OCR Interpretation

The Princeton union. [volume] (Princeton, Minn.) 1876-1976, August 23, 1917, Image 5

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016758/1917-08-23/ed-1/seq-5/

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You Cannot Afford to be Without
Music in Your Hom
i Open Sundays from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M.
The Allen and McRae families have
returned from a sojourn at Green lake,
near Willmar.
The Methodist Ladies' Aid
will meet with Mrs. Alpheus
next Thursday afternoon.
Prices from $30.00 to $250.00
C. A. Jack Drug Co.
George I. Staples is the only person who is
authorized to collect money due this office. In
every case the party paying money is entitled
to and should insist upon receiving a printed
receipt R. C. DUNN, Publisher.
West Branch creamery picnic Aug
ust 25.
Mille Lacs county
12, 13, 14 and 15.
fair September
James Reed of Blackduck is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reed.
Ads the Union tell you who the
up-to-date business men are.
Miss Phyllis Nesbit of Cambridge
was a guest at the Hofflander home
the latter part of the week.
Miss Florence Slater, who visited in
St. Paul last week, returned to Prince
ton on Sunday with her parents.
Mrs. W. F. Hall of Melrose is in
Princeton on a visit to relatives. She
was formerly a resident of this village.
Cornroasted and popped, coffee,
ice cream and cake on McVicar's
lawn August 31, 5:30 to 10. Tickets,
25 cents. 35-2t
Mrs. Geo. Ross and son are
camping at Big Lake, and George
motors over there o'nights and returns
The party who took a lady's black
straw hat at the Armory last Friday
by mistake will please leave same at
Union office. 35-ltp
If you will tell me why some men's
voices sound more true than others, I
will tell you why Edison Diamond
Discs sound more true.
It is none too early to begin select
ing your small grains for exhibition
at the Mille Lacs county fairSep
tember 12, 13, 14 and 15.
Rev. Otto Strauch of Zion German
Lutheran church in Princeton town
ship, left on Saturday for Green Isle
to preach at a mission festival the fol
lowing day.
L. M. Mithun, editor of the Buffalo
Journal, with his wife and family,
were here on a visit Friday. The
Union is indebted to Mr. Mithun for a
pleasant call.
Dr. J. F. Kothman, optometrist, will
be in town on Wednesday and Thurs
day, Aug. 22 and 23. "Eys examined
and glasses fitted. Office at the Com
mercial Hotel. 27-tfc
R. M. Washburn, dairy specialist
from the university farm, St. Paul,
and W. M. Paulson of the Twin City
Separator Co., visited the Princeton
creamery on Tuesday.
The officials at the "war depart
ment" the court house have been
up to their eyes businessm fact
it was almost impossible to discern
Commissioner Doane so encumbered
was he with strings of red tape.
A prize waltz and dance will be
given at Green lake pavilion, Wya
nett, on Saturday night, August 25/
Music starts at 9 o'clock sharp by the
South Side Auditorium orchestra with
\$ accordeon. Brtmzell & Stafom. 34-2tp
can make your home
a better place to live
in. We can make
your veranda so pleasant a
place to spend your evenings
that you will have a family
party there every night. We
guarantee to do this, and we
also guarantee that your near
est neighbors will like the
music and be glad that you
own and play
"The Phonograph With a Soul"
Come to Our Store
Listen to the New Edison
Learn how different it is from
ordinary talking machines.
rugg is ts
Windfall apples
jelly. Try it.
will make good
Mille Lacs county
12, 13, 14 and 15.
fair September
Chester Cooney is home from school
to pass his summer vacation.
Miss Lena Mickelson of Redtop is a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jesmer.
For a neat job of paperhanging or
paint work call up Dan C. Mirick. Tri
State 290. 35-2tc
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Pearson are
here from Minneapolis on a visit to
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klmg and baby
left on Saturday for Grand Rapids to
spend a month's vacation.
Dr. and Mrs. Armitage leave to
morrow for a 10-days lake trip from
Duluth to Buffalo and back.
President George E. Stubbins of the
Princeton State bank, arrived here on
Tuesday for a few days' visit.
Help the Red Cross. Eat supper on
McVicar's lawn August 31. Roasted
corn, weiners, etc.5:30 to 10. Tick
ets, 25 cents. 35-2t
It is worth while to enter an exhibit
at your county fair. Show your
neighbors and the public generally
what you can do.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jorgenson and
family, and Elmer Jorgenson of Hop
kins, a nephew of Mr. Jorgenson, were
in Princeton on Sunday.
