MM/\fWM/\t/M/Sl/M/M/vi/M/M/\l/vl/M/vl/ CHURCH NOTES St. Edward's. Saturday, 2:00 p. m.Religious in structions for the children. Sunday, May 28: 9:00 a. m.Services in Greenbush. 10:30 a. m.High mass, sermon, and benediction in Princeton. (Rev.) Chas. A. Mayer. Methodist. 10 a. m.Sunday school. 11 a. m.A memorial service will be held in the Methodist church at this hour, to which have been invited the veterans of the civil, Spanish-Ameri can and world wars. The pastor and members of the Congregational church have kindly consented to worship with us. Special music by orchestra and choir. There will be no evening service as we will unite with the Congregational church for the baccalaureate service at the school house. Thursday, 7:30Prayer service. S. Amsworth Lumb, D. D., Pastor. Swedish Lutheran. In Princeton, Sunday school at 10 a. morning service in Swedish at 11 a. m. bible studies, 10th chapter of Acts, at 8 p. m. In Greenbush, Sunday school at 2 p. m. English services at 3 p. m. The Ladies' Aid of Princeton meets on Thursday afternoon, June 1, with Mrs. John Hetrick. The Luther league of Greenbush meets on Friday evening, June 2, at the home of Mrs. Arvid Lind. Karmel Mission. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 8 p. m. Young people's meeting next Wed nesday at 8 p. m. Do not forget that Evangelist A. B. Ost will begin a week's meetings on Monday, June 5, at 8 p. m. A. W. Franklin, Pastor. Episcopal. Divine service will be held in the Caley hall on the first Tuesday of earn month at 8 p. m. Rev T. J. E. Wilson, Hinckley. Christian Science. Jh-i&tian Science Society of Prince -on, armoiy, Sunday at 10:45 a. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Bible lesson subject, "Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Alias Mesmer ism and Hypnotism, Denounced." cordial invitation extended to all. REV. A. B. OST. Rev. A. B. Ost, the Young People's evangelist of the Northwest Mission association, will hold a week's ser vices at the Karmel Swedish Mission church from June 5 to 11. Services every evening at 8 o'clock and three times on Sunday. The American language will be used on Tuesday and Thursday nights, also Sunday afternoon. All are welcome to hear the good gospel and listen to this eloquent and popular speaker. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Next Saturday is Memorial day. Let the veterans of the civil and other warsboth the dead and the living bo accorded the honors of which they ars deserving. Mrs. Elmer Hatch died suddenly on Sunday morning from heart failure. She leaves a husband and two children. Interment was at Oak Knoll Tuesday afternoon Land vrlues in Mille Lacs county are advancing and it will not be long before many settlers will locate here. The summer training school for teachers will open Princctan on July 13. State Auditor Dunn came up from the capitol on Tuesday to inspect the work on the Union building. The large amount of building which is being done Princeton this year keeps the carpenters and masons on the jump. The muddy spots in the streets are receiving the attention of the street commissioner and will soon be in fine shape Saturday was a busy day for the merchants despite the rain. An im mense quantity of farm produce was brought in for shipment. The lecent rains have been very beneficial to the crops. One peculiar ity of the season, however, is the fact that after each storm comes a season of low temperature. A class of 11 will graduate from the Princeton high school this year. The school is rapidly growing and has achieved success. We have had several heavy frosts during the past week. I FREER Dan Anderson spent a few-days last week visiting in ^Jorth Branch and Minneapolis. Miss Alice Johnson returned Satur day evening from Minneapolis, where she has been taking treatments at Dr. Olson's hospital. Mrs. John Anderson, Victor Reinard and Charley Axtel of Minneapolis spent Sunday at Reinard's. A large number from the West Branch church attended the meetings of the annual conference of the Milaca circuit of the Y. P. L. L. at Glendo rado last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson spent Sunday evening at Anthus Lind's. Mr. Hammargren, the county agent, was around on Monday weighing pigs entered in the boys' and girls' pig contest. Albert Harolson spent Sunday at Hartman's. Charlie Stark of St. Cloud made a short visit to his son, Gust Stark, the first of this week. Miss Elvina Hartman spent the week end with friends at Mille Lacs lake. