Newspaper Page Text
KMi anfe. te'UUi S.«wi*«..Sm. Dealers in Crockery. Cbm, Glass Ware, 80* hr Lumps. BritouVr. Wri*. Tfc&cttt. and Pto visions. (,’■ . O'- ■■cAm^RTV>6:; , '*' , ! ' ; SMBSTWaj***^ s^ tefww 4; I* w fo» M- ! ’ ~ Y AND u(l No.’ 1, Empire Block, St Paul, Min. Ter., Deal er* in Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, Agrirnl turn! linpbqnehti, MeeH-.nieV Tools, Sadtory and Plated Ware, House Furniture and Fur nishing Goads: A large assortment constantly on hand, , .. , , iIAAC MARKLKT. f tf SIMON KERN. CHARLES S- MAYO* CO., [Snccassors-to F. S. Niwf.u, ) Wholesale and Ishil Dealers in Hardware and Cutlery, Manufacturer* of and Dealers in Stoves and Tin Ware, Third Street, St Paul, Min. Ter. c. e. , CITY CASH FURNISHING BTORE. and Coowkt, Merchant Tnilors, v Wholesale an I Retail Dealers and Manufac turer* of Ready-Made Clothing, and Gentle men’s Furnishing Goods, Boy’s nod Childrens. i Clothing in great variety, Roberta Street, St. Paul, M. T* St. Paul, April. ytf G. G. GRISWOLD. staler in Ready-MadACl> thing, Hats, Cap* and Crent’e.Furnishing Goods, Wholesale and Re tail, (fmtnbert’s Brick Building, under Minne sotinn Office,) Third Street, St. Paul. St. Paul, April. ytf DESIRE MICHAUD, (Successor to Aden Ret.) Wholesale and Re tail Dealer in Groceries, Wines, l.iqnors. Pre served Fruits, Spices, Produce, Etc., Robert Street, near Third Street, St Paul, Minnesota. ICT* The highest price paid for country Pro duce. St. Paul, April, ytf Daguerrean Artist, Corner of Third and Cedar Streets, Saint Paul. M T. Miniatures taken iu every style of the art. Also, Landscape Views—everything appearing as in nature, except the colors. Saint Paul, April, _ ytf MARTIN DREW, Manufacturer of all kinds and qualities of Sad dles, Harness, Collars, Trunks, Valises,Whip?*, Fly Nets, etc., etc. Also Carriage Trimming. All kinds of repairing in hi* line, done in the shortest possible time. Third Street, between Minnesota and Roberts, St. Paul, Minnesota Territory. Saint Paul, M. T., April. ytf I. t RICE. HOLLINSHE\D AND BECKER, Attorneys at Law, General Agents, and Dealers in Exchange, St. Paul, M. T. Collections made with promptness, and on moderate terms; Drafts on New York and all parts of Europe, for sale at current rates of exchange. Real Estate bought and **o!d. Taxes paid, and nil the Insines* of a General Agency attended to with fidelity and despatch. E.RICE, W*. HoUIKSHFAD, G.L. BECKER Saint Pnnl, M. T.. April, 1855 ytf Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Boots, Shoes. Hats and Caps, Rubber Goods, etc., next door to Whitney’s Dagurrean Gallery, Third St , above Cedar, St. Paul. Minnesota. ytf HAWKE AND DUNN, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Notaries Public Co iveyaneers, &c., St. Paul, Minnesota Territory, Office in Empire Block. N. E. TYSON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grcerv, Provision and Liquor Merchants, Roberts Street, between Third and Fourth; St. Paul, Min. ytf W. P. MURRY, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Saint Paul, Minnesota. St. Pant, April, ALEXANDER REY, Wholesale Grocer, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, turner Levee, St. Paul, Minnesota. Saint Paul, M. T., April, ytf PALMER AND HAYWORD, Attorneys at Law, Empire Block, St. Pant, M. T. Edward C. Palmer, Commissioner Tor Vermont. WiLLBtTR M. Hav-word, Notary Public. St. Paul, M. T., April, 1855. vtf STEES AND HUNT, and Dealers in all kinds of Furni ture,eoraer of 3rd and Minnesota Streets, St. Paul. lytf WILKINSON, BABCOCK AND BRISBIN, had Counsellors at Law, Saint Paul, Minesota Territory. Ilirtßiacti: —Gov. W. A. Gorman, Saint Paul; Ex-Gov. Ramsey, St Paul ; Hon, J. Willard, Sar. Sp , N. Y ; Hon H. H. Sibley, Mendota ; John C. Gairnes, NY.; Ingersoll and Bro ,N.Y. ; D Cady, Johnston,_N. Y ; Daniel Lord, Esq. ytf re MINNESOTA LAND AGENCY. s. P. Folsm awd Co., General Land Agents, gt. paal. Minnesota. Office on 3d street, in the Minnesotan Building. Property bought and •old, land* entered, money loaned, and invest meots made throughout the Territory, y * L; C. KENPrtt; Peeler in Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Staffs, Chemicals, Perfumery, eet., at the Bazar Drug store, Winslow House, St- Paul, Minnesota Territory. * ytf r «fT. ANTHONY CARDS. . E. B. NASH—Dealer in Stores, Tin Ware, Neds* Glass, Mechanic#' Tools, etc., etc., oppo site tbs Mississippi Wire Suspeosios Bridge, St. Anthony- EDGAR NASH—Dealer in Stores, tin-ware, cut lery, builders’ Hardware, etc,, on Main street, in tl»e old Pent Office, St. Anthony, Minnesota. 