Krengel were united in mar riage Tuesday noon at the home of the bride's parents in Mankato. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Winsor of this village, and is a young man of sterling worth. Numerous friends here wish Mr. Winsor and his bride a married life of uninterrupted bliss. Mr. and Mrs. Winsor will reside at Excelsior. The Potato Market. The first carload of potatoes to leave the Princeton depot this season was shipped from here Tuesday by G. H. Gottwerth & Co. Receipts the past week have been good for this season, and prices have been up. As high as $1.22 per bush el has been paid. This morning the prices ranged from $1.00 to $1.10. 'Nuflf Said. Tommy was late at Sunday school one morning and upon arriving was asked by the minister why he was delayed. "I was going fishing, but father de cided to make*me come here instead," said Tommy. "Your father is a very' good and righteous man to do so," said the min ister. "I suppose he explained to you his reason for so doing." "Yes, sir," replied Tommy, "he said there was not enough bait for the two of us."Exchange. Lots Like That. "What's your opinion of Bommas- ter?" "Well, when I first met him he im pressed me as being a leader of men/ a 10,000-volt dynamo, a clarion-voiced czar who would brook no opposition but when I met him the second time I sized him up for a pusillanimous mouse." "Where did you meet him the first time?" i "On the telephone."Chicago News.