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Christopherson and daughter, Edna, spent Sunday at Bender's in Baldwin. District 35, where Miss Stark is teacher, closed on Friday with a pic nic in which old and young partici pated. There were races in the after noon and a ball game between dis tricts 4 and 35. Miss Florence Stark spent Monday night and Tuesday at Markgraff's in Brickton. Inspired by the remarkable success which fishermen had met with the week before, three auto parties spent Saturday and Sunday at Mille Lacs lake. However, it was a disappointed hunch that returned Sunday night, for only a few fish were caught. Mrs. Ben Hartman, Miss Edna Christopherson, Florence Stark and Hildegard Erstad assisted in the con cert given at the Glendorado church Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Erstad entertained last Wednesday, it being the 17th of May, the Norwegian independence day. Among? those present were Mr. and Mrs. Nels Ege, Mrs. Torkel Johnson and son, Thorston, and Mr. and Mrs. George Hanson and children of Glen dorado. The Swedish Ladies' Aid society met with Mrs. Alfred Anderson last Thursday. The West Branch Ladies' Aid socie ty meets with Mrs. Albert Christian son next Wednesday, May 31. BLUE HILL Selma Strom went to Maple Plain last week to visit her aunt, Mrs. Yakal. Sunday school at the M. E. church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Miss Mabel Belair is keeping house for Leo and John Belair during the spring work. Oliver Craft is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Craft. Mr. Craft is employed in the Russell-Miller flour mills in Minneapolis. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, Saturday, May 20, a boy. English services at Our Savior's Ev. Lutheran church, Santiago, next Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor of Big Lake spent Sunday at Clarence Tay lor's. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Strom are the proud parents of a baby girl, born on May 21. Mr. and Mrs. Gfrerer and son and Miss Vertin of Princeton, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lipp and daughter of Long Siding were guests at J. L. Payette's Sunday. A. A. Hunter surprised his friends last Monday by driving up a Chevro let car which he purchased in Minne apolis. Let us hope that the cemetery board awakens this year after its long Rip Van Winkle sleep and seeming inac tion. Surely if Mr. Galbraith could view the cemetery now he would not feel gratified over the appearance of the fine location which he donated. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swearinger and Mrs. Marriage autoed up from Big Lake Sunday to visit at the Wm. Swearinger home Preaching service in the M. E. church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Grover Taylor of Perley spent Thursday afternoon with his brother, Clarence Taylor. He returned by way of Big Lake, where he visited his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor. The farm bureau meeting at the town hall on Wednesday evening was fairly well attended. Mr. Gillespie of the state penitentiary gave an in teresting and instructive talk about the twine and farm machinery manu factured by the inmates of the prison. Notice for Bids for Roadwork. The town boards of Bogus Brook and Dalbo will meet at the town line between section 36 in the town of Bo gus Brook and section 31 in the town of Dalbo on Thursday, June 1, 1922, at 1 o"clock for the purpose of receiv ing bids for the clearing, ditching and grading of one mile of road, part of which is on the town line, part in Bogus Brook and part in Dalbo. The board will reserve the right to reject any or all bids. A. J. Franzen, Town Clerk, Milaca, Route 4. Bids Wanted. Sealed bids are requested by the board of supervisors of the town of Blue Hill for laying 30 rods of 8-inch tile in an old ditch near Frank Spiech all's also two retaining walls. Bids must be received on or before June 1, when the board meets at Frank Speichall's at 2 p. m. The board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. M. B. Mattson, Clerk. 20-3c POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. All announcements under this head are paid for. unless otherwise stated, by the person whose name is affixed to the announcement at the Tegular transient rate of 15 cents per line of each insertion. Grace A. Dunn, whose postoffice address is Princeton, Minn., is the sole owner of this newspaper. GRACE A. DUNN. Publisher. For State Senator. To the Voters of the 55th Legislative District, Comprised of Kanabes, Mille Lacs and Sherburne Coun ties: You, the voters of my district, elect ed me as one of your representatives to the 1919 legislature and upon my record at the regular and special ses sions of that year, in working and vot ing for every progressive measure and laws passed, many of which I was au thor, did I seek re-election in the cam paign of 1920. At this election you indorsed my legislative work as indi cated by my being Te-elected to a second term, which indorsement prompts me to believe that my work has been in harmony with the wishes of the majority of the voters and the people of my district. Naturally I have an ambition to continue the legis lative work in behalf of progressive legislation which I have undertaken, which I believe to be beneficial to agriculture and for the good of the greatest