0. M,.TRACY—Attorney and Councillor at Law# and Notary Public. Office on Main Street, oppo site die Tatis, - JAMES HOLMES—Drj|Goad*, Grocery and Pro vision Merchant, Wilson’s Block, Upper Town, St.Anthony,, ■ .. ..• 0. L, VAWTER—DeaIer in Drtnrs, Medicines, paints, Oil, Dye-stuffs, etc., etc., Wilson’s Block, Upper Town, St. Anthony Falls, Minnesota. Dealer in Dry Goods, Grocerir* nod PrevWtMM, Hardware, etc., opposite the Fells, 01. Anthony. n. E MOULTON—Dry Omita, Grocery and Pro •; »«*» wftS* J. E. WHITNEY, O. S. LOCKE, S undersigned through the Post Office, or other*- wise* till 10 o'clock* A.'lC.op the 14th day of Mm the POINTDOUGLAS AND FORT RIPLEY - E«B W* fcftp may be required MftM.ife ft* tret*, wh, Utc., > *hif width. . t. A ceptre strip of such width as may he requir ed, to lie thoroughly grubbed ,*«<! cleared ; the Mies to he filled up, ahd the knolls leveled off. 3. The roadway, in places requiring if, *tohe em banked to such height as may be ordered. aud to* be To feet wide on 1 top. In places where ordered, these embankments to have a foundation of fogs laid close together, and extending 18 feet across the road. -4, Resides the side ditches, there will he leading* toflrdWhre tafhArever necessary. 5. The hills to lie reduced to such a grade as may be required. , * f , . . ft. Bridges to be made wherever required, and ihuaawf small spans to bo eoustiwcted as follows : The abutment* to I* composed of straight round tiro ! here, at least one foot htdiaaieter,disposed as follows* One timber of such length a* may be required, pro. bably 16 feet long, to lie laid across the road. On thisj for wing-walls, at each of its extremities, a log to he notched, and to extend back as far as may he. [ required, gene*ally probably about 6 feet. On these wing- walI timbers, another log to extend across the roadway, and to be notched on said wing wall tim ! tiers ; and then on this speond cross timlier, a second j ret ot wing-walled timbers to be notched, and so on to the required height ; the notches to he so made that the logs will lie snugly together. The stringers to he four in number, to he at least 14 inches in di ameter, or larger wherever tequired, and tobe flatted sufficiently to make (hem lie solid,and to sustain pro perly the flooring. The roadway of the Bridge to lie 13 feet wide, and to be made of puncheons ol split or hewen stuff, at least three inches thick; the wheel guards to betogs flatted im the tower side, and so effec tually pinned down as to keep the flooring in place; the rails, Fail posts anti BraCre to be scantling 4 x 5. 7. The Bridge over Pc ATT X River will he of pine or .white oak of good quality, will have three spans tif thirty feet each by 16 feet wide, and be made as follows : The abutments will he simple I or “ Bents,” composed of a sill piece 12 x 12 to be tle,i bv back pieces 12 x 12 to the earth, three posts 12 x 12 an.“? « «»»> '2 x 12, the sill piece being sufficiently long to a bpam to •* let the sill at its extremities an.' 1 Ae outer posts. The two piers will consist each of a Sl>> n,rce ° * ** P r ®* per length, 12 x 16, two posts 12 x 12, £ 12 £ and two braces ft x 9, the posts up stream to be tected by an inclined ice fender 12 x 12 let into the sill and the post. The stringers of each span will he five in number, and will consist each of two pieces twelve bv twelve, sav S 4 feet long, placed on fop of one another and bolted together at the extremities. The abutments will he planked np with 3 inch plank, or puncheons to sustain the earth i the flooring to be three inrh plank, well spiked down ; the rails, posts and braces 4x5 scantling; the wheel guards 6x9, well secured to the flooring. Probable amount of timiter required, will be 1666 running feet of ; lum ber, 9120 feet board measure. 8. Culverts will Iv- made wherever required ; they will extend eighteen feet across the road and will be made of logs at least twelve inches in diame ter, and sufficiently flatted to lie on one another; the flooring will be of split or flatted stuff, at least three inches thick and will rest on and be secured to six stringers to be sunk into the abutment togs. 9. The kind of timlier and other stuff to be used in Bridges and Culverts, will be the best which the locatlity or vicinage w'ill afford, and which the Eng ineer or Agent in charge will specify. 