You will never know what real
pleasure sewing is until you use a
White Rotary Sewing Machine. Call
and see our stock. Ewing's Music
Store. 35-ltc
Isle is to have a new garage. A
little late in the season to put up a
building for this purpose, but then
it will be in fine working order by next
The Princeton Co-operative cream
ery is turning out an excellent grade
of butter and lots of it. On Monday
129 tubs were shipped while the
week's make aggregated 150 tubs.
Prof. M. C. Hayes and family are
here from Farmington and are occu
pying Miss M. I. King's residence.
Mr. Hayes is the gentleman engaged
as superintendent of the village
Big fall term opens September 4.
Let us help you *o a good position.
Learn bookkeeping, banking, short
hand and typewriting at St. Cloud
Business College Ask1
for catalogue.
Vath & Ahles. 35-ltc
Next Saturday you should not fail
to attend the West Branch creamery
picnic on the grounds near the school
house in district 4, Greenbush. Speak
ers on dairying will address the gath
ering and there will be a base ball
game. 4
The Company dance at the arm
ory on Friday evening was liberally
patronized and the boys wish to thank
the many people who attended. The
five-piece Crescent orchestra from St.
Paul proved to be all that was
claimedan organization of artists.
Milaca^is to have a third bank,1
M. P. Allen was here from
stone on Monday.
to be
known as the 'Security State Bsmk of
Milaca. The incorporators are Carl
Sholin, K. K. Moore, John Asp and
Chas. Hellig of Milaca, and O. L. Bye
of Long Siding. A solid structure of
pressed brick is to be erected to house
the institution.
The fall term of school will open on
Monday, September 3.
Prank Morneau and Attorney Vaaler
of Mila*ca were here on business Mon
Picnic for benefit of Red Cross at
Olof Anderson's park, Glendorado, on
"Do your bit" corn social on Mc
Vicar's lawn August 31 for benefit of
Eed Cross. 35-2t
One hundred dollars off for cash on
any piano in stock at D. R. Byers'
Jewelry Store. 33-tfc
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Skahen are so
journing at the summer home of Chas.
G. Bates at Walker.
Mrs. Mary Slater and daughter of
St. Peter were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Emmet Slater over Sunday.
Mrs. Adolph Steinbaeh was a visitor
in Mora over Sunday. Her husband is
working on a school house there.
Wahkon is considering the installa
tion of an electric light plant. There's
nothing like brightening things up.
Miss Barbara Hartman went to
Minneapolis on Wednesday morning
to spend a week with her aunt, .Mrs.
N. Nichols.
Miss Ida Rosenberger returned on
Monday from her annual vacation,
which she spent at Mason City, St.
Paul and other places.
Hunting season will soon open. You
will find the finest line of guns and
ammunition at the Mcllhargey Hard
ware and Furniture Co. 35-2tc
Mrs. Wm. Skrentny and daughter,
Mary, returned from Chicago last
Saturday evening, after spending
three and a half weeks on a vacation.
Will the young people who desire to
take the teachers' training course in
the local schools communicate with
Supt. Hayes at their earliest conven
ience? 35-ltc
Among those who attended the pa
triotic meeting on Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. Rudolph A. Lee, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur B. Church and Mr. and Mrs.
John P. Handy, all of Long Prairie.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Slater, to
gether with Mrs. Jas. Hartman, Lee
Slater and Glen Davis, drove to Min
neapolis and St. Paul in Mr. Slater's
car last week and returned on Sunday
The Tommies are consuming so
much cheese in their daily rations
that American factories are kept busy
in an attempt to supply the demand.
The latest place to talk cheese factory
is Wahkon.
Mrs. Alfred Paulson of Milo town
ship died at the Northwestern hos
pital on Sunday from abdominal trou
ble and the body was shipped to St.
Paul on Tuesday for burial. She is
survived by her husband and three
The fellow who makes night hideous
by practicing on a cornet is a greater
nuisance to a neighborhood than the
dog which howls at the moon. Such a
nuisance as the first named could and
should be suppressed by recourse to
proceedings at law.
The Mille Lacs lake country is rap
idly growing despite the fact that
there, is no direct railroad to the twin
cities. With a direct railway between
the two points the towns on the big
pond north of us would soon take on
a metropolitan appearance.
Considerable money is being ex
pended on state roads in Mille Lacs
county this year and some stretches
have been greatly improved, then
again there are other stretches in a
miserable condition. More attention
should be paid to maintenance work.
The Mille Lacs County' Breeders'
association announce that the first an
nual sale of pure bred and grade Hol
stein and Guernsey cattle will be held
at Tyler's barn, Milaca, on Sept. 1st.
Here is an opportunity for farmers to
secure cattle that will improve their
Invitations have been received by
relatives here and at Spencer Brook
to the wedding of Helen, daughter of
Mrs. Sarah A. Thompson, to Mr.