number of people, and in view of the fact that our present senator, Honorable Richard Hamer, has de clared himself not a candidate for re election, I have been prompted by urgent requests throughout the dis trict to file for state senator. I great ly appreciate the confidence and hon or which you, the voters, heve hereto fore reposed in me and I will sincerely appreciate your further support for the nomination to the office which I seek at the coming primaiy, believing as I do that a man aspiring to public office should stand or fall politically because of his record of past perform ances, and upon my prst record, as your public servant, do I respectfully submit my candidacy for your con sideration. The knowledge and ex perience, together with the acquain tance of legislative matters, which I have acquired during the two^ terms which I have served as your represen tative, will, in the greatest measure aid me in drafting, supporting and passing such progressive laws as I believe to be for the best interest of the people of my district and the state, and especially such laws as I believe will in any degree make conditions and facilities of marketing of all farm products more equitable and beneficial both to the producer as well as the consumer, in all of which I im sincere ly interested. If nominated and elect ed, I again pledge myself to cive to the people of mv district intelligent and faithful service while represent ing you as your servant in the state senate. In conclusion permit me to say that vour confidence herctoforp renospd in me shall never be betraved. and the will of the people and their mandate I will never disobey. Yours Sincerely. Charles F. Serline. For State Senate. Having filed for the state senate from the fiftv-fifth legislative district, comprising Kanabec. Mille Lacs and Sherburne counties. I solicit your sup port at the primaries June i9. I be long to no nolitical clique or group movement. If elected, I shall he free to represent all the people and to champion truly progressive legisla tion. 21-tfc Hans J. Yngve. For Representative. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the house of representatives in the fifty-fifth legislative district of Minnesota. I have been a resident of Minnesota LOST AND FOUND. LOSTHeadlight rim for Liberty car. Finder please notify the Isle hospital. 22-lc FOR RENT FOR RENTThree good upstairs rooms, screened front porch, good well water, etc. Only quiet and re spectable people allowed. T. E. Carl berg, Princeton. 21-2p FOR SALE. FOR SALEEggs from purebred single comb Rhode Island Reds. 50 cents per dozen or $4 per hundred. Mrs. L. R. Newton, telephone 39F110, Princeton. 18-tfc FOR SALEOne heater, burns wood or coal dining table and six chairs, set of trap drums and some wood. Mrs. L. Stumm, Princeton tel ephone 330. 21-2p A Good Word for the Lazy Man. Perhaps the world has not given the lazy man the credit he deserves for the progress that has been made toward the ideal life. When the lazy man is considered dispassionately, it is seen that some important inventions are the result of his disinclination to work. For example, there is the riding cul. tivator, which is said to be the product of the ingenuity of a man who was sure that his legs were never intended to drag after a hand implement. Not only does the farmer ride in cultivat ing now, but he gets much more culti vating done. There is not much to be said for the man who refuses to do any work at all, but the man who is just lazy enough to do his work in the easiest way has been able to hit upon many ideas that have added to the sum total of human efficiency. Many devices that have contributed largely to production may be traced to the desire of some individual to save himself from unnecessary physi cal effort. Many an inventor who has a reputation for industry may have had only a commendable kind of lazi ness.Sheridan (Wyo.) Enterprise. ^v-% V4*\ ^^pjeilte/i^^Wk^ii^^^^ THE PRINCETON UNION: THURSDAY, MAT 25, 1922. twenty-two years, have lived on, and operated the same farm for twelve years have built up the largest4 RUSSIFIED ADVERTISING Notices under this head will be inserted at one cent per word. No ad will be published in this column for less than 25 cents. herd of pure-bred Holstein-Friesian cattle in the county. I have been for eight years secretary of the Kanabec County Holstein-Friesian association I have been president of the Kanabec County Fair association for over two years am president of the Kanabec County Livestock Breeders' association am president of the Farmers' Co-opera tive Potato and Produce Shipping as sociation served on Kanabec County Farm Bureau association as president for two years, and am now on its board of directors and executive com mittee am serving the sixth year as director of the Farmers' Co-operative Creamery association was elected a member of the town board at the last election. I have had a wide experi ence as a public speaker. I have served one term as a house employe and am familiar with legislative pro cedure. These positions which I hold, and the experience which I have had, I regard as the measure of my fitness to serve all the people of the district in an acceptable manner. I therefore respectfully solicit your favorable consideration at the primaries on June 19. 