10. The whole construction to lie tinder the direc tion of the Engineer or Agent in charge on the part of the United Stales, and to lie subject t > such alter ations and modifications by him as the case in his judgment may reqttre. t he whole work will be divided into four sections. The first, or Point Douglas section to extend from Point Douglas to Stake C, at the foot of the Red Rock Road Ravine*, w ithin two miles of Saint Paul, a distance of nineteen and a half miles, more or less; the second, or St. Anthony Section to the 65th Mile Station, in the vicinity of Gates, a distance -•f 56 miles, the fourth, or Fort Ripley Section, to extend from the 82d mile Station at Watab, to Fort Ripley, a distance of 41 miles; the Budge Section will lie the Bridge over Platte River, near Depue’s. The probable amounts to be expended will be, on the Point Douglas Section, !®3,000; on the St. Anthony Section, 53,700; on the Fort Ripley Sec’n 3*3,000; all more or less, as may be found expedient. Each Section will be bid for separately, as follows: 1. For cutting down, grubbing and clearing the centre strip, or roadway, including the filling up of the small holes and leveling off the hillocks or small knolls, by the acre. 2. For cutting down the trees and brush outside of the centre strip or roadway, by the acre. 3. The earth work (to lie paid for but once, eith er as embankment or excavation, as may be deemed most equitable) by the cubic yard, as follows : Ist supposing it to be thrown immediately up, and pro . perly leveled on the road. 2nd, the increase upon said bid, fin- every one hnndred feet of haul. 4. The corduroying, or 1 gging of the causeways, bv the rod of 16i (eet lengthwise of the road. 5. The timber in the Bridges and Culverts by the foot in length of each piece; the flooring by the square surface foot; the railing by the foot in length of the rails, posts and braces; all measured in the structure. 6. The trm'ier in the Bridge over Platte Rivet by the running foot; the plank and scantling by the thousand feet, board measure ; the bolts by the pound; all measured in the structure. The Ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sections to he completed by the 15th of August next; the Bridge over Platte Ri*er or sth Section, by the Ist of August next; the work to commence immediately after awarding the contracts. The contract will be given to the lowest responsible bidder on each Section, and in case he should decline the’ contract, or fail to sign the con tract, after due notice that his bid has been accepted, the right is reserved of granting the contract to the next lowest responsible bidder, or to re-advertise lor proimsals. Approved la nds to be given if required. The contracts to be subject to ttic approval of the Secretary of War. Persons desiring to bid are re ferred to the office of the undersigned for further par ticulars. The Proposals should .be endorsed “ Pro-' posals for Point Douglas ana Fort Ripley Rond.” J. H. SIMPSON, lma!2 Capt. Corps Top-gri hical Engineer. Office Government Roads, St. Paal, April 13, ’56. Crow-Wing Variety Store, C. H. BEAULIEU, KEEPS constantly on hand, and for sale, at the lowest possible rates Dry Goods and Groceries, INDIAN GOODS. He has a la rye stock, and is ready to dispose of them at a fair rate An* cash or Furs. From his location on the border of the Indian country, those wishing outfits for the Indian trade, would do well to purchase ol him. He will keep sup plica to furni h those wishing to go into the lum bering business. He has constantly on hand Bark Canoes, fit ted up with Oil Cloths, Tents, etc., to sell nr biro to persons wishing to visit the Pine region above, explore that vast country lately ceded to the United States by the Chippewa Indians, or maike a trip up the Mississippi and across to Foods ?Lac, the head of Lake Superior, by the Savanna Portage, Savanaa and St. Louis Rivers. The traveller desirous of witnessing the most in terest in* portions of wilds the of .America, should by all means take this nr p Guide* or Voyagers, can alwgys he furnished to travelers-, who are perfectly famifiar with those routes, and are men who can he trusted—-making the journey perfectly aafia. Refer to Borep and Oaks, St. Paul, and Ramsay Cooks, N Y. ytf Croat,Winfr .April 20. E. P. MlLLS—Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceaies; Provisions, Ready-Made Cl. thing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, etc. All orders promptly at «Mdad,tOk Store op Main-st., opposite tbePridgs BAvr RAPIDS AD VERTtfXMAJmt? SWEET’S COLUMN. Tri tf v A R I E T Y BTORE i TT WING Men eorepleted; and stocked with iJLjLwil4l»tfc:s i'n'Ktn.. ’'- ..r,!