Marion F. Jackson, at Everett, Wash.,
on September 5th. Miss Thompson
has many friends in this vicinity who
will wish her well.
Here is a pretty good bit of advice
from the Milaca Times which some of
the mouthy individuals in Isanti coun
ty would do well to heed: "Better
keep quiet about your isms until after
the war. Looks as If somebody was
going to get licked and we don't want
it to be the United States."
A chance to save money on anything
in the jewelry line at D. R. Byers'.
James Mee of St. Paul is here on a
short visit to his son, Corporal Jim
Miss Ruth Halliday of St. Cloud has
been visiting a week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reed.
Just received, a new assortment of
Blue Ambrola records for Edison
phonographs. C. A. Jack Drug Co.
Dr. Springer, the optometrist, is
rapidly increasing his practice in
Princeton and he is well deserving of
his clientele.
Mrs. M. A. Neumann of Minneap
olis, who was here on a visit to Mr.
and Mrs. Nels Olson, returned to her
home on Monday.
We have a big stock of loaded shells
at the right price. It would pay you
to buy from us. Mcllhargey Hard
ware & Furniture Co. 35-ltc
H. W. Thiel, organizer for the Yeo
men lodge, was a guest at the River
side hotel over Sunday, returning to
Minneapolis on Monday.
Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
H. W. Prescott of Spencer Brook, was
married to Mr. H. LeRoy Shearer in
St. Paul on the 11th inst.
We can supply Edison Ambrolas for
$30.00, $50.00 and $75.00. Let us show
them to you and explain our terms of
sale. C. A. Jack Drug Co. 35-ltc
Mrs. Harry Hill (nee Lila Bullis) of
Omaha, Neb., is here visiting her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Whitney, and other relatives.
The New Home sewing machine is
one of the very best vibrator sewing
machines made today. Prices and
terms reasonable. Ewing's Music
Store. 35-ltc
Gust Hofflander returned last even
ing from a trip to Galesburg, Chicago
and Waukegan. He says that in the
section through which he traveled
crops are two weeks behind those in
It is hoped that the Sherburne coun
ty commissioners will expedite matters
and improve the Zimmerman-Prince
ton road this fell. It is light soil and
work can be continued until late in the
fall, and there is no reason why the
work should not be eompleted by the
first of November.
Right to the point is this ironical
paragraph from the Milaca Times:
"Possibly some young men could put
in a claim for exemption from military
service on the ground that they have
been supported so long by their par
ents that they fear they cannot stand
the shock of supporting themselves."
One of the boys of Company Ga
boy with a punchnoticed a fel
low on the street Sunday night wear
ing an I. W. W. badge. Nothing was
said by the Eveletth boy, but he
jumped upon the I. W. W., tore his
badge from his coat and took particu
lar pains to see that he left town in
st anter. Today this member of the
I. W. W. is doubtless suffering from
the effects of a well-placed kick.
Additional local on page 8.
The New Goats shown BOW by
A. E. Allen & Co.
TJTAVE your new Autumn Suit made
expressly for Youand YOU alone
from the style and woolen of your own
selectionand tailored by
Ed. Price & Co.
Just tell us when you want the finished
clothes delivered and well arrange it to
suit your own personal convenience.
Orton & Kaliher
The Home of Good Clothes. Princeton
Crystal Theatre
Program beginning!Sunday, August 26
-"The Phantom's Secret," a 5-reel Butterfly feature starring
Mignon Anderson, 1 reel weekly:
Moral Code,*' An Art Drama in 5 reels starring
Anna Nilsson.
TUESDAY "Polly Redhead,}' a 5-act Bluebird feature starring Ella
Hall, supported by a company of Bluebird's Cleverest
Screen Players.
WEDNESDAY"The Cave Man," A Greater Vitagraph feature
reels starring Robert Edeson with an all star cast.
THURSDAY5 reels of mixed program.
FRIDAY"Britton of the Seventh" starring Eleanor Woodruff
reels of Greater Vitagraph.
SATURDAY5 reels of mixed program.
Come in
and get
while our
assortment is new and
let us
show you
Whitney Lumber Yard
Princeton, Minn.
If you are physically unable to work you
are a detriment to your country.
Be Patriotic-Get Well-so
you can help in the needs of your country.
When one fails in the physical ex-
amination they are not doing their part
if they do not look to the cause of their
physical inability.
Chiropractic Adjustments will de-
stroy the cause of ill health, so that all
may helpif it be in the field, the
home, or on the battle front.
Princeton's Chiropractor
Over First National Bank Phones:
in 5
in 5

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