22-tfc W. J. Brown. For Representative. To the Voters of the Fifty-fifth Dis trict: I hereby make announcement that I am a candidate for representa tive from this district for the state legislature and shall appreciate any support you may be able to give me. If nominated and elected I promise to put forth my best efforts to further such legislation as my constituents may desire. Charles A. Gish, Onamia, Minn. For Representative. Having filed for representative from the fifty-fifth legislative district, com prising Kanabec, Mille Lacs and Sherburne counties, I solicit your sup port at the primaries June 19. I be long to no political clique or group movement. If elected, I shall be free to represent all the people and to champion truly progressive legisla tion. 22-4c Anton Melgaard. For County Attorney. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county attorney of Mille Lacs county and promise that, if elect ed, I will faithfully fulfill the duties required of me. A. D. Smith, Isle, Minn. For County Attorney. I wish to announce that I have filed for the office of County Attorney for Mille Lacs county. In the event of my ultimate election I agree faithfully to discharge the duties of that office for the unbiased interest of Mille Lacs county and the general public. Upon this basis I respectfully solicit your support. Evan H. Peterson. Announcement. To the Voters of Mille Lacs County. Ladies and Gentlemen: I am a candidate for the office of County Attorney and hereby take the liberty of asking your support at the polls. If I am correctly informed, as I believe I am, a great number of voters want me to make the run and take the office. I fully appreciate this encouragement. I believe in the Cleveland maxim, that "A public office is a public trust," so if I am elected county attorney, I shall be under obli gations to render as efficient service as I am able to give. Respectfullv yours, 18-tfc Rolleff Vaaler. FOR SALERedtop hay. Gust Thoma telephone 12F31. 22-lp FOR SALEStrawberry and rasp berry plants all leading June varie ties of strawberry plants at $1 per hundred, raspberry shoots from $4 to $5 per hundred. Lee Miller, on former Herman Lowell place, Princeton, Minn., telephone 40F2. 20-3c FOR SALE1 Columbus wagon nearly new 1 LaCrosse 16-in. sulky plow, good shape 1 Osborne disc, complete with truck and pole 1 5 h. p. Stickney gas engine. Odegard's Ga rage. 20-tfc FOR SALEPoland China pigs, about six weeks old, both sexes, pedi gree furnished with each sale also one pedigreed, Shorthorn bull calf, 4 months old. S. E. Hoff, R. 4, Foley, Minn. 21-tfc MISCELLANEOUS. WANTEDCattle or horses to pas ture. J. E. Cook, August Olson farm, 2V2 miles southeast of Princeton. Ip An Even Break. "Women are disappointing as jur- ors," says a judge in this state. And so, we blush to admit, aTe men. 'Noth er proof of sex equality.Crookston Times. Canada Prohibits Oleo Sales. A death blow to the oleomargarine industry in Canada has been struck by the Canadian government. On and af ter March 1 of next year, manufacture and sale of this product will be for bidden, according to a statement of the United States department of com merce. Canada has always been very strict in regard to oleomargarine, but during the war the government sus pended its regulations in order to enable dairy products to move in greater quantities overseas. The sus pension regulations expire March 1, 1923, and the official announcement by the government is to the effect that they will not be renewed. Leaders of dairy interests seeking prohibitory legislation against the filled-milk traf fic point to this action of the Canadian government as being a good precedent to warrant the passage of the Voigt bill, H. R. 8086,The Farmer, ^t'-S^S1 fe^-l &&&&% $$5&&VL*i Of Course. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound, of curiosity. (First Pub. May ll-6t) Notice of Special County Election to the Le*al Voters of Mille Lacs County, Minnesota. Notice is hereby given that a special elec tion will be held in ,the several election dis tricts in and for Mille Lacs county, Minnesota, at the legal polling places in each election district, on Monday, the 19th day of June, 1922, for the purpose of submitting to the voters of Mille Lacs county, the following stated question: "Shall the bonds of Mille Lacs county. Min nesota, to the amount of one hundred fifty thousand dollars be issued and sold according to the provisions of the laws of the state of Minnesota thereunto enabling for the purpose of the erection and furnishing of a court house in