«■ &. ** we V her* below, be to new prepared to furnish the fotigepKißlJlAVK Ramps and mankind gene rally sgp goods as Cheap as can be procured in Saint Paul, adding transportation. His arrange ments are such, th*t hy the opening of Naviga tion, a choice and complete assortment of Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, Preserves, Jellies , sc, will be open for inspection at the < "** ■’ r VARIETY STORE ! The following are a few of the articles for Mle cheap-, and for Cash only . Over, Coats: Dress Coats, Cassimere Pants, IVoqI Do,, Satin Vests, Silk Vests, Flannel Vests, Dotfble Wool do. Hickory Shirts, Check Ho, Flannel Do. “ Under Do. Flannel Draieers, Overall s, ' Linnet JMfti Figured Colton Shirt*, ■ ; Calico J)o, i Brown Cotton, ' | Do do, 1 Pi. Linen, Black Cambric, Linsey Wool sty. Bleached Shirting, Calicoes of all descriptions, Pocket Handkerchiefs, JVeckerchieft, Laces: Boots and Shoes, Buffalo Overshoes, Wool Socks, “ Hose, Buck Skin Afiiteni,- “ “ Gloves , Lined, Thread and J\Teedlet, Suspenders, Candlesticks if Pistols. M 1 ‘LASSES by the Gallon or Barrel, for aale at SWEET’S STORE* Sauk Rapids, April 1, 1855. ltf. PORK —Fresh and Salt—for sale at SWEET’S STORE Sabk Rapids, April, '55 ti FLOUR —in barrels or seeks—for sale at SWEET'S STORE. Sauk Rapids, April. if SUGAR —Brown,'Crushed and Clarified—for sale at - " SWEET’S STORE, Rapids, April, tf (HANDLES —Mould and Star—for sale at > SWEET’S STORE. Sauk Rapids, April, tf TOBACCO Plug and Fine Cut—for sale at SWEET’S STORE. Sauk Rapids April, tf TEAS —Young Hyson and BM*—for sale at SWEET’S STORE. Sank Rapids, April, tf SHOT of all sizes constantly on hand and for *j»le at SWEET’S STORE. £unk Rapids, April, tf DUPONT POWDER on hand and for sale at SWLET’S STORE. Saak Rapids, April, tf SPF.RM OIL of the best kind for sale at .SWEET’S STORE Sank Rapids, April, If SALT and Saleratns, regularly on hnnd and for sale at SWEET’S STORE. Sauk Rapids, April, tf DRIED FRUlT—Apples and Peaches—for sale at SWEET’S STORE. Sauk Rapids, April, tf WALL PAPER, of every variety, for sale at SWEET’S STORE. Sauk Rapids, April, tf OYSTERS, of the best qnality, in cans, for sale at SWEET’S STORE. Sauk Rapids, April, tf SARDINES, warranted to be the best, for sale at SWEET’S STORE. Sank Rapids, April, tf BUTTER, by the pound nr keg, for sale at SWEET’S STORE. Sank Rapids, April, tf O ATS, constantly on hand, and for sale for cash, at SWEET’S STORE. Sauk Rapids, April, ALSO, a general assortment of Drugs and Medicines, for sale at SWEET’S STORE Sank Rapids, April, tf A FEW Double Barrel Gun* for sale at SWEET’S STORE. Sauk Rapids, April, METAL and Horn Powder Flasks for sale at SWEET’S STORE. Sauk Rapids, April, tf [BROOMS, Baskets, Whips, fcc., for sale at 3 SWEET’S STORE. Sank Rapids, April, -■ A FEW Thousand of the best Cigars for sale at SWEET’S STORE. Sauk Rapids, April, tf SIMMONS' Axes, Warranted, for sale at SWEET’S STORE. Sunk Rapid*, April, GEOKGE H. OAK EG’ LAND AGENCY, SAUK RAPIDS, M. T ' ALL business connected with the buying and selling of land promptly attended to. J Land Warrant# advaotafemialy located ; taxes paid and Collectione made. REFERENCES?' W. A. Gorman, Gov. Afinnetota. Alex. Ramsey, JR* '* “ J. Travers Rosser, dee. «« C. H. Oakes, St. Paul, « Hon. J. Tan Etten, “ Capt. Alex. Wilkins, Ex-Sea. Minnesota , “ J. H. Simpson, Capt. Top. Engineers. Sank Rapids, M. T?, April” 185* “ ■ R. P. U~PTO N , ■ Mebchast and AppsT tor Minnesota Flburing de ? ter ' n Merchandise generally, and Iron and mad ;-pay# Cask for Wheat. - St. Ambony Fills,Mie. Tot* aly CULTURA^^im.^OTOBESOLD. m&■. : f. A SAl.FiSje wade to the highest bidder oa County, of all thOttrpA»V«rt«.ts, B.iiMlngs, Mill AW,- at the HA)** time and (dace,* *tt «f Fawning Tools, and a #et ofßlaeksnlith TWW The liaprove thenW‘Biiildißa. Mill and appurtenances will lie sold -fe#!. • iiWilaa in 13 months, jonO-Ahlrd ia two years, wj‘h Merest at the rate of lOtper cWt. per annum. The Farming Im plemeqts to be sold.on 12 months credit,- with. 10 per cent interest per annum. Approved securtty will be required of the purchaser in all cases. The purchasr et of tte raid UQ|i , oveinento on tbo rand*, «*£•» to have the privilege when said lands are surveyed, to enter the smite at fl 26 per acre, by virtue of the treaty stiiwlationa. A diagram of saidjmprovements to be seen 'at offioe of Receiver of the Land Office at **•**:. W. A GORMAN. . l> : Goternor and Superintendent o| Indian Adairs. Saint Paul, April 23,1855. __ i -1 m TRANSPORTATION OFTHE SIOUX .WIN NEBAGO AND CHIPPEWAY PROVISIONS and ANNUITY GOODS for the YEAR 1855. SEALKtt PROPOSALS, property endorsed, will he racrfrad at the office of tbesnperintendeiit ot I ndin n A (Mr* inM i line sola, until the 10th May next, at 12 M., f»r transporting the Soux, Winnebago and Chipptyra anraiity gnods and provisions for 1855. Bidders will state at what price per hundred pounds they will : receive the property from the steamboat landing at St. Paul and store and transport the same, Under CoTtr, to the different Agencies,or to and from such other points as the Superintendent mav direct. Also, give file names of persons they will offer as sureties oh contracts, and the sureties ol such bidder shall sign and transmit with each bid, a guarantee in this form : “ The undersigned undertake that, il the bid of - for raid transportation lie ac- copied by the Superintendent of Indian Affairs the bidder shall on or before the 18th April next, enter into the bond required to perforin the said contract at the ratepf his or their bids, with good and suffi cient sureties.” The undersigned reserves the right to direct the destination of sail) public freight to any other place than the Agencies, the price to be graduated in pro pori'ou *> the distance is increased or diminished. ** W. A. GORMAN, Gove.~ nof ‘ .and Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Minnesota S,.;*er:ntendency, > St. Paul, March 7, 5 . . Hats and Caps, SPECIAL NOTICE To CONTRACTORS. Minnesota Superintendency, St. Paid,April 9, ’55. THE time for rereiving bids for furnishing Kap plies for the Soux, Chippewa and Winnebago Iribes of .Indians is ant 'J ®. , May next, at 12 M.; ano the time for receiving bids for tJje transportation of supj.*'® B B°°os is extend ed until the 10th May, at 12 hr- . . , The proposals for furnishing for the above named triw of Indians are further modified, A 8 ,ol * lowa : Ist. Bids will he received for the WI.VNEBAGO provisions to be delivered either St Saint Paul, Saint Peters, Tracers dea Sioux, or Mankato, at the dis cretion of the bidder, and Superintendent. 2d< If bids are received and accepted for the de livery of said provisions at St Peters, Travers des Sioux, of Mankato, the time for delivery at said points will be extended form the 25th of May nntil the 15th of June, as -per suggestion of the Indian Bureau, to carry out the provisions of the late treaty at Washington- A. GORMAN. ( Governor ano Superintendent of Indian Affairs. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES IN MINNESOTA UNDER THE ’i £EATIES OF 1855. Minnesota Supei'inten J p ncy, » Saint Paul, 9th April, 1855. } SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 M., of the Ist day of May, 1855, for furnishing and delivering the following provisions for the Pillager and Lake Winnebaioshish Bands of Chippewa Indians, under the treaties of 1855, to wit: Powder to the amount of S3OO Shot *nd Lead to the amount of 100 Gilling Twine to the amount of 100 Tobacco to the amount of 100 Total amount S6OO The supplies above named to be delivered at Saint Paul by the Ist day of June, 1855. Bidders will ob serve the rules, and the bids will be subject to the regulations prescribed in the advertisements for sup plies for Winnebago and Chippawa tribes of Indians, as published in this paper. W. A. GORMAN. Governor and Superintendent of Indian Affairs. PROPOSALS FOR TRANSPORTATION OF CHIPPEWA GOODS, ETC., FOR 1855. . Minnesota Superintendency, ) St. Paul, 9th April, 1855. 5 SEALED PROPOSALS, properly endorsed, will _be received at the office of Superintendent of Indian Adairs in Minnesota, until the 10th day of May next, at 12, M., for transporting from St. Paul to Leech Lake S I IB,OOO worth of goods and supplies lor the year 1855 Bidders will observe the torins, and the bids will be subject to the rules prescribed in an advertisement headed “Transportation of the Sioux, Winnebago, and Chippewa Provisions and Annuity Goods for the year 1855,” published else where m this paper. W. A. GORMAN. Governor and Snperintendent of Indian Affairs. BIG LA RESTORE! JOSEPH BROWN, KEEPS constantly on hand, Dry Goods, Gro. ceries, Provisions, etc., and deals in Furs. All of which will be fiirnished at a trifling advance on St. Paul prices. Those wishing to supply them selves with provisions in the vicinity of Big Lake and above there, will please call and examine his goods and prices before going elsewhere. Big Lake, Benton County, M. T., April 20,1955. 57SBTR<$> Proprietor of the Big Lake House, WILL endeavor to please all who give him a CUUsI iua house is situated immediately on the shore of Big Lake* This lake abounds in fine ” s “» and many bite readily at the hook, making fare sport for those fond of angling. Big Lake, Benton County, April 20,1855. ytt NfiW STORE IN ST CLOUD CIT ■■■■■■ ■ ‘ A, AT. SMITH, Sf CO , "■*B now receiving an extensive assortment of Hard- A Edge Tools, Ready Made Clothing,- Fancy Dry Goods, ete. ft St. PAUL, SAUK RAPIDS $ FORT RIPLEY STAGE LINE. RICE sTmYr IC, ( CONTRACTORS for conveying the tl. 8. Mail J from St. Pant to fWt Ripfey, have put on Carriages suitable for conveying passengers to and MOSS, the above and infermiwJwrte points. Their Carriages and Horses are in good condition, and their driver* steady, carrfcl and attentive men,—» NVthlng shill be lacking on our part td give those wlto patronise this line, pleasant ride over one of, thCMst roads in the United State#, -and through a country equal to any in the Territory of Minnesota. Yh®, Stage leaves St. Paul eVrry Monday morning at 8 o’clock, and arrives at Fort Ripely at 6 o’clock evening, giving passengers ,who may hffp bus ineseat the Land Office at Sauk.jitpidai, or •Ipky t»f the intermediate points, an opportunity to ag sfs& mai <or **'?**'} j3g* H * 'T** k*,w o Clock on Saturday evening of yKwjiktli Territory, April lot 1855. DAVID T. WOOD? f M irt> of tb « *’■£ Coartty, Commissioner, |Fvmmgtoo, fteanu Conoty, Minnesota Tet ni; t fi? w mm jfc &3 #.f*jMMfr % *S» TO BE OBTAINED A sl FT £NTCSPRISE! UNEQUALLED INMINNESOT A,,. Fifty Gold andSflmWatches, TOGETHER WltH ONE HUNDRED CLOAKS GOLD VEST AJSTD FOB CHAWS, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Gold Pens and Pencils, Gold Buttons, &c., will be presented to Subscribers upon the pfly meat of Two Dollars each, for the purchase of a large Public Clock, the striking of which may be heard for a distance of three or four miles. The ('lock *.o be erected as soon as the necessary number of Tickets are sold to purchase it. ra.a®■s3? os 1 1 Gold Hunting Patent Lever, halt plate skeleton, No. 677, ten holes ruby jeweled, with a (fold ballance, W.lllingworth maker..... 5140 00 2 Gold hunting Patent Lever, massive cases, W. Illingworth maker 130 00 3 Gold hunting patent Lever, massive cases, with chronometer balance, 12 holes jew eled, No. 15500 120 00 4 Gold hunting Detached Lever, T.T. Coop er, maker, London—with parachute and compensation curb, No 47497 75 00 5 Gold hunting Detached Lever, T. F. Coop er, London, No 10383, very hue 65 00 6 Gold hunting Detached Lever, T. F. Cooper, London, No 10401,‘very Soe, 75 00 7 Gold bunting Detached Lever, T F Co..ti er, London, No 22992, ladies’ waten, 60 00 8 Silver English hunting Patent Lever, T Johnson, Liverpool, ten holes jeweled, gold balance, No 21021, 50 00 9 Silver English hunting pateut lever, T Johnson, Liver|>ool, ten holes jeweled, gold balance, No 21103, 50 00 10 Silver English hunting patent lever, T Johnson, Liverpool, ter. holes jeweled, gold balance, No 74510..... 50 00 11 Silver English hunting patent lever, Jot don and Son' makers, London, ten holes jeweled, N0_2668 50 00 12 Silver hunting English patent lever, Jordon and Son, London,extra finish, No 2631 48 00 13 Silver hunting Eng. patenr lever, extra fin* ish for Railway time-keeping, Win. Bcagly maker, London, massive cases, large size, No 8940 48 00 14 Silver hunting English patent lever, strong plain cases, fine finish, Johnson, Liverpool, No 50559 45 00 15 Gold patent lever cylinder escapement. M T Tobias maker, Liverpool, very fine, ladies’ watch, No 33864 42 00 16 Gold patent lever, full jeweled, T F Coop i ' er, maker, London, No 16344 40 00 fj '•! patent lever, full jeweled, T F Coop -7 40 00 18 Gold pa»e.:» Ml jeweled, T F Coop ar, No 19 Gold patent lever, tuJ j ew ® w - F Coop er, No 16185, „ _ 40 00 20 Gold patent lever, full jeweled, '1 F Coop er, No 16180 £0 00 21 4 fine full jewelad patent lever, double backed, silver cases, Swiss make, each one price—Fo 14662, 28 00 22 No 14660, 28 00 28 No 14665, 28 00 24 No 1465 ff 28 00 25 12 silver patent levers, T F Cooper, Lon don,full jeweled, fine watches.No 2673 18 00 26 No 2647, 18 00 27 No 25f4 18 00 is? N-. 2500, is 00 29 tic 2645, 18 0»? 30 No 10&? 