said county?" Said election is ordered pursuant to resolu tions passed by th countyeboard ?S?ty' M, i -1 920 of Mille Lacs Mmnesotae on th 2n day of May 1922, and on file in the office of the county auditor of said county. The polls in all districts will be open at 9 clock the forenoon of said day, and wil remain open throughout thteh day until 9 o'clock in the afternoon ..The P.lIinS several electionl Places districts in said county will be found in the posted notices in the respective districts In witness whereof, I have hereunto sub scribed my name and affixed my official seal this 2nd day of May, 1922. WALTER PELTIER, County Auditor of Mille Lacs Coun Seal. ty, Minnesota. (First Pub. May ll-6t) Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale. Default having been made in the payment of the sum of $15,651.78, claimed to be due and which is due at the date of this notice, a mortage executed by Gerrit P-. Postma Martme his wife, martgagorsJanuot, a i" A* (First Pub. May 18-2t) Notice of Hearing on Petition for Formation of New School District. A petition has been filed with the countv board of the county of Mille Lacs, signed and aeknowldesed by a majority of the freehold^ who reside in the proposed new li/trict S in described, and who are entitled to vote at school meet,ngs in their respective dktncts and duly verified by the affidavlt of oneCh f the residents of saide proposedt new district praying for th of a TewSectlonstl SSS toUUiffe th S hal? 28 29 3? 97. *u lllJU97. County^nn.^ 1 recorded inbookendanupo th a .Tnorrmg 1920,mortgagee, an UI ^L CPostma:, Minnesota Januar cloc 20t Av A "5* St?*l6n office oLf the register of deeds of the county of as mortgages on page 164, on the follow ing described premises lying and being in said it v,^? ^"nty. Minnesota, to-wit:d%The south half of quarter (s of $L SeCtlJithetwsoutheaste n%9H ,w-* i jty-nin (29) an the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter (ne% rfneH of section thirty-two (32), town ship thirty-seven (37), range' twenty-sixat(26)ee Notice is hereby givenf that said mortgag will be foreclosed bfy a sale of the said premises thereins described, which sale will ^S* 8a hous county th erif hy front door of the high schoolb nowr as ^i fo casha idde incluX an the villag Mtwo on thh 23rde dayaof Junet. dockeeeinoIthwMilacuserdgtewid afternoon, a a a 5 OW-eJd to %t Pay said debt and interest thereon, an toSE a 8e Provideed inProvidemortgaged said ment S by la^ sal ?,,i?^?V eS a subjectLt0om at any time within O /redemption at sai yC Dated May 10th. A. D. 1922. MAURICE C. THORRING. E. L. McMILLAN, Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortgagee, Princeton, Minnesota. schoo -ein aIte 8 sthwes an the wes organization ?L ha J5: 3in',J,2nf',^4f'ectionndtownshisaid 3 S ti0 34 40n, range 27al hal 22P Sec towship and north 32 33 wes the county i oo cunty a east quarter of section 3. township 39, range 11' Lac lLl board have appointed a time and place tori hearing upon said petition as by law required* Now therefore, notice is hereby given, that a hearing upon said petition will be had at a meeting of the said board, commencing on the 6th day of June. A. D. 1922. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon'of said day. at the offfce of the county auditor in the village of Mifaca in mZ L%M&2?' Minnesota this 2nidl day of MI ar By WALTER PELTIER County Auditor and Ex-officio Clerk (Seal.) Board The makers of U. S.Tires always intended the 30 3V2 USCO to bethe high est value in its field. At $10.90itcreates a new classification of money's worth. United StatesTires are Good Tires Copyright 1922 U.S.Tire Co. Where Notice. The Farmers' Shipping association ,will ship livestock on June 5. Please list your stock as soon as pos sible. We have now taken a share in the Central Co-operative Commission Co. and have cut our shipping rate to th following prices: Hogs, per cwt 51 cents. Cattle, per cwt 48 cents. Veal, per cwt 70 cents. Farmers' Co-opera ive Co., Max Gam^adt, Mana&er. Phone 175, or residence 144. 9tfc (First Pub. May 18-2t) Notice of Hearing on Petition for Formation of New School District. A petition has been filed with the county board of the county of Mille Lacs with the approval of the county superintendent of schools of said county endorsed thereon, ex cept that the board uses discretion in dividing territory so as to allow each district valuation on the basis of the number of schools main tained in each, signed and acknowledged by majority of the freeholders who reside in the proposed new district herein described, and who are entitled to vote at school meet ings in their respective districts, and duly verified by the affidavit of one of the residents of said proposed new district, praying for the organization of a new school district out of the territory hereinafter described, to-wit: All of section twenty-two (22), except the south half of the southwest quarter (s% of sw%) thereof all of sections twenty-three (23), twenty-four (24), twenty-five (25), twen ty-six (26), thirty-five (35), and thirty-six (36) the east fourth (e%) of section twenty seven (27) and the east fourth (e%) of sec tion thirty-four (34), in the township of Bogus Brook, county of Mille Lacs, state of Minnesota, and the said county board have ap pointed a time and place for a hearing upon said petition as by law required Now therefore, notice is hereby given, that a hearing upon said petition will be had at a meeting of said board, commencing on the 6th day of June, A. D. 1922. at 2 o'clock in the afternon of said day. at the office of the county auditor in the village of Milaca, in said county, at which time and place the said county board will hear arguments of all persons interested, for or against the pro posed organization of said new school district. Dated at Milaca, Minnesota, this 2nd day of May, A. D. 1922. By order of the county board of Mille Lacs County, Minn. By WALTER PELTIER, County Auditor and Ex-Officio Clerk of Board. (Seal.) A private institution which combines all the advantages of a perfectly equipped hospital with the quiet and comfort of a refined and elegant home. Modern in every resDect. No insane, contagious or other objec- tionable cases received. New, quiet maternity rooms. Rates are as low as the most efficient treatment and the best trained nursing will permit. No War Ta* Effective May 8, 1922, the Excise Tax on United States Tires for passenger cars, both casings and tubes is absorbed by the makers and is not added toJhe selling price. United States Rubber Company T^Ti^TiTm^^^^^i^^ni^^^^^^^ii^i^i^^^ Fo Te Dollar andNinety Cents-This30x3'AUsco HE 30x3^ tire situation today is just this The man who buys an USCO at $10.90 is justi fied in believing that his money is going farther in tire value than it ever has gone or could go before. Naturally he appreciates the qual ity of USCO. That was established long ago* It is still fresh in his mind that USCO led the national market into the $10.90 price range. United States Tires United States 0 Rubber Company Fifty three Factories Rubber Organization in the World you can buy U.S.Tires: H. C. COONEY, M. D., Medical Director FRANCES S. COONEY, Supt. MISS FRANCES VERTIN, R. N., Supt. of Nurses. Two hundred and thirtj-fire Brandies Odegard's Garage Flowers Sales Go. Woodward Brook Mere. Co. Princeton, Minn. ji- i* i\ ^-*r F* -1 PAGE THREB (First Pub. May 18-2t) Bank No. 1122. Amendment to Certificate of Incorporation off the State Bank of Pease, Pease, Minn. At a meeting of the stockholders of the above named bank, held at the banking house on the 26th day of April, A. D. 1922. the following resolution was offered and adopted by a ma jority vote of its capital stock: Resolved, that section one of the ceritficate of incorporation of this bank be amended to read as follows: Section One. The amount of the capital stock of this corporation shall be twenty thousand ($20,000.00) dollars, fully paid in, in cash, divided into 200 shares, of the value of $100.00 dollars each. We hereby certify that the foregoing reso lution was duly adopted by a majority vote of the capital stock, at a meeting duly called for that purpose and held at the banking house in Pease. Minn., on the 26th day ef April, A. D. 1922. JOHN M. HAVEN, President. J. TOUSSAINT, Cashier. (Corporate Seal.) i State of Minnesota, County of Mille LacsSS. On this 2nd day of May. 1922. before me appeared John M. Haven and J. Toussaint, to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn did 6ay that they are respectively the president and cashier of the State Bank of Pease, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said cor poration, that said instrument was executed by them as their free act and deed. HARRY TOUSSAINT, Notary Public, Mille Lacs Co., Minn. My commission expires Aug. 6th, 1927. (Notarial Seal.) State of Minnesota, Office of Superintendent of Banks. St. Paul, Minn., May 8th, 1922 This is to certify that the action of the stockholders of the State Bank of Pease, Pease, Minnesota, in adopting the foregoing amendment to the certificate of incorporation, has been approved by me. R. B. RATHBUN, Superintendent of Banks. By G. H. SrVWRIGHT, (Seal.) Deputy Superintendent. 65919 State of Minnesota, Department of State. I hereby certify that the within instrument was filed for record in this office on the 8th day of May, A. D. 1922, at 5 o'clock p. m., and was duly recorded in Book of State Bank Records, on page 117. MIKE HOLM, Secretary of State. Office of Register of Deeds, County of Mille Lacs, Minn. I hereby certify that the within instrument was filed in this office for record on the llth day of May, A. D. 1922, at 9 o'clock a. m.t and was duly recorded in Book of Incorpora tions, page 45 A. G. OSTERBERG. Register of Deeds. By HELEN ERICKSON, Deputy. 3ox3% USCO *102? cnargect ~*l .w, ,JSAAB IS -.EV -ffl :^A 2