18 00 3{ By Tobias, London, No 4290 18 00 32 No 1235, 18 00 33 No 1233, 18 00 34 No 1234, 18 00 35 No 1232, 18 00 36 No 1231, 18 Off 37 4 fine hunting cylinder escapement?, Coop* er, London, 4 holes jeweled, No 12455 16 00 88 No 12453, 16 00 39 No 13451, 16 00 40 No 13450, 16 00 41 10 fine silver cylinder escapements, M Tobias, Liverpool, No No 8630 12 00 42 No 13622, 12 00 43 No 23255, 12 00 44 No 11513 12 00 45 No 12691 12 00 46 Fo 12610, 12 47 No 11514, 12 48 No 12621, 12 49 No 11564, 12 50 No 12623 12 51 1 Paper Machine fancy Brass Clock, 14 53 2 Eight Day Collum Clocks, each one price, 24 57 4 Paper Machie Eight Day Clocks, each one price, 48 59 2 Coluin Eight Day Clocks, eich 1 price 18 62 2 Mantle levers, 62 74 12 30-honr gothic Brass Clocks, each 1 price. 60 75 1 jeweled lever, 6 89 14 Eight Day gothic Brass Clocks, 89 99 10 30-hour Brass Clocks, 98 109 20 30-hour O. O. G. Brass Clocks, Jer ome maker, each one price, 100 137 18 30-hour O. G. Alarmßrass Clocks, 90 143 6 Parlor Mantle Alarmss, 33 148 5 Do do do 25 150 2 Eight-day time pieces, 10 151 1 Cold Fob Chain, 33 152 1 “ Vest *« 35 153 1 “ “ “ 21 154 1 “ Fob « 21 155 1 “ " « 19 156 1 “ Vest «* 19 157 l “ “ «• 16 158 1 “ « “ 16 170 12 large Gold Pins, at 82,50 each 90 i 75 5 fine gold Ring?, at 83 00 each 15 -A 81.. . -.COfJQ er MOi 14 gUHI a 191 4 gold Pencils at 3.otf each 1 12 195 4 Cuff Pin* at 8250 each, 10 19/ 2 setts of shirt studs at 82,50, 5 198 1 pair ot Sleeve Buttons 2 201 3 Seal Pini, 2 221 20 pairs of gold Ear Rings, 62 225 4 gold Hooks at 81,56 each/ 6 552 27 Breast Pins,- 68 266 14 gold Watch Keys, 49 Tot'-b, $2,822 The aliove scheme has been got up for the express purpose cf raising funds to procure the Town Chick. A great number of application* have been made be fore this was got out. All letters from the country promptly attended to. The draw jug numbers will he published after it comes off, and it is expected to bo drawn about the Ist of April. AH the watches, and every other article have have been selected from the itoost eminent makers, as will be seen abate, and every article put down to the Eastern (trice. For tickets apply to W. ILLINGWORTH, Watch maker, cor. Jackson and Fifth-ets., Saint Paul, M. T., April, 1855. tf RICE 4 MYRIC, STAGE PROPRIETORS LirEPf S TABLE KEEFERS ! °? TH * ****tcaw bouse, TTAVBmade a large addui«n to theirjtoc’., are prepared fo furbish Hors.?? Vehicles in • style und •• getting op” er establishment in thb United States. 4 * y tCT* Wb hbvegood careful alw.vai. rirbjjffrr ****"** * u «*ba«ee fat* <©3* maj& Sank Rapids Frontierman, Ths principal objeet in the dtfubfi»hmcnt of thin paper, ia th,e dissemination, tl rough is col nan?* * of correct and reliable information concern . nortion of the Territory lying on the &ver above the ►’all* of Bt. Anthony, embraek?« W» /eg'on of country, unsurpassed m fertility,* recem«* but little known. In politic#. The f rontier™™ *.» b « ty and tmequivecally democratic '*** . and continent supporter of the presv? ot Katioenk Administration, and at all tiroes, the ear. ne ** vor-ate of the principle# and faith of the iVtuuJ-- cralic patty, .J / At the tame time that it thn# contributea wh.t ever of influence it may po#*e#s to the sucesi of E>emocratie men arid Democratic measure*, it will identify it*elf with no faction in whatever name of form it may appear. The column* of The Frontierman will alway* be open to such persons ns may desire to give publicity to particu lar or fivorite locnlffie# » any part of the Terri tory —but especially those found on the Upper Mississippi—to farmers, who may wish to speak to the public relative to the greet subject of Agri culture—to all who have either leisure or inclina tion to write upon subjects deemed of interest to the general reader. Tho Agricultural department of the paper— always the most important in a country newspa per-—will be under the special superintendence of a practical and successful farmer. Hailing from a point contigoous to the homes of the Winnebago and Ojibway Indians, whose history is replete with interest and incident, The Frontierman will it is believed, be found to con tain much concerning Indian life, belief, and niauners, of more than ordinary interest to the general reader ; persons tong resident in the In dian country, a* missionaries, having already been engaged as regular contributors. TERMS: £ El One copy, one year $2,00 'l’en copies “ out of the Territory, 15,00 Twenty copies out of the Territory,.. 20,00 Strictly in advance. Persons forwarding Clubs, should retain certifi cates from Postmasters. JEREMIAH RUSSELL. Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, April 23, 1854. KINNEY’S DRUG STORE, mmir at worm. DR. KINNEY respectfully invites his old cos tumers and the public generally to his well selected stock of DRUGS 4- MEDICLYES, Points, Oils, Dye-stuffs, Chemicals, Perfumery, and Fancy Articles, together with a fine assort* ment of choice GROCERIES. The very best of articles in the above named line of Goods can always be obtained at his store at muc!? h>wer rates than at any similar establish ment the Turnery. Particular attention in the preparation and dis pensing of Medici."**- Physicians and Country Dealers will find it for t»;e*r interest to cal and ex amine his stock, as inducements will be ofTered to their advantage. N. B.—Physicians* prescriptions will be care fully and properly compounded. All the best patent medicines of the day can always be obtained at the lowest prices. Also, an assortment of Cigars, Tobacco and Cenfoc tioV'ery. Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes ; Hair Dyes, PomusetT. Hair Washes and Oils—a large variety. Fancy Soaps, Cosmetic, etc., Druggists' Glassware, Burning Fluid, Potash, Acids, Oils, Varnishes, Glue, Brnshes, etc. A choice assortment of best 7'cas, Figs, Rai sins, Jellies, Jams, Ketchups, etc. etc., at the lowest market price. Remember the Bazar at the Winslow House, where Champagnes, Holland Gin, Ruin, Old Port, Maderia, Sherry, Muscat, Malaga, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Monongahela and Bourbon Whiskey, pure, can always be found of the very best quality, and at the very lowest prices. Saint Paul, April, ytf Election Precincts and Judges AT a Session of-the Board of Commissioners of Benton County, M. T., continued and held at the Court House at Sauk Rapids, on the 4ih dav < f April, 1855, it was Ordered that all . the Election Precincts heretofore established in Benton County be and they are hereby discontinued. And it was further ordered that Election Precincts be established as follows, viz : Ist. Itasca Precinct,bounded on the North and East by Rum River, on the South by the Minsis sippi River, on the West by a line running North and South between Ranges' No. 23 and 27 West. And the place of holding election therein, to be at the house ol James Beatty, at Itasca. Judge’s of elec tion, A. N. Nonrre, W. W. Payne, and C. Pitman. 2d. Eltc Rivfr Prec;;;ct, shall embrace that portion of Range 26, which lavs between the Mi. River on the S. nth, and Rum River on the North, being West of I asca Precinct. And the place of holding Elections therein shall la* at the house now occupied by J. G. A. Nickerson. Judges of Election, Win. R. Kelley, E. Nickerson and J. G. Jameson. Lake Precinct, shall embrace that portion of Mississippi River on the South and the North line of I ■ •wnships No. 40 on the north, king west ~f Elk River Precinct. And the place of holding elections tfterein, shall be at tin hous»» of Joseph Rrown at Big Lake. Judges of gleCliuu, O. Bailey, J is, ph Brow ii and E. Heath. 4th, Lake Precinct, sbal embrace that jsii lion of Ranges No. 29, 30 and 81, which lays between the Mississippi River on the south and west, and the north fine of Townships No. 35 on the north, being west of Big Lake Precinct. And tha place of holding elections therein, shall lie at the house »f John H Stevenson. Judges of election, Asa While, John Townsend and Tlu.mas C. Poitcr. sth. "Sauk Ratios Precinct shall embrace that, portion of Townships No. 36 ami 37 north, lay ing between the Mississippi River on the west and. tlie' east line of Range 29 on the east. Place of holding elections therein, shall beat the Court House. Judges of Election, David Gilman, R. M, Richard son and Charles Webb, 6th'- Platte River Precinct shall embrace that portion of Townships 38 and 39, la\ing U tween the Missi>si|*pi Biver on the west and the east line of Range 29 on the east. Place of holding e.c f -tion shall be at the school house in said precinct. Judg es of election, Lewis Stone, D. McDougall Rud A. B. Adams. k’T* I** 1 ** Falls Precinct ?hal4embrace nil that portion of Benton C„uatv, lying south of the north line of Pownship not'included in the fore foins precnKlk. P.ace of In Ming-elections therein shall lie at the uollSo occupied by E. J. Kidder, iiv 1 J ,, “ Judges of Election, War. Sturgis, John G tnion Hnd C . M , g|erril. “'.uk Rapids. April T, 1855 i ' TAYLOR DUDLEY, Clerk of the Board of Gftminissioners of Benton Co St Cloud Cheap Store, ANTON EDELBROGK, Dry Ooods, Gmcerv and Pntvision Merchant, St. Cloud, at I. 12. R. BALL—Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Goods Grucdfai, Boots und Shoes, Clothing, etc. ptc., Upper Town, St. Anthony, Minnraata Territory